2024年高考英语(阅读表达)模拟真题 (北京专用)(含解析)

2024年高考英语(阅读表达)模拟真题 (北京专用)
Uncertainty is all around us, never more so than today. Whether it concerns your health or relationships, much of what lies ahead in life remains uncertain.
We’re all different in how much uncertainty we can tolerate in life. Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others find the randomness of life deeply annoying. But all of us have a limit. If you feel controlled by uncertainty and worry, it’s important to know that you’re not alone; many of us are in the same boat.
To cope with all this uncertainty, many of us use worrying as a tool for trying to predict the future and avoid unpleasant surprises. Worrying can make it seem like you have some control over uncertain circumstances. You may also believe that it will help you find a solution to your problems or prepare you for the worst. Unfortunately, long-term worrying just robs you of enjoyment in the present and weakens your energy. But there are healthier ways to cope with uncertainty.
Identify your uncertainty trigger (诱发因素). A lot of uncertainty tends to be self-generated. However, some can be generated by external sources, such as reading media stories that focus on bad news, or simply communicating with anxious friends. By recognizing your triggers, you can take action to avoid or reduce your exposure to them.
Shift your attention. Focus on solvable worries, taking action on those aspects of a problem that you can control, or simply go back to what you were doing. When the feelings of uncertainty return, refocus your mind on the present moment and your own breathing.
1.How are people different in tolerating uncertainty in life
2.Why do many people use worrying as a tool to deal with uncertainty
3.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to expose yourself to them.
4.What are you most uncertain about right now How will you deal with it (In about 40 words)
Family values are a set of principles and beliefs that a family agrees upon, such as emphasizing the importance of honest behaviors or valuing effort and persistence in achieving goals. They are fundamental and determine how members of a home interact with each other and with the world.
Family values determine what you think is important and what is good. These values can help you stay consistent when making decisions in everyday life, especially in moments of uncertainty. This is particularly true when you’re going to make quick decisions based on an emotional reaction. For example, if honesty and communication are your important family values, you’re more likely to approach conflicts with an open mind and a willing heart to talk through issues. When finding your family member has lied to you, instead of acting thoughtlessly, you know what to do—have a talk sincerely.
Family values serve as a guiding force within the home, but their impact extends far beyond, shaping societal norms and behaviors. For example, if several families plant generosity in their values, the next generation will grow up to be more generous. As a result, adults in this generation are more likely to take other people’s needs into consideration when making difficult choices. They become positive contributors to the society, developing an atmosphere of care and consideration that enhances communal well-being.
Great influence as it has, family values are not taught consciously. Often, they get passed down without being noticed. Those values don’t ever get questioned. Whether you’ve outlined them or not, they’re present. And once you take ownership of those values, you can shape them to be in line with what you expect your family to be.
5.What are family values
6.How can family values help to make decisions in everyday life
7.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Family values have great influence within the home, but they have nothing to do with shaping common behaviors and rules in a society.
8.Please share one of your family values and explain how it influences you. (In about 40 words)
As a kid, I dreamed of becoming a marine biologist and I lived out this fantasy by setting up aquariums(鱼缸) at home. Then, at 20, I was introduced to photographer David Liittschwager, who hired me to help him with a magazine assignment on marine life.
David’s assignment was to document the amazing biodiversity found in the ocean. My role was to collect species for him to photograph. Every night, I would cast a floating lamp. Like moths drawn to a flame, mysterious creatures would emerge from the depths in search of this light. I’d then set up aquariums to house them as they waited for David to take their shot.
Those evenings made me feel as if I were on another planet. I had never imagined such strange life-forms could exist in our oceans. But I didn’t grasp the true magic of what was in front of me until I saw the photographs David took.
The biggest surprise was his image of a baby flounder. I caught this fish by accident. Only later did I notice its two tiny eyeballs staring back at me. But David’s photograph of this flounder revealed a universe of detail that even my eager eyes had missed. His macro lens magnified its ribs. The lightning-fast exposure froze its motion. A precisely aimed light released the rainbow hidden in its skin. And the black background removed all distractions to focus our attention on the quiet beauty at hand.
Years after that project, I was snorkeling(潜水) on a shallow reef. Out of the darkness, another baby flounder emerged and settled on my mask. This time I knew what to look for. Before working for David, I had assumed the goal of photography was simply to reproduce an observation so that others could share the same experience. It had never occurred to me that photography could expand our visual perception and therefore teach us to see the world anew.
9.What was the author’s responsibility in David’s assignment
10.Why was David’s image of a baby flounder the biggest surprise to the author
11.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Encountering a baby flounder while snorkeling deepened the author’s understanding that photography could reproduce an observation.
12.What can help you see the world anew (In about 40 words)
Gestures refer to the communication where visible bodily actions are used to communicate important messages. They include movement of hands, face, or other parts of the body. Gestures benefit our lives a lot. Take language learning.
In some languages, certain syllables (音节) within words are pronounced with markedly more weight than others, called lexical stress. Languages such as English commonly feature lexical stress. For example, the word “accent” involves more emphasis on the first syllable, “ac”, than the second, “cent”. Native speakers of Chinese, however, don’t use lexical stress and therefore find it difficult to learn languages that feature it.
Making any hand gesture could help learners recognize lexical stress, which has been proved by Xing Tian’s team. They selected 124 native Chinese speakers, who watched videos of people performing hand movements that were synced(同步的) to recordings of the same English words. In addition, they also found when more pronounced gestures matched the stressed syllable, the participants were particularly good at identifying it.
The research involved several experiments, which makes it difficult to combine the results. Nevertheless, Tian estimates that the use of gestures helped identify lexical stress between 10 and 15 percent more accurately compared with no gestures at all, and how much help depends on the nature of gestures.
A follow-up study conducted by another team exposed the same Chinese speakers to Russian words and got similar results. “Our findings highlight the functional role of gestures in enhancing speech learning, suggesting practical strategies for language teaching and learning,” the researchers write in their paper.
The benefits of gestures extend far beyond teaching and learning. Since gestures are deeply integrated into our daily lives, they deserve more of our attention.
13.What do gestures mean
14.What did Xing Tian’s team find in their study
15.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Gestures help learn lexical stress, but the degree to which they help depends on the complexity of the lexical stress.
16.Besides what is mentioned in the passage, how do gestures benefit you in your life (In about 40words)
As the saying goes, “time waits for no man”. Time is always against us, and we just can’t stop it. Maybe that’s why some of us are always running late for appointments. But if timekeeping is not what you’re good at, don’t stress. There might be a good reason for your lack of punctuality.
People’s attitudes to being on time vary. Some clock-watch and make sure they’re bang on time for a meeting. It is, after all, rude to be late, and if you can make it on time, why can’t everyone else But if, like me, you want to make every second count, you might try to squeeze as much as you can into the time you have available. However, when your schedule doesn’t run to plan, your punctuality inevitably slips.
People who lack promptness have been described as “time benders”. Author Grace Pacie told the BBC that “they’re the people who don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance to being early, and they don’t allow enough time.” They assume their journey to an appointment will always go smoothly, and the train will always be on time!
Perceptions of unpunctual people are almost always negative — even if sometimes wrong. Experts say: Being consistently late might not be your fault. It could be your type. The punctually-challenged often share personality characteristics, such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking. It is also possible people are late so not to be conspicuous and to avoid the anxious wait for others to turn up.
Maybe we latecomers should make more of an effort and follow the advice I heard to not “try” to be on time but “decide” to be on time.
17.What does “time benders” refer to
18.What are the personality characteristics of time benders
19.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
According to Grace Pacie, time benders don’t care about being late so they don’t allow enough time.
20.What do you usually do to be on time (In about 40 words)
If you are a psychology enthusiast, you have probably heard of the famous marshmallow test (棉花糖实验). In this task, kids are given a marshmallow, and are told that they can eat that marshmallow now, or wait a little while, and have two marshmallows instead. Some kids eat the marshmallow immediately, but most try their best to wait for two.
When the researchers followed up with those kids later in life, children who waited longer had better life outcomes: more academic success, better social behavior, and even markers of better health. They believe those children who keep waiting are the ones with the most self-control-a key factor in success, and that’s why they are so successful later.
But what if the behavior in the marshmallow test has more to do with cultural norms than self-control
A 2022 study tested the idea that children may decide how long to wait for rewards based on what they are accustomed to waiting for in their culture. For example, in the United States, there is no widespread mealtime custom of waiting until everyone is served. In Japan, however, there is.
Because of this difference in norms, the researchers hypothesized that Japanese children would wait longer in the marshmallow test than the American children. This is exactly what they found later in experiments.
But this isn’t conclusive evidence; after all, maybe Japanese children actually have better self-control, or maybe they differ from American children in other ways that could explain the result.
In the U. S., gifts are usually given on special occasions and children usually have to wait before they can unwrap their presents. In Japan, however, gift-giving happens more often, and children usually open presents immediately.
Given these cultural differences, scientists expected that if they ran the test with gifts instead of marshmallows, American kids would wait longer. Once again, their hypothesis was correct.
This is a powerful result because it demonstrates the importance of culture and habit in shaping behavior. If a child waits only few minutes before giving up on two marshmallows but much longer to unwrap a gift, can we really say that child lacks self-control I don’t think so. I think it just means that they are adjusting well to their
social settings.
21.According to the researchers, why do children who wait longer have better life outcomes
22.What was the purpose of the 2022 study
23.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
When scientists ran the test with gifts, American kids behaved the same as they did in the test with marshmallows.
24.Besides the cases mentioned in the passage, please give one or two examples to show how culture shapes your behavior. (In about 40 words)
Winning a significant science award is a big deal, especially if you are 12 years old. But Marine Gill, a girl from Fresno, California, won the top award in the Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (SIIC) for designing a fire detection system superior to existing ones.
Marine’s inspiration came from a fire that destroyed a restaurant in her neighbourhood during the spring of 2023. “I had never really experienced something like that before,” she told The Washington Post about the early morning fire, which started in the kitchen. “They had smoke detecting device(设备), and yet it still burned down.”
After she studied fire statistics, Marine spent over half a year developing a fire detection system that could have prevented the fire. Unlike traditional smoke detectors that sense active fires from the smoke in the air, Marine’s thermal(热的) imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring.
With a thermal camera and a tiny computer, the device detects when a heat source has been left unattended for ten minutes and sends a text message warning. The hardest part was the programming. “I had two designs, and my first design completely failed. It was a really big challenge I had to go through,” she said. The final device outperforms traditional smoke detectors in speed and accuracy. Marine wants to bring the costs down to make it even more common than hardwired smoke detectors.
“The top winners have , exhibited boundless possibility,” Maya Franklin, president of Society for Science, said in the press release. “Their remarkable research not only reflects their talent but also puts a stepping stone to an exciting new future.”
25.What design won Marine Gill the top award in the SJIC
26.From where did Marine draw inspiration for the design
27.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Unlike traditional smoke detectors, Marine’s thermal imaging device is designed to sense active fires from the smoke in the air.
28.What is the main quality that has made Marine a top winner Why (In about 40 words)
In order to fit in and make friends in a new school, Amanda observed how her classmates behaved and interacted with each other. Gradually, she perfectly adopted the mannerisms of the classmates around her, laughing at their jokes, nodding in agreement with their opinions, hiding herself into someone she thought others wanted her to be. We’ve all done these. This is social masking, the process of holding back or hiding our natural way of interacting with others so we can feel accepted.
In a world that often tells us to just be ourselves, you might wonder why many of us rely on social masking. “Social masking happens because we as a species want to be included,” says psychologist Dipti Tait. “It’s a tribal (群体的) thing of being together rather than being on our own. We all have certain masks to protect ourselves from exposure and difference.” While masking can help us deal with social situations, it can also come with negative consequences. Hiding our behaviours and interests constantly can lead to a strong feeling of separation, disconnection, and internal conflict. As a result, we may experience a heightened and increased possibility of developing depression as westruggle to understand social situations and signs that others take for granted.
Fortunately, a mask is not our own skin. We may feel extremely tired after social engagements and want to spend time alone in order to feel like ourselves. “The goal is to feel safe enough to remove the mask,” says Tait. “It’s crucial for individuals to receive acceptance and support for who they are, rather than feeling like they need to hide their true selves in order to fit in.”
29.What is social masking
30.Why do many of us rely on social masking
31.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
When people struggle to understand social situations that others consider normal, they will feel less depressed.
32.In addition to masking, what else can you do to fit in when you are in a new environment (In about 40 words)
In a fast-paced world, where stress and mental tiredness seem commonplace, we’re constantly looking for new ways to unwind. People may carry out a variety of activities to help them relax. But what about the birdsongs or other nature sounds Could they also help people to let go of the tensions of modern life
According to a study by King’s College London in 2022, seeing or hearing birds could help to boost the mental wellbeing of people. Taking a trip to places rich in birdlife like parks, forests and canals and encountering birds singing to each other in the trees could even help to treat some mental health conditions. And it’s not just birds that could have a curative effect on our moods. Another study conducted by the National Trust compared the effects of woodland sounds with voiced meditation (冥想) apps. The study found listening to birdsong as well as other woodland sounds like leaves crunching underfoot or the gentle flow of a stream boosted feelings of relaxation 30% more than the apps do. Other sounds which may help to cool people down are waves lapping on the shore, gentle wind, and light rainfall.
However, not all of us live in rural surroundings, and depending on where we live, a trip to the countryside to see birds may not be an option. But could the nature sounds that originate there still help you According to research by California Polytechnic State University, even a recording of the sounds of birds had a profound effect on people’s mood, while other studies saw people listening to soundscapes of the coast and forests with similar outcomes to their wellbeing.
So, wherever you live, you can access the wonderful sounds of birds and nature during a stroll through a wood or via some headphones. And maybe listening to the chirps, trills, warbles and whistles of some birds could help you to relax after a long, hard day.
33.What did the study by King’s College London in 2022 find
34.How did the National Trust conduct the study
35.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
According to the passage, birds singing, voiced meditation apps and the recording of the sounds of nature have the same effect on people’s mood.
36.Besides what is mentioned in the passage, what do you usually do to help you relax in your daily life (In about 40 words)
The first pairs of jeans were designed for blue-collar workers. Over the course of the 20th century, the working-class pants have transformed into fashion icons and become popular around the world. However, each new pair you buy has a much higher cost than you might think.
Every pair of jeans takes about 0.7 kilograms of cotton. Growing this much cotton requires roughly 10,000 liters of water, not to mention various herbicides and pesticides, which can pollute groundwater. Typically, plastic fibers are mixed with cotton threads to increase comfort and flexibility. In order to dye the cloth, chemical sprays and several cycles of acid-washing are adopted, discharging toxic pollutants into rivers and even turn them into indigo-blue. Also, there are the zippers, buttons, and rivets made of copper and other metals, whose mining is yet another source of environmental degradation. All in all, the manufacturing (制造) process for a single pair of jeans emits over 33 kilograms of carbon — the equivalent of driving over 110 kilometers.
Like many globally produced products, jeans are made in poor countries and bought in rich ones. Much of the world’s cotton is grown in developing countries, with poor labor practices and few protections for workers. Cotton here is often picked by children or forced labor. And their health may be threatened by poisonous chemicals during production. Because of the fast-paced and rough manufacturing with unnatural materials, today, most pairs last no longer than a year. Like most waste, discarded jeans end up in landfills, where their decomposition releases greenhouse gas. Some governments are pursuing policies to make companies more responsible for worker pay and welfare, but unsustainable practices still run crazy throughout the fashion industry.
37.Who may be the first consumers of jeans
38.Why are plastic fibers used when pairs of jeans are made
39.Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Jeans are made in poor countries, where workers’ health is well protected.
40.What suggestions would you give to reduce the damage caused by jeans (In about 40 words)
1.Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others like to take things step-by-step. 2.Because they believe that worrying in advance can increase their control over uncertain circumstances, prepare themselves for the worst, and avoid the unexpected. 3.Knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to expose yourself to them. Because knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to take action to avoid or reduce your exposure to them. 4.What I am most uncertain about now is to enter the university. Now I understand lots of uncertainty is self-generated, so I should focus on some solvable worries and try my best to review my lessons.
1.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“We’re all different in how much uncertainty we can tolerate in life. Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others find the randomness of life deeply annoying. (在生活中,我们所能容忍的不确定性是不同的。有些人似乎喜欢冒险和过不可预测的生活,而另一些人则觉得生活的随机性非常烦人。) ”可知,人们在容忍生活中的不确定性方面是有所不同的。有些人喜欢冒险,而有些人喜欢按部就班地生活。故答案为Some people seem to enjoy taking risks and living unpredictable lives, while others like to take things step-by-step.
2.考查细节理解。根据第三段中“To cope with all this uncertainty, many of us use worrying as a tool for trying to predict the future and avoid unpleasant surprises. Worrying can make it seem like you have some control over uncertain circumstances. You may also believe that it will help you find a solution to your problems or prepare you for the worst. (为了应对所有这些不确定性,我们中的许多人把担忧作为一种工具,试图预测未来,避免不愉快的意外。担心会让人觉得你对不确定的情况有一定的控制力。你也可能相信它会帮助你找到解决问题的方法,或者为最坏的情况做好准备。)”可知,很多人把担忧作为一种应对不确定性的工具的原因是他们认为提前担忧可以增强对不确定情况的掌控力,为最坏的情况做好准备,避免意想不到的情况发生。故答案为Because they believe that worrying in advance can increase their control over uncertain circumstances, prepare themselves for the worst, and avoid the unexpected.
3.考查推理判断。根据第四段最后一句话By recognizing your triggers, you can take action to avoid or reduce your exposure to them. (通过识别你的诱因,你可以采取行动避免或减少与它们的接触。)可知,Knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to expose yourself to them. (了解你不确定的诱因,你可以学会让自己暴露在它们面前。) 这个说法中,后面是与文章所表达的意思不相符的。了解了不确定的诱因后,正确的做法是采取行动避免,或减少与它们的接触。故答案为Knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to expose yourself to them. Because knowing the triggers of your uncertainty, you can learn to take action to avoid or reduce your exposure to them.
4.观点开放题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了在充满了不确定性的生活当中,我们应该怎样应对这种不确定性。不要让担忧剥夺了对当下的享受,削弱了自己能量,我们应该采取行动解决能解决的问题,过好当下。故答案为What I am most uncertain about now is to enter the university. Now I understand lots of uncertainty is self-generated, so I should focus on some solvable worries and try my best to review my lessons.
5.Family values are a set of principles and beliefs that a family agrees upon. 6.They can help you stay consistent. 7.Family values have great influence within the home, but they have nothing to do with shaping common behaviors and rules in a society.
Family values serve as a guiding force within the home, but their impact extends far beyond, shaping societal norms and behaviors. 8.My family value is that we should help those who are in need. It plays a role that guide me to be an excellent individual and do meaningful things. It is my family value that makes me learn about helping others.
5.考查细节理解。根据第一段的“Family values are a set of principles and beliefs that a family agrees upon, such as emphasizing the importance of honest behaviors or valuing effort and persistence in achieving goals.(家庭价值观是一个家庭所认同的一系列原则和信念,比如强调诚实行为的重要性,或者重视努力和坚持来实现目标。)”可知,家庭价值观是一个家庭所认同的一系列原则和信念。故答案为Family values are a set of principles and beliefs that a family agrees upon.
6.考查细节理解。根据第二段的“Family values determine what you think is important and what is good. These values can help you stay consistent when making decisions in everyday life,
especially in moments of uncertainty.(家庭价值观决定了你认为什么是重要的,什么是好的。这些价值观可以帮助你在日常生活中做出决定时保持一致,尤其是在不确定的时刻。)”可知,在日常生活中,家庭价值观有助于在做决定时保持一致。故答案为They can help you stay consistent.
7.考查细节理解。根据第三段的“Family values serve as a guiding force within the home, but their impact extends far beyond, shaping societal norms and behaviors.(家庭价值观是家庭内部的指导力量,但其影响远不止于此,它塑造了社会规范和行为。)”可知,家庭价值观不仅在家庭内部有重大的影响,但其影响远不止于此,它也塑造了社会规范和行为。故答案为Family values have great influence within the home, but they have nothing to do with shaping common behaviors and rules in a society. Because family values serve as a guiding force within the home, but their impact extends far beyond, shaping societal norms and behaviors.
8.开放性试题。观点正确即可。例如,我的家庭价值观是我们应该帮助那些需要帮助的人。它引导我成为一个优秀的人,做有意义的事情。正是我的家庭价值观让我学会了帮助别人。故答案为My family value is that we should help those who are in need. It plays a role that guide me to be an excellent individual and do meaningful things. It is my family value that makes me learn about helping others.
9.The author’s responsibility was to collect species for David to photograph. 10.Because it revealed a universe of detail that the author had missed and showed the magic of photography. 11.Encountering a baby flounder while snorkeling deepened the author’s understanding that photography could reproduce an observation./Encountering a baby flounder while snorkeling deepened the author’s understanding that photography could expand our visual perception and teach us to see the world anew. 12.Seeing the world through different perspectives, experiencing new cultures, learning about diverse ideas and beliefs, engaging in meaningful conversations, traveling to new places, and being open to change and growth can all help you see the world anew.
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。这篇文章主要讲作者回忆自己年轻时协助摄影师David Liittschwager拍摄海洋生物的经历,通过David拍摄的鱼的照片,意识到摄影可以扩展视觉感知,让人重新看待世界,后来作者潜水时再次遇到小鱼,有了新的认知。
9.考查细节理解。根据文章第二段的“My role was to collect species for him to photograph.(我
的职责是收集物种供他拍摄)”可知,作者的职责是为大卫收集物种供他拍摄。故答案为The author’s responsibility was to collect species for David to photograph.
10.考查细节理解。根据文章第四段的“But David’s photograph of this flounder revealed a universe of detail that even my eager eyes had missed. His macro lens magnified its ribs. The lightning-fast exposure froze its motion. A precisely aimed light released the rainbow hidden in its skin. And the black background removed all distractions to focus our attention on the quiet beauty at hand.(但大卫对这条比目鱼的照片揭示了一个宇宙的细节,甚至是我热切的眼睛都错过了。他的微距镜头放大了它的肋骨。闪电般的曝光冻结了它的运动。一束精确瞄准的光释放了隐藏在它皮肤里的彩虹。黑色的背景消除了所有的干扰,使我们的注意力集中在眼前的宁静之美)”可知,大卫拍摄的照片揭示了作者错过的许多细节,展现了摄影的魅力,这让作者感到惊喜。故答案为Because it revealed a universe of detail that the author had missed and showed the magic of photography.
11.考查细节理解。从最后一段的“Years after that project, I was snorkeling on a shallow reef. Out of the darkness, another baby flounder emerged and settled on my mask. This time I knew what to look for. Before working for David, I had assumed the goal of photography was simply to reproduce an observation so that others could share the same experience. It had never occurred to me that photography could expand our visual perception and therefore teach us to see the world anew.(在那个项目几年后,我在一个浅滩上浮潜。黑暗中,另一条小比目鱼出现在我的面具上。这次我知道该找什么了。在为大卫工作之前,我一直认为摄影的目的仅仅是再现观察结果,这样其他人就可以分享同样的经历。我从来没有想过摄影可以扩展我们的视觉感知,从而教会我们重新看待世界)”可知,作者意识到摄影可以扩展我们的视觉感知,让我们重新看待世界,而不只是简单地再现一个观察结果。故答案为Encountering a baby flounder while snorkeling deepened the author’s understanding that photography could reproduce an observation./Encountering a baby flounder while snorkeling deepened the author’s understanding that photography could expand our visual perception and teach us to see the world anew.
12.开放题。要求考生谈谈“什么能帮助你重新看待世界?”考生言之有理即可,例如“通过不同的视角看待世界,体验新的文化,了解不同的想法和信仰,进行有意义的对话,去新的地方旅行,对变化和成长持开放态度,这些都可以帮助你重新看待世界”。故答案为Seeing the world through different perspectives, experiencing new cultures, learning about diverse ideas and beliefs, engaging in meaningful conversations, traveling to new places, and being open to change
and growth can all help you see the world anew.
13.Gestures refer to the communication where visible bodily actions are used to communicate important messages. 14.Any hand gesture could help learners recognize lexical stress. Besides, when more pronounced gestures matched the stressed syllable, the participants were particularly good at identifying it. 15.Gestures help learn lexical stress, but the degree to which they help depends on the complexity of the lexical stress.
Gestures help learn lexical stress, but how much help depends on the nature of gestures. 16.Gestures make it easy for me to convey feelings and better connect with others. For example, when I want to express excitement, waving my hands or nodding vigorously can help me communicate the emotion effectively. That also allows me to build stronger relationships with others.
13.考查细节理解。根据第一段“Gestures refer to the communication where visible bodily actions are used to communicate important messages.(手势指的是用可见的身体动作来传达重要信息的交流方式)”可知,手势指的是用可见的身体动作来传达重要信息的交流方式。故填Gestures refer to the communication where visible bodily actions are used to communicate important messages.
14.考查细节理解。根据第三段“Making any hand gesture could help learners recognize lexical stress, which has been proved by Xing Tian’s team.(做任何手势都可以帮助学习者识别词汇重音,Xing Tian的团队已经证明了这一点)”及“In addition, they also found when more pronounced gestures matched the stressed syllable, the participants were particularly good at identifying it.(此外,他们还发现,当更明显的手势与重读音节相匹配时,参与者特别擅长识别它)”可知,Xing Tian的团队发现:任何手势都可以帮助学习者识别词汇重音。此外,当更明显的手势与重读音节相匹配时,参与者特别擅长识别它。故填Any hand gesture could help learners recognize lexical stress. Besides, when more pronounced gestures matched the stressed syllable, the participants were particularly good at identifying it.
15.考查细节理解。根据第四段“Tian estimates that the use of gestures helped identify lexical stress between 10 and 15 percent more accurately compared with no gestures at all, and how much help depends on the nature of gestures.(Tian教授估计,与完全不使用手势相比,使用手势识别
单词重音的准确率提高了10%到15%,而有多大的帮助取决于手势的性质)”可知,第一句中最后of the lexical stress错误,手势有助于学习单词重音,但有多大的帮助取决于“手势的性质(the nature of gestures)”,而不是“词汇重音(the lexical stress)”。故填Gestures help learn lexical stress, but the degree to which they help depends on the complexity of the lexical stress./Gestures help learn lexical stress, but how much help depends on the nature of gestures.
16.考查推理判断。根据文章第一段“Take language learning.(以学习为例)”及最后一段“The benefits of gestures extend far beyond teaching and learning. Since gestures are deeply integrated into our daily lives, they deserve more of our attention.(手势的好处远远超出了教和学。由于手势深深地融入了我们的日常生活,它们值得我们更多的关注)”并结合全文可知,文章介绍了什么是手势语,手势语在教与学中的重要性,此外,还可以从“手势语可以帮助我们更好的表达情感,与他人交流”方面进行举例说明,例如,当我想表达兴奋时,大力挥手或点头可以帮助我有效地传达情绪。这也让我与他人建立了更牢固的关系。故填Gestures make it easy for me to convey feelings and better connect with others. For example, when I want to express excitement, waving my hands or nodding vigorously can help me communicate the emotion effectively. That also allows me to build stronger relationships with others.
17.It refers to people who lack promptness./People who lack promptness have been described as “time benders”. 18.The characteristics such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking./They often share personality characteristics, such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking. 19.According to Grace Pacie, time benders don’t care about being late so they don’t allow enough time.
According to Grace Pacie, time benders don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance to being early, so they don’t allow enough time. 20.My method to be on time is making a clear schedule so that I can prepare in advance. Besides, I am used to allowing enough time in case something unexpected happens. Sometimes to get up early, I will set an alarm and check it before bedtime.
17.考查词句猜测。根据第三段“People who lack promptness have been described as “time benders”.(做事不及时的人被称为‘不守时的人’。)”可知,“不守时的人”是做事不及时的人。
故答案为It refers to people who lack promptness./People who lack promptness have been described as “time benders”.
18.考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段“The punctually-challenged often share personality characteristics, such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking.(不守时的人通常有共同的性格特征,比如乐观、自制力低、焦虑或喜欢寻求刺激。)”可知,“不守时的人”的性格特征是乐观、自我控制水平低、焦虑或寻求刺激的倾向。故答案为The characteristics such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking./They often share personality characteristics, such as optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking.
19.考查细节理解。根据第三段“Author Grace Pacie told the BBC that “they’re the people who don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance to being early, and they don’t allow enough time.(作家Grace Pacie告诉BBC:‘他们是不想迟到的人,但他们对早到有一种奇怪的抗拒,他们不给自己足够的时间。’)”可知,不守时的人也不想迟到,但是他们对早到有一种奇怪的抗拒,所以他们不给自己足够的时间,“don’t care about being late”是错误的,故答案为According to Grace Pacie, time benders don’t care about being late so they don’t allow enough time. According to Grace Pacie, time benders don’t want to be late, but they have a strange resistance to being early, so they don’t allow enough time.
20.考查推理判断。根据我自己的经验,我准时的方法是制定一个明确的时间表,这样我就可以提前做好准备。此外,我习惯留出足够的时间,以防意外发生。有时为了早起,我会设置闹钟并在睡觉前检查它。故答案为My method to be on time is making a clear schedule so that I can prepare in advance. Besides, I am used to allowing enough time in case something unexpected happens. Sometimes to get up early, I will set an alarm and check it before bedtime.
21.Because they believe those children are the ones with the most self-control. 22.To test if the behavior in the marshmallow test has more to do with cultural norms than self-control. 23.When scientists ran the test with gifts, American kids behaved the same as they did in the test with marshmallows.
When scientists ran the test with gifts instead of marshmallows, American kids waited longer than Japanese kids. 24.In some cultures, individuals tend to value collectivism over individualism, leading to behaviors such as prioritizing group harmony and cooperation. In contrast, in cultures that prioritize individualism, behaviors like independence and self-reliance are
more prevalent.
21.考查细节理解。根据第二段的“When the researchers followed up with those kids later in life, children who waited longer had better life outcomes: more academic success, better social behavior, and even markers of better health. They believe those children who keep waiting are the ones with the most self-control-a key factor in success, and that’s why they are so successful later. (当研究人员对这些孩子以后的生活进行跟踪调查时,等待时间较长的孩子有更好的生活结果:学业上更成功,社会行为更好,甚至身体更健康。他们相信那些坚持等待的孩子是最有自制力的——这是成功的关键因素,这就是为什么他们后来会如此成功。)”可知,根据研究人员的说法,等待时间更长的孩子会有更好的生活结果是因为那些孩子是最有自制力的,故答案为Because they believe those children are the ones with the most self-control.
22.考查细节理解。根据第三段的“But what if the behavior in the marshmallow test has more to do with cultural norms than self-control (但是,如果棉花糖测试中的行为更多地与文化规范有关,而不是自我控制呢?) ”和第四段的“A 2022 study tested the idea that children may decide how long to wait for rewards based on what they are accustomed to waiting for in their culture. (2022年的一项研究验证了这样一种观点,即儿童可能会根据他们在自己的文化中习惯等待的时间来决定等待奖励的时间。)”可知,2022年研究的目的是测试棉花糖测试中的行为是否更多地与文化规范而非自我控制有关,故答案为To test if the behavior in the marshmallow test has more to do with cultural norms than self-control.
23.考查细节理解。根据第七段的“In the U. S., gifts are usually given on special occasions and children usually have to wait before they can unwrap their presents. In Japan, however, gift-giving happens more often, and children usually open presents immediately. (在美国,礼物通常是在特殊的场合送的,孩子们通常要等一等才能打开礼物。然而,在日本,送礼的频率更高,孩子们通常会立即打开礼物。)”可知,“美国孩子的行为与他们在棉花糖测试中的行为相同。”这一说法是错误的,因为文章提到,当测试是用礼物而不是棉花糖进行时,美国孩子实际上等待的时间更长。因此,美国孩子的行为在这两种情况下是不同的。当科学家们用礼物代替棉花糖进行测试时,美国孩子比日本孩子等的时间长,故答案为When scientists ran the test with gifts instead of marshmallows, American kids waited longer than Japanese kids.
24.开放性试题。举例说明文化塑造行为,例如:在一些文化中,个人倾向于重视集体主义而非个人主义,这导致了诸如优先考虑群体和谐与合作等行为。相比之下,在重视个人主义的文化中,独立和自力更生等行为更为普遍,故答案为In some cultures, individuals tend to value collectivism over individualism, leading to behaviors such as prioritizing group harmony and cooperation. In contrast, in cultures that prioritize individualism, behaviors like independence and self-reliance are more prevalent.
25.A fire detection system 26.A fire that destroyed a restaurant 27.Unlike traditional smoke detectors, Marine’s thermal imaging device is designed to sense active fires from the smoke in the air.Marine’s thermal(热的) imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring. 28.Determination and indomitable spirit .Because determination and indomitable spirit are the key to success.
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了Marine Gill成功发明了一种优于现有的火灾探测系统的故事。
25.考查细节理解题。根据第一段“But Marine Gill, a girl from Fresno, California, won the top award in the Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (SIIC) for designing a fire detection system superior to existing ones.”(但来自加州弗雷斯诺的女孩马琳·吉尔在科学少年创新者挑战赛(SIIC)中获得了最高奖项,她设计了一种优于现有的火灾探测系统。)可知,火灾探测系统使得Marine Gill赢得了SIIC最高奖项。故填A fire detection system。
26.考查细节理解题。根据第二段“Marine’s inspiration came from a fire that destroyed a restaurant in her neighbourhood during the spring of 2023. ”(马琳的灵感来自于2023年春天,一场大火烧毁了她家附近的一家餐馆)可知,Marine灵感来源一场大火烧毁了一家餐馆。故填A fire that destroyed a restaurant。
27.考查细节理解题。根据第三段“Unlike traditional smoke detectors that sense active fires from the smoke in the air, Marine’s thermal(热的) imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring.”(与传统的烟雾探测器从空气中的烟雾中感知活跃的火灾不同,Marine的热成像设备旨在阻止火灾的发生。)可知,传统的烟雾探测器从空气中的烟雾中感知活跃的火灾,而Marine的热成像设备旨在阻止火灾的发生。故填Unlike traditional smoke detectors, Marine’s thermal imaging device is designed to sense active fires from the smoke in the air.Marine’s thermal(热的) imaging device is designed to stop fires from occurring.
28.开放性试题。根据倒数第二段“I had two designs, and my first design completely failed. It was a really big challenge I had to go through,” she said. The final device outperforms traditional smoke detectors in speed and accuracy”(我有两个设计,第一个完全失败了。这对我来说是一个巨大的挑战,”她说。最终的装置在速度和准确性上都优于传统的烟雾探测器)可知,是她坚强的意志和不服输的精神使她战胜了困难,赢得了最高奖项,因为坚强的意志和不服输的精神是成功的关键。故回答为Determination and indomitable spirit .Because determination and indomitable spirit are the key to success.
29.It is the process of holding back or hiding your natural way of interacting with others so you can feel accepted. 30.Because we as a species want to be included./It’s a tribal thing of being together rather than being on our own./We all have certain masks to protect ourselves from exposure and difference./Because as a species everyone wants to be included rather than being on their own or being exposed and different. 31.When people struggle to understand social situations that others consider normal, they will feel less depressed.
When people struggle to understand social situations that others consider normal, they will feel less depressed. According to the passage, they will feel more depressed/they may experience a heightened and increased possibility of developing depression. 32.As a student, when I am in a new environment, I will try to interact with my classmates, which can make us know each other better. I will make myself clear because it is a sign of respect for others and myself. (开放题,言之有理即可)
29.考查细节理解。根据第一段中“This is social masking, the process of holding back or hiding our natural way of interacting with others so we can feel accepted. (这是一种社会伪装,是一种抑制或隐藏我们与他人互动的自然方式的过程,这样我们就能感到被接受)”可知,社会伪装是一种克制或隐藏你与他人互动的自然方式的过程,这样你就会感到被接受。故答案为:It is the process of holding back or hiding your natural way of interacting with others so you can feel accepted.
30.考查细节理解。根据第二段中““Social masking happens because we as a species want to be included,” says psychologist Dipti Tait. “It’s a tribal (群体的) thing of being together rather than
being on our own. We all have certain masks to protect ourselves from exposure and difference.” (心理学家Dipti Tait说:“社会伪装之所以发生,是因为我们作为一个物种想要被包容。这是一个群体的的事情,我们在一起,而不是我们自己。我们都有一定的伪装来保护自己免受暴露和差异的影响。”)”可知,我们中的很多人都依赖社会伪装是因为我们想要被包容;因为我们是一个群体,而不是一个人;或者因为我们都有一定的伪装来保护自己免受暴露和差异的影响。故答案为:Because we as a species want to be included./It’s a tribal thing of being together rather than being on our own./We all have certain masks to protect ourselves from exposure and difference./Because as a species everyone wants to be included rather than being on their own or being exposed and different.
31.考查细节理解。根据第二段中“As a result, we may experience a heightened and increased possibility of developing depression as we struggle to understand social situations and signs that others take for granted. (因此,当我们努力理解别人认为理所当然的社会情境和迹象时,我们可能会经历更大的的患抑郁症的可能性)”可知,当人们努力理解别人认为理所当然的社会情境和迹象时,可能会经历严重的抑郁。因此句中错误部分为“they will feel less depressed”;根据文章可知,他们的情绪会更加低落。故答案为:When people struggle to understand social situations that others consider normal, they will feel less depressed. According to the passage, they will feel more depressed/they may experience a heightened and increased possibility of developing depression.
32.开放性题目。答案符合逻辑即可,注意词数要求。例如,作为一名学生,当我在一个新的环境中,我会尝试与我的同学互动,这可以让我们更好地了解彼此。我会把自己的意思说清楚,因为这是一种尊重他人和尊重自己的表现。故答案可为:As a student, when I am in a new environment, I will try to interact with my classmates, which can make us know each other better. I will make myself clear because it is a sign of respect for others and myself.
33.Seeing or hearing birds could help to boost the mental wellbeing of people. 34.They compared the effects of woodland sounds with voiced meditation apps. 35.According to the passage, birds singing, voiced meditation apps and the recording of the sounds of nature have the same effect on people’s mood. The study found listening to birdsong as well as other sounds of nature boosted feelings of relaxation 30% more than the apps do. 36.In addition to what is mentioned in the passage, I usually listen to music, do some simple exercises, or engage in hobbies such as reading and painting to help me relax in daily life.
33.考查细节理解。根据第二段“According to a study by King’s College London in 2022, seeing or hearing birds could help to boost the mental wellbeing of people.(根据伦敦国王学院2022年的一项研究,看到或听到鸟类有助于促进人们的心理健康)”可知,2022年伦敦国王学院的研究发现看到或听到鸟的声音有助于促进人们的心理健康。故答案为Seeing or hearing birds could help to boost the mental wellbeing of people.
34.考查细节理解。根据第二段“Another study conducted by the National Trust compared the effects of woodland sounds with voiced meditation (冥想) apps.(国民信托组织进行的另一项研究比较了林地声音和语音冥想应用程序的影响)”可知,国民信托是比较了林地声音和有声冥想应用程序的效果来进行这项研究。故答案为They compared the effects of woodland sounds with voiced meditation apps.
35.考查细节理解。根据第二段“The study found listening to birdsong as well as other woodland sounds like leaves crunching underfoot or the gentle flow of a stream boosted feelings of relaxation 30% more than the apps do.(研究发现,听鸟鸣以及其他林地的声音,如脚下树叶的嘎吱声或溪流的轻柔流水声,比应用程序能让人放松30%)”可知,错误的部分为“have the same effect on people’s mood”,研究发现,听鸟鸣和其他自然声音能比应用程序多增加30%的放松感。故答案为
36.考查开放题。根据“除了文中提到的,你在日常生活中通常做些什么来帮助你放松?”可回答:除了文章中提到的,我通常听音乐,做一些简单的练习,或从事爱好,如阅读和绘画,以帮助我放松在日常生活中。故答案为In addition to what is mentioned in the passage, I usually listen to music, do some simple exercises, or engage in hobbies such as reading and painting to help me relax in daily life.
37.Blue-collar workers. 38.Because they can increase comfort and flexibility./To increase comfort and flexibility. 39.Jeans are made in poor countries, where workers’ health is well protected.
According to the passage, their health may be threatened by poisonous chemicals during production. 40.Jeans should be made of organic cotton that doesn’t use fertilizers and pesticides, which has a smaller impact on the environment and human health. Second,
manufacturer collect discarded jeans for recycling, such as manufacturing environmentally friendly shopping bags and other products.
37.考查细节理解。由第一段中“The first pairs of jeans were designed for blue-collar workers. Over the course of the 20th century, the working-class pants have transformed into fashion icons (第一条牛仔裤是为蓝领工人设计的。在20世纪,工人阶级的裤子已经转变为时尚偶像)”可知,牛仔裤的第一批消费者是蓝领工人。故答案为:Blue-collar workers.
38.考查细节理解。由第二段中“Typically, plastic fibers are mixed with cotton threads to increase comfort and flexibility. (通常,塑料纤维与棉线混合以增加舒适度和灵活性)”可知,制作牛仔裤时要使用塑料纤维是因为它们可以增加舒适度和灵活性。故答案为:Because they can increase comfort and flexibility./To increase comfort and flexibility.
39.考查细节理解。由第三段中“Much of the world’s cotton is grown in developing countries, with poor labor practices and few protections for workers. (世界上大部分棉花种植在发展中国家,这些国家的劳动惯例很差,对工人的保护也很少)”和“And their health may be threatened by poisonous chemicals during production. (在生产过程中,他们的健康可能会受到有毒化学物质的威胁)”可知,贫穷国家对工人的保护很少,在生产过程中,他们的健康可能会受到有毒化学物质的威胁,工人的健康得不到很好的保护,“workers’ health is well protected”错误。故答案为:Jeans are made in poor countries, where workers’ health is well protected. According to the passage, their health may be threatened by poisonous chemicals during production.
40.考查开放答题。针对如何减少牛仔裤造成的环境伤害,我建议:牛仔裤应该由不使用化肥和杀虫剂的有机棉制成,这对环境和人类健康的影响较小。其次,制造商可以收集废弃的牛仔裤进行回收,例如制造环保购物袋和其他产品。故答案为:Jeans should be made of organic cotton that doesn’t use fertilizers and pesticides, which has a smaller impact on the environment and human health. Second, manufacturer collect discarded jeans for recycling, such as manufacturing environmentally friendly shopping bags and other products.



上一篇:2024年安徽省滁州市第二中学九年级中考二模物理试卷( 无答案)
