Unit 4 A good read 任务型阅读 (含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 4 A good read 任务型阅读 (含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训
Rabbit Shiny and tortoise (乌龟) Smily were neighbours. One day they were reading a story about their great grandfathers: Shiny’s and Smily’s great grandfathers decided to have a race. While Shiny’s great grandfather fell asleep during the race, Smily’s great grandfather won the race by slowly walking towards the finishing line.
Smily said, “If your great grandfather didn’t go to sleep, my great granddad might never win. So his win was not a real win.”
The next day there was a notice in the jungle (丛林) newspaper. It said that there would be a race and the winner would win many prizes. The race started from the bear’s house. From there, the runners had to cross the river. But most of the animals could not both run fast and swim fast. So they didn’t know what to do. Shiny and Smily made a plan.
Shiny ran, while Smily was sitting on his back. He and other animals, like the deer, reached the river side at the same time. But they saw the swift (湍急的) water and stood there because they were worried. None of them liked the idea of crossing the river. Smily quickly got into the water and Shiny sat on his back. Smily started swimming. Soon they reached the other side of the river. Shiny got down from Smily’s back and Smily climbed on Shiny’s back again. Shiny ran fast. They reached the finish line first.
“Both of them are the winners.” The president of the jungle said, “Shiny and Smily helped each other during the race and they won. So let’s give them a big hand.”
1.Why didn’t Shinly’s great grandfather win the race
2.Where can the animals read the notice about the race
3.What did Shinly and Smily do after reading the notice
4.How did the animals feel when they saw the swift water
5.How could Shiny and Smily win the race
One day, a farmer’s donkey fell into a dry well. The poor animal cried for hours before his owner finally found him. The farmer tried hard to pull him out from the well but failed. He felt very sorry for the donkey but after carefully thinking about the situation, he decided that he would not save the donkey. Since the donkey was too old and it was not worth the trouble of saving. So he invited his neighbours to help him bury (埋葬) the old donkey in the well so that it would make him end his pain.
Hearing many people coming to help, the old donkey was excited at first. As they began to scoop the dirt into the well with shovels (铲子), he soon realized what was happening. He felt very upset and cried sadly again. As the farmer and his neighbours continued throwing the dirt on his back, he suddenly had a good idea. Some time later, when the farmer finally looked down into the well, he was surprised at what he saw: every time the dirt landed on his back, he shook it off and took a step (步) up!
Soon, everyone was amazed when the donkey stepped proudly over the edge of the well and ran away quickly! It seemed that it would bury him at first, but it actually helped him later because of the manner in which he faced his trouble.
That is life! Just like the donkey, life is going to throw dirt on us, all kinds of dirt. As long as we face our problems in an active way, and refuse to give in to any trouble, each dirt is like a stepping stone with which we get out of the deepest wells. Never stop and never give up. Success is just on the way.
6.What did the farmer decide after carefully thinking about the situation
7.Why did the farmer invite his neighbours to help bury the old donkey in the well
8.How did the donkey’s feelings change in paragraph two
9.What did the donkey do when people threw the dirt on his back
10.What can we learn from the story (自拟一句话)
It was a happy time for me, but there were many dangers because of my small size. There are some incidents (事件) that I remembered clearly.
Every morning Glumdalclitch carried my box to the window. One day she carried me to the window as usual, and then she left me there. Some huge wasps came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce (凶猛的). I was afraid of them. I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them. Luckily, the others flew away.
Another dangerous moment that I remembered was this: Glumdalclitch left me in the garden one day, and the weather was very bad. First it rained, and then it hailed (下冰雹) very hard. The hailstones were the size of tennis balls, and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.
Another danger came from an idea that the Queen had. She knew that I liked boats, and she ordered one of her servants to make a little boat for me. The servant put the boat into a tank of water on the table. I spent many hours in this boat. One day, however, a frog jumped out of the water into the boat. I thought the boat would sink, and I was afraid. I was lucky, and I managed to push the frog out of the boat.
—Taken from Gulliver’s Travels
11.Why did Gulliver have some dangers
12.What were as big as the size of birds in England
13.How did Gulliver keep himself safe from the hailstones
14.How did Gulliver feel when the frog jumped into the boat
15.What do you think of Gulliver
One day, a baby snail (蜗牛) found that he had to carry a big and heavy shell at any time. He was confused (困惑的), so he went up to his mother and asked, “Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy ” His mother said “Because we don’t have bones to hold us up. We can only move slowly, so we need a shell to protect us.”
The baby snail asked again, “The caterpillar (毛毛虫) has no bones, either, and she can’t move quickly. Why can she live without a shell ” The mother snail answered, “That’s because a caterpillar will become a butterfly. She can fly high into the sky. The sky can protect her.”
The baby snail had one more question, “But the earthworm (蚯蚓) moves like us. He has no bones and he won’t turn into a butterfly. Why doesn’t he carry a hard and heavy shell ” His mother said, “He can dig a hole and hide in the ground, and then the earth can protect him.”
The baby snail then cried, “We are so poor! We have no protection from the sky or from the ground!” His mother smiled at him. “That’s why we have a shell. My dear, imagine that if we don’t have the shells, what will happen to us Hot sun will dry out our bodies and we’ll have nowhere to sleep. What’s more, we’ll die in the heavy rain. How terrible it is! We don’t depend on the sky or the ground for protection. We should depend on ourselves.”
16.Whom did the baby snail ask for help, his mother or father
17.What will the caterpillar in the story become when she grows up
18.Where can an earthworm hide
19.How many questions did the baby snail ask
20.Who should the snails depend on according to the story
There once was a king who gave a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture. Hundreds of artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them.
One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful high mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged (崎岖的) and bare (光秃秃的). Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain was a dangerous waterfall (瀑布).
But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a small bush growing in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the middle of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest—in perfect peace.
Which picture do you think won the prize The king chose the second picture. Do you know why
“Because,” explained the king, “peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”
21.If an artist’s picture was best, what would he get from the king
22.How many pictures did the king read
23.Where did the mother bird build her nest
24.Why did the king choose the second picture
25.What’s the similarity (相似点) between the two pictures
Rabbit Shiny and tortoise(乌龟)Smily were neighbors. One day they were reading a story about their great grandfathers: Shiny’s and Smily’s great grandfathers decided to have a race. While Shiny’s great grandfather fell asleep during the race, Smily’s great grandfather won the race by slowly walking towards the finishing line.
Smily said, “If your great grandfather didn’t go to sleep, my great granddad might never win. So his win was not a real win.”
The next day there was a notice in the jungle(丛林)newspaper. It said that there would be a race and the winner would win many prizes. The race started from the bear’s house. From there, the runners had to cross the river. But most of the animals could not both run fast and swim fast. So they didn’t know what to do. Shiny and Smily made a plan.
Shiny ran, while smily was sitting on his back. He and other animals, like the deer, reached the river side at the same time. But they saw the swift(湍急的)water and stood there because they were worried. None of them liked the idea of crossing the river. Smily quickly got into the water and Shiny sat on his back. Smily started swimming. Soon they reached the other side of the river. Shiny got down from Smily’s back and Smily climbed on Shiny’s back again. Shiny ran fast. They reached the finish line first.
“Both of them are the winners.” The president of the jungle said, “Shiny and Smily helped each other during the race and they won. So let’s give them a big hand.”
26.Why didn’t Shiny’s great grandfather win the race
27.Where can the animals read the notice about the race
28.Whose house did the race start from
29.How did the animals feel when they saw the swift water
30.How could Shiny and Smily win the race
A man had two water pots. One of the pots had a crack (裂缝) in it while the other was all right.
Every day, the man took the pot to the river to get some water back home. When he arrived home, the good pot was full of water while the cracked one was only half full.
The good pot was proud of himself. But the cracked pot was very sad. He spoke to the man, “I am sorry. I always lost water on the way back to your house.” The man said to the pot, “Don’t be sad. Can you see that there are many flowers on your side of the path, but none on the other side That’s because I know you have a crack, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path in spring. Every day while we are on the way back, you water them. I can use these beautiful flowers to make my house beautiful. Without you, I could not have enjoyed such beauty.”
In our weakness we find our strength.
31.What was wrong with one pot
32.Why did the man take the pot to the river every day
33.How did the good pot feel
34.When did the man planted flower seeds
35.What can we find in our weakness
You love reading, and you’re dying to get your hands on a book. With the right knowledge, it’s easy to choose a good book!
Go to the library first. Answer these questions. What writers do you like What are your interests See if the library has computers. If it does, you can use it to find a certain book by a certain writer, or keywords of your interests. If you like a certain book, search the computer for the book and read its summary(概要). That will help you decide if the book is right for you.
Search your house next. Often good books are quietly collecting dust(灰尘) in your own house. Maybe you forget about one. Probably, you will find some books that you can read, and they won’t even cost you any money.
Then, ask someone to recommend a good book. You can ask your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad, your best friend, or even your English teacher. They have something in common with you and can often make excellent book recommendations. You should ask people that like the same type of books, so that you can get books that match your need.
Join a book club, please. It helps you know who else likes the same books as you, and you can read books that other members have read and have a good discussion(讨论) about them.
Finally, read the first part of each book. If that holds your attention(注意), read a few more pages. If it still holds your attention, then it’s probably a book for you. If you have many books, it can take much time to choose. Keep doing this until you have a few good books.
How to 36 a good book
Go to the library Use the computer to search for books by 37 or interests. Search for a book that you like, read its summary and 38 whether to read on.
Search your house Look through the good books that lie 39 in your house for long. You will probably find a good one that has been forgotten.
Ask someone for recommendations Turn to your 40 , best friend or teachers for excellent book recommendations. Ask those who share the same 41 in certain types of books with you.
Join a book club It gets you to 42 those who like the same books as you. You and other members read the same books and 43 them together.
Read the first part of each book If the first part attracts you, keep 44 to see if it is suitable for you. 45 a few good books from many will take much time.
The more books you read, the better your life will be. If you don’t believe me, please consider these five reasons to read more books.
You will make your brain power better.
This shouldn’t come as a shock, but studies suggest reading makes you smart. Unlike watching television, which requires no thought process, reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp.
You will increase your chances of success.
The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have, the more ways and resources your brain will store, the more likely you will succeed.
You will have things to talk about at parties.
Reading more books will enable you to say the sentence, “Did you know … ” more often, making it easier to start conversations with strangers.
You will enlarge your vocabulary.
The more words you’re able to use, the better you will become at expressing your thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t imagine how I would write articles like this if I didn’t actively aim to enlarge my vocabulary, because using the same few words to express myself would get boring.
You will enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Your mobile phone or TV can make it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep, if you do so late at night. You would be wise to cut off all electronics at least an hour before bed, and replace that with a good book, which is a much better choice.
The books can change your life. I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books, I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge, imagination or creativity. I hope these reasons to read more books encourage you to unlock your power of reading.
The more books you read, the better your life will be.
46 Details
47 your brain power. 48 makes you smart and learn actively.
Increase your chances of success. You will have more knowledge and your brain will store more 49 and resources.
Have topics to 50 about at parties. You can start a talk more 51 with a stranger.
Get a 52 vocabulary. Using more 53 to express oneself must be better.
Enjoy a good night’s sleep. You’d better 54 a good book to read before going to bed.
Books can give you much knowledge, imagination and creativity that you can 55 in your life.
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held a sign which said, “I am blind. Please help me.”
There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took out a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by could see the new words.
Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized(认出) his footsteps and asked, “Are you the one who changed my sign in the morning What did you write ”
The man said, “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said, but in a different way.”
What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.”
Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.
56.What was wrong with the boy
57.How did the man help the boy get more money
58.Do you think the second sign is better than the first one Why or why not
May 31, 2017
Jaden is a six-year-old boy. He experienced the unlucky things of life twice. First he lost his dad when he was four and his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep last month. Jaden's heart was broken. His parents' death hit him a lot.
But things always go towards a good side. A few weeks later, Jaden told his aunt that he was tired of seeing everyone sad all the time. He'd like to see more smiles around him. He hoped that the number of the smiles could reach 100.
Then he asked his aunt to buy him some little toys and take him to the center of the city. "I′m trying to make people smile," said Jaden. At first, he was not sure if the passengers would like to receive his toys. In fact, he was always successful and got close to his dream step by step, because no one could refuse such a little boy's giving and expecting.
"I'm keeping a count of 100 smiles," said Jaden. When asked if he could make it, he answered, "I think I can."
Reported by Barbara
59.How many smiles did Jaden hope to get
60.What did Jaden do in the center of the city
61.Do you think Jaden's method was good to deal with his problem Why or why not
Mr. King was the owner of a large company. One day, he went into his office early in the morning to get ready to go to the airport and left for another city.
He was leaving his office when Bill, a night watchman, came in. Bill just came off work(下班). After saying "Good morning" to Mr. King, Bill told the owner about his bad dream. Last night he dreamed Mr. King's plane crashed after it took off. Mr. King was surprised to hear this. He decided to go by train.
Bill's dream came true. That morning the plane really crashed just after it took off. Later Mr. King returned to his office and heard the accident. To express (表达) his thanks, Mr. King gave Bill $5,000. He also gave Bill a letter. Mr. King told Bill that a man like him should be sent away. Bill was surprised and asked, "Why " Mr. King said, "Go home and read the letter, and you will know why."
Bill went home and opened the letter in a hurry. After he read it, he became sad. In the letter there was only one sentence -- "A night watchman can't sleep on his duty(值班), but you did."
(Answer the following questions with no more than 6 words.)
62.Who was Mr. King
63.What did Bill do
64.How did Mr. King feel after he heard Bill's dream
65.When did the plane crash that morning
66.Why did Mr. King send Bill away
The more books you read, the better your life will be . If you don’t believe me , please consider these five reasons to read more books.
● You will make your brain power better.
This shouldn’t come as a shock, but studies suggest reading makes you smart, Unlike watching television , which requires no thought process, reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp.
● You will increase your chances of success.
The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have , the more ways and resources your brain will store, the more likely you will succeed.
● You will have things to talk about at parties.
Reading more books will enable you to say the sentence, “Did you know… ” more often , making it easier to start conversations with strangers .
● You will enlarge your vocabulary.
The more words you’re able to use, the better you will become at expressing your thoughts and feelings. I couldn’t imagine how I would write articles like this if I didn’t actively aim to enlarge my vocabulary , because using the same few words to express myself would get boring.
● You will enjoy a good night’s sleep.
Your mobile phone or TV can make it difficult for you to get a good night’s sleep, if you do so late at night . You would be wise to cut off all electronics at least an hour before bed, and replace that with a good book , which is a much better choice.
The books can change your life. I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books , I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge , imagination(想象力)or creativity(创造力). I hope these reasons to read more books encourage you to unlock your power of reading.
The more books read , the better your life will be
your brain power. makes you smart and learn actively.
Increase your chances of success You will have more knowledge and your brain will store more and resources.
Have topics to about at parties You can start a talk more with a stranger.
Get a vocabulary Using more to express oneself must be better.
Enjoy a good night’s sleep You’d better a good book to read before going to bed.
Books can give you much knowledge , imagination and creativity that you can in your life.
1.Because he fell asleep/was asleep(during the race.) 2.In the jungle newspaper. 3.They made a plan. 4.(They felt) worried. 5.They helped each other./By helping each other.
1.根据“While Shiny’s great grandfather fell asleep during the race, Smily’s great grandfather won the race by slowly walking towards the finishing line.”可知,因为曾祖父在比赛中睡着了。故填Because he fell asleep/was asleep(during the race.)
2.根据“The next day there was a notice in the jungle (丛林) newspaper. It said that there would be a race and the winner would win many prizes”可知,可以在丛林报纸上看到。故填In the jungle newspaper.
3.根据“So they didn’t know what to do. Shiny and Smily made a plan.”可知,他们制定了一个计划,故填They made a plan.
4.根据“But they saw the swift (湍急的) water and stood there because they were worried”可知,他们很担心。故填(They felt) worried.
5.根据“Shiny and Smily helped each other during the race and they won.”可知,他们互相帮助最后赢了,故填They helped each other./By helping each other.
6.He decided that he would not save the donkey. 7.Because the donkey was too old and it was not worth the trouble of saving. 8.It felt excited at first but when it realized what was happening it felt very upset. 9.He shook it off and took a step up. 10.We shouldn’t give up when we have problems.
6.根据“He felt very sorry for the donkey but after carefully thinking about the situation, he decided that he would not save the donkey.”可知,农民决定不救这头驴了。故填He decided that he would not save the donkey.
7.根据“Since the donkey was too old and it was not worth the trouble of saving. So he invited his neighbours to help him bury the old donkey in the well so that it would make him end his pain.”可知,因为这头驴太老了,不值得救,所以农民请邻居帮忙将它埋了。故填Because the donkey was too old and it was not worth the trouble of saving.
8.根据“Hearing many people coming to help, the old donkey was excited at first. As they began to scoop the dirt into the well with shovels, he soon realized what was happening. He felt very upset and cried sadly again.”可知,驴子起初很兴奋,但在意识到会发生什么事情后,感到很难过。故填It felt excited at first but when it realized what was happening it felt very upset.
9.根据“every time the dirt landed on his back, he shook it off and took a step up”可知,驴子把身上的土抖下去,然后踩在上面。故填He shook it off and took a step up.
10.根据题目要求可知,本题应回答从故事中学到的道理,结合“As long as we face our problems in an active way, and refuse to give in to any trouble, each dirt is like a stepping stone with which we get out of the deepest wells. Never stop and never give up. Success is just on the way.”可知,本文旨在告诉我们遇到困难不要放弃。故填We shouldn’t give up when we have problems.
11.Because he was small (in size)./Because of his small size./Because everything around him was huge/big. 12.Some huge wasps./Wasps. 13.He managed to hide under a tree. /He hid (himself) under a tree./By hiding (himself) under a tree. 14.(He was/felt) afraid. 15.(I think) he is clever and brave./Clever and brave.
11.根据第一段“It was a happy time for me, but there were many dangers because of my small size.”可知,因为我的体型小或者说我周围的一切都很大,所以会有一些危险。故填Because he was small (in size)./Because of his small size./Because everything around him was huge/big.
12.根据第二段“Some huge wasps came in through the window, and entered the box. They were the size of birds in England, and they were very fierce.”可知,巨大的“黄蜂”和英国的鸟一样大。故填Some huge wasps./Wasps.
13.根据第三段“The hailstones were the size of tennis balls, and they hurt me badly. I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.”可知,我设法躲在树下避免冰雹砸到。故填He managed to hide under a tree./He hid (himself) under a tree./By hiding (himself) under a tree.
14.根据最后一段“I thought the boat would sink, and I was afraid.”可知,我很害怕船会下沉。所以当青蛙跳进船里时,格列佛很害怕。故填(He was/felt) afraid.
15.根据第二段“I took out my sword and fought them. I killed four of them. Luckily, the others flew away.”、第三段“I managed to hide under a tree, but I was still hit by some of them.”以及第四段“I was lucky, and I managed to push the frog out of the boat.”可知,我杀了四只黄蜂,又设法把青蛙推出了船,推断出格列佛足够勇敢和聪明来保证自己的安全。故我认为他很聪明很勇敢。故填(I think) he is clever and brave./Clever and brave.
16.His mother. 17.A butterfly./It will become a butterfly. 18.In the ground./They can hide in the ground. 19.Three. 20.They should depend on themselves./Themselves.
16.根据“He was confused (困惑的), so he went up to his mother and asked”可知向妈妈求助。故填His mother.
17.根据“That’s because a caterpillar will become a butterfly”可知毛毛虫长大后会变成一只蝴蝶。故填A butterfly./It will become a butterfly.
18.根据“He can dig a hole and hide in the ground, and then the earth can protect him”可知蚯蚓能够躲在地里。故填In the ground./They can hide in the ground.
19.根据“Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy ”、“Why can she live without a shell ”、“Why doesn’t he carry a hard and heavy shell ”可知问了三个问题。故填Three.
20.根据“We should depend on ourselves.”可知它们要靠它们自己。故填They should depend on themselves./Themselves.
21.He would get a prize./A prize. 22.He read hundreds of pictures./Hundreds of pictures. 23.She built it in the bush./In the bush. 24.Because he felt the real peace./It showed the real meaning of peace. 25.They both have mountains./They are both peaceful./They both show peace.
21.根据“There once was a king who gave a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture. ”可知,如果一个艺术家的画是最好的,他会从国王那里得到奖赏。故填He would get a prize./A prize.
22.根据“Hundreds of artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. ”可知,国王看了数百张图画。故填He read hundreds of pictures./Hundreds of pictures.
23.根据“In the bush a mother bird had built her nest.”可知,鸟妈妈在灌木丛中筑巢。故填She built it in the bush./In the bush.
24.根据“peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”可知,因为国王在第二幅画中感受到了真正的平静。/第二幅画显示了平静的真正含义。故填Because he felt the real peace./It showed the real meaning of peace.
25.根据“The other picture had mountains, too.”可知,两张照片都有山。根据“All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.”和“There, in the middle of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest—in perfect peace.”可知,两张画都展示了平静。故填They both have mountains./They are both peaceful./They both show peace.
26.Because he fell asleep during the race. 27.In the jungle newspaper. 28.The race started from the bear’s house. 29.They were worried. 30.They helped each other during the race.
26.根据“While Shiny’s great grandfather fell asleep during the race,”可知Shiny的祖父在比赛中睡着了,使得Smily的祖父获胜。故填Because he fell asleep during the race.
27.根据“The next day there was a notice in the jungle(丛林)newspaper.”可知,动物们可以在丛林报纸上读到比赛通知。故填In the jungle newspaper.
28.根据“The race started from the bear’s house.”可知,比赛在熊的房子前开始。故填The race started from the bear’s house.
29.根据“ But they saw the swift(湍急的)water and stood there because they were worried.”可知,当他们看到湍急的水流时非常担心。故填They were worried.
30.根据“Shiny and Smily helped each other during the race and they won.”可知,Shiny和Smily互相帮助,最后获得了胜利。故填They helped each other during the race.
31.It had a crack (in it). 32.To get some water back home. 33.It felt proud. (Proud.) 34.In spring. (He planted flower seeds in spring.) 35.Our strength. (We can find our strength.)
31.根据“One of the pots had a crack (裂缝) in it while the other was all right.”可知其中一个罐子有裂缝。故填It had a crack (in it).
32.根据“Every day, the man took the pot to the river to get some water back home.”可知是为了弄点水回家。故填To get some water back home.
33.根据“The good pot was proud of himself.”可知好的罐子为自己感到骄傲。故填It felt proud. (Proud.)
34.根据“and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path in spring. ”可知男人计划在春天种花籽。故填In spring. (He planted flower seeds in spring.)
35.根据“In our weakness we find our strength.”可知在我们的弱点中,我们找到了我们的力量。故填Our strength. (We can find our strength.)
36.choose 37.writers 38.decide 39.quietly 40.family/families 41.interest 42.know 43.discuss 44.reading 45.Choosing
36.根据“With the right knowledge, it’s easy to choose a good book!”可知,文章介绍的是如何挑选一本好书的方法。故填choose。
37.根据“If it does, you can use it to find a certain book by a certain writer, or keywords of your interests.”可知,可以使用电脑,通过作家或你的兴趣的关键词去寻找书本。此处应用writer的复数形式writers。故填writers。
38.根据“If you like a certain book, search the computer for the book and read its summary(概要). That will help you decide if the book is right for you.”可知,找到你喜欢的书,阅读它的概要,再决定这本书是否适合你,要不要继续阅读。连词and连接并列的动词。因此此处应用动词decide的原形。故填decide。
39.根据“Often good books are quietly collecting dust(灰尘) in your own house.”可知,好书时常安安静静地躺在房子里积灰。此处应用副词quietly修饰动词lie。故填quietly。
40.根据“Then, ask someone to recommend a good book. You can ask your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad, your best friend, or even your English teacher.”可知,要找人推荐好书,你可以向你的哥哥姐姐、爸爸妈妈、你最好的朋友,甚至你的英语老师询问。根据“your older brothers or sisters, your mum, your dad”可知这些都是你的家人,应用名词family或families来表示。故填family/families。
41.根据“You should ask people that like the same type of books, so that you can get books that match your need.”可知,你应该问那些喜欢同一类型书的人,这样你就可以得到符合你需要的书。说明你可以问问那些跟你一样对某些类型的书有相同兴趣的人。the same interest意为“相同的兴趣”。故填interest。
42.根据“It helps you know who else likes the same books as you”可知,它可以帮助你知道还有谁喜欢和你一样的书。根据“gets you to”可知后接动词know的原形。故填know。
43.根据“you can read books that other members have read and have a good discussion(讨论) about them.”可知,你可以阅读成员们看过的书,并跟他们好好讨论一下。也就是说,你和成员们阅读同一本书,并讨论他们。根据“read”和“and”可知此处应填入discussion的动词原形discuss。故填discuss。
44.根据“If that holds your attention(注意), read a few more pages. If it still holds your attention, then it’s probably a book for you.”可知,如果那本书的第一部分能吸引你的注意,就多看几页,如果它还能继续吸引你的注意力,那边这本书可能就适合你,说明如果一本书的第一部分能吸引你,就继续阅读下去,看看它是否适合你。keep reading意为“继续阅读”。故填reading。
45.根据“If you have many books, it can take much time to choose.”可知,如果你有很多书,要选择也是要花很多时间的。此处应用动词choose的动名词choosing作主语,位于句首,首字母要大写。故填Choosing。
46.Reasons 47.Improve 48.Reading 49.ways 50.talk 51.easily 52.large /larger 53.words 54.choose/select 55.achieve
46.根据“If you don’t believe me, please consider these five reasons to read more books.”可知,本文介绍了多读书的理由,故填Reasons。
47.根据“You will make your brain power better.”可知,多读书会提高你的脑力,故填Improve。
48.根据“This shouldn’t come as a shock, but studies suggest reading makes you smart… reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp.”可知,读书让你聪明,学习积极,故填Reading。
49.根据“The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have, the more ways and resources your brain will store, the more likely you will succeed.”可知,读的书越多,你的大脑将储存越多的方法和资源,你越有可能成功,故填ways。
50.根据“You will have things to talk about at parties.”可知,多读书,你将在聚会上个有很多事可以谈论,故填talk。
51.根据“Reading more books will enable you to say the sentence, “Did you know … ” more often, making it easier to start conversations with strangers.”可知,多读书,你将更容易和陌生人开始交谈,故填easily。
52.根据“You will enlarge your vocabulary.”可知,多读书,你将获得更多的词汇,故填large/larger。
53.根据“I couldn’t imagine how I would write articles like this if I didn’t actively aim to enlarge my vocabulary, because using the same few words to express myself would get boring.”可知,多使用几个单词会让自己的表达更好,故填words。
54.根据“You would be wise to cut off all electronics at least an hour before bed, and replace that with a good book, which is a much better choice.”可知,你最好睡觉前选一本好书来阅读,故填choose/select。
55.根据“I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books, I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge, imagination or creativity.”可知,读书能让你在生活中获得知识,想象力和创造力。故填achieve。
56.He was blind. 57.He changed the words on the sign. 58.Yes. Because the second sign is more creative.
56.根据“I am blind. Please help me.”可知男孩眼睛看不见。故填He was blind.
57.根据“He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words on it.”可知这个人改变了牌子上的字。故填He changed the words on the sign.
58.开放性试题。根据“The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind.”可知第二个标牌比原来的更有创意。故填Yes, Because the second sign is more creative.
59.100. 60.He sent the toys to the passengers. 61.Yes, I do. Because no one could refuse such a little boy's giving and expecting, with the help of these smiles, he will be strong enough to live.
59.根据“He hoped that the number of the smiles could reach 100”可知,他希望能收集到100个微笑,故填100.
60.根据“Then he asked his aunt to buy him some little toys and take him to the center of the city”及“he was not sure if the passengers would like to receive his toys”可知,他在市中心向路人派送玩具,故填He sent the toys to the passengers.
61.根据“In fact, he was always successful and got close to his dream step by step, because no one could refuse such a little boy's giving and expecting”可知,他的方法可以解决问题,因为没人会拒绝一个小男孩的给予和期待,他有了这些微笑也会坚强地生活下去。故填Yes, I do. Because no one could refuse such a little boy's giving and expecting, with the help of these smiles, he will be strong enough to live.
62.The owner of a large company. 63.(He was)a night watchman. 64.(He was) surprised. 65.(Just) after it took off. 66.(Because) he slept on his duty.
62.根据Mr. King was the owner of a large company. 可知,金先生是一个公司的老板。故答案为The owner of a large company.
63.根据 He was leaving his office when Bill, a night watchman, came in. 可知, Bill是一个值夜班的人。故答案为(He was)a night watchman.
64.根据Last night he dreamed Mr. King's plane crashed after it took off. Mr. King was surprised to hear this. 可知,金先生很吃惊,故答案为(He was) surprised.
65.根据That morning the plane really crashed just after it took off. 可知,飞机起飞后,坠毁了,故答案为(Just) after it took off.
66.根据A night watchman can't sleep on his duty(值班), but you did.可知,值夜班的那个人不能在晚上睡觉,所以金先生把Bill开除了。故答案为(Because) he slept on his duty.
① 找准相应的段落,选有用的句子。
67.Reasons 68.Improve 69.Reading 70.ways 71.talk 72.easily 73.larger 74.words 75.choose 76.achieve
67.根据短文中的句子 “If you don't believe me, please consider these five reasons to read more books.”并且左栏里都是介绍为什么要多读书,因此空格归纳为Reasons,注意首字母大写。
68.根据短文读书的第一原因You will make your brain power better.“可以提高我们的智力。”因此答案为Improve。
69.根据短文中的句子“…reading is an active learning experience that will keep your mind sharp.” 阅读是一种积极的学习经历,它能使你的头脑保持敏锐。此处需要副词形式来修饰动词learn,故答案为actively。
70.根据第二条原因内容The more books you read, the more knowledge you will have, the more ways and resources your brain will store“你读的书越多,就会有越多的知识,你的大脑就会储存更多的能源和方式。”因此本题答案为ways。
71.根据第三条原因You will have things to talk about at parties.“你就会在聚会上有更多话题可谈。”因此本题答案为topics。
72.根据第三条原因内容making it easier to start conversations with strangers.“就会使你和陌生人谈话更容易。”因此本题答案为easily,修饰动词要用副词。
73.根据第四条原因“You will enlarge your vocabulary.” 可以扩大你的词汇量。因此本题答案为large/larger。
74.根据第四条原因内容“The more words you’re able to use, the better you will become at expressing your thoughts and feelings.”你能运用的词汇越多,你就能约好的表达你的想法和感觉。”因此本题答案为words。
75.根据第五条原因内容“You will enjoy a good night's sleep.” 你会享受良好的睡眠。答案为sleep。
76.根据最后一段内容I firmly believe that if it wasn’t for books, I wouldn’t have achieved in my life; nor would I have the knowledge, imagination or creativity.可知书籍能给你带来丰富的知识、想象力和创造力。故答案为imagination。



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