Unit 3 Online tours 补全对话(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 3 Online tours 补全对话(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训
A: Hi, Jack. 1
B: At this time yesterday I was visiting my favorite websites.
A: Oh, really 2
B: I like news websites best. I often read news online.
A: Sounds interesting! But are you sure that the news on the Internet is true
B: 3 . But it doesn’t matter. You can read it just for fun.
A: Yes. It’s a good way to kill time. 4
B: I also watch movies or chat with my friends online.
A: Hmm, the Internet is very useful to our everyday lives. Will everyone use the Internet in the future
B: 5 . The Internet will become more and more important to everyone.
A: 6
B: Well, I’ve got a pain in my back.
A: 7
B: Since two weeks ago.
A: Let me have a look. 8
B: I work in an office.
A: Do you play computer games
B: 9 . I often stay up and play computer games.
A: Mm, that’s it.
B: Am I OK
A: Nothing serious. You spend too much time in front of the computer.
B: 10
A: Stand up and do some exercise from time to time.
B: OK, I’ll take your advice. Thank you.
Andy: What is your ideal computer like
Wendy: Well, first of all, my ideal computer should be small in s 11 . And at the same time, it must work fast. What do you think
Andy: I a 12 with you. A good computer should be small but powerful. And I think it should also be used as a t 13 . I can watch the hottest movies and the best ball games on it.
Wendy: That’s true. It should have more than 100 c 14 for us to choose from. And it is easy to change them by using a remote c 15 . If I had a computer like this, life wouldn’t be b 16 any more.
Andy: I have the same f 17 . And what do you think the computer will be like in 10 years
Wendy: I have no i 18 . You know, IT is d 19 so quickly these years.
Andy: It must be much cleverer. I think it can look after our houses when we are away. It can t 20 on the air conditioner(空调) when we are on the way home.
Bill: What are you reading, Daniel
Daniel: Hi Bill, I’m just reading about Hong Kong and the New Territorjes. I have been planning a trip there since last month. I 21 never 22 (be) there.
Bill: You know what, I 23 already 24 (be) to Hong Kong. I 25 (go) there last summer.
Daniel: Really Great, can you help me plan my trip I’m very interested in the New Territories. I hear many years ago there 26 (be) only fishing and farming villages. Now they 27 (change) and they are quite modern.
Bill: You are right. They are more and more modern than they once 28 (be). But they are still rural(农村的) and beautiful. Their clean beaches and beautiful walking trails(小径) have not been changed yet.
Daniel: Is there any other interesting places in the New Territories
Bill: You can visit many temples and museums. Also, there are some old Hakka villages to see.
Daniel: But how do I get to all these places
Bill: Don’t worry. You can take trains and buses to go there.
Daniel: You 29 already 30 (tell) me so much, but you 31 (not say) what your favourite place 32 (be).
Bill: I 33 (climb) Tai Mo Shan, or the Big Misty Mountain. It is 957 metres high. It is really great.
Daniel: How long have you been there
Bill: I have been there for a whole week. I hope I can go there again some time.
play the role of; order; cover; play computer; learn about
A: Are you interested in 34 games
B: Yes, I am. I bought a new CD-ROM yesterday. It’s very interesting.
A: What is the game about
B: It 35 the topics of education(教育) and history. It is set in the USA.We can play the game 36 American history and education.
A: How many levels are there in the game
B: Eight. When you play the game, you 37 a traveler. You will be shown around different parts of the USA while playing the game.
A: That sounds interesting.
B: What about 38 one on the Internet
A: OK.
A:Hello, this is Renmin Opera House. 39
B:Oh, hi. Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight
A:One moment, please. Uh, yes, here are a few left.
B:That’s great! 40
A:At 7:30.
B:How long will it last
A:It will last about two hours.
B:Sounds great. Can I book(预定) one ticket now
A:Yes. 41
B:Well, but how can I do it
A:Just go to our website, fill in your information choose a seat and pay online.
B:Sounds easy. 42
A:At the gate at least half an hour before the show starts.
B: 43
A:You’re welcome.
A.When will it start
B.You can book it on our website.
C.What can I do for you
D.Enjoy yourself.
E.Where can I get the ticket
F.Thank you for your help.
G.It’s wonderful.
Teachers always encourage us to do _____ ______ to help people _____ ____ .
He will _____ ______ ______ arrive ______ Baiyun International Airport.
Children’s performance ______ a ______ _______ ______ us.
We always _____ ______ teachers ______ ______ when we meet difficulties.
In the past few years, great changes have ______ ______ in Guangzhou.
A:Hi,Wang Li! 49
B:Not yet. 50
A:It says a pupil was riding to school when a car hit him.
B:Oh, dear! Things like this often happen in busy street. 51
A:He took him to a hospital quickly. 52
B: How is the boy now
A: He is getting much better. But he has to stay in bed for a few days.
B: 53
A.What does it say B.The boy was saved by the doctors. C.There are many cars on the street. D.We must be careful when we go to school. E.Have you read today’s evening paper F.What time was the boy taken to hospital G.What did the driver do with the pupil
1.What were you doing at this time yesterday 2.What websites do you like best 3.No, I’m not sure 4.What else do you often do online 5.Yes, I think so
1.根据“At this time yesterday I was visiting my favorite websites.”可知,询问昨天的这个时候正在做什么,问句用过去进行时的结构,故填What were you doing at this time yesterday。
2.根据“I like news websites best.”可知,询问对方最喜欢什么网站,故填What websites do you like best。
3.根据“But are you sure that the news on the Internet is true ”以及“But it doesn’t matter. ”可知,并不确定网站上的消息是否真实,故填No, I’m not sure。
4.根据“I also watch movies or chat with my friends online.”可知,询问对方还在网上做些什么,故填What else do you often do online。
5.根据“Will everyone use the Internet in the future ”以及“The Internet will become more and more important to everyone.”可知,此处是肯定回答,故填Yes, I think so。
6.What’s wrong with you 7.How long have you been like this 8.Where do you work 9.Yes, I do 10.What can I do
6.根据“Well, I’ve got a pain in my back.”可知此处应询问对方怎么了。故填What’s wrong with you。
7.根据“Since two weeks ago.”可知此处询问对方背疼多长时间了。故填How long have you been like this。
8.根据“I work in an office.”可知此处询问对方在哪里工作。故填Where do you work。
9.根据“I often stay up and play computer games.”可知自己经常玩电脑游戏,故作肯定回答。故填Yes, I do。
10.根据“Stand up and do some exercise from time to time.”可知此处询问对方自己应该怎么做。故填What can I do。
11.size 12.agree 13.television 14.channels 15.control 16.boring 17.feeling 18.idea 19.developing 20.turn
【分析】这个对话是Andy 和Wendy关于理想电脑的交谈。
11.句意:我理想的电脑应该是小型号的。small in size表示小型的;根据下文And at the same time, it must work fast. What do you think 及首字母可知是大小型号。根据句意,故填size 。
12.句意:我同意你的说法,一台好电脑应该体积小但功能强大。短语agree with sb.表示同意某人;根据下文A good computer should be small but powerful.可知上文是说同意。根据句意,故填agree。
13.句意:我认为它也应该被用作电视。根据下文I can watch the hottest movies and the best ball games on it.可知上文是说被用作一个电视。television的意思是“电视”,根据句意,故填television
14.句意:它应该有100多个频道供我们选择。根据下文for us to choose from.可知上文是说频道,100后加名词复数,根据句意,故填channels。
15.句意:使用遥控器很容易改变它们。control的意思 是“控制”
16.句意:如果我有这样一台电脑,生活就不会再无聊了。根据上文And it is easy to change them by using a remote c  5  . If I had a computer like this,可知下文是说生活不会无聊。boring意思是“无聊的”,根据句意,故填boring。
17.句意:我也有同样的感觉。你认为10年后电脑会是什么样子? 根据上文可知这里是说有相同的感觉。
18.句意:我不知道。根据上文And what do you think the computer will be like in 10 years 可知下文是不知道。根据句意,故填idea
19.句意:你知道,IT这几年发展得太快了。根据语境可知用现在进行时,其结构是be doing的形式。develop的意思是“发展”,根据句意,故填developing。
20.句意:在回家的路上,它可以打开空调。短语turn on表示打开;can+动词原形。根据句意,故填turn。
21.have 22.been 23.have 24.been 25.went 26.were 27.have changed 28.were 29.have 30.told 31.didn’t say 32.was 33.climbed
【分析】这是一组关于旅游的对话,介绍了New Territories过去和现在的情况,和当地的一些旅游景点。
25.句意:我去年夏天去那儿了。根据last summer.可知用一般过去时态;故填went。
26.句意:我听说许多年前仅仅有渔村和农村。根据many years ago可知用一般过去时态;根据villages复数;故填were。
27.句意:现在他们变了。根据句意可知用现在完成时态,结构是have/has+过去分词;故填have changed
31.句意:但是你没说你最喜欢的地方是什么。根据句意可知主句是过去时态,根据say是实意动词,否定句加didn’t,谓语动词用原形;故填didn’t say。
33.句意:我爬了太姥山。根据It is 957 metres high. It is really great.可知爬过,所以用过去时态;故填climbed。
【点睛】填空题主要考查学生综合运用语言知识点的能力,做这样的题时,必须通篇考虑,先掌握大意,再综合运用所学词汇、语法及常识进行推理判断,要想的高分,重点在于通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,充分利用各种线索作答。例如:小题13句意:我爬了太姥山。根据It is 957 metres high. It is really great.可知爬过,所以用过去时态;故填climbed。
34.playing computer 35.covers 36.to learn about 37.will play the role of 38.ordering
34.根据下文的句子Yes, I am. I bought a new CD-ROM yesterday. It’s very interesting. 是的,我是。我昨天买了一张新的CD-ROM。这很有趣。可知,上文是问你对玩电脑游戏感兴趣吗?结合所给的选项意思,可知,选择play computer;be interested in中的in为介词,因此后面跟动名词。故答案为playing computer。
35.根据下文的句子What is the game about 游戏的内容是什么?可知,下文应该提到游戏的内容。结合所给的选项意思,可知,选择cover;语境是:它涵盖了教育和历史的主题。本题的时态一般现在时,主语是it,因此谓语用三单形式。故答案为covers。
36.根据上文的句子It is set in the USA. 它是在美国开发的。可知,下文应该提到玩游戏可以学到什么。结合所给的选项意思,可知,选择learn about;语境是:我们可以玩这个游戏来了解美国的历史和教育。本题用动词不定式做play the game的目的。故答案为to learn about。
37.根据下文的句子You will be shown around different parts of the USA while playing the game.
在玩游戏的时候,你会被带往美国各地。可知,上文应该提到在游戏中,你的角色是什么。结合所给的选项意思,可知,选择play the role of;语境是:当你玩游戏时,你将扮演一个旅行者的角色。本题的句子When you play the game是一般现在时,主句应该用一般将来时。故答案为will play the role of。
38.根据上文的句子That sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。和下文的句子OK.可以。可知,本句话应该提到在网上订一个怎么样?。结合所给的选项意思,可知,选择order;语境是:在网上订一个怎么样?What about doing sth. 做某事怎么样?about是介词,后跟动名词。故答案为ordering。
39.C 40.A 41.B 42.E 43.F
39.根据B的回答Do you still have tickets for the piano concert tonight ,可知A问需要什么帮助。备选句子中,What can I do for you 符合句意,故选C。
40.根据A的回答At 7:30,可知B问的是时间。备选句子中,When will it start 符合句意,故选A。
41.根据B的问话Can I book one ticket now 想订一张票,可知备选句子You can book it on our website.符合文意,故选B。
42.根据A的回答At the gate at least half an hour before the show starts.,可知B问的是在哪里买票。备选句子中,Where can I get the ticket 符合句意,故选E。
43.根据A的回答You’re welcome.,可知B表示了感谢。备选句子中,Thank you for your help.符合句意,故选F。
44.voluntary work, in need 45.be unable to, at 46.made deep impression on/ gave deep impression to 47.go to for help 48.taken place
44.voluntary work, in need 鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb. to do sth.;志愿性工作:voluntary work;有需要(困难)的人:people in need。结合提示可知填voluntary work, in need。
45.be unable to, at不能够,无法:be unable to;到达:arrive at;结合提示可知填be unable to, at。
46.made deep impression on/ gave deep impression to给……留下了深刻的印象:made a deep impression on/ gave a deep impression to;结合提示可知填made deep impression on/ gave deep impression to。
47.go to for help向…寻求帮助:go to…for help;ask…for help。结合提示可知填go to for help。
48.taken place In the past+时间段:在过去的某段时间里,用现在完成时;发生:take place,happen;take place 常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生,happen常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”;结合提示和语境可知用take place的过去分词taken place。
49.E 50.A 51.G 52.B 53.D
49.联系下文的答语not yet,体现前句为现在完成时的一般疑问句,结合选项第五项符合故填:E
50.联系下文:它说当一辆小汽车撞到他的时候,这名小学生正骑自行车去上学。因此说明对方在问报纸上提到了什么 故填:A
52.联系上文: 这名男孩被送到了医院,下文提到他现在好多了。因此说明医生救了他。故填:B




下一篇:Unit 3 Online tours 书面表达(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训