
1. 本试卷共两部分,共39题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。
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1.Mr. Smith is ________ English teacher. He is very kind to us.
A.her B.your C.our D.their
2.Peter often goes to see his uncle ________ Sunday afternoon and they have dinner together.
A.on B.in C.at D.from
3. —George, stop! You __________ touch my computer. I'm working.
—Sorry, Mom!
A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D. wouldn't
4. Amy loves music very much and she sings __________ than me.
A. beautifully B. more beautifully C. most beautifully D. the most beautifully
5. —________ do you tidy your own room
—Twice a week.
A. How often B. How soon C. How much D. How long
6. It was difficult to climb the mountain, ________ Sam got to the top at last.
A. or B. so C. for D. but
7.Look! It ________ outside. Let’s take an umbrella
A.is raining B.was raining C.rained D.has rained
8.—How was your weekend
—Pretty good! I ________ the Great Wall with my friends.
A.climb B.will climb C.climbed D.am climbing
9.If it ________ fine, we will go hiking tomorrow.
A.is B.was C.has been D.will be
10.Mr. Green knows Beijing very well because he ________in Beijing since 2000.
A.works B.will work C.has worked D.worked
11.On our farm, the tea leaves ________ by hand when they are ready.
A.pick B.picked C.are picked D.were picked
12.—Could you please tell me ________ last winter vacation
—Sure. I went to Harbin.
A.where did you go B.where you went C.where will you go D.where you will go
二、完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
In eighth grade,I had a friend,Peter.He was an amazing sports star.Unluckily,and when he joined a team,I did(13)   .
Peter was a starter for the JV field hockey team.He was a natural,so he picked up the sport(14)   .I,on the other hand,couldn't seem to hold the stick comfortably.Then Peter spent more and more time with the other boys like him and I was beginning to be left behind.
Deciding to(15)    our friendship,I asked my mom to buy me my own hockey stick so I could practise at home.Peter looked at my (16)    ,and I could tell that he was thinking it was a waste of money.
I was (17)    by his reaction (反应),and again I felt the distance (距离) between us.If I was going to keep Peter as a friend,I simply had to be good at this sport.Somehow,I had to learn how to throw and catch the ball and be (18)    on the playing field.
So I practised and practised.I often felt like there was no hope,but I kept at it.
Then,one day,something happened.I(19)    off with Steve,who had become my partner since Peter had quickly proven to be too good to play with me.That day,when Steve sent me his first throw,and the next.The stick was actually feeling good in my hands.
I still don't know what exactly happened that day,but I will always be thankful for it.By the end of the season,I was (20)    for the JV team.I scored 12 goals that year.My success on the field gave me confidence that I really needed.And Steve turned out to be a great friend.
(13) A.cheered B.tried C.proved D.checked
(14) A.suddenly B.secretly C.quickly D.generally
(15) A.save B.awake C.change D.remember
(16) A.ball B.hat C.stick D.glove
(17) A.cheated B.moved C.lit D.hurt
(18) A.predictable B.respectable C.affordable D.understandable
(19) A.paired B.took C.went D.showed
(20) A.paying B.looking C.calling D.starting
Scenic Spots in Pinggu
Jinhai Lake is one of the biggest lakes in Northern China. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. You can ride around the lake or take a yacht on the lake. Camping on the lawn is a good choice. You can get an overlook if you take a helicopter there. B Pingg u International Hiking Road is 23kilometers long. Along it, mountain flowers are in full bloom, trees make pleasant shades, the air is fresh. Well-marked paths, safety facilities and resting areas mean it can be visited alone or with families.
C Tianyun Mountain is a best place to enjoy the beauty of nature. It is called“ Northern Zhangjiajie”. The towering mountain stands like a column(柱子).You can experience the glass bridge,across the peaks on both sides. D Pinggu Peach Blossom Festival has come. It is time to enjoy peach flowers here.Located on both sides of Misan Road andCuixing Road, it's well known as“the sea of peach blossoms”at home and abroad. It attracts many people to take pictures of it.
21. _______ I am a fan of hiking. I can get close to nature while walking.
22. __________ I want to have a good view of lake and experience some exciting projects.
23. __________ I'd like to enjoy a large area of peach flowers. Wang Fang
Serena looked up from her phone when she heard a loud "POP". A flat tire! "This is making the boring trip even worse," she thought to herself.
"No big deal! We'll continue our adventure soon!" Her dad jumped out to change the tire.
"What kind of adventure is this ! We're driving in a broken car, all the way through South Dakota, just to see some old presidents' heads in a huge rock! There's nothing fun in that!" Serena thought and returned to her phone.
"What's so interesting on your phone " her brother Tony asked curiously.
"Ally shared pictures from her vacation. She's on a real adventure in Africa! Look! Elephants! Hippos! Even lions!" she said.
"You mean pictures of Dad changing a flat tire in the middle of nowhere Who would want to see that "
"But that's the great thing about this whole trip!" Tony said excitedly. "We have no idea what's going to happen, or what surprises we might have! We're on a true adventure." Tony continued, "I read that there's an amazing place out here. I found pictures online. Look how amazing they are!"
Serena put down her phone as Tony introduced pictures of the ancient animals and other interesting things about here. She looked out of the window, wondering when they could get there. But then she held her breath.
Just on the other side of the road, was a herd of bison(一群野牛) walking slowly through the grasses. She'd never seen anything like them this close before!
"Well, I didn't expect that! Maybe we're going to have a real adventure after all," said Serena as she quickly took a picture through the window.
"Exactly! Now look how wonderful the view is at the moment!" Tony said. "And all because we got a flat tire."
24.How did Serena feel about the trip at first
A. Bored. B. Worried. C. Interested. D. Surprised.
25.Why did Tony show Serena the pictures online
A. To show their trip can be amazing too.
B. To ask her to compete with her friends.
C. To prove he was good at taking pictures.
D. To encourage her to study ancient animals.
26.What did Serena learn from the trip
A. The importance of history. B. The meaning of family to her.
C. The ways of solving problems. D. The value of living in the moment.
While the pandemic(流行病) has prevented people from traveling afar, there’s a silver lining in that dark cloud: micro-tourism, or mini-vacations.
Micro-tourism refers to short-distance(短距离) travel in which people drive two or three hours to a nearby place and spend two or three days there. Instead of requiring a plan with lots of details and money, micro-tourism allows travelling to be simpler and less expensive.
According to China Daily, micro-tourism began catching on about seven years ago. With the pandemic prevention making long trips less convenient, more and more people choose to take short trips instead.
Mark Hou from Beijing is one of them. Before the pandemic, he preferred taking long trips abroad or visiting other places in China. But the pandemic meant he had to adapt(适应) to a new travel style.
“Traveling a long distance means you should take public transportation, like planes. But that would be likely to increase the chances of infection (感染),” Hou said. “To stay healthy, short-distance travel is the better choice.” But that doesn’t mean Hou has lost fun during his short trips.
After a long and tiring week at work, Hou likes to invite friends and drive to the countryside near Beijing on weekends. “Walking in the mountains or having a hot spring, we can get the fresh air and have some exercise,” Hou explained. “That can really move the stress out of our daily life.”
To meet the new needs, many cities have also created more chances for tourists. For example, Shanghai started a number of micro-tourism products for half-day and one-day tours, including exploring cultural heritage(遗产)sites in the city and experiencing country life.
“With these programs, young tourists no longer look to get ‘distance’, but are willing to find new ways to experience their cities,” Feng Rao, head of a tourism research center, told People’s Daily. Travel doesn’t mean you need to go far away to find a place to relax. That’s also the aim of the micro-tourism.
27.Which of the following is true about micro-tourism
A.It needs plenty of time and money. B.It has more fun than long-distance trip.
C.It became popular about seven years ago. D.It has prevented people taking distant trips.
28.Why does the writer talk about Mark Hou’s experience
A.To explain how to make a short-distance trip.
B.To introduce some places of interest in China.
C.To show why people choose short-distance trips.
D.To compare long-distance trips with short-distance ones.
29.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage
A.Adapting to a new style B.Returning to normal life
C.Developing a popular hobby D.Experiencing different cultures
3D Printing Will Improve Our Food Choices
In early summer 2016, Londoners were treated to a new trend in dining. Food Ink, the world’s first 3D printing restaurant, opened to a special group of guests who dined on a nine-course meal prepared right before their eyes using 3D printers. Even the restaurant’s tables and chairs, lamps, cups, and plates were created with 3D technology. With London just the beginning, Food Ink plans to bring its creative restaurant form to a number of other cities around the world.
Like other 3D applications, printing food is a process that builds layers (层) upon layers of material on top of each other. Each layer is pushed through a print head to form an object with a desired shape, texture, size, and so on. Unlike other 3D printing, which uses spool (绕线轮) to create objects out of plastic, food materials in 3D printing are put into a syringe-like container (注射器形状的容器) which are then pressed into the shape required. Any food ingredients (原料) that can be pureed (煮成浓汤或者酱) or turned into a paste can be used in 3D food printing.
Fine dining is only one aspect of the food industry about to be improved by 3D printing. Researchers have been exploring ways to use 3D printing to deal with world hunger. Mass production of food using powdered (粉末状的) nutritional ingredients could help feed a growing population. The 3D-printed food would have the advantage of being produced cheaply and having a long shelf life. This is especially important with the world population projected to be 8.5 billion by 2030.
The technology will also enable consumers to quickly make meals with ingredients to suit their special health needs. Take the example of feeding elderly people, who often need to have their food pureed because they have problems with swallowing and chewing (咀嚼). Many elderly people did not like their food like this and so it discouraged them from eating. The Netherlands Organization for applied scientific research is turning to 3D printing to mash up peas, cabbages, and carrots to produce 3D-printed versions of the vegetables. These are easier to chew but hold their shape because of the addition of a gelling agent (胶凝剂). The 3D-printed vegetables are being served throughout nursing homes in Germany.
It seems that there is no end to the potential (潜力) of 3D printing. In 2013, NASA offered a large amount of money to develop a functional 3D food printer. The printer aims to create nutritional food to feed astronauts on long space missions. From creating special restaurant meals, to improving nutrition, to potentially feeding the world, 3D food printing is creating exciting new possibilities for food.
30.According to the passage, 3D food printing differs from other 3D printing in _____.
A.the way of creating objects out of materials
B.the desired shape of the 3D printed objects
C.the print heads for forming desired objects
D.the process of building layers of materials
31.What can we learn about 3D food printing
A.3D food printing solves the elders’ eating problems with pureed food.
B.3D food printing is being developed for astronauts on space missions.
C.3D food printing ends world hunger with its cheaply-produced food.
D.3D food printing is being widely applied in fine dining restaurants.
32.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A.Elderly people like to choose 3D-printed versions of the vegetables.
B.Consumers can use 3D food printing quickly to make healthy meals.
C.The Netherlands Organization is doing research on 3D food printing.
D.3D food printing technology will meet people’s special health needs.
33.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage
A.To explain how 3D food printing works.
B.To discuss what 3D food printing has brought us.
C.To show the possibilities created by 3D food printing.
D.To stress the importance of 3D food printing to the world.
No artist required
One day, Ammaar Reshi was playing around with a chatbot called ChatGPT, a computer program using artificial intelligence (AI) to copy the way human beings think and write. Reshi then came up with an idea to use the AI program to make a children's book. The story of the book came from a conversation Reshi had with the chatbot, about a girl called Alice. And then he used another AI program, Midjourney, to make illustrations(插图)for the book. Midjourney is a new AI-powered tool that can turn words into amazing artwork, like pictures.
The book, Alice and Sparkle, was done in just a couple of days. "Anyone can use these AI tools," Reshi said. "And they're not hard to use."
Reshi posted about the book online after it was finished. Heated argument about it started at once. Some people liked the lovely story as well as the beautiful illustrations and praised Reshi for his smartness. But not everyone welcomed the birth of the special book. Among them, artists were especially critical of it. They think the way the illustrations were made was a big problem. Midjourney searches through millions of pictures created by artists on the Internet. And then it manages to find patterns(式样) in those pictures and create new ones based on the patterns. Artists often upload their work online for people to enjoy. But Midjourney could be using their work without permission(允许).
"The main problem to me about AI is that it was taken from artists'work," illustrator Adriane Tsai says. "It's our creations, our personal styles that we did not permit them to use."
Many artists and writers are nervous about the future. Will people pay for their work if it can be done cheaper by using AI programs
Some companies are already choosing AI over human talent. The San Francisco Ballet used pictures made with Midjourney to improve its production of the classic The Nutcracker. At a funny performance club, an AI-powered robot told jokes that made people laugh out loud. Journalist Abraham Riesman said, "It's deeply troubling to see people looking for cheap alternatives(替代品) to actual human writing."
Reshi says technology companies should protect artists and writers whose work might be used by AI tools. He suggests that they should involve artists and writers in the process of creation.
(1) What is Midjourney ________________________________
(2) How long did it take the AI programs to create the book Alice and Sparkle _________________________________________________________________________________
(3) What is Reshi's advice to technology companies to protect artists and writers ____________________________________________________________________________________
(4) Do you think it is a good idea to use AI programs in the process of creation Why or why not (Give at least two reasons) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
take part in, practice, skill, benefit, progress
What club did you join
What did you do in the club
What have you learned from the experience
提示词语:nervous, friends, advise, talk
提示问题:●What happened
● What have you learnt from it
We all face problems in our daily life. _________________________________________________________



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