
2024. 4
试卷满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟
1. A. holiday B. hospital C. hotel D. school
2. A. clear B. big C. beautiful D. clap
3. A. island B. swim C. taste D. teach
4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. May D. Wednesday
5. A. beach B. great C. sea D. water
6. 电影 ______
7. 周末 ______
8. 海鲜 ______
9. 报纸 ______
10. 假日 ______
11. 岛 ______
12. 明天 ______
13. 建造 ______
14. 清澈的 ______
15. 周末 ______
16. ________
17. ________
18. ________
19. ________
for, by, in, south, north, visit, see, singing
20. Listen, Mary is ________ in her room.
21. The Lis are going to stay ________ a hotel.
22. Faku is in the ________ of Shenyang.
23. We are going to Shanghai ________ plane tomorrow.
24. My parents are going to stay there ________ a week.
25. Hainan is in the ________ of China.
26. The students can ________ a lot of panes there.
27. People like to ________ the Great Wall.
28. 连成词组或短语
1. do A . out G. 划船
2. act B. a survey H. 表演
3. all C. a boat I. 做调查
4. row D. at home J. 一年到头
5. go E. year round K. 去游泳
6. stay F. swimming L. 呆在家里
29. Tom is going to ride a bike at the weekend. ( )
A B.
30. This is Mike. The nice cap is his. ( )
A. B.
31. John is tall and strong. He will wear glasses in the future. ( )
A. B.
32. Little Monkey doesn’t have a house. He sleeps in a tree. He is sad. ( )
A. B.
33. will, where, stay, we,
34. there, do, what, we, will ( )
35. Kitty is going to visit different places in China. (英译汉)
36. We’ll stay there for five days. (就划线部分提问)
37. What are you going to do this weekend (根据实际情况回答)
Mr Green is seventy-five years old now. He has a club(俱乐部). It is a walking club. There are now more than twenty people in the club and most(大多数) of them are old. The people walk three miles(英里) every day. They walk very quickly because that is a good way to keep healthy. When it is too cold to walk outside in winter, they have to walk in the club. They all wear T-shirts with words on them “I love walking. Walking is good.” One day something happened to the walking club. A dog began to walk after them. Soon there were more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day!
38. How many people are there in the club ( )
A. 2. B. 10. C. More than 20. D. I don’t know.
39. How far do they walk every day ( )
A. Ten miles. B. Five miles. C. Three miles. D. Twelve miles.
40 What words are on their T-shirt ( )
A. I like walking. B. Walking is good. C. I like driving. D. A and B.
41 What animals like walking after the people in the walking club ( )
A. Dogs. B. Cats. C. Horses. D. Birds.
42. Mr Green is ______. ( )
A. an old woman B. an old man C. seventy D. sixty-five
43. 作文。
2024. 4
试卷满分:100分 考试时间:40分钟
1. A. holiday B. hospital C. hotel D. school
2. A. clear B. big C. beautiful D. clap
3. A. island B. swim C. taste D. teach
4. A. Sunday B. Monday C. May D. Wednesday
5. A. beach B. great C. sea D. water
【答案】1. A 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. 电影 ______
7. 周末 ______
8. 海鲜 ______
9. 报纸 ______
10. 假日 ______
【答案】6. film 7. weekend 8. seafood
9. newspaper 10. holiday
11. 岛 ______
12. 明天 ______
13. 建造 ______
14. 清澈的 ______
15. 周末 ______
【答案】11. island 12. tomorrow 13. build 14. clear 15. weekend
16. ________
17. ________
18. ________
19. ________
【答案】16. storybook
17. dictionary 18. magazine
19. newspaper
for, by, in, south, north, visit, see, singing
20. Listen, Mary is ________ in her room.
21. The Lis are going to stay ________ a hotel.
22. Faku is in the ________ of Shenyang.
23. We are going to Shanghai ________ plane tomorrow.
24. My parents are going to stay there ________ a week.
25. Hainan is in the ________ of China.
26. The students can ________ a lot of panes there.
27. People like to ________ the Great Wall.
【答案】20. singing
21. in 22. north
23. by 24. for
25. south 26. see
27. visit
句意:李家准备住在一家旅馆里。在旅馆里in a hotel,符合句意,故答案为in。
句意:我们明天将坐飞机去上海。by plane坐飞机,符合句意,故答案为by。
句意:我的父母将要在那里逗留一个星期。逗留多久用stay for,介词用for,符合句意,故答案为for。
28. 连成词组或短语。
1. do A . out G. 划船
2. act B. a survey H. 表演
3. all C. a boat I. 做调查
4. row D. at home J. 一年到头
5. go E. year round K. 去游泳
6. stay F. swimming L. 呆在家里
【答案】1-B-I 2-A-H 3-E-J 4-C-G 5-F-K 6-D-L
do a survey,动词短语,意为做调查。故连B-I。
act out ,动词短语,意为表演。故连A-H。
all year round,固定搭配,意为一年到头。故连 E-J。
row a boat,动词短语,意为划船,故连 C-G。
go swimming,动词短语,意为去游泳,故连 F-K。
stay at home,动词短语,意为呆在家里,故连 D-L。
29. Tom is going to ride a bike at the weekend. ( )
A. B.
【详解】句意:汤姆将要在周末骑自行车。本题考查动词短语,ride a bike骑自行车,选项A是自行车,故选A。
30. This is Mike. The nice cap is his. ( )
A. B.
31. John is tall and strong. He will wear glasses in the future. ( )
A. B.
32. Little Monkey doesn’t have a house. He sleeps in a tree. He is sad. ( )
A. B.
33. will, where, stay, we,
【答案】Where will we stay
【详解】本题考查句子结构。will将,where哪里,stay待,we我们,根据所给问号,可知句子是疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我们将待在哪里?故答案为Where will we stay
34. there, do, what, we, will ( )
【答案】What will we do there
【详解】there那里,do做,what什么,we我们,will将要,根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词意可连成句子:我们将在那做什么?故答案为What will we do there
35. Kitty is going to visit different places in China. (英译汉)
【详解】本题考查句子翻译。Kitty基蒂,is going to将要,visit different places参观不同的地方,in China在中国,句子是陈述句,时态为一般将来时,故答案为基蒂要去参观中国的不同地方。
36. We’ll stay there for five days. (就划线部分提问)
【答案】How long will you stay there
【详解】原句句意:我们将在那里待五天。本题考查句型转换。由画线部分可知要问待多久,用how long提问。句意是:你们将会在那待多久?句子是一般将来时。你们you,将will,在那there,待stay,多久how long。故答案为How long will you stay there
37. What are you going to do this weekend (根据实际情况回答)
【答案】I am going to have a trip. ( 答案不唯一)
【详解】句意:这周末你打算做什么?本题考查特殊疑问句答语,问句提问周末计划,答案不唯一,如:我打算去旅行。故答案为I am going to have a trip. ( 答案不唯一)
Mr Green is seventy-five years old now. He has a club(俱乐部). It is a walking club. There are now more than twenty people in the club and most(大多数) of them are old. The people walk three miles(英里) every day. They walk very quickly because that is a good way to keep healthy. When it is too cold to walk outside in winter, they have to walk in the club. They all wear T-shirts with words on them “I love walking. Walking is good.” One day something happened to the walking club. A dog began to walk after them. Soon there were more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day!
38. How many people are there in the club ( )
A. 2. B. 10. C. More than 20. D. I don’t know.
39. How far do they walk every day ( )
A. Ten miles. B. Five miles. C. Three miles. D. Twelve miles.
40. What words are on their T-shirt ( )
A. I like walking. B. Walking is good. C. I like driving. D. A and B.
41. What animals like walking after the people in the walking club ( )
A. Dogs. B. Cats. C. Horses. D. Birds.
42. Mr Green is ______. ( )
A. an old woman B. an old man C. seventy D. sixty-five
【答案】38. C 39. C 40. D 41. A 42. B
句意:俱乐部里有多少人?A两人,B十人,C超过二十人,D我不知道。根据文中句子“There are now more than twenty people in the club and most( 大多数 ) of them are old.”可知,俱乐部里有超过二十人,故选C。
句意:他们每天走多远?A十英里,B五英里,C三英里,D十二英里。根据文中句子“The people walk three miles( 英里 ) every day.”可知,他们每天走三英里,故选C。
句意:他们T恤上有什么字?A我喜欢走路,B走路保持健康,C我喜欢开车,D选项A和选项B。根据文中句子“I love walking. Walking is good.”可知,他们T恤上有“我喜欢走路,走路是好的。”这些字,故选D。
句意:在健走俱乐部里,哪些动物喜欢跟着人走?A狗,B猫,C马,D鸟。根据文中句子“A dog began to walk after them. Soon there were more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs walking every day!”可知,俱乐部里狗喜欢跟着人走,故选A。
句意:格林先生是________。A一个老妇人,B一个老头,C七十岁,D六十五岁。根据文中句子“Mr Green is seventy-five years old now. He has a club(俱乐部)”可知,格林先生是个年长的男性,故选B。
43. 作文。
My holiday plan
The May Day holiday is coming. I will have a trip to Shanghai with my parents. We will go there by train. I will visit Shanghai Museum and Shanghai Zoo. I will visit my uncle and have a big meal. I think I will have a good time. What about you
【详解】1. 题干解读:本题要求写一写五一假期的度假计划。要求题目自拟,注意语句通顺,无语法错误。注意时态可用一般将来时且要符合词数要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考词汇:have a trip去旅行,parents父母,by train乘火车,visit参观,uncle叔叔,a big meal一顿丰盛饭菜,have a good time玩得开心
参考句型:… is coming;I will …;We will …;I think …;What about …



上一篇:Unit 8 Is there a post office around here? 一课一练(5课时含答案)人教新目标七年级下册
