Unit 8 Is there a post office around here? 一课一练(5课时含答案)人教新目标七年级下册

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 1
1.We can post letters at a post o_________.
2. He is a doctor. He works in a h__________.
3.The p_________phone is over there. Everyone p________to make a phone call there.
4. The Children's Park is on Center S___________. You can find it.
5. My friend works in the p__________ station. He is a policeman.
6. —Where is Xinhua Bookstore —It’s over there, a_______ from the bus station.
7. The school is in f_________of the library.
8. The food in the r___________ near our school is very delicious.
9. Li Ping has a lot of money. He keeps it in the b____________.
10.Guomao and Kaiyuan are live-star h___________in Fuyang.
11. There are two l__________ in our school. We can read books there.
二、用there be 或 have的适当形式填空
1.______________much rain in spring in the south. It's always in the rainy weather.
2.______________ many people on the bus.
3.I ______________ a nice schoolbag.___________ many school things in it.
4. She ___________ some red skirts. She likes them very much.
5. _____________ a police station on New Street
6.________________ thirty students in the classroom
7. —Does Jim_____________a basketball —Yes, he does.
8._____________ a book and two pens on the desk.
He is standing ________ _______ _______the restaurant.
2.我坐在 Mary 和 Sandy之间。
I am sitting ________ Mary________ sandy.
________ _______, is there a supermarket ________here
The chair is ________ the door.
The fruit shop is ________ ________my office
我住在 Mr.Li 的隔壁。
I live ________ ________ Mr. Li.
Hello! My name is Jane. This is a map of my town. Let me tell you about my favorite places in my town. The first one is the zoo. You can see all kinds of animals and interesting animal shows in it. The next place I often visit is the cinema(电影院). It's just across from the library. After watching a movie, I usually go there to read. The last place I like is the gym(体育馆). It's behind the bank. There is a big swimming pool in it and I often go there with my friends. Today I'll go to visit the zoo with my family. And then we will go to the supermarket to do some shopping. The supermarket isn't far from the zoo, so we can walk there. Oh, we are leaving for the zoo. Welcome to my town. I can show you around.
( )1. Jane usually does some_________after going out of the cinema.
sports B.reading C.shopping D.cleaning.
( )2.Which of the following places is Jane's favorite
The park. B.The hotel. C.The restaurant. D.The zoo.
( )3. How can Jane go to the supermarket from the zoo
Go along West Street and find it across the street.
b. Go along Edward Street and find it on the right.
c. Go down William Street and turn left at the third crossing.
d. Go down William Street and turn right at the second crossing.
A. a→c B.b→c C.d→b D.d→a
I'm John. I live in a big city. There 1._________(be) a supermarket near my home. My family often shop there. And it usually takes us about ten minutes to get to the supermarket 2.__________foot. At festivals, things in the supermarket are all at good 3.__________ (price), so you can see many people there. There is a park across from the supermarket. My family like 4.__________(run) in the park in the morning.
We also take a walk in the park 5.____________ dinner. All my family like it 6.___________we want to keep healthy. We like the clean air in the park, too. Sometimes my sister and 1 draw many pictures in the park. We have many 7.___________ (interest) things to do in the park. It is easy for us 8._________ (get) to the park We just need to cross the South Street. We often have 9.__________ great time there. I am 10.___________(real) happy to live near a park.
一、1.office 2.hospital 3.pays 4.Street 5.police 6.across 7.front 8.restaurant 9.bank 10.hotels 11.libraries
二、1.There is 2.There are 3.have, There are 4.has 5.Is there 6.Are there 7.have 8.There is
三、1.in front of 2.between and 3.Excuse me, near/around 4.behind 5.across from 6.next to
五、1.is 2.on 3.prices 4.running 5.after 6.because 7.interesting 8.to get 9.a 10.really
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 8 Is there a post office around here Period 5
假如你是 Dave,收到朋友 Bob的来信。请阅读来信并针对问题进行回复。
Dear Bob,
How's it going I am going to your city next month. I want to visit your neighborhood. Where do you live What interesting places are there in your neighborhood What do you or your family often do there What is your favorite place Why do you like it best How do you get there from your home See you soon!
Dear Dave,
Everything goes well!
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yours,
Dear Dave,
Everything goes well! My house is across from a supermarket on North Street. My parents usually shop there. There is a zoo in my neighborhood. Children like to spend time on weekends. They love to watch the monkeys climbing around. There is a park across from the zoo. My grandparents often exercise at the park because they love the clean air and sunshine. But my favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and I enjoy
reading there. When I read books, time goes quickly. You can get to the library easily. Just go down North Street. It’s on your right next to the restaurant.
Hope you have a good time in my neighborhood.
fruit shop
my home
New Street
North Street
clothes store
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 8 Is there a post office around here Period 4
1. --Tom e____________listening to the song. -- Yes, I also like it very much.
2. I really like the m__________in the zoo because they are very smart and lovely.
3.It o_______________rains in England, so people there need to take an umbrella with them.
4. It's dangerous to play soccer on the r_____________because there are many cars on it.
5. On weekends, I like c_____________mountains with my family.
6. Tom is very clever and he always can work out difficult math problems e_______________.
7. They are not selling their pictures for m___________. All the pictures are free.
8. We need fresh a______________, clean water and good food to keep healthy.
9. My brother usually s______________an hour playing tennis after doing his homework.
10. There's a supermarket and a bank in Alice's n_______________. It’s very convenient (便利的).
Do you know how to be street smart Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers (people you don't know) when you're alone or with other kids.
That means telling your mom and dad where you are and when you are coming home. If you don't come back home then, they will look for you.
When you walk to school, ride a bike around the park, or go to the store, you should go with someone you know well. And traveling with many kids is even better.
You need to know where you can stop for help. Your friends’ houses, stores, restaurants, police stations, libraries, and offices are good for you. Just find these places on your way home.
It's nice to help people. But remember: strangers should ask adults (成年人), not kids, for help. If a stranger asks you for help -such as asking you how to get to some places or to look for some things-don't help. Don't even speak to them. You should walk the other way or ask for help right away.
If a stranger follows you when you try to walk away, ask for help loudly. You can say something like, “Help! I don't know you!" or “Help! They are not my parents!" People around you will hear this and help you.
Ben is a 14-year-old middle school student. His home is not ___1___the school, so he can walk to school every day. There is a ___2___ and two cinemas near his home, but he doesn't like going out. He ___3___reading books and watching films at home.
One day, a new supermarket opens. His mother and father want to ___4___ there. Unluckily(不幸地), Ben's sister is sick (生病的),___5___ his mother has to look after her at home. Ben's father asks Ben to go there with ___6 ___. Ben doesn't want to go because he wants to watch TV at home, but he still says yes. Then he follows his father to the ___7___. Ben's father drives him to the supermarket soon, and they ___8___two hours shopping in the supermarket.
Finally, they ___9___ the shopping. After Ben puts the bags in the car, his father says, "You___10___ me a lot. Would you like to have ice-cream ”
"Yes, please!" Ben says happily. And then they go to a___11___near the supermarket. There are many flavors (味道) of ice-cream in the shop, such as chocolate, banana, strawberry and so on. He doesn't know which one to ___12___
“Come on," says Ben's father. “Your sister is sick. We need to go home ___13___!”
Ben buys a strawberry ice-cream. It is very___14___.Ben thinks that shopping isn't so___15___.He wishes to go shopping again with his father.
( ) 1.A. next to B. far from C.across from D.in front of
( )2.A. library B. park C.z00 D.hospital
( ) 3.A. practices B.forgets C.likes D.stops
( ) 4.A. go swimming B.go shopping C.go skating D.go dancing
( ) 5.A. because B.or C.but D.so
( )6.A.us B.them C.him D.her
( ) 7.A.bike B.boat C.bus D.car
( ) 8.A.ride B.spend C.fly D.run
( ) 9.A. finish B.join C.enjoy D.keep
( )10.A.thank B.study C.help D.miss
( ) 11.A. shop B.bank C.bookstore D.restaurant
( ) 12. A. learn B.sell C.cook D.buy
( )13. A. first B.again C.early D.hard
( )14.A. delicious B.terrible C.dirty D.clean
( )15.A. easy B.bad C.noisy D.right
If you go to England, you must be very careful on the street 1._____________the traffic drives on the left. 2.___________you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then left. In the morning and evening, when people go to or come back 3.___________work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dangerous then. When you drive a car 4.____________England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic 5.____________(move) on the left. So you must be careful to have 6._________look first, or you will go the wrong way.
In many 7.____________(city), there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the 8.___________(two) floor. From there you can see the city 9._____________(good). It is very 10.____________ (interest).
一、1.enjoys 2.monkeys 3.often 4.road 5.climbing 6.easily 7.money 8.air 9.spends 10.neighborhood
1.because 2.When 3.from 4.in 5.moves 6.a 7.cities 8.second 9.well 10.interesting
A. Stay with your friends
B. Let your parents know where you are
C. Call the police when you are scared
D. Don't talk with strangers
E. Make a lot of noise if you're scared
F. Find a place to ask for help
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 3
1.T_______________ left on Green Street and you'll find the hotel in front of you.
2.Go a______________this street and the bus station is about 50 meters on the r_____________.
3. Look! The pay phone is across from the s_______________.You can buy many things there.
4. Our school is b_____________the park and the post office.
5. If you want to find the bank, you can turn left at the fourth c_______________.
6. I am new in t____________and I don't know the way to the bank.
7. -- Is there a library a____________here -- Yes, it's in the c______________of our town.
8. Lucy is ill and she doesn't feel well. She needs to go to the h________________.
9. If you are in trouble, you'd better go to the police s______________to ask for help.
10. I'm so hungry. Let's find a r_____________ right now.
1. there be, hospital, around here
2. my mother, work, in, bank
3. there be, Center Street, school
(It's 9:00 a.m. now. Betty and Lingling 1._____________(stand) in front of Tian'anmen Square. )
Visitor: Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie
Betty: Sure. Go along Dong Chang'an Jie and turn left at the 2._____________(three) street. It's 3.____________the left. It's near here, 4.______________you can walk there.
Visitor: Great. And I'd like to buy a guidebook 5.___________ Beijing. Is there a bookshop near here
Lingling: Yes, there 6._________(be) a big bookshop over there, just along Xi Chang'an Jie, on the right, across 7.____________ the bank.
Visitor: Right, OK! I also want 8._____________(visit) the National Museum. Could you tell me 9._____________to get there
Lingling: Certainly. Go along the street and you'll see 10.__________underground station. Take the underground to the Olympic Sports Center, and you can take a bus or a taxi.
Visitor: Thanks a lot!
Betty and Lingling: No problem.
Many people can drive today, so there are a lot of cars on the street. At this time, many driving direction(方向) apps also come into our life. Now driving is very different.
But wrong direction app may make it not easy to find the place. That makes drivers miss the paper maps in the past.
It happens to everyone: The direction app tells you to turn left, but there's no street there. It says you should make a U-turn, but there is a sign (路标)telling drivers not to make U-turns.
An app is helping with directions, but you should know where you are going and what is happening on the roads. There is a man who is driving in a new city. He doesn't know the way well, so he opens his direction app and hopes that will help. But some minutes later, he and his car are in the river! The app tells him to drive on a broken bridge. He calls 911, and sits on the top of the car waiting for help. So, you must tell yourself where to go first and know more about the road conditions (状况)before going out. Don't always follow the apps.
Of course, everything has two sides. Because of these apps, most of the drivers can drive their cars more easily. Most of the direction apps can not only show drivers the right ways, but also help them do many other things. They can tell drivers which road has fewer cars, when to slow down, and where there is a camera.
( ) 1. To know the directions drivers used_________ in the past.
A. the paper maps B.the direction apps C. their watches D. some animals
( )2. The third paragraph shows us_____________.
it's very hard for old drivers to use the direction apps
there is something wrong with the direction apps
C. there are many signs telling you how to drive
D. the direction apps can help drivers find their ways
( ) 3. Why does the writer talk about a man in the fourth paragraph
A. To show us how funny he is.
B. To tell us not to follow the apps all the time.
C. To ask us to call 911 when we are in danger.
D. To make us know it's not good to drive too quickly.
( )4.What's the main idea of this passage
Drivers should learn to make more direction apps.
B. Drivers should stop using the direction apps
C. The direction apps can be good and bad for drivers
D.The direction apps are more and more welcome
Sam: Nancy, do you live near here
Nancy: Yes, my house is on Green Street, next to the bank, on the left.
Sam: I know there is a small park on Green Street.
Nancy: Yes, I often go there on Sundays.
Sam: Is it far from your house
Nancy: No, it's near my house. It's just next to the bank.
Sam: Then the bank is between your house and the park, right
Nancy: Yes, you're right. Is there any park near your house
Sam: No, there isn't. You're lucky. But there is a post office across from my house.
Nancy: Oh, that's good. Across from my house is a supermarket.
1._________________ 2._____________ 3.____________ 4._____________ 5._____________
一、1.Turn 2.along, right 3.supermarket 4.between 5.crossing 6.town 7.around, center 8.hospital 9.station 10. restaurant
二、1.Is there a hospital around here 2.My mother works in a bank. 3.There is a school on Center Street. 三、1.are standing 2.third 3.on 4.and 5. of 6. is 7.from 8.to visit 9.how 10.a
A. 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C
B.1.supermarket 2.Green Street 3.Nancy’s house 4.bank 5.park
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Period 2
1. My best friend sits n___________to me, so he is also my deskmate.
2. The bank is b_____________this building, so you can't see it from here.
3. I like living in the t_______________because people there are very friendly.
4.Hei Longjiang province (省) is in the n______________of China.
5. —Is there a post office a_______________ here —Yes, it's a____________ from the library.
6. —Where is your math teacher's o_______________ —It's on the second floor.
7. I know a nice Italian restaurant not f____________ from here. It only takes five minutes to get there.
8. -- Thank you for your dinner. -- No p_____________.It's my treat (请客).
1. The pay phone is behind the library.(改为同义句)
The library is___________ ___________ ____________the pay phone.
The library is near the park.(对画线部分提问)
___________ ___________the library
3. There is a watch on the desk.(改成复数句)
___________ ___________ some __________on the desks.
There are some nice stores on Green Street.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)
—__________ __________ ___________ nice stores on Green Street
—___________,____________ _____________.
5. There are some new clothes stores near Alan's house. (改为否定句)
There _____________ ____________ new clothes stores near Alan's house.
Brown City is a great city. ___1___ do I say this Because you can do many ___2___ things there.
First, you can___3___different kinds of museums with a long history. There are museums __4 __ Children’s Museum, Art Museum, Science Museum and so on.
Then, you can also visit ___5___wonderful places if you love animals. One of___6___is Big World, a big zoo in the city. Every Sunday you can___7___interesting animal shows there. The other place is Sun Zoo. It's always my favorite because there are lots of animals in it, and what's more, it's___8___ for middle school students like me. We don't need to buy tickets (票)for it. Besides, Sun Zoo is next to my home, so I can go there___9___.
There are___10___many other things you can do in Brown City. If you like___11___, you can visit
Riverwalk. There is a long river. It___12___Brown City. You can go down the river in a boat or walk
___13 ___the river. There are many wonderful places to visit along it. You can eat some ___14___food, like tacos, meat and pico de gallo in Volcano Hotel. People really like them. You can also___15___great pop music there.
Brown City is really an interesting city. Just visit it in your free time!
( ) A. Why B.How C.When D.Where
( )2.A.lucky B. same C.interesting D. difficult
( )3.A.buy B.visit C.draw D. leave
( )4.A.for B.at C.by D. like
( )5.A.one B.two C.three D. four
( )6.A.ours B.their C. they D.them
( )7. A. remember B.watch C.forget D. practice
( )8. A. friendly B.clean C.easy D. free
( )9. A. by car B.by bus C.on foot D. by train
( )10.A.too B.also C.either D. only
( )11.A.water B.animals C.music D.food
( )12.A. arrives B. follows C.turns D.crosses
( )13.A. under B. in C.along D.with
( )14. A. delicious B. bad C.tidy D.terrible
( )15. A. sound B. listen C.enjoy D.see
( )1.You can find hat the theater is________________.
A. behind the department store B. near the train station
C. across from Tony's Pizza D.in front of the park
( )2.You can’t_____________ on Smith Street.
A. eat a delicious pizza B. see an interesting movie
C. rent (租) video tapes D. buy beautiful shoes
( )3. Where is Tony's Pizza
A. It is on Holiday Street.
B. It is next to the coffee shop.
C. It is between the music store and the shoe store.
D. It is at the corner of Park Street and Smith Street.
( )4. Tom is choosing a pair of shoes for his mother. Then he wants to have a cup of coffee.
Which way is the best choice for him
A. Market Street. B. Spring Street. C.Smith Street, D.Park Street.
( )5.Jim just gets off the train and wants to visit St. Mary's Church. How can he get there
A. Go down Park Street and turn left to Main Street.
B. Go down Smith Street for two blocks (街区) and turn left. It is on the left.
C. Go down Spring Street and turn left to Park Street. Walk along Park Street for two blocks.
D. Go down Holiday Street and turn right to Park Street. Walk along Park Street for three blocks.
一、1.next 2.behind 3.town 4.north 5.around, across 6.office 7.far 8.problem
二、1.in front of 2.where is 3.There are watches 4.Are there any, No there aren’t 5.aren’t any
六、1.He is neither tall nor short. He is of medium height with short curly hair.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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