人教版七年级下册Unit9 What does he look like?知识清单 (无答案)

七下 Unit 9 What does he look like 知识清单 班级: 姓名
straight adj.直的 adv.直接地 go straight home直接回家
tall adj.高的(常指人、动物、树、建筑物高) a tall boy/ tree/building
Eg: How high is the mountain
high adj. 高的 → height n. 高度;身高
eg: What’s the height of the mountain .
描述某人多高:Sb+be+数字+meter(s)/foot(feet) in height/tall.
Eg: He is 1.78 meters in height.
thin-thinner adj.瘦的/更瘦的 →fat.-fatter 胖的/更胖的
heavy adj.重的(人/物) heavily adv.猛烈地,厉害地 rain heavily=a heavy rain
act v. 表演 (an) actor / actress. 男演员,女演员 (actresses. Pl.)
加后缀or: visitor , inventor, doctor , 加后缀er: reader, teacher, worker, singer.
加ist “从事...的专家”:artist, tourist, scientist,
person. n.人 personal adj.私人的,个人的 personal computers/problems
person“人”着重指个人,可数名词 people“人们”着重指全体,做集合名词
8 . art n. 美术,艺术 artist n. 艺术家 an artist 一位艺术家
9 . crime. n. 罪行(可数); “犯罪活动,不法行为” (不可数)。
criminal. n. 罪犯 adj. 犯罪的,犯法的
different adj.不同的 → differently adv.不同地
real adj.真的 → really adv.确实地
describe people’s look 描述人们的外貌
这是/那是...吗? Is this/that.... Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
询问某人外貌的句型:---What do/does sb look like ....长什么样?
①Sb.+be动词+外貌特征的形容词. eg: He is tall and thin.他又高又瘦。
Eg: My father isn't thin or heavy.我爸爸不瘦也不胖。
② sb.+be动词+ of medium height/build.
Eg: Linda is of medium height. 琳达中等身高。
③ sb.have/has a/an +形容词+hair/face/nose...
Eg:The little girl has a small mouth.这个小女孩有一张小嘴。
④ Sb.wear(s)+名词.
Eg: Lin Lei wears glasses.林磊戴着眼镜。
询问某人的性格或品质等个性特征: 某人怎么样?
--What is/are sb like ---Sb+is/are+性格/品质形容词( friendly/kind/ shy/strict).
Eg:--What is your English teacher like --- She is very friendly but strict.
Are you going to the movies tonight 今晚你去看电影吗?
①现在进行时表将来 :在英语中,表示计划、安排好的事情,可以使用进行时态表示将来要发生的动作;表示位移的动词(如:go, come, fly, leave, arrive等)的进行时态也可以表示将来。
Eg: We are meeting at seven tonight. 我们今晚七点见面。
He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 他明天要前往北京。
②去看电影: go to the cinema.=watch a movie=see a film=go to the movie(s)
But I may be a little late. 但是我可能晚一点儿。
① may be 可能是 (may 是情态动词,作谓语)
maybe 也许,可能 (adv. 作状语,用于句首)
Eg: He may be at home.= Maybe he is at home.
②a little = a bit=a little bit=kind of 修饰adj,adv eg: It’s a bit hot today.
③a little+不可数名词 :表肯定“一些” / little+不可数名词:表否定“几乎没有”
a few+可数名词:表肯定“一些” / few+可数名词:表否定“几乎没有”
Eg:a little water / little time / a few sheep / few Chinese
glass n. 玻璃(不可数un.); 玻璃杯(可数) 一杯(量)” eg: two glasses of water.
glasses (pl.) 眼镜 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜 wear glasses 戴眼镜
Is he tall or short 他个儿高还是矮? (选择疑问句)
See you later=See you then.一会见
later adv.以后 many years later.许多年后 later on 以后,随后
Here come the movies actors.(倒装句)
has a round/long face 一张圆/长脸 face to face 面对面 make a face做鬼脸
I like that woman with long blonde hair. 我喜欢那位有着金色长发的女士。
an actress/actor a great actress
my favorite movie actor/actress 我最喜欢的电影演员/女演员
an interesting job 一个有趣的工作
a police artist 一名警察绘画师
talk to/with sb 与sb谈话 talk about sth 谈论sth
talk to/with sb about sth 和sb谈论sth
Eg:She talks you about this book.
They tell Joe Brown what the criminal looks like. 他们告诉乔·布朗罪犯的长相。
宾语从句中,从句用陈述语序。 教材p16 1c 中的几个句子也是宾语从句如:Mary wants to know where Bob lives.
draw a picture of sth画一幅...的画
The police put it in the newspaper and on television to find them. 警察把它放在报纸上和电视上来寻找此人。
put. v. 把...放在 putting
put sth in the newspaper 把sth登报 on television在电视上 to 表目的,为了
put on 穿上 put away放好,收起来 put up张贴 put down 放下
each. 每个, 后可接“of +复数名词/代词”做主语,谓语动词用单数。
each 形容词 指两者或两者以上中的“每一个”,侧重个体
代词 作主语或宾语, each of+复数名词+动词三单
every 形容词 指三者或三者以上范围中的“每一个”,侧重总体,不单独使用
Eg: Each student has a book=Each of us has a book.
We each have a book= We have a book each.
Every student has a book= Every one of us has a book
On each side of the road on both sides of the road
Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently. 人们并非总以同样的方式看待事物,所以他们会将同一个人描述的不一样。★
not always 不总是(表部分否定)
way. ① n.方式 (in) the same way 以同样的方式 in this/that way 以这种方式
by the way. 顺便说一下 in the way 挡道
②线路,路 on the way to 在路上 on the way home在回家的路上 (省略to)
③ 方法:the way to do sth/ the way of doing sth.做某事的方法
(3) describe .v. 描述 n. description according to the description 根据描述
(4) differently. adv. 不同地 adj. different. in different ways以不同的方式.
look different/the same 看起来不同/一样
He has long straight brown hair and big eyes. 他留着长长的棕色直发和大眼睛。
Eg: that big round apple那个又大又圆的苹果
辨析another, other, the other, others 与the others
(1) another同类事物中三者或三者以上的另一个 one...another 一个...另一个
other +n. pl. 其他的,另外的
the other 两者中的另一个 one....,the other 一个....另一个
others 剩余中的一些(并非全部) some....others...一些....另一些....
the others 一定范围内剩余的全部 some....the others...一些....剩余的....
(2) another +可数名词单数: eg: another woman says
another +数词: 再有几个....还有几个=数词+more
one another= each other互相
Eg: I want another two apples= I want two more apples.
in the end最后,终于
a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 ...pairs of jeans ...几条牛仔裤,做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式与pair的单复数保持一致。
Grammar Focus规律总结
What do/does sb. look like 某人长什么样
--Sb.am/is/are+ 外貌形容词:...某人…… / Sb has/have+adj+n... 某人长着……
2. Do/Does sb. have...or... 某人长着……还是……
--Sb.has/have... 某人长着……
3. Am/ls/Are sb. .….or.…. 某人……还是……
--Sb,am/is/are... 某人……
①一般疑问句形式: 一般疑问句+or+另一选项?
Eg: Can you play the guitar or the piano
②特殊疑问句形式: 特殊疑问句+选项A or 选项B?
Eg: When do you get up, at six or at seven
选择疑问句的回答:不能用Yes/No, 应从提供的选项中选择一项回答/根据实际情况回答。
Eg: Does she have long hair or short hair Short hair.
Unit 9知识点专练
一、 短句填空
1. The girl wants to be an _______(art) like her father.
2. The woman _____ curly blonde hair often _______(wear) a pair of funny glasses.
3. Look at the _______ rain. It's raining _______.(heavy)
4.________people see the same things ___________(different)
5.Each of us ________(have) a book.
6.The books __________(be) 5 yuan each
7.We each __________(have) a book.
8.Here _________(come) the movie actors
9. Here _________(be) two nice photos of my family
9.We can see _______our eyes
10.I often go hiking ______ him.
11. I like sleeping _______ the light on. 12.The white jeans________(be) mine.
13.This pair of jeans ________(be) mine.
14.Where are my books I ________(put) it here last night.
15. Can you _______(put) it in newspapers



