2024届 高考英语 二轮复习: 写作 专题练习(含答案)

Exercise 1
假如你是李华, 你校的英国外教 Tom 最近做了一场关于提高英语听力的讲座。请你用英文给他回封电子邮件, 内容包括:
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3.开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
Dear Tom,

All the best!
Li Hua
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。
It was a Saturday in June. Out of a 16-year-old’s early summer boredom, I had set up a tent in our rural yard and intended to sleep in it, but I stayed in the house to finish watching a movie. It was almost midnight and my parents had been asleep upstairs for hours when someone knocked at the front door. It never occurred to me to answer it.
To my surprise, it was a girl about my age with a bloody cut on her forehead.“Hi. I’m Maria. What’s wrong with you ” I asked her with concern. Awkward and embarrassed, she replied,“I’m Jane. I...” She hesitated and then asked me carefully, “May I stay here for the night I’ll be off tomorrow morning.” Seeing her uneasiness, I comforted her, “Take it easy, Jane. Stay with me tonight.” I invited her into the house.
Looking around, Jane appeared to have calmed down.“Let me treat your injury first,” I said and she agreed.
I cleaned and bandaged(包扎) her injured forehead and then gave her some bread and bacon to eat.“Want to sleep in my tent ” I asked her and she nodded. Having left her in the bathroom, I went to look for another sleeping bag. When I returned, Jane was seated on the sofa and sadness clouded her face.
Walking across the dark yard, I accompanied Jane into the tent. We lay down side by side. Seized by curiosity and concern, I constantly turned over, wondering what had happened to her and how she came here. Jane seemed to have sensed that and started to speak.
Jane’s father died of cancer years before. Her mother did odd cleaning jobs to raise her. Money was tight but her mother tried to do what she could to satisfy Jane. Several weeks before, Jane accidentally saw a fancy white dress in the store window, which she fell in love with at first sight. She excitedly told her mother about that, who promised to buy it as her birthday gift. From then on, Jane was looking forward to it.

Havingtoldherstory, Janesaidsheregrettedbeinginconsideratetohermother.

Exercise 1
假定你是李华, 你的好友Tom想了解你校下周六将要进行的劳动课。请你给他写一封电子邮件, 内容如下:
2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。
My mother worked as a housekeeper and she was often given used toys as well as many other goodies by her clients. My elder sister and I always loved sharing the recycled books and board games brought home by my beloved mom, which we considered great gifts life presented us.
The long-awaited Christmas finally approached. One December day, an old model toy car arrived in the load of goods. It was as long as my forearm and took both hands to lift. My sister didn’t want it, so it was all mine. I immediately set down to wiping it clean and polishing it to a bright candy-apple red. It turned to be a thing of beauty, and I became overjoyed at possessing it. My elder sister was amazed at the newly-polished, refreshing toy car, with a hint of regret and envy in her eyes.
As was planned, our relatives from France came to visit us that Christmas. It was a time when the family bond got strengthened. I shared the prized toy car with Alex, my young French cousin. Eyes glued to it, he fell in love with the wonderful, shiny red automobile the instant he saw it. It was a rare moment to see him feeling so relieved and happy. He’d been unlucky so far in life, suffering severe, life-threatening illnesses as a child, leaving him mentally and physically stuck and the family starved of cash. Of course, such lovely toys like my dear model car were unreachable dreams for him.
Seeing Alex’s consuming thrill brought by the red car, I was seized by immense joy as well.But contrary to Alex’s excitement, a voice inside me constantly reminded, “Watch out! He’d keep it for himself.”, which got me faintly worried. I followed my cousin for fear of something.
My mother also noticed Alex’s fondness for the car. Approaching me, she asked gently in a low voice, “Would you like to give it to Alex ”
Givingorkeeping Istruggledwithmyself.

Inthemomentofparting, mymodelcarwentwithAlex.

Ⅰ.Dear Tom,
Thank you very much indeed for your wonderful lecture on how to improve listening. I’ve learnt really a lot from it. I have overcome the listening barrier. Besides I can get the main idea of the conversation.
However, I am still puzzled by some difficulties in listening. For example, I find it hard to follow the speed of the speaker and I also feel it hard to continue listening when meeting with new words and the topics I am not familiar with. What can I do Would you please give me some advice I would be really grateful if you could help me out.
Thank you very much again. Your earliest reply would be appreciated.
All the best!
Li Hua
Ⅱ.  Jane’s16thbirthdaycamebuthermotherdidn’tgethomeuntiltheevening. Thirsty for the dress, Jane got extremely disappointed when seeing her mother back empty-handed. She stormed off before her mother could stop her. Jane walked angrily and aimlessly only to find herself in an unknown place hours later. Worse still, she fell down in the dark, hurting her forehead. Painful and hungry, she came to realise she shouldn’t have been so willful, but there was nobody around she could turn to for help. So she had to move on until she saw the light from our house.
Havingtoldherstory, Janesaidsheregrettedbeinginconsideratetohermother.I kept comforting her until we fell asleep. When Dad awoke us and was told the whole story the next morning, he said to Jane seriously,“It’s dangerous to run away from home. Your mother must be anxious about your safety. I’ll drive you home immediately.” After an hour’s ride, we reached Jane’s home, in front of which stood a worried woman. Jane rushed over and hugged her tightly, saying tearfully,“Sorry, Mum.” Witnessing this, Dad and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Ⅰ.Dear Tom,
I’m delighted to tell you a labour class is scheduled at 8:00 next Saturday morning in our school.
The labour class aims to improve students’ skills in life, which has many interesting activities, including planting trees or flowers, raising chicks and helping do some cleaning. Therefore, I would very much like to invite you to join us. If you do, please take some necessary working tools, such as brooms and gloves. Besides, don’t forget to arrive at our school on time.
Looking forward to your coming!
Li Hua
Ⅱ.  Givingorkeeping Istruggledwithmyself. Giving it Hardly could I imagine life without the model car! After all, it was my most precious treasure, which I had been proud of. My heart kept aching at the prospect of giving it away. Nope! I shook my head determinedly. Glancing at my mother’s expectant eyes, I couldn’t help sobbing. Keeping it Definitely, it would otherwise upset Alex. Torn between the two tough choices, I was totally at a loss. Nevertheless, deep down, I could feel my affection to Alex. Yep! I resolved to do the right thing.
Inthemomentofparting, mymodelcarwentwithAlex.Though I was crushed to see it go, my heart sang when I saw his beaming face as he tightly clutched it. Seeing the thumbs-up from my mother and sister, I felt a sense of relief, pride and joy, for I knew it was not a gift; to some extent, it was our concern and love for him. Plus, sharing the model car also strengthened our bond, which, I was fully convinced, would always uplift him. An effort made for the happiness of others lifted us above ourselves as well.




下一篇:四川省内江市2023-2024高一下学期4月期中联考数学试题 (原卷版+解析版)