【课堂无忧】Unit 6 Sunshine for all 第4课时课件+教案+学习任务单+课后练习(牛津译林版八下)

课题 Unit 6 Integrated skills & Study skills 单元 Unit 6 课型 听说课
使用教材 牛津译林 出版时间 2013 学科 英语 年级 八
教材分析 首先通过一段视频导入新课,进而了解偏远山区的孩子们艰苦的学习条件。然后通过A1、A2部分的听力详细了解朱迪做志愿者所在学校的状况。Speak up部分的听力练习,通过问答的方式,谈论如何去帮助那些需要帮助的人。然后就这一课时的知识点进行讲解和练习。在Study skills部分,了解英文写作中谋篇布局的几种方法,再通过一些例子教会学生使用不同的布局方法。
学习目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标:1.知识目标掌握词汇:south-west, north-west, project2.能力目标(1)能从听力材料中获取有用的信息;能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整;能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助;(2)了解英文写作中谋篇布局的几种方法;学会根据不同的文章内容使用不同的布局方法;能辨别英语文章所运用的布局方法。3.情感目标 通过了解在山区的工作情况,培养学生帮助他人的意识。
重点 能从听力材料中获取有用的信息;能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整;能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助。
难点 学会根据不同的文章内容,使用不同的布局方法;能辨别英语文章所运用的布局方法。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入(5分钟) 1. Watch a video and say: 2. Show some pictures about the poor students in poor areas and ask: How is their life Luckily, many college students volunteer to work as teachers in such places. They have joined the volunteer project to help poor children in south-west and north-west of China. 通过看视频引入本课。通过图片导入新课的学习,激发了学生的学习兴趣。
课前活动(10分钟) Step 2 Listening and speaking1. Part A1. Listen carefully and choose the correct answers. Then check the answers. Answers: 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b A2:Judy is talking to Peter on the phone about her experience. Listen to their conversation and help Peter complete his notes.3. Part A3. Help Peter complete his diary with the information in Parts A1 and A2. 4.Discussion(1)What do you think of being a volunteer teacher in a mountain area (2)Would you like to be one of them Why 5.Make up a new dialogue Learn something about Judy’s volunteer life. Show Peter’s questions and predict Judy’s volunteer life according to Peter’s questions.2. Part A23. Part A3 通过当堂练习与反馈,对学生进行适当的解题方法及技巧的指导。播放课文录音,提出问题,启发学生思考。让学生在听的过程中获得一些重要信息。
课中活动(15分钟) 1.As a middle school student, how can you help people in your daily life 2.Speak up 1. Listen and answer.How can we help homeless people Answer: We can give food to them.How can we help the elderly Answer: We can give our seats on the bus to the elderly.2. Listen and read the dialogue. 3. Show some pictures and ask students to make up a new dialogue. 学生整合、转化听力材料,鼓励他们用不一样的动词或动词词组来造句,发展他们的发散性思维。本环节可为后续的听力任务及交流活动进行铺
课后活动(15分钟) Study skills ExercisesHomework Learn the different ways to organize the ideas.Choose the best way for each topic. Write A, B, C or D in the box. 【设计意图:1.学习Study skills 2.总结并巩固重点句型,帮助学生做到学以致用。2.认识梳理,知识形成框架】
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学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
课题 Unit 6 Integrated skills & Study skills
使用教材 牛津译林版 出版日期 2013
姓名 学校 班级 学号
通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标:1.知识目标掌握词汇:south-west, north-west, project2.能力目标(1)能从听力材料中获取有用的信息;能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整;能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助;(2)了解英文写作中谋篇布局的几种方法;学会根据不同的文章内容使用不同的布局方法;能辨别英语文章所运用的布局方法。3.情感目标 通过了解在山区的工作情况,培养学生帮助他人的意识。重点难点1.重点:能从听力材料中获取有用的信息;能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整;能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助。2.难点:学会根据不同的文章内容,使用不同的布局方法;能辨别英语文章所运用的布局方法。
一、单词拼写1.It’s very brave of him (protect) his little brother.2.The book is very (help) to parents who have disabled children.3.We all e China to host the Olympic Games again.4.It is meaningful everyone to join the Tree Planting Club.5.It is really nice you to help me work it out.6.Project Hope is an to help poor children all over the country to get education.7. (improve) your English, you should practise it as often as possible.8.—Remember (turn) off the light when you leave the room.—OK, I will.9.I keep in touch with my grandparents by (talk) to them on the phone.10.Sam’s grandfather is b , so he can’t see anything.二、单项选择11.—I want to visit Nanjing Museum. Could you please tell me something about it —Sorry, I know just a little. You can read the ________ on its website.A.instruction B.introduction C.conversation D.suggestion12.It’s 7:00 am now. It’s time ________ breakfast.A.to have B.having C.have D.had13.This March, the weather in Taizhou was really changeable. People seemed to ________ four seasons in a week.A.expect B.experience C.explain D.express14.—Did the expert give you any ________ —Yes. I know how to solve my problem now.A.prize B.advice C.reason D.meal15.It is important for us ________ how to study all the subjects.A.to know B.knew C.will know D.know16.—Do you think Anna will win the competition —I’m not sure. But I do ________ her to win.A.send B.expect C.invite17.—I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening. —I ________. It’s not safe enough.A.believe B.support C.imagine D.disagree18.John takes after his father. They look ________ and both like helping others.A.talented B.loud C.different D.similar19.________ seems difficult ________ who broke the window.A.This; to find out B.It; to find out C.That; finding out20.________ is necessary ________ it to yourself when someone tells you something personal.A.It;to make B.That;making C.It;to keep D.That;keeping三、完型填空A soldier was finally coming home after the war in Vietnam (越南) . He 21 his parents from San Francisco, “Mum and Dad, I am coming home, but I have a friend that I’d like to bring home 22 me.” “Sure, ” his parents answered. “We’d love 23 him.”“But there’s something you should know,” the son said, “he was hurt badly in the war. He lost an arm and a leg. He has 24 place to go, and I want him to come and live with us.” “I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find a place to live.”“No, Mum and Dad, I want him to live with us.” “Son,” his father said, “you don’t know 25 you’re asking. Living with 26 person would make it very difficult for us. We have our own life to 27 , and we can’t let 28 like him enter our lives. I think you should just come home and 29 about this man. He’ll find a way to live 30 his own.”At that moment, the son hung up (挂断) the 31 . The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, they 32 a call from San Francisco police. Their son died after 33 from a building. The police believed it was suicide (自杀). The 34 parents flew to San Francisco and saw the body of their son. To their 35 , they also learned something else. Their son had only one arm and one leg.21.A.met B.phoned C.saw D.said22.A.for B.without C.at D.with23.A.to meet B.meeting C.to chat D.chatting24.A.no any B.no C.not D.none25.A.what B.that C.who D.where26.A.so B.so a C.such D.such a27.A.play B.live C.visit D.watch28.A.nothing B.anyone C.nobody D.no one29.A.remember B.forget C.win D.reach30.A.by B.for C.in D.on31.A.phone B.letter C.post D.mail32.A.accepted B.received C.reached D.saw33.A.falling B.fell C.fall D.dropped34.A.happy B.kind C.brave D.sad35.A.joy B.interest C.surprise D.excitement四、阅读理解Every day I pass by a homeless old man on the street. He usually sits near where I go to school. Whenever I pass by, he says “hello” in a cheerful manner, and I always say it back. I give him any extra(多余的)change I have. The old man always wears an old watch. It is not an expensive watch by any means, but it serves its purpose. One day I noticed he wasn’t wearing it any more. I asked him why and he looked down and told me that the battery(电池)had died so he threw it away. I knew he couldn’t buy a new battery and he had no enough money to buy a new watch. He stayed on my mind all day, and I knew what I had to do. I went out to a shop and bought him a watch. It was not an expensive one, but one that was very similar to the one he had. When I saw him the next day, he was smiling and cheerful as ever. When I bent down to put some change in his cup, I also dropped the watch in. I didn’t say anything about it. I just smiled at him and kept on walking. He didn’t even notice it until I left. I looked back and watched as he pulled the watch from the cup. He looked to me and I just smiled and nodded. He put the watch on with a big smile on his face and I walked happily on my way.36.The old man always greets the writer when she passes because ________.A.she is a studentB.she usually gives him some moneyC.she has a lot of moneyD.she is always cheerful37.Why did the old man throw the watch away A.Because the writer said she would give him one.B.Because he wanted to get a new one.C.Because the battery had no power.D.Because the watch didn’t serve its purpose.38.From the passage we can learn that ________.A.the old man knew the writer had brought him a new watchB.the old man didn’t see the watch when the writer put it in the cupC.the writer dropped nothing but a watch in the cupD.the watch must have cost the writer a lot of money39.What do we know about the new watch A.It was a little expensive.B.It was cheaper than the one the old man had.C.It was more beautiful.D.It looked like the one the old man had. 40.What’s the best title of the passage A.How to help others B.Don’t throw old things awayC.An expensive gift D.A homeless old man五、短文填空I think it wonderful to help others, so I would like to t 41 part in the activity this weekend.My neighbour Mr Li needs our h 42 . He is 75 years old now and he is disabled. What’s worse, he is blind. Since he lives alone, it’s r 43 difficult for him to take a walk and do some reading. So I plan to take him for a walk. I will chat with him and r 44 newspapers for him. I also plan to help c 45 his flat. It is necessary for us to do something for the elderly. And we can also learn more about their lives.We know now there are many left-behind(留守) children. Their parents work far away f 46 their hometown. These children are facing many p 47 now. It is easy for them to feel lonely and they also have some t 48 making friends with others sometimes. I think we should plan a volunteer project to help them. And we can d 49 our money and clothes to them. We should care more about them. And their parents should return to their children as often as p 50 .参考答案:1.to protect【详解】句意:他保护他的弟弟是非常勇敢的。此处是结构it’s adj. of sb. to do sth.“某人做某事是……的”。故填to protect。2.helpful【详解】句意:这本书对有残疾孩子的父母很有帮助。根据“to parents who have disabled children.”可知这本书很有帮助,作表语用形容词helpful“有帮助的”。故填helpful。3.(e)xpect【详解】句意:我们都期待中国再次举办奥运会。结合首字母提示和题干可知,空格处表示“期待”,动词expect符合语境;根据语境可知,时态是一般现在时,主语We表示复数,所以动词expect用原形。故填(e)xpect。4.for【详解】句意:加入植树俱乐部对每个人来说都是有意义的。分析句子可知,此处形容词meaningful形容“加入植树俱乐部”,故此处用结构it is adj. for sb. to do sth.“对某人来说做某事是……的”。故填for。5.of【详解】句意:你能帮我解决这个问题真是太好了。分析句子可知,形容词nice是说明人的品质,故此处用结构it is adj. of sb. to do sth.“某人做某事是……的”。故填of。6.organization【详解】句意:希望工程是一个帮助全国贫困儿童接受教育的组织。根据“Project Hope”可知希望工程是一个慈善组织,an后加可数名词单数organization“组织”。故填organization。7.To improve【详解】句意:为了提高你的英语,你应该尽可能多地练习。“you should practise it as often as possible.”的目的是“improve your English”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故填To improve。8.to turn【详解】句意:——当你离开房间时,记得关灯。——好的,我会的。根据“Remember...(turn) off the light when you leave the room.”可知,关灯这件事还未做,此处是提醒“记得要去关灯”,remember to do sth.“记得去做某事”,空处应是to turn。故填to turn。9.talking【详解】句意:我和我的祖父母通过打电话来保持联系。介词by后接动名词talking。故填talking。10.(b)lind【详解】句意:山姆的爷爷是个盲人,所以他什么也看不见。根据“so he can’t see anything”和所给首字母可知,他什么也看不见,故可知,山姆的爷爷是失明的,空格处应用形容词作表语,“瞎的,盲的”blind。故填(b)lind。11.B【详解】句意:——我想参观南京博物馆。你能告诉我一些它的情况吗?——对不起,我只知道一点点。你可以在其网站上阅读介绍。考查名词辨析。instruction用法说明;introduction介绍;conversation对话;suggestion建议。根据“Could you please tell me something about it ”及“You can read the ... on its website.”可知,可以在网站上阅读关于南京博物馆的介绍。故选B。12.A【详解】句意:现在是早上7点。该吃早饭了。考查非谓语。根据固定句型it’s time to do sth“到做某事的时间了”可知,空处用动词不定式,故选A。13.B【详解】句意:今年三月,泰州的天气真是多变。人们似乎在一周内经历了四季。考查动词辨析。expect期盼;experience经历,体验;explain解释;express表达。根据“four seasons in a week”及语境可知此处指一周内经历了四季。故选B。14.B【详解】句意:——专家有给你一些建议吗?——是的。我现在知道如何解决我的问题了。考查名词辨析。prize奖品;advice建议;reason原因;meal一餐。根据“I know how to solve my problem now.”可知,专家给了建议,“我”现在知道该如何解决“我”的问题了。故选B。15.A【详解】句意:对我们来说,知道如何学习所有的科目是很重要的。考查非谓语动词。该句是“It is+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.”句型,表示“对某人来说做某事是……的”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。故选A。16.B【详解】句意:——你认为安娜会赢得比赛吗?——我不确定。但我确实希望她能赢。考查动词辨析。send发送;expect期待,盼望;invite邀请。根据“But I do...her to win”可知,本句表达说话者对安娜赢得比赛的期待,选项B符合语境。故选B。17.D【详解】句意:——我认为应该允许青少年晚上和他们的朋友出去。——我不同意。这不够安全。考查动词辨析。believe相信;support支持;imagine想象;disagree不同意。根据“It’s not safe enough.”可知,应是不同意对方的观点,故选D。18.D【详解】句意:约翰长得像他父亲。他们看起来很相似,都喜欢帮助别人。考查形容词词义辨析。talented有才能的;loud大声的;different不同的;similar相像的。根据“John takes after his father.”可知,约翰和他的父亲长得很像。故选D。19.B【详解】句意:要查出是谁打破了玻璃似乎很难。考查固定句型。It seems adj.+to do sth.是固定句型,表示“做某事似乎很……”,It是形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。故选B。20.C【详解】句意:当别人告诉你一些私人的事情时,你有必要保守秘密。考查it固定句型和动词短语。根据“is necessary ... it to yourself”可知,此处是固定句型It is+形容词+to do sth“做某事是……的”,空一处用it作形式主语,排除B、D选项;空二处是固定短语keep ... to oneself“保守秘密”。故选C。21.B 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.B 29.B 30.D 31.A 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C【导语】本文讲述了一个士兵打电话告诉父母要把一个失去一条腿和一只胳膊的朋友带回家一起生活,遭到父母的反对,后来父母收到警察的电话,被告知儿子自杀身亡,伤心的父母最后惊讶地发现儿子只有一条腿和一只胳膊。21.句意:他从旧金山给父母打电话met遇到;phoned打电话;saw看见;said说。根据后文“At that moment, the son hung up…”可知,此处是儿子给父母打电话,故选B。22.句意:爸爸妈妈,我要回家了,但我有一个朋友想带回家。for为了;without没有;at在;with和……一起。根据下文“I want him to come and live with us”可知,是告诉父母想把朋友一起带回家,故选D。23.句意:我们很想见到他。to meet遇到,动词不定式;meeting动名词;to chat聊天,动词不定式;chatting动名词。would love to do sth.意为“想要做某事”;又因为此处指他的父母想见到他的朋友,故选A。24.句意:他没有地方可去,我想让他来和我们一起住。no any没有;no不;not不是;none没有一人。根据“I want him to come and live with us”可知,朋友无处可去,has no place to go意为“无处可去”,故选B。25.句意:你不知道你在要求什么。what什么;that引导宾语从句无实义;who谁;where哪里。分析句子可知这里是引导宾语从句;根据“you’re asking”可知,是指在要求什么,故选A。26.句意:和这样一个人生活在一起会让我们很困难。so如此;so a错误表达;such如此;such a如此一个。so修饰形容词,such修饰名词。根据空格后的名词person可知,此处修饰名词,要用such,person是单数名词加冠词a,such a person意为“如此的一个人”,故选D。27.句意:我们有自己的生活要过,我们不能让任何像他这样的人进入我们的生活。play玩;live居住;visit参观;watch观看。根据“We have our own life”可知,live的宾语是life,故选B。28.句意:我们有自己的生活要过,我们不能让任何像他这样的人进入我们的生活。nothing没有东西;anyone任何人;nobody没有人;no one没有一人。根据“We have our own life…”可知,此处指不能让任何人进入我们的生活,故选B。29.句意:我觉得你应该回家忘掉这个男人。remember记得;forget忘记;win获胜;reach到达。根据“He’ll find a way to live”可知,这里指父母让儿子赶紧回家,忘了他的朋友,故选B。30.句意:他会找到自己生活的办法。by被……;for为了;in在……里面;on在……上面。on one’s own意为“独自地”,结合句意,故选D。31.句意:就在这时,儿子挂断了电话。phone电话;letter信;post邮件;mail电子邮件。根据前文可知,是儿子给父母打电话,所以此处指挂断电话,故选A。32.句意:几天后,他们接到旧金山警方的电话。accepted接受;received收到;reached到达;saw看见。根据“a call from San Francisco police”可知,是收到旧金山警方的电话,故选B。33.句意:他们的儿子坠楼身亡。falling落下,动名词;fell落下,过去式;fall落下,原形;dropped原形。根据介词after可知,后面接动名词,故选A。34.句意:悲伤的父母飞往旧金山,看到了他们儿子的尸体。happy高兴的;kind善良的;brave勇敢的;sad伤心的。根据“The police believed it was suicide.”可知,警察断定是自杀,所以父母一定很伤心,故选D。35.句意:令他们惊讶的是,他们还了解到一些东西。joy高兴;interest兴趣;surprise惊讶;excitement激动。根据“Their son had only one arm and one leg.”可知,这让他的父母很惊讶,故选C。36.B 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.A【导语】本文介绍了作者帮助一位无家可归的老人的故事。每次经过老人身边都给一些零用钱,在得知老人把手表扔了之后给老人买手表的故事,说明作者知道该如何帮助别人。36.细节理解题。根据“I give him any extra (多余的) change I have.”可知,我给他零钱。所以当作者走过时,那位老人总是向她打招呼。故选B。37.推理判断题。根据“I asked him why and he looked down and told me that the battery(电池) had died so he threw it away.”可知,老人把手表扔了是因为电池没有电了。故选C。38.推理判断题。根据“He didn’t even notice it until I left.”可知,当我把手表放到老人的杯子里的时候,老人没有看见。故选B。39.细节理解题。根据“It was not an expensive one, but one that was very similar to the one he had.”可知,这块新的手表与老人扔掉的手表差不多。故选D。40.最佳标题题。通读全文可知本文自始至终都讲了如何帮助一位无家可归的老人的故事。因此最好的题目是A选项。故选A。41.(t)ake 42.(h)elp 43.(r)eally 44.(r)ead 45.(c)lean 46.(f)rom 47.(p)roblems 48.(t)rouble 49.(d)onate 50.(p)ossible【导语】本文主要说的是空巢老人和留守儿童的问题。他们需要社会的关怀和帮助,同时作为子女或父母,他们也要尽量经常回家看望父母或子女。41.句意:我觉得帮助别人很好,所以我想参加这个周末的活动。take part in“参加”,结合would like to do sth“想要做某事”,可知设空处填动词原形,故填(t)ake。42.句意:我的邻居李先生需要我们的帮助。根据“He is 75 years old now and he is disabled.”和首字母提示可知,因为残疾所以需要帮助,不可数名词help意为“帮助”,符合句意,故填(h)elp。43.句意:由于他一个人住,对他来说散步和看书都非常困难。根据“Since he lives alone”和首字母提示可知,因为一个人住,所以自己走路和读书都非常困难,副词really“非常”符合句意,故填(r)eally。44.句意:我会和他聊天,帮他读报纸。根据“newspapers”和首字母提示可知,此处指的是“读报纸”,will后接动词原形,read“读”符合句意,故填(r)ead。45.句意:我还计划帮他打扫房间。根据“his flat”和首字母提示可知,此处指的是“打扫公寓”,结合help do sth“帮助做某事”,可知设空处用动词原形,动词clean“打扫”符合句意,故填(c)lean。46.句意:他们的父母在远离家乡的地方工作。far away from意为“远离”,设空处应填介词from,与后面的名词“hometown”组成介宾结构,故填(f)rom。47.句意:这些孩子现在面临许多问题。根据“It is easy for them to feel lonely”和首字母提示可知留守儿童面临很多问题,需要填名词复数,problem“问题”符合句意,其复数形式为problems。故填(p)roblems。48.句意:他们很容易感到孤独,有时也很难与他人交朋友。根据“It is easy for them to feel lonely”和首字母提示可知,have trouble in doing“做某事有困难”,设空处应填trouble“麻烦、困难”。故填(t)rouble。49.句意:我们可以把钱和衣服捐给他们。根据“our money and clothes to them”和首字母提示可知,此处指的是“捐钱给他们”,情态动词“can”后接动词原形,动词donate“捐赠”符合句意,故填(d)onate。50.句意:他们的父母应该尽可能多地回到孩子身边。分析句子及根据首字母提示可知,设空处应填形容词,与前面的“as often as”构成短语,as often as possible“尽可能经常地”,故填(p)ossible。
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Unit 6 Integrated skills & Study skills
Learning objectives
Learning objectives
After learning this lesson, you can:
1.To get a general understanding about volunteer project.
2.TTo respond to information obtained from listening by completing the notes.
3.To talk about ways to help people in need in our daily life.
Lead in
How is their life
Schools in mountain areas
How is their life
Luckily, many college students volunteer to work as teachers in such places.
They have joined the volunteer project to help poor children in south-west and north-west of China.
A1 Peter’s cousin Judy is telling him about a volunteer project. Listen carefully. Help Peter answer the following questions by choosing the correct answers.
Working in a mountain area
1. What is Judy
a A college student b A primary school teacher.
2. Where is she going
a South-west China b North-west China.
3. Why is she going there
a For a volunteer project b For a training plan.
4 What will she do there
a Teach in a primary school. b Work in the fields.
5 How long will she stay there
a For one year. b For three months.
6 How can Peter and Judy keep in touch
a By writing emails. b By talking on the phone.
School: a very (1) ________ school in a (2) _________ area
only (3) ________ classrooms
Students: live in villages (4) ________
walk for more than (5) ______ to get to school
Judy's life: teaches them Chinese, (6) _______ and Maths
teaches them (7) ______ after class
gives them a lot of (8) ______
What she thinks: meaningful to learn more about (9) ____________ of China
helpful to (10) _______ the children there
far away
an hour
the poor areas
A2:Judy is talking to Peter on the phone about her experience. Listen to their conversation and help Peter complete his notes.
My cousin Judy has taken part in a (1) ________________ in her college. She works as a primary school (2) _______ in North-west China for (3) _______.
The school is very (4) _____. There are only (5) ____________in the school. Most of the students live (6) ________ and they have to walk for more than (7) ________ to get to school.
volunteer project
one year
six classrooms
far away
an hour
Judy works hard there. She teaches them Chinese, (8) ________ and Maths. After class, she sometimes teaches them (9) ________. She also gives them (10) ____________ to read.
a lot of books
Judy thinks it is meaningful for college students to learn more about (11) _____________of China. It is also helpful of them to (12) ______ the children there. In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives.
the poor areas
1. What do you think of being a volunteer teacher in a mountain area
2. Would you like to be one of them Why
As a middle school student, how can you help people in your daily life
What are they talking about
They are talking about the ways of helping people in our daily lives.
How many ways are mentioned in the dialogue
Four. Donating pocket money to those in need, working as volunteers at community centres or in libraries at the weekend, giving food to homeless people and giving our seats on the bus to the elderly.
Make up a new dialogue
A:How can we help people in our daily lives
B:We can ...
C:I agree.And it’s meaningful to ...
D:We can also ...
E:Yes.And it’s good to ...
As a middle school student, how can you help people in your daily life
The Class 1, Grade 8 students are discussing how they can help people in their daily lives. Let’s listen to their conversation.
Speak up
How many ways are mentioned (提到)in the dialogue
How can we help homeless people
We can give food to them.
Listen again and answer.
Daniel : How can we help people in our daily lives
Peter : We can save our pocket money and
donate it to those in need .
Millie : I agree. And it’s meaningful to work as
volunteer at community centres or in
libraries at the weekend.
Simon : We can also give food to homeless
people .
Sandy : Yes . And it’s good to give our seats on
the bus to the elderly .
How can we help people in our daily lives
Topics Your opinions
What good qualities should a volunteer teacher have
As a middle school student, what can you do to help the children in mountain areas
Study skills
woman without her man is nothing
The day finally arrived. My friends and I spent the whole day at Disneyland.
First, we had fun on Space Mountain. It was really exciting! Next, we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal. Then, we watched a parade of Disney characters. It was the best part of the day. After that, we watched a 4-D film. It was like magic. Finally, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. The castle looked bright and beautiful under the fireworks.
We enjoyed this trip very much.
A day at Hong Kong Disneyland
Main body
We use this method when we write about an experience or an event.
Time order
Learn the different ways to organize the ideas.
Topic: A trip to Nanjing
A day at/in...
first(ly), at first, first of all,
in the beginning
then, after that, afterwards
second(ly), later
finally, at last, lastly
We can organize our ideas in ______ order when we write about _____________ or an event.
an experience
Space order
We use this method when we describe a place or an object.
Topic: My bedroom
The door…
My bed…
The computer on my desk…
The window…
7B Unit2 Task My dream home
B. Space order 空间顺序
It is important for teachers to wear uniforms.
Uniforms can show the teachers’ authority at school.
Wearing uniforms can show that they are proud of the school.
Wearing uniforms would help the teachers communicate well with each other.
Uniforms would help the teachers get more respect from their students.
If teachers wear uniforms, the students won’t talk about the teachers’ clothes.
Uniforms can show the teachers’ authority at school.
Wearing uniforms can show that they are proud of the school.
Wearing uniforms would help the teachers communicate well with each other.
Uniforms would help the teachers get more respect from their students.
If teachers wear uniforms, the students won’t talk about the teachers’ clothes.
It is important for teachers to wear uniforms.
Specific to general
General to specific
A. Time order
B. Space order
C. General to specific
D. Specific to general
Choose the best way for each topic. Write A, B, C or D in the box.
1. A day at Hong Kong Disneyland
2. Good reading habits are important
3. Teenagers’ after-school activities
4. My dream home
5. Changes in my hometown
6. It is fantastic to be a volunteer
Time order: 常用于叙述经历或事件,可以用first、next、then
Space order: 常用于描述一个地方或一件物品。
General to specific: 先提出观点,再用具体实例来支撑观点。
Specific to general: 先陈述事实、列举实例,再陈述观点。(与G-S相反)
I. 根据首字母或中文提示填空。
1. She is going the ___________ (西北方) of China.
2. The local people hope to ________ (提高) their lives.
3. We should help those people in need in our d____ life.
4. Simon d______ his pocket money to the disabled person yesterday.
5. These ____________ (组织) need plenty of volunteers.
6. The local government has planned a new building _________ (工程) in Renmin Road.
7. John had an exciting ____________ (经历) in the USA last year.
学科 英语 年级 八年级下册
课题 Unit 6 Integrated skills & Study skills
使用教材 牛津译林版 出版日期 2013
姓名 学校 班级 学号
通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标:1.知识目标掌握词汇:south-west, north-west, project2.能力目标(1)能从听力材料中获取有用的信息;能用已掌握的信息使相关文章的意思表达完整;能用英语谈论如何为需要的人提供帮助;(2)了解英文写作中谋篇布局的几种方法;学会根据不同的文章内容使用不同的布局方法;能辨别英语文章所运用的布局方法。3.情感目标 通过了解在山区的工作情况,培养学生帮助他人的意识。
一、填一填1.保持联系    2.通过电话聊天    3.改善他们的生活    4.在日常生活中    5.把某物捐给某人    6.由……所组成    7.了解不同的文化 8.帮助我们放松思想    二、译一译1.In this way, they can help the local people improve their lives._____________________________________________________________________2.We can save our pocket money and donate it to those in need._____________________________________________________________________3.An article is often made up of three parts:introduction, main body and conclusion._____________________________________________________________________4.However, we can organize our ideas in different ways according to the types of writing._____________________________________________________________________5.My cousin Judy has taken part in a volunteer project in her school._____________________________________________________________________三、想一想1.请用英语写出“东南、西南、东北、西北”四个词。_____________________________________________________________________2.according to中的to是什么词性 请再举几个有类似用法的例子。_____________________________________________________________________3.请写出常用的组织段落的四种方法。_____________________________________________________________________【答案】一、1.keep in touch 2.talk on the phone 3.improve their lives 4.in the daily life 5.donate sth. to sb. 6.be made up of 7.learn about different cultures 8.help our mind relax二、1.用这种方式,他们可以帮助当地的人改善生活。2.我们可以节省我们的零花钱并把钱捐给那些有需要的人。3.一篇文章通常由三部分组成:介绍、主体和结论。4.然而,我们可以根据写作的类型以不同的方式组织我们的思路。5.我的表妹Judy参加了她学校的一个志愿者项目。三、1.south-east, south-west, north-east, north-west.2.according to中的to是介词。常见类似的还有listen to、 get to、 look forward to、 pay attention to、 prefer ...to ...等。3.时间顺序、空间顺序、演绎顺序、归纳顺序。
1.阅读课本A1部分的问题,梳理不懂的句子,获取部分信息。2.听录音,根据所听内容,完成A1部分的练习。全班核对答案。3.阅读课本A2部分的练习,对要听的内容进行初步了解。4.听录音,根据所听内容完成A2部分的练习。全班核对答案。5.独立完成课本A3部分的练习。全班核对答案并集体朗读短文。【知识超市】●An article is often made up of three parts:introduction, main body and conclusion. 一篇文章通常由三部分组成:介绍、主体和结论。1.be made up of意为“由……组成(构成)”。例如:This team is made up of seven members. 这个小组由七名成员组成。【拓展】be made of意为“由……制成”,与介词of连用的制成品能看出原材料;be made from意为“由……制成”,与介词from连用的制成品不能看出原材料;be made in意为“由某地制造”,介词in后接表示地点的名词。例如:These wine bottles are made of glass. 这些酒瓶是用玻璃做的。This kind of wine is made from grapes. 这种酒是用葡萄做的。2.introduction在此处是名词,意为“介绍,引进”。其动词形式为introduce,意为“介绍,引进,传入”。例如:This is my letter of introduction. 这是我的介绍信。Let me introduce myself to you. 让我向大家做自我介绍。
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