Unit 2 Travelling 语法填空(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 2 Travelling 语法填空(含解析)牛津译林版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训
What is a staycation The answer is in the name. Staycation comes from two words, “stay” and “vacation”, which means 1 (stay) at home and spending holidays in places that are not far from their home.
There are different activities to choose from. You could attend 2 event or visit a local place of natural beauty. There could be a museum or a theme park in your area. It may be a spa or a countryside walk. Or maybe you have decided 3 (not leave) the house at all.
Here are some of the most usual reasons for choosing a staycation.
Many people choose to take a stay cation because they don’t have enough money to travel abroad. People may go on holidays when they have the money to do so. 4 they don’t have enough money, it’s impossible to go to other countries.
Some people do not want the inconvenience (不便) of travelling. These people may choose tourist activities close to home or to take a trip in a nearby area. This is popular with people who are 5 (able) to travel far. For example, they may have young 6 (child), have a disability or have work close to home.
People think that taking a staycation 7 (be) easier than travelling farther. Maybe there is no language barrier (障碍) and no need for money exchange 8 home and abroad.
A stay cation can often be 9 (good) for the environment because we are travelling less. No flights and less transport mean less CO2 emissions (排放), which can only be a good thing.
Many people are now understanding the 10 (important) of supporting their local community. Instead of travelling to another place, they like to spend their money in the local area to help improve the local economy (经济).
Travel can teach kids more than a textbook. Travelling with kids is good for them. They can find new interests. Travel makes information alive for kids, and makes it much more exciting than studying textbooks in the school. While travelling, they learn how 11 (deal) with different things, and have more 12 (communicate) with other people. They learn patience (耐心), because sometimes it makes it 13 (possible) to get to some exciting or interesting places in a short time.
I 14 (be) travelling since I was six years old. For me, to stop travelling would be like taking something away from my soul (灵魂). I can’t live without travelling. Some people thought it was hard to travel by 15 (they) after having kids. They had trouble while they were travelling. But in my eyes, when people become parents, it doesn’t mean they can’t travel any more. In fact, I never minded 16 (take) my children to travel with me.
17 (Bring) a new life into the world comes with many duties (责任) and I’d love to be a good mother. One of my duties is to teach my children. I’m thankful that my parents took me on family trips when I was young. I’ve learned that the outside world is 18 (colourful) than the little one I was living in. Of course, I hope I 19 (pass) these travel 20 (experience) on to my children.
Travelling is one of the most important activities and people 21 (become) interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops fast, so 22 (travel) to different places has become much faster than 23 (过去). While travelling, we can learn how to deal with new situations, and how to 24 (交流) with other people.
It’s helpful to think about the following information before 25 (take) a trip.
Choose where you want to go. When people think to 26 (them) , “I want to take a trip,” usually they have a place in mind. Where is yours Try to make it a specific (确切的) as possible. “London” is much 27 (easy) to plan than “England”.
Before leaving, keeping 28 (health) can make your trip happier. Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses. Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems. Do some exercise for weeks or 29 (month) before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing 30 (高山) during your trip.
Prepare proper food. The first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They may not be 31 (美味), but they don’t go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.
While travelling, be sure 32 (eat) dirty food or bad fruit. Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Tap water is not safe, so 33 (drink) bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good 34 (条件). If you take hot food, you should try 35 (keep) it hot. For example, you can put it in heavy towels. If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put cold food in a box with ice. When you arrive, put cold food in the fridge.
Hi Meimei, How are you Last week, I spent the whole day at Orlando Disneyland, 36 (big) Disneyland in the world. Under the sea, we were amazed at the Litle Mermaid while we 37 (watch) her singing. We couldn’t stop 38 (dance) with the characters in the parade of “Move it! Shake it! Celebrate it!” During Peter Pans Flight, we were screaming and laughing 39 (excite). After the flight, we didn’t miss enjoying the musical The Lion King. It 40 (be) popular since it came out. To watch Wishes Nighttime Spectacular at a better place, we managed 41 (get) through the crowds and took lots of 42 (photo). Though we were 43 (tire) out we still felt joyful. At the end of the day, Tony Town Restaurant was a great place for us 44 (relax) . I know you’ve gone to Singapore. Hope we 45 (meet) next month in Beijing. Yours, Lili
Want to go on holiday, but don’t have enough money for luxury (豪华的)hotels and expensive trips Backpacking might be right for you.
Backpacking is a very cheap way 46 (travel) outdoors. 47 (Europe) students and young adults who may not have all that much money often do it. It 48 (call) backpacking because, instead of using a suitcase(手提箱), people put all their things in a large backpack. They carry all the things inside with 49 (they).
The most popular places for backpacking are Southeast Asia and the 50 (south) part of America. The cost isn’t not high in the countries and the weather is warm for most of the year. And Australia is also very popular. In 2002, over 400, 000 51 (tour) hit Australia.
Sometimes, backpacking can be 52 (danger). You might walk on 53 less-travelled path and get into trouble. As a result, you’d better manage 54 (prepare) everything well before you start and tell friends or family members about your plans.
Backpacking, in fact, is much more than a holiday for young people. It is seen 55 a way of learning about the world. Backpackers often travel around for many months. Besides finding the new world, backpacking, people say, is also about “finding yourself”.
What does it mean to be a good 56 (visit) Which tourists are the most welcomed in their country A UK market research company 57 (do) the study last year. The study included nearly 28,000 people from 26 countries and areas.
The Japanese are famous for 58 (be) the world’s most well-dressed, tidy, punctual(守时的)and polite travelers, The Telegraph reported. They line up 59 (polite) and they never attend meetings late, talk loudly or try 60 (take) photos in art museums when they know they’re not allowed (允许) to do so.
Japanese tourists greatly 61 (surprise) the world during the last World Cup. The country’s soccer fans helped to clean stadiums (体育场) after matches, South China Morning Post noted.
The study also showed that another country stood out at the same time, but in the opposite way.
Many people thought British tourists act 62 (badly) in the world. Even local people in the UK don’t like British tourists. Many people said that British travelers are loud poorly dressed and behave badly. They are also stingy (吝啬的) when 63 (pay) at restaurants and hotels.
It’s not hard 64 (be) a good traveller. The Chinese government advises tourists 65 (not throw) rubbish on the ground or talk loudly. They are also told to line up properly and be more polite.
So we should be good tourists when we are travelling.
Have you ever heard of “citywalk” It is a new way of travelling in which people walk around a city, and find unusual things that even the locals 66 (them) might not have noticed before. It is 67 (become) more and more popular among young people.
People can take a citywalk by exploring (探索) the streets 68 their own or by following a tour guide. During citywalks, people usually don’t go to places of interest or shopping 69 (center). Instead, they go to places where they can have real interactions (互动) with the locals and get a 70 (deep) understanding of a city than before.
Many citywalkers love to share their 71 (careful) planned routes (路线) online. They are 72 (help) to those who want to take a citywalk. Take Wang Lin for example. The girl moved to Wuhan not long ago. One day, she went online to find 73 interesting to do on weekends. She got to know about citywalk and decided to give it a try. She with her friend 74 (choose) a popular citywalk route. They walked for several hours, 75 she was enjoying the views, her friend was visiting some small shops along the streets. It was great but left her wanting more. She was happy with that.
Interested Take a citywalk! Feel the beauty of your city in a different way!
Last week, I had a three-day visit to Beijing with my parents. We went there 76 train from Shanghai. Beijing is a 77 (wonder) city to visit. I remembered everything I did and 78 (see) in my trip because they were really interesting. On the day, we visited a Beijing hutong. I wondered 79 life was like there in the past. We had 80 good time and took quite a few photos. In the evening, we 81 (try) Beijing Roast duck. It was very delicious. I didn’t stop eating until I felt very full. On the second day, we went to the Great Wall and enjoyed ourselves. It was raining at first. 82 (lucky), the sun came out soon. I only watched these walls run among mountains on TV before. So I was very happy when I saw 83 (they) just under my feet. What great work old Chinese people did! On the third day, we went shopping. I didn’t bring enough money, so I only bought some nice things for my friends, but nothing for 84 . In the afternoon, we took a train back to Shanghai. I was a little tired but happy. I really want 85 (visit) Beijing again.
Hi, friends! Do your parents encourage you to travel Greg’s dream was 86 (travel) around Asia. He got the idea after he 87 (finish) a long bike ride. At first, he 88 (fear) his parents wouldn’t agree to let him go. He didn’t tell his parents his idea. He 89 (simple) told his friend Brooks about it. Brooks also enjoyed 90 (ride) a bike. They made a plan to travel from Tokyo to Mumbai (孟买) by bike.
To pay for the trip, Greg and Brooks tried to save some money. Before setting out (出发), they told 91 (they) parents about their plan. It was 92 (believe) that their parents agreed. And they got two new cameras from their parents. Then they could take some photos with them.
On their way, they saw deserts, rainforests and mountains. They visited modern cities and 93 (peace) villages. And they made many friends. They also learned two new languages — Indian and 94 (Japan).
Here are some pieces of Greg’s advice.
To have a perfect vacation, you shouldn’t carry too many things with you. Be flexible (灵活的). Don’t plan everything. Then you’ll be more relaxed and 95 (happy). Be polite. And people will be more likely to help you.
My sister went on a school trip to a large outdoor swimming pool last week. Early 96 the morning, all the children got on a bus with their teacher. It was a very 97 (small) bus, so it was 98 (uncomfortable) trip of all their trips. 99 two hours, they reached their destination (目的地). It was 100 (hot) day of the year. When they saw the pool, the children couldn’t believe their 101 (eye). It was 102 (big) swimming pool they had ever seen. There was even a big water slide (水滑道)! My sister said it was much 103 (enjoyable) than the roller coaster (过山车). Everyone had a good time. When their teacher asked if they had enjoyed the trip, they all agreed that it was much 104 (good) than having lessons 105 school.
Have you ever been to Hong Kong I’ve been there 106 (two). I think it’s a fantastic place for you 107 (take) a vacation. Why On the one hand, people speak Chinese in Hong Kong, so you don’t need to fear that you will have problems communicating with people there. You can 108 (simple) speak Chinese most of the time. On the other hand, Hong Kong is 109 English speaking city, too. So it’s also a wonderful place to practice 110 (speak) English.
In Hong Kong, there is a famous theme park for both 111 (child) and adults. That is Disneyland. In the amusement park, you can play games 112 Disney characters like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. You can take photos with 113 (they).
You can also take a ride on the boat for several days. If you’re 114 (interest) in delicious food, you can eat with Mickey Mouse in the restaurant.
There 115 so much fun in Hong Kong. I’m looking forward to going there again!
1.staying 2.an 3.not to leave 4.If/When 5.unable 6.children 7.is 8.between 9.better 10.importance
1.句意:居家度假来自两个词“stay”和“vacation”,这意味着待在离家不远的地方度假。 mean doing“意味着做某事”。故填staying。
3.句意:或者也许您已经决定不离开这所房子。decide not to do“决定不做某事”,所以是not to leave。故填not to leave。
5.句意:这很受那些无法长途旅行的人的欢迎。根据“These people may choose tourist activities close to home or to take a trip in a nearby area.”可知有些人选择离家近的活动,所以是针对不能到远处旅游的。故填unable。
7.句意:人们认为在家度假比去更远的地方旅行更容易。主语是taking a staycation,且时态为一般现在时,所以将be变为is。故填is。
8.句意:也许没有语言障碍,也不需要国内外货币兑换。根据“no need for money exchange... home and abroad”可知是国内与国外间货币兑换。故填between。
9.句意:住宿通常对环境更有利,因为我们旅行的次数减少了。根据“because we are travelling less”可知,横线上是比较级better。故填better。
10.句意:许多人现在认识到支持当地社区的重要性。根据“understanding the ...of supporting their local community”可知,the...of中间是名词,所以将important变为名词importance。故填importance。
11.to deal 12.communication 13.impossible 14.have been 15.themselves 16.taking 17.Bringing 18.more colourful 19.will pass 20.experiences
11.句意:在旅行中,他们学会了如何处理不同的事情,并与其他人有了更多的沟通。设空处应用“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语。故填to deal。
12. 句意:在旅行中,他们学会了如何处理不同的事情,并与其他人有了更多的沟通。设空处应填写名词形式作宾语,communication“交流”,不可数名词。故填communication。
13. 句意:他们学会了耐心,因为有时短时间内到达一些令人兴奋或有趣的地方是不可能的。“make sth.+形容词”“让某物怎么样”,结合语境可知,此处表示“不可能的”,其英文表达为impossible。故填impossible。
14.句意:我从六岁起就一直在旅行。根据“since I was six years old”可知,本句时态为现在完成进行时have/has been doing结构,主语I为第一人称,所以助动词用have。故填have been。
15.句意:有些人认为有了孩子后很难独自旅行。by oneself“独自”,they的反身代词为themselves“他们自己”。故填themselves。
16.句意:事实上,我从不介意带着我的孩子一起旅行。mind doing sth.“介意做某事”。故填taking。
17.句意:带来一个新的生命来到这个世界上有很多责任,我想成为一个好母亲。分析句子结构可知,此处需要用“bring”的动名词形式,“Bringing a new life into the world ”作句子主语。故填Bringing。
18.句意:我了解到外面的世界比我生活的那个小世界更加丰富多彩。根据空后than,可知此处需要用形容词的比较级,“colourful”的比较级形式是“more colourful”。故填more colourful。
19.句意:当然,我希望我能把这些旅行经历传递给我的孩子。pass“传递;转移”,“旅行经历传给孩子”这个动作发生在将来某个时间,所以用一般将来时will do结构。故填will pass。
21.have become 22.travelling 23.before 24.communicate 25.taking 26.themselves 27.easier 28.healthy 29.months 30.mountains 31.delicious 32.not to eat 33.drink 34.conditions 35.to keep
21.句意:旅游是最重要的活动之一,多年来人们对它产生了兴趣。become“变得”,根据“or many years”可知,此处用现在完成时,主语people是复数形式,谓语用复数形式,故填have become。
24.句意:在旅行中,我们可以学习如何处理新情况,以及如何与他人沟通。communicate“交流”,疑问词+to do,作宾语,故填communicate。
26.句意:当人们自言自语道:“我想去旅行”时,通常他们心里已经有了一个地方。them“他们”,think to oneself“自言自语”,此处用them的反身代词,故填themselves。
32.句意:旅行时,一定不要吃脏的食物或坏的水果。eat“吃”,根据“or”可知,此处是否定形式,be sure not to do sth“确定不要做某事”,故填not to eat。
35.句意:如果你吃热的食物,你应该尽量让它保持热的状态。keep“保持”,try to do sth“努力做某事”,故填to keep。
36.the biggest 37.were watching 38.dancing 39.excitedly 40.has been 41.to get 42.photos 43.tired 44.to relax 45.will meet
36.句意:上周,我在世界上最大的迪斯尼乐园——奥兰多迪斯尼乐园度过了一整天。根据“in the world”可知,此处用big的最高级biggest,形容词最高级常与定冠词the连用,故填the biggest。
37.句意:在海底,当我们看着小美人鱼唱歌时,我们对她感到惊讶。本句是while引导的时间状语从句,结合“we were amazed at the Litle Mermaid”可知,从句用过去进行时(was/were doing),主语是we,be动词用were,后跟现在分词watching,故填were watching。
38.句意:我们情不自禁地跟着“Move it! Shake it! Celebrate it!”表演中的人物跳舞。couldn’t stop doing sth“情不自禁做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动名词,故填dancing。
39.句意:在彼得潘飞行期间,我们兴奋地尖叫着,大笑着。空处修饰动词短语“screaming and laughing”,所以用副词,且主语是人,所以用excitedly“兴奋地”。故填excitedly。
40.句意:它问世以来一直很受欢迎。根据“since it came out”可知,空处用现在完成时,主语是It,助动词用has,后跟过去分词been,故填has been。
41.句意:为了在一个更好的地方观看“祝愿之夜”,我们设法穿过人群,拍了很多照片。manage to do sth“设法做成某事”,固定短语,所以空处用不定式,故填to get。
42.句意:为了在一个更好的地方观看“祝愿之夜”,我们设法穿过人群,拍了很多照片。photo“照片”,被lots of修饰,用名词复数形式,故填photos。
43.句意:虽然我们很累,但我们仍然感到很高兴。be tired out“筋疲力尽”,固定短语,故填tired。
44.句意:在一天结束的时候,东尼镇餐厅是我们放松的好地方。空处作后置定语修饰名词place,所以用动词不定式,故填to relax。
45.句意:希望下个月我们能在北京见面。根据“next month”可知,时态是一般将来时(will do),故填will meet。
46.to travel 47.European 48.is called 49.them 50.southern 51.tourists 52.dangerous 53.a 54.to prepare 55.as
46.句意:背包旅行是一种非常便宜的户外旅行方式。travel“旅行”,此处用动词不定式作定语,修饰名词way。故填to travel。
48.句意:它之所以称为背包旅行,是因为人们不使用手提箱,而是将所有东西放在一个大背包中。call“叫作”,主语it和谓语之间是被动关系,描述客观情况,用一般现在时的被动语态be done,主语是it,be动词用is。故填is called。
51.句意:2002年,超过400,000名游客来到澳大利亚。根据“hit Australia”可知是游客来参观澳大利亚,故用名词复数tourists“旅客”。故填tourists。
54.句意:因此,你最好在开始之前做好一切准备,并告诉朋友或家人你的计划。prepare“准备”,manage to do sth.“设法做某事”。故填to prepare。
55.句意:它被视为了解世界的一种方式。根据“It is seen...a way”可知是被看作一种方式,be seen as“被看作”。故填as。
56.visitor 57.did 58.being 59.politely 60.to take 61.surprised 62.worst/the worst 63.paying 64.to be 65.not to throw
56.句意:成为一名优秀的访客意味着什么?visit“游览”,动词;根据下文“Which tourists are the most welcomed in their country ”可知,此处要用其名词形式;visitor“游客,参观者”符合语境。故填visitor。
57.句意:英国一家市场研究公司去年做了这项研究。根据“last year”可知,时态为一般过去时,动词应用过去式;do“做”,其过去式为did。故填did。
59.句意:他们有礼貌地排队,他们从不迟到。polite“礼貌的”,形容词;此处要用其副词形式politely修饰动词“line up”。故填politely。
60.句意:他们从不开会迟到,不大声喧哗,也不在明知不允许的情况下在美术馆拍照。try to do sth.“试图做某事”,此处应用动词不定式形式。故填to take。
61.句意:上一届世界杯期间,日本游客极大地震惊了世界。surprise“使……吃惊”,动词;根据“during the last World Cup”可知,时态为过去时态,因此动词要用过去式;surprise的过去式为surprised。故填surprised。
62.句意:许多人认为英国游客的行为是世界上最糟糕的。根据“in the world”可知,此处要用副词最高级修饰动词“act”;badly的最高级为worst;副词最高级修饰动词时,定冠词the可以省略。故填(the) worst。
63.句意:他们在饭店和酒店付款时也很吝啬。根据“They are also stingy when…at restaurants and hotels.”可知,当英国人在饭店和酒店付款时,他们很吝啬;pay“付款”,此处要用其现在分词paying,从句省略了they are。故填paying。
64.句意:要成为一个好的旅行者并不困难。根据“It’s not hard … a good traveller.”可知,该句结构为it is+形容词+to do sth.,不定式作句子主语。故填to be。
65.句意:中国政府建议游客不要在地上扔垃圾或大声说话。根据advise sb. not to do sth.“建议某人不要做某事”可知,此处要填动词不定式,作宾语补足语。故填not to throw。
66.themselves 67.becoming 68.on 69.centers/centres 70.deeper 71.carefully 72.helpful 73.something 74.chose 75.while
67.句意:它在年轻人中越来越受欢迎。根据“It is”可知,设空处填所给词的现在分词,构成现在进行时。故填becoming。
68.句意:人们可以通过自己探索街道或跟随导游来进行城市漫步。根据“their own”可知,考查短语on one’s own“靠某人自己”。故填on。
69.句意:在城市漫步期间,人们通常不会去名胜古迹或购物中心。根据“During citywalks, people usually don’t go to places of interest or shopping”可知,是不去购物中心,shopping center/centre“购物中心”,此处填复数名词泛指类别。故填centers/centres。
70.句意:相反,他们去的地方可以与当地人进行真正的互动,比以前更深入地了解一个城市。根据“where they can have real interactions (互动) with the locals and get a”以及“understanding of a city than before.”可知,指的是更深入了解一个城市,所给词deep的比较级deeper符合题意。故填deeper。
73.句意:有一天,她上网想在周末找点有趣的事做。根据“interesting to do on weekends.”可知,是说找些有趣的事情做,something“某事”符合语境。故填something。
75.句意:他们走了几个小时,她在欣赏风景,她的朋友在逛街上的一些小商店。根据“she was enjoying the views, her friend was visiting some small shops along the streets.”可知,应用while连接两个正在进行的动作,且主从句都是过去进行时。故填while。
76.by 77.wonderful 78.saw 79.what 80.a 81.tried 82.Luckily 83.them 84.myself 85.to visit
76.句意:我们从上海乘火车去那里。by train“乘火车”,固定搭配,故填by。
79.句意:我想知道过去那里的生活是什么样的。根据“life was like”可知,此空应填what引导宾语从句,故填what。
80.句意:我们玩得很开心,拍了不少照片。have a good time“玩得愉快”,固定搭配,故填a。
82.句意:幸运的是,太阳很快就出来了。此空位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词作状语,根据“It was raining at first”及“the sun came out soon”可知,刚开始下雨,后来太阳很快地出来了,这是幸运的,故填Luckily。
84.句意:我没有带足够的钱,所以我只买了一些好东西给我的朋友,但没有给我自己。根据“I didn’t bring enough money, so I only bought some nice things for my friends, but nothing for ”可知,没有带足够的钱,所以并没有给自己买东西,根据I可知,反身代词用myself,故填myself。
85.句意:我真的很想再去北京。want to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to visit。
86.to travel 87.finished 88.feared 89.simply 90.riding 91.their 92.unbelievable 93.peaceful 94.Japanese 95.happier
86.句意:格雷格的梦想是周游亚洲。此处用动词不定式作表语,介绍格雷格的梦想。故填to travel。
90.句意:布鲁克斯也喜欢骑自行车。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填riding。
92.句意:令人难以置信的是,他们的父母同意了。根据“At first, he ... (fear) his parents wouldn’t agree to let him go. He didn’t tell his parents his idea.”可知一开始以为父母不会同意,现在父母同意了,这是令人难以置信的,用形容词unbelievable表示“难以置信的”,作表语。故填unbelievable。
94.句意:他们还学习了两种新的语言——印度语和日语。根据“two new languages”可知此处用Japanese表示“日语”。故填Japanese。
95.句意:然后你会更放松,更快乐。根据“more relaxed”可知此处用形容词比较级happier。故填happier。
96.in 97.small 98.the most uncomfortable 99.After 100.the hottest 101.eyes 102.the biggest 103.more enjoyable 104.better 105.at/in
96.句意:一大早,所有的孩子和他们的老师上了一辆公共汽车。介词“in”后接“早晨/下午/晚上”,in the morning“在清晨”。故填in。
97.句意:那是一辆非常小的公共汽车,所以这是他们所有旅行中最不舒服的一次。根据空后“bus”可知,此处是形容词“small (小的)”在句中作定语,修饰名词“bus”;空前的程度副词“very”后接形容词的原级,因此空处直接填“small”。故填small。
98.句意:那是一辆非常小的公共汽车,所以这是他们所有旅行中最不舒服的一次。根据“of all...”可知,此处填最高级;uncomfortable意为“不舒服的”,最高级是“the most uncomfortable”。故填the most uncomfortable。
100.句意:它是一年中最热的一天。根据题干中的“of the year”可知,空处需要用“hot”的最高级“the hottest”,即它是一年中最热的一天。故填the hottest。
101.句意:当他们看到游泳池时,孩子们不能相信他们的眼睛。“eye (眼睛)”是可数名词,根据空前的“their”可知,空处需要用“eye”的复数“eyes”。故填eyes。
102.句意:这是他们见过的最大的游泳池。“big”形容词,意为“大的”;题干“they had ever seen”是定语从句,意为“他们曾经看到的”,修饰前面的先行词“swimming pool”,那么空处应填形容词“big”的最高级“the biggest”。故填the biggest。
103.句意:我的妹妹说它比过山车令人愉快得多。“enjoyable”形容词,意为“令人愉快的”;根据空后的连词“than”以及空前的“much”可知,此处应填“enjoyable”的比较级“more enjoyable”。故填more enjoyable。
105.句意:他们都同意它(指这次旅行)比上课好得多。空前的“having lessons”意为“上课”,那么“上课”应该“在学校”,因此空处应填介词“at/in”。故填at/in。
106.twice 107.to take 108.simply 109.an 110.speaking 111.children 112.with 113.them 114.interested 115.is
106.句意:我去过那里两次。根据“I’ve been there...”可知是去过两次,twice“两次”,故填twice。
107.句意:我认为那是你度假的好地方。take是动词,此处应用动词不定式作后置定语,修饰place,故填to take。
110.句意:所以这也是一个练习说英语的好地方。固定短语practice doing sth“练习做某事”,故填speaking。
112.句意:在游乐园里,你可以和像米老鼠和唐老鸭这样的迪士尼人物玩游戏。固定短语play games with“和……玩游戏”,故填with。
114.句意:如果你对美味的食物感兴趣,你可以在餐厅和米老鼠一起吃。固定短语be interested in“对……感兴趣”,故填interested。
115.句意:在香港有这么多的乐趣。根据“much fun”可知主语是不可数名词,be动词用is,故填is。



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