2023-2024五年级下学期广东省佛山市南海区大沥沥东小学Unit 1 - Unit 3单元阅读素养监测(含答案)

Jenny is telling something about herself.Read and choose.(2% each)
Hello!I'm Jenny. I'm 12 years old. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both doctors.They're very busy every day. So I go home by myself every day. In my school, there are many different after-school activities(课后活动),such as art,English, music,basketball,football and calligraphy(书法).After school, we can join our favourite activity. I like music best So I join the music club. I have music class from Monday to Wednesday. I love singing songs. l can sing very well in the club. I also like playing basketball, and I join the basketball club on Fridays. Now, I feel happy every day. Because I have wonderful life after school.
( )1.Why does Jenny go home by herself
Because her parents have no time. B.Because her teachers are busy.
C.Because Jenny is very happy.
( )2.Which is Jenny favourite after-school activity
Music B.basketball C.football
( )3.What does Jenny often do on Tuesdays
plays football B.sings songs C.dances
( )4.Which is corrected from the passage
Jenny’s parents are not doctors. B.Jenny doesn’t feel happy.
C.Jenny can play basketball on Fridays.
Jenny is playing games with friends.Read and choose A,B or C.(2% each)
People often eat them in Mid-Autumn Festival.What is it ( )
It’s a traditional activity(传统活动)in January and February.What is it ( )
It’s the third season of the year.The leaves fall and fall and fall.People can fly kites,too.Which season is it ( )
spring B.fall C.summer
It’s an object(物体).People sleep on it.What is it ( )
clock B.home C.bed
It’s a tower(塔).It’s the tallest building in Guangzhou.It shines brightly(闪耀光芒)at night.What is it ( )
B. C.
It’s a restaurant.You can have hamburgers,French fries and Coke in it.Children love to go there.Where is it ( )
Jenny receives an invitation card.Read and write T or F.(3% each)
( )11.The invitation card is from Lily.
( )12.This card is about birthday invitation.
( )13.The party is in the morning.
( )14.The party will be hold on the second floor in McDonald’s Restaurant.
( )15.Jenny should send an email to Lily before May 25th .
Jenny is talking about Chinese New Year.Read,judge and choose.(3% each)
The Spring Festival
In China, people call the new year the Spring Festival.There is a name for each year. This year is the year of the rabbit.Before the Spring Festival,people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.On New Year's Eve ( 除夕), there is a big family dinner. After the dinner, people often watch the Spring Festival Gala(春节联欢晚会) to welcome the new year. Children can get lucky money as gift. Some people may set off firecrackers(放鞭炮). On the second day, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their relatives or friends. They say “Happy New Year" to each other. People usually have a good time during the festival.
From 16-18,read and write T or F.
( )16.Chinese call the new year the Spring Festival.
( )17.People usually have a good time during the Spring Festival.
( )18.People say “Merry Christmas”to each other on Spring Festival.
From 19-20,read and choose.
( )19.Children can get______as gift on Spring Festival.
( )20.This year is the year of the___________.
Jenny is writing an email to her friend.Read,judge and fill.(3% each)
Dear Amy, How are you I often go to Qiandeng Lake Park with my family in Foshan.It's big and beautiful. In spring,the green trees and colourful flowers are everywhere. We can see many fish in the lake. By the lake, there are many children flying kites. Do you know why it is named Qiandeng Lake Park Because there are many colourful lights and lanterns shining in the park at might. It's very beautiful! Write to me soon and tell me about your life in the UK. Yours, Jenny
From 21-23,read and write T or F.
( )21.The email is written to Jenny.
( )22.Green trees and colourful flowers are everywhere in spring in Qiandeng Lake Park.
( )23.The Qiandeng Lake is in Guangdong.
From 24-25,read and write.
There________many fish in the lake.
The Park is named Qiandeng Lake because of the _______________and________________.
Jenny is talking with her grandpa.Read,choose and answer.(3% each)
J:Grandpa,what is Lantern Festival(元宵节)?
G:It’s a Chinese traditional festival.
J:When is it
G:It's on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar year(农历正月)。It usually in February. Before it,people will make different shapes of(不同形狀) lanterns and write some riddles on them.
J:What will we do on that day
G:We will eat some sweet dumplings on that day. We usually call them yuanxiao.We can go outside and guess the riddles,too.
J:Wow,it sounds great.Can I see the Dragon Dance(舞龙)
( )26.Lantern Festival is usually in__________.
January B.February C.March
( )27.People will make______before Lantern Festival.
lanterns B.kites C.noodles
( )28.Are there any different shapes of lanterns on Lantern Festival
No,there aren’t. B.Yes,there is. C.Yes,there are.
Can Jenny see the Dragon Dance on Lantern Festival _______________________
What would they like to eat on Lantern Festival ___________________________
Jenny goes to the cinema and watch a movie.Read and choose.(2% each)
Jenny goes to the cinema(电影院) wither her mum.
Warning:You can’t buy tickets(购票)in the 30 minutes before the movie starts(电影放映).No Pets!
( )31.If Jenny wants to watch the cartoons.What movie can she choose
Boon Bears:Guardian Code B.The Wandering Earth2 C.Full River Red
( )32. Jenny goes to the cinema at 17:20. What movie can she choose
Boon Bears:Guardian Code B.The Wandering Earth2 C.Full River Red
( )33..Can they watch the movie with their pet dog
Sure B.No C.No mention.(没有提及)
( )34..Jenny can watch The Wandering Earth 2 at_____________.
A.11:30 B.17:30 C.Both A and B
( )35.Jenny and her mum watch The Wandering Earth 2. How much are they
A.¥17 B.¥35 C.¥52
Jenny is reading two books.Read,judge and fill.(2% each)
Who wrote Book 2 _____________________________
Book 2 is pictured by____________________________
What is the title of Book 1 ______________________________
Two books are about________________(New Year/animals/zoo).
What can you see from Book 1 ______________________________________
FTT 24.are 25.colour lights;lanterns shining
BAC 29.Yes,she can. 30.They would like to eat yuanxiao.
36.Vickie Lee 37.Joey Chow 38.It’s Your Year,BABY RABBIT. 39.New Year 40.I can see a rabbit.



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