【单元关关过】八年级英语下册Unit 2期末梳理质量评估试题(牛津译林版)原卷版+解析版

【单元关关过】八年级英语下册M1 U2--期末梳理质量评估试题
(牛津译林版) --原卷版
( ) 1.Tom is kind and often helps others, so he always ________ happy.
A.feels B.smells C.tastes
( ) 2.The cake ________ good. I can’t wait to eat it.
A.feels B.smells C.sounds D.becomes
( ) 3.Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum ________ for about three years, but I ________ there.
A.has opened; haven’t gone B.has been open; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t gone D.has opened; haven’t been
( ) 4.—Hello, John. Tom told me you are on holiday. Where have you gone
—I ________ Hainan since last week. You know sand and sea are my favourite.
A.went to B.have gone to C.have been to D.have been in
( ) 5.Everyone except Tom and Mike London before.
A.has gone to B.have been to C.have gone to D.has been to
( ) 6.The coat is too expensive and ________ the color doesn’t suit you.
A.otherwise B.except C.however D.anyway
( ) 7.—Why don’t you visit the Confucius Temple with us
—Because I ________ there many times.
A.have been to B.have gone to C.have been D.have been in
( ) 8.—Look! The man looks like Mr. Li.
—It can’t be him. Because he with his family ________ Japan since last week and they haven’t returned.
A.has been to B.have gone to C.have been in D.has been in
( ) 9.—Is your father at home, Jim
—No. He ________ Hainan. He ________ there three times.
A.has been to: has been B.has gone to; has been in
C.has gone to; has been to D.has gone to; has been
( ) 10.The restaurant near my home ________ for three years, but I ________ there so far.
A.has been open; haven’t been B.has been opened; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t been to D.has opened; haven’t been
Many people travel for different reasons. Some people like beautiful mountains for travelling better while others like visiting places with beaches. Do you want to know the 11 of travelling and how it has changed since the old times
Travelling can be a learning experience. It teaches us so many things. We cannot 12 learn them when staying at home. Firstly, it teaches you how to make friends and helps you 13 people. After spending time at a new place and communicating with local people, you can learn so much about their culture and belief. It makes your mind 14 . It is also great for learning new skills. For example, going into a mountain teaches you how to go 15 and going to beaches helps you learn sailing or surfing.
Travelling has changed a lot with the help of technology(科技). In the earlier days, it was 16 for people to travel. It often took too much time on the way and people felt tired out. Travelling on foot or on animals was the only way back then. 17 , with the changing times and technology, travelling has become one of the easiest things to do. You can reach a place far away in no time with different forms of 18 . Further, you can use online maps and translators to help you when visiting 19 city or country. Taxis and food are easy to get.
Now, travelling can be fun and meaningful for everyone. With technology, you can travel to any corner of the world without having to 20 about troubles like languages and distance. Everyone must travel at least once in their life to enjoy an unforgettable experience.
( ) 11.A.story B.history C.situation D.importance
( ) 12.A.sadly B.easily C.carefully D.correctly
( ) 13.A.invite B.surprise C.interview D.understand
( ) 14.A.opener B.narrower C.easier D.harder
( ) 15.A.climbing B.boating C.dancing D.shopping
( ) 16.A.different B.exciting C.difficult D.fantastic
( ) 17.A.Also B.However C.Otherwise D.Moreover
( ) 18.A.food B.hotels C.clothes D.transport
( ) 19.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others
( ) 20.A.talk B.hear C.worry D.forget
We are traveling in New Zealand these days. We arrived here on Wednesday night. On Thursday we crossed the Southern Alps. It took hours. We drove through Arthur’s Pass and then stopped to look at the mountains. The top looked a bit like black and white pictures, with their bright white snow and big black rocks. We stayed for the night in Greymouth, where we bought some books.
Yesterday we drove on to see the famous Franz Josef Glacier (冰川). First we left our things in our hotel and then we set out to walk to the glacier. It took a long, long time to walk over the rocks in the bottom (底部) and when we got to the wall of the glacier we were very thirsty. We broke off a tiny bit of ice and tasted it. We were drinking water that was thousands of years old. It was much nicer than the ice from the fridge.
Today we drove to the Fox Glacier. Someone had told Dad about a lake on the way, so we went there first. We had to walk through a dark forest to find Lake Matheson. It was a very cold lake because all its water came from the glacier.
It was too late in the day to reach the Fox Glacier. We stayed in the car park to watch great big green-brown parrots. I used to think parrots were sweet and lovely, but these birds were not. They were walking all over the cars in the car park, breaking soft parts with their bills (喙). They even broke off windscreen wipers (雨刮器).
Tomorrow we have to get up early because we are flying to the top of Franz Josef in a plane. I am looking forward to that because the top of the glacier is all deep snow. So far we have only seen the front ends of glaciers.
( ) 21.How did the writer organize (组织) this text
A.By giving the examples. B.By time order.
C.By making comparison (比较). D.By space order.
( ) 22.What’s paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The trip to see the Southern Alps.
B.The trip to see the Franz Josef Glacier.
C.The trip to see the Fox Glacier.
D.The trip to see the Greymouth.
( ) 23.Why did the writer’s family go through a forest
A.To visit a friend. B.To find a lake.
C.To see a glacier. D.To avoid walking on rocks.
( ) 24.How did the writer feel about the parrots
A.Happy. B.Worried. C.Sorry. D.Surprised.
( ) 25.What will the writer do tomorrow
A.Take a plane. B.Climb to the top of a glacier.
C.Walk in deep snow. D.See the front ends of glaciers.
Who doesn’t wish he could fly like a bird Well, until technology can give us all wings, one of our best choices is paragliding (滑翔伞运动). Paragliding works by sitting in a harness. The harness is tied to a parachute (降落伞) and you use the wind to fly. To paraglide, you usually need to go somewhere high, like a hill or mountain. The pilot will first make the parachute full of air by pulling it up like a kite, and then it’s time to run down the hillside until you reach a good speed to take off. Unless you have a special license to do it yourself, you will fly with a pilot.
I went paragliding in Peru’s Sacred Valley, from a mountain more than 3, 000 meters above sea level. The most difficult part of paragliding for me was not the flying, but the waiting. I started to feel nervous about watching others go ahead of me. But the pilot helped keep me composed. So I didn’t feel nervous.
On an average paragliding trip, you can expect to enjoy flying like a bird for 10 to 30 minutes. Then it’s time to land. I remember the pilot told me to get my legs ready, as landing on your legs is the safest way to land-just like a bird.
Paragliders have set some amazing records, like the highest flight (9, 946 meters) and the longest flight (9, 132 km). In 2020, a Canadian man named Benjamin Jordan became the first person to travel by paraglider from Mexico to Canada (not all in one go, though). He was inspired to do it because of the great migration (迁徙) of monarch butterflies. Each year, millions of these butterflies travel up to 4, 800 km to complete their journey!
( ) 26.To go paragliding by yourself, you must ________.
A.fly a kite high first B.learn how to climb hills
C.pilot a plane for years D.have a special license
( ) 27.The writer mainly tells us ________ from the second paragraph.
A.the way to go paragliding B.the time for paragliding
C.the place to go paragliding D.the person for paragliding
( ) 28.What was the most difficult part of paragliding for the writer
A.The flying process B.Calming the pilot down.
C.Waiting for her turn. D.Landing on land like a bird.
( ) 29.The underlined word “composed” here means “________”.
A.nervous B.calm C.excited D.happy
( ) 30.Which of the following is CORRECT
A.The highest paragliding flight is 9, 132 m above sea level.
B.The longest paragliding flight is 4, 800 km done by a Canadian man.
C.A Canadian man paraglided for 4, 800 km along with monarch butterflies.
D.Benjamin Jordan is the first to travel from Mexico to Canada by paragliding.
Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an unforgettable experience it was!
When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore (探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.
Tom wanted his father to chase (追赶)him away.
His father said, “No. It’s dangerous to chase a bear. And don’t let him chase you.”
Susie said, “What shall we do Maybe we should climb a tree.”
Tom said, “No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent.”
“Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat.” Susie suggested.
Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey It’s in the tent.”
We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset everything inside.
“It’s foolish for us to try to chase him away.” said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out.”
We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.
( ) 31.Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see ________.
A.tigers B.wolves C.bears D.birds
( ) 32.What does the underlined word “upset” in the text mean in Chinese
A.伤心 B.弄翻 C.向上 D.设置
( ) 33.Who might see the bear first
A.Susie. B.Tom. C.The writer. D.The writer’s husband.
( ) 34.What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent
A.They chased the bear away. B.They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.
C.They climbed up a tree. D.They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.
( ) 35.What did the bear do in the tent
A.He ate the honey. B.He chased the people away.
C.He drank the beer. D.He turned things upside down.
Travelling is one of the most important activities for people. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. 36 The following information may be useful to you.
Before leaving, you should prepare comfortable shoes, a hat and a pair of sunglasses for yourself. Take some necessary medicine with you. 37 Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip. Or you’ll hurt yourself easily. Preparing proper food is also very important. 38 If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly. For shorter trip, people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.
39 Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and remember to clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. 40 If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put it in a box with ice. When you arrive, put it in the fridge.
A.For example, you can put it in heavy towels.
B.But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip
C.Here are some tips to get healthy food ready for a trip.
D.During your trip, be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.
E.They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.
F.However, you should think about the time and the food first.
G.The first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food.
If you want to ask where the best place to visit is in 2024, of course, Harbin. The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has become an Internet hit in early 2024. Harbin, located in Northeast China, is a city known for its snowy landscape and special ice.
Winter is the most attractive season in Harbin, which makes Harbin a winter wonderland. Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, opened on January 5, 2024. Attracting more than 30,000 people per day, the ice park covers 810,000 square meters, nearly nine million square feet, and features 250,000 cubic (立方) meters of ice. Everything you see in the park is made of ice. People from around the world flock to check out a frozen wonderland.
It’s a winter wonderland you won’t see anywhere else. The Chinese city of Harbin saw a large number of visitors over the New Year holiday weekend during its annual Ice and Snow Festival. At night, different kinds of ice sculptures become particularly beautiful under the flashing neon (霓虹) lights. There you can see large ice castles, all types of dragons, giant pandas and other ice sculptures. It’s just like a dream kingdom of ice and snow.
Harbin’s Ice Festival will shine brightly until early March. During this period, the wonderful ice city shares its ice, art, and animals with visitors looking for something cool to do.
41.Where is Harbin
42.How long is Harbin’s Ice Festival according to the passage
43.How many visitors does Harbin attract per day
44.The structure of this passage is ________.
A.①/②③/④ B.①/②/③/④ C.①/②/③④
45.Please write a title for this passage.
A. 根据句意,首字母及中文提示完成单词。
46.My father has gone to Beijing on b (公事) these days, so he is not at home.
47.Nowadays, Yancheng has a lot of d (直接的) international flights.
48.I see no light and hear no sound e (除了……以外) the wind far away.
49.When Qingming Festival is coming, people usually m (思念) their past family members.
50.It’s rude to p (指向)at others while talking with others.
B. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。
51.Three local people were (die) in the forest fire in Yunnan Province.
52.My father will go to Hongkong on (busy) in a week.
53.I have been to some (place) of interest in Yangzhou.
54.Miss Yang (stay) in London since last Monday.
55.Morning hours is the best time of the day (work).
The character of Kong Yiji the novel Lu Xun.
the Summer Palace in Beijing
I she tomorrow.
your parents before
When are you Jiaozuo with your mum, Ann
Have you ever heard of “city walk” It is a new way of travelling in which people walk around a city, and find unusual things that even the locals 61 (them) might not have noticed before. It is 62 (become) more and more popular among young people.
People can take a city walk by exploring (探索) the streets 63 their own or by following a tour guide. During city walks, people usually don’t go to places of interest or shopping 64 (center). Instead, they go to places where they can have real interactions (互动) with the locals and get a 65 (deep) understanding of a city than before.
Many city walkers love to share their 66 (careful) planned routes (路线) online. They are 67 (help) to those who want to take a city walk. Take Wang Lin for example. The girl moved to Wuhan not long ago. One day, she went online to find 68 interesting to do on weekends. She got to know about city walk and decided to give it a try. She with her friend 69 (choose) a popular city walk route. They walked for several hours, 70 she was enjoying the views, her friend was visiting some small shops along the streets. It was great but left her wanting more. She was happy with that.
Interested Take a city walk! Feel the beauty of your city in a different way!
1. 要点:
1) Where is the best place to go
2) What’s the place special for
3) What should you pay attention to
2. 要求:1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
2)词数 100左右。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
【单元关关过】八年级英语下册M1 U2--期末梳理质量评估试题
(牛津译林版) --解析版
1.Tom is kind and often helps others, so he always ________ happy.
A.feels B.smells C.tastes
2.The cake ________ good. I can’t wait to eat it.
A.feels B.smells C.sounds D.becomes
3.Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum ________ for about three years, but I ________ there.
A.has opened; haven’t gone B.has been open; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t gone D.has opened; haven’t been
4.—Hello, John. Tom told me you are on holiday. Where have you gone
—I ________ Hainan since last week. You know sand and sea are my favourite.
A.went to B.have gone to C.have been to D.have been in
5.Everyone except Tom and Mike London before.
A.has gone to B.have been to C.have gone to D.has been to
6.The coat is too expensive and ________ the color doesn’t suit you.
A.otherwise B.except C.however D.anyway
7.—Why don’t you visit the Confucius Temple with us
—Because I ________ there many times.
A.have been to B.have gone to C.have been D.have been in
8.—Look! The man looks like Mr. Li.
—It can’t be him. Because he with his family ________ Japan since last week and they haven’t returned.
A.has been to B.have gone to C.have been in D.has been in
9.—Is your father at home, Jim
—No. He ________ Hainan. He ________ there three times.
A.has been to: has been B.has gone to; has been in
C.has gone to; has been to D.has gone to; has been
10.The restaurant near my home ________ for three years, but I ________ there so far.
A.has been open; haven’t been B.has been opened; haven’t been
C.has been open; haven’t been to D.has opened; haven’t been
Many people travel for different reasons. Some people like beautiful mountains for travelling better while others like visiting places with beaches. Do you want to know the 11 of travelling and how it has changed since the old times
Travelling can be a learning experience. It teaches us so many things. We cannot 12 learn them when staying at home. Firstly, it teaches you how to make friends and helps you 13 people. After spending time at a new place and communicating with local people, you can learn so much about their culture and belief. It makes your mind 14 . It is also great for learning new skills. For example, going into a mountain teaches you how to go 15 and going to beaches helps you learn sailing or surfing.
Travelling has changed a lot with the help of technology(科技). In the earlier days, it was 16 for people to travel. It often took too much time on the way and people felt tired out. Travelling on foot or on animals was the only way back then. 17 , with the changing times and technology, travelling has become one of the easiest things to do. You can reach a place far away in no time with different forms of 18 . Further, you can use online maps and translators to help you when visiting 19 city or country. Taxis and food are easy to get.
Now, travelling can be fun and meaningful for everyone. With technology, you can travel to any corner of the world without having to 20 about troubles like languages and distance. Everyone must travel at least once in their life to enjoy an unforgettable experience.
11.A.story B.history C.situation D.importance
12.A.sadly B.easily C.carefully D.correctly
13.A.invite B.surprise C.interview D.understand
14.A.opener B.narrower C.easier D.harder
15.A.climbing B.boating C.dancing D.shopping
16.A.different B.exciting C.difficult D.fantastic
17.A.Also B.However C.Otherwise D.Moreover
18.A.food B.hotels C.clothes D.transport
19.A.other B.another C.the other D.the others
20.A.talk B.hear C.worry D.forget
11.D 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.C
We are traveling in New Zealand these days. We arrived here on Wednesday night. On Thursday we crossed the Southern Alps. It took hours. We drove through Arthur’s Pass and then stopped to look at the mountains. The top looked a bit like black and white pictures, with their bright white snow and big black rocks. We stayed for the night in Greymouth, where we bought some books.
Yesterday we drove on to see the famous Franz Josef Glacier (冰川). First we left our things in our hotel and then we set out to walk to the glacier. It took a long, long time to walk over the rocks in the bottom (底部) and when we got to the wall of the glacier we were very thirsty. We broke off a tiny bit of ice and tasted it. We were drinking water that was thousands of years old. It was much nicer than the ice from the fridge.
Today we drove to the Fox Glacier. Someone had told Dad about a lake on the way, so we went there first. We had to walk through a dark forest to find Lake Matheson. It was a very cold lake because all its water came from the glacier.
It was too late in the day to reach the Fox Glacier. We stayed in the car park to watch great big green-brown parrots. I used to think parrots were sweet and lovely, but these birds were not. They were walking all over the cars in the car park, breaking soft parts with their bills (喙). They even broke off windscreen wipers (雨刮器).
Tomorrow we have to get up early because we are flying to the top of Franz Josef in a plane. I am looking forward to that because the top of the glacier is all deep snow. So far we have only seen the front ends of glaciers.
21.How did the writer organize (组织) this text
A.By giving the examples. B.By time order.
C.By making comparison (比较). D.By space order.
22.What’s paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The trip to see the Southern Alps.
B.The trip to see the Franz Josef Glacier.
C.The trip to see the Fox Glacier.
D.The trip to see the Greymouth.
23.Why did the writer’s family go through a forest
A.To visit a friend. B.To find a lake.
C.To see a glacier. D.To avoid walking on rocks.
24.How did the writer feel about the parrots
A.Happy. B.Worried. C.Sorry. D.Surprised.
25.What will the writer do tomorrow
A.Take a plane. B.Climb to the top of a glacier.
C.Walk in deep snow. D.See the front ends of glaciers.
【答案】21.B 22.B 23.B 24.D 25.A
Who doesn’t wish he could fly like a bird Well, until technology can give us all wings, one of our best choices is paragliding (滑翔伞运动). Paragliding works by sitting in a harness. The harness is tied to a parachute (降落伞) and you use the wind to fly. To paraglide, you usually need to go somewhere high, like a hill or mountain. The pilot will first make the parachute full of air by pulling it up like a kite, and then it’s time to run down the hillside until you reach a good speed to take off. Unless you have a special license to do it yourself, you will fly with a pilot.
I went paragliding in Peru’s Sacred Valley, from a mountain more than 3, 000 meters above sea level. The most difficult part of paragliding for me was not the flying, but the waiting. I started to feel nervous about watching others go ahead of me. But the pilot helped keep me composed. So I didn’t feel nervous.
On an average paragliding trip, you can expect to enjoy flying like a bird for 10 to 30 minutes. Then it’s time to land. I remember the pilot told me to get my legs ready, as landing on your legs is the safest way to land-just like a bird.
Paragliders have set some amazing records, like the highest flight (9, 946 meters) and the longest flight (9, 132 km). In 2020, a Canadian man named Benjamin Jordan became the first person to travel by paraglider from Mexico to Canada (not all in one go, though). He was inspired to do it because of the great migration (迁徙) of monarch butterflies. Each year, millions of these butterflies travel up to 4, 800 km to complete their journey!
26.To go paragliding by yourself, you must ________.
A.fly a kite high first B.learn how to climb hills
C.pilot a plane for years D.have a special license
27.The writer mainly tells us ________ from the second paragraph.
A.the way to go paragliding B.the time for paragliding
C.the place to go paragliding D.the person for paragliding
28.What was the most difficult part of paragliding for the writer
A.The flying process B.Calming the pilot down.
C.Waiting for her turn. D.Landing on land like a bird.
29.The underlined word “composed” here means “________”.
A.nervous B.calm C.excited D.happy
30.Which of the following is CORRECT
A.The highest paragliding flight is 9, 132 m above sea level.
B.The longest paragliding flight is 4, 800 km done by a Canadian man.
C.A Canadian man paraglided for 4, 800 km along with monarch butterflies.
D.Benjamin Jordan is the first to travel from Mexico to Canada by paragliding.
【答案】26.D 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D
Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what an unforgettable experience it was!
When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore (探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our camp.
Tom wanted his father to chase (追赶)him away.
His father said, “No. It’s dangerous to chase a bear. And don’t let him chase you.”
Susie said, “What shall we do Maybe we should climb a tree.”
Tom said, “No. We have to get him out of there. He might go to sleep in our tent.”
“Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat.” Susie suggested.
Then I said, “How are you going to get the honey It’s in the tent.”
We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset everything inside.
“It’s foolish for us to try to chase him away.” said my husband, “Leave him alone and wait for him to come out.”
We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.
31.Tom wanted to go to Yellow Stone National Park to see ________.
A.tigers B.wolves C.bears D.birds
32.What does the underlined word “upset” in the text mean in Chinese
A.伤心 B.弄翻 C.向上 D.设置
33.Who might see the bear first
A.Susie. B.Tom. C.The writer. D.The writer’s husband.
34.What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent
A.They chased the bear away. B.They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.
C.They climbed up a tree. D.They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.
35.What did the bear do in the tent
A.He ate the honey. B.He chased the people away.
C.He drank the beer. D.He turned things upside down.
【答案】31.C 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.D
Travelling is one of the most important activities for people. Modern traffic develops fast, so travelling to different places has become much faster than before. Staying healthy while travelling can make your trip happier. 36 The following information may be useful to you.
Before leaving, you should prepare comfortable shoes, a hat and a pair of sunglasses for yourself. Take some necessary medicine with you. 37 Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip. Or you’ll hurt yourself easily. Preparing proper food is also very important. 38 If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly. For shorter trip, people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.
39 Have enough time to take a rest during your trip. Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and remember to clean the cover of the bottle. Keep food in good condition. If you take hot food, you should try to keep it hot. 40 If you need to keep cold food cold, you can put it in a box with ice. When you arrive, put it in the fridge.
A.For example, you can put it in heavy towels.
B.But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip
C.Here are some tips to get healthy food ready for a trip.
D.During your trip, be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.
E.They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.
F.However, you should think about the time and the food first.
G.The first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food.
【答案】36.B 37.E 38.G 39.D 40.A
If you want to ask where the best place to visit is in 2024, of course, Harbin. The Harbin Ice and Snow Festival has become an Internet hit in early 2024. Harbin, located in Northeast China, is a city known for its snowy landscape and special ice.
Winter is the most attractive season in Harbin, which makes Harbin a winter wonderland. Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, opened on January 5, 2024. Attracting more than 30,000 people per day, the ice park covers 810,000 square meters, nearly nine million square feet, and features 250,000 cubic (立方) meters of ice. Everything you see in the park is made of ice. People from around the world flock to check out a frozen wonderland.
It’s a winter wonderland you won’t see anywhere else. The Chinese city of Harbin saw a large number of visitors over the New Year holiday weekend during its annual Ice and Snow Festival. At night, different kinds of ice sculptures become particularly beautiful under the flashing neon (霓虹) lights. There you can see large ice castles, all types of dragons, giant pandas and other ice sculptures. It’s just like a dream kingdom of ice and snow.
Harbin’s Ice Festival will shine brightly until early March. During this period, the wonderful ice city shares its ice, art, and animals with visitors looking for something cool to do.
41.Where is Harbin
42.How long is Harbin’s Ice Festival according to the passage
43.How many visitors does Harbin attract per day
44.The structure of this passage is ________.
A.①/②③/④ B.①/②/③/④ C.①/②/③④
45.Please write a title for this passage.
【答案】41.In Northeast China. 42.About two months. 43.More than 30,000. 44.A 45.Harbin / A winter wonderland / (Harbin’s) Ice and Snow Festival
46.My father has gone to Beijing on b (公事) these days, so he is not at home.
47.Nowadays, Yancheng has a lot of d (直接的) international flights.
48.I see no light and hear no sound e (除了……以外) the wind far away.
49.When Qingming Festival is coming, people usually m (思念) their past family members.
50.It’s rude to p (指向)at others while talking with others.
51.Three local people were (die) in the forest fire in Yunnan Province.
52.My father will go to Hongkong on (busy) in a week.
53.I have been to some (place) of interest in Yangzhou.
54.Miss Yang (stay) in London since last Monday.
【答案】has stayed
55.Morning hours is the best time of the day (work).
【答案】to work
The character of Kong Yiji the novel Lu Xun.
【答案】 comes/is from by
the Summer Palace in Beijing
【答案】 What’s special about
I she tomorrow.
【答案】 don’t think will come
your parents before
【答案】 Have been abroad
When are you Jiaozuo with your mum, Ann
【答案】 leaving for
Have you ever heard of “citywalk” It is a new way of travelling in which people walk around a city, and find unusual things that even the locals 61 (them) might not have noticed before. It is 62 (become) more and more popular among young people.
People can take a citywalk by exploring (探索) the streets 63 their own or by following a tour guide. During citywalks, people usually don’t go to places of interest or shopping 64 (center). Instead, they go to places where they can have real interactions (互动) with the locals and get a 65 (deep) understanding of a city than before.
Many citywalkers love to share their 66 (careful) planned routes (路线) online. They are 67 (help) to those who want to take a citywalk. Take Wang Lin for example. The girl moved to Wuhan not long ago. One day, she went online to find 68 interesting to do on weekends. She got to know about citywalk and decided to give it a try. She with her friend 69 (choose) a popular citywalk route. They walked for several hours, 70 she was enjoying the views, her friend was visiting some small shops along the streets. It was great but left her wanting more. She was happy with that.
Interested Take a citywalk! Feel the beauty of your city in a different way!
61.themselves 62.becoming 63.on 64.centers/centres 65.deeper 66.carefully 67.helpful 68.something 69.chose 70.while
1. 要点:
1) Where is the best place to go
2) What’s the place special for
3) What should you pay attention to
2. 要求:1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
2)词数 100左右。
Why not go on a trip during the summer holiday In my eyes, the best place to visit is the Palace Museum.
As we all know, the Palace Museum, also famous as the Forbidden City, is wonderful and famous for its long history. Millions of tourists visit it every year. We can see lots of old buildings. If you go and see it, you’ll love it. It’s a really good place to visit.
Remember, if we want to visit the Palace Museum, we should pay attention to our safety. We’d better go with our friends or our family.
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