2025北京版新教材英语高考第一轮基础练习--主题七 人际沟通(含答案)

主题七 人际沟通
基 础 词 汇 名词: tension紧张 comedy喜剧片 comedian喜剧演员 accent口音 well being舒适 contrary正相反 talent天资 doorway门口 antique古董 anxiety不安 measurement测量 atmosphere气氛;大气 nationality国籍 creation作品 mirror镜子 idiom成语 consultation就诊 crisis危机 embarrassment尴尬 mood心情 reputation名誉 screenwriter编剧 producer制作人 agent代理人 infection感染 expense费用 episode一集 potential潜力 vase花瓶 purse女士钱包 genius天才
动词: pretend假装 imitate模仿 enhance增强 interact交流 swing挥动 collapse突然倒下 consume消耗;消费 deduce推论 attain得到 forecast预测 bleed流血 sneeze打喷嚏 scream尖声大叫 demand要求 examine检查 announce宣布 deserve应得 energise使充满活力 criticise批评
形容词、副词: humorous幽默的 facial面部的 dizzy头晕目眩的 unbalanced不平衡的 convinced确信的 confused困惑的 potential潜在的 scientific科学的 unfortunate不幸的 contemporary当代的 middle aged中年的 immune有免疫力的 universal普遍的 academic学术的 raw生的 mostly大部分 afterwards随后 purely完全地 loosely不严谨地 casually漫不经心地 rarely很少
词 汇 变 形 anxiety n.焦虑   →anxious adj.焦虑的    significance n.意义  →significant adj.重要的 accident n.事故   →accidental adj.偶然的   →accidentally adv.偶然地 innocence n.天真  →innocent adj.天真的    →innocently adv.无辜地 embarrass v.使尴尬 →embarrassment n.尴尬   →embarrassed adj.尴尬的 amuse v.逗笑    →amusement n.娱乐    →amusing adj.好笑的 interact v.交流   →interaction n.相互作用   →interactive adj.相互作用的
主 题 词 块 hand over移交 physical and psychological effects生理和心理影响 relieve tension缓解紧张 relax the muscles放松肌肉 increase blood flow促进血液流动 improve the function of blood vessels改善血管功能 an internationally recognised comedy character 一个国际公认的喜剧角色 encounter awkward situations遇到尴尬的情况 rely on依赖 faithful friend忠实的朋友 feel very down非常沮丧 high blood pressure高血压 have far reaching effects有深远的影响 have a great influence on对……有巨大影响 whisper in my ear在我耳边私语 for instance例如 deal with an awkward situation处理尴尬的情况 an astonished look震惊的表情 make an attempt to尝试做…… award a scholarship奖励奖学金 obtain one's master's degree获得硕士学位
infection  genius  atmosphere  crisis  reputation  appetite
1. Einstein was not only a(n)     ; he was a courageous and kind figure loved by many people. (人教XB1U1)
2. I was 11 when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in an economic
      and she'd recently been laid off. She said a polite “no”.
3. Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth. Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause      . (人教XB2U5)
4. While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt, who gained a(n)      as a master of shadow and light. (人教XB3U1)
5. After spending five months wandering through the charming neighborhoods, I fell in love with the      that came out from every open door, and with every spoken word.
pretend  enhance  whisper  examine  consume  attain
6. The man      something in the lion's ear, after which the lion shook its head and walked away unhappily. (外研XB1U1)
7. A dentist once      me and told me that too much sugar in my meals had damaged my teeth and health. (人教XB3U2)
8. Tourism has not been good news for the environment. Fresh water supplies are running low because tourists      much water.
9. Hundreds of years on, and with the latest technology in hand, the need to trade and the desire      relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future. (人教XB4U3)
10. Gary was quite disappointed when the adults praised his cartoon works just out of politeness. To improve this awkward situation, he started writing funny stories. He knew even polite adults could not      a laugh. (2023丰台期末)
faithful  facial  psychological  confused  humorous  academic
11. It is easy to recognise when students are interested in a lesson. When I talk about something difficult, they look     . (人教XB1U4)
12. With a smiling or sad face added to a message or post, your reader can “see” your
      expression while reading your words. (外研XB2U3)
13. Astronauts have to go through physical,     , and technical training. They also go through training in how to care for plants.
14. The students benefitting most from college are those who are totally engaged in
     life, taking full advantage of the college's chances and resources. (2019北京)
15. When I finished my first book, I was not sure if I should throw it out to the world or shelter it forever. That's why I went to Grandpa that night, my      reader, who once again gave me tremendous inspiration.
potential  scientific  unfortunate  dizzy  rarely  mostly
16. Anger is      looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and people are usually advised to reduce it.
17. Given our limited knowledge, it is perhaps no surprise that exploration of the oceans continues to lead to discoveries in various      fields. (外研XB4U5)
18. Turtles have a(n)      habit of eating plastic objects floating in the sea. These cannot be digested and may ultimately kill them.
19. I started climbing. Then I looked down. And suddenly I got      and weak. I was miles off the ground! (2023丰台二模)
20. The technology to prevent such information from leaking or being stolen still needs improvement, and the awareness of      risks is low among both service providers and users. (外研XB4U4)
21. Self reliance is a      (significance) element in being an independent person.
22. On October 13, 1972, a small plane flying to Chile      (accidental) crashed into a mountain in the Andes.
23. Although she is clearly still in some pain, her scared and      (anxiety) look has been replaced by a small smile. (外研XB1U1)
24. Adults are often      (embarrass) about asking for aid. It's an act that can make people feel emotionally unsafe. (2023西城一模)
25. As a child growing up in the 1980s, Marlene Irvin took many trips to Joyland, an
     (amuse) park in her hometown of Wichita, Kansas. (2023西城一模)
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB2U4 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
The Benefits of Humour
Physical effects Help 1.      tension and relax the muscles. Increase blood flow to the heart. Improve the 2.      of blood vessels.
Psychological effects The two way effect between smiling and 3.      : when you are happy, you naturally smile; when you smile... Far reaching effects: It will have a great influence on how you live. People will enjoy your company and feel 4.      by it.
第二节 听后转述
Sam Smith introduces the benefits of humour to us...
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB2U4 Lesson 3)
Rowan Atkinson is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter. In Britain, Mr Atkinson is mostly famous for many successful TV shows but internationally we know him best as the awkward, clumsy, but always amusing Mr Bean. Rowan had a very successful academic career. At the age of 13, he was awarded a scholarship to a boarding school. Later, he studied at Newcastle University where he attained the highest marks in his year. At Oxford, he obtained his master's degree in electrical engineering. When Rowan was young, he had a stutter and to make his speech clearer, he began to speak very carefully. This may be why some of his characters have unusual ways of speaking. As early as primary school, Rowan had already shown a talent for acting, but it was only later at university that he decided to become an actor.
Question 1: What is Mr Atkinson mostly famous for in Britain
Question 2: Why do some of Rowan's characters have unusual ways of speaking
Question 3: List two facts that can prove Rowan had a successful academic career.
三、阅读表达(改编自外研XB1U1 Developing ideas)
The Importance of Humour
Humour has been an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years. There is comedy in the texts of Ancient Greece, and medieval writings are filled with jokes. While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now as they were then, their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.
Closer to modern times, someone who is remembered for his ability to combine humour with more serious messages is American writer, Mark Twain. Twain's particular style of writing is funny and often mischievous(淘气的). For example, in his classic novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he famously says, “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” But he is equally well known for his witty remarks in his everyday interactions with people. For instance, while on a lecturing tour of the United States, Twain went into a barber's shop to get a haircut and a shave. The barber, not recognising him, asked if he had a ticket to the lecture. When Twain replied that he didn't, the barber told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand, as there were no seats left in the theatre. Twain's response was, “That's just my luck. I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!”
Humour isn't just about laughter, but is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world. Living and working with others can sometimes be complicated, and humour makes this easier. Sharing jokes and laughing together can bring individuals and even communities together. Indeed, some may argue that our need for humour is almost as great as our need for water and air. In the words of Mark Twain, “Humor is mankind's greatest blessing”.
1. According to Paragraph 1, what are the functions of humour
2. What is the writing style of Mark Twain
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Humour is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world instead of for laughter.
4. In your daily life, how can humour help you (In about 40 words)
主题七 人际沟通
infection  genius  atmosphere  crisis  reputation  appetite
1. Einstein was not only a(n)     ; he was a courageous and kind figure loved by many people. (人教XB1U1)
2. I was 11 when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in an economic
      and she'd recently been laid off. She said a polite “no”.
3. Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth. Applying oil to the injured areas is a bad idea, as it will keep the heat in the wounds and may cause      . (人教XB2U5)
4. While painters as early as Da Vinci had used oil, this technique reached its height with Rembrandt, who gained a(n)      as a master of shadow and light. (人教XB3U1)
5. After spending five months wandering through the charming neighborhoods, I fell in love with the      that came out from every open door, and with every spoken word.
1. genius 2. crisis 3. infection 4. reputation 5. atmosphere
pretend  enhance  whisper  examine  consume  attain
6. The man      something in the lion's ear, after which the lion shook its head and walked away unhappily. (外研XB1U1)
7. A dentist once      me and told me that too much sugar in my meals had damaged my teeth and health. (人教XB3U2)
8. Tourism has not been good news for the environment. Fresh water supplies are running low because tourists      much water.
9. Hundreds of years on, and with the latest technology in hand, the need to trade and the desire      relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future. (人教XB4U3)
10. Gary was quite disappointed when the adults praised his cartoon works just out of politeness. To improve this awkward situation, he started writing funny stories. He knew even polite adults could not      a laugh. (2023丰台期末)
6. whispered 7. examined 8. consume 9. to enhance 10. pretend
faithful  facial  psychological  confused  humorous  academic
11. It is easy to recognise when students are interested in a lesson. When I talk about something difficult, they look     . (人教XB1U4)
12. With a smiling or sad face added to a message or post, your reader can “see” your
      expression while reading your words. (外研XB2U3)
13. Astronauts have to go through physical,     , and technical training. They also go through training in how to care for plants.
14. The students benefitting most from college are those who are totally engaged in
     life, taking full advantage of the college's chances and resources. (2019北京)
15. When I finished my first book, I was not sure if I should throw it out to the world or shelter it forever. That's why I went to Grandpa that night, my      reader, who once again gave me tremendous inspiration.
11. confused 12. facial 13. psychological 14. academic 15. faithful
potential  scientific  unfortunate  dizzy  rarely  mostly
16. Anger is      looked upon as a beneficial character trait, and people are usually advised to reduce it.
17. Given our limited knowledge, it is perhaps no surprise that exploration of the oceans continues to lead to discoveries in various      fields. (外研XB4U5)
18. Turtles have a(n)      habit of eating plastic objects floating in the sea. These cannot be digested and may ultimately kill them.
19. I started climbing. Then I looked down. And suddenly I got      and weak. I was miles off the ground! (2023丰台二模)
20. The technology to prevent such information from leaking or being stolen still needs improvement, and the awareness of      risks is low among both service providers and users. (外研XB4U4)
16. rarely 17. scientific 18. unfortunate 19. dizzy 20. potential
21. Self reliance is a      (significance) element in being an independent person.
22. On October 13, 1972, a small plane flying to Chile      (accidental) crashed into a mountain in the Andes.
23. Although she is clearly still in some pain, her scared and      (anxiety) look has been replaced by a small smile. (外研XB1U1)
24. Adults are often      (embarrass) about asking for aid. It's an act that can make people feel emotionally unsafe. (2023西城一模)
25. As a child growing up in the 1980s, Marlene Irvin took many trips to Joyland, an
     (amuse) park in her hometown of Wichita, Kansas. (2023西城一模)
21. significant 22. accidentally 23. anxious 24. embarrassed 25. amusement
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB2U4 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
The Benefits of Humour
Physical effects Help 1.      tension and relax the muscles. Increase blood flow to the heart. Improve the 2.      of blood vessels.
Psychological effects The two way effect between smiling and 3.      : when you are happy, you naturally smile; when you smile... Far reaching effects: It will have a great influence on how you live. People will enjoy your company and feel 4.      by it.
1. relieve 2. function 3. mood 4. energised/energized
第二节 听后转述
Sam Smith introduces the benefits of humour to us...
  Sam Smith introduces the benefits of humour to us.
Humour has many physical effects. Laughter helps relieve tension and relax the muscles in our body, and the effects can be felt for as long as 45 minutes after a good laugh. Also, a good laugh increases blood flow to the heart and improves the function of blood vessels, which helps protect us from heart disease.
Humour also has psychological effects on our mind. There is a two way effect between smiling and mood: when we're happy, we naturally smile; and when we smile, even if we don't feel like it, it can also make us feel happy. Besides, it can have far reaching effects. It will have a great influence on how we live. If we always try to be positive and funny, people will enjoy our company and feel energised by it.
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB2U4 Lesson 3)
Rowan Atkinson is an English actor, comedian and screenwriter. In Britain, Mr Atkinson is mostly famous for many successful TV shows but internationally we know him best as the awkward, clumsy, but always amusing Mr Bean. Rowan had a very successful academic career. At the age of 13, he was awarded a scholarship to a boarding school. Later, he studied at Newcastle University where he attained the highest marks in his year. At Oxford, he obtained his master's degree in electrical engineering. When Rowan was young, he had a stutter and to make his speech clearer, he began to speak very carefully. This may be why some of his characters have unusual ways of speaking. As early as primary school, Rowan had already shown a talent for acting, but it was only later at university that he decided to become an actor.
Question 1: What is Mr Atkinson mostly famous for in Britain
Question 2: Why do some of Rowan's characters have unusual ways of speaking
Question 3: List two facts that can prove Rowan had a successful academic career.
1. Many successful TV shows.
2. Because he had a stutter and to make his speech clearer, he began to speak very carefully.
3. ①At the age of 13, he was awarded a scholarship to a boarding school.
②He studied at Newcastle University where he attained the highest marks in his year.
③At Oxford, he obtained his master's degree in electrical engineering.(任意说出两点即可)
三、阅读表达(改编自外研XB1U1 Developing ideas)
The Importance of Humour
Humour has been an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years. There is comedy in the texts of Ancient Greece, and medieval writings are filled with jokes. While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now as they were then, their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.
Closer to modern times, someone who is remembered for his ability to combine humour with more serious messages is American writer, Mark Twain. Twain's particular style of writing is funny and often mischievous(淘气的). For example, in his classic novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he famously says, “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” But he is equally well known for his witty remarks in his everyday interactions with people. For instance, while on a lecturing tour of the United States, Twain went into a barber's shop to get a haircut and a shave. The barber, not recognising him, asked if he had a ticket to the lecture. When Twain replied that he didn't, the barber told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand, as there were no seats left in the theatre. Twain's response was, “That's just my luck. I always have to stand when that fellow lectures!”
Humour isn't just about laughter, but is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world. Living and working with others can sometimes be complicated, and humour makes this easier. Sharing jokes and laughing together can bring individuals and even communities together. Indeed, some may argue that our need for humour is almost as great as our need for water and air. In the words of Mark Twain, “Humor is mankind's greatest blessing”.
1. According to Paragraph 1, what are the functions of humour
2. What is the writing style of Mark Twain
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Humour is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world instead of for laughter.
4. In your daily life, how can humour help you (In about 40 words)
1. Humour can not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.
2. Funny and often mischievous.
3. Humour is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world instead of for laughter.
Humour isn't just about laughter, but is a way of life and a tool that can be used to illuminate the world.
4. One possible version:
First, humour can relieve my stress and anxiety. When I feel tired, I will choose to watch a comedy to relax. Second, humour can make relationships stronger. I always try to be funny when getting on with my friends. They feel energised by it.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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