2025北京版新教材英语高考第一轮基础练习--主题二十一 自然科学研究成果(含答案)

主题二十一 自然科学研究成果
基 础 词 汇 名词: biology生物学 betterment改良 participant参加者 twin双胞胎中的一个 camel骆驼 gene基因 mammal哺乳动物 nerve神经 virus病毒 cattle牛 goat山羊 clue线索 treatment治疗 emotion强烈的情感 blessing福气 organ器官 victim受害者 crossword纵横字谜 zone地区 intake摄入量 variation变体 factor因素 baseline准线 sample样本 trial试验 symptom症状 impulse脉冲 lung肺 outbreak爆发 phenomenon现象 mineral矿物质 database数据库 vaccine疫苗 clone克隆动物或植物
动词: justify证明……有道理 calculate计算 clone克隆 provoke激起 abuse滥用 contain包含 locate找出……的位置 estimate估算 bury埋葬 pose造成 underline强调 differ有异议 identify确定
形容词、副词: identical完全相同的 reproductive繁殖的 crucial至关重要的 bound很有可能 visible看得见的 thorough彻底的 rare稀有的 widespread分布广的 opposed反对 corresponding相应的 systematic系统化的 mere仅仅 forever永远 symbolically象征地 wholly完全地
词 汇 变 形 capable adj.能干的   →capability n.能力    infer v.推理    →inference n.推理 innovate v.创新    →innovation n.革新    edit v.编辑    →edition n.版本 artificial adj.人造的  →artificially adv.人为地  compare v.比较   →comparison n.比较 official adj.官方的  →officially adv.官方地   accuracy n.准确度  →accurate adj.准确的 actual adj.实际的   →actually adv.事实上   globe n.地球    →global adj.全球的 classify v.分类    →classification n.归类   →classified adj.分类的 depress v.使沮丧   →depression n.沮丧    →depressing adj.令人沮丧的
主 题 词 块 attempt to clone animals artificially尝试人工克隆动物 develop an illness患上一种疾病 in comparison with other species与其他物种相比 infectious diseases传染病 contact with a virus or bacteria接触病毒或细菌 as opposed to相对于,而不是 devote to research致力于研究 technical barrier技术壁垒 raise moral concerns提出伦理方面的担心 result in a major loss of life导致失去很多生命 come up with cures找到治疗方法 do trials on treatments试验治疗手段
barrier  participant  emotion  outbreak  clue  comparison
1. I held my camera tripod(三脚架) in both hands to form a(n)      as the bear rushed into me.
2. Disgust(厌恶) is associated with fewer infections, so it is a helpful      in disease relevant contexts.
3. The cities feature more      to help residents find their way, such as numbered streets.
4. Much of our holiday spending is driven by unplanned purchases. Plan ahead, resist the urge to purchase in the moment, make notes for      shopping.
5. The event will be held in a mixed way allowing for opportunities for in person and virtual participation.      will also be able to ask questions via social media.
forever  crucial  widespread  visible  mere  opposed
6. The objects around you are      because they interact with light.
7. Students' academic pressure makes online cheating      and some measures have been taken to fight it.
8. Tourism has not been good news for the environment. Some beautiful landscapes are destroyed      due to the newly built hotels.
9. We all learn to cope with and process our emotions in a healthy way as      to avoiding how we feel as life's stressors continue to rise. (2023海淀一模)
10. An apology is      to our physical health. When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. (2023朝阳期末)
justify  contain  abuse  estimate  result in  come up with
11. The museum      some of the finest examples of Indian art and artifacts in the United States. (2023西城期末)
12. At one point she was caring for more than 65 rescued dogs in her home, and she
      she has spent about $1 million of her own savings on her efforts.
13. The rise of new technologies can      a change redistributing wealth and influence away from some groups, and toward others.
14. When drama teacher Chelsie King asked students at her school      a way for her husband to go around the neighborhood in his wheelchair with their newborn, they were up for the challenge.
15. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future. This means we should take the blame and not try      it or explain it away. (2023朝阳期末)
16.      (actual), every family follows table manners in its own way.
17. As I struggled with my mood, I read a book about     (depress). (2023西城一模)
18. There's no upper age limit provided your instructor judges you      (capability), but the youngest is 14.
19. The picking work of such tea leaves demands high     (accurate) and depends largely on hand labor. (2023丰台二模)
20. Some consumers might oppose an     (innovate) because the existing product is deeply rooted in their identity, culture or customs.
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB3U9 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
How to Keep Your Brain Healthy
Challenge difficult and new things Play some 1.      games when you are free. Get out of your 2.      zone and explore new things.
Develop good habits 3.      your intake of fruit and vegetables. Do the right amount of exercise.
4.      in social activities Attend parties. Join in community organized activities.
第二节 听后转述
Sam Smith introduces some tips on how to keep our brain healthy...
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB3U9 Assessment)
An epidemic is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly to a large number of people within a short period of time. Epidemics have been occurring as long as humans have been on Earth.
In human history, there have been some deadly epidemics. In the early 20th century, the Spanish Flu of 1918 was a massive epidemic that killed an estimate of 50 million people, more than the number of people who died in World War Ⅰ. Initially, it was believed that epidemics posed little threat to the modern world, until SARS outbreak in 2002. The SARS epidemic started as a lung disease in China but eventually spread across the globe to countries such as Canada and Vietnam. It resulted in the infection of about 8,000 people and since then, scientists have undertaken trials on treatments to prevent future deaths.
Question 1: What is an epidemic
Question 2: What was the result of the Spanish Flu of 1918
Question 3: What caused the infection of about 8,000 people according to the passage
三、阅读表达(改编自北师XB3U9 Lesson 1)
To Clone or Not to Clone
Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of a plant or animal and developing it either naturally or artificially. Natural cloning has been going on for generations. For example, gardeners have been using a form of cloning when they take a cutting from a plant and place it in a suitable medium, such as soil. Another example of natural cloning is identical twins, who are produced from the same egg.
In January 2018, the cloning of two long tailed monkeys, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, was announced by Chinese scientists. They were the first ever primates (the order of mammals which include apes, monkeys, and humans) to have been cloned! In comparison with other species, cloning primates has proved to be “much harder”, and doing so with non reproductive cells was even more complicated. Dr. Sun Qiang, director of the research team, said they had been wholly devoted to the research and had been taking care of more than 1,000 monkeys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for more than 5 years. There had been a number of failures before they eventually found a way to successfully clone a monkey. The reason they worked so hard to break this technical barrier was to get animals with edited genes and produce animal models that are helpful for medical research and human health.
The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to cures for various diseases and may also offer clues on how to prevent the aging process. Cloning, however, continues to be an issue that causes a great deal of disagreement and provokes strong emotions. While some people believe it is crucial for scientific advancement, others raise moral concerns. They believe it is bound to lead to cloning of other species, and they worry about the ethical questions this raises.
So far, it is still unknown what will happen to Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua as they grow up. Researchers insist that the science of cloning should be further explored and advanced. As Einstein said, “Science is a powerful instrument. How it is used, whether it is a blessing or a curse to mankind, depends on mankind and not on the instrument. A knife is useful, but it can also kill.”
1. What is cloning
2. Why did Dr. Sun Qiang's team work so hard
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to the prevention of various diseases.
4. Do you think cloning is a good idea And why (In about 40 words)
主题二十一 自然科学研究成果
barrier  participant  emotion  outbreak  clue  comparison
1. I held my camera tripod(三脚架) in both hands to form a(n)      as the bear rushed into me.
2. Disgust(厌恶) is associated with fewer infections, so it is a helpful      in disease relevant contexts.
3. The cities feature more      to help residents find their way, such as numbered streets.
4. Much of our holiday spending is driven by unplanned purchases. Plan ahead, resist the urge to purchase in the moment, make notes for      shopping.
5. The event will be held in a mixed way allowing for opportunities for in person and virtual participation.      will also be able to ask questions via social media.
1. barrier 2. emotion 3. clues 4. comparison 5. Participants
forever  crucial  widespread  visible  mere  opposed
6. The objects around you are      because they interact with light.
7. Students' academic pressure makes online cheating      and some measures have been taken to fight it.
8. Tourism has not been good news for the environment. Some beautiful landscapes are destroyed      due to the newly built hotels.
9. We all learn to cope with and process our emotions in a healthy way as      to avoiding how we feel as life's stressors continue to rise. (2023海淀一模)
10. An apology is      to our physical health. When we acknowledge that we are wrongdoers and express our guilt to others, we will free ourselves from the uncomfortable state. (2023朝阳期末)
6. visible 7. widespread 8. forever 9. opposed 10. crucial
justify  contain  abuse  estimate  result in  come up with
11. The museum      some of the finest examples of Indian art and artifacts in the United States. (2023西城期末)
12. At one point she was caring for more than 65 rescued dogs in her home, and she
      she has spent about $1 million of her own savings on her efforts.
13. The rise of new technologies can      a change redistributing wealth and influence away from some groups, and toward others.
14. When drama teacher Chelsie King asked students at her school      a way for her husband to go around the neighborhood in his wheelchair with their newborn, they were up for the challenge.
15. Instead of making excuses for what we did, try to bear responsibility and offer a promise to take action so that we will not repeat the behavior in future. This means we should take the blame and not try      it or explain it away. (2023朝阳期末)
11. contains 12. estimates 13. result in 14. to come up with 15. to justify
16.      (actual), every family follows table manners in its own way.
17. As I struggled with my mood, I read a book about     (depress). (2023西城一模)
18. There's no upper age limit provided your instructor judges you      (capability), but the youngest is 14.
19. The picking work of such tea leaves demands high     (accurate) and depends largely on hand labor. (2023丰台二模)
20. Some consumers might oppose an     (innovate) because the existing product is deeply rooted in their identity, culture or customs.
16. Actually 17. depression 18. capable 19. accuracy 20. innovation
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB3U9 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
How to Keep Your Brain Healthy
Challenge difficult and new things Play some 1.      games when you are free. Get out of your 2.      zone and explore new things.
Develop good habits 3.      your intake of fruit and vegetables. Do the right amount of exercise.
4.      in social activities Attend parties. Join in community organized activities.
1. puzzle 2. comfort 3. Increase 4. Participate
第二节 听后转述
Sam Smith introduces some tips on how to keep our brain healthy...
  Sam Smith introduces some tips on how to keep our brain healthy.
First, challenge difficult and new things. We can play some puzzle games when we are free. They help keep us alert and our mind clear. We should also get out of our comfort zone and explore new things. Learning new skills keeps the brain active.
Second, develop good habits. We shouldn't eat too much junk food. We should increase our intake of fruit and vegetables. They contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are good for our brain. We should also do the right amount of exercise which can relieve our stress and improve our memory.
Third, participate in social activities. Social activity can exercise our brain and keep our brain sharp. We can attend parties and join in community organized activities.
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB3U9 Assessment)
An epidemic is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly to a large number of people within a short period of time. Epidemics have been occurring as long as humans have been on Earth.
In human history, there have been some deadly epidemics. In the early 20th century, the Spanish Flu of 1918 was a massive epidemic that killed an estimate of 50 million people, more than the number of people who died in World War Ⅰ. Initially, it was believed that epidemics posed little threat to the modern world, until SARS outbreak in 2002. The SARS epidemic started as a lung disease in China but eventually spread across the globe to countries such as Canada and Vietnam. It resulted in the infection of about 8,000 people and since then, scientists have undertaken trials on treatments to prevent future deaths.
Question 1: What is an epidemic
Question 2: What was the result of the Spanish Flu of 1918
Question 3: What caused the infection of about 8,000 people according to the passage
1. An epidemic is an infectious disease that spreads rapidly to a large number of people within a short period of time.
2. It killed an estimate of 50 million people.
3. The SARS epidemic.
三、阅读表达(改编自北师XB3U9 Lesson 1)
To Clone or Not to Clone
Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of a plant or animal and developing it either naturally or artificially. Natural cloning has been going on for generations. For example, gardeners have been using a form of cloning when they take a cutting from a plant and place it in a suitable medium, such as soil. Another example of natural cloning is identical twins, who are produced from the same egg.
In January 2018, the cloning of two long tailed monkeys, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, was announced by Chinese scientists. They were the first ever primates (the order of mammals which include apes, monkeys, and humans) to have been cloned! In comparison with other species, cloning primates has proved to be “much harder”, and doing so with non reproductive cells was even more complicated. Dr. Sun Qiang, director of the research team, said they had been wholly devoted to the research and had been taking care of more than 1,000 monkeys 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for more than 5 years. There had been a number of failures before they eventually found a way to successfully clone a monkey. The reason they worked so hard to break this technical barrier was to get animals with edited genes and produce animal models that are helpful for medical research and human health.
The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to cures for various diseases and may also offer clues on how to prevent the aging process. Cloning, however, continues to be an issue that causes a great deal of disagreement and provokes strong emotions. While some people believe it is crucial for scientific advancement, others raise moral concerns. They believe it is bound to lead to cloning of other species, and they worry about the ethical questions this raises.
So far, it is still unknown what will happen to Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua as they grow up. Researchers insist that the science of cloning should be further explored and advanced. As Einstein said, “Science is a powerful instrument. How it is used, whether it is a blessing or a curse to mankind, depends on mankind and not on the instrument. A knife is useful, but it can also kill.”
1. What is cloning
2. Why did Dr. Sun Qiang's team work so hard
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to the prevention of various diseases.
4. Do you think cloning is a good idea And why (In about 40 words)
1. Cloning is the process of making an exact copy of a plant or animal and developing it either naturally or artificially.
2. To get animals with edited genes and produce animal models that are helpful for medical research and human health.
3. The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to the prevention of various diseases.
The successful cloning of primates has led to worldwide praise as a huge breakthrough that might lead to cures for various diseases.
4. One possible version:
I don't think cloning is a good idea. As we know, cloned animals can't live normal lives like other animals because their lives are shorter. They come into this world, but they can't enjoy their right to a long life, which is unfair to them.
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