2025北京版新教材英语高考第一轮基础练习--主题八 社会交往(含答案)

主题八 社会交往
基 础 词 汇 名词: clinic诊所 gallery美术馆 grocery食品杂货 stadium体育场 bakery面包房 cafeteria食堂 outskirts市郊 canteen食堂 suburb郊区 forum论坛 conflict冲突 intervention干涉 friction冲突,不和 theory理论 loan贷款 chain一连串 forgiveness原谅 network网络 sociologist社会学家 parcel包裹 phrase成语 household一家人 debt债务 bond纽带 consequence后果 despair绝望 sorrow悲伤
动词: envy羡慕,妒忌 disturb干扰 appeal呼吁;有吸引力 release发布 adopt领养;采取 freeze使结冰 interrupt打断 proceed继续进行 reveal揭示 sigh叹息,叹气 dare敢于 dive潜水 frown皱眉 clasp握紧 shiver颤抖
形容词、副词: random随机的 bare空的 bimonthly两月一次的 legal合法的 additionally除此之外
词 汇 变 形 disagree v.不同意  →disagreement n.分歧  disturb v.打扰  →disturbing adj.令人烦扰的 apologise v.道歉  →apology n.道歉   appeal v.吸引    →appealing adj.有吸引力的 investigate v.调查  →investigation n.调查    forgive v.原谅    →forgiveness n.原谅 amaze v.使吃惊   →amazement n.惊奇    →amazed adj.吃惊的 consequence n.后果  →consequent adj.随之发生的  →consequently adv.结果;因此 frequent adj.频繁的  →frequently adv.频繁地    →frequency n.频率 encourage v.鼓励   →encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的 →encouragement n.鼓励 legal adj.合法的   →illegal adj.不合法的    →illegally adv.不合法地
主 题 词 块 be connected to被连接到 prove the theory证明这个理论 heart attack心脏病 look after each other互相照顾 keep up the traditional lifestyle保持传统的生活方式 rush to the door冲向大门 burst into tears突然哭起来 consist of由……组成 sort out解决 based on the concept基于这个理论 send packages寄送包裹 organise community celebrations组织社区庆祝活动 protect them from the pressure of the modern world保护他们免受现代世界的压力 in the depths of despair彻底绝望 grasp the full meaning of完全明白……的意思 be connected to...被连接到…… be used as...被用作……
debt  conflict  theory  parcel  consequence  heart attack
1. Student loan      is playing a role in the physical and mental stress of young people.
2. Researchers have developed a      that they think might help to explain this blind spot in our memories.
3. In August of 1977, he died from a      . He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years.
4. I had been butting heads with her ever since I could remember. And the older I got, the more at odds we were and the more      we experienced.
5. Playing tricks can come with unintended      . Pranks that are intended to harm or embarrass can anger the target and even ruin a relationship.
envy  disturb  release  proceed  reveal  consist of
6. She sniffled and brushed her hair behind her ears      her bloodshot eyes and moist cheeks.
7. Thinking about food frequently can      studying or cause a student to miss part of the class.
8. How everyone      me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! (人教XB3U4)
9. The Ministry of Education      a notice in January that restricts primary and middle school students from carrying mobile phones to school.
10. Each research team      six tenth grade students, one teacher, and one practicing scientist. Together the team investigates an area of current scientific concern.
look after  keep up  be connected to  be used as  base on  protect oneself from
11. Even an athlete can hardly run as quickly as a horse does, and can only      a top speed for 15 seconds or so.
12. Fashion can      a means of communication and a way to communicate your self image to people around you. (2023东城期末)
13. Humans evolved as social creatures that cooperate in groups to secure food and
     wild animals. (2023海淀期末)
14. Self driving cars can learn to drive in the same way that we do, and can make judgements
      information. (外研XB3U4)
15. When we are children, we have few responsibilities. Our parents      us and we generally don't have to worry about food or shelter.
16. Words of praise and      (encourage) from the coach, parents and other players raise self worth.
17. When parents post about their children on social media with high      (frequent), the phenomenon of “oversharenting” occurs, which can be a great cause for concern.
18. My students are often      (amaze) that they can check out books via their smartphones and virtually visit a variety of Long Island libraries.
19. When presented with an      (apologise), the victims may view us as imperfect human beings and find it easier to give      (forgive). (2023朝阳期末)
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB4U10 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
The Lifestyle in Roseto
In the 1950s There was hardly a Rosetan below 65 who'd 1.      a heart attack. People were dying of old age rather than from illness. There was very little crime. The reason for the low rate of heart attacks: Roseto was a very closely knit 2.      . People looked after each other... Almost all households consisted of three 3.      .
Later The first heart attack of a Rosetan under 45 happened in 1971. Today the rate is the same as the average. The reason: Younger Rosetans would not keep up the 4.      lifestyle. They moved to typical single family houses. They rejected traditional social bonds.
第二节 听后转述
Dr. Smith introduces the lifestyle in Roseto to us according to his research...
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB4U10 Reading Club 1)
Hutongs—the many little alleys that connect the rectangular courtyards of traditional houses—are a feature of ancient Chinese architecture. The majority of Beijing's hutongs were built between the 13th and 19th centuries during the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. To help them keep control over the city, the Emperors during these periods arranged different areas of Beijing in neat blocks of houses built around courtyards. Because of the hutongs, courtyards were joined together for miles around creating a network of people working, playing and living together—a real community. People supported each other when help was needed and shared the joy and sorrow of everyday life, no doubt sharing recipes, borrowing mops, and burning fragrant incense(香) together. Nowadays, the hutongs not only link Beijing's streets and communities, but also its past and present, showing that Beijing is truly an ancient yet modern city.
Question 1: What are hutongs
Question 2: Why did the Emperors decide to built hutongs
Question 3: List two functions of Beijing's hutongs in modern times.
1. 感谢Jim这一年来的教学和帮助;
2. 回忆去年一起做火鸡(turkey)、开派对的情景;
3. 希望保持联系。
注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
主题八 社会交往
debt  conflict  theory  parcel  consequence  heart attack
1. Student loan      is playing a role in the physical and mental stress of young people.
2. Researchers have developed a      that they think might help to explain this blind spot in our memories.
3. In August of 1977, he died from a      . He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years.
4. I had been butting heads with her ever since I could remember. And the older I got, the more at odds we were and the more      we experienced.
5. Playing tricks can come with unintended      . Pranks that are intended to harm or embarrass can anger the target and even ruin a relationship.
1. debt 2. theory 3. heart attack 4. conflicts 5. consequences
envy  disturb  release  proceed  reveal  consist of
6. She sniffled and brushed her hair behind her ears      her bloodshot eyes and moist cheeks.
7. Thinking about food frequently can      studying or cause a student to miss part of the class.
8. How everyone      me when I come back and tell them about the amazing places I have been to! (人教XB3U4)
9. The Ministry of Education      a notice in January that restricts primary and middle school students from carrying mobile phones to school.
10. Each research team      six tenth grade students, one teacher, and one practicing scientist. Together the team investigates an area of current scientific concern.
6. to reveal 7. disturb 8. will envy 9. released 10. consists of
look after  keep up  be connected to  be used as  base on  protect oneself from
11. Even an athlete can hardly run as quickly as a horse does, and can only      a top speed for 15 seconds or so.
12. Fashion can      a means of communication and a way to communicate your self image to people around you. (2023东城期末)
13. Humans evolved as social creatures that cooperate in groups to secure food and
     wild animals. (2023海淀期末)
14. Self driving cars can learn to drive in the same way that we do, and can make judgements
      information. (外研XB3U4)
15. When we are children, we have few responsibilities. Our parents      us and we generally don't have to worry about food or shelter.
11. keep up 12. be used as 13. protect themselves from 14. based on 15. look after
16. Words of praise and      (encourage) from the coach, parents and other players raise self worth.
17. When parents post about their children on social media with high      (frequent), the phenomenon of “oversharenting” occurs, which can be a great cause for concern.
18. My students are often      (amaze) that they can check out books via their smartphones and virtually visit a variety of Long Island libraries.
19. When presented with an      (apologise), the victims may view us as imperfect human beings and find it easier to give      (forgive). (2023朝阳期末)
16. encouragement 17. frequency 18. amazed
19. apology;forgiveness
一、听后记录并转述(改编自北师XB4U10 Lesson 2)
第一节 听后记录
The Lifestyle in Roseto
In the 1950s There was hardly a Rosetan below 65 who'd 1.      a heart attack. People were dying of old age rather than from illness. There was very little crime. The reason for the low rate of heart attacks: Roseto was a very closely knit 2.      . People looked after each other... Almost all households consisted of three 3.      .
Later The first heart attack of a Rosetan under 45 happened in 1971. Today the rate is the same as the average. The reason: Younger Rosetans would not keep up the 4.      lifestyle. They moved to typical single family houses. They rejected traditional social bonds.
1. experienced 2. community 3. generations 4. traditional
第二节 听后转述
Dr. Smith introduces the lifestyle in Roseto to us according to his research...
  Dr. Smith introduces the lifestyle in Roseto to us according to his research.
In the 1950s, there was hardly a Rosetan below 65 who'd experienced a heart attack. People were dying of old age rather than from illness. Additionally, there was very little crime. This was a very safe small town. The reason for the low rate of Rosetans' heart attacks was the community itself. Roseto was a very closely knit community. People there looked after each other. They visited each other and frequently organised community celebrations. In Roseto, almost all households consisted of three generations. Old people were respected. The social network protected them from the pressure of the modern world.
Later, the first heart attack of a Rosetan under 45 happened in 1971. Today the rate of heart attacks in Roseto is the same as the average. The reason is that younger Rosetans would not keep up the traditional lifestyle. They moved to typical single family houses on the outskirts of the town. They rejected traditional social bonds.
二、朗读短文回答问题(改编自北师XB4U10 Reading Club 1)
Hutongs—the many little alleys that connect the rectangular courtyards of traditional houses—are a feature of ancient Chinese architecture. The majority of Beijing's hutongs were built between the 13th and 19th centuries during the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties. To help them keep control over the city, the Emperors during these periods arranged different areas of Beijing in neat blocks of houses built around courtyards. Because of the hutongs, courtyards were joined together for miles around creating a network of people working, playing and living together—a real community. People supported each other when help was needed and shared the joy and sorrow of everyday life, no doubt sharing recipes, borrowing mops, and burning fragrant incense(香) together. Nowadays, the hutongs not only link Beijing's streets and communities, but also its past and present, showing that Beijing is truly an ancient yet modern city.
Question 1: What are hutongs
Question 2: Why did the Emperors decide to built hutongs
Question 3: List two functions of Beijing's hutongs in modern times.
1. The many little alleys that connect the rectangular courtyards of traditional houses.
2. To help them keep control over the city.
3. ①To link Beijing's streets and communities.
②To link Beijing's past and present, showing that it is truly an ancient yet modern city.
1. 感谢Jim这一年来的教学和帮助;
2. 回忆去年一起做火鸡(turkey)、开派对的情景;
3. 希望保持联系。
注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
One possible version:
Dear Jim,
How are you doing these days Hearing that you are going to go back to your homeland this September, I'm writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for your teaching and the assistance you gave me.
I still remember the very scene when we made turkey and had a party last year. It was at that day that you shared so many interesting things about your country, through which I learned a lot about your food, culture and history. We really enjoyed ourselves there and we've become good friends since then. I am pleased to know you can return to your hometown and reunite with your family.
I really hope we can keep in touch.
Li Hua
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



