Unit 4 Finding your way 语法填空(含解析)牛津译林版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训

Unit 4 Finding your way 语法填空(含解析)牛津译林版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训
Now the students are in front of the South Gate of Sunshine Zoo. They 1 (follow) a tour guide in the zoo for the next three hours.
Go straight from the South Gate, the 2 (one) they see is the Panda House. Pandas eat bamboo and enjoy 3 (lie) down all day long. What’s interesting is that their eyes are different from 4 (we). Pandas are cute. Every year, lots of 5 (visit) come here to see them.
To the north of the Panda House, they find the lions. Lions are the kings of the animal world and they are dangerous. Remember 6 (not go) near them. Turn left into the World of Birds, birds make beautiful sounds when they sing.
Then they come to the Monkeys’ Forest. A baby monkey is jumping around and makes them 7 (laugh). To the east of it, they see the giraffes. The 8 (giraffe) long necks help them eat the leaves from the trees.
Go 9 (cross) the bridge, they see the elephants. An elephant 10 (own) large ears like open fans.
Here you can see all kinds of animals. Have a nice trip!
Hello, I’m John. I’m going to show you 11 my hometown.
Look! This is my house. It is on a farm. It has two floors. Most people here live in houses 12 this. There are many flowers and trees around my house. Every day, I can smell the flowers and 13 the birds sing. There is a lake near my house. Sometimes we row a boat there.
There are about one hundred families in our town. Some families raise cows, and others grow wheat. People here know each other. They are all 14 . There are buses to the town centre every day. Usually my mother drives us there to do the shopping.
We 15 our life here. I think it is a wonderful place to live.
I hope you can come and visit soon!
Hello. Everyone! Next week we will go on a t 16 to Yellow Mountain. Do you want to know anything about it Here is some i 17 .
Yellow Mountain is a f 18 mountain in China. It is in the south of Anhui. Every day thousands of people from China and all o 19 the world come to visit it. It t 20 us about three hours to get there by bus. When we are climbing the mountain, we can enjoy the f 21 air, the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks along the way. In the early m 22 when the sun rises, the sky looks q 23 beautiful.
Please p 24 well for the trip next week. Wear comfortable trainers, bring something to eat and drink, but please r 25 : We should be polite visitors.
We often see street names and house n 26 in America, Canada and England, so people in these p 27 often use street names and house numbers to give directions. However, in some other c 28 we can’t often see them. Then how to give directions in these countries Let’s take Japan for example(例子). If you take a t 29 to Tokyo, the c 30 of Japan, you will find that you can’t see street names or house numbers easily, but people there are very g 31 at giving directions. Let’s see how this lady gives directions.
“Well, you want to go to Harajuku Station on f 32 . Turn left and walk for three blocks from here. Then you can see a hotel. Turn right and go p 33 a library. O 34 your left, there is a large building. Turn right again and walk for one block. You will see a small restaurant. Across from the restaurant is Harajuku Station.” Boys and girls, what do you think of this w 35 of giving directions
I live in Suzhou. It’s a beautiful city. It’s famous for its beautiful g 36 . Every year, many v 37 come here for a trip. I live in a tall building. I have a bedroom of my o 38 , but sometimes I share it w 39 my cousin. I often i 40 my friends to have a party in my house. I keep a dog and some goldfish at home. The dog always f 41 me everywhere when I come back from school. I often watch the goldfish s 42 in the water. I feed them and look after them w 43 . They are my good friends.
I’m good at my lessons. I work very hard. I h 44 to go to work in Beijing when I finish school in the future. I have many hobbies. I like music and I am good at p 45 the piano. I usually take part in some outdoor activities and have a good time.
Tracy is always dreaming of visiting a famous theatre in a big city. Her dream will come true. She is visiting London, and one of her friends is i 46 her to see Made in Dagenham, a musical(音乐剧)in the Adelphi Theatre. The theatre is very famous in the c 47 of the UK. Tracy w 48 she could live in London like her friend. Then she could see musicals often.
“The Adelphi Theatre has a history of o 49 200 years. It looks great o 50 . And the inside is beautiful too. The seats are c 51 ,” her friend tells Tracy.
“Really It s 52 great. I will bring my camera(照相机)with me,” Tracy says.
“Sorry, Tracy. The theatre doesn’t let v 53 take photos.”
“All right. How will we get there Will you d 54 there ”
“No, I won’t. The traffic will be busy then. We will take the u 55 . It’s fast.”
“Good,” Tracy can’t wait to see the musical.
Dear Editor (编辑),
After I finish my homework, I often go online and c 56 with my friends. Sometimes I play Internet games. But my parents h 57 to see me playing games on the computer. Maybe they have heard too m 58 news about how QQ and Internet games harm (伤害) children. Only l 59 month I went to a net bar (网吧) to play games after school. B 60 after that I told my parents that I was playing basketball at school. I said so b 61 I didn’t want to make them unhappy. I f 62 bad about it. However, I n 63 to rest for a while by playing computer games after studying for a long t 64 . I really want my parents to understand that. Do foreign (外国的) p 65 do the same to their children Please help me.
Yours faithfully,
Li Ping
Chocolate lovers know that eating chocolate makes them happy. Now they may a 66 become smarter by eating chocolate. Scientists let a group of people e 67 85 grams of milk chocolate and asked a 68 group to eat no chocolate at all. After 15 minutes, the g 69 that ate chocolate were able to remember m 70 words and phrases than the group that did not eat chocolate. They believe that s 71 in chocolate can m 72 people smarter. Of course, e 73 chocolate doesn’t guarantee(保证) you’ll p 74 every test. You’ll s 75 need to study hard.
Kiwi fruit(种猴桃)is very delicious. This kind of fruit c 76 from China. The Chinese have a long h 77 of eating kiwi fruit. Kiwi fruit started in a place of China. People there liked its nice t 78 and green colour very much. People in other c 79 learnt about the fruit in the 1800s.At that time,its English name was Chinese gooseberry.
W 80 people made the fruit popular. People in New Zealand were the f 81 to plant the fruit commercially(商业化)in 1934 and to s 82 it to other places in the world. Later,in the 1960s,people in New Zealand named it "Kiwi fruit" b 83 it looked like the national bird of New Zealand,the Kiwi bird. The bird looks very f 84 ,like a round brown ball.
People all over the world like kiwi fruit because it's very h 85 .It's good for our skin(皮肤)and eyes.
The Browns are having a family 86 (旅行).They 87 (驾车) to the Wild Animal Park. It’s about23 88 (公里) from the city centre. It 89 (花费) them about one hour to get here. There are many 90 (危险的) animals in the park, so Mr Brown and his family 91 (不得不) visit the park on a tour bus. The bus 92 (跟随) the animals and explores(探索) their living places. It’s 93 (相当) fun and exciting.
1.will follow 2.first 3.lying 4.ours 5.visitors 6.not to go 7.laugh 8.giraffes’ 9.across 10.owns
1.句意:他们在接下来会跟着动物园的导游。分析句子结构可知,此处是谓语动词,且表示将来的动作,用一般将来时。故填will follow。
3.句意:熊猫吃竹子而且喜欢整天躺着。根据空前enjoy“喜欢”可知,此处考查动词短语enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,用动名词形式。故填lying。
5.句意:每年,许多游客来这里看它们。分析句子结构可知,此处应是名词作主语,用visitor“游客”,且空前有lots of“许多”,此处用复数。故填visitors。
6.句意:记得不要靠近它们。分析句子结构可知,此处考查动词短语remember not to do sth.“记得不要做某事”,用动词的不定式。故填not to go。
7.句意:一只小猴在到处跳,让他们很大笑。分析句子结构可知,此处考查动词短语make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,用省略to的动词不定式。故填laugh。
8.句意:长颈鹿的长脖子帮助它们从树上吃到叶子。根据空后long necks“长脖子”可知,空处应用名词复数的所有格形式,作定语。故填giraffes’。
9.句意:过了桥,他们看到大象。分析句子结构可知,此处用介词,后接名词the bridge“桥”,应用介词across“穿过”。故填across。
11.around 12.like 13.hear 14.friendly/nice 15.enjoy/like/love
11.句意:我要带你参观我的家乡。show sb. around sp.“带领某人参观某处”,是固定短语。故填around。
12.句意:这里的大多数人都住在这样的房子里。根据“It has two floors. Most people here live in houses...this.”可知,此处应是表示这里的大多数人都住在像这样的两层楼房里,空处应是介词like“像,如同”。故填like。
13.句意:每天,我都能闻到花香,听到鸟儿歌唱。根据“I can smell the flowers and...the birds sing”可知,闻到花香,听到鸟儿歌唱。hear“听到”,smell与hear并列,均用动词原形。故填hear。
14.句意:他们都很友好。根据“ People here know each other. They are all...”可知,这里的人互相都认识,大家都很友好,friendly/nice“友好的”符合语境。故填friendly/nice。
15.句意:我们享受/喜欢/热爱这儿的生活。根据“We...our life here. I think it is a wonderful place to live.”可知,enjoy/like/love均符合语境,表示享受/喜欢/热爱家乡的生活。句子用一般现在时,主语是we,谓语动词用原形。故填enjoy/like/love。
16.(t)rip 17.(i)nformation 18.(f)amous 19.(o)ver 20.(t)akes 21.(f)resh 22.(m)orning 23.(q)uite 24.(p)repare 25.(r)emember
16.句意:下周我们将去黄山旅行。根据空前的“go on a”及首字母提示可知,此处考查固定搭配go on a trip“去旅行”。故填(t)rip。
19.句意:每天,成千上万的中国人和来自世界各地的人们来参观它。根据“people from China and all...the world”及首字母提示可知,此处考查短语all over the world“世界各地”。故填(o)ver。
20.句意:乘公交车到那里花费了我们大约3小时的时间。此处考查固定句型“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”,表“做某事花费某人一些时间”。故填(t)akes。
21.句意:当我们爬山的时候,沿途我们可以享受新鲜的空气、云海、奇松和怪石。根据“we can enjoy the...air”可知,此处需填入形容词作定语。结合首字母提示可知,形容词fresh“新鲜的”符合语境。故填(f)resh。
22.句意:在清早,当太阳升起的时候,天空看起来非常漂亮。根据空后的“when the sun rises”可知,设空处应填入一个表时间的名词。结合首字母提示可知,名词morning“早晨”符合语境。故填(m)orning。
23.句意:在清早,当太阳升起的时候,天空看起来非常漂亮。根据“ the sky looks...beautiful.”可知,此处需填入程度副词修饰后面的形容词“beautiful”。结合首字母提示可知,quite”非常“符合语境。故填(q)uite。
24.句意:请为下周的这个旅行做好准备。根据“Please...well for the trip next week.”可知,本句为祈使句,需填入动词原形。结合首字母提示可知,此处考查固定搭配prepare for“为……做准备”。故填(p)repare。
25.句意:但请记住:我们应该做文明的游客。根据“Wear comfortable trainers, bring something to eat and drink, but please...We should be polite visitors.”可知,“but”后接的是一个祈使句,设空处需填入动词的原形。结合首字母提示可知,remember“记住”符合语境。故填(r)emember。
26.(n)umbers 27.(p)laces 28.(c)ountries 29.(t)rip 30.(c)apital 31.(g)ood 32.(f)oot 33.(p)ast 34.(O)n 35.(w)ay
26.句意:在美国、加拿大和英国,我们经常看到街道名称和门牌号。根据下句“so people in these p… often use street names and house numbers to give directions.”和首字母提示可知,应是经常看到街道名称和门牌号,故空处应是number“号码”;根据空前复数名词names的提示可知,空处名词也应用复数形式。故填(n)umbers。
27.句意:所以这些地方的人经常用街道名和门牌号来指路。根据前句“We often see street names and house n…in America, Canada and England,”和首字母提示可知,应是这些地方的人经常用街道名和门牌号来指路,故空处应是place“地方”,可数名词,因之前有these修饰,故名词应用复数形式。故填(p)laces。
28.句意:然而,在其他一些国家,我们不能经常看到它们。根据后句“Then how to give directions in these countries ”和首字母提示可知,应是指其他一些国家,故空处应是country“国家”,可数名词,因之前有some修饰,故名词应用复数形式。故填(c)ountries。
29.句意:如果你去日本首都东京旅行,你会发现你很难看到街道名称或门牌号。根据空后“to Tokyo”和首字母提示可知,应是去东京旅行,take a trip“去旅行”,固定短语。故填(t)rip。
31.句意:但是那里的人很擅长指路。be good at“擅长”,固定短语。故填(g)ood。
32.句意:嗯,你想步行去Harajuku车站。on foot“步行”,固定短语。故填(f)oot。
33.句意:向右拐,经过一个图书馆。承接前句“Turn right and go...a library.”和首字母提示可知,应是经过一个图书馆,故空处应是past“经过”,介词。故填(p)ast。
34.句意:在你的左边,有一座大楼。on one’s left“在……左边”,固定短语;句首首字母大写。故填(O)n。
35.句意:孩子们,你们认为这种指路方式怎么样?根据上文“Turn left and walk for three blocks from here. Then you can see a hotel. Turn right and go p…a library. O…your left, there is a large building. Turn right again and walk for one block. You will see a small restaurant. Across from the restaurant is Harajuku Station.”语境和首字母提示可知,应是问这种指路方式怎么样,故空处应是way“方式”,可数名词,因之前有this修饰,故名词应用单数形式。故填(w)ay。
36.(g)ardens 37.(v)isitors 38.(o)wn 39.(w)ith 40.(i)nvite 41.(f)ollows 42.(s)wim 43.(w)ell 44.(h)ope 45.(p)laying
38.句意:我有一个我自己的卧室。根据“but sometimes I share it”并结合首字母可知,应是有自己的卧室。故填(o)wn。
40.句意:我经常邀请我的朋友们在我家举行聚会。invite sb. to do sth...“邀请某人做某事,根据“my friends to have a party in my house”并结合首字母可知应是邀请朋友。时态是一般现在时,主语是“I”,故填(i)nvite。
41.句意:当我放学回家时,狗总是处处跟着我。根据语境和首字母以及狗喜欢和主人玩的特点可知此处应是跟着作者,主语the dog是第三人称单数,故填(f)ollows。
43.句意:我喂它们并精心照顾它们。根据“They are my good friends.”可知应是精心照顾它们,修饰look after应用副词,结合首字母应填well。故填(w)ell。
44.句意:我希望在将来毕业时在北京工作。根据“go to work in Beijing when I finish school in the future.”可知是对未来的希望,结合首字母,应填hope“希望”,主语是第一人称,故填(h)ope。
45.句意:我喜欢音乐并且擅长弹钢琴。根据“the piano”并结合首字母可知应填play“弹”,其前是介词,所以应填动名词形式。故填(p)laying。
46.(i)nviting 47.(c)apital 48.(w)ishes 49.(o)ver 50.(o)utside 51.(c)omfortable 52.(s)ounds 53.(v)isitors 54.(d)rive 55.(u)ndrground
46.句意:她正在伦敦旅游,她的朋友邀请她去看音乐剧。根据“and one of her friends is ...her to see Made in Dagenham”及首字母可知,此处考查invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”;根据is可知,时态是现在进行时态,所以空处用现在分词;故填(i)nviting。
47.句意:这个剧院在英国的首都伦敦很著名。根据“She is visiting London” 和“the UK”以及首字母,可知,伦敦是英国的首都,capital符合语境;故填(c)apital。
48.句意:特蕾西希望她能像她的朋友那样住在伦敦。根据“she could live in London like her friend”及首字母可知,该句与现实不符,所以应是“希望”住在伦敦,主语是Tracy,时态是一般现在时,所谓语动词用三单形式。故填(w)ishes。
49.句意:阿德尔菲剧院有200多年的历史。根据“200 years”可知,此处指“200多年”,结合首字母可知,over“多于”符合语境。故填(o)ver。
50.句意:外面看起来很棒。根据“And the inside is beautiful too”可知,空处应是与inside相对应,用outside“外部”符合语境。故填(o)utside。
51.句意:座位很舒服。根据“The seats”和首字母可知是,此处指座位舒适,comfortable “舒服的”,形容词作表语;故填(c)omfortable。
53.句意:剧院不让游客拍照。根据“ doesn’t let ... take photos.”可知,此处是介绍不能带相机的原因,结合首字母可知,去剧院的都属于“游客”,所以是不允许游客拍照,visitor符合语境,名词复数代指一类;故填(v)isitors。
54.句意:你开车去那儿吗?根据“How will we get there ”可知,此处指交通方式,结合首字母可知,drive“开车”符合语境,will后用动词原形;故填(d)rive。
55.句意:我们将乘地铁。根据上文“The traffic ”可知,此处指交通工具,结合首字母和“It’s fast”可知,此处指underground“地铁”。故填(u)ndrground。
56.(c)hat 57.(h)ate 58.(m)uch 59.(l)ast 60.(B)ut 61.(b)ecause 62.(f)eel/(f)elt 63.(n)eed 64.(t)ime 65.(p)arents
56.句意:完成作业后,我经常上网和朋友聊天。根据“I often go online and c... with my friends”可知用动词短语chat with表示“与……聊天”;与and前动词“go”一样,都用动词原形。故填(c)hat。
57.句意:但是我的父母讨厌看到我在电脑上玩游戏。根据“how QQ and Internet games harm children”可知网络游戏有害,父母不喜欢看到李平玩电脑游戏,结合首字母h可知用hate表示“讨厌”;此处用一般现在时陈述现在的事实,主语“My parents”是复数,谓语用动词原形。故填(h)ate。
58.句意:也许他们听了太多关于QQ和网络游戏如何伤害孩子的新闻。根据“too m... news”可知此处表示太多新闻,news是不可数名词,用too much表示“太多”。故填(m)uch。
59.句意:就在上个月,我放学后去网吧玩游戏。根据“I went to a net bar”可知此处是过去时间,结合“l... month”可推出是上个月,last month。故填(l)ast。
61.句意:我这么说是因为我不想让他们不高兴。空后“I didn’t want to make them unhappy”是我没有告诉父母实话的原因,用because引导原因状语从句。故填(b)ecause。
62.句意:我对此感到很抱歉。根据“bad about it”可知这是作者的感觉,feel感觉,用一般现在时表示现在的感觉或用一般过去时表示过去撒谎后的感觉均可,故填(f)eel/(f)elt。
63.句意:然而,在学习了很长一段时间后,我需要通过玩电脑游戏休息一下。根据“after studying for a long ...”可知学习过后需要休息,need需要,陈述一般事实,用一般现在时,主语“I”后接动词原形。故填(n)eed。
64.句意:然而,在学习了很长一段时间后,我需要通过玩电脑游戏休息一下。根据“to rest for a while”可知是长时间学习后要休息,time时间。故填(t)ime。
66.(a)lso 67.(e)at 68.(a)nother 69.(g)roup 70.(m)ore 71.(s)omething 72.(m)ake 73.(e)ating 74.(p)ass 75.(s)till
67.句意:科学家让一组人吃85克牛奶巧克力,并要求另一组人完全不吃巧克力。根据“eat no chocolate at all”可知,让这一组吃巧克力,let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,故填(e)at。
69.句意:15分钟后,吃巧克力的那一组比不吃巧克力的那一组能记住更多的单词和短语。根据“Scientists let a group of people eat 85 grams of milk chocolate”可知,此处得出的结论是吃巧克力的那一组能记住更多的单词,故填(g)roup。
70.句意:15分钟后,吃巧克力的那一组比不吃巧克力的那一组能记住更多的单词和短语。根据“than”可知,此处应用比较级,根据“words and phrases”及首字母可知,此处表示更多的单词和短语,故填(m)ore。
71.句意:他们相信巧克力中的某些成分可以使人更聪明。根据“in chocolate”及首字母可知,是巧克力中的某种东西发挥了作用,故填(s)omething。
72.句意:他们相信巧克力中的某些成分可以使人更聪明。实验的结果是吃巧克力的人能记住更多的单词,说明巧克力中有能让人更聪明的东西,make sb +形容词“使某人……”,can后接动词原形,故填(m)ake。
73.句意:当然,吃巧克力并不能保证你每次考试都能通过。根据“ chocolate”及首字母可知,此处表示“吃巧克力”,动名词作主语,故填(e)ating。
74.句意:当然,吃巧克力并不能保证你每次考试都能通过。根据“every test”可知,此处指“通过每一场考试”,will后接动词原形,故填(p)ass。
76.comes 77.history 78.taste 79.countries 80.Western 81.first 82.sell 83.because 84.funny 85.healthy
76.根据首字母提示及“from China”可知,猴桃源于中国,come from来自,主语this kind of fruit是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数,故填comes。
77.根据该段内容可知,食用猕猴桃有着悠久的“历史”。have a long history有着悠久的历史,故填history。
78.根据“nice”和首字母提示填入taste一词。nice taste意为“良好的口感”。故填taste。
79.根据下句its English name was Chinese gooseberry可知,其他“国家”的人听说过这种水果。有other修饰,故用复数名词,故填countries。
80.根据下文“New Zealand”可知,这里指的是“西方的”人。修饰名词people,用形容词,故填Western。
81.根据该段内容可知,新西兰人是西方“第一个”商业化种植猕猴桃的。the first+名词+to do sth“第一个做某事的人或事物”,故填first。
82.根据plant the fruit commercially表示把这种水果商业化,因此表示销售这种水果,位于动词不定式符号to后,用动词原形,故填sell。
83.结合句意,因为这种水果看起来像新西兰的国鸟几维鸟,所以给它命名为“Kiwi fruit”。前后句是因果关系,故填because一词。
84.根据“like a round brown ball”可知,这种鸟看上去像一个棕色的圆球,因此很“好笑的”,作为系动词look的表语,用形容词,故填funny。
85.根据下句It's good for our skin(皮肤)and eyes.可知,猕猴桃是“健康的”食品。作为系动词is的表语,有副词very修饰,用形容词,故为healthy。
86.trip 87.drive 88.kilometres 89.takes 90.dangerous 91.have to 92.follows 93.quite
由题干可知此处考查固定句型It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.“花费某人多长时间去做某事”,文章时态为一般现在时,故答案填takes。
“不得不”have to,文章时态为一般现在时,主语是Mr Brown and his family,所以此处用动词原形;故答案填have to。
“跟随”follow,文章时态为一般现在时,主语the bus为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也要用第三人称单数follows;故答案填follows。



