
18 政治政策:
The two sessions (两会) opened in Beijing on March 4th . This is an important time for Chinese people to discuss big things happening in the country. What are the most important things when it comes to managing a country We invite students at home and abroad to share their ideas.
Putting people first (By Cai Luoyao, 14, Beijing)
There is an old saying in China: People are the base of a country. A well-developed government needs to take action to provide people with a better future. Since the reform and opening-up (改革开放) in the late 1970s, around 800 million people haven’t been poor anymore. This shows the country’s tradition of serving the people.
Rule of law (By Telesia Tanaai, 16, New Zealand)
The rule of law means everyone follows the law, making society fair. What’s more, it can protect the freedom of all people. With the rule of law, the government helps people trust each other, Businesses can run safely, and the rule of law is important for economic growth and social order, It helps countries grow and develop.
Education (By Zhu Yuhan, 17. Washington)
Education is key to a country’s strength. It allows people to help their communities and find solutions to big problems. By working together and thinking openly, educated people can create a better future. The best way for a government to keep doing well is to find and make use of smart people.
Public welfare (福利) (By Lee Chulkyu, 16. South Korea)
Good healthcare and social services can help people live a good life. When people’s lives are
more comfortable, their happiness grows as a result. Governments than support their people create a harmonious society, Mencius, a famous Chinese thinker, said that if people have what they need, they will work together.
1.Why does Cui Luoyao mention the old saying
A.To call on people to create a better future.
B.To stress that a country’s success depends on its people.
C.To show the importance of a well-developed government.
2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A.The reform and opening-up have lasted for over 44 years.
B.The rule of law only protects the fairness of the society.
C.All the students above are from the same country.
3.What can we infer from Zhu Yuhan’s opinion
A.Zhu Yuhan is a junior school student in Washington now.
B.Education provides a government with the best way to improve.
C.Solving big problems is more important than educating the people.
4.What does the underlined word “harmonious” mean
A.Rich and competitive. B.Peaceful and friendly. C.Happy and simple.
5.What’s the topic of the text
A.Young people discuss the most important things in the two sessions.
B.Young people in China share their thoughts about managing a country.
C.Students from all over the world share their ideas about running a nation.
【答案】1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C
1.推理判断题。根据“A well-developed government needs to take action to provide people with a better future.”可知,引用这句古语是要强调一个国家的成功取决于人民。故选B。
2.推理判断题。根据“Since the reform and opening-up (改革开放) in the late 1970s, around 800 million people haven’t been poor anymore. ”可知,中国从20世纪70年代末进行改革开放,大约持续44年了。故选A。
3.细节理解题。根据“The best way for a government to keep doing well is to find and make use of smart people.”可知,教育为政府提供了改进的最佳途径。故选B。
4.词句猜测题。根据“When people’s lives are more comfortable, their happiness grows as a result.”可知,此处是说政府支持人们创造和谐的社会,所以harmonious意为“平和的、友好的”。故选B。
5.主旨大意题。阅读全文并根据“We invite students at home and abroad to share their ideas.”可知,本文主要讲述了来自世界各地的学生分享他们管理国家的想法。故选C。
China had the largest population in the world in the past, but it doesn’t now. Too few newborns (新生儿) will also bring serious problems. So the government wants young couples (夫妻) to give birth to more babies.
Babies born as the second or third child in a family were about 54% of new births in China in 2022. Babies born as the second child were about 39% of new births in 2022, compared with 41.1% in 2021. The percentage (百分比) of babies born as the third child rose by 0.5 percentage points year-on-year (同比) to 15% last year.
The policies about birth have changed a lot in recent years. In 2013, if either of the parents was an only child, they could give birth to two children. And in 2015 all couples could give birth to two children. In May 2021, all couples could give birth to three children at most. Newborns as the second or third child are rising from about 30% in 2013 to about 50% now. But the number of newborns has kept falling at the same time. In 2022, there were 9.56 million newborns, down from 10.62 million in 2021. It was the first time that the number of newborns in China was under 10 million. China’s population dropped by 850,000 in 2022.
6.What can we know from the first paragraph
A.China has the largest population.
B.The number of newborns is getting smaller.
C.Young couples want to give birth to more children now.
D.A lot of babies are born in China every year.
7.When could all couples give birth to two children
A.In 2013. B.In 2015. C.In 2021. D.In 2022.
8.What can we infer (推断) from the text
A.The number of babies born as the first child is getting smaller.
B.China’s population will get larger.
C.Smaller population will help China a lot.
D.More and more people don’t want to get married.
【答案】6.B 7.B 8.A
6.推理判断题。根据“Too few newborns (新生儿) will also bring serious problems.”可知,新生儿过少也会带来严重的问题。说明新生儿的数量越来越少。故选B。
7.细节理解题。根据“And in 2015 all couples could give birth to two children”可知,2015年所有的夫妇都可以生二胎。故选B。
8.推理判断题。根据“Newborns as the second or third child are rising from about 30% in 2013 to about 50% now.”和“But the number of newborns has kept falling at the same time”可知,二胎、三胎新生儿比例上升,而新生儿总数却在下降。所以,一胎的生育率在下降。故选A。
A lot of people are worried about the environment and call for more people to protect our earth. A ban (禁令) on the use, sale and production of single-use non-degradable (不可降解的) plastic products was carried out across Hainan Province. It’s the first province in China to ban these products.
The products include plastic bags, meal boxes, bowls and drinking cups. The province also made a list of products that people can use instead, such as cloth bags and baskets made of bamboo.
Many people have mixed feelings about the ban. “Caring for the environment is good for all of us, but my business costs will grow. The cost of the biodegradable (可生物降解的) plastic bags I prepare for my customers every day will be very high. I hope the bags will become cheaper in the near future,” Wang Ling, a vegetable seller, said.
Hainan has seven companies that produce biodegradable plastic products. Another 42 companies in other provinces are helping Hainan by providing fully biodegradable plastic products.
Besides banning single-use non-degradable plastic products, Hainan has done many other things to improve its environment in recent years…
9.What is not allowed to use and sell in Hainan
A.Baskets made of bamboo. B.Bowls made of china.
C.Single-use drinking cups. D.Bags made of cloth.
10.What problem might the ban bring to the vegetable seller
A.The cost of his business will be high. B.He will lose many of his customers.
C.His vegetables will be much cheaper. D.He can’t prepare enough vegetables.
11.What will the writer talk about in the last paragraph
A.Reasons for protecting the environment together.
B.Other things Hainan has done for the environment.
C.Advantages of the biodegradable plastic products.
D.Examples of the non-degradable plastic products.
【答案】9.C 10.A 11.B
9.细节理解题。根据“A ban (禁令) on the use, sale and production of single-use non-degradable (不可降解的) plastic products was carried out across Hainan Province”以及“The products include plastic bags, meal boxes, bowls and drinking cups.”可知产品包括塑料袋、餐盒、碗和饮水杯,这些都是一次性不可降解的产品。故选C。
10.细节理解题。根据“The cost of the biodegradable (可生物降解的) plastic bags I prepare for my customers every day will be very high”可知为客户准备的可生物降解塑料袋的成本将非常高。故选A。
11.推理判断题。根据“Besides banning single-use non-degradable plastic products, Hainan has done many other things to improve its environment in recent years...”可推知作者会讲海南为环
China is seeing more foreign visitors these days. It put out a visa-free policy (免签政策) for travelers from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands (荷兰), Spain and Malaysia. 12 The policy is in effect from Dec. 1, 2023 to Nov. 30, 2024. It’s a unilateral (单边的) policy. This means that the policy only works for visitors from these countries who wish to visit China.
13 Of this number, about 7,000 people used the visa-free policy, according to the Foreign Ministry.
The visa-free travel “shows China’s willingness to welcome more visitors”, Wang Xuan at the University of Surrey in the UK told China Daily. 14 The policy is helpful for development and opening-up as international companies can have more and easier business trips.
15 “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we seldom saw foreign people in China,” said Jiang Xinwei, a student in Jilin. “ 16 ”, she added. “A visa-free policy like this is good for sharing our culture with the world,” said Wu Ruilin, a student in Chengdu, Sichuan.
A.Chinese people also welcome the new policy.
B.It’s great for the visitors, saving them time and money.
C.But some think it’ll get in the way of our development.
D.But now, more foreign tourists can have a taste of Chinese culture.
E.From Dec 1 to 3, nearly 18,000 visitors from the six countries entered China.
F.Visitors from these countries can come to China to do business, to travel, to visit their family or for a 15-day stay without a visa.
【答案】12.F 13.E 14.B 15.A 16.D
12.根据“It put out a visa-free policy (免签政策) for travelers from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands (荷兰), Spain and Malaysia.”可知,此处是介绍免签政策,选项F“来自这些国家的游客可以免签证来中国做生意,旅游,探亲或停留15天。”符合语境。故选F。
13.根据“Of this number, about 7,000 people used the visa-free policy, according to the Foreign Ministry.”可知,此处是介绍人们通过免签政策来中国,选项E“12月1日至3日,来自六国的近18000名游客进入中国。”符合语境。故选E。
14.根据“The policy is helpful for development and opening-up as international companies can have more and easier business trips.”可知,此处是介绍免签政策的好处,选项B“这对游客来说很好,节约了他们的时间和金钱。”符合语境。故选B。
15.根据“During the COVID-19 pandemic, we seldom saw foreign people in China”可知,此处是介绍中国人对这项政策的看法,选项A“中国人民也欢迎这项新政策。”符合语境。故选A。
16.根据“A visa-free policy like this is good for sharing our culture with the world”可知,免签政策有助于和世界分享我们的文化,选项D“但现在,更多的外国游客可以领略中国文化。”符合语境。故选D。
The Ministry of Education of China held a press conference (新闻发布会) in Beijing on the 2nd to introduce the “Notice on Further Strengthening (加强) the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students” (the “Notice”).
The “Notice” clarifies (明确) the sleep time of primary and middle school students of different ages, and requires homework, off-school training, and games to make way for students’ sleep.
According to the “Notice”, elementary school students should sleep 10 hours a day, junior high school students should sleep 9 hours, and high school students 8 hours a day.
Provincial education administrative departments should coordinate (协助) school schedules
based on actual arrangements. The morning class time of primary schools is generally no earlier than 8:20, and middle schools are generally no earlier than 8:00.
In response to external factors (外部因素) affecting students’ sleep problems, the “Notice” raises three “interrupt mechanisms” (中断机制), requiring homework, off-school training, and games to make way for students’ sleep.
The first is the “interruption” of homework, requiring elementary school students to basically complete written homework in school, and middle school students to complete most of the written homework in school. If individual (个别) students have not completed their homework by bedtime, parents should urge (督促) them to go to bed on time and not stay up late to ensure sufficient sleep.
The second is the “interruption” of off-school training time, requiring off-school offline training to end no later than 20:30, online live broadcast training no later than 21:00, and no pre-class preview (课前预习), after-class consolidation (巩固), and homework in any form such as practice, We Chat group clocking in (微信打卡).
The third is the “interruption” of games. Educational departments in all areas are required to use technical ways to make sure that game services are not provided for minors (未成年人) from 22:00 to 8:00 the next day.  
A survey from the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education showed that the average sleep duration of elementary school students and junior high school students were 9.5 hours and 8.4 hours, respectively, and there were insufficient sleep problems to some degrees.
Some studies have also shown that using sleep time for learning does not improve their grades, on the contrary, it will affect their grades.
Some experts especially suggested that parents take proper measures to restrict (限制) children’s use of electronic products, and at the same time set an example, consciously (自觉地) keep a balance between a good work and rest, so that children clearly understand the importance of sleep.
17.What is the content of the Ministry of education press conference
A.Strengthening the sleep management of students.
B.Strengthening the study management of students.
C.Strengthening the homework management of students.
D.Strengthening the time management of students.
18.Why does the Ministry of education raise three “interrupt mechanisms”
A.In order to improve the students’ grades.
B.In order to make the school management more effective.
C.In order to reduce the external factors affecting students’ sleep.
D.In order to increase the time of students’ sleep.
19.Which of the following statements is true
A.The “interruption” of off-school training time requires online training to end no later than 20:30.
B.Parents should set a good example for the children between good work and rest.
C.The “interruption” of games requires all students aren’t allowed to play games.
D.The “interruption” of homework requires students can refuse to do their homework.
20.This article is mainly about ________.
A.why we should manage students’ sleep
B.why we should balance our study and rest
C.some requirements of managing students’ sleep
D.some requirements of managing students’ study
【答案】17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C
17.细节理解题。根据第一段“The Ministry of Education of China held a press conference in Beijing on the 2nd to introduce the ‘Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students’ (the “Notice”).”可知,教育部新闻发布会主要介绍了《关于进一步加强中小学生睡眠管理工作的通知》。故选A。
18.推理判断题。根据“In response to external factors affecting students’ sleep problems, the ‘Notice’ raises three ‘interrupt mechanisms’, requiring homework, off-school training, and games to make way for students’ sleep.”可知,为了应对影响学生睡眠问题的外部因素,《通知》提出了三种“中断机制”,要求作业、校外培训和游戏为学生的睡眠让路;由可以见,教育部颁发三个中断机制主要是为了减少外部因素对学生睡眠的影响。故选C。
19.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Some experts especially suggested that parents take proper
measures to restrict children’s use of electronic products, and at the same time set an example, consciously keep a balance between a good work and rest, so that children clearly understand the importance of sleep.”可知,父母应当以身作责,有意识地保持工作和休息之间的良好平衡,这样才能让孩子们清楚地了解睡眠的重要性;选项B“父母应该在良好的工作和休息之间为孩子们树立一个好榜样。”符合语境。故选B。
The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) (一带一路) first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, has developed into a trans-continental (跨大陆的) trade and infrastructure network (基础设施网络建设) covering the Eurasian continent, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the South Pacific region. Its reach extends to some 4.4 billion people, around 65% of the world’s population. Modern and groundbreaking in its global outlook the Belt and Road is actually deeply rooted in history, with the ancient Silk Road dating back more than 2,500 years when camel trains transported everything from spices to silk between East and West. Today those camels have been replaced by thousands of planes, trains and ships, with trade volume (贸易额) between China and its Belt and Road partners hitting $6 trillion in the past five years. Trains can now travel 12,000 kilometers from Yiwu to London faster than ships. Connecting a huge range of cultures, languages, and people of diverse backgrounds, the Belt and Road Initiative is also a major platform for cultural exchanges. About 60000 African students are taking courses in Chinese universities up from just 2,008 in 2003. By April 15,2019 126 nations and 29 international organizations had signed Belt and Road cooperation (合作) documents with China.
So how does a project as huge and international as the BRI work It’s all about cooperation and dialogue. Every two years, the Belt and Road Forum (论坛) for International Cooperation (BRF) is held, providing forums and meetings for thousands of delegates (代表) from all around the world, to discuss progress and moving forwards In 2017, the first-ever BRF was held in Beijing. 29 national leaders and more than 1,600 participants (参与者) attended that event, the
biggest of its kind under the Belt and Road framework. More than 270 concrete results were achieved in five key areas, namely policy, infrastructure trade, finance and people-to-people connectivity. This April, the second forum took place in Beijing again. This time, there were many more participants than the previous one, with thousands of delegates from over 100 countries and international organizations attended.
21.The BRI is a huge and national project.
22.Over 25 centuries ago, camels were trained to carry things along the ancient Silk Road instead of planes, trains and ships.
23.The number of African students studying in China is increasing slowly now.
24.The BRI is a project about dialogue and cooperation.
25.According to the report, there will be more and more participants to attend the BRF in the future.
【答案】21.B 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据第一段“The Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) (一带一路) …has developed into a trans-continental (跨大陆的) trade and infrastructure network (基础设施网络建设) covering…”及第二段“So how does a project as huge and international as the BRI work ”可知,“一带一路”已经发展成为一个跨大陆贸易和基础设施网络建设,一带一路是庞大且国际化的项目,不是国家项目。由此可知“‘一带一路’是一项庞大的国家项目。”错误。故答案为B。
22.细节理解题。根据第一段“…with the ancient Silk Road dating back more than 2,500 years when camel trains transported everything from spices to silk between East and West.”可知,25个多世纪前,骆驼被训练沿着古老的丝绸之路运送东西,而不是飞机、火车和船只。故答案为A。
23.细节理解题。根据第一段“About 60000 African students are taking courses in Chinese universities up from just 2,008 in 2003.”可知,2003年非洲留学生仅有2008名,现在大约6万名非洲留学生,由此可知,现在在中国学习的非洲学生人数增长迅速,不是缓慢。故答案为B。
24.细节理解题。根据第二段“So how does a project as huge and international as the BRI work It’s all about cooperation and dialogue.”可知,“一带一路”是一个关于对话与合作的项目。故答案为A。
25.推理判断题。根据第二段“This time, there were many more participants than the previous one, with thousands of delegates from over 100 countries and international organizations attended.”可知,未来将有越来越多的参与者参加“一带一路论坛”。故答案为A。
①What do people think of the “double reduction” policy Do you like after-school activities Parents, teachers and students have their ideas about it.
②In a study, over 85% of parents think health comes first. They think after-school activities, such as swimming, playing basketball and football, are good for children. And the after-school activities at school are not expensive, so they can save a lot of money. With no homework at home, parents and their children can have time to read and listen to music they like.
③Most students are happy with the “double reduction” policy. They do homework at school and have much time to do their favourite activities after school. They also like to do some special homework, such as cooking and cleaning at home.
④ Teachers think after-school activities at school are important to students. Students do homework in class and teachers can help them with it. Sometimes, teachers give their students project-based homework. This kind of homework helps students learn new skills and how to work with other students.
26.In a study, most parents think ________ comes first.
A.art B.skill C.money D.health
27.Which can be special homework for students according to the passage
A.Making egg soup. B.Listening to music.
C.Reading with parents. D.Playing basketball.
28.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A.football lesson B.special homework
C.homework in class D.after-school activity
29.What do teachers think about after-school activities
A.After-school activities at school are not expensive.
B.After-school activities are good for students’ health.
C.It’s important for students to have after-school activities.
D.It’s great to have much time to do after-school activities.
30.The best structure of the passage can be ________.
A.B. C. D.
【答案】26.D 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.A
26.细节理解题。根据“In a study, over 85% of parents think health comes first.”可知,超过85%的父母认为健康是第一位的,故选D。
27.细节理解题。根据“They also like to do some special homework, such as cooking and cleaning at home.”可知,做饭和打扫卫生是属于特别的家庭作业,所以A选项符合,故选A。
28.词义猜测题。根据“Students do homework in class and teachers can help them with it.”可知,老师可以帮助学生们做作业,所以it指代“homework in class”,故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“Teachers think after-school activities at school are important to students.”可知,对学生来说,参加课外活动很重要,故选C。
A family friend comes to your school and says: “I’m here to take you out for lunch with your mom.” Will you go with him or her
Zhang Feiran, 13, didn’t go at once, although the friend is a teacher at his school. 31 Over the phone, he spoke to his mom and made sure it was true. Friends joked that Zhang was “too careful”. 32
The All-China Women’s Federation(全国妇联)recently announced a draft(草案)guideline about child protection. It’s asking for public opinion. Some rules in the guideline sound familiar. For example, don’t easily believe in strangers and online information. 33 “Say no to anyone who hurts you, even if it’s a family member or people you know,” says the guideline.
Recently there are media reports about children being hurt by family members, family friends and even teachers. Many people think such a new rule is important. Besides, the guideline reminds us that young people are limited in abilities. 34 In May, a junior high school student in Huizhou, Guangdong, fell into a river. Four of his classmates tried to save him. 35
The new guideline is up-to-date(与时俱进的). But only remembering the rules is not enough, experts say. “Young people need to learn to deal with problems in life,” wrote the Yangtse Evening Post.
A.In the end, all the five boys died.
B.Instead, he asked her to call his mom.
C.“If there’s a danger, try to stay there to help.”
D.But being careful to people you know is good, says a new guideline(指南).
E.But some rules are surprising.
F.“If there’s a danger, run instead of staying there to help.”
【答案】31.B 32.D 33.E 34.F 35.A
31.根据后句“ Over the phone, he spoke to his mom and made sure it was true.”可知说的是打电话,B选项“相反,他问她打电话给他的妈妈”符合。故选B。
32.根据后句“The All-China Women’s Federation(全国妇联)recently announced a draft(草案)guideline about child protection.”可知说的是指导意见,D选项“但一项新的指南指出,对你认识的人小心是好的”符合。故选D。
33.根据后句“ “Say no to anyone who hurts you, even if it’s a family member or people you know,” says the guideline”可知说的是规定内容,E选项“但是一些规则是令人惊讶的”符合。故选E。
34.根据后句“In May, a junior high school student in Huizhou, Guangdong, fell into a river. Four of his classmates tried to save him”可知说的是遇到危险,F选项“如果遇到危险,赶紧跑,而不是待在那里帮忙”。故选F。
35.根据“In May, a junior high school student in Huizhou, Guangdong, fell into a river. Four of his classmates tried to save him”可知说的是事件的结果,A选项“最后,五个男孩都死了”符合。故选A。
On 4 June 1913, a woman called Emily Davison① went to a horse race, threw herself under the king’s horse and later died from her injuries. A 36 which said “Votes for women” was found in her pocket. All her life, Emily had been fighting for women’s rights. She was a suffragette, part of a group of women who started working together in 1903 to 37 equal rights for women. When Emily was young, she and all the other women in the UK were not allowed to vote, go to university or work in the same jobs as men. In the event of a divorce②, the husband took the children. In poor villages, wives were 38 sold in the market.
The suffragettes wanted to 39 all this. More than a thousand were arrested③, but they did not stop. They went on hunger strike in prison to fight against the unfair treatment. In 1928,
women in the UK finally got the right to vote and then more and more women started to go to university and get jobs. In 1952, female teachers were given the right to earn the same money as male teachers. The situation has been 40 since the suffragettes’ time but many people say that men and women are still not equal in society. 41 , now in the UK, men earn 20 per cent more than women for the same work. If you are a male manager, your chance of being promoted④ is 40 per cent higher than a female manager’s. That’s why many people are still fighting for equal rights for women in the UK.
① Emily Davison艾米莉·戴维森,妇女参政论者。1913年6月,她前往赛马场为女性争取选举权,撞倒在英王乔治五世的赛马马蹄下身亡。戴维森的去世引起巨大轰动, 被认为是英国女性政治平权运动的转折点。 ② divorce n. 离婚 ③ arrest v. 逮捕 ④ promote v. 晋升
36.A.letter B.note C.book D.newspaper
37.A.ask for B.wait for C.think about D.complain about
38.A.still B.also C.even D.already
39.A.leave B.forget C.encourage D.change
40.A.discussed B.considered C.affected D.improved
41.A.As a result B.For example C.In addition D.In fact
【答案】36.B 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.D 41.B
letter信件;note便条;book书;newspaper报纸。根据“which said ‘Votes for women’”可知,此处是指发现了一张便条。故选B。
ask for要求;wait for等待;think about考虑;complain about抱怨。根据“equal rights”可知,此处是要求平等权利。故选A。
still仍然;also也;even甚至;already已经。根据“wives were … sold in the market”可知,此处应用even强调了一个令人惊讶的事实,即在贫穷的村庄里,妻子甚至会被拿到市场上出售。故选C。
leave离开;forget忘记;encourage鼓励;change改变。根据下文“More than a thousand were arrested, but they did not stop. They went on hunger strike in prison to fight against the unfair treatment.”可知,此处是指她们想改变这一切。故选D。
discussed讨论;considered认为;affected影响;improved改善。根据上文“In 1952, female teachers were given the right to earn the same money as male teachers.”可知,此处是指男女不平等的情况有所改善。故选D。
As a result结果是;For example例如;In addition此外;In fact事实上。根据上文“many people say that men and women are still not equal in society”可知,此处是举一个例子来补充说明上文中“在社会上男女仍然不平等”的这一现象的确存在。故选B。
It is reported that there were only 9.02 million newborn babies in China in 2023, and the population growth rate (率) is -1.48‰.
China has one of the 42 populations in the world, but its birth rate has continued to go down in recent years. This has caused a great deal of attention. Then what will be the influence of a falling birth rate
First, it will lead to an aging population. China’s elderly population is growing fast as people live longer and the birth rate falls. This will 43 more problems to the government
and society. The government needs to put in more money to meet the medical, old-age care and other needs of the elderly, which will lead to more pressure. 44 , the aging population will also lead to labor shortages (劳动力短缺), which may have influence on China’s economic (经济的) growth.
Second, it will make a difference 45 families. In a traditional Chinese family, children are the h 46 of family. However, this idea is c 47 now. More and more people prefer to have fewer children, and some even don’t want to have children. This will influence the stability (稳定) of families.
Finally, it will influence the development of our society, especially education and employment (就业). 48 the population falls, schools and businesses will be short of talent. This could lead to increased competition in the education and job markets and influence the stability of society and China’s cultural, social and economic development.
Now the government and society should take 49 to deal with this problem, such as encouraging childbirth, improving the welfare (福利) of children and the elderly, and improving education and the job market. Only in this way can social development and stability be guaranteed (保障).
【答案】42.largest/biggest 43.bring 44.Besides 45.to 46.(h)ope 47.(c)hanging 48.As/When/If 49.action
42.句意:中国是世界上人口最多的国家之一,但近年来出生率持续下降。根据“China has one of the…populations in the world”可知,中国是世界人口最多的国家之一。one of后跟形容词最高级形式,形容人口大小可用largest/biggest。故填largest/biggest。
43.句意:这会给政府和社会带来更多的问题。根据“This will…more problems to the government and society.”可知,人口老龄化会给社会和国家带来问题。bring意为“带来”,符合语境。will后跟动词原形。故填bring。
aging population will also lead to labor shortages”可知,人口老龄化还会导致劳动力短缺,这是人口老龄化带来的另一个问题,besides意为“此外”,符合语境,句子首字母应大写。故填Besides。
45.句意:其次,这将对家庭产生影响。根据“make a difference”可知, make a difference to sb.意为“对某人产生影响”。故填to。
46.句意:在中国传统家庭中,孩子是家庭的希望。根据“In a traditional Chinese family, children are the h…of family.”和首字母可知,孩子是家庭的希望。hope意为”希望“,此处指抽象的希望感,为不可数名词。故填(h)ope。
47.句意:然而,这种想法现在正在改变。根据“However”、“More and more people prefer to have fewer children, and some even don’t want to have children.”和首字母可知,此处转折,应表示想法在发生改变。change意为”改变“,符合语境。由now可知,此处应用现在进行时,结构为be doing。故填(c)hanging。
48.句意:当/如果人口下降时,学校和企业将缺乏人才。根据“the population falls, schools and businesses will be short of talent.”可知,当/如果人口下降时,学校和企业将缺乏人才。此处可用As/When/If老引导时间/条件状语从句。故填As/When/If。
49.句意:现在政府和社会应该采取行动来解决这个问题,比如鼓励生育、改善儿童和老年人的福利、改善教育和就业市场。根据“take”可知,take action意为”采取行动“。故填action。
内容包括:1. 它指的是减少中小学生的家庭作业和课后负担;
2. 双减为我们带来很多好处,家庭作业明显减少;
3. 我们有更多时间复习新学的知识,有更多时间自学;
4. 我们可以参加更多的课外活动,也有更多时间锻炼;
5. 虽然压力比以前小了,但我们应该平衡学业和活动。
提示:①双减政策:the double reduction policy ②减少:reduce ③负担:burden
注意:1. 词数80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 不能出现自己的真实信息。
In 2021, China introduced the double reduction policy. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In 2021, China introduced the double reduction policy. It refers to reducing the homework and after-class burden of primary and secondary school students. The double reduction policy brings us a lot of benefits. The homework is significantly reduced and we have more time to review new knowledge and learn by ourselves. We can also participate in more extracurricular activities and have more time to exercise. Although the pressure is less than before, we should balance our study and activities.
①refer to 指的是
②bring us a lot of benefits 给我们带来了很多好处
③participate in 参加
①The homework is significantly reduced and we have more time to review new knowledge and learn by ourselves.(并列句)
②Although the pressure is less than before, we should balance our study and activities.(让步状语从句)
51.2023年10月15日,我国正式实施《校外培训行政处罚暂行办法》禁止全国的补课行为,违者将受到法律制裁,这一消息引起社会各界的广发关注和热议。为此你有什么看法,请根据表格内容写一篇80 词左右的英语短文,发表自己的看法。
Advantages and disadvantages about Spare-time training courses
Advantages and disadvantages about Spare-time training courses
The implementation of the Administrative Punishment Measures for Spare-time training courses in China has sparked widespread discussion.
On the one hand, spare-time training courses provide students with extra chances to improve their knowledge and skills outside of regular school hours. These courses can help students do well in their studies, get ready for exams, and explore new subjects. They also offer a more personalized learning experience and individual attention, which some students may find helpful. On the other hand, spare-time training courses can be costly and might lead to a competitive and stressful atmosphere among students.
All in all, I think it is important to find a balance between the benefits of these courses and the possible drawbacks, making sure they are available to all students and do not add to too much academic pressure.
④get ready for准备好……
⑥lead to导致
⑦be available to对……可用
①They also offer a more personalized learning experience and individual attention, which some students may find helpful.(which引导非限制性定语从句)
②All in all, I think it is important to find a balance between the benefits of these courses and the possible drawbacks, making sure they are available to all students and do not add to too much academic pressure.(动名词短语作目的状语)
52.近年,很多城市春节都禁放烟花,人们对此有不同的看法。你校英文报就这一话题向全校同学征稿,请你根据以下图示,以“Should people be allowed to set off fireworks in the Spring Festival ”为题,向英文报投稿。
1. 请先在答题卡上填写图示中空格(一空一词);
2. 请全面反映图文信息;
3. 文中不能出现真实学校和姓名;
4. 词数:80词左右。
Should people be allowed to set off fireworks in the Spring Festival
1. against 2.for
One possible version:
Should people be allowed to set off fireworks in the Spring Festival
Setting off fireworks has been a tradition in festivals in China. But in some cities, people are not allowed to do that. For this topic, different people have different opinions.
Some people are against setting off fireworks in the Spring Festival. They think it’s very dangerous. People may get hurt when setting off fireworks. Besides, it’s bad for the environment.
However, many people are for it. They think it’s a traditional way to celebrate the new year. Some people think fireworks can bring good luck for the new year.
As for me, I think we should be allowed to do so. Because it’s a tradition. Family can get together and share happy time. But to avoid some environmental problems, the government should ask the companies to produce fireworks with materials that are more friendly to the environment.
①be allowed to do 被允许做某事
②set off 放(烟花)
③be bed for sth 对某物有害
①They think it’s very dangerous.(宾语从句)
②People may get hurt when setting off fireworks.(when引导的时间状语从句)
③They think it’s a traditional way to celebrate the new year.(宾语从句)
④Some people think fireworks can bring good luck for the new year.(宾语从句)
⑤But to avoid some environmental problems, the government should ask the companies to produce fireworks with materials that are more friendly to the environment.(that引导的定语从句)



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