
第一部分 听一听
A) 听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。 (听两遍)
B) 听录音,根据听到读音,选择所缺的字母。 (听两遍)
1. __andy A. C B. h C. s
2. j__g A. a B. o C. u
3. g__ft A. i B. e C. o
4. n__ck A. e B. u C. i
5. pl__s A. i B. o C. u
6. fl__sh A. a B. i C. o
C) 听录音,根据所听内容顺序,给下列图片标序号。 (听两遍)
D) 听录音,找出所听句子的正确应答。 (听两遍)
( ) 1. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. No, thank you. C. See you, Miss Li.
( ) 2. A. It’s here. B. It’s blue. C. It’s for you.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, please
( ) 4 A. He’s nice. B. She’s my friend. C. He’s in the library.
( ) 5. A. No, thanks. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, I’m not.
E) 听录音,根据所听内容,将上下相关联的图片连线。 (听两遍)
F) 听录音,根据所听内容补全下列句子。 (听三遍)
1. A:Don’t__________________the__________________. I’m__________________. B: OK.
2. A:What’s__________________the box ls it a__________________?
B:No. It’s a__________________.
3. A:__________________is your__________________?
B:It’s__________________ my__________________.
第二部分 读一读
A. Be my friend, OK B. This isn’t my cap. C. Listen to me, please. D. Is that your lunch box E. Where are her friends F. Your rubber is on the floor.
1 老师提醒同学们要听她讲课,她会说:______
2. 你提醒乔他的橡皮在地上,可对他说:______
3. 想告诉别人这不是你的帽子,可以说:______
4. 想知道她的朋友们在哪里,可以问:______
5. 你想和波比交朋友,可以对他说:______
6. 老师问你远处的是不是你的午餐盒,会问:______
A. Yes. It’s here. B. It’s over there. C. No! Thank you. D. It’s a toy puppy. E. They’re in the tree. F. No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.
7. Is that your jacket ( )
8. What is that in the box ( )
9. Where’ s my new robot ( )
10. This ice cream is for you. ( )
11 Where are the parrots ( )
12. Is your crayon beside the box ( )
A: Hi, Mike. What’s that on the bench(长凳)
B: Let me see. ___13___
A: Is it your T-shirt
B: ___14___ It’s Liu Tao’s, I think(认为). ___15___
A: Where’s Liu Tao ls he in the classroom
B: ___16___ He’s in the library. He likes reading(喜欢阅读).
A: OK. ___17___
A. No, it isn’t.
B. His T-shirt is white
C. It’s a white T-shirt.
D. No, he’s not here.
E. Let’s go to find him in the library.
18. 阅读短文,根据短文内容顺序给下列图片标序号
This is Amy. This is Alice. They are good friends. They get a big box. What’s in the box They open the box. Wow, so many nice toys! They can play together. Oh no! The box is very big. They can’t move(搬动) it into the room. Amy has a good idea(主意). Now they can move the toy box into the room.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Our class rules 1. in class. 2. 3. Don’t be late for class. 4. Put the bag on the floor. 5. Don’t speak Chinese(说中文) in the English class.
It’s time for an English class. Miss Wang’s students are not ready(准备好的).
Look! John’s bag is on the desk. Miss Wang says, “John! ___19___”.
Sandy and Kitty are talking. Miss Wang goes up and says, “___20___ now. ”
Jack is drinking cola and Sue is eating an apple. Miss Wang says “___21___”.
Now Ben is beside the door. He is late(迟的). He says, “对不起,我可以……”Miss Wang says, “Speak English, please___22___” Ben says, “I’m sorry. May I come in ”Miss Wang says, “Come in, please ___23___, Ben. Now boys and girls, look at me and listen to me. Are you ready for class ”Everyone says “Yes”.
第三部分 写一写
24. Bob has a big ______ (toy / ball). It’s ______ (green / black)
25. Please stand up, ______ (Paul / Joe). Don’t ______ (sleep / shout) now.
26. Roy has a ______ (red / yellow) robot. He wants a ______ (rubber / box) too.
27. Please stand ______ (beside / on) me and be my ______ (brother / friend).
28 Please drink some ______ .
29. Look, your puppy is ______ the ______.
30. Don’t ______ here. Don’t ______ .
31. Look, the ______ is ______ the ______ .
32. My ______ is ______ the case .
33. Hi. I’m Peter. This is my puppy Joe. (抄写句子)
34. 看图写句子。Jack的房间很凌乱,写几条合理建议告诉他应如何收拾房间。
Jack, please put(放) your toy car in the box, please.
Put your book ________, please.
Put your _______ on the ______, please.
Put _________________, please.
35. What colour is my crayon Guess! (抄写句子)
36. Hello, Miss Li. Is that your lunch box (抄写句子)溧阳市2023~2024学年度第二学期期中质量调研测试
第一部分 听一听
A) 听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。 (听两遍)
B) 听录音,根据听到的读音,选择所缺的字母。 (听两遍)
1. __andy A. C B. h C. s
2. j__g A. a B. o C. u
3. g__ft A. i B. e C. o
4. n__ck A. e B. u C. i
5. pl__s A. i B. o C. u
6. fl__sh A. a B. i C. o
C) 听录音,根据所听内容顺序,给下列图片标序号。 (听两遍)
D) 听录音,找出所听句子的正确应答。 (听两遍)
( ) 1. A. Yes, Miss Li. B. No, thank you. C. See you, Miss Li.
( ) 2. A. It’s here. B. It’s blue. C. It’s for you.
( ) 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, please
( ) 4. A. He’s nice. B. She’s my friend. C. He’s in the library.
( ) 5. A. No, thanks. B. No, it isn’t. C. No, I’m not.
E) 听录音,根据所听内容,将上下相关联的图片连线。 (听两遍)
F) 听录音,根据所听内容补全下列句子。 (听三遍)
1. A:Don’t__________________the__________________. I’m__________________. B: OK.
2. A:What’s__________________the box ls it a__________________?
B:No. It’s a__________________.
3. A:__________________is your__________________?
B:It’s__________________ my__________________.
第二部分 读一读
A. Be my friend, OK B. This isn’t my cap. C. Listen to me, please. D. Is that your lunch box E. Where are her friends F Your rubber is on the floor.
1. 老师提醒同学们要听她讲课,她会说:______
2. 你提醒乔他的橡皮在地上,可对他说:______
3. 想告诉别人这不是你的帽子,可以说:______
4. 想知道她的朋友们在哪里,可以问:______
5. 你想和波比交朋友,可以对他说:______
6. 老师问你远处的是不是你的午餐盒,会问:______
【答案】1. C 2. F
3. B 4. E
5. A 6. D
A. Yes. It’s here. B. It’s over there. C. No! Thank you. D. It’s a toy puppy. E. They’re in the tree. F. No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.
7. Is that your jacket ( )
8. What is that in the box ( )
9. Where’ s my new robot ( )
10. This ice cream is for you. ( )
11. Where are the parrots ( )
12. Is your crayon beside the box ( )
【答案】7. F 8. D
9 B 10. C
11. E 12. A
A: Hi, Mike. What’s that on the bench(长凳)
B: Let me see. ___13___
A: Is it your T-shirt
B: ___14___ It’s Liu Tao’s, I think(认为). ___15___
A: Where’s Liu Tao ls he in the classroom
B: ___16___ He’s in the library. He likes reading(喜欢阅读).
A: OK. ___17___
A. No, it isn’t.
B. His T-shirt is white
C. It’s a white T-shirt.
D. No, he’s not here.
E. Let’s go to find him in the library.
【答案】13. C 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. E
18. 阅读短文,根据短文内容顺序给下列图片标序号
This is Amy. This is Alice. They are good friends. They get a big box. What’s in the box They open the box. Wow, so many nice toys! They can play together. Oh no! The box is very big. They can’t move(搬动) it into the room. Amy has a good idea(主意). Now they can move the toy box into the room.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
【答案】 ①. 2 ②. 3 ③. 4 ④. 1
【详解】根据“They get a big box. What’s in the box They open the box.”可知她们打开箱子看里面是什么,对应第四幅图,所以第四幅图排1。
根据“Wow, so many nice toys!”可知是很多玩具,对应第一幅图,所以第一幅图排2。
根据“The box is very big. They can’t move(搬动) it into the room.”可知箱子很大,她们不能搬进房间里,对应第二幅图,所以第二幅图排3。
根据“Now they can move the toy box into the room.”可知现在她们可以把箱子搬进房间了。对应第三幅图,所以第三幅图排4。
Our class rules 1. in class. 2. 3. Don’t be late for class. 4. Put the bag on the floor. 5. Don’t speak Chinese(说中文) in the English class.
It’s time for an English class. Miss Wang’s students are not ready(准备好的).
Look! John’s bag is on the desk. Miss Wang says, “John! ___19___”.
Sandy and Kitty are talking. Miss Wang goes up and says, “___20___ now. ”
Jack is drinking cola and Sue is eating an apple. Miss Wang says “___21___”.
Now Ben is beside the door. He is late(迟的). He says, “对不起,我可以……”Miss Wang says, “Speak English, please___22___” Ben says, “I’m sorry. May I come in ”Miss Wang says, “Come in, please ___23___, Ben. Now boys and girls, look at me and listen to me. Are you ready for class ”Everyone says “Yes”.
【答案】19. 4 20. 2
21. 1 22. 5
23. 3
根据“Look! John’s bag is on the desk.”,可知约翰的书包在桌上,那么他违反的班级公约是第4项“书包要放在地上。”,老师会说让约翰将书包放地上,故选4。
根据“It’s time for an English class.”和“Sandy and Kitty are talking.”,可知上英语课,桑迪和基蒂还在说话,她们违反班级公约2,因此老师会过去跟她们说班级公约2,让她们课上不要说话,故选2。
根据“Jack is drinking cola and Sue is eating an apple. ”,可知杰克在喝可乐而苏在吃苹果,他们违反班级公约1,他们在课上吃东西了,故选1。
根据“Speak English, please”,可知老师让本说英语,也就是班级公园5“不要在英语课上说中文。”,故选5。
根据“Now Ben is beside the door. He is late(迟的).”和老师说的“Come in, please ”,可知本上课迟到了,老师允许他进教室的同时会告诉他班级公约3“不要迟到。”,故选3。
第三部分 写一写
24. Bob has a big ______ (toy / ball). It’s ______ (green / black)
25. Please stand up, ______ (Paul / Joe). Don’t ______ (sleep / shout) now.
26. Roy has a ______ (red / yellow) robot. He wants a ______ (rubber / box) too.
27. Please stand ______ (beside / on) me and be my ______ (brother / friend).
【答案】24. ①. ball ②. black
25. ①. Paul ②. sleep
26. ①. red ②. rubber
27 ①. beside ②. friend
28. Please drink some ______ .
29. Look your puppy is ______ the ______.
【答案】 ①. behind ②. door
【详解】句意:看,你的小狗是_______。本题考查地点方位介词和名词辨析,根据图片,可知小狗是在门后面,behind在……后面,door门,behind the door在门后面,故答案为behind;door。
30. Don’t ______ here. Don’t ______ .
【答案】 ①. run ②. talk
31. Look, the ______ is ______ the ______ .
【答案】 ①. bird ②. under ③. desk
【详解】句意:看,这只鸟在课桌下。本题考查可数名词及其单复数和介词的固定搭配。根据图片可知单词是bird鸟,根据is可知名词用单数;根据图片可知短语是under the desk在课桌底下。故答案为bird;under;desk。
32. My ______ is ______ the case .
【答案】 ①. ruler ②. in
33 Hi. I’m Peter. This is my puppy Joe. (抄写句子)
34. 看图写句子。Jack的房间很凌乱,写几条合理建议告诉他应如何收拾房间。
Jack, please put(放) your toy car in the box, please.
Put your book ________, please.
Put your _______ on the ______, please.
Put _________________, please.
Jack, please put your toy car in the box, please.
Put your book in the schoolbag, please.
Put your schoolbag on the table, please.
Put your pencil in the pencil box, please.
Put your toy bear on the bed, please.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据图片写几条合理的建议并告诉杰克如何收拾房间。
2. 参考词汇和参考句型:
参考单词:schoolbag书包,table桌子,pencil铅笔,pencil box铅笔盒,toy bear玩具熊
参考句型:Put…in the…;Put…on the…
35. What colour is my crayon Guess! (抄写句子)
36. Hello, Miss Li. Is that your lunch box (抄写句子)




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