
2024年九年级学业水平模拟考试( 一)
答题时,选择题部分每小题选出答案后, 用 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动,铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑:如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题部分,用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号所提示的答题区域作答。直接在试题上作答无效。
选择题部分 共100分
A)听录音, 在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
1.A.Have a good dinner! B.Welcome to my class! C.Thanks for your help.
2.A.She has a sore throat. B.He made some yogurt. C.They're Sam's parents.
3.A.Is your father at home B.Do you like ice-cream C.Can you play the drums
4.A.I didn't go to the beach. B.We never stop working. C.It isn't in the living room.
5.A.Why are they late again B.What does she look like C.Where is the supermarket
6.Where does the woman want to go
A.To the theatre. B.To the bank. C.To the cinema.
7.What does Mary want
A.Some water. B.Some cakes. C.Some fruit.
8.What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Grandma and grandson. C.Mother and son.
9.Who may know Jane's date of birth
A.The man. B.Lisa. C.The woman.
10.When will Mike come back
A.On 2nd July. B.On 3rd July. C.On 5th July.
C)在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题, 题 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给
问题的正确答案。 对话听两遍。
11.What is the girl
A.A student. B.A computer seller. C.A shop worker.
12.What does the girl plan to do this summer vacation
A.Lear n English. B.Do a part-time job. C.Go to high school.
13.What kind of job is the girl going to do
A.Help her uncle sell clothes. B.Teach her cousin. C.Help her uncle sell computers.
14.Why does the girl need money
A.To travel to Canada. B.To help her uncle. C.To buy a present.
15.What does the girl want to buy for her friend
A.A watch. B.A computer. C.A bag.
D)在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题, 从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案.题文听两遍.
16.What did Jason's mother do every night
A.She read him stories. B.She made him clothes. C.She taught him English.
17.What happened to Jason when he was 12
A.He got hit by a truck. B.He dropped out of school. C.He lost his books.
18.Where did Jason find some books one night
A.In a room. B.By the road. C.In a library.
19.How many books has Jason collected
A.About 20, 000. B.About 2. 000. C.About 200.
20.When is the small library open
A.Every evening. B.Every afternoon. C.Every weekend.
二.阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40分)
Online teacher
Great Online Teacher has many excellent teachers. Check them out now!
1.Helen is interested in improving her English reading skills.Which teacher should she choose
A.Jamie Clark. B.Tammy Brown. C.Bruce Martinez. D.Michael Anderson.
2.Which subject does Jamie Clark teach
A.English. B.Maths. C.History. D.Science.
3.How much should Vicky pay if she signs up for 15 science lessons
A.$270. B.$480. C.$540. D.S600.
4.What do we know from the material
A.Bruce Martinez has the most reviews.
B.People can call Great Online Teacher any time at weekends.
C.People can only choose to study with one teacher.
D.There are two ways for people to contact Great Online Teacher.
5.In which part of a website can we see the material
A.Travel. B.People. C.Culture. D.Education.
Lily was a cheerful girl.She always had a big smile on her face.One day, she noticed an old man named Grumble sifting beside a river.The old man looked sad.Lily wanted to make him smile,so she walked up to him with a friendly greeting.“Good morning.Mr Grumble! Why the long face ” she asked.
Grumble said,“What’s there to be happy about,young one Life is full of troubles.”Lily laughed and replied.“Troubles are like big and scary thunderclouds (雷雨云),Mr Grumble.But just like clouds,they pass,making way for the sun to shine again. You should try looking on the bright side!”
Lily made a bet (打赌) with Grumble,saying, “I bet I can make you smile by the end of the day.”Grumble challenged her, “You’re welcome to try, but it won’t be easy.”
For the rest of the day. Lily did all kinds of funny and silly things to make Grumble laugh. She told jokes,sang like nobody was watching, and even made faces.However,Grumble was still unhappy. As the sun began to set.Lily decided to give it one last try.She took a deep breath and broke into a joyous dance.
Surprisingly.Grumble couldn’t help it.He let out a chuckle (咯咯笑声),and then another. Before he knew it,he was laughing beautiful,his sadness giving way to happiness. Lily had w on the contest, but more importantly,she showed Grumble that becoming cheerful was not difficult.
Happiness is a choice,and we can find it when we choose to see the brighter side of life.
6.What was Mr Grumble like as Lily came over
A.He was as cheerful as a girl. B.He had a big smile on his face.
C.He was friendly. D.He was not happy.
7.Why did Lily compare troubles to thunderclouds
A.To say that life is full of troubles. B.To show that troubles will go away.
C.To tell the old man to be careful. D.To show that troubles are scary.
8.How did Lily make Grumble become happy
A.By telling jokes. B.By singing freely. C.By making faces. D.By dancing joyfully.
9.What does the story teach us
A.Life is always filled with troubles. B.It’s not a good choice to bet.
C.Happy or not, it’s up to you. D.Everyone has a chance to be happy.
10.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Choosing to See The Bright Side B.An Old Man Sitting Beside A River
C.Happiness Giving Way to Sadness D.Lily Made A Bet with Grumble
Growing up,we’ve heard a lot of stereotypes (刻板印象) of how sex (性别) influences interests and jobs.For example,boys do math better than girls,while girls are better at learning languages.We usually think this is because of differences in how boys’ and girls’ brains work.But is it true
According to past studies,some parts of our brains can be different in size.Scientists used to think these differences might affect (影响) how well men and women think and do things.They found this by scanning (扫描)people’s brains.However,in most of the studies,researchers only scanned dozens of people. As said in a 2022 study,for such research to be believable,you would need to scan the brains of a few thousand people at least.
In 2021, the UK Bio bank,a big database used for research,scanned the brains of 40, 000 people in the UK,providing new insights (了解).It showed differences between men and women in the size of certain brain parts.About one-third of these parts were found to be larger in men, while another third were larger in women.
However,these differences were very small,often just a size difference in percentage.The differences are not big enough to form a conclusion (结论) from them,Camille Williams from the University of Texas at Austin, US,told New Scientist.
Also,our brains might change in structure and size according to our life experiences.For example,even if a part of a man’s brain,responsible for doing math,is larger than that of a woman, it is possibly because he takes jobs that use math skills.So,any brain differences between men and women could be a result,not a cause, of different roles in life and society, noted New Scientist.
11.What does the writer think of the past studies
A.Scanning people’s brains is not useful. B.They help people better understand themselves.
C.Their results are believable. D.Their sample sizes were too small.
12.What does the study of the UK Bio bank find
A.Only about 13, 000 people have different brains.
B.One-third of the brain decides the owner’s strengths.
C.One-third of men have larger brains than women.
D.Some brain parts are different between sexes.
13.What can we learn from New Scientist
A.Differences in the brain greatly influence one’s life.
B.Life experiences can shape a person’s brain.
C.Men and women usually have different interests.
D.The study by UK Bio bank will improve sex guidance.
14.What is the passage mainly about
A.Larger brains mean sharper minds. B.Studies on brain differences by sex.
C.The stereotypes of men and women. D.The importance of big samples in a study.
15.Where is the passage probably taken from
A.A story book. B.A travel guide. C.A science magazine. D.A science fiction.
I can’t remember the last time I used cash in China.Between We Chat and Alipay,we pay for everything with our mobile phones.When I went back home to the UK for a holiday,I had some culture shock in my own country.
Suddenly,I couldn’t use my phone to pay for things.I got out my wallet and went back to using notes and coins.Of course,we can pay for things electronically in the UK.People use their bank cards. Some use Google Pay on their phones or watches.But most people still use cash.And many are wary of putting too much trust in going electronic with payments.
My parents are two of these wary people.They believe that using electronic payments could lead to their whole savings being stolen by online criminals.The concern is understandable.In 2022, more than 4 billion was stolen by fraudsters (诈骗犯) and cybercriminals (网络罪犯) in the UK. In its 2022 fraud and cybercrime report,
the online financial (金融的) service comparison website money. co. uk reported a 63 percent increase in fraud and cybercrime from 2021. Online buying was the biggest source of the thefts, said Computer Weekly.
So,the dangers are real. But still,it seems that mobile or at least digital payments will lead the way in the future in the UK, just as it is here now in China.According to the gov.uk website, the Bank of England is now looking at using a digital pound.
But the real question is:Will the British public trust it
16.Why did the writer have culture shock after returning to the UK
A.Because most people still use cash to buy things.
B.Because people have to bring a bank card in their wallet.
C.Because people can’t pay for things electronically.
D.Because most people like to use coins more than notes.
17.What may the underlined word “wary” mean in Paragraph 3
A.Aware. B.Careful. C.Sure. D.Proud.
18.What can we learn about the writer’s parents
A.They use Google Pay on their phones or watches.
B.They once lost all their savings to online criminals.
C.They used to work for the website money. co. uk.
D.They don’t trust the electronic payment method.
19.What’s the main concern of many British people about using electronic payments
A.Forgetting their passwords often. B.Losing their savings to online thieves.
C.Paying extra money for this service. D.Having to keep a network connection.
20.What does the author think of the Bank of England’s idea of “a digital pound”
A.It will soon become popular. B.It is what people are hoping for.
C.It is uncertain if people will want to use it. D.It is risky and not practical.
21 Many of them use chemicals to kill weeds (杂草).The trouble is,these weed killers also kill wildlife, pollute rivers and are bad for the fields. 22 This kind of robot can cut weedkiller use by 90%.The robot is really smart because it only kills weeds but not crops.
Several cameras are built into the robot.The cameras facing the ground take photos to help the robot “see” the plants it passes.
The robot compares each photo to a library of plant photos to decide on which plants are weeds.
Robot arms move into position to give a small dose (剂量) of weedkiller on the weeds.
The robot is energy-friendly. 24
How the robot will develop
The scientists do not want to just stop at the achievement they have made. 25 The improved model of robots will exactly discover weeds and dig them out instead of weedkillers.
Robots could be programmed to leave some harmless weeds in the fields to support wildlife living there.
A.But scientists have created a farmyard robot.
B.It is powered by the energy from the sun.
C.Where the robot is used
D.They’re working on the new designs to improve the model.
E.How the robot works
F.Why do farmers choose the robot to work in their field
G.How do farmers usually kill weeds in the fields
A:Rick, here is a book beside Linda’s desk. 26
B:No. It’s mine. I bought it last week.
A:Oh, it looks cool. 27
B:It was written by J.K. Rowling.I have read all of her books.
A:Sounds you like reading. 28
B:Hmm, I like books about science and history.
A:Well. I prefer to read books that can give me something to think about.
B:Yes. Reading is a lifelong habit. 29
A:I do agree with you.I heard you set up a reading club in our class.Can I join it
B:Sure. 30
26.A.Does it belong to Linda B.Whose book is it
C.Where did you buy it D.Could it be at the park
27.A.How much is it B.When was it written
C.Who wrote it D.Could you lend it to me
28.A.Is there a library near here B.What kind of books do you like
C.Where did you go last week D.How far is it from here
29.A.Let’s watch a movie. B.I used to be short.
C.My parents worry about my study. D.We are supposed to read every day.
30.A.I love books. B.Welcome to our club.
C.You need to wait. D.You should follow the rules.
五、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
One bright morning, I was out to run as usual when I met an elderly lady who was waving her 31 in her hand at me and speaking in a language I couldn’t understand.It sounded like she was in a hurry to get somewhere.I suddenly realized that she was lost and couldn’t speak any English.
She 32 me some map screenshots (银幕截图) on her phone,but I didn’t know 33 to read them.At first,I was a little worried. I didn’t know the words on the phone 34 I really wanted to help her. I thought for a while,then I said to myself,“Perhaps some apps may help.” So,I 35 downloaded a translation app and we used the app to communicate. She spoke into the microphone in 36 language and it translated the words into 37 for me to understand. I typed my responses (应答) and we were able to communicate! I soon understood that she needed to 38 ,which was a long walk away.We also talked about something else on the phone.And I knew that she came here to visit her daughter and lived with her.But all the other family members were not with her in this new country. I told her that she could take a taxi and walked with her to a 39 where both buses and cars could stop for people.But she didn’t agree and then called 40 to drive her home. On the way, we laughed and joked, though we couldn’t understand each other’s language, it was a pretty fun experience!
The elderly lady was very grateful for my help and kept 41 me for my time. I had to remind her that it was no trouble at all and that I was 42 to help. It was amazing how just a small act of 43 made such a big difference to her.
Finally, 44 reached the bus stop and her daughter was already waiting for her there. We said goodbyes and she gave me a heart warming message that made me believe in the goodness of humanity (人性)Though we used technology to communicate, it was lucky that we could 45 each other and not be stopped by our different languages.
31.A.map B.phone C.watch D.book
32.A.showed B.gave C.sent D.lent
33.A.what B.when C.how D.why
34.A.and B.then C.so D.but
35.A.quickly B.slowly C.quietly D.silently
36.A.my B.her C.our D.its
37.A.French B.Russian C.English D.Chinese
38.A.go home B.go shopping C.go walking D.go travelling
39.A.hospital B.police station C.shop D.bus stop
40.A.her daughter B.her son C.her husband D.her brother
41.A.touching B.thanking C.liking D.kissing
42.A.sad B.nervous C.worried D.happy
43.A.kindness B.sadness C.safeness D.happiness
44.A.She B.I C.We D.They
45.A.find B.hurt C.save D.help
China has a long history of more than five thousand years.Many traditional arts have been created and developed here.Chinese people are 46 (pride) of them all the time.Among all the arts, paper-cutting is one of the most important kinds.
Paper-cutting is a kind of popular art.Making paper-cutting only needs simple tools. 47 , it is not easy at all.The main idea of the works usually 48 (include) everything in people’s daily life. The bright color red adds a cheerful atmosphere (气氛),so it is usually seen during the Spring Festival.Also, people like to decorate their windows and doors 49 colorful works of different shapes, such as animals and flowers.Sometimes,paper-cutting 50 (print) on the stamps and even sent abroad. This can make people all over the world clearly understand the spirit of the art. Now a large number of 51 (visit) from foreign countries also love the art. Paper-cutting has become a bridge between China and the West.
52 (luck),my grandma is a paper-cutting artist. When I was young, she tried to teach me this special handwork. But I 53 (prefer) playing computer games:I didn’t realize the 54 (important) of the art at that time. As time went by, I felt regretful of 55 I had thought. So I began learning it again.
People are now paying more and more attention to traditional culture.We must develop and spread it to the whole world.
第一节 情境运用。根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。
B:She has short curly blonde hair and big eyes.
57.A:What is Tom good at
58.A:How did Jack go to school
B:Yes, I have.
B:Yes, he does. He should lie down and have a good rest.
第二节 写作(25分)
Dear Li Ming,
I’m going to China as an exchange student this September. I will spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family. Could you tell me: What is the Mid-Autumn Festival How do you celebrate it What table manners should I pay attention to when I have dinner with them
Write soon.
Dear Mike,
It’s fantastic that you will come to China and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family.
Enjoy your stay in China.
Li Ming
1—5AACCB 6—10BCCBA 11—15AACBC 16—20CCBAA
1—5BCCDD 6—10DBDCA 11—15DDBBC 16—20CBDBC
46.proud 47.However 48.includes 49.with 50.is printed
51.visitors 52.Luckily 53.preferred 54.importance 55.what
56.What does the girl look like
57.He is good at playing football
58.By bike
59.Have you ever read The Little Prince
60.Does the boy feel tired after running
Dear Mike,
It’s fantastic that you will come to China and spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with a Chinese family .
The Mid-Autumn Festival is on August 15 of the lunar calendar.It is in the middle of the fall of the year,so it is called the Mid-Autumn Festival.
On that day, all our families get together and have a big dinner. We also eat mooncakes and admire the full moon.
As a guest,you must pay enough attention and give proper praise to the host and the hostess when they’re introducing the dishes. Don’t use your chopsticks to pick a dish on the plate everywhere. You’d better keep quiet when having soup.
Enjoy your stay in China.
Li Ming



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