Unit 5 Helping our parents 单元测试(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)

译林版五年级下册Unit 5
Story time
(  )1. A. wash B. watch C. water
(  )2. A. living B. cooking C. helping
(  )3. A. parent B. parents C. present
(  )4. A. eating B. cooking C. having
(  )5. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner
(  )1.
(  )2.
(  )3.
(  )4.
(  )5.
(  )1.-________ your sister doing - She's _______.
A. What; sleep B. What's; sleeping C. What; sleeping
(  )2. My grandpa likes _____.
A. watch TV B. watches TV C. watching TV
(  )3. My mother is in the kitchen. She is _____.
A. washing clothes B. making the bed C. cooking dinner
(  )4.-Who's__________in the playground - Su Yang.
A. run B. running C. runs
(  )5.-What are they doing -_____
A. They are my friends. B. They're singing. C. They are students.
1. They are e _______ fruit in the living room.
2. Let's c_________ the table.
3. I usually have lunch b _______ 12 o'clock.
4.-Can you c__________ food - Yes, I can.
5. Nancy usually h _______ her mother do the housework.
6. I want to go to the park with my p _______ and my sister.
7. -Do you often m__________ the b_________ at home
- Yes, I do. I like doing housework.
8. My brothers are very b_______. They're doing their homework and have no time to play.
1. She's not ________(wash) clothes. She's reading.
2. I like ________(sing).
3. -What ___________(be)he_________(do)in the playground
- He is _________ (run).
4. Look! Jim _________(sweep) the floor in the living room.
5.-What___________(be)your sisters__________(do)now
- They're _________(make) the bed.
It is Sunday today. It's a sunny day. Many people are 1 the park. Some boys
2 beside the lake. 3 are feeding(喂) the fish. Some girls are 4 the tree. They are 5 . 6 a dog on the grass.It's 7 the girls.On the chair,there 8 two men. They're 9 to each other. A little girl is 10 an ice cream beside them. All the people are very happy.
(  )1.A. in B. on C. by
(  )2. A. is B. are C. am
(  )3. A. They B. Them C. He
(  )4. A. between B. in C. under
(  )5. A. dancing B. sing C. swimming
(  )6. A. There are B. There is C. It's
(  )7. A. looking B. looking at C. look at
(  )8. A. is B. are C. it
(  )9. A. talk B. talking C. say
(  )10. A. eating B. eat C. eats
Grammar time & Fun time
dance wash have listen water
1. They ________________ the flowers now.
2. Look! The girls ________________ in the park.
3. - What is Linda doing - She _________________ to music.
4. It's 5 o'clock now. We ________________ dinner now.
5.-__________________ Helen __________________ clothes - Yes, she is.
1. My sister often w___________ the dishes after dinner.
2. My brother is d __________ his homework.
3. Tim is not in the bathroom. He's in the b_____________. He's playing on the bed.
4. Helen is c____________ the car. It's very dirty.
5. They are w__________ TV in the living room.
(  )1. Helen is _____ the table now.
A. clean B. cleans C. cleaning
(  )2. My friend likes ______. He often _____ delicious food in the kitchen.
A. cook; is cooking B. cooking; cooks
C. cooking; cooking
(  )3.-What______Mike and Wang Bing doing
- They are _______ the piano.
A. are; play B. do; playing C. are; playing
(  )4. We go to the zoo _____ Sunday morning.
A. on B. in C. at
(  )5.-What______your parents doing
- My father ________ sweeping the floor and my mother is cooking.
A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are
(  )6. I like _______. I can ______. I'm ______ now.
A. skating; skate; skating B. skate; skating; skating
C. skating; skating; skating
1. We __________(watch) TV now.
2.Look! Ben's dog __________(sleep) in the bedroom.
3. Let's _________ (clean) the classroom after school.
4. Mr Green ____________ us English. He is a ___________.(teach)
5. My mother is a good _________ (cook).
6. I am __________ (try) on my new dress.
7. I want __________ (eat) some fruit.
8. Helen always __________ (clean) the table after dinner.
(It's three o'clock in the afternoon. Some children are helping the old people do some things in the kitchen. )
Tom: What's Mike doing
Bob:1. ________ He is good at cooking.
Bob: Liu Tao.
Tom: Is Wang Bing helping him now
Bob:3. _______ He is washing the dishes.
Bob: She is washing some vegetables.
Tom: Are the children happy
Bob:5._____They like doing something meaningful(有意义的).
(  )Sure, Mum. I'm coming.
(  )What is he doing
(  )I am reading a book, Mum.
( 1 )Jim,what are you doing now
(  )Thank you, my son. Where's your father
(  )Perhaps he is watering the flowers.
( 3 )I'm cleaning the kitchen. Can you come and help me
(  )He is in the garden, I think.
David is a student. He has a sister Linda. They are in the same school, and they go to school together. It is three forty in the afternoon. Classes are over. Linda is in the library. She is reading a storybook. Her classmate Mary is in the library too. She is reading a picture book. David is not in the library. He is in the classroom. He is playing chess with Tom and Bill. At four thirty, David is playing football with Mike in the playground. Linda and David go home by bus at five ten every day. They always go home together. At six o'clock, they do their homework in the bedroom.
(  )1. Classes are over at 4:00 in the afternoon.
(  )2. Linda is reading a picture book in the library.
(  )3. David is playing cards with Tom and Bill in the classroom.
(  )4. David is playing football at five ten in the playground.
(  )5. David and Linda are doing their homework at six o'clock.
Sound time-Cartoon time
(  ) (  ) (  ) (  ) (  )
(  )1. A. Yes, they are. B.No,there aren't. C. Yes, there are.
(  )2. A. She is sweeping the floor. B. He is helping his father clean the car.
C. He is at home.
(  )3. A. We are eating your grapes. B. We eat your grapes.
C. He is eating your grapes.
(  )4. A. Tim is sleeping. B. Mike is eating fruit.
C. They are playing games.
(  )5.A.Thank you. B. OK. C. That's OK.
In the 1. ___________, I like to 2. ___________ And watch the flowers 3. _________. In the 4. __________, I like to sit
And listen to the wind 5. __________.
1. My father is s___________ the floor in the living room.
2. He is g___________ flowers in the garden.
3. She is c __________ dinner in the kitchen.
4. -Are they c____________ the windows in the classroom now
- Yes, they are.
5. She is m___________ the bed in her bedroom.
Hello! I'm Lily. There are five people in my family. Today is Sunday. It's sunny. My family are in our 1. g________ now. There are some apple trees. Look! My father is 2. p________3. a______________ him. My elder brother is 4. h _____ him. They look very happy. My mother is 5. r________ a book on the bench. My younger brother is 6. r___________________ with the dog. What about me I'm sitting on the grass and
7.e_____________an apple.It's so 8.s_____________and yummy.What a nice day!
It's a Sunday morning. Mr Su's family are at home. They don't go to work or go to school today. Look! Mr Su is in the study. He is reading a newspaper. Su Hai is in her bedroom. She is cleaning the windows. Where is Su Yang She is in the bedroom too. She is sweeping the floor. Now their bedroom is very clean. Mrs Su is in the bathroom. She is washing clothes. Look! What's on the sofa It's their pet cat, Mimi. It's sleeping on the sofa.
(  )1. How many people are there in the family
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
(  )2. Is Mrs Su in the kitchen
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Sorry, I don't know.
(  )3. Where is Su Yang
A. She is in the bedroom. B. She is in the study.
C. She is in the bathroom.
(  )4. What is Mr Su doing
A. He is reading a book. B. He is reading a magazine.
C. He is reading a newspaper.
(  )5. What is Mimi doing now
A. It's sleeping under the sofa. B. It's playing on the sofa.
C. It's sleeping on the sofa.
Story time
一、1.Does your father wash some vegetables
2. Su Yang is helping Su Hai do the housework.
3. My parents are cooking in the kitchen.
4. I like eating potatoes.
5. -Su Hai, lunch is ready.
- OK, Mum. I'm coming.
二、1. Girl: Excuse me, how can I get to City Library
Boy: It's far from here. You can take the metro.
Question: What is the girl doing
2. Mum: Mike, can you help me I'm washing the dishes.
Mike: Wait a minute, Mum. I'm writing an email to my friend.
Question: What is Mike doing
3. Woman: Can I help you
Boy: Yes. I'd like this storybook, please.
Woman: OK. It's twenty yuan.
Boy: Here you are.
Question: What is the boy doing
4. Tina: Helen, I can't draw the rabbit's mouth. It's too difficult.
Helen: Let me show you, Tina.
Tina: Thank you.
Question: What is Tina doing
5. Boy: Where is my brother Tim, Mum
Mum: He's in the garden.
Boy: What is he doing
Mum: He's washing his bike with your father.
Question: What are Tim and his father doing
Sound time
一、1.My mother is cooking breakfast.
2. Mike is cleaning the car.
3. Helen is making the bed.
4. Tim is sweeping the floor.
5. My father is washing the dishes.
二、1.Are they going to Beijing
2. What is he doing
3. What are you doing
4. What are Tim and Mike doing
5. We can help you.
Story time
四、1.eating2.clean3.before4.cook 5. helps 6. parents 7. make; bed
8. busy
五、1. washing 2. singing 3. is; doing; running 4. is sweeping
5. are; doing; making
Grammar time & Fun time
一、1. are watering 2. are dancing 3. is listening 4. are having 5. Is; washing
二、1. washes 2. doing 3. bedroom 4. cleaning 5. watching
三、1.C 2.B 3.C 4. A 5. B 6. A
四、1.are watching 2. is sleeping 3. clean 4. teaches; teacher 5. cook 6. trying
7. to eat 8. cleans
Sound time-Cartoon time
一、4 3 5 2 1
三、1.morning2.sing3.growing 4. evening 5. blowing
四、1.sweeping 2. growing 3. cooking 4. cleaning 5. making
五、1.garden 2. picking 3. apples 4. helping 5. reading 6. running 7. eating 8. sweet



上一篇:Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Period 1 Story time 同步练习(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)
