
题号 听力部分 笔试部分 卷面分 等级
一 二 三 四 五 六 一 二 三 四 五 六 七
( )1. A. spoon B. story C. strong
( )2. A. pass B. puppy C. picture
( )3. A. beef B. baby C. bed
( )4. A. clean B. candy C. cook
( )5. A. doctor B. dinner C. door
( )6. A. farmer B. fork C. fridge
( )7. A. Happy New Year ! B. Merry Christmas. C. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
( )8. A. My home B. My friends C. My classroom
( )9. A. in the kitchen B. in your hand C. in your family
( )10. A. a taxi driver B. a baseball player C. a football player
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、听录音,给下列图片排序,每道小题读两遍。(5 分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1.A. B. ( )2. A. B.
( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B.
( )5. A. B.
quiet storybook farmer noodles study
1.—Is your father a ? —No, he isn’t. He’s a doctor.
2. Tina is a girl. She’s friendly, too.
3.—Where is my ? —It’s on the teacher’s desk.
4. I often study in my .
5. I’d like to eat with many vegetables.
( )1. A. She’s a cook. B. He’s a driver. C. She’s a doctor.
( )2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, thanks.
( )3. A. No, it isn’t. B. It’s in the kitchen. C. It’s on the table.
( )4. A. He’s tall and thin. B. Wu Binbin is. C. He has black glasses.
( )5. A. Four. B. Her parents and her. C. They are four.
1. A. he B. me C. bed
2. A. use B. but C. cute
3. A. six B. rice C. like
4 A. job B. sofa C. hope
5. A. baby B. table C. cap
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C
AB选项画线部分发音为/i /,C选项画线部分发音为/e/,C选项与其他画线部分发音不同,故选C。
AC选项画线部分发音为/ju /,B选项画线部分发音为/ /,B选项与其他画线部分发音不同,故选B。
BC选项画线部分发音为/a /,A选项画线部分发音为/ /,A选项与其他画线部分发音不同,故选A。
BC选项画线部分发音为/ /,A选项画线部分发音为/ /,A选项与其他画线部分发音不同,故选A。
AB选项画线部分发音为/e /,C选项画线部分发音为/ /,C选项与其他画线部分发音不同,故选C。
chicken bread rice beef juice
Dinner is ready. Zhang Peng would like some _____6_____and _____7_____. Sarah would like some _____8_____ and _____9_____. How about Amy She would like some _____10_____. They are all happy.
【答案】6. rice
7. chicken 8. bread
9. beef 10. juice
A. clean the window B. my Chinese friends C. brown eyes D. some noodles and eggs D. on the table
11. My cousin has short hair. ( )
12. I’d like some rice and vegetables. ( )
13. They are my parents. ( )
14. Let’s play basketball now. ( )
15. How many forks are there in the kitchen ( )
【答案】11. C 12. D
13. B 14. A
15. E
句意:我(堂)表弟留着短头发。short hair短头发,指的是人的外貌,brown eyes棕色的眼睛,也是指人的外貌,故选C。
句意:我想要一些米饭和蔬菜。some rice and vegetables一些米饭和蔬菜,指的是食物。some noodles and eggs一些面条和鸡蛋,也是指的是食物。故选D。
句意:他们是我的父母。my parents我的父母,指的是人物,my Chinese friends我的中国朋友们,也是指人物。故选B。
句意:我们现在去打篮球吧。play basketball 打篮球,指的是活动,clean the window擦窗户,也是指运动。故选A。
句意:厨房里有多少把叉子?in the kitchen在厨房里,指的是地点,on the table在桌子上,也是指地点。故选E。
nurse chopsticks strong study vegetables
16. He likes playing football. He’s very ___________.
17. Peter can read books in the ___________.
18. Please eat some ___________, Bob. They are good for your body.
19. My aunt is a ___________. She can help sick people (病人).
20. John’s mother can use ___________ for noodles.
【答案】16. strong
17. study 18. vegetables
19. nurse 20. chopsticks
A: Hi! Mary. Welcome to my home.
B: Wow. Your home is so big. _______21_______
A: Five rooms. This way, please. This is the living room.
B: How nice! _______22_______
A: Yes, it is.
B: _______23_______
A: Yes, you are right.
B: _______24_______
A: My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.
B: Who is the man next to your father
A: He’s my uncle. _______25_______.
B: How happy!
A. Are they your parents
B. How many rooms are there in your home
C. He’s a cook.
D. Is this your family photo
E. What’s in it
F. What are your parents’ jobs
G. How many books are there in your room
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. F 25. C
根据下句答语:五个房间。可知问句是提问房间的数量,提问数量用how many引导的特殊疑问句,B选项“你家有多少个房间?”符合题意,故选B。
26. 给下面句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。
( 5 ) Would you like chopsticks
( ) Dinner’s ready, Alice.
( ) Yes, Let me try.
( ) Some rice, fish, soup and vegetables.
( ) Great! Pass me the bowl, mum.
( ) OK. What’s for dinner
【答案】 ①. 1 ②. 6 ③. 3 ④. 4 ⑤. 2
【详解】先说晚饭好了,Dinner’s ready, Alice.
询问晚饭吃什么,OK. What’s for dinner
回答晚饭吃什么,Some rice, fish, soup and vegetables.
对晚饭发表意见,Great! Pass me the bowl, mum.
询问是否想要筷子,Would you like chopsticks
回答是否想要筷子,Yes, Let me try.
My name is Linda. I’m a girl. I’m ten this year. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong. He’s a driver. My mother is quiet and she is a nurse. I have a brother and he’s a little baby. I like Chinese food, but I can’t use chopsticks. I’d like some rice and egg soup for dinner every day. I have a nice room. There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf. I like reading books and I love my family very much.
27. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
(1) Linda is _________ years old. ( )
A. a girl B. ten C. a Chinese
(2) There are _________ people in her family. ( )
A. three B. four C. five
(3) Linda’s mother is a _________. ( )
A driver B. teacher C. nurse
(4) Linda likes Chinese food, but she can’t use _________. ( )
A. chopsticks B. forks C. knives
28. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Linda has a happy family and she loves it very much. ( )
(2) Many books are on the bookshelf in her room. ( )
(3) Linda’s father is a doctor and her brother is a student. ( )
29. 请在Linda房间相应物品的图片后面写T,不是的写F。
(1) ( )
(2) ( )
(3) ( )
(4) ( )
(5) ( )
【答案】27. ①. B ②. B ③. C ④. A
28. ①. T ②. T ③. F
29. ①. F ②. T ③. T ④. F ⑤. T
(1)句意:琳达____岁了。A一个女孩,B十,C一个中国。根据“I’m ten this year.”,可知琳达十岁了,故选B。
(2)句意:她的家庭有____个人。A三个,B四个,C五个。根据“My father is tall and strong. He’s a driver. My mother is quiet and she is a nurse. I have a brother and he’s a little baby.”,可知她家共有四个人,故选B。
(3)句意:琳达的妈妈是____。A司机,B教师,C护士。根据“My mother is quiet and she is a nurse.”,可知琳达的妈妈是一位护士,故选C。
(4)琳达喜欢中国食物,但是她不会用____。A筷子,B叉子,C刀。根据“I like Chinese food, but I can’t use chopsticks.”,可知琳达不会用筷子,故选A。
(1)题干句意:琳达有一个快乐的家庭,她非常爱它。根据文中句子“I have a happy family.”及“I like reading books and I love my family very much.”,可知琳达有一个快乐的家庭,她非常爱她的家庭。题干与短文内容相符,故答案为T。
(2)题干句意:很多书在她房间的书架上。根据文中句子“I have a nice room. There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知有很多书在她房间的书架上。题干与短文内容相符,故答案为T。
(3)题干句意:琳达的爸爸是一位医生,她的弟弟是一名学生。根据文中句子“My father is tall and strong. He’s a driver.”及“I have a brother and he’s a little baby.”,可知琳达的爸爸是一名司机,她的弟弟是个小宝宝。题干与短文内容不符,故答案为F。
(1)图片是一台电风扇,根据文中句子“There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知琳达的房间没有电风扇,故答案为F。
(2)图片是一张床,根据文中句子“There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知琳达的房间有一张床,故答案为T。
(3)图片是一个放着很多书的书架,根据文中句子“There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知琳达的房间有一个放着很多书的书架,故答案为T。
(4)图片是一张桌子,根据文中句子“There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知琳达的房间没有桌子,故答案为F。
(5)图片是一把椅子,根据文中句子“There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf.”,可知琳达的房间有一把椅子,故答案为T。
Sarah: I have 80 yuan. What would you like
Sam: Great! I’d like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice. What about you
Sarah: I’d like some fish, vegetables and milk.
Sam: Can I have some juice
Sarah: Um…______________ (A. OK. B. Sorry)
30. 阅读对话,在括号里选择A或B,填在横线上。____________
31. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Sarah would like some fish and noodles. ( )
(2) Sam would like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice. ( )
(3) I’d like some bread and milk. They are 8 yuan. ( )
32. 参考画线句子,根据菜单内容和下面语句提示,在四线三格里写一句话。
Now you have 20 yuan. What would you like for dinner
【答案】30. B 31. ①. F ②. T ③. T
(1)句意:Sarah想要一些鱼和面条。根据“I’d like some fish, vegetables and milk.”,可知Sarah需要的是鱼,蔬菜和牛奶,题目与原文不符,故答案为F。
(2)句意:Sam想要一些牛排,鸡肉,面条和米饭。根据“I’d like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice.”,可知题目与原文相符,故答案为T。
题号 听力部分 笔试部分 卷面分 等级
一 二 三 四 五 六 一 二 三 四 五 六 七
( )1. A. spoon B. story C. strong
( )2. A. pass B. puppy C. picture
( )3. A. beef B. baby C. bed
( )4. A. clean B. candy C. cook
( )5. A. doctor B. dinner C. door
( )6. A. farmer B. fork C. fridge
( )7. A. Happy New Year ! B. Merry Christmas. C. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
( )8. A. My home B. My friends C. My classroom
( )9. A. in the kitchen B. in your hand C. in your family
( )10. A. a taxi driver B. a baseball player C. a football player
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
三、听录音,给下列图片排序,每道小题读两遍。(5 分)
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )1.A. B. ( )2. A. B.
( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B.
( )5. A. B.
quiet storybook farmer noodles study
1.—Is your father a ? —No, he isn’t. He’s a doctor.
2. Tina is a girl. She’s friendly, too.
3.—Where is my ? —It’s on the teacher’s desk.
4. I often study in my .
5. I’d like to eat with many vegetables.
( )1 A. She’s a cook. B. He’s a driver. C. She’s a doctor.
( )2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, thanks.
( )3. A. No, it isn’t. B. It’s in the kitchen. C. It’s on the table.
( )4. A. He’s tall and thin. B. Wu Binbin is. C. He has black glasses.
( )5. A. Four. B. Her parents and her. C. They are four.
1. A. he B. me C. bed
2. A. use B. but C. cute
3. A. six B. rice C. like
4. A. job B. sofa C. hope
5. A. baby B. table C. cap
chicken bread rice beef juice
Dinner is ready. Zhang Peng would like some _____6_____and _____7_____. Sarah would like some _____8_____ and _____9_____. How about Amy She would like some _____10_____. They are all happy.
A. clean the window B. my Chinese friends C. brown eyes D. some noodles and eggs D. on the table
11. My cousin has short hair. ( )
12 I’d like some rice and vegetables. ( )
13. They are my parents. ( )
14. Let’s play basketball now. ( )
15. How many forks are there in the kitchen ( )
nurse chopsticks strong study vegetables
16. He likes playing football. He’s very ___________.
17. Peter can read books in the ___________.
18. Please eat some ___________, Bob. They are good for your body.
19. My aunt is a ___________. She can help sick people (病人).
20. John’s mother can use ___________ for noodles.
A: Hi! Mary. Welcome to my home.
B: Wow. Your home is so big. _______21_______
A: Five rooms. This way, please. This is the living room.
B: How nice! _______22_______
A: Yes, it is.
B: _______23_______
A: Yes, you are right.
B: _______24_______
A: My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher.
B: Who is the man next to your father
A: He’s my uncle. _______25_______.
B: How happy!
A. Are they your parents
B. How many rooms are there in your home
C. He’s a cook.
D. Is this your family photo
E. What’s in it
F What are your parents’ jobs
G. How many books are there in your room
26. 给下面句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。
( 5 ) Would you like chopsticks
( ) Dinner’s ready, Alice.
( ) Yes, Let me try.
( ) Some rice, fish, soup and vegetables.
( ) Great! Pass me the bowl, mum.
( ) OK. What’s for dinner
My name is Linda. I’m a girl. I’m ten this year. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong. He’s a driver. My mother is quiet and she is a nurse. I have a brother and he’s a little baby. I like Chinese food, but I can’t use chopsticks. I’d like some rice and egg soup for dinner every day. I have a nice room. There’s a bed, a bookshelf and a chair in it. There are many books on the bookshelf. I like reading books and I love my family very much.
27. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。
(1) Linda is _________ years old. ( )
A. a girl B. ten C. a Chinese
(2) There are _________ people in her family. ( )
A. three B. four C. five
(3) Linda’s mother is a _________ ( )
A. driver B. teacher C. nurse
(4) Linda likes Chinese food, but she can’t use _________. ( )
A. chopsticks B. forks C. knives
28. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Linda has a happy family and she loves it very much. ( )
(2) Many books are on the bookshelf in her room. ( )
(3) Linda’s father is a doctor and her brother is a student. ( )
29. 请在Linda房间相应物品图片后面写T,不是的写F。
(1) ( )
(2) ( )
(3) ( )
(4) ( )
(5) ( )
Sarah: I have 80 yuan. What would you like
Sam: Great! I’d like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice. What about you
Sarah: I’d like some fish, vegetables and milk.
Sam: Can I have some juice
Sarah: Um…______________ (A. OK. B. Sorry)
30. 阅读对话,在括号里选择A或B,填在横线上。____________
31. 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。
(1) Sarah would like some fish and noodles. ( )
(2) Sam would like some beef, chicken, noodles and rice. ( )
(3) I’d like some bread and milk. They are 8 yuan. ( )
32. 参考画线句子,根据菜单内容和下面语句提示,在四线三格里写一句话。
Now you have 20 yuan. What would you like for dinner



