
1. 听录音,选择句子中所听到的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. went B. took C. stayed
( ) 2. A. slept B. cleaned C. bought
( ) 3. A. older B. younger C. stronger
( ) 4. A. cycling B. fishing C. camping
( ) 5. A. library B. hotel C. dining hall
【答案】 ①. C ②. B ③. A ④. A ⑤. C
详解】1. I stayed at home with my grandma.
2. I cleaned my room yesterday.
3. You’re older than me.
4. Now I go cycling every day.
5. There was no dining hall in my old school.
2. 听下面五个句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thanks. B. I’m five. C. It was good, thank you.
( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am shorter than my father. C. Yes, I am taller.
( ) 3. A. She is 1.55 meters. B. He is 1.60 meters. C. I’m 1.60 meters.
( ) 4. A. Yes, I did. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she did.
( ) 5. A. I go swimming with my friends. B. I went to the pet hospital. C. I want to go camping.
【答案】 ①. C ②. A ③. A ④. C ⑤. B
【详解】1. How was your weekend
2. Are you shorter than your father
3. How tall is your sister
4. Did Amy do anything else
5. Where did you go the day before yesterday
3. 听下面一段短文,按照所听内容先后顺序将下列图片排序。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
【答案】 ① C ②. B ③. E ④. A ⑤. D
Hello, my name is Tom. Last weekend, I had a good time with my parents. In the morning, I ate breakfast quickly. Then, we took the bus to the park. We took some pictures there. It was a sunny day. I rode a bike and went fishing. My father’s fish is smaller than mine. Although we were very tired, we really had a wonderful time. What about your weekend
(R: Reporter 记者 W: Wang Yaping )
R: Morning, Ms Wang. May I ask you some questions
W: Sure
R: ___4___
W: We came back on April 16th.
R: ___5___
W: I was well and excited.
R: ___6___
W: My family. I missed them so much.
R: They missed you, too! What are you going to do next week
W: ___7___
R: So nice! ___8___
W: Yes. She likes to go out with me.
R: Have a good time!
A. Are you going to take a trip with your daughter
B. Who did you want to see first
C. Who did you go with
D. When did you come back to the earth(地球)
E. How did you feel then
F. I’m going to have a good rest and stay with my family.
【答案】4. D 5. E 6. B 7. F 8. A
Long long ago, cavemen(穴居人) often ate raw(生的) meat. They know nothing about cooking food. Now there are many things to help you cook. In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes. Before there were many trees, and there were many clean rivers. Now, there are more and more buildings and cars. The air is getting dirtier and dirtier. The water is dirtier, too. We should help the earth(地球) now, so birds will have homes and forests will be healthy and green again. Heal the world! Make it a better place.
9. This article(文章) is about ______. ( )
A. cavemen’s life B. house robots C. environmental protection(环境保护)
10. Cavemen often ate ______. ( )
A. fish B. rice C. raw meat
11. There are more and more ______ now. ( )
A. trees B. birds C. cars
12. The air is getting ______ and ______. ( )
A. dirtier; dirtier B. more; more C. cleaner; cleaner
13. 画线词“Heal”的意思是:______。( )
A. 破坏 B. 拯救 C. 污染
【答案】9. C 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B
句意:这篇文章是关于______。A穴居人的生活,B家用机器人,C环境保护,根据原文“We should help the earth(地球) now, so birds will have homes and forests will be healthy and green again.”可知现在我们应该帮助地球,鸟将有家并且森林将恢复健康和绿色。所以文章是关于环境保护,故选C。
句意:穴居人经常吃______。A鱼,B米饭,C生肉,根据原文“Long long ago, cavemen(穴居人) often ate raw(生的) meat.”可知很久以前,穴居人经常吃生肉。故选C。
句意:现在有越来越多的______。A树,B鸟,C车,根据原文“Now, there are more and more buildings and cars.”可知现在有越来越多的建筑物和车,故选C。
句意:空气变得______和______。A脏的;脏的,B更多的;更多的,C干净的;干净的,根据原文“The air is getting dirtier and dirtier.”可知空气变得越来越脏。故选A。
句意:画线词“Heal”的意思是:______。根据原文“We should help the earth(地球) now, so birds will have homes and forests will be healthy and green again. Heal the world! Make it a better place.”可知现在我们应该帮助地球,鸟将有家并且森林将恢复健康和绿色。拯救世界!让它成为一个更好的地方。所以Heal的意思是拯救,故选B。
It was a nice Sunday. Jim and David went climbing. At the foot of the mountain, they shouted, “Wow! How high and big the mountain is!” The whole mountain was green. The air was clean and fresh. Many small flowers were smiling among the green grass. Some little birds were flying and singing in the blue sky. They began to climb the mountain. An hour(小时) later, they got to the top of it. David looked down and saw the whole city. “How beautiful the city is!” he shouted loudly. Then they took some pictures because they wanted to remember the wonderful day forever.
14. Jim and David climbed mountains ______. ( )
A. last Saturday B. last Friday C. last Sunday
15. The mountain was ______. ( )
A. high and yellow B. high and green C. big and blue
16. It took them ______ to get to the top of the mountain. ( )
A. one hour B. two hours C. three hours
17. David saw ______ when he looked down on the mountain. ( )
A. a small village B. a big forest C. the whole city
18. They ______ to keep the wonderful day. ( )
A. called to their friends B. drew the mountain C. took some pictures
【答案】14. C 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C
句意:Jim和David在上周日去爬山。A上周六,B上周五,C上周日,根据“It was a nice Sunday. Jim and David went climbing.”可知Jim和David在星期天去爬山,故选C。
句意:山很高,是绿色的。A高的和黄色的,B高的和绿色的,C大的和蓝色的,根据“The whole mountain was green. The air was clean and fresh.”可知山很高,是绿色的。故选B。
句意:他们花了1小时才到达山顶。A一小时,B两小时,C三小时,根据“An hour(小时) later, they got to the top of it.”可知他们花了1小时才到达山顶,故选A。
句意:David向下看时看到了整个城市。A一个小村庄,B一片大森林,C整个城市,根据“David looked down and saw the whole city.”可知David向下看时看到了整个城市,故选C。
句意:他们拍了一些照片来纪念这个美好的日子。A打电话给他们的朋友,B画了一些山,C拍了一些照片,根据“Then they took some pictures because they wanted to remember the wonderful day forever.”可知他们拍了一些照片来纪念这个美好的日子,故选C。
In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, and people went home in a carriage(马车). There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules. There were no computers, either. People did all the things by their own hands.
But today robots help to do many things. Robots are helpful. People use them in factories to help the workers. These robots are not like the robots in movies. They don’t walk or talk. Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal(金属的) arm. It can do the same job in a factory over and over again. Sometimes a robot may be just like Robin. It can help people to send things to the guests(客人) in a hotel or a restaurant. Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the future there will be house robots. They will help people to cook, clean and do housework. Even they can help you when you are ill. But is it good or bad for our life Do you want to have a robot in the future
In the Tang dynasty Now In the future
There were no cars. There were ___19___ There were no computers. ___20___ Robots help to do many things. Some robots ___21___ Some robots help people to send things. Some robots like Chat GPT is ___22___ Robots will help people to cook, clean and do many housework. Even ___23___
A. People did all the things by their own hands.
B. no traffic lights or traffic rules.
C. may be just a metal arm.
D. they can help you when you are ill.
E. a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
【答案】19. B 20. A 21. C 22. E 23. D
句意:有 ____。根据“There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules.”可知没有交通信号灯甚至交通规则。此空应该是叙述没有……,选项B“...没有交通信号灯和交通规则。”符合语境,故选B。
句意:____。根据“People did all the things by their own hands.”可知人们靠自己的双手做所有的事情。选项A“人们靠自己的双手做所有的事情。”符合语境,故选A。
句意:一些机器人 ____。根据“Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal(金属的) arm.”可知有时一个机器人也许仅仅是一个金属的胳膊。选项C“...也许仅仅是一个金属胳膊。”符合语境,故选C。
句意:一些机器人像聊天机器人程序是一种 ____。根据“Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.”可知一些机器人像聊天机器人程序是一种有用的机器人,能够回答你问的任何问题。选项E“...一种有用的机器人能回答你问的任何问题。”符合语境,故选E。
句意:甚至 ____。根据“Even they can help you when you are ill.”可知甚至他们能在你病的时候帮助你。选项D“...他们能在你病的时候帮助你。”符合语境,故选D。
Robin and I ___24___ to Hangzhou at noon. Ben’s family met us at the Hangzhou East Railway Station. ___25___ we came to their home by car. Robin and I had a nice room in Ben’s home. There ___26___ a computer and some green plants.
In the afternoon, Ben’s ___27___ took us to the West Lake by car. It was so beautiful. We rowed a boat on the ___28___ and took many pictures. In the evening, we walked to a famous restaurant and ate ___29___ delicious food. My favourite was West Lake fish. It was ___30___ and sour. After dinner, we took a walk along the West Lake. But unluckily, Robin and 1 got lost on the way. Thanks to Robin’s GPS, we could find our way ___31___ Ben’s home again! We were tired ___32___ very happy. Tomorrow we’re going to Hangzhou Zoo. That’ll be ___33___!
A. was B. lots of C. Then D. sweet E. lake
F. to G. got H. but I. parents J. interesting
【答案】24. G 25. C 26. A 27. I 28. E 29. B 30. D 31. F 32. H 33. J
句意:有一个电脑和一些绿植。句子是there be结构,句子是一般过去时,a computer是单数形式,所以be动词应用was,故选A。
句意:在晚上,我们步行去一家有名的参观吃了很多美味的食物。lots of很多,符合句意,故选B。
句意:多亏了Robin的导航,我们又能找到去Ben的家的路了。the way to去……的路,空处应填to,故选F。
34. Mike ______ (ride) a bike yesterday.
35. ______ (I) bag is bigger than yours.
36. John is ______ (heavy) than his brother.
37. There ______ (be) no gym in my school many years ago.
【详解】句意:很多年前我的学校没有体育馆。本题考查there be句型,根据时间many years ago可知该句是一般过去时,no gym是可数名词单数,be用is的过去式was。故答案为was。
38. She wanted ______ (read) a book but the lamp was small.
【答案】to read
【详解】句意:她想看书但是灯很小。本题考查动词形式,want to do sth.想要做某事,故答案为to read。
39. 根据提示,仿写句子。
假设你是Peter,根据思维导图和提示词,以“Changes in me”为题,简单描述你这六年间的变化。
1. 不少于5个完整的句子,可适当展开想象;
2. 语句通顺、没有语法错误,能正确运用时态;
3. 书写工整、规范,标点正确。
Changes in me
I’m Peter. I changed a lot. Six years ago, I was a little boy. But now, I’m a big boy.
Before, I __________________________________________________________________
【答案】Changes in me
I’m Peter. I changed a lot. Six years ago, I was a little boy. But now, I’m a big boy.
Before, I was short. But now I am tall. Before, I didn’t like carrots. But now, I like carrots very much. Six years ago, I couldn’t ride a bike.But now I can ride a bike well. Before, I couldn’t play football. But now, I can play football. And I like play sports very much.
【详解】1.题干解读:题目要求根据思维导图和提示词,以“Changes in me”为题,简单描述你这六年间的变化。时态以一般过去时和一般现在时,人称为第一人称,注意字数的要求,语句通顺,结构完整。
参考词汇:like喜欢,carrots胡萝卜,ride a bike骑自行车,play football踢足球,tall高的,short矮的
参考句型:Before, I was…;But now, I am…;Six years ago, I didn’t like…;But now I like…2023-2024学年度下期期中学业质量监测
1. 听录音,选择句子中所听到的单词。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. went B. took C. stayed
( ) 2. A. slept B. cleaned C. bought
( ) 3 A. older B. younger C. stronger
( ) 4. A. cycling B. fishing C. camping
( ) 5. A. library B. hotel C. dining hall
2. 听下面五个句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答语。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. I’m fine, thanks. B. I’m five. C. It was good, thank you.
( ) 2. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I am shorter than my father. C. Yes, I am taller.
( ) 3 A. She is 1.55 meters. B. He is 1.60 meters. C. I’m 1.60 meters.
( ) 4. A. Yes, I did. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, she did.
( ) 5. A. I go swimming with my friends. B. I went to the pet hospital. C. I want to go camping.
3. 听下面一段短文,按照所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(R: Reporter 记者 W: Wang Yaping )
R: Morning, Ms Wang. May I ask you some questions
W: Sure.
R: ___4___
W: We came back on April 16th.
R: ___5___
W: I was well and excited.
R: ___6___
W: My family. I missed them so much.
R: They missed you, too! What are you going to do next week
W: ___7___
R: So nice! ___8___
W: Yes. She likes to go out with me.
R: Have a good time!
A. Are you going to take a trip with your daughter
B. Who did you want to see first
C. Who did you go with
D. When did you come back to the earth(地球)
E. How did you feel then
F. I’m going to have a good rest and stay with my family.
Long long ago, cavemen(穴居人) often ate raw(生的) meat. They know nothing about cooking food. Now there are many things to help you cook. In 2050, there will be house robots. They will cook, clean and wash the dishes. Before there were many trees, and there were many clean rivers. Now, there are more and more buildings and cars. The air is getting dirtier and dirtier. The water is dirtier, too. We should help the earth(地球) now, so birds will have homes and forests will be healthy and green again. Heal the world! Make it a better place.
9. This article(文章) is about ______. ( )
A. cavemen’s life B. house robots C. environmental protection(环境保护)
10. Cavemen often ate ______. ( )
A. fish B. rice C. raw meat
11. There are more and more ______ now. ( )
A. trees B. birds C. cars
12. The air is getting ______ and ______. ( )
A. dirtier; dirtier B. more; more C. cleaner; cleaner
13. 画线词“Heal”的意思是:______。( )
A. 破坏 B. 拯救 C. 污染
It was a nice Sunday. Jim and David went climbing. At the foot of the mountain, they shouted, “Wow! How high and big the mountain is!” The whole mountain was green. The air was clean and fresh. Many small flowers were smiling among the green grass. Some little birds were flying and singing in the blue sky. They began to climb the mountain. An hour(小时) later, they got to the top of it. David looked down and saw the whole city. “How beautiful the city is!” he shouted loudly. Then they took some pictures because they wanted to remember the wonderful day forever.
14. Jim and David climbed mountains ______. ( )
A. last Saturday B. last Friday C. last Sunday
15. The mountain was ______. ( )
A. high and yellow B. high and green C. big and blue
16. It took them ______ to get to the top of the mountain. ( )
A. one hour B. two hours C. three hours
17. David saw ______ when he looked down on the mountain. ( )
A. a small village B. a big forest C. the whole city
18. They ______ to keep the wonderful day. ( )
A. called to their friends B. drew the mountain C. took some pictures
In the Tang dynasty, there were no cars, and people went home in a carriage(马车). There were no traffic lights on the road or even no traffic rules. There were no computers, either. People did all the things by their own hands.
But today robots help to do many things. Robots are helpful. People use them in factories to help the workers. These robots are not like the robots in movies. They don’t walk or talk. Sometimes, a robot may be just a metal(金属的) arm. It can do the same job in a factory over and over again. Sometimes a robot may be just like Robin. It can help people to send things to the guests(客人) in a hotel or a restaurant. Some robots like Chat GPT is a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
In the future there will be house robots. They will help people to cook clean and do housework. Even they can help you when you are ill. But is it good or bad for our life Do you want to have a robot in the future
In the Tang dynasty Now In the future
There were no cars. There were ___19___ There were no computers. ___20___ Robots help to do many things. Some robots ___21___ Some robots help people to send things. Some robots like Chat GPT is ___22___ Robots will help people to cook, clean and do many housework. Even ___23___
A. People did all the things by their own hands.
B. no traffic lights or traffic rules.
C. may be just a metal arm.
D. they can help you when you are ill.
E. a useful robot that can answer any questions you ask.
Robin and I ___24___ to Hangzhou at noon. Ben’s family met us at the Hangzhou East Railway Station. ___25___ we came to their home by car. Robin and I had a nice room in Ben’s home. There ___26___ a computer and some green plants.
In the afternoon, Ben’s ___27___ took us to the West Lake by car. It was so beautiful. We rowed a boat on the ___28___ and took many pictures. In the evening, we walked to a famous restaurant and ate ___29___ delicious food. My favourite was West Lake fish. It was ___30___ and sour. After dinner, we took a walk along the West Lake. But unluckily, Robin and 1 got lost on the way. Thanks to Robin’s GPS, we could find our way ___31___ Ben’s home again! We were tired ___32___ very happy. Tomorrow we’re going to Hangzhou Zoo. That’ll be ___33___!
A was B. lots of C. Then D. sweet E. lake
F. to G. got H. but I. parents J. interesting
34. Mike ______ (ride) a bike yesterday.
35. ______ (I) bag is bigger than yours.
36. John is ______ (heavy) than his brother.
37. There ______ (be) no gym in my school many years ago.
38. She wanted ______ (read) a book but the lamp was small.
39. 根据提示,仿写句子。
假设你是Peter,根据思维导图和提示词,以“Changes in me”为题,简单描述你这六年间的变化。
1. 不少于5个完整的句子,可适当展开想象;
2. 语句通顺、没有语法错误,能正确运用时态;
3. 书写工整、规范,标点正确。
Changes in me
I’m Peter. I changed a lot. Six years ago, I was a little boy. But now, I’m a big boy.
Before, I __________________________________________________________________



