
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:110分)
1.The ________ of this shop was so bad. I never got any answer after I emailed them my questions.
A.item B.price C.service D.business
考查名词辨析。item项目;price价格;service服务;business生意。根据“I never got any answer after I emailed them my questions.”可知此处是商店的服务太差。故选C。
2.—Sally, you’ve made great progress in English, who taught you
—________. I taught myself.
A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody
考查不定代词。Somebody有人;Anybody任何人;Nobody没有人;Everybody每个人。根据“I taught myself.”可知,应表达没有人教。故选C。
3.—I haven’t decided what to do in the future.
—You’d better set a goal first. Living ________ a goal is like travelling on the sea with no compass (罗盘).
A.under B.except C.without D.through
考查介词辨析。under在……下面;except除了;without没有;through通过。根据“like travelling on the sea with no
compass ”可知此处指“没有目标的生活就像在没有指南针的海上旅行”。故选C。
4.—Everything he does is ________ to what is considered normal.
—Although he looks a little different, he has achieved a lot in the maths field.
A.opposite B.kind C.similar D.close
考查形容词辨析。opposite对立的,相反的;kind善良的;similar相似的;close密切的。根据后文“Although he looks a little different,he has achieved a lot in the maths field.”可知,此处应该表达他做的每一件事都与被认为正常的事情完全相反,所以填入opposite,形容词,作表语,意为“相反的”符合语境。故选A。
5.The ChatGPT will be ________ used soon because AI makes difficult tasks easy.
A.badly B.quietly C.widely D.exactly
考查副词辨析。badly糟糕地;quietly安静地;widely广泛地;exactly精确地。根据“AI makes difficult tasks easy.”可知,人工智能可以让困难的任务变得容易,那么人工智能就应该被广泛地使用。故选C。
6.—Amy, the books you gave away to the poor children help them a lot. What gave you the idea
—Maybe I ________ my father. He always helps others.
A.look after B.talk back C.take after D.keep away
考查动词短语。look after照顾;talk back顶嘴;take after像;keep away远离。根据“He always helps others.”可知我行事风格跟爸爸很像,故选C。
7.Though the old man is 90 years old, he can still look after ________.
A.himself B.myself C.herself D.yourself
考查代词辨析。himself他自己;myself我自己;herself她自己;yourself你自己。根据“he can still look after”可知他可以照顾他自己。故选A。
8.Fangfang enjoys playing ________ piano and listening to ________ music as well.
A./; the B./; / C.the; / D.the; the
考查冠词的用法。the这个,定冠词,表特指;/零冠词。根据“playing...piano”和“listening to...music”可知,play与乐器类名词连用时,乐器类名词前要加定冠词the,piano“钢琴”为乐器,play the piano表示“弹钢琴”,排除A和B,music为不可数名词,此处是芳芳喜欢听音乐,为泛指,其前不用冠词。故选C。
9.The children ________ happily when I met them.
A.played B.were playing C.are playing D.have played
考查动词的时态。根据时间状语从句“when I met them”可知主句应用过去进行时“was/were+动词现在分词”,主语为“The children”,be动词用were,故选B。
10.Good news! I ________ my English exam.
A.was passing B.will pass C.have passed D.am passing
考查时态。根据“I...my English exam”可知此处表示过去的动作对现在的影响,用现在完成时have/has done。故选C。
11.—Will you come to Lily’s birthday party
—I won’t come unless Lucy ________.
A.will be invited B.invites C.invited D.is invited
12.—I think the classroom needs ________.
—Well, you are right. We’ll do what we can ________ the classroom tidy and clean.
A.clean, keep B.to clean, to keep C.cleaning, keeping D.cleaning, to keep
考查被动语态和非谓语动词。第一空为need doing“需要被做”,含有被动含义,相当于need to be done;第二空应用不定式作目的状语。故选D。
13.I wondered ________ when we were in dangerous situations.
A.whom could we ask for help B.why could we ask for help
C.what we could ask for help D.whom we could ask for help
考查宾语从句。宾语从句应是陈述句语序,排除AB。由于ask sb. for help“向某人寻求帮助”,所以是疑问词whom。故选D。
14.Behind each door ________ you open are chances to learn new things.
A.that B.what C.when D.where
考查定语从句。that用于某些动词、形容词和名词后,引出从句;what什么;when什么时候;where什么地方。根据空前和空后结构可知,此处空后句子“you open”为定语从句修饰名词“door”,此空作open的宾语,指代door,故选A。
15.—I hope you won’t mind a little friendly advice.
—________. A true friend is the one who tells you the truth about yourself.
A.Not at all B.You’re welcome C.With pleasure D.Thank you
考查情景交际。Not at all一点也不;You’re welcome不客气;With pleasure乐意效劳;Thank you谢谢。根据“A true friend is the one who tells you the truth about yourself.”可知是不介意对方的建议,选项A符合语境。故选A。
Aaron loved running and was the fastest in his class, he won every race at school and was always proud to be number one.
One day a new student named Justin joined Aaron’s class. Justin was also a fast runner. He was not only 16 in running but also hardworking for the practice.
He liked 17 with others and enjoyed being the winner.
In this new term, there was a school running race, that would be Aaron and Justin’s first battle (对决). How Aaron wished he could win the race! So he was 18 about it. Aaron had a 19 at the beginning, but in the second half of the race, he ran out of energy. He tried his best but he was so nervous and tired that he fell down to the ground. Justin crossed the finish line 20 before Aaron stood up.
Aaron was 21 , he had always been the first and now he was the second. Seeing Aaron’s disappointment, his teacher Miss Lucifer sat down next to him. “Aaron,” she said. “It’s OK not to be the first. The important thing in a race is not to win but to 22 . What matters is that you did your best. You ran a good race and that’s what counts. Just as the most important thing in life is not the success but the 23 .”
When Aaron came home, his mother found his 24 because Aaron went into his room without a
word. His mother kept 25 him after knowing what had happened. “In our life, we always want to be the champion, 26 it is in school or personal life. However, it is important to 27 that not everyone will win the championship. Winning isn’t everything. What matters is that you enjoyed running and did your best.” his mother 28 .
From that day forward, Aaron was no longer obsessed (执着) with being the first. He still loved running and 29 to do his best. Whenever he crossed the finish line, no matter what the 30 was, there was always a big smile on his face.
16.A.excited B.talented C.surprised D.encouraged
17.A.competing B.working C.communicating D.playing
18.A.curious B.confident C.active D.serious
19.A.lead B.look C.progress D.rest
20.A.easily B.quickly C.luckily D.perfectly
21.A.heartless B.disappointed C.hateful D.dishonest
22.A.take over B.take up C.take on D.take part
23.A.creativity B.knowledge C.efforts D.happiness
24.A.secret B.difference C.fear D.story
25.A.comforting B.asking C.hurting D.praising
26.A.but B.if C.whether D.because
27.A.understand B.point C.consider D.imagine
28.A.shouted B.said C.cried D.replied
29.A.agreed B.continued C.remembered D.expected
30.A.skill B.method C.position D.weather
16.B 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.B 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.C
excited兴奋的;talented有天赋的;surprised惊讶的;encouraged受到鼓舞的。根据“Justin was also a fast runner.”可知贾斯汀也是一个跑得很快的人,所以此处是指贾斯汀在跑步方面很有天赋,be talented in“在某方面有天赋”。故选B。
competing竞争;working工作;communicating交流;playing玩。根据“and enjoyed being the winner”可知,此处是指喜欢和别人竞争。故选A。
curious好奇的;confident自信的;active活跃的;serious严肃的。根据“How Aaron wished he could win the race!”可知亚伦非常希望自己能赢得比赛,由此可知,他很认真对待此次比赛。故选D。
lead领先;look看;progress进展;rest休息。根据“but in the second half of the race, he ran out of energy”可知在比赛的下半场,亚伦耗尽了精力,由此可知,在比赛的上半场,亚伦处于领先地位。故选A。
easily容易地;quickly快速地;luckily幸运地;perfectly完美地。根据“before Aaron stood up”可知,此处是指贾斯汀很快就冲过了终点线。故选B。
heartless无情的;disappointed失望的;hateful心怀怨恨的;dishonest不诚实的。根据“Seeing Aaron’s disappointment”可知,此处是指亚伦很失望。故选B。
take over接管;take up开始从事;take on承担;take part参与。根据“The important thing in a race is not to win but to”及“You ran a good race and that’s what counts.”可知,此处是指赛跑最重要的不是取胜,而是参与。故选D。
creativity创造力;knowledge知识;efforts努力;happiness开心。根据“What matters is that you did your best.”可知,此处是指生活中最重要的是努力。故选C。
secret秘密;difference变化;fear害怕;story故事。根据“because Aaron went into his room without a word”可知亚伦一声不吭地进了自己的房间,所以此处是指母亲发现了他的变化之处。故选B。
comforting安慰;asking询问;hurting伤害;praising表扬。根据“In our life, we always want to be the champion ... Winning isn’t everything. What matters is that you enjoyed running and did your best.”可知,此处是指他母亲一直安慰他。故选A。
understand明白;point指出;consider考虑;imagine想象。根据“However, it is important to ... that not everyone will win the championship.”可知,此处是指要明白不是每个人都能赢得冠军。故选A。
agreed同意;continued继续;remembered记得;expected期待。根据“He still loved running and ... to do his best.”可知,此处是指他继续全力以赴,continue to do sth.“继续做某事”。故选B。
skill技能;method方法;position名次;weather天气。根据“From that day forward, Aaron was no longer obsessed (执着) with being the first.”可知亚伦不再执着于成为第一名,所以此处是指不管名次如何,他的脸上总是挂着灿烂的笑容。故选C。
Winter sports in China
◆347 million people across the country take part in winter sports ◆46 million of them are under 18
A survey China Youth Daily surveyed 1,212 people: ①Cheering for players at the Beijing Winter Games ②Trying out skiing (滑雪) or skating ③Buying winter sports clothes and tools ④Taking winter sports trips around China ⑤Taking part in winter sports training
Some Important years1953: China’s first National Ice Sports Games took place in Harbin. 1957: China’s first National Ski Games were held in Tonghua, Jilin. 2002: China won its first gold medal (奖牌) in the Winter Olympics. 2022: China held the Winter Olympics in Beijing and Zhangjiakou for the first time and won 9 gold
31.How many people take part in winter sports in Northen China
A.347 million. B.186 million. C.161 million. D.46 million.
32.According to the survey, what do the most people do
A.Take part in winter sports training. B.Take winter sports trips around China.
C.Buy winter sports clothes and tools. D.Cheer for players at the Beijing Winter Games.
33.Where can we probably read the text in a newspaper
A.Star Stories. B.Sports World. C.School Life. D.Science Study.
【答案】31.B 32.D 33.B
31.细节理解题。根据表格第一行饼状图所示内容可知,北方参加冬季运动的人数为186 million。故选B。
32. 细节理解题。根据表格第二行内容“A survey China Youth Daily surveyed 1,212 people: ①Cheering for players at the Beijing Winter Games”和柱形图可知,大部分人为北京冬奥会的选手们加油,占比54.5%。故选D。
33.推理判断题。根据“Winter sports in China”可知,本文主要讲述了中国的冬季运动,属于体育相关内容,所以我们可能在“体育世界”中看到。故选B。
Wearing armor (盔甲) and holding weapons, they look like ancient soldiers on door posters. But look closer—they are two cats instead of the generals Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong.
These posters were designed by Liu Shuning and Lin Chen from Hangzhou, Zhejiang. They wanted to mix modern art and youth culture with traditional culture.
The posters use the style of woodblock New Year paintings, which are a form of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in China. Called “nianhua” in Chinese, this style of art dates back to the Western Han Dynasty.
“We think woodblock New Year paintings are treasures—their colors and patterns are beautiful,” Lin said. “We want to show that young people are still interested in traditional culture.” “Protecting cultural heritage requires to breathe new life into it. So I tried to add something that young people like,” Liu said. “People love little cute animals—So Lin and I keep three cats.” They used these cats as models.
They designed a carpet (地毯) using the traditional “six children pattern” —six children making up a circle and sharing three heads, but the children were replaced with dogs and cats.
Their design got hundreds of “likes” on the art website. But Liu and Lin aren’t stopping there. They are now planning another project that will include things borrowed from pictures in Dunhuang.
34.What can we know about the Chinese door posters
A.They usually have cats. B.They use the style of western paintings.
C.They have a long history. D.They are world cultural heritage.
35.What is the purpose of designing the posters in a special way
A.To get “likes” from users on the art website. B.To let more people love little cute animals.
C.To show their deep love for the three little cats. D.To make young people love traditional culture.
36.What is the best title of the passage
A.Nianhua Gets Popular Again. B.Old Art Gets a Modern Touch.
C.Pass on Cultural Heritage Online. D.Create New Painting Style.
【答案】34.C 35.D 36.B
34. 细节理解题。根据第三段“The posters use the style of woodblock New Year paintings, which are a form of intangible cultural heritage in China. Called ‘nianhua’ in Chinese, this style of art dates back to the Western Han Dynasty.”可知,它们有着悠久的历史。故选C。
35.推理判断题。根据“We want to show that young people are still interested in traditional culture...Protecting cultural heritage requires to breathe new life into it. So I tried to add something that young people like”可知,他们这样设计的目的是让年轻人热爱传统文化。故选D。
36. 最佳标题题。根据第二段最后一句“They wanted to mix modern art and youth culture with traditional culture.”以及通读全文可知,主要介绍了刘树宁和林晨在设计年画与地毯的过程中,想将传统文化与现代艺术相结合。故选B。
Huawei, a big technology company, has made another big step in the phone industry with its newest phone, the Mate 60. This phone is special because it uses a chip that Huawei made all by itself.
The chip that Huawei made alone says a lot about how much they care about making new tech. This chip is very strong and special and can do many things like using the fast 5G internet and doing smart things with AI. This chip makes the Mate 60 even better.
Making phones has been hard for Huawei because of some problems they’ve had. But, instead of giving up, Huawei tried something new and worked harder. They built their own chip and became a better competitor in the tech industry. Releasing (发行) the Mate 60 has made people notice Huawei’s hard work.
Huawei’s Mate 60 is a really good phone, and it shows how well Huawei understands what people need from a phone. It’s designed to help people use it better. The chip that Huawei made can make users’ experience even better, since it makes many things much more perfect.
The Huawei Mate 60 is a big win for Huawei. The success of the Mate 60 has opened new doors for Huawei all over the world. It shows Huawei’s energy and skills in making new technology, and how well they understand what technology will be like in the future. We hope Huawei will continue to do great things in the tech world and make more amazing products in the future.
37.What is the special of the Huawei Mate 60
A.It uses a chip with smart AI.
B.It has the largest screen size ever.
C.Its chip made all by Huawei itself.
D.It is the most smart phone with 5G.
38.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.Huawei released the Mate 60.
B.Huawei made a big step in selling phones.
C.Huawei built their own useful and smart chip in the past.
D.Huawei created something new and work harder continuously.
39.How does the Mate 60 show Huawei’s understanding of users’ needs
A.By its low price and light body.
B.By its design to help people use it better.
C.By showing its energy and calling clearly.
D.By doing many things much more perfectly.
40.Which is wrong about Huawei Mate 60 according to the text
A.Huawei will make more amazing products in the future.
B.Mate 60 has opened new doors for Huawei all over Asia and Europe.
C.Huawei Mate 60’s success shows how important making new technology is.
D.Facing the challenges in making phones, Huawei decided to create their own chip.
【答案】37.C 38.D 39.B 40.B
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了华为的最新款手机华为Mate 60,以及华为Mate 60的发布对于华为公司的重大意义。
37.细节理解题。根据“This phone is special because it uses a chip that Huawei made all by itself.”可知这款手机很特别,因为它使用了华为自己制造的芯片。故选C。
38.主旨大意题。根据“Making phones has been hard for Huawei because of some problems they’ve had. But, instead of giving up, Huawei tried something new and worked harder.”可知第三段主要介绍了华为不断创新,更加努力。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“It’s designed to help people use it better.”可知它旨在帮助人们更好地使用它。故选B。
40.细节理解题。根据“The success of the Mate 60 has opened new doors for Huawei all over the world”可知Mate
We know mosquitoes (蚊子) very well. They can fly wherever they want to go. 41 There are over 3,000 kinds of them worldwide.
Mosquitoes are one of many kinds of insects. 42 They are about 1cm in length and about 2 mg in weight. Usually, male mosquitoes feed on plant juice and female mosquitoes like blood of human or animals. So, no one likes mosquitoes. However, mosquitoes love you very much. Once you are chosen by them, they will secretly land on your body to drink your blood. 43 After that, you will have an itch (痒) on your body. By the time the itch begins, mosquitoes have already flown away.
After enjoying a delicious meal from you, mosquitoes are lucky enough to run away. Now they are very tired. 44 There, on a leaf or in the water, they begin to lay eggs, in the hundreds. That’s why female mosquitoes like your blood.
When mosquitoes bite (叮咬) you, they may spread some diseases. 45 Firstly, clean the room every day and take a shower often. Secondly, the most common way is to use mosquito repellent incense (蚊香) to keep them off. If you are bitten by mosquitoes, wash the bite with soap water. If it’s serious, follow the doctor’s advice and use the correct medicine.
A.You need to take action ahead of time to keep away from them.
B.During the whole process, they act quietly and quickly.
C.They have a small and light body.
D.We can find them all over the world.
E.They just want a good place to have a good rest.
【答案】41.D 42.C 43.B 44.E 45.A
41.根据“They can fly wherever they want to go.”以及“There are over 3,000 kinds of them worldwide.”可知,空格处讲的是蚊子分布广泛,选项D“我们可以在世界各地找到它们。”符合语境。故选D。
42.根据“They are about 1cm in length and about 2 mg in weight.”可知空格处说的是蚊子的特征,选项C“它们有一个小而轻的身体。”符合语境。故选C。
43.根据“By the time the itch begins, mosquitoes have already flown away.”可知空格处主要讲述蚊子吸血动作很快,选项B“在整个过程中,它们的行动要安静而迅速。”符合语境。故选B。
44.根据“Now they are very tired.”及“There, on a leaf or in the water, they begin to lay eggs, in the hundreds.”可知,空格处谈论的是它们需要休息,选项E“它们只是想要一个好地方好好休息。”符合语境。故选E。
45.根据“Firstly, clean the room every day and take a shower often. Secondly, the most common way is to use mosquito repellent incense to keep them off.”可知,此处主要讲如何远离蚊子,选项A“你需要提前采取行动来
breaks out excuse best displayed properly stands for
46.Our city will hold a robot show and many smart robots will be .
47.Do you think that WeChat is the way to keep in touch with friends
48.—Do you know what YOLO
—Of course, you only live once, it’s used as the name of a film acted by Jialing.
49.Although AI is of great help to us, it’s important to use it .
50.As teenagers, we have no to stop challenging ourselves.
【答案】46.displayed 47.best 48.stands for 49.properly 50.excuse
【解析】46.句意:我们的城市将举行机器人展,许多智能机器人将被展出。根据“Our city will hold a robot show”可知,空处指机器人被展出,displayed“展出”符合语境,will be后跟过去分词构成被动语态,故填displayed。
48.句意:——你知道YOLO是什么意思吗?——当然,你只活一次,这是贾玲出演的一部电影的名字。空出缺少谓语动词,根据“Of course, you only live once”及备选词可知,此处指“YOLO”代表的意思,stands for“意味着”符合语境,故填stands for。
50.句意:作为青少年,我们没有借口停止挑战自己。根据“we have no ...to stop challenging ourselves”及备选词可知,此处指没有借口,excuse“借口”。故填excuse。
Book crossing, a new way of reading, is 51 (develop)with book lovers leaving 52 (they)books in public places to be picked up and “borrowed” by others.
The Belarusian National Technical University was the first 53 (support)the idea in the country. Several 54 (year)ago, the director of its library, Alexey Kalaban, 55 (see)a large glass box of books which were free for anyone to read at a Swedish(瑞典的)airport. He was very 56 (excite)about how great the idea was. So he wanted to bring it to his country. The question was only where such books might 57 (keep)in public.
“We created a bookcase in the main building. It is available to everyone. People can be 58 (easy)
encouraged to read,” Kalaban explained. “Inside the case, there is a special list 59 (show)who gave the book and when they gave it”. With the help of so many people, every year, more such “safe” places are found.
Nowadays, book crossing is being 60 (well)known to the world than before. No doubt, it’s a great way to push more people to read and make the whole world a library.
51.developing 52.their 53.to support 54.years 55.saw 56.excited 57.be kept
58.easily 59.showing 60.better
53.句意:白俄罗斯国立技术大学是第一个支持这一想法的国家。分析句子结构可知,此空应填动词不定式作定语,故填to support。
54.句意:几年前,图书馆馆长Alexey Kalaban在瑞典机场看到了一个大玻璃盒子,里面装着所有人都可以免费阅读的书。根据several可知,此空应填复数形式,故填years。
55.句意:几年前,图书馆馆长Alexey Kalaban在瑞典机场看到了一个大玻璃盒子,里面装着所有人都可以免费阅读的书。分析句子结构可知,此空缺少动词作谓语,描述过去发生的事情,动词用过去式,故填saw。
57.句意:问题只是这些书在公共场合应该放在哪里。book与keep是被动关系,结合might可知,此处用含有情态动词的被动语态might be done的结构,故填be kept。
59.句意:在箱子里,有一个特别的清单,上面显示了谁给了这本书,什么时候给的。there be sb/sth doing sth“有某人/某物正在做某事”,此空应填现在分词,故填showing。
Qingming Festival is a Chinese holiday that has been celebrated in China for centuries. It is not only one of China’s 24 solar terms (节气) but a 61 a holiday for people to honor lost family members. The name Qingming comes from the saying“Plants start to come to life in a clear and bright way in early A 62 ”.
Chinese people visit the tombs (坟墓) of their ancestors to show their respect on that day. Families s 63 the tombs and clean away the grass around them. Then they put flowers, food and drinks in front of the tombs and
burn Zhiqian (known as ghost money in English). F 64 , they bow before the tombs, hoping the ancestors can bless and bring good luck to them.
Another traditional custom is spring outing. Chinese people prefer to take a w 65 in the countryside in such good weather. It’s also a good choice for those who lead busy modern lives to enjoy the beauty of nature.
【答案】61.(a)lso 62.(A)pril 63.(s)weep 64.(F)inally 65.(w)alk
61.句意:它不仅是中国二十四节气之一,也是人们纪念逝去亲人的节日。根据句意和首字母提示可知,此处应用关联词组“not only...but also”来连接两个表示并列关系的成分,并且着重强调后者。故填(a)lso。
63.句意:一家人打扫坟墓,清理周围的草地。根据“...clean away the grass around them.”和首字母提示可知,清明节要打扫坟墓。故填(s)weep。
65.句意:中国人喜欢在这样好的天气里到乡村散步。根据“Another traditional custom is spring outing.”和首字母提示可知,清明节另一个习俗是春游,外出散步。故填(w)alk。
The character, Hua Mulan, introduces Chinese culture to the world in Disney’s 1998 cartoon movie and its new live-action (真人拍摄的) movie in 2018. She becomes a world star.
In the movie, Mulan dresses herself as a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. She wins the respect of the whole nation and turns into a great soldier.
According to Alex Xin, an art researcher at Peking University, Mulan in the western world has changed over the past twenty years, from a heroine in westerners’ eyes to an authentic (地道的) Chinese girl. “When you check the 1998 cartoon, Mulan was described as a fighter for women’s rights, but it missed the point, as the original (最初的) story was mainly about traditional family value. I’m glad that the new film has included this important point, showing that after twenty years. Westerners now have a better understanding of Chinese culture,” Alex Xin said.
As one of the oldest countries in the world, China has a long history and wonderful culture. Chinese culture is deep and difficult to understand for foreigners. But by introducing traditional Chinese culture in popular styles
such as film, it is much easier for foreigners to understand China.
66.Who becomes a world star
67.What did Hua Mulan dress herself as
68.Where did Mulan go instead of her father
69.When was the new live-action film made
70.Can foreigners easily understand Chinese culture
【答案】66.Hua Mulan. 67.A boy. 68.To the army. 69.In 2018. 70.No, they can’t.
66.根据文中“The character, Hua Mulan, introduces Chinese culture to the world...She becomes a world star.”可知花木兰变成了世界明星。故填Hua Mulan.
67.根据文中“In the movie, Mulan dresses herself as a boy...”可知木兰把自己打扮成男孩子。故填A boy.
68.根据文中“...and takes her father’s place to fight in the army”可知木兰打扮成男孩子,代替父亲从军。故填To the army.
69.根据文中“...its new live-action (真人拍摄的) movie in 2018”可知新的电影是在2018年拍摄的。故填In 2018.
70.根据“Chinese culture is deep and difficult to understand for foreigners.”可知中国文化对外国人来说很难理解。故填No, they can’t.
成功的第一步永远是付诸行动,如果不勇于尝试,再多的想法也无济于事。在你的学习和生活成长历程中,哪一次尝试令你印象深刻?请你以“An Unforgettable Try”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,向学校校刊英语专栏投稿。
2) 词数 100 左右。
An Unforgettable Try
An Unforgettable Try
As we all know, everyone has his unforgettable try, I still remember the first time I learn to play basketball.
I had never played basketball before, but I decided to give it a try. The first practice was challenging. The ball kept slipping from my hands, and the ball was often out of control. However, my teammates were supportive and encouraging. They taught me the basics and helped me improve. Over time, I got better. The most memorable moment was when I scored my first point in a game.
It was an unforgettable experience that taught me the importance of teamwork and perseverance. I learned that with practice and effort, anything is possible.
①decide to do sth决定做某事
②keep doing sth一直做某事
③out of control失控
④help sb do sth帮助某人做某事
①I had never played basketball before, but I decided to give it a try. (动词不定式作宾语)
②The most memorable moment was when I scored my first point in a game.(when引导表语从句)2024年中考英语考前押题卷【江苏徐州专用】
(考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:110分)
1.The ________ of this shop was so bad. I never got any answer after I emailed them my questions.
A.item B.price C.service D.business
2.—Sally, you’ve made great progress in English, who taught you
—________. I taught myself.
A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody
3.—I haven’t decided what to do in the future.
—You’d better set a goal first. Living ________ a goal is like travelling on the sea with no compass (罗盘).
A.under B.except C.without D.through
4.—Everything he does is ________ to what is considered normal.
—Although he looks a little different, he has achieved a lot in the maths field.
A.opposite B.kind C.similar D.close
5.The ChatGPT will be ________ used soon because AI makes difficult tasks easy.
A.badly B.quietly C.widely D.exactly
6.—Amy, the books you gave away to the poor children help them a lot. What gave you the idea
—Maybe I ________ my father. He always helps others.
A.look after B.talk back C.take after D.keep away
7.Though the old man is 90 years old, he can still look after ________.
A.himself B.myself C.herself D.yourself
8.Fangfang enjoys playing ________ piano and listening to ________ music as well.
A./; the B./; / C.the; / D.the; the
9.The children ________ happily when I met them.
A.played B.were playing C.are playing D.have played
10.Good news! I ________ my English exam.
A.was passing B.will pass C.have passed D.am passing
11.—Will you come to Lily’s birthday party
—I won’t come unless Lucy ________.
A.will be invited B.invites C.invited D.is invited
12.—I think the classroom needs ________.
—Well, you are right. We’ll do what we can ________ the classroom tidy and clean.
A.clean, keep B.to clean, to keep C.cleaning, keeping D.cleaning, to keep
13.I wondered ________ when we were in dangerous situations.
A.whom could we ask for help B.why could we ask for help
C.what we could ask for help D.whom we could ask for help
14.Behind each door ________ you open are chances to learn new things.
A.that B.what C.when D.where
15.—I hope you won’t mind a little friendly advice.
—________. A true friend is the one who tells you the truth about yourself.
A.Not at all B.You’re welcome C.With pleasure D.Thank you
Aaron loved running and was the fastest in his class, he won every race at school and was always proud to be number one.
One day a new student named Justin joined Aaron’s class. Justin was also a fast runner. He was not only 16 in running but also hardworking for the practice.
He liked 17 with others and enjoyed being the winner.
In this new term, there was a school running race, that would be Aaron and Justin’s first battle (对决). How Aaron wished he could win the race! So he was 18 about it. Aaron had a 19 at the beginning, but in the second half of the race, he ran out of energy. He tried his best but he was so nervous and tired that he fell down to the ground. Justin crossed the finish line 20 before Aaron stood up.
Aaron was 21 , he had always been the first and now he was the second. Seeing Aaron’s disappointment, his teacher Miss Lucifer sat down next to him. “Aaron,” she said. “It’s OK not to be the first. The important thing in a race is not to win but to 22 . What matters is that you did your best. You ran a good race and that’s what counts. Just as the most important thing in life is not the success but the 23 .”
When Aaron came home, his mother found his 24 because Aaron went into his room without a word. His mother kept 25 him after knowing what had happened. “In our life, we always want to be the
champion, 26 it is in school or personal life. However, it is important to 27 that not everyone will win the championship. Winning isn’t everything. What matters is that you enjoyed running and did your best.” his mother 28 .
From that day forward, Aaron was no longer obsessed (执着) with being the first. He still loved running and 29 to do his best. Whenever he crossed the finish line, no matter what the 30 was, there was always a big smile on his face.
16.A.excited B.talented C.surprised D.encouraged
17.A.competing B.working C.communicating D.playing
18.A.curious B.confident C.active D.serious
19.A.lead B.look C.progress D.rest
20.A.easily B.quickly C.luckily D.perfectly
21.A.heartless B.disappointed C.hateful D.dishonest
22.A.take over B.take up C.take on D.take part
23.A.creativity B.knowledge C.efforts D.happiness
24.A.secret B.difference C.fear D.story
25.A.comforting B.asking C.hurting D.praising
26.A.but B.if C.whether D.because
27.A.understand B.point C.consider D.imagine
28.A.shouted B.said C.cried D.replied
29.A.agreed B.continued C.remembered D.expected
30.A.skill B.method C.position D.weather
Winter sports in China
◆347 million people across the country take part in winter sports ◆46 million of them are under 18
A survey China Youth Daily surveyed 1,212 people: ①Cheering for players at the Beijing Winter Games
②Trying out skiing (滑雪) or skating ③Buying winter sports clothes and tools ④Taking winter sports trips around China ⑤Taking part in winter sports training
Some Important years1953: China’s first National Ice Sports Games took place in Harbin. 1957: China’s first National Ski Games were held in Tonghua, Jilin. 2002: China won its first gold medal (奖牌) in the Winter Olympics. 2022: China held the Winter Olympics in Beijing and Zhangjiakou for the first time and won 9 gold medals.
31.How many people take part in winter sports in Northen China
A.347 million. B.186 million. C.161 million. D.46 million.
32.According to the survey, what do the most people do
A.Take part in winter sports training. B.Take winter sports trips around China.
C.Buy winter sports clothes and tools. D.Cheer for players at the Beijing Winter Games.
33.Where can we probably read the text in a newspaper
A.Star Stories. B.Sports World. C.School Life. D.Science Study.
Wearing armor (盔甲) and holding weapons, they look like ancient soldiers on door posters. But look closer—they are two cats instead of the generals Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong.
These posters were designed by Liu Shuning and Lin Chen from Hangzhou, Zhejiang. They wanted to mix modern art and youth culture with traditional culture.
The posters use the style of woodblock New Year paintings, which are a form of intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in China. Called “nianhua” in Chinese, this style of art dates back to the Western Han Dynasty.
“We think woodblock New Year paintings are treasures—their colors and patterns are beautiful,” Lin said. “We want to show that young people are still interested in traditional culture.” “Protecting cultural heritage requires to breathe new life into it. So I tried to add something that young people like,” Liu said. “People love little cute animals—So Lin and I keep three cats.” They used these cats as models.
They designed a carpet (地毯) using the traditional “six children pattern” —six children making up a circle
and sharing three heads, but the children were replaced with dogs and cats.
Their design got hundreds of “likes” on the art website. But Liu and Lin aren’t stopping there. They are now planning another project that will include things borrowed from pictures in Dunhuang.
34.What can we know about the Chinese door posters
A.They usually have cats. B.They use the style of western paintings.
C.They have a long history. D.They are world cultural heritage.
35.What is the purpose of designing the posters in a special way
A.To get “likes” from users on the art website. B.To let more people love little cute animals.
C.To show their deep love for the three little cats. D.To make young people love traditional culture.
36.What is the best title of the passage
A.Nianhua Gets Popular Again. B.Old Art Gets a Modern Touch.
C.Pass on Cultural Heritage Online. D.Create New Painting Style.
Huawei, a big technology company, has made another big step in the phone industry with its newest phone, the Mate 60. This phone is special because it uses a chip that Huawei made all by itself.
The chip that Huawei made alone says a lot about how much they care about making new tech. This chip is very strong and special and can do many things like using the fast 5G internet and doing smart things with AI. This chip makes the Mate 60 even better.
Making phones has been hard for Huawei because of some problems they’ve had. But, instead of giving up, Huawei tried something new and worked harder. They built their own chip and became a better competitor in the tech industry. Releasing (发行) the Mate 60 has made people notice Huawei’s hard work.
Huawei’s Mate 60 is a really good phone, and it shows how well Huawei understands what people need from a phone. It’s designed to help people use it better. The chip that Huawei made can make users’ experience even better, since it makes many things much more perfect.
The Huawei Mate 60 is a big win for Huawei. The success of the Mate 60 has opened new doors for Huawei all over the world. It shows Huawei’s energy and skills in making new technology, and how well they understand what technology will be like in the future. We hope Huawei will continue to do great things in the tech world and make more amazing products in the future.
37.What is the special of the Huawei Mate 60
A.It uses a chip with smart AI.
B.It has the largest screen size ever.
C.Its chip made all by Huawei itself.
D.It is the most smart phone with 5G.
38.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.Huawei released the Mate 60.
B.Huawei made a big step in selling phones.
C.Huawei built their own useful and smart chip in the past.
D.Huawei created something new and work harder continuously.
39.How does the Mate 60 show Huawei’s understanding of users’ needs
A.By its low price and light body.
B.By its design to help people use it better.
C.By showing its energy and calling clearly.
D.By doing many things much more perfectly.
40.Which is wrong about Huawei Mate 60 according to the text
A.Huawei will make more amazing products in the future.
B.Mate 60 has opened new doors for Huawei all over Asia and Europe.
C.Huawei Mate 60’s success shows how important making new technology is.
D.Facing the challenges in making phones, Huawei decided to create their own chip.
We know mosquitoes (蚊子) very well. They can fly wherever they want to go. 41 There are over 3,000 kinds of them worldwide.
Mosquitoes are one of many kinds of insects. 42 They are about 1cm in length and about 2 mg in weight. Usually, male mosquitoes feed on plant juice and female mosquitoes like blood of human or animals. So, no one likes mosquitoes. However, mosquitoes love you very much. Once you are chosen by them, they will secretly land on your body to drink your blood. 43 After that, you will have an itch (痒) on your body. By the time the itch begins, mosquitoes have already flown away.
After enjoying a delicious meal from you, mosquitoes are lucky enough to run away. Now they are very tired. 44 There, on a leaf or in the water, they begin to lay eggs, in the hundreds. That’s why female mosquitoes like your blood.
When mosquitoes bite (叮咬) you, they may spread some diseases. 45 Firstly, clean the room every day and take a shower often. Secondly, the most common way is to use mosquito repellent incense (蚊香) to keep them off. If you are bitten by mosquitoes, wash the bite with soap water. If it’s serious, follow the doctor’s advice and use the correct medicine.
A.You need to take action ahead of time to keep away from them.
B.During the whole process, they act quietly and quickly.
C.They have a small and light body.
D.We can find them all over the world.
E.They just want a good place to have a good rest.
breaks out excuse best displayed properly stands for
46.Our city will hold a robot show and many smart robots will be .
47.Do you think that WeChat is the way to keep in touch with friends
48.—Do you know what YOLO
—Of course, you only live once, it’s used as the name of a film acted by Jialing.
49.Although AI is of great help to us, it’s important to use it .
50.As teenagers, we have no to stop challenging ourselves.
Book crossing, a new way of reading, is 51 (develop)with book lovers leaving 52 (they)books in public places to be picked up and “borrowed” by others.
The Belarusian National Technical University was the first 53 (support)the idea in the country. Several 54 (year)ago, the director of its library, Alexey Kalaban, 55 (see)a large glass box of books which were free for anyone to read at a Swedish(瑞典的)airport. He was very 56 (excite)about how great the idea was. So he wanted to bring it to his country. The question was only where such books might 57 (keep)in public.
“We created a bookcase in the main building. It is available to everyone. People can be 58 (easy)encouraged to read,” Kalaban explained. “Inside the case, there is a special list 59 (show)who gave the book and when they gave it”. With the help of so many people, every year, more such “safe” places are found.
Nowadays, book crossing is being 60 (well)known to the world than before. No doubt, it’s a great way to push more people to read and make the whole world a library.
Qingming Festival is a Chinese holiday that has been celebrated in China for centuries. It is not only one of China’s 24 solar terms (节气) but a 61 a holiday for people to honor lost family members. The name Qingming comes from the saying“Plants start to come to life in a clear and bright way in early A 62 ”.
Chinese people visit the tombs (坟墓) of their ancestors to show their respect on that day. Families s 63 the tombs and clean away the grass around them. Then they put flowers, food and drinks in front of the tombs and burn Zhiqian (known as ghost money in English). F 64 , they bow before the tombs, hoping the ancestors can bless and bring good luck to them.
Another traditional custom is spring outing. Chinese people prefer to take a w 65 in the countryside in such good weather. It’s also a good choice for those who lead busy modern lives to enjoy the beauty of nature.
The character, Hua Mulan, introduces Chinese culture to the world in Disney’s 1998 cartoon movie and its new live-action (真人拍摄的) movie in 2018. She becomes a world star.
In the movie, Mulan dresses herself as a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. She wins the respect of the whole nation and turns into a great soldier.
According to Alex Xin, an art researcher at Peking University, Mulan in the western world has changed over the past twenty years, from a heroine in westerners’ eyes to an authentic (地道的) Chinese girl. “When you check the 1998 cartoon, Mulan was described as a fighter for women’s rights, but it missed the point, as the original (最初的) story was mainly about traditional family value. I’m glad that the new film has included this important point, showing that after twenty years. Westerners now have a better understanding of Chinese culture,” Alex Xin said.
As one of the oldest countries in the world, China has a long history and wonderful culture. Chinese culture is deep and difficult to understand for foreigners. But by introducing traditional Chinese culture in popular styles such as film, it is much easier for foreigners to understand China.
66.Who becomes a world star
67.What did Hua Mulan dress herself as
68.Where did Mulan go instead of her father
69.When was the new live-action film made
70.Can foreigners easily understand Chinese culture
成功的第一步永远是付诸行动,如果不勇于尝试,再多的想法也无济于事。在你的学习和生活成长历程中,哪一次尝试令你印象深刻?请你以“An Unforgettable Try”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,向学校校刊英语专栏投稿。
2) 词数 100 左右。
An Unforgettable Try



