
姓名____________ 准考证号____________
1.A. B. C.
2.A. B. C.
3.A. B. C.
4.A. B. C.
5.A. B. C.
6.A.Listening. B.Writing. C.Speaking.
7.A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday.
8.A.Boring. B.Relaxing. C.Exciting.
9.A.They stayed at home. B.They watched a movie. C.They visited his grandmother.
10.A.The girl could reuse these jeans.
B.The girl should find an old handbag.
C.The girl should buy another pair of jeans.
11.When was Jiang Yanchen born
A.In 2004. B.In 2009. C.In 2011.
12.What was Jiang’s biggest problem at school
A.He couldn’t get dressed by himself.
B.He couldn’t do some reading or writing.
C.He couldn’t see the blackboard clearly.
13.How does Jiang’s story make people feel
A.Moved. B.Surprised. C.Encouraged.
14.Why could Jiang get over this difficulty
A.Because he was happy in life.
B.Because his life became better and better.
C.Because he could stick to his studies all the time.
15.What does the story mainly tell us
A.Life requires a strong will.
B.An illness is not to be feared.
C.The future is full of challenges.
How to Choose the Right School Club Background: Today many students can join different clubs to 16 themselves in school. Three useful tips: ·Don’t join every club in school. Just focus on one club that takes about 17 percent of your free time. ·Make your choices 18 . Attend some meetings to get more 19 about these clubs and then list your top choice. ·Learn to give back. Some clubs can provide chances and you can do community service or do some 20 volunteer work.
A.That’s true. B.That’s a good idea. C.I am free this weekend. D.It’s about how to spread our traditional culture. E.We should choose a topic about our culture first. F.The foreigners seemed to like tanghulu very much. G.There are many videos about Chinese culture online.
One day, the teacher asked students to complete a task in groups. Frank 26 thought that he would be chosen by his classmates because of his good grades.
“Sorry, we don’t need one.”
“I’m sorry, there’s enough of us. ”One after another, his classmates all refused him.
The teacher saw Frank’s sadness and told him, “Your grades are good, but your bad 27 have made you lose the trust and friendship of your classmates. 28 you change them, you will be accepted by your classmates.”
Frank said, “Thank you, I will correct them.”
From then on, Frank began to be strict with himself and stopped laughing at his classmates with poor 29 and playing bad tricks on them. He tried hard to 30 his change, but his classmates didn’t accept him right away.
One day, Frank met a classmate who was being laughed at by others at school. Frank said, “This isn’t right, we shouldn’t look down on our classmates.”
This classmate was very 31 and said to Frank, “Thank you. You have become very friendly and kind and I’d love to be your friend.”
Frank felt happy to hear that. He realized that his change 32 the trust and friendship of his classmates.
From that day on, Frank became a popular student and everyone 33 him. Now he understands that getting good grades is only one aspect(方面), but more importantly, being a kind person with good habits is the way to be respected by others.
26.A.secretly B.proudly C.carefully
27.A.dreams B.habits C.choices
28.A.If B.Though C.Before
29.A.grades B.communities C.stories
30.A.forget B.show C.experience
31.A.helpful B.useful C.thankful
32.A.lost B.kept C.won
33.A.looked up to B.kept away from C.took care of
History can be a difficult subject for many students. However, history is just a collection of stories.
Learning history can help us understand the present better and make us wiser. If you have trouble in matching the story and its time, maybe you can remember them by making a timeline(时间轴). Here are some steps to help you make a timeline.
Step 1 Make a list of important dates. Pull key dates from your class bine(合并) this information into a list to make sure your dates are in chronological(按发生时间顺序排列的) order.
Step 2 Organize your timeline. First, draw a straight line from one end of your page to the other. Then, begin filling in your dates in order from the oldest to the latest. Finally, draw a box under each date and begin filling it in with the key information you need to remember. Make sure it includes information about important people, events and places.
Step 3 Move forward in time. Continue filling in the dates on your timeline with descriptions of what happened and why they are important. Make notes of connections among people, events and places by drawing arrows(箭头). Use different colors to make the timeline easy to remember. This can also help you quickly find important information.
Step 4 Test yourself. Once you have finished your timeline, put it away and try to recreate it in your mind. This will tell you what you really know. If you don’t get everything right for the first time, go back to review the parts that you missed.
Once you recreate everything from the beginning, you will know that you have your historical information memorized.
34.It’s important for you to learn history, because it ______.
A.includes many interesting stories
B.has become an important subject
C.makes you more knowledgeable and wiser
35.______ best explains the underlined phrase “Organize your timeline”.
A. B. C.
36.You can quickly find something by ______ on the timeline.
A.using different colors B.drawing a longer line C.making bigger boxes
37.After finishing your timeline, you should ______.
A.put it away B.test yourself C.share the information
38.The passage is mainly about ______.
A.the collection of stories
B.the new understanding of history
C.the ways of making a timeline of historical events
Books are one of the greatest inventions. From the furthest space to the smallest corners of a town, books allow readers to go anywhere that writers can imagine.
At Manchester’s Com Exchange, a building with a rich history at the heart of the city, an interesting machine has been set up to help people read more books. It is a book vending machine(自动售货机) that offers free books to anyone.
To use this vending machine, book lovers are asked to bring their own books and give them away in return for tokens(代币). Then they can use a token to choose a book from the vending machine to read. The books you give away are finally placed in the machine for others to take their pick. It is a pretty simple process of reading, swapping, and repeating these steps over and over again.
Producing new books comes with some inevitable(不可避免的) environmental costs, such as the use of large amounts of water and fuel(燃料). Many second-hand books still have great stories to tell. With clever ideas like the book vending machine, books can avoid going to waste and be enjoyed by more people.
39.Where is the book vending machine
A.In a small town. B.In the countryside. C.In a historic building.
40.How can book lovers use the book vending machine
A.By buying some tokens.
B.By giving away their own books.
C.By choosing some books to read.
41.What does the underlined word “swapping” probably mean
A.Exchanging. B.Protecting. C.Covering.
42.Why is such a book vending machine helpful according to Paragraph 4
A.Because it’s free to read books.
B.Because it helps in protecting the environment.
C.Because it offers people second-hand books for free.
43.Which of the following would the writer agree with
A.It is much easier to buy books than to borrow books.
B.People can share their books with others by using a machine.
C.The government should share useful ways of avoiding waste.
Like most people, you probably put half-hearted effort into most of what you do. 44 Instead, you need to do the exact opposite!
When I was a boy, our city held a math competition. Just as I was wondering whether to join in it or not, my grandfather told me to take action at once. I was advised not to wait all the time. So I quickly trained and had a discussion with my teacher. Finally, I won first prize. I realized I used to miss lots of chances. 45 That’s because I was looking forward to being invited by the team. Of course, I missed the final chance.
46 However, we can keep improving ourselves along the way. Just try our best to do what we have right now. Maybe the perfect thing would never come. However, we can take action to improve ourselves first. When better chances come along, we have the better ability and skills to take them. 47 And our minds influence our bodies, too. So not only can we change from the inside out, but we can change from the outside in.
If you want to be truly active in your life, don’t worry about whether things are perfect. 48 Don’t just put them into “the next big chance”.
A.Our bodies influence our minds. B.Allow yourself to create the best chance. C.Put your heart and mind into something right now. D.That’s because you’re waiting for what you want to do. E.For example, I failed to join my school football team. F.We often spend much time looking for the perfect one before we do something.
Stamp collecting has recently become a creative way for young people to record their trips. Many people are driven by this hobby because it provides people with a strong sense of ceremony(仪式感). These lovers are not only taking photos of famous attractions(景点) but also traveling to every corner of museums and shops to search for stamps.
They imprint(印) stamps on postcards, travel notebooks, picture books, or pictures of different colors. Each stamp is a valuable part of tourists’ memories. Besides, it also helps tourists discover special travel experiences.
29-year-old Shi Junchu comes from Yunnan Province. Three years ago, she learned about stamp collecting while traveling in Wuhan, Hubei Province. She found it a more interesting way of traveling than buying souvenirs(纪念品). After that, she always carries a beautiful notebook on each trip to collect stamps. Before planning her trip, she will ask for helpful advice online and consider whether this activity is suitable for her trip.
After the trip, Shi shared her happiness online. “Stamp collecting has added more meaning to my trips. Reading these notebooks feels a bit like looking at photos. As long as I open one page, I can recall what happened—what different attractions I visited and what culture behind them I remembered,” she said.
People can communicate with each other when collecting stamps. They can directly exchange the stamps. They share their information online and discuss where they can get stamps for free, which place can offer the most kinds of stamps, and where stamp collectors can avoid waiting too long.
Recently, young people prefer to record their trips by collecting stamps. The reason is that this 49 can give people a sense of ceremony. These colorful stamps are not only valuable memories of traveling, but also helpful for tourists to 50 wonderful travel experiences. Three years ago, Shi Junchu started to collect pared with buying souvenirs, she found it’s more 51 to collect stamps when traveling. It had added more meaning to her trips. When she looked through those stamps, she would recall those different places and the 52 behind them. There is also a social meaning behind the stamps when people take trips. People can communicate with each other. They 53 give stamps to others and receive different stamps from other collectors. They share information and have hot discussions online.
All plants and animals, even the earth on which we live, need to breathe. For humans, the lungs(肺)are one of the most important parts of a body. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the lung health with the spread of some serious illnesses and the increase of air pollution. As teenagers, it is necessary for us to learn more about the lungs.
How do the lungs work There are about 300 million to 400 million alveoli(肺泡) in an adult’s lungs, with a total area of 100 square meters. The lungs take in O from the air into the blood and breathe out CO from the body. Among the five kinds of organs(脏器), the lungs are the only ones that communicate directly with the outside environment. If you wonder whether your lungs are healthy, you can calculate your lung capacity(计算你的肺活量). The normal lung capacity of teens is different depending on gender(性别), age, weight and height. The method of calculating lung capacity is 50ml-70ml per kilogram of body weight. For example, if a student weighs 50kg, his or her lung capacity is 2,500ml to 3,500ml.
What’s the problem with the lungs according to traditional Chinese medicine
The lungs are the highest organs in the body, covering the other organs like an umbrella. When the temperature drops, cold air will enter the lungs first. The lungs are connected to the surface of the body, so people often have a fever, cough, and a running nose at the beginning of a cold. In autumn, dryness can easily enter people’s bodies and harm the lungs, so people feel that the skin and mouth are dry.
What should we do to keep our lungs healthy
Here are some tips to help us avoid lung problems.
·Tip 1: Eat healthy and proper food. The doctors think we should eat some food like white radishes(萝卜) and pears. We can’t eat too much junk food.
·Tip 2: Get proper exercise. Some sports are good for the lungs, such as swimming, playing balls and running.
·Tip 3: ______ Open the window as much as possible. In a terrible breathing environ-ment, wear a mask quickly. Stay away from people who often smoke.
54.What can cause people to pay attention to the lung health
55.How do the lungs help humans breathe
56.What does the lung capacity of teens depend on If your weight is 60 kg, what is your healthy lung capacity
57.Why do you cough and have a running nose at first when you have a cold
58.What’s the best subtitle(小标题) of Tip 3
59.What can you learn from the passage What will you do to protect your lungs
Grandfather: Hey, Tony! What’s the object that you’re playing with Tony: It’s my new phone, Grandpa! Do you want me to show you how to use it Grandfather: OK. You can have a try, 60 I may have trouble understanding it. Tony: Why Grandfather: Well, you know 61 they say: You can’t teach an old dog new tricks!
It can be difficult for old people to 62 new things. And it can be hard to let people try something new if they don’t have any experience with it. For example, young people have grown up with modern technology. Old people might not have the same basic understanding of computers 63 young ones. Does that mean old people can’t learn the new technology There 64 always ways! You must be patient, no matter how old they are. Give them everything they need, show them how you do it, and then let them try it by themselves. You never know when an old person will learn a new thing, but that thing will probably lead him or her to a new hobby or even a better life!
she sad clear value build accept he good watch become problem remember
Looking back on these years, I have left good memories in different places. Among them, I can’t forget a bridge. I don’t know when it 65 over the river, only knowing that it was old. However, the footprints(足迹) of my growth are 66 seen on it.
I often visited my grandmother when I was a child. The bridge led to 67 house. I remember my mother smiling, holding my little hand and walking slowly forward. Every time Grandma said goodbye to us on the bridge. After I entered primary school, the bridge 68 the only way for me and my friends to go home from school. Sometimes we would stop 69 the water flowing(流动) under the bridge, enjoying the happiness brought by the wind. All my 70 and dark clouds were carried away by the wind at that time.
After the final exams, I walked across the bridge for the last time with one of my 71 friends Linda. That day, we stood on the bridge for a long time, talking about the past and the future. We had a sense of 72 because we would graduate soon. Linda said that the bridge couldn’t move or change. I suddenly understood—as long as our friendship was still there, we would meet again.
Now I seldom stand on that bridge any more. However, if I think of that bridge, I 73 my process of growth. Those memories with people who love me are 74 for my life. They will always be in my heart like this bridge. On the other side of that bridge is my future.
·Write about the purpose of your writing.
·Tell a story about how you grew up.
·Share what you have learned from it.
6~10 CACBA
11~15 ACCAA
四、听力填空(每小题1分,共5 分)
16.relax 17.seventy-five/75 18.wisely 19.information 20.meaningful
21~25 DEFBC
26~30 BBAAB 31~33 CCA
(A)34 ~38 CAABC (B)39 ~43 CBABB (C)44 ~48 DEFAC
(D)49.hobby 50.discover 51.interesting 52.culture 53.directly
(E)54.The spread of some serious illnesses and the increase of air pollution.
55.By taking in O2 from the air into the blood and breathing out CO2 from the body.
56.The lung capacity of teens(It) depends on gender, age, weight and height. My healthy lung capacity(It) is 3,000 ml to 4,200 ml.
57.Because the lungs are connected to the surface of the body.
58.Create a good/friendly environment.
59.I can learn some information about the lungs. To protect my lungs, I’ll eat health y food and take proper exercise./I can learn how to calculate my lung capacity. I’ll keep away from a smoking environment and eat healthily and properly./…
A.60.but 61.what 62.learn/study/understand 63.as 64.are
B.65.was built 66.clearly 67.her 68.became 69.to watch 70.problems
71.best 72.sadness 73.will remember 74.valuable
九、书面表达(共 15分)略



