
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分)
1.—Have you decided what to do next
—No, we’re still in the ________ of discussion.
A.pattern B.search C.background D.process
考查名词辨析。pattern图案,模式;search搜查;background背景;process过程。根据“No, we’re still in the...of discussion.”可知还在讨论的过程中。故选D。
2.—Your article ________ good memories for me.
—I’m happy to hear that.
A.puts on B.brings back C.takes up D.turns down
考查动词短语。puts on穿上;brings back带回;takes up占据;turns down拒绝。根据“good memories for me”可知是带来了美好的回忆,用bring back表示“带回”。故选B。
3.—Hello, this is Mike’s Car Shop. What can I do for you
—Hello. My new car ________ start. Could you come and take a look
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.shouldn’t
考查情态动词辨析。needn’t不必;mustn’t禁止;couldn’t不能;shouldn’t不应该。根据“Could you come and take a look”可知,新车应该是不能发动。故选C。
4.—Who is the tallest in your class
—Tom. He is ________ than any other boy in our class.
A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
考查形容词比较级。tall高,形容词原级;taller是tall的比较级;tallest是tall的最高级。根据“...than any other boy in our class”可知,此处应用比较级形式。故选B。
5.Betty swims ________ than me, but I don’t swim ________ Jim.
A.more badly, as good as B.much worse, as good as C.more worse, so well as D.much worse, as well as
6.—Do you want to play classical music or folk music
— ________. I prefer pop music.
A.Both B.None C.Neither D.Either
考查不定代词。Both两者; None没有一个; Neither两者都不; Either(两者之中)任意一个。根据“I prefer pop music.” 可知,对上文提到的古典音乐和民间音乐都不喜欢,“两者都不”用neither。故选C。
7.—“Mental Health” has become one of the hottest topics recently.
—I think so. It receives ________ Internet hits a day.
A.thousands B.thousand of C.thousands of D.ten thousands
【详解】句意:——“心理健康”成为最近最热门的话题之一。——我想是的。每天都有成千上万的互联网点击率。考查数词的用法。thousand“千”,当前有具体数字修饰时,不用复数,且不与of连用;当表示概数时,需用复数,且与of连用,即thousands of“成千的,数以千计的”。选项C符合。故选C。
8.—Do you know any other foreign languages ________ English
—Yes, I’m also good at Japanese and French.
A.besides B.except C.except for D.beside
考查介词。besides除……之外还有,包括除了的对象在内;except除了,不包括除了的对象;except for除了,除了整体中的一部分,常用于对具体细节进行说明;beside在……旁边。根据下文答语“Yes, I’m also good at Japanese and French.”可知,是包括英语在内,问是否知道其他的外语,因此用besides。故选A。
9.Kate wanted to turn the room into a study, ________ her husband preferred a kitchen.
A.while B.and C.although D.or
10.—Before every play, I feel nervous and uncertain if I ________ well.
—Take it easy! Just try to imagine you’re in an empty theater.
A.perform B.performed C.have performed D.will perform
【详解】句意:——每次演出前,我都很紧张,不确定自己能否演好。——别紧张!试着想象你在一个空剧院里。考查动词时态。根据“Before every play”及“uncertain if I … well.”可知,在每此演出前感到紧张,不确定自己是否能表演好,动作还未发生,用一般将来时will do的结构,故选D。
11.—When shall we go and play basketball
—Not until the work ________ tomorrow.
A.is finished B.have finished C.will be finished D.will finish
12.—Why did you buy so much meat and so many vegetables, Dad
—________ a big dinner for your mother. It’s her fortieth birthday today.
A.Cook B.To cook C.Cooking D.Cooked
13.— Mike, your first Dragon Boat Festival in China is coming. Shall we celebrate it together
— I’d love to, but could you tell me ________
A.what is the meaning of the festival B.where we had the celebration
C.how you usually celebrate the festival D.when is this year’s Dragon Boat Festival
考查宾语从句。tell后缺少直接宾语,用宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述语序,排除选项A和D;根据“Mike, your first Dragon Boat Festival in China is coming. Shall we celebrate it together ”可知第一次来,想知道通常如何庆祝这个节日,用how引导宾语从句。故选C。
14.—You will be late ________ you hurry up.
—Don’t worry. I’ll go to school as quickly as possible.
A.unless B.when C.after D.until
考查连词辨析。unless除非,如果不;when当……时候;after在……后;until直到。“you hurry up.”是“You will be late ”的否定条件,应用unless引导条件状语从句,故选A。
先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
The power of attitude (态度的力量)!
“Look, it’s Baldy (秃头) !” A boy shouted to me on the playground. Although I was often insulted (侮辱) because of the scars (伤疤) on my head, it was 15 to hear.
When I was just 20 months old, I had an accident (事故) — a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. My parents sent me to hospital at once and I had to stay there for weeks while the doctors tried their best to save my 16 . “It is very lucky for your daughter to be alive,” they told my mum and dad. “But she’ll be left with scars on her head, and of course her hair won’t 17 there.”
As a child, I 18 my scars very much, so I always wore a hat to cover them up when I left home. If I didn’t, people would call me terrible names like Baldy. One day, I took part in a children’s burns (烫伤) camp. There I made a friend, a 14-year-old girl, Mary. Her burns were a lot more serious than 19 . But she was so strong that she 20 showed any sadness. “You shouldn’t listen to what people talk about what you look like because we’re not 21 from anyone else.” She told me sincerely (真诚地) . “You don’t need to wear a hat because you look great too without it.” So later, at my 13th birthday party, I took off my 22 and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to hide (隐藏) away 23 my hat.
Now I am confident of what I look like and much happier because I know it is your attitude that tells 24 you truly are.
15.A.excited B.sad C.happy D.bored
16.A.head B.face C.scars D.life
17.A.grow B.add C.keep D.clean
18.A.asked about B.talked about C.cared about D.looked after
19.A.me B.her C.mine D.hers
20.A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.never
21.A.different B.far C.free D.safe
22.A.shoes B.hat C.coat D.sweater
23.A.before B.behind C.on D.without
24.A.which B.what C.who D.where
15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.B 24.C
excited兴奋的;sad悲伤的;happy快乐的;bored无聊的。根据“Although I was often insulted because of the scars on my head, it was…to hear.”可知,“我”经常因为头上的伤疤而受到侮辱,很难过。故选B。
head头部;face脸;scars伤痕;life生活。根据上文“When I was just 20 months old, I had an accident — a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head.”可知,医生们尽力救“我”的头。故选D。
grow生长;add添加;keep保持;clean打扫。根据“But she’ll be left with scars on her head, and of course her hair won’t … there.”可知,此处指的是疤痕的地方不再长头发。故选A。
asked about询问;talked about谈论;cared about在意;looked after照顾。根据“so I always wore a hat to cover them up when I left home”可知,“我”总是戴着一顶帽子来掩盖头上的伤疤,“我”很在意自己的伤疤。故选C。
me我,人称代词的宾格;her她,她的,人称代词的宾格或形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词;hers她的,名词性物主代词。根据“Her burns were a lot more serious than…”可知,此处指的是她的烧伤比“我”的烧伤严重得多,应填名词性物主代词mine“我的”,代替“my burns”,以避免重复。故选C。
always总是;usually通常;sometimes有时;never从不。根据“But she was so strong that she … showed any sadness.”可知,她从未表现出任何悲伤。故选D。
different不同的;far遥远的;free自由的;safe安全的。根据“You shouldn’t listen to what people talk about what
you look like because we’re not … from anyone else.”可知,此处指的是因为我们和其他人没有什么不同,be different from“与……不同”,为固定短语。故选A。
shoes鞋;hat帽子coat外套;sweater毛衣。根据上文“You don’t need to wear a hat because you look great without it.”可知,此处指的是摘下了帽子。故选B。
before在……之前;behind在……后面;on在……上;without没有。根据“It felt amazing not having to hide away … my hat.”可知,此处指的是不用躲在帽子后面。故选B。
which哪一个;what什么;who谁; where在哪里。根据“it is your attitude that tells … you truly are”可知,此处指的是“你的态度决定了你到底是谁”。故选C。
阅读下面的短文, 然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)
At Shanghai Disney Resort, you can find many top-class restaurants. Are you having a hard time deciding where to eat This guide may offer you some help.
Molokai 10 a. m.—9 p. m. RMB 60.00—120.00 per adult Molokai is a creative Asian restaurant. It offers a variety of traditional dishes. From the menu to the interior (内部) design, the restaurant pays great attention to details. The open kitchen on the first floor allows guests to witness the creation of their food.
The Cheesecake Factory 1 1 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 100.00—300.00 per adult Taste delicious cheesecakes from the United States! The dishes are made fresh every day with high-quality ingredients. Guests can also enjoy hamburgers, sandwiches, seafood and salads.
DONDONYA 9:30 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 80.00—150.00 per adult DONDONYA offers a variety of wonderful Asia dishes like sushi and unagi (鳗鱼). Guests can experience the food culture of Asia here. Through the open kitchen, they can also see skillful cooks turning high-quality ingredients into delicious dishes. On weekends guests can experience cooking themselves.
The Dining Room 9 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 50.00—100.00 per adult Are you looking for traditional Shanghai cuisine Come to The Dining Room! The restaurant offers delicious local snacks (like xiaolongbao and egg rolls) and dishes. There is also a menu of desserts for diners to choose from. Ice cream is the most popular item on the menu.
25.In which restaurant can the food be created before the customers
A.Molokai and DONDONYA.
B.The Cheesecake Factory and Molokai.
C.DONDONYA and The Dining Room.
D.The Dining Room and The Cheesecake Factory.
26.If five college students want to cook the food, how much would they pay at most
A.RMB 480.00. B.RMB 750.00.
C.RMB 1000.00. D.RMB 1500.00.
27.Which of the following is correct according to the passage
A.The opening time of Molokai is longer than The Dining Room.
B.Both Molokai and DONDONYA pay great attention to culture.
C.Eating at The Dining Room costs as much as at DONDONYA.
D.The Cheesecake Factory and DONDONYA use high-quality ingredients.
【答案】25.A 26.B 27.D
25.细节理解题。根据“Molokai...The open kitchen on the first floor allows guests to witness the creation of their food.”以及“DONDONYA...Through the open kitchen, they can also see skillful cooks turning high-quality ingredients into delicious dishes”可知Molokai和DONDONYA的开放式厨房让客人见证他们食物的制作过程。故选A。
26.细节理解题。根据“RMB 80.00—150.00 per adult...On weekends guests can experience cooking themselves”可知自己制作食物,每人最多是150元,故五个人最多需要750元。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“The Cheesecake Factory...The dishes are made fresh every day with high-quality ingredients”以及“DONDONYA...they can also see skillful cooks turning high-quality ingredients”可知The Cheesecake Factory和DONDONYA使用优质原料。故选D。
How do you spend your free time Playing sports or seeing movies Do you want to live a different after-school life Here are some examples.
Chloe from Canada is a paper-cutting lover. Every Saturday and Sunday, she learns paper-cutting from Mrs.
Smith. The girl can easily cut butterflies, horses, flowers and so on. Last weekend, Chloe made a paper-cutting work of the panda “Hua Hua”. She felt excited to see it shown on the school wall.
When Antoine, an international student from Rwanda (卢旺达), first watched the dragon dance, he was surprised and could not wait to join in it. However, the training was not easy. He kept practicing the basic skills day by day to perfectly do the jumps and turns and lift the dragon body high in the air. In 2015, Antoine built the first international student dragon dance team in his school. Now the team has about 100 students from different countries.
It is on Saturday afternoon. A group of children of all ages are following Zhu Wei in Zimbabwe (津巴布韦). Zhu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and the captain (队长) of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe, teaches them tai chi. In their opinions, tai chi helps them keep healthy and focus on studies. It’s mind-body exercise.
28.How often does Chloe learn paper-cutting
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. D.Twice a month.
29.What can we learn about Antoine
A.He is an international student from America.
B.He watched the dragon dance before.
C.He set up the first dragon dance team in his school.
D.His dragon dance team has more than 200 students.
30.Why do the children in Zimbabwe follow Zhu to learn tai chi
A.Because they’re interested in Chinese Kungfu. B.Because they can learn Chinese medicine.
C.Because Zhu is the captain of their team. D.Because tai chi is good for their health and study.
【答案】28.B 29.C 30.D
28.细节理解题。根据第二段“Every Saturday and Sunday, she learns paper-cutting from Mrs. Smith.”可知,Chloe每个星期六和星期天学习剪纸,即每周学习两次。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据第三段“In 2015, Antoine built the first international student dragon dance team in his school.”可知,2015年,Antoine在学校组建了第一支舞龙队。故选C。
30.细节理解题。根据最后一段“In their opinions, tai chi helps them keep healthy and focus on studies.”可知,在津巴布韦的这些孩子跟着朱伟学太极,是因为他们认为太极有助于健康和学习。故选D。
“Look! Letters from Leo! Granny will be excited!” Mom said.
Andy turned toward his mother. “Leo ”
“Granny’s oldest and favorite brother. He made her that special box that sits beside the window—locked up. The key’s been lost forever. Now about those letters...Granny will want them.”
Andy picked that special box and letters up, then took them to the kitchen. “What did you put in the box, Granny ” Andy asked.
“Nothing! I knew Leo would be joining the army soon. Just before he left, he locked my box and hid the key. He said he’d invented a word game for me and promised he’d send clues. We got letters but not one clue. Leo’s final letter arrived after we heard the heartbreaking news. Mother was so sad. She tore (撕) it in half.”
Granny watched Andy spread the letters on the table. She whispered, “I always thought mother threw away all of Leo’s letters.”
Andy pointed at one letter in two pieces. “This must be the last letter Leo sent home.”
Granny picked up one half of the letter, and read, “Dearest Littlest Sister...”
“Leo did send clues. Let’s tape the halves together.” Andy said.
Andy read, “Ewe reed four make ”
“Nonsense words,” Granny said.
Andy looked at the paper, then said, “Wait! If we read down, instead of across—in columns (列), not rows.” He read the words one by one “You need to read this aloud for it to make some sense.”
Granny’s eyes opened wide. “Leo was using homophones (同音异形词)!”
She began to read, “Go to the room where we ate. See the flower like the sun ”
Granny smiled. “The dining room is where we ate. The painting of a sunflower...”
Andy was on his way. In a few seconds, he returned, carrying the painting. They discovered another clue printed in light pencil on the back. Andy read, “Look above the hole where rain does not come down. See the broken time piece There! Inside!”
He ran to the fireplace then gave the clock to Granny. “This clock has never kept time.” Granny opened the clock’s tiny glass door and reached inside. “All those years. It’s been right here.” She opened the box with the key and looked into it.
There is a photo of a girl and her big brother. On the back of the photo was printed: I NEW you’d worked it out. Use this box for all your special treasures. Love, Leo.
Granny gently placed the photo and the letters inside the box. “My treasures,” she said.
31.How may the underlined words “see the flower like the sun” be shown in the letter
A.B. C. D.
32.When Granny said “Nonsense words”, she most probably felt _________.
A.curious B.worried C.hopeless D.confident
33.What is the best title for the story
A.Granny’s Favorite Brother B.A Treasure Hunter
C.Letters from Leo D.A Special Box
【答案】31.B 32.C 33.C
31.推理判断题。根据“Wait! If we read down, instead of across—in columns (列), not rows.”以及“Leo was using homophones”可知,Leo用了同音异形词,且应该按列读,而不是按行读,故可推知,“see the flower like the sun”在信中表示为B项所示。故选B。
32.推理判断题。根据“Ewe reed four make”可知,奶奶认为这是无意义的,故可推知,她感觉没有希望。故选C。
When you think of the sea, you may not think of Xinjiang. As is known, Xinjiang is often remembered as somewhere far from the sea with long hours of sunlight, a large Gobi desert, and mountains with an especially dry climate, unsuitable for seafood production because of the large amount of water required.
However, Xinjiang now welcomes a great harvest of local “seafood”, such as shrimp and crabs. The most important thing for aquatic products (水产品) is water. Xinjiang has many rivers and lakes with water from the melting snow and glaciers (冰川) of the Tianshan Mountains. “With the mountains on the side, there is no industrial pollution and agricultural pollution, which keeps the water clean and promote the growth of the fish,” said Li Chunyu, the head technician of the local trout farm.
Also, land in Xinjiang has a lot of salt. This is not good for growing crops. But “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. The land makes the underground water salty. People turn the salty water into “man-made seawater”. They then use it to raise sea fish, shrimp and crabs.
Many people are worried about the safety of seafood because of the nuclear-contaminated water (核污染水). Some even feel desperate (绝望的) since they may no longer enjoy any seafood. Luckily, according to the Department of Agriculture, in 2022, the total output value of Xinjiang’s fishery industry reached 4. 2 billion yuan ($580 million), an increase of 921 million yuan compared to 2019. Now, some of Xinjiang’s “seafood” goes to many cities in China. It also goes to countries in Southeast Asia. It turns out that Xinjiang’s “seafood” is becoming a new and favorable (有利的) choice for seafood lovers.
34.Why does the writer introduce Xinjiang in this way in Paragraph 1
A.To introduce the climate and location of Xinjiang.
B.To lead in the real situation of local “seafood” in Xinjiang.
C.To describe the seafood industry in China.
D.To explain the reason why Xinjiang has poor seafood production.
35.Which word can replace the underlined word “trash” in Paragraph 3
A.Wealth. B.Pleasure. C.Litter. D.Property.
36.Which of the following makes it possible to raise sea fish in Xinjiang
①water from melting snow and glaciers ②the sea water from the underground
③the salt in the land ④less pollution
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④
37.What can we know from the last paragraph
A.Xinjiang’s seafood industry is developing better.
B.People are pleased with the current safety of seafood.
C.Xinjiang’s “seafood’ remains to be the only choice for seafood lovers.
D.There are many different types of seafood for people to choose.
【答案】34.B 35.C 36.B 37.A
35.词句猜测题。根据“one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”可知一个人的垃圾是另一个人的财富,trash跟litter意思相近,故选C。
36.细节理解题。根据“Xinjiang has many rivers and lakes with water from the melting snow and glaciers (冰川) of the Tianshan Mountains.”、“With the mountains on the side, there is no industrial pollution and agricultural pollution, which keeps the water clean and promote the growth of the fish”和“Also, land in Xinjiang has a lot of salt… They then use it to raise sea fish, shrimp and crabs.”可知来自天山上的雪水和冰川水、无工业污染和农业污染以及地上的盐,使养海鱼成为可能,故选B。
37.推理判断题。根据“Luckily, according to the Department of Agriculture, in 2022, the total output value of Xinjiang’s fishery industry reached 4. 2 billion yuan ($580 million), an increase of 921 million yuan compared to 2019.”可知新疆的海鲜产业发展得越来越好,故选A。
四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题, 每小题1分,共8分)
A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单 词的正确形式.
38.The teacher’s (表扬) made him very excited.
39.Lots of tourists are amazed at the (美丽) of the blue sky in Yunnan.
【详解】句意:许多游客对云南的蓝天之美感到惊奇。根据“of the blue sky in Yunnan”可知,空格处为名词beauty“美丽”。故填beauty。
40.After hearing the bad news, Jack turned around, shut the door and left (生气地).
41.The movie is very encouraging, so many people think it’s (值得) watching again.
【详解】句意:这部电影非常鼓舞人心,所以很多人都认为它值得再看一遍。根据句意及汉语提示可知,本题考查be worth doing sth值得做某事,是固定结构。故填worth。
42.My grandmother (receive) an invitation letter from her old friend the other day.
【详解】句意:我的奶奶前几天收到了她老朋友的一封邀请函。根据时间状语“the other day”可知,此处是一般过去时,故动词receive用其过去式received。故填received。
43.It’s common that more and more people (take) their pets with them on trips.
【详解】句意:越来越多的人带着他们的宠物旅行是很常见的。根据语境可知,此处是一般现在时,主语more and more people是复数,谓语动词用原形。故填take。
44.To use a language (correct), you need to understand its culture.
45.To tell the (true), The Little Prince is a good read for children.
【详解】句意:说实话,《小王子》是一本适合孩子们阅读的好书。to tell the truth“说实话”,故填truth。
46.— I’m so happy to see you again. Where have you been
— America! I (stay) there as an IT engineer for four years.
47.What should the government pay attention to (protect) the environment.
【答案】to protect
【详解】句意:政府应该注意些什么来保护环境?根据“What should the government pay attention to”可知句子中不缺少主语和宾语等重要成分,因此此处应用动词不定式表目的,表示为了保护环境,政府应注意些什么。故填to protect。
48.After her homework on weekends, Lisa always helps her mom do chores. (finish)
【详解】句意:周末做完作业后,丽莎总是帮妈妈做家务。根据“After…her homework on weekends,”可知,介词after后接动名词作宾语,因此应用动词finish“完成”的动名词形式finishing。故填finishing。
49.Alice is looking forward to (hear) from her mother.
【详解】句意:Alice期待收到她母亲的来信。根据“Alice is looking forward to”可知,look forward to doing sth表示“期待做某事”,空处需填动名词,hear from sb表示“收到某人来信”,hearing为动词hear的动名词。故填hearing。
50.Bill’s cousin (play) the violin for three years.
【答案】has played
【详解】句意:比尔的堂弟拉小提琴已有三年了。根据“for three years”可知这一动作已经持续了三年了,故用现在完成时,表示从过去某一时间开始持续到现在,并且未来有可能继续进行下去,主语是三单,助动词用has,后接过去分词。故填has played。
51.I’m looking forward to (receive) a birthday gift from my mother.
【详解】句意:我盼望着收到妈妈的生日礼物。look forward to doing sth“期待做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填receiving。
52.—Wow! What a beautiful voice!
—Exactly! Who do you suppose (sing)
【答案】is singing
【详解】句意:——哇!多么甜美的声音!——确实!你认为是谁在唱歌呢?在特殊疑问句中,do you suppose后要使用陈述语序;此处表示说话时正在发生的动作,故使用现在进行时,主语是who,故be是is。故填is singing。
53.Before you give up, (consider) what your family will think about it.
Culture shock is often described as feeling mixed-up or worried in an unfamiliar place that has customs different from your own. This happens a lot to students who go to study in another country.
In the US, students might find culture shock experienced in the classroom harder to deal with. This is not only because they feel nervous about their ability to communicate in English, but also because they need to become comfortable with a discussion-based class. And students’ grades on a big test are also not openly discussed, because they are personal information.
Many international students report feeling OK with the sometimes embarrassing mistakes at a restaurant or store. But they start to feel strong culture shock when they are often faced with some uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations. “Americans are very open about expressing their thoughts on everything,” said Chau, a student from Vietnam. “I had a hard time getting used to speaking up about how I feel and going straight to the point.”
“When I first came to America from China, it was hard for me to understand that Americans drink ice water all year round. I can’t understand why drinking ice water in winter doesn’t make them cold,” said Jessica, another student. “It’s hard for me to get used to the fact that many banks and offices are closed on weekends,” she added. “This is sometimes inconvenient for me, because I don’t have time to deal with things during the working days.”
Getting used to social customs is just one part of getting used to life in America. If international students plan to get an internship (实习) when studying in the US, there is also the possibility for culture shock at work. For example, having a different professional dress code (着装要求), communicating in English by email, etc.
No matter what the situation is, international students can try to use these tips to help them feel better and get over it. Stay positive, be social, know yourself and give yourself a break.
Meaning of Culture Shock
●Culture shock is the feeling of being mixed-up or worried in a place with customs different from your own. ●It’s 54 for international students.
55 of Culture Shock
At school●Speaking English in US classrooms can be hard for international students.
●They must get used to a new way of learning— 56 . ●The privacy of grades, not shared publicly, can be a surprise. In public ●Small mistakes in public places like restaurants are fine. ●Getting used to Americans’ 57 communication style can be challenging. ●Sometimes meeting with new customs, such as drinking cold water in winter or weekend business closures, can be shocking. At Work ●Understanding workplace culture is important for students planning internships in the US. ●They need to learn about the right way to dress for work and how to write emails in English.
Tips for dealing with Culture Shock
●Stay positive, be social, know yourself and don’t 58 yourself. ●Try to use the tips to feel better and overcome culture shock.
【答案】54.common 55.Situations 56.a discussion-based class 57. open and straight 58.be hard on
54.根据“This happens a lot to students who go to study in another country.”可知,这对于国际学生来说是正常的,common“常见的”,形容词作表语。故填common。
55.根据“At school; In public; At Work”可知,是在不同情形下的文化冲击,situation“情况”,此处应用复数,标题开头字母大写。故填Situations。
56.根据“This is not only because they feel nervous about their ability to communicate in English, but also because they need to become comfortable with a discussion-based class”可知,要习惯于探讨式课堂。故填a discussion-based class。
57.根据“Americans are very open about expressing their thoughts on everything”“I had a hard time getting used to speaking up about how I feel and going straight to the point”可知,美国的交流是开放直率的。故填open and straight。
58.根据“Stay positive, be social, know yourself and give yourself a break.”可知给让自己休息一下,也就是说不要对自己过于苛刻,be hard on“对……苛刻”。故填be hard on。
A year is 24 solar terms according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar.
【答案】 divided into
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空格处缺少“分为”,对应英文短语divide…into,根据“A year is”可知主语与谓语动词是逻辑上的动宾关系,这里应用一般现在时的被动语态,即be done,谓语动词divide用过去分词divided。故填divided;into。
Chongqing is a wonderful place many people feel like going there again.
【答案】 such that
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空格处缺少“如此……以至于”,对应英文短语so…that/such…that,根据“a wonderful place”中心词是名词可知,应用such修饰,故填such;that。
In China, the long is power and luck.
【答案】the symbol of/a symbol of
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,英文句子缺少“……的象征”,英文表达是the/a symbol of。故填the/a symbol of。
With the progress of technology, electronic products are becoming .
【答案】cheaper and cheaper
【详解】表示“越来越”用结构“比较级+and+比较级”,便宜的:cheap,比较级是cheaper。故填cheaper and cheaper。
We should to protect animals and plants.
【答案】 take action
【详解】根据中英文对照,可知英文句中缺少“采取行动”部分;根据空前情态动词should,可知后接动词原形,短语take action意为“采取行动”,符合句意。故填take;action。
, I’ve read more than 50 books this year.
【答案】 So far
【详解】到目前为止:so far,与现在完成时连用,句首首字母大写。故填So;far。
八、书面表达 (本大题共 20分)
和谐是一种美德(virtue),和谐社会由一个个和谐的家庭构成。构建和谐家庭是我们每个人的贵任。和谐的家庭给予我们精神支持,并使我们倍感幸福。假如你是李华,你的家被社区评为 ”和谐家庭”。请你用英语写一篇短文,给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你的和谐家庭是什么样子,以及为使家庭和谐你做了些什么。
提示:1. What’s your harmonious family like
2. What did you do for your family
3. … (适当发挥)
要求:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不要出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 词数:80个左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
Everyone wants to live in a harmonious family.
Everyone wants to live in harmonious family. I live in a harmonious family full of laughter. Each of the family members gets on well with each other. We often sit together to share our problems and happiness and everyone feels supported and relaxed at home.
As for me, I respect and love my parents. When I’m at school, I always study hard and try not to make my parents worried about my schoolwork. When I’m at home, I often help them with some housework, so they can have more time to do what they love. When my sister is in trouble, I usually try my best to help her.
I love my harmonious family and feel comfortable at home. I think everyone should take responsibility to create a harmonious family.
①full of充满
②get on well with和谐相处
③as for至于
④in trouble陷入麻烦
①When I’m at school, I always study hard and try not to make my parents worried about my schoolwork. (when引导的时间状语从句)
②I think everyone should take responsibility to create a harmonious family. (宾语从句)2024年中考英语考前押题卷【江苏无锡专用】
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:100分)
1.—Have you decided what to do next
—No, we’re still in the ________ of discussion.
A.pattern B.search C.background D.process
2.—Your article ________ good memories for me.
—I’m happy to hear that.
A.puts on B.brings back C.takes up D.turns down
3.—Hello, this is Mike’s Car Shop. What can I do for you
—Hello. My new car ________ start. Could you come and take a look
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.shouldn’t
4.—Who is the tallest in your class
—Tom. He is ________ than any other boy in our class.
A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest
5.Betty swims ________ than me, but I don’t swim ________ Jim.
A.more badly, as good as B.much worse, as good as
C.more worse, so well as D.much worse, as well as
6.—Do you want to play classical music or folk music
— ________. I prefer pop music.
A.Both B.None C.Neither D.Either
7.—“Mental Health” has become one of the hottest topics recently.
—I think so. It receives ________ Internet hits a day.
A.thousands B.thousand of C.thousands of D.ten thousands
8.—Do you know any other foreign languages ________ English
—Yes, I’m also good at Japanese and French.
A.besides B.except C.except for D.beside
9.Kate wanted to turn the room into a study, ________ her husband preferred a kitchen.
A.while B.and C.although D.or
10.—Before every play, I feel nervous and uncertain if I ________ well.
—Take it easy! Just try to imagine you’re in an empty theater.
A.perform B.performed C.have performed D.will perform
11.—When shall we go and play basketball
—Not until the work ________ tomorrow.
A.is finished B.have finished C.will be finished D.will finish
12.—Why did you buy so much meat and so many vegetables, Dad
—________ a big dinner for your mother. It’s her fortieth birthday today.
A.Cook B.To cook C.Cooking D.Cooked
13.— Mike, your first Dragon Boat Festival in China is coming. Shall we celebrate it together
— I’d love to, but could you tell me ________
A.what is the meaning of the festival B.where we had the celebration
C.how you usually celebrate the festival D.when is this year’s Dragon Boat Festival
14.—You will be late ________ you hurry up.
—Don’t worry. I’ll go to school as quickly as possible.
A.unless B.when C.after D.until
先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共10 小题,每小题1分,共10分)
The power of attitude (态度的力量)!
“Look, it’s Baldy (秃头) !” A boy shouted to me on the playground. Although I was often insulted (侮辱) because of the scars (伤疤) on my head, it was 15 to hear.
When I was just 20 months old, I had an accident (事故) — a bowl full of hot oil fell on my head. My parents sent me to hospital at once and I had to stay there for weeks while the doctors tried their best to save my 16 . “It is very lucky for your daughter to be alive,” they told my mum and dad. “But she’ll be left with scars on her head, and of course her hair won’t 17 there.”
As a child, I 18 my scars very much, so I always wore a hat to cover them up when I left home. If I didn’t, people would call me terrible names like Baldy. One day, I took part in a children’s burns (烫伤) camp. There I made a friend, a 14-year-old girl, Mary. Her burns were a lot more serious than 19 . But she was so strong that she 20 showed any sadness. “You shouldn’t listen to what people talk about what you
look like because we’re not 21 from anyone else.” She told me sincerely (真诚地) . “You don’t need to wear a hat because you look great too without it.” So later, at my 13th birthday party, I took off my 22 and showed off my scars. It felt amazing not having to hide (隐藏) away 23 my hat.
Now I am confident of what I look like and much happier because I know it is your attitude that tells 24 you truly are.
15.A.excited B.sad C.happy D.bored
16.A.head B.face C.scars D.life
17.A.grow B.add C.keep D.clean
18.A.asked about B.talked about C.cared about D.looked after
19.A.me B.her C.mine D.hers
20.A.always B.usually C.sometimes D.never
21.A.different B.far C.free D.safe
22.A.shoes B.hat C.coat D.sweater
23.A.before B.behind C.on D.without
24.A.which B.what C.who D.where
阅读下面的短文, 然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)
At Shanghai Disney Resort, you can find many top-class restaurants. Are you having a hard time deciding where to eat This guide may offer you some help.
Molokai 10 a. m.—9 p. m. RMB 60.00—120.00 per adult Molokai is a creative Asian restaurant. It offers a variety of traditional dishes. From the menu to the interior (内部) design, the restaurant pays great attention to details. The open kitchen on the first floor allows guests to witness the creation of their food.
The Cheesecake Factory 1 1 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 100.00—300.00 per adult Taste delicious cheesecakes from the United States! The dishes are made fresh every day with high-quality ingredients. Guests can also enjoy hamburgers, sandwiches, seafood and salads.
DONDONYA 9:30 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 80.00—150.00 per adult DONDONYA offers a variety of wonderful Asia dishes like sushi and unagi (鳗鱼). Guests can experience the food culture of Asia here. Through the open kitchen, they can also see skillful cooks turning high-quality ingredients into delicious dishes. On weekends guests can experience cooking themselves.
The Dining Room 9 a. m.—10 p. m. RMB 50.00—100.00 per adult Are you looking for traditional Shanghai cuisine Come to The Dining Room! The restaurant offers delicious local snacks (like xiaolongbao and egg rolls) and dishes. There is also a menu of desserts for diners to choose from. Ice cream is the most popular item on the menu.
25.In which restaurant can the food be created before the customers
A.Molokai and DONDONYA.
B.The Cheesecake Factory and Molokai.
C.DONDONYA and The Dining Room.
D.The Dining Room and The Cheesecake Factory.
26.If five college students want to cook the food, how much would they pay at most
A.RMB 480.00. B.RMB 750.00.
C.RMB 1000.00. D.RMB 1500.00.
27.Which of the following is correct according to the passage
A.The opening time of Molokai is longer than The Dining Room.
B.Both Molokai and DONDONYA pay great attention to culture.
C.Eating at The Dining Room costs as much as at DONDONYA.
D.The Cheesecake Factory and DONDONYA use high-quality ingredients.
How do you spend your free time Playing sports or seeing movies Do you want to live a different after-school life Here are some examples.
Chloe from Canada is a paper-cutting lover. Every Saturday and Sunday, she learns paper-cutting from Mrs. Smith. The girl can easily cut butterflies, horses, flowers and so on. Last weekend, Chloe made a paper-cutting work of the panda “Hua Hua”. She felt excited to see it shown on the school wall.
When Antoine, an international student from Rwanda (卢旺达), first watched the dragon dance, he was surprised and could not wait to join in it. However, the training was not easy. He kept practicing the basic skills day by day to perfectly do the jumps and turns and lift the dragon body high in the air. In 2015, Antoine built the first
international student dragon dance team in his school. Now the team has about 100 students from different countries.
It is on Saturday afternoon. A group of children of all ages are following Zhu Wei in Zimbabwe (津巴布韦). Zhu, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and the captain (队长) of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe, teaches them tai chi. In their opinions, tai chi helps them keep healthy and focus on studies. It’s mind-body exercise.
28.How often does Chloe learn paper-cutting
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. D.Twice a month.
29.What can we learn about Antoine
A.He is an international student from America.
B.He watched the dragon dance before.
C.He set up the first dragon dance team in his school.
D.His dragon dance team has more than 200 students.
30.Why do the children in Zimbabwe follow Zhu to learn tai chi
A.Because they’re interested in Chinese Kungfu. B.Because they can learn Chinese medicine.
C.Because Zhu is the captain of their team. D.Because tai chi is good for their health and study.
“Look! Letters from Leo! Granny will be excited!” Mom said.
Andy turned toward his mother. “Leo ”
“Granny’s oldest and favorite brother. He made her that special box that sits beside the window—locked up. The key’s been lost forever. Now about those letters...Granny will want them.”
Andy picked that special box and letters up, then took them to the kitchen. “What did you put in the box, Granny ” Andy asked.
“Nothing! I knew Leo would be joining the army soon. Just before he left, he locked my box and hid the key. He said he’d invented a word game for me and promised he’d send clues. We got letters but not one clue. Leo’s final letter arrived after we heard the heartbreaking news. Mother was so sad. She tore (撕) it in half.”
Granny watched Andy spread the letters on the table. She whispered, “I always thought mother threw away all of Leo’s letters.”
Andy pointed at one letter in two pieces. “This must be the last letter Leo sent home.”
Granny picked up one half of the letter, and read, “Dearest Littlest Sister...”
“Leo did send clues. Let’s tape the halves together.” Andy said.
Andy read, “Ewe reed four make ”
“Nonsense words,” Granny said.
Andy looked at the paper, then said, “Wait! If we read down, instead of across—in columns (列), not rows.” He read the words one by one “You need to read this aloud for it to make some sense.”
Granny’s eyes opened wide. “Leo was using homophones (同音异形词)!”
She began to read, “Go to the room where we ate. See the flower like the sun ”
Granny smiled. “The dining room is where we ate. The painting of a sunflower...”
Andy was on his way. In a few seconds, he returned, carrying the painting. They discovered another clue printed in light pencil on the back. Andy read, “Look above the hole where rain does not come down. See the broken time piece There! Inside!”
He ran to the fireplace then gave the clock to Granny. “This clock has never kept time.” Granny opened the clock’s tiny glass door and reached inside. “All those years. It’s been right here.” She opened the box with the key and looked into it.
There is a photo of a girl and her big brother. On the back of the photo was printed: I NEW you’d worked it out. Use this box for all your special treasures. Love, Leo.
Granny gently placed the photo and the letters inside the box. “My treasures,” she said.
31.How may the underlined words “see the flower like the sun” be shown in the letter
A.B. C. D.
32.When Granny said “Nonsense words”, she most probably felt _________.
A.curious B.worried C.hopeless D.confident
33.What is the best title for the story
A.Granny’s Favorite Brother B.A Treasure Hunter
C.Letters from Leo D.A Special Box
When you think of the sea, you may not think of Xinjiang. As is known, Xinjiang is often remembered as somewhere far from the sea with long hours of sunlight, a large Gobi desert, and mountains with an especially dry climate, unsuitable for seafood production because of the large amount of water required.
However, Xinjiang now welcomes a great harvest of local “seafood”, such as shrimp and crabs. The most important thing for aquatic products (水产品) is water. Xinjiang has many rivers and lakes with water from the melting snow and glaciers (冰川) of the Tianshan Mountains. “With the mountains on the side, there is no industrial pollution and agricultural pollution, which keeps the water clean and promote the growth of the fish,” said Li Chunyu, the head technician of the local trout farm.
Also, land in Xinjiang has a lot of salt. This is not good for growing crops. But “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”. The land makes the underground water salty. People turn the salty water into “man-made
seawater”. They then use it to raise sea fish, shrimp and crabs.
Many people are worried about the safety of seafood because of the nuclear-contaminated water (核污染水). Some even feel desperate (绝望的) since they may no longer enjoy any seafood. Luckily, according to the Department of Agriculture, in 2022, the total output value of Xinjiang’s fishery industry reached 4. 2 billion yuan ($580 million), an increase of 921 million yuan compared to 2019. Now, some of Xinjiang’s “seafood” goes to many cities in China. It also goes to countries in Southeast Asia. It turns out that Xinjiang’s “seafood” is becoming a new and favorable (有利的) choice for seafood lovers.
34.Why does the writer introduce Xinjiang in this way in Paragraph 1
A.To introduce the climate and location of Xinjiang.
B.To lead in the real situation of local “seafood” in Xinjiang.
C.To describe the seafood industry in China.
D.To explain the reason why Xinjiang has poor seafood production.
35.Which word can replace the underlined word “trash” in Paragraph 3
A.Wealth. B.Pleasure. C.Litter. D.Property.
36.Which of the following makes it possible to raise sea fish in Xinjiang
①water from melting snow and glaciers ②the sea water from the underground
③the salt in the land ④less pollution
A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②④
37.What can we know from the last paragraph
A.Xinjiang’s seafood industry is developing better.
B.People are pleased with the current safety of seafood.
C.Xinjiang’s “seafood’ remains to be the only choice for seafood lovers.
D.There are many different types of seafood for people to choose.
四、词汇运用 (本大题共8小题, 每小题1分,共8分)
A)根据句意和汉语注释,在答题卡对应题号的横线上,写出单 词的正确形式.
38.The teacher’s (表扬) made him very excited.
39.Lots of tourists are amazed at the (美丽) of the blue sky in Yunnan.
40.After hearing the bad news, Jack turned around, shut the door and left (生气地).
41.The movie is very encouraging, so many people think it’s (值得) watching again.
42.My grandmother (receive) an invitation letter from her old friend the other day.
43.It’s common that more and more people (take) their pets with them on trips.
44.To use a language (correct), you need to understand its culture.
45.To tell the (true), The Little Prince is a good read for children.
46.— I’m so happy to see you again. Where have you been
— America! I (stay) there as an IT engineer for four years.
47.What should the government pay attention to (protect) the environment.
48.After her homework on weekends, Lisa always helps her mom do chores. (finish)
49.Alice is looking forward to (hear) from her mother.
50.Bill’s cousin (play) the violin for three years.
51.I’m looking forward to (receive) a birthday gift from my mother.
52.—Wow! What a beautiful voice!
—Exactly! Who do you suppose (sing)
53.Before you give up, (consider) what your family will think about it.
Culture shock is often described as feeling mixed-up or worried in an unfamiliar place that has customs different from your own. This happens a lot to students who go to study in another country.
In the US, students might find culture shock experienced in the classroom harder to deal with. This is not only because they feel nervous about their ability to communicate in English, but also because they need to become comfortable with a discussion-based class. And students’ grades on a big test are also not openly discussed, because they are personal information.
Many international students report feeling OK with the sometimes embarrassing mistakes at a restaurant or store. But they start to feel strong culture shock when they are often faced with some uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations. “Americans are very open about expressing their thoughts on everything,” said Chau, a student from Vietnam. “I had a hard time getting used to speaking up about how I feel and going straight to the point.”
“When I first came to America from China, it was hard for me to understand that Americans drink ice water all year round. I can’t understand why drinking ice water in winter doesn’t make them cold,” said Jessica, another student. “It’s hard for me to get used to the fact that many banks and offices are closed on weekends,” she added. “This is sometimes inconvenient for me, because I don’t have time to deal with things during the working days.”
Getting used to social customs is just one part of getting used to life in America. If international students plan to get an internship (实习) when studying in the US, there is also the possibility for culture shock at work. For example, having a different professional dress code (着装要求), communicating in English by email, etc.
No matter what the situation is, international students can try to use these tips to help them feel better and get over it. Stay positive, be social, know yourself and give yourself a break.
Meaning of Culture Shock
●Culture shock is the feeling of being mixed-up or worried in a place with customs different from your own. ●It’s 54 for international students.
55 of Culture Shock
At school●Speaking English in US classrooms can be hard for international students. ●They must get used to a new way of learning— 56 . ●The privacy of grades, not shared publicly, can be a surprise. In public ●Small mistakes in public places like restaurants are fine. ●Getting used to Americans’ 57 communication style can be challenging. ●Sometimes meeting with new customs, such as drinking cold water in winter or weekend business closures, can be shocking. At Work ●Understanding workplace culture is important for students planning internships in the US. ●They need to learn about the right way to dress for work and how to write emails in English.
Tips for dealing with Culture Shock
●Stay positive, be social, know yourself and don’t 58 yourself. ●Try to use the tips to feel better and overcome culture shock.
A year is 24 solar terms according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar.
Chongqing is a wonderful place many people feel like going there again.
In China, the long is power and luck.
With the progress of technology, electronic products are becoming .
We should to protect animals and plants.
, I’ve read more than 50 books this year.
八、书面表达 (本大题共 20分)
和谐是一种美德(virtue),和谐社会由一个个和谐的家庭构成。构建和谐家庭是我们每个人的贵任。和谐的家庭给予我们精神支持,并使我们倍感幸福。假如你是李华,你的家被社区评为 ”和谐家庭”。请你用英语写一篇短文,给某英文网站投稿,谈谈你的和谐家庭是什么样子,以及为使家庭和谐你做了些什么。
提示:1. What’s your harmonious family like
2. What did you do for your family
3. … (适当发挥)
要求:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不要出现真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 词数:80个左右 (开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
Everyone wants to live in a harmonious family.



