
1. A. She has a headache. B. She’s a doctor. C. She’s quiet.
2. A. Never mind. B. No problem. C. Yes, please.
3. A. Sounds good. B. That’s all right. C. Really relaxing.
4. A. I was very tired. B. That’s strange. C. Sweeping the floor
5. A. Thanks. B. On Saturday. C. Jenny.
6. Why doesn’t the man play football now
A. He is too tired. B. He is too busy. C. He doesn’ t like it.
7. What does the woman tell the man to do
A. Relax himself. B. Work hard. C. Go out for a walk.
8. Where does the dialogue probably take place
A. At the restaurant. B. In the kitchen. C. At the supermarket.
9. Which box is used for normal rubbish
A. The green one. B. The black one. C. The blue one.
10. How tall is Amy
11. What does Jason probably men
A. He believes alter school lessons are necessary.
B. He think the activities will take to0 much time.
C. He’s glad that reading before sleep is his son’ s habit.
12. How much is one tea set with eight cups
A.40 yuan. B.160 yuan. C.200 yuan.
13. What’s the man
A.A student. B.A teacher. C. A doctor.
14. When will the man do volunteer work
A. In the mornings. B. In the afternoons. C. in the evenings.
15. What does the man think of doing volunteering
A. It’s a way to show his kindness. B. It’s a way to help his school things. C. It’s a way to develop his skills.
16. What’s wrong with the man
A. He was sick. B. He argued with his parents. C. He had trouble with schoolwork.
17. What does the man think of communicating with his parents
A. It’s be helpful. B. It’s too difficult. C. It’s unnecessary.
18. What are the speakers going to do this evening
A. Listen to a lecture. B. Talk to their parents. C. Ask their teachers for help.
19. What was Lucy doing when the accident happened
A. She was walking to school. B. She was riding to school. C. She was swimming in the river.
20Who jumped into the river
A. A young man. B. A driver. C. Lucy.
21. When did the accident happen
A. At 7:20 a.m. B. At 7:30 a.m. C. At 7:40 a.m.
22. What’s the relationship between the man and the woman
A. Teacher and student. B. Policeman and witness(目击者). C. Two passers-by(路人).
听下面一段独白,回答 23至25三个小题。
23. Why was the first laughter club opened
A. To help people make more friends. B. To help fight illnesses. C. To help people find happiness.
24. Who took laughter clubs to America
A. A Scientist. B. An Indian doctor. C. Steve Wilson.
25. What can we NOT know from the passage
A. Laughter is the same in every language.
B. America has more than 1,000 laughter clubs.
C. Laughter is very helpful to communicate.
1 —Could you please do the dishes for me now
—________. But could we go to the movies after that
A. No problem B. Of course not C. That’s right D. No, I can’t
2. —You don’t look quite yourself today. ________
—It’s just a slight (轻微的) cough.
What’s the matter B. How do you do
C. What are you doing D. How do you like it
3. —Our team lost the game and I feel very sad.
—________. I believe you can do better next time.
It’s right B. It’ s exciting
C. It’s not a good idea D. It’s not a big deal
4. In order to protect wildlife, we should first let more people understand the ________ of it.
A. importance B. dependence C. danger D. interest
5. —Do you like talking with your friends on the phone or on Wechat
—________. I enjoy talking with them face to face.
A Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
6. Could you please give me a hand I can’t complete the task on time your help.
A. without B. under C. with D. for
7. —Excuse me, can I see the doctor right away
—Not yet. You will come in ________ your name is shown on the screen.
A. before B. until C. if D. although
8. —According to the weather forecast, the temperature is 20°C today while it will be 5°C tomorrow.
—It’s not surprising. The weather at the moment is ________ in Wuhan.
A. fair B. typical C. proper D. wrong
9. —ChatGPT, a smart AI chatbot sweeps the education world ________.
—That’s true. It can deal with all kinds of jobs all by itself.
A. lonely B. instead C. alone D. apart
10. A family is the smallest unit of a nation while a nation is a myriad of families put together. So we should ________ the responsibility for our family and nation.
A. depend B. push C. develop D. rise
11. The first “forest library” in Shanghai recently opened to the public, giving readers the chance to relax and read in a natural environment. It ________ readers different reading experiences,
A. provides B. trains C. makes D. offers
12. —In order to realize Chinese modernization, what can we youth do
—You ________ communicate with the world equally, share your own opinions, make your voices heard, and tell the world who you are.
A. must B. mustn’t C. should D. will
13. —When did the earthquake happen
—While I ________ this morning.
was exercising B. exercises
C. will exercise D. is exercising
14. At the age of 25, Lu Xun ________ medicine and took up writing as his new career.
A. showed up B. gave up C. cut up D. got up
15. —Excuse me, I wonder _________.
—It should be classified(分类) first and then thrown into different bins.
A. where can I throw the rubbish B. how I deal with the rubbish
C. if I needed to throw the rubbish here D. what should I do with the rubbish
After college, I wanted to make a change to my life. I became a volunteer ____16____. I hoped to do something meaningful in Namibia.
To be honest, my first choice wasn’t Africa, but I am pretty ____17____ that I was sent there. If not. I probably would not experience its beauty and wonder. So with a group of young people with similar dreams, I ____18____ going on my journey.
Lots of tribes live in Namibia and a number of ____19____ are spoken. When Namibia became independent in 1990. English became the official language. Teachers were supposed to teach English, but many were short of the language skills to do so. My job was to ____20____ the teachers.
Schools were quite ____21____. Some classrooms were made up of sticks stuck in the sand and a metal roof. Because both boys and girls shaved (剃) their ____22____. I learned to tell them apart by uniforms: Girls wore skirts.
The students had ____23____ days. They walked miles to get to school, often having no shoes to wear. They also cooked meals, worked in the fields and ____24____ younger brothers or sisters. Even with their difficult life, these children were ____25____. I admired that.
Getting used to the ____26____ there was a big challenge. Imagine living in a place without air-conditioning where the temperature often reached 38°C! Some days it was just too hot to ____27____.
However, I could end each day with wonderful African sunset. ____28____ Namibia, I never thought I would feel great in such an environment. My experience reminded that we can ____29____ our amazing ability to get used to a new environment.
Travel and get out of your comfort environment and put yourself in another different ____30____. You won’t regret it!
16. A. doctor B. teacher C. driver D. cook
17. A. harmful B. painful C. thankful D. helpful
18. A. started B. decided C. imagined D. volunteered
19. A. stories B. languages C. mistakes D. meetings
20. A. allow B. stop C. test D. train
21. A. high B. personal C. terrible D. perfect
22. A. hands B. heads C. legs D. arms
23. A. hard B. crazy C. messy D. wrong
24. A. waited for B. argued with C. looked after D. depended on
25. A. careful B. clever C. honest D. cheerful
26. A. holiday B. story C. trip D. life
27. A. move B. drink C. fly D. improve
28. A. While B. Before C. When D. After
29. A. explain B. change C. develop D. choose
30. A. college B. culture C. business D. graduation
“Study trains” provide “study carriage” for passengers A slow train NO. 5609/5610 which runs between Chongqing and Xiushan county has attracted much attention. In some carriages, seats have been replaced with desk and chairs close to the windows to transform it into a “study carriage” for passengers in need. The Chinese characters “Yu Yue” appear on the train, which translates to “traveling and reading happily”. Other inspirational slogans(激励标语) can be seen throughout the carriages. _____________ Wearing his bright red armband and speaking fluent Mandarin(普通话), 62 year-old Gao Tianrui could be taken for any regular Chinese man. But on a closer look, things are not quite what they seem. Gao’s real name is Terry and he is from the United States. Having lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, Terry Crossman has finally made his Chinese dream: becoming a public volunteer. Life as a “Xicheng Dama” has even made him an online hit. “I like helping others,” he said. “I live in the hutong and my neighbors and I usually help each other… This is where I live, where my friends are and where I call home.” Left-behind children didn’t leave behind phones A recent report by a research center on rural(乡村的) issues at Wuhan University shows that 90 percent of left-behind children in China’s rural areas spend a long time on smartphones every day: nearly 70 percent are hooked on short videos and 30 percent are playing online games. In some extreme cases, a child was found playing games without sleep for five days. More than half the students in the sixth grade spent more than 10 hours on their phones during weekends. As a result, children’s physical fitness, learning abilities and interests have all declined, the report said.
31. In which section of newspaper can we read the news
32. The meaning behind “Yu Yue” on the train should be ________.
A. to make people feel at home B. to inspire the readers to travel and read happily
C. to help people to keep calm D. to give the readers a clean carriage
33. What would be the best heading for the second piece of news
A. An American Meets Xicheng Dama in Bejing.
B. An American in Beijing Lives His Chinese Dream.
C. A Special Volunteer Is An Online Hit.
D. Americans Living in Hutong.
34. Most of the left-behind children are interested in ________.
A. short videos B. online games
C. online learning D. physical fitness
35. What do all the news above have in common
A. They bring happiness to people.
B. They help people to know more about our life.
C. They are used for attracting travelers.
D. They give hope to people.
A month before my first marathon, I hurt one of my ankles and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I decided to go ahead.
I remember back to my 7th year in school. In my first P.E. class, the teacher asked us to run and then hit a softball. I didn’t do either well. He later told me that I was not an athlete.
The idea that I was not an athlete influenced me for years. When I started running in my 30s, I realized running was a battle against myself, not about competition or whether or not I was athletic. It was all about the battle against my own body and mind. A test of wills!
The night before my marathon, I dreamed that I couldn’t even find the finish line. I woke up sweating and nervous, but ready to prove something to myself.
Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces became untied. Not the start I wanted!
At mile 3, I passed a sign: “GO FOR IT, RUNNERS!”
By mile 17, I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly. But I stayed the course walking a bit and then running again.
As I got closer to mile 23, I could see my wife waving a sign. She is my biggest fan. She never minded the alarm clock sounding at 4 a.m. or questioned my expenses on running.
I was one of the last runners to finish. But I finished! And I got a medal. In fact, I got the same medal as the one that the guy who came in first place had.
Make a decision to be myself, move forward, free of shame and worldly labels. I can now call myself a “marathon winner”.
36. A month before the marathon, the author ________.
A. was well trained for two months B. felt too scared to sleep
C. made up his mind to run D. lost hope in finising the game
37. Why did the author mention the P.E. class in his 7th year
A. To introduce his favorite teacher.
B. To surprise the readers with a funny story.
C To show he was not talented in sports.
D. To share a wonderful memory.
38. The underlined sentence “Not the start I wanted!” in (Para 5) most probably shows that the author was ________.
A. worried B. satisfied C. angry D. understanding
39. What does the story mainly tell us
A. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. B. A winner is one with a great will.
C. Failure is the mother of success. D. One is never too old to learn.
40. The best title of the passage could be ________
A. My First Marathon. B. My First P.E Teacher.
C. The Fastest Runner. D. A Successful Athlete.
In sunny California, Craig Rogers was sitting on his surfboard. His board suddenly stopped moving. He looked down and saw a great white shark biting(咬)the front of his board. “I could have touched its eye with my hands,” says Craig. He waved his arms and accidentally cut two of his fingers on the shark’s teeth. He got off the surfboard, into the water. Then, with Craig in the water, blood flowing from his fingers, the five-meter-long shark simply swam away.
Over a hundred shark attacks(鲨鱼袭击)happen each year. Of these, one third are said to be great white attacks. As a result, great whites are often called “man-eaters” and thought to hunt and kill humans. However, this is not true. In fact, a person has a greater chance of being killed by lightning(闪电) than by a great white. With around 300 teeth, a great white could very easily kill a person. Yet, surprisingly, most great white victims(受害者) live to tell the story. Shark researchers are trying to comprehend(理解)the reasons great whites attack people, and why most of those people can keep alive.
One of the most common explanations for great white attacks is that great whites don’t see well. It’s thought that they often mistake a person for a seal or a sea lion, But there is reason to doubt his. Some research now shows that great whites can see very well. When attacking seals or sea lions, great whites bite with great force. However, when they attack humans, they often move in slowly and bite less hard. “They take a bite, feel them over, then move on.” says Peter Klimley, author of The Secret Lives of Sharks.
Some shark experts like Klimley think that great whites “attack” because they are curious(好奇的)animals. They believe that it’s possible that great whites use their bite not just to kill and eat, but also to collect information. According to this idea, once a great white knows what it is biting, it simply lets go.
Even though such experiences are unlucky for people like Craig Rogers, perhaps when sharks bite surfboards, other objects, or even people, they are likely just trying to learn what they are.
41. After Craig Rogers fell into the water ________.
A. the shark swam away B. the shark attacked him
C. the shark bit his fingers D. the shark bit his surfboard
42. According to the author, it is difficult to understand why great whites ________.
A. like to kill humans B. have so many teeth
C. often let humans get away D. grow to six meters or more
43. What is the purpose of the third paragraph
A. To explain why great whites don’t see well.
B. To describe how great whites hunt for seals.
C. To provide advice on what to do if you see a great white.
D. To give possible reasons why great whites don’t kill humans.
44. Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to doubt
A. be interested in B. be uncertain about C. be worried about D. be afraid of
45. The writer mainly wants us to know ________.
A. how to get away from a shark B. how great whites collect information
C. why great whites learn what they are D. why great whites attack people
reported /comfortable / discover / fairness / help out / cause / cut out
46. We need to share the housework to have a clean and ________ home.
47. It also helps them to understand the idea of ________.
48. You watch TV all the time and never ________ around the house.
49. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can ________ a lot of stress for children.
50. The news on TV ________ that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.
51. She has trouble in ________ (deal) with the problem.
52. We cannot laugh at those ________ (able) people. It’s unfriendly.
53. You can find better learning methods by ________ ( communicate) with your classmates.
54. We don’t allow ________ (smoke) here.
55. As I was trying to find my way out, I ________ (sudden) heard some noise.
Each year, people buy millions of aquarium(水族箱) fish. Most of the fish species have a natural lifespan of at least several years. Some of them can live up to ten years or more in the wild. But somehow most of the fish died within weeks or even within hours after ____56____ (buy) them. For sure, fish are weak creatures(生物) compared to us. It does not mean they died for no reason at all.
Since fish have no body heat, they are sensitive(敏感的) to water t____57____. Water PH and water hardness can also make a ____58____ (different) to them if there is a sudden change. Most of the q____59____ deaths of fish are the result of shock.
Tap water is not a perfect choice for aquarium fish because of the chlorine(氯气) in the tap water, which can kill the fish. So the best way is to just put the tap water in the sun ____60____ a few days.
Fish need oxygen in the water. They will die if the oxygen(氧气)in the aquarium r____61____ out. Several other things can c____62____ it to happen. The aquarium is too small. That means not enough oxygen. The aquarium is too crowded, for the more fish you have, the more oxygen they need. The temperature is too high, because the higher the water temperature, the ____63____ (little) oxygen.
Overfeeding the fish may lead to a digestive(消化的) p____64____ and kill the fish directly. More food than they are needed will make the water polluted and c____65____ more harmful waste which will kill the fish, too. Feed the fish only once a day, with no more food than they can eat.
66. 你将参加学校官微“Be a Volunteer”的主题宣传活动,请根据以下内容提示问题用英文结合自身经历来讲述你会如何帮助他人。
What are your interests and hobbies
Which volunteer job do you want to do
Why do you want to do the volunteer job
Be a Volunteer
Being ready to help others is a traditional virtue in China. How can I help others
26. A
考查情景交际。No problem没问题;Of course not当然不;That’s right那是正确的;No, I can’t不,我不能。根据“But could we go to the movies after that”可知此处是同意对方的请求,选项A符合语境。故选A。
27. A
考查情景交际。What’s the matter出什么事了;How do you do你好;What are you doing你在干什么;How do you like it你觉得它怎么样。根据“It’s just a slight (轻微的) cough.”可知,此处在询问对方“怎么了/出了什么事”。故选A。
28. D
考查情景交际。It’s right这是正确的;It’ s exciting是令人激动的;It’s not a good idea不是个好主意;It’s not a big deal没什么大不了。根据语境可知,比赛失利需要安慰,D选项符合情景。故选D。
考查名词辨析。importance重要性;dependence依赖性;danger危险;interest兴趣。根据“In order to protect wildlife, we should first let more people understand...”可知为了保护野生动物,我们首先应该让更多人了解……,因此是了解保护野生动物重要性。故选A。
30. C
考查不定代词辨析。Either两者中任意一个;Both两者都;Neither两者都不;None三者或三者以上都不。根据“I enjoy talking with them face to face.”可知,用手机谈话和用微信谈话这两种方式回答的人都不喜欢,Neither符合题意。故选C。
32. C
考查连词辨析。before在……之前;until直到;if如果;although虽然。根据“You will come in...your name is shown on the screen.”可知,本句为条件状语从句,用if引导,故选C。
考查形容词辨析。fair公平的;typical典型的;proper恰当的;wrong错误的。根据“It’s not surprising.”可知,这并不奇怪,所以应该是武汉的典型天气。故选B。
34. C
35. C
考查动词辨析。depend依靠;push推动;develop发展,培养;rise升起。根据“the responsibility for our family and nation.”可知,此处是指培养对家庭和国家的责任感。故选C。
36. D
考查动词辨析。provides提供;trains训练;makes使变得;offers提供。根据“readers different reading experiences”可知,此处考查offer sb sth“提供某人某物”。故选D。
考查情态动词。must必须;mustn’t不允许;should应该;will将会。根据“what can we youth do”可知,对方在询问建议,回答需用should表示“应该”。故选C。
38. A
考查过去进行时。根据“When did the earthquake happen ”可知,此处表达的是过去发生的事情,又因为答语中“While”可知为过去进行时,故选A。
考查动词短语。showed up出现;gave up放弃;cut up切碎;got up起床。根据“Lu Xun ... medicine and took up writing as his new career.”可知,鲁迅放弃医学,开始从事写作。故选B。
40. B
考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述语序,排除AD选项。结合语境可知此处是一般现在时,再根据“It should be classified(分类) first and then thrown into different bins”可知是问怎么处理垃圾,故选B。
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45D 46 C 47B 48. A 49. C 50. D 51. D 52. A 53. B 54. C 55 B
doctor医生;teacher老师;driver司机;cook厨师。根据“My job was to train the teachers.”可知作者的工作是训练老师,所以作者是一名志愿者老师。故选B。
harmful有伤害的;painful痛苦的;thankful感谢的;helpful有帮助的。根据“If not. I probably would not experience its beauty and wonder.”可知,作者是很感激自己被派往非洲,故选C。
started开始;decided决定;imagined想象;volunteered志愿做。根据“So with a group of young people with similar dreams, I...going on my journey.”可知,作者和一群有着相似梦想的年轻人一起开始了他的旅程。start doing意为“开始做某事”,故选A。
stories故事;languages语言;mistakes错误;meetings会议。根据下句“English became the official language. Teachers were supposed to teach English, but many were short of the language skills to do so.”可知,此处表达纳米比亚独立后,英语成为官方语言。故此处表达纳米比亚使用多种语言。故选B。
allow允许;stop停止;test测试;train训练。根据“Teachers were supposed to teach English, but many were short of the language skills to do so.”可知,教师本应教授英语,但许多人缺乏这样做的语言技能,所以推测作者任务是培训老师,故选D。
high高的;personal个人的;terrible糟糕的;perfect完美的。根据“Some classrooms were made up of sticks stuck in the sand and a metal roof. Because both boys and girls shaved (剃) their...”可知,一些教室是用扎在沙子里的棍子和金属屋顶做成的,男生女生无法区分,所以学校情况很糟糕,故选C。
hands手;heads头;legs腿;arms胳膊。根据“I learned to tell them apart by uniforms: Girls wore skirts.”可知,作者学会了用制服来区分他们,所以推测学生都剃了光头。故选B。
hard艰难的;crazy疯狂的;messy肮脏的;wrong错误的。根据“They walked miles to get to school, often having no shoes to wear.”可知,他们步行数英里去上学,常常没有鞋子穿,所以学生们度过了艰难的日子。故选A。
waited for等待;argued with争论;looked after照顾,照料;depended on依靠,依赖。根据“younger brothers or sisters.”可知,此处指照顾弟弟妹妹,故选C。
careful小心的;clever聪明的;honest诚实的;cheerful令人愉快的。根据“Even with their difficult life, these children were...”可知,此处前后两句为转折关系,意为尽管生活艰难,这些孩子还是很快乐。故选D。
holiday节日;story故事;trip旅行;life生活。根据“Imagine living in a place without air-conditioning where the temperature often reached 38°C!”可知,没有空调,温度经常达到38°C!所以生活条件很艰苦,适应那里的生活是一个巨大的挑战。故选D。
move移动;drink喝;fly飞;improve改善。根据“ Some days it was just too hot to...”可知,此处表达太热了,动不了,too...to...意为“太……而不能……”。故选A。
While当……时候;Before在……之前;When当……时候;After在……之后。根据“...Namibia, I never thought I would feel great in such an environment.”可知,此处表达在纳米比亚之前作者从没想过在这样的环境下他会感觉很棒。故选B。
explain解释;change改变;develop发展;choose选择。develop one’s ability“发展某人的能力”,动词短语,故选C。
college大学;culture文化;business生意;graduation毕业。根据“Travel and get out of your comfort environment and put yourself in another different...”可知,此处表达把自己置身于另一种不同的文化中,名词作宾语,故选B。
56. D 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. B
推理判断题。本文介绍了火车车厢、人物报道和留守儿童的新闻,是社会性新闻,最有可能出现在CHINA VOICES中。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“ The Chinese characters ‘Yu Yue’ appear on the train, which translates to ‘traveling and reading happily’. ”可知“渝阅”的意思是开心阅读和旅游。故选B。
最佳标题。根据“Wearing his bright red armband and speaking fluent Mandarin(普通话), 62 year-old Gao Tianrui could be taken for any regular Chinese man. ”和“ Having lived in Beijing for more than 20 years, Terry Crossman has finally made his Chinese dream: becoming a public volunteer. ”可知本段介绍了一位美国人的中国梦。故选B。
细节理解题。根据“nearly 70 percent are hooked on short videos and 30 percent are playing online games.”可知留守儿童沉迷短视频。故选A。
61. C 62. C 63. A 64. B 65. A
细节理解题。根据“A month before my first marathon, I hurt one of my ankles and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train. Yet, I decided to go ahead.”可知参加马拉松比赛的前一个月,作者的一个脚踝受伤了,然而,他决心要继续下去,故选C。
推理判断题。根据“…then hit a softball. I didn’t do either well. He later informed me that I was ‘not athletic’.”可知作者两项都做得不好。可推测出此处表明他在体育方面没有天赋,故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Shortly after crossing the start line, my shoe laces became untied.”可知,过了起跑线不久,作者的鞋带就解开了,所以他应该很紧张。所以“Not the start I wanted!”表明作者很紧张,故选A。
主旨大意题。根据“It was all about the battle against my own body and mind. A test of wills!”可知这一切都是为了与作者自己的身体和思想作斗争,是意志的考验,可推测出此处表达一个胜利者是一个有着巨大努力和意志的人,故选B。
66. A 67. C 68. D 69. B 70. D
细节理解题。根据“Then, with Craig in the water, blood flowing from his fingers, the five-meter-long shark simply swam away.”可知,克雷格在水里,鲨鱼就这样游走了。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“With around 300 teeth, a great white could very easily kill a person. Yet, surprisingly, most great white victims(受害者) live to tell the story.”可知,一只大白鲨大约有300颗牙齿,可以很容易地杀死一个人。然而,令人惊讶的是,大多数白鲨受害者都活着,故选C。
词句猜测题。根据“Some research now shows that great whites can see very well.”可知,给出了怀疑上文的论点,所以doubt应意为“怀疑”,和“be uncertain about”同义,故选B。
71. comfortable
72. fairness
73. help out
74 cause 75. reported
句意:我们需要分担家务才能有一个干净舒适的家。根据“We need to share the housework to have a clean and...home.”可知,此处缺定语,意为有一个干净舒适的家,结合备选词汇,comfortable“舒适的”符合题意,形容词作定语,故填comfortable。
句意:这也有助于他们理解公平的理念。根据“It also helps them to understand the idea of...”可知,此空缺宾语,意为公平的理念,结合备选词汇,fairness“公平”符合题意,故填fairness。
句意:你总是看电视,从不在家里帮忙。根据“You watch TV all the time and never...around the house.”可知,此空缺谓语,意为总是看电视,从不在家里帮忙,help out“帮忙”符合题意,动词短语作谓语,故填help out。
句意:爱丽丝·格林博士说,所有这些活动都会给孩子们带来很大的压力。根据“...a lot of stress for children.”可知,此处表达会给孩子们造成很大的压力,结合备选词汇,cause“造成”符合题意,故填cause。
句意:电视上的新闻报道说该地区有一场大暴雨。根据“The news on TV...that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.”可知,此处缺谓语,表达新闻报道说该地区有一场大暴雨,结合首字母,reported“报道”符合题意,故填reported。
76. dealing
【解析】【详解】句意:她在处理这个问题时遇到了麻烦。短语have trouble doing sth表示“做某事有困难”,应用动名词。故填dealing。
79. smoking
【解析】句意:我们这里不允许吸烟。allow doing sth表示“允许做某事”。故填smoking。
80. suddenly
81. buying
82. (t)emperature
83. difference
84. (q)uick
85. for 86. (r)uns
87. (c)ause
88. less 89. (p)roblem
90. (c)reate
句意:由于鱼没有体温,它们对水温很敏感。根据“Since fish have no body heat, they are sensitive(敏感的) to water...”可知,鱼没有体温,所以推测它们对水温很敏感,结合首字母,temperature“温度”符合题意,故填(t)emperature。
句意:如果发生突然变化,水的PH值和硬度也会对它们产生影响。make a difference“产生影响”,动词短语, 故此空应填different“不同的”的名词形式,故填difference。
句意:大多数鱼类的快速死亡是休克的结果。根据“Most of the...deaths of fish are the result of shock.”可知,此空缺定语,结合首字母可知,quick“快速的”符合题意,形容词作定语,故填(q)uick。
句意:所以最好的方法就是把自来水放在阳光下晒几天。for a few days“几天之久”,介词短语作状语,故填for。
句意:如果水族馆里的氧气耗尽,它们就会死亡。run out“耗尽”,动词短语,此处表示水族馆里的氧气耗尽,它们就会死亡。又因为本句为一般现在时,且主语the oxygen为第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单形式,故填(r)uns。
句意:其他一些事情可能会导致这种情况发生。根据“Several other things can...it to happen.”可知,此处表示其他一些事情可能会导致这种情况的发生,结合首字母可知,cause“造成”符合题意,又因为空前can为情态动词,此空用动词原形,故填(c)ause。
句意:过量喂食鱼类可能会导致消化问题,并直接杀死鱼类。根据“kill the fish directly.”可知,过量喂食鱼类直接杀死鱼类,所以推测会造成消化问题,结合首字母可知,problem“问题”符合题意,故填(p)roblem。
句意:超过所需的食物会使水受到污染,并产生更多有害的废物,这些废物也会杀死鱼类。根据“More food than they are needed will make the water polluted and...more harmful waste which will kill the fish, too.”可知,此处表示超过所需的食物会使水受到污染,并产生更多有害的废物,结合首字母可知,create“产生”符合题意,故填(c)reate。
Be a Volunteer
Being ready to help others is a traditional virtue in China. How can I help others
I’d like to volunteer in an old people’s home. I’m good at telling stories and singing songs, so I can share some stories to make the old laugh. When I see the look of joy on their faces, I can get a strong feeling of happiness. What’s more, I can help them with some housework, such as sweeping the floor and making the bed. I’m free to help them in July and August, because I don’t need to go to school in these two months. In my opinion, doing volunteer work can develop our independence and it’s also a good way to spend our free time. I think helping others is helping ourselves.
①be good at擅长
②What’s more此外
③help sb with sth帮助某人某事
④be free to do随意做某事
⑤In my opinion在我看来
① I’m good at telling stories and singing songs, so I can share some stories to make the old laugh.(状语从句:由so引导结果状语从句)
②When I see the look of joy on their faces, I can get a strong feeling of happiness.(状语从句:由when引导时间状语从句)
③I’m free to help them in July and August, because I don’t need to go to school in these two months.(状语从句:由because引导原因状语从句)
④I think helping others is helping ourselves.(宾语从句:由that引导宾语从句,其中that已省略)



