
听力部分 (30分)
1. 听录音,从每小题三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语,每个句子读两遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. always B. usually C. sometimes
( ) 2. A. spring B. summer C. autumn
( ) 3 A. snow B. sports C. start
( ) 4. A. cave B. contest C. leaf
( ) 5. A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go for a walk
【答案】 ①. B ②. A ③. B ④. A ⑤. C
【详解】1. My father usually gets up at 6:00 a.m.
2. Why do you like spring best
3. Our school has two sports meets in a year.
4. Robinson sometimes cleans his cave.
5. I often go for a walk on the weekend.
2. 听录音,根据录音内容给下列图片排序。每个句子读两遍。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
【答案】 ①. 5 ②. 3 ③. 1 ④. 4 ⑤. 2
3. 听录音,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. At 6 o’ clock. B. In Beijing. C. Go shopping.
( ) 2. A. Go for a walk. B. It’s pretty. C. I like winter best.
( ) 3. A. The Great Wall. B. It’s in May. C. That’s too late.
( ) 4. A. June lst. B. I often watch TV. C. On Monday.
( ) 5. A. Because I can play in the snow.
B. Because my birthday is in spring.
C. Because I like the summer vacation.
【答案】 ①. A ②. C ③. B ④. B ⑤. A
4. 听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确答案。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. Steve is ______ years old.
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12
( ) 2. Steve’s birthday is in ______.
A. September B. October C. November
( ) 3. They like ______ best.
A. spring B. autumn C. winter
( ) 4. They often go to school together at ______.
A. 8:00 B. 9:00 C. 10:00
( ) 5. They will ______ this weekend.
A. take a dancing class B. have a school trip C. have a party
【答案】 ①. C ②. A ③. C ④. A ⑤. B
Hello! I’m Steve. I’m 12 years old. I live in Sydney. My birthday is in September. But I like winter best. I have a friend, Jack. His birthday is in November. He likes winter, too. Because we like snow. We often go to school together at 8:00. We finish class at 4:00. This weekend we will have a school trip.
笔试部分 (70分)
5. Look at the pink flowers. They are very beautiful. ( )
A. also B. green C. paint
6. My mother always gets up early. ( )
A. usually B. after C. thing
7. The kittens can walk now. ( )
A. lovely B. work C. all
8. I’m busy. I want to have a robot to help me. ( )
A. shop B. letter C. lovely
9. The colours are very pretty. ( )
A. leaves B. vacation C. best
【答案】5 B 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A
grape brother lunch umbrella fish plate China grandpa place sheep
10. teacher: ______ ______
11. short: ______ ______
12. please: ______ ______
13. library: ______ ______
14. green: ______ ______
【答案】10. ①. lunch ②. China
11. ①. fish ②. sheep
12. ①. plate ②. place
13. ①. brother ②. umbrella
14. ①. grape ②. grandpa
teacher,lunch,China中ch的读音均为[t ],故答案为lunch,China。
short,fish,sheep中sh的读音均为[ ],故答案为fish,sheep。
15. We finish class ______ 11:30 ______ the morning. ( )
A. at; in B. in; at C. at; at
【详解】句意:我们上午11:30下课。本题考查时间介词和介词的固定搭配。具体点钟前用介词at,in the morning在上午,固定搭配,故选A。
16. —Is _____ in September ( )
—Yes, it is.
A. China’s National Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Christmas
17. —Why do you like autumn best ( )
—Because ______.
A. I can play in the snow B. the colours are beautiful C. the trees are green
18. —________ do you have dinner (  )
—At 7 o’clock.
A. Where B. What C. When
19. —Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. ( )
A. Sure. B. Good job! C. Help yourself.
A. It’s in October. B. On the wall. C. At 6:00 a.m. D. Yes. E. I often visit my grandparents.
20. When do you get up ( )
21. Is Mother’s Day in May ( )
22. When is the trip this year ( )
23. What do you often do on the weekend ( )
24. Where is your picture ( )
【答案】20. C 21. D
22. A 23. E
24. B
sometimes on at go play
I work at night ___25___ Wednesdays. I eat dinner ___26___7:30, then I go to work. I ___27___ sports in the afternoon. Usually I ___28___ swimming, ___29___ I play basketball or ping-pong.
【答案】25. on 26. at
27. play 28. go
29. sometimes
句意:我下午做运动。play sports做运动,固定搭配,故答案为play。
句意:通常我去游泳,有时我打篮球或乒乓球。go swimming去游泳,固定搭配,故答案为go。
Paul: Hi, Tom! ___30___
Tom: Summer.
Paul: ___31___ It’s too hot.
Tom: Because I can eat ice cream. And the swimming contest is in summer, too.
Paul: ___32___
Tom: It’s usually in July.
Paul: Can you swim well
Tom: ___33___ And I often go swimming on the weekend. What do you do on the weekend
Paul: ___34___
Tom: That sounds like a lot of fun!
A. Why
B. Yes, I can.
C. I often go for a walk with my father.
D. When is the swimming contest
E. Which season do you like best
【答案】30. E 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. C
35. often, up, I, at, get, 7 o’ clock (.)
【答案】I often get up at 7 o’clock.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。often经常,get up起床,I我,at 7 o’clock在7点,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我经常在7点起床。故答案为I often get up at 7 o’clock.
36. go, with, I, on, picnic, often, a, my, family (.)
【答案】I often go on a picnic with my family.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。go on a picnic去野餐,with和,I我,often经常,my我的,family家人,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我经常和我的家人去野餐。故答案为I often go on a picnic with my family.
37. usually, have, We, a, in, autumn, trip, school (.)
【答案】We usually have a school trip in autumn.
【详解】本题考查句子结构。usually通常,have a school trip进行学校旅行,We我们,in autumn在秋天,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是陈述句,根据词义连成句子:我们通常在秋天进行学校旅行。故答案为We usually have a school trip in autumn.
38. I like winter because I can play in the snow. (仿写句子)
I like ______ because I _____________.
【答案】 ①. summer ②. can go swimming
【详解】原句句意:我喜欢冬天,因为我可以在雪里玩。本题考查仿写句子,仿写可为:我喜欢夏天,因为我可以游泳。夏天summer,游泳go swimming,故答案为summer,can go swimming。
39. —When is Children’ s Day —It’s in June. (仿写句子)
—When is __________
—It’s _____________.
【答案】 ①. Christmas ②. in December
【详解】原句句意:—儿童节是什么时候?—它在六月。本题考查仿写对话。对话可为:—圣诞节是什么时候?—它在十二月。圣诞节Christmas,十二月December,故答案为Christmas,in December。
WHEN: December 7th, 6 p.m.
WHERE: Xinxin Restaurant
WHAT: We will dance. We will play games.We will sing the birthday song and eat a birthday cake.
RSVP: Will you come to the party Please send me an email by December 1st.
40. The party will start at ______. ( )
A. 7 p.m. B. 6 p.m. C. 6 a.m.
41. The party is at ______. ( )
A. Sarah’s home B. Xinxin’s home C. Xinxin Restaurant
42. They will ______ at the party. ( )
A. eat mooncakes B. dance and sing C. have a singing contest
43. You can send an email on ______. ( )
A. November 30th B. December 3rd C. December 7th
44. 请给邀请函选一个适当的标题。( )
A. English Party B. Singing Contest C. Birthday Party
【答案】40. B 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. C
句意:聚会会在______开始。A晚上7点,B晚上6点,C早上6点,根据“WHEN: December 7th, 6 p.m.”,可知聚会会在晚上6点开始,故选B。
句意:聚会在_______。A萨拉家,B欣欣家,C欣欣餐馆,根据“WHERE: Xinxin Restaurant”,可知聚会在欣欣餐馆,故选C。
句意:他们会在聚会________。A吃月饼,B跳舞和唱歌,C举行歌唱比赛,根据“We will dance. We will play games.We will sing the birthday song and eat a birthday cake.”,可知他们会在聚会跳舞和唱歌,故选B。
句意:你可以在_______发送电子邮件。A11月30日,B12月3日,C12月7日,根据“Please send me an email by December 1st.”,可知可以在11月30日发送电子邮件,故选A。
Hi, Amy!
It is spring in April in Hangzhou. Spring is my favourite season! It is warm and sunny in the daytime(白天). Sometimes it rains. Many people visit Hangzhou in spring because they like the weather there. What’s the weather like in April in Sydney
There are many beautiful places in Hangzhou. When you come, you can visit the West Lake (西湖). It’s a very beautiful place in China.
I do morning exercises every day. On the weekend, I often help my mother wash clothes, and sometimes I help my father wash his car. I usually take an art class on Saturday afternoons. What do you often do Please write to me soon.
All the best,
Chen Jie
45. Amy likes spring best. ( )
46. The West Lake is a very beautiful place in China. ( )
47. On the weekend, Chen Jie often helps her mother clean the room. ( )
48. It’s spring in April in Sydney. ( )
49 Chen Jie usually takes an art class on Saturday afternoons. ( )
【答案】45. F 46. T
47. F 48. F
49. T
句意:艾米最喜欢春天。根据“Spring is my favourite season!”,可知陈洁最喜欢春天,故答案为F。
句意:中国的西湖是一个非常美丽的地方。根据“When you come, you can visit the West Lake (西湖). It’s a very beautiful place in China.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
句意:周末,陈洁经常帮妈妈打扫房间。根据“On the weekend, I often help my mother wash clothes, and sometimes I help my father wash his car.”,可知周末,陈洁经常帮妈妈洗衣服,故答案为F。
句意:陈洁通常在星期六下午上美术课。根据“I usually take an art class on Saturday afternoons.”,可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
50. 你通常什么时候上舞蹈课?
When do you usually take a ______ ______
【答案】 ①. dancing ②. class
【详解】本题考查句子翻译。根据汉语意思,可知句子是特殊疑问句,时态是一般现在时,上舞蹈课take a dancing class,故答案为dancing,class。
51. 三月在二月之后。
______ is after ______.
【答案】 ①. March ②. February
52. 歌咏比赛在每年的十月份举行。
The singing contest is ______ ______ every year.
【答案】 ①. in ②. October
【详解】本题考查句子翻译。根据汉语意思,可知句子是陈述句,时态是一般现在时,在十月份in October,故答案为in,October。
53. 你每天都进行体育运动吗?
Do you ______ ______ every day
【答案】 ①. play ②. sports
【详解】本题考查句子翻译。根据汉语意思,可知句子是一般疑问句,时态是一般现在时。进行体育运动play sports,助动词do后动词用原形,故答案为play,sports。
54. 我们周末经常去购物。
We often ______ ______ on the weekend.
【答案】 ①. go ②. shopping
【详解】本题考查句子翻译。根据汉语意思,可知句子是陈述句,时态是一般现在时,去购物go shopping,主语we是第一人称复数,后面的动词用原形,故答案为go,shopping。2023-2024学年度第二学期期中质量检测
听力部分 (30分)
1. 听录音,从每小题三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语,每个句子读两遍。 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. always B. usually C. sometimes
( ) 2. A. spring B. summer C. autumn
( ) 3. A. snow B. sports C. start
( ) 4. A. cave B. contest C. leaf
( ) 5 A. go swimming B. go shopping C. go for a walk
2. 听录音,根据录音内容给下列图片排序。每个句子读两遍。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
3. 听录音,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. A. At 6 o’ clock. B. In Beijing. C. Go shopping.
( ) 2. A. Go for a walk. B. It’s pretty. C. I like winter best.
( ) 3. A. The Great Wall. B. It’s in May. C. That’s too late.
( ) 4. A. June lst. B. I often watch TV. C. On Monday.
( ) 5. A. Because I can play in the snow.
B. Because my birthday is in spring.
C. Because I like the summer vacation.
4. 听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确答案。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
( ) 1. Steve is ______ years old.
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12
( ) 2. Steve’s birthday is in ______.
A. September B. October C. November
( ) 3. They like ______ best.
A. spring B. autumn C. winter
( ) 4. They often go to school together at ______.
A 8:00 B. 9:00 C. 10:00
( ) 5. They will ______ this weekend.
A. take a dancing class B. have a school trip C. have a party
笔试部分 (70分)
5. Look at the pink flowers. They are very beautiful. ( )
A. also B. green C. paint
6. My mother always gets up early. ( )
A. usually B. after C. thing
7. The kittens can walk now. ( )
A. lovely B. work C. all
8. I’m busy. I want to have a robot to help me. ( )
A. shop B. letter C. lovely
9. The colours are very pretty. ( )
A. leaves B. vacation C. best
grape brother lunch umbrella fish plate China grandpa place sheep
10 teacher: ______ ______
11. short: ______ ______
12. please: ______ ______
13. library: ______ ______
14. green: ______ ______
15. We finish class ______ 11:30 ______ the morning. ( )
A. at; in B. in; at C. at; at
16. —Is _____ in September ( )
—Yes, it is.
A. China’s National Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Christmas
17. —Why do you like autumn best ( )
—Because ______.
A. I can play in the snow B. the colours are beautiful C. the trees are green
18. —________ do you have dinner (  )
—At 7 o’clock.
A. Where B. What C. When
19. —Hello, Miss White. Look at my picture. ( )
A. Sure. B. Good job! C. Help yourself.
A. It’s in October. B. On the wall. C. At 6:00 a.m. D. Yes. E. I often visit my grandparents.
20. When do you get up ( )
21. Is Mother’s Day in May ( )
22. When is the trip this year ( )
23 What do you often do on the weekend ( )
24. Where is your picture ( )
sometimes on at go play
I work at night ___25___ Wednesdays. I eat dinner ___26___7:30, then I go to work. I ___27___ sports in the afternoon. Usually I ___28___ swimming, ___29___ I play basketball or ping-pong.
Paul: Hi, Tom! ___30___
Tom: Summer.
Paul: ___31___ It’s too hot.
Tom: Because I can eat ice cream. And the swimming contest is in summer, too.
Paul: ___32___
Tom: It’s usually in July.
Paul: Can you swim well
Tom: ___33___ And I often go swimming on the weekend. What do you do on the weekend
Paul: ___34___
Tom: That sounds like a lot of fun!
A. Why
B. Yes, I can.
C. I often go for a walk with my father.
D. When is the swimming contest
E. Which season do you like best
35. often, up, I, at, get, 7 o’ clock (.)
36. go, with, I, on, picnic, often, a, my, family (.)
37. usually, have, We, a, in, autumn, trip, school (.)
38. I like winter because I can play in the snow. (仿写句子)
I like ______ because I _____________.
39. —When is Children’ s Day —It’s in June. (仿写句子)
—When is __________
—It’s _____________.
WHEN: December 7th, 6 p.m.
WHERE: Xinxin Restaurant
WHAT: We will dance. We will play games.We will sing the birthday song and eat a birthday cake.
RSVP: Will you come to the party Please send me an email by December 1st.
40. The party will start at ______. ( )
A. 7 p.m. B. 6 p.m. C. 6 a.m.
41. The party is at ______. ( )
A. Sarah’s home B. Xinxin’s home C. Xinxin Restaurant
42. They will ______ at the party. ( )
A. eat mooncakes B. dance and sing C. have a singing contest
43. You can send an email on ______. ( )
A. November 30th B. December 3rd C. December 7th
44. 请给邀请函选一个适当的标题。( )
A. English Party B. Singing Contest C. Birthday Party
Hi, Amy!
It is spring in April in Hangzhou. Spring is my favourite season! It is warm and sunny in the daytime(白天). Sometimes it rains. Many people visit Hangzhou in spring because they like the weather there. What’s the weather like in April in Sydney
There are many beautiful places in Hangzhou. When you come, you can visit the West Lake (西湖). It’s a very beautiful place in China.
I do morning exercises every day. On the weekend, I often help my mother wash clothes, and sometimes I help my father wash his car. I usually take an art class on Saturday afternoons. What do you often do Please write to me soon.
All the best,
Chen Jie
45. Amy likes spring best. ( )
46. The West Lake is a very beautiful place in China. ( )
47. On the weekend, Chen Jie often helps her mother clean the room. ( )
48. It’s spring in April in Sydney. ( )
49. Chen Jie usually takes an art class on Saturday afternoons. ( )
50. 你通常什么时候上舞蹈课?
When do you usually take a ______ ______
51. 三月在二月之后。
______ is after ______.
52. 歌咏比赛在每年的十月份举行。
The singing contest is ______ ______ every year.
53. 你每天都进行体育运动吗?
Do you ______ ______ every day
54. 我们周末经常去购物
We often ______ ______ on the weekend.



