2023-2024外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 单元测试(含答案及听力原文无听力音频)

Module 9 诊断必刷卷
(时间:60分钟 总分:100分)
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总分
( )1. A. jokes B. bikes C. jackets
( )2. A. warm B. wear C. wore
( )3. A. take B. thousand C. theatre
( )4. A. answer B. amazing C. actors
( )5. A. chips B. chicken C. shops
( )1. A. I saw a man. B. I saw a dog.
( )2. A. I've got two letters in English!
B. I've got one letter in English!
( )3. A. We watched a film yesterday.
B. We watched a show yesterday.
( )4. A. Daming told lots of stories.
B. Daming told lots of jokes.
( )5. A. Are you ready for your trip to the US
B. Are you ready for your trip to China
( )1. Tom is going to ride a horse.
( )2. I'll take my new kite.
( )3. My father is climbing a tree.
( )4. They got there by plane.
( )5. My sister played the flute last night.
( )1. A. there B. their
( )2. A. no B. know
( )3. A. house B. horse
( )4. A. our B. hour
( )5. A. where B. wear
( )1. I've got two letters English! They're from Sam and Amy.
A. at B. with C. in
( )2. Last week, we went to a theatre.
A. child’s B. children C. children's
( )3. On my birthday,I new clothes and took some pictures.
A. wear B. wore C. will wear
( )4. The play was very funny. We a lot.
A. ate B. thanked C. laughed
( )5. We’ll have an English test. Are you
A. happy B. angry C. ready
( )6. We're getting ready your visit.
A. at B. for C. from
( )7. China is an old country with a long .
A. river B. story C. history
( )8. May I ask you some
A. questions B. books C. bikes
( )9. Yesterday,I a book from the library.
A. bought B. borrowed C. took
( )10. I wish you come to my home soon. We’ll be !
A. young B. together C. new
1. He’s going to ask you some .
2. He a letter to Daming last week.
3. My father got a book about the US.
4. Mum bought new for you.
5. It was very funny. We a lot.
1. After the (演出), we went to a restaurant.
2. The men wore w clothes. It was very f .
3. English is my favourite s .
4. The actor told lots of (笑话).
5. Dad r a book about Chinese (历史) yesterday.
A. It was funny.
B. They often go there with their parents.
C. The actors also told lots of jokes.
D. There is a lot to see and do.
E. Amy and I went to a children's theatre last week.
Han Mei:Hello, Lingling. How is your trip in England
Lingling:Hello, Han Mei. England is great.1.
Han Mei:Wow. Please tell me more.
Han Mei:What did you see there
Lingling:We watched a play.3.
Han Mei:Oh, really Why was it so funny
Lingling:Because the men wore women's clothes. The women wore men's clothes.
Han Mei:Ahh... Did you laugh
Lingling:Yes, we did.4. It made us laugh a lot.
Han Mei:I think English children love the theatre very much.
Lingling:That's right.5.
Han Mei:I hope I can be there soon.
Every morning Jim goes to work by train. He has a long way to go. So he buys a newspaper. It helps him to spend(花费) the time on the train. Jim likes sport very much. One morning on the train he read something about the football match(足球赛). The match was interesting(有趣的). So he forgot(忘记) to get off the train at his station. He didn't know it. When he finished reading, he looked out of the window. It was far away from his station. He had to go back(回到) by train. Of course,he was late for(迟到) work.
( )1. How does Jim go to work every day
A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car.
( )2. What does Jim buy every morning
A. A book. B. A newspaper. C. A football.
( )3. Jim likes .
A. singing B. music C. sport
( )4. He on the train one morning.
A. looked out of the window of the train
B. talked with another football fan(足球迷)
C. read something about the football match(足球赛)
( )5. In the end(最后), Jim .
A. worked in the train B. was late for work C. played football
Mr Jobs is at the window of a train at a station. He is going to New York and he is very angry. The train began moving and an old porter(搬运工) came to the window.
Mr Jobs called out angrily to the porter,“I gave you my luggage(行李) an hour ago. But you didn't put it in the train. Why isn't it here And where did you put it ”
The porter looked at Mr Jobs and said,“I looked for you everywhere, but I didn’t find you. Your luggage isn’t so foolish(愚蠢的) as you are. You are in the wrong train. This one is going to Washington.”
1. Where's Mr Jobs
2. Why is Mr Jobs angry
3. Is Mr Jobs going to New York or Washington
4. Where is Mr Jobs’ luggage
5. Is Mr Jobs in the wrong train
假如你是Lucy,请给 Jim写一封信,介绍一下他的朋友们的近况。
Dear Jim,
I'm glad to write to you.



上一篇:山西省晋中市榆次区 2023-2024八年级下学期期中考试数学试卷(图片版含答案)
