期末专题 任务型阅读(含解析) 冀教版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训

期末专题 任务型阅读(含解析) 冀教版 八年级下册 英语题型专项集训
Where do you look for information, play games, watch videos and buy music What do you use to write emails chat (聊天) to friends on websites like Meta (Facebook) or MySpace More than 1.5 billion people do these things on the Internet every day. But do you know the history of the Internet
The Internet started in 1969 in the US. It was called ARPANET at first, but its name soon changed to “the Internet”. Universities used it to communicate ideas and information. In those days, computers were huge machines and not many people used them.
This began to change in 1971 when Ray Tomlinson, an American engineer, sent the first email message. He chose the symbol@ on his keyboard to identify (识别) his email address.
The Internet didn’t become really popular until Bemers-Lee, an English scientist, invented the World Wide Web in 1989. His invention was very important because it became possible to do a lot more things on the Internet like listening to music and watching videos. He created (创建) the first website and named it info.cern.ch. He used the symbol “ch” for Switzerland because he worked in Geneva. After that, people created millions of websites on every topic.
Today you don’t need a big computer to go on the Internet. You can use a smartphone or a notebook with a Wi-Fi connection. Internet technology is changing all the time and it is changing our lives.
1.Every day, people do all kinds of things on the Internet.
2. used the Internet to communicate ideas and information.
3.Who created the first website and named it info.cern.ch
When you speak, write a letter or make a telephone call, your words carry a message. People communicate with words.
Do you think you can communicate without words
A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you’re sad or unhappy. When you put up your hand in class, your teacher knows you want to say something or ask some questions. You shake your head in China, and people know you are saying “no”. You nod in China, and people know you are saying “yes”. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library.
Signs on the door tell you where to go in or out. There are a lot of signs around you.You can receive messages from them all the time.
People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his pictures to tell about the beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things. Books can tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.
Books, letters, TV, radio, films and Internet all help us to communicate with others. They all help us know the news in the world and what other people are thinking about.
6.Tears in your eyes tell others that you’re .
7.A sign at the bus stop helps you know .
8.What can an artist use to communicate
Visitors often get lost in a foreign(外) country(国). So knowing the way is very important. People in different countries have different ways to show the way.
In Japan, people don’t use street names, but they use landmarks(地标) in their directions(方向). For example, when you ask the way to a bank, the Japanese can say, “Go along the street, turn left at the hospital and you can see a fruit market. The bank is there.”
In the countryside of America usually there are not many landmarks. Because there are no towns or buildings in miles(英里). If people show you the way, they can say, “Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.”
How do people in California show the way They use time, not miles. “银行有多远?” you ask. “Oh,” they answer, “it is about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes. How many miles ” They don’t know.
People in Greece(希腊) are very kind. Because most visitors cannot understand the Greek language. If you ask Greeks for the way, they often say, “Follow me.” Then they can bring you through the streets of the city to the place where you want to go.
So it is of great importance to know the way.
12.People in California use to show the way.
13.How do people in Japan show the way
The life of the animals at the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park.
At the zoo, most of the animals are very sad. They have to stay in cages(笼子)all day and wait for the keepers to feed them. They can’t go out of the cages. They can only walk around in the cages.
However, the wildlife park is a good place for them. All the animals there live in the open air. They can run, jump, play happily and look for food by themselves. They are protected there because people are not allowed to hunt(猎取). The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park.
Most of the animals in the wildlife park are friendly. But some are scary. Don’t worry. A special bus can take you to see the animals. You are quite safe inside the bus. How exciting it is if a tiger or a lion watches you through the window!
1—2题完成句子;3题简略回答问题; 4题找出并写下全文的主题句; 5题将文中画线句子译成汉语.
16.Most of the animals feel at the zoo.
17.A good place for animals to live is .
18.What is the most important thing for animals in the wildlife park
19. .
20. .
The life of the animals in the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park(野生动物园).
In the zoo, most of the animals are very sad. They have to stay in cages all day and wait for the zoo keepers to feed them. They can’t go out of the cages, so they have to walk round and round.
However, the wildlife park is a good place for them. All the animals there live in the open air. They can run, jump and play happily, and look for food by themselves. They are protected there because people are not allowed to hunt. The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park.
Most of the animals in the wildlife park are friendly. But some are scary, such as lions, wolves and tigers. Don’t worry. A special bus can take you to see the animals. You are quite safe inside the bus. How exciting it is if a tiger or a lion watches you through the window!
21.Most of the animals in the zoo are .
22.For animals a good place to live in is .
23.What’s the most important thing for the animals in the wildlife park
Friends are not easy to come by(得到). True friends are harder to find. So we should do our best to make friends and keep our friendship alive(有活力的).
When we talk to someone, ask questions to help him or her keep talking. Don’t ask questions that are too personal, or they may walk away.
Another important part of communication(交流)is listening. Listen carefully to what people are saying, and answer in the right way. It doesn’t have to be with words. Body language can also show that you’re listening.
It’s easier to make friends and keep friendship with people who have the same interests and hobbies as you. You can spend hours and days together talking about your common interests.
Friendship should be for life. We should try to keep friendship as long as we can.
1、2 题完成句子;3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写下第三段的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
26.When we talk to someone, we can to help him or her keep talking.
27.It’s easier to make friends and keep friendship with people who have the same as you.
28.What can show that you’re listening except(除了)words
What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday You have to sit down and then write a thank-note. The words “thank you” are very important. We have to use them on many occasions (场合). We say them when someone gives us a drink, helps us to pick up things, hands us a letter, lends us a book or gives us a lift.
Another important word is “please”, but many people forget to use it. It is impolite to ask someone to do something without saying “please”. We have to use it when we ask for something, too. It may be a book or a pen, some rice or some milk, help or advice. It may be in the classroom, at home, at the bus stop or over the counter. We have to use “please” to make requests pleasant.
We also have to learn to say “sorry”. When we have hurt someone’s feelings, we will have to go up and say we’re sorry. When we have told a lie and feel sorry, we will have to use the same word. When we have forgotten something or broken a promise, we will have to explain with that word, too. “Sorry” is a healing word. We can make people forget wrongs by using it sincerely.
“Thank you! Please! Sorry!” These words are simple but important. Man had to use them long ago. We have to use them now. Our children will have to use them in the future.
31.We say when someone helps us.
32.We say when we have hurt someone’s feelings.
33.What word will you use if you want your friends to help you
34.How many important expressions (表达方式) has the writer told us to use often
Being a friend with someone doesn’t mean that you agree with everything he does. Sometimes, you might disagree so strongly with the way a friend behaves that you want to mention it to him. You may find it so hard to talk to your friend. It’s important to know some tips on how to make the talk friendly and effective(有效的).
Ask yourself what changes you expect. If you plan to tell your friend to change, you need to lay out examples of what you expect him to change first. This may be that a friend is dishonest, too lazy, or sometimes he interferes(干扰) with your personal space.
Know why you want these changes. Are these changes for your convenience, for your friend’s well-being, or a necessary factor(因素) in continuing the friendship You need to be ready to open up and give him the truth. For example, you can express how bad you feel and what will happen if your friend makes a change.
Pick the right time and place to talk. You should have this talk in person if possible. Pick a time when neither of you are too stressed and meet somewhere that you won’t be interrupted(打扰).
Talk to your friend calmly. Try to communicate your feelings to your friend without blaming(责备) him. When you talk, don’t raise your voice to your friend.
36.If you want your friend to change, you need to of what you expect him to change first.
37.If you know why you want these changes, you need to be ready to and give him the truth.
38.When is the right time for you to have a talk with your friend
How many fish are there in the sea We always seem to think that there are an endless number of them. Is this true Will we run out of fish one day
Humans began overfishing the world’s oceans in the 19th century. Today, there are enough fishing ships in the world to catch four earth’s worth of fish. In other words, we are taking away too many fish from the world’s oceans. The fish stock(鱼群) can’t grow back fast enough. So, the numbers of many kinds of fish are dropping sharply. Some kinds will soon be in great danger.
To save these fish kinds, many areas have started to do something. Near some rivers and lakes, you will see “No fishing” signs. The fish in these areas are probably under protection. Besides, there have been closed fishing periods at different times in different areas. When the fish in a certain area start to lay eggs, the closed season for that area begins. People can’ t catch fish until the young fish grow up. This is also an important way to stop overfishing.
All life of the living things here depends on the sea. And fish are very important to the health of the sea. Let’s work together to protect our friends in the water.
41.We always think there are fish in the sea.
42.We have taken away too many fish from .
43.When does the closed season in a certain area begin
Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year. Chinese people celebrate(庆祝) the festival in different ways. But their wishes are almost the same: They all wish their families and friends good health and good luck for the coming year. Here are some Chinese New year activities.
*House cleaning
Cleaning one’s house before New Year’s Eve is a very old tradition(传统). Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the “old”. This is also a kind of good wish for luck and fortune(财运).
*New Year Feast(年夜饭)
The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together. Everyone in the family must go to this feast. After the feast, families sit together and do “shousui” This means staying up late or all night on New Year’s Eve to wait for the New Year to come.
*Waiting for the first bell ringing
The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year. Some people like to go to a large square(广场) to wait for the bell ringing. But for some people, they’d like to stay with their family, watch TV, and wait for the first bell at home.
*Setting off firecrackers(放鞭炮)
Lighting firecrackers is one of the most important customs during Chinese New Year.
*Giving or receiving lucky money
This is the money given to children by their parents and grandparents as a New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck to the children, so it is named “lucky money”.
46.Cleaning the house means good luck.
47.The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.
48.Parents and grandparents give to their children to bring good luck to them.
49.What does the first bell ringing mean
50. .
1.more than 1.5 billion 2.Universities 3.Bemers-Lee, an English scientist./Bemers-Lee./An English scientist. 4.But do you know the history of the Internet 5.互联网技术一直在变化,它正改变着我们的生活。
1.根据第一段“More than 1.5 billion people do these things on the internet every day.”可知,每天有超过15亿人在互联网上做各种事情。故填more than 1.5 billion。
2.根据第二段“Universities used it to communicate ideas and information.”可知,大学利用互联网交流思想和信息。故填Universities。
3.根据第四段“The internet didn’t become really popular until Bemers-Lee, an English scientist, invented the World Wide Web in 1989…He created (创建) the first website and named it info.cern.ch.”可知,英国科学家Bemers Lee创建了第一个网站,并将其命名为info.cern.ch。故填Bemers-Lee, an English scientist./Bemers-Lee./An English scientist.
4.本文主要介绍了互联网的历史,第一段最后一句“But do you know the history of the Internet ”是本文的主旨句。故填But do you know the history of the Internet
5.分析句子可知,此句是and连接的并列句,Internet technology翻译为“互联网技术”,is changing 翻译为“在变化”;all the time翻译为“一直,总是”,it is changing our lives翻译为“它正改变着我们的生活”。故填:互联网技术一直在变化,它正改变着我们的生活。
6.sad or unhappy 7.which bus to take 8.His pictures. 9.People can communicate in many other ways. 10.门上的标志告诉你在哪里进出。
6.根据“Tears in your eyes tell others that you’re sad or unhappy.”可知,你眼里的泪水告诉别人你很难过或不开心。故填sad or unhappy。
7.根据“For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you know which bus to take.”可知,公共汽车站的标志可以帮助你知道该坐哪辆公共汽车。故填which bus to take。
8.根据“An artist can use his pictures to tell about the beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things.”可知,艺术家用他的画来交流。故填His pictures.
9.根据“People can communicate in many other ways.”可知,人们可以通过许多其他方式进行交流。这是第五自然段的主题句。故填People can communicate in many other ways.
10.signs on the door译成:门上的标志;tell you译成:告诉你;where to go in or out译成:在哪里进出。故填:门上的标志告诉你在哪里进出。
11.So knowing the way is very important. 12.time 13.They use landmarks in their directions./Landmarks. 14.People in different countries have different ways to show the way. 15.How far is the bank
11.“So it is of great importance to know the way.”表示“所以知道路是非常重要的”,原文第一段So knowing the way is very important与其同义,故填So knowing the way is very important.
12.根据“How do people in California show the way They use time, not miles.”可知,加州人用时间来指路,故填time。
13.根据“In Japan, people don’t use street names, but they use landmarks(地标) in their directions”可知,日本人用地标来指示方向,故填They use landmarks in their directions./Landmarks.
14.根据“People in different countries have different ways to show the way.”及全文的描述,可知本文介绍了几个国家不同的指路方式。故填People in different countries have different ways to show the way.
15.how far“多远”;the bank“银行”,故填How far is the bank
16.very sad 17.the wildlife park 18.They are free and happy. 19.The life of the animals at the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park. 20.如果一直老虎或一只狮子透过窗户看着你,那是多么令人兴奋!
16.根据“At the zoo, most of the animals are very sad. ”可知大多数动物园里的动物都很悲伤。故填very sad。
17.根据“However, the wildlife park is a good place for them.”可知野生动物园对动物来说是个好地方。故填the wildlife park。
18.根据“ The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park.”可知最重要的是野生动物园的动物自由而高兴。故填They are free and happy.
19.本文介绍了动物园和野生动物园生活动物的区别,因此开头引出主题,The life of the animals at the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park.为主题句。故填The life of the animals at the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park.
21.sad 22.the wildlife park 23.The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park. 24.The life of the animals in the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park. 25.野生动物园里的动物绝大部分都很友善。
21.根据“In the zoo, most of the animals are very sad.”可知,在动物园里,大部分动物是很悲伤的。故填sad。
22.根据“However, the wildlife park is a good place for them.”可知,对动物来说,野生动物园是个好地方。故填the wildlife park。
23.根据“The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park.”可知,最重要的是,它们在野生动物园里是自由快乐的。故填The most important thing is that they are free and happy in the wildlife park.
24.根据“The life of the animals in the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park(野生动物园).”可知,本文主要说明了动物园里动物的生活与野生动物园里的不同。因此文章第一句话可作为全文的主题句。故填The life of the animals in the zoo is different from that in the wildlife park.
25.分析句子可知,该句为陈述句。Most of 翻译为“绝大部分”;the animals in the wildlife park翻译为“野生动物园里的动物”;are friendly翻译为“都很友善”。故填“野生动物园里的动物绝大部分都很友善。”
26.ask questions 27.interests and hobbies 28.Body language. 29.Another important part of communication is listening. 30.因此我们应尽量去交朋友并让我们的友谊保持活力。
26.由第二段第一句“When we talk to someone, ask questions to help him or her keep talking.”可知,作者提议当我们与其他人聊天时,要勤问问题让他/她一直能够聊下去。情态动词can后接动词原形。故填ask questions。
27.由第四段第一句“It’s easier to make friends and keep friendship with people who have the same interests and hobbies as you.”可知,作者认为与和你有相同的兴趣爱好的人交朋友且保持友谊更容易。故填interests and hobbies。
28.根据“Body language can also show that you’re listening.”可知,还可以用肢体语言表明正在听。故填Body language.
29.通读第三段可知,整段围绕倾听来写,则第一句即本段的中心句。故填Another important part of communication is listening.
30.本题中有固定短语搭配do one’s best to do sth.意为“尽某人最大的努力去做某事/尽量去”;So“因此”;we“我们”;do our best to“尽我们最大的努力去/尽量去”make friends“交朋友”;and“和,并且”;keep our friendship alive“让我们的友谊保持活力”,keep sth.+某种状态意为“使某物保持在那个状态上”,故填:因此我们应尽量去交朋友并让我们的友谊保持活力。
31.“Thank you” 32.“Sorry” 33.Please. 34.Three. 35.让别人做事情而不说“请”是不礼貌的。
31.根据“The words ‘thank you’ are very important. We have to use them on many occasions (场合).”可知当有人帮助我们,我们应该说“谢谢”。故填“Thank you”。
32.根据“When we have hurt someone’s feelings, we will have to go up and say we’re sorry.”可知当我们伤害别人的感受时,应该说“对不起”。故填“Sorry”。
33.根据“We have to use ‘please’ to make requests pleasant.”可知如果你想让你的朋友帮助你,你应该使用“请”这个词,故填Please.
35.It is impolite“是不礼貌的”;ask someone to do something“让别人做事情”;without saying “please”“而不说‘请’”。故填:让别人做事情而不说“请”是不礼貌的。
36.lay out examples 37.open up 38.When neither of you are too stressed. 39.It’s important to know some tips on how to make the talk friendly and effective. 40.当你们交谈时,不要对你的朋友大声说话。
36.根据“ If you plan to tell your friend to change, you need to lay out examples of what you expect him to change first.”可知,如果你想要你的朋友改变,你需要列出一些需要他改变的例子。故填lay out examples。
37.根据“You need to be ready to open up and give him the truth.”可知,你需要准备好敞开心扉,告诉他真相。故填open up。
38.根据“Pick a time when neither of you are too stressed and meet somewhere that you won’t be interrupted.”可知,此处建议挑一个你们都没有太大压力的时间和朋友谈话。故填When neither of you are too stressed.
39.通读全文,根据第一段“ It’s important to know some tips on how to make the talk friendly and effective”(了解一些如何使谈话友好且有效的技巧是很重要的)可知,本文主要是围绕如何使谈话友好和有效展开的。故填It’s important to know some tips on how to make the talk friendly and effective.
40.When当……时候;you你;talk交谈;raise your voice提高声音;friend朋友。故填:当你们交谈时,不要对你的朋友大声说话。
41.an endless number of 42.the world’s oceans 43.The fish in a certain area start to lay eggs. 44.To save these fish kinds, many areas have started to do something. 45.这里所有生物的生活都依靠海洋。
41.根据“We always seem to think that there are an endless number of them.”可知,我们总是认为海里有无穷无尽的鱼。故填an endless number of。
42.根据“we are taking away too many fish from the world’s oceans”可知,我们从世界海洋中带走了太多的鱼。故填the world’s oceans。
43.根据“When the fish in a certain area start to lay eggs, the closed season for that area begins.”可知,当某一地区的鱼开始产卵时,该地区的禁渔期就开始了。故填The fish in a certain area start to lay eggs.
44.第三段主要讲为了拯救鱼类,人们采取了哪些行动,段落首句“To save these fish kinds, many areas have started to do something.”是该段的主题句。故填To save these fish kinds, many areas have started to do something.
45.句子是主谓宾的结构,All life of the living things here“这里所有生物的生活”;depends on“依靠”;the sea“海洋”。故填:这里所有生物的生活都依靠海洋。
46.F 47.T 48.lucky money 49.The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.
46.根据“ Cleaning the house means saying goodbye to the ‘old’.” 可知,春节打扫屋子意味着对过去说再见。第一题“打扫屋子意味着好运”与文章不符,是错误的,故答案为F。
47.根据“The New Year Feast is a special dinner when all the family members get together.” 可知,第二题“年夜饭是一种特殊的晚餐,所有的家庭成员聚在一起。” 与文章相符,是正确的,故答案为T。
48.根据“This is the money given to children by their parents and grandparents as a New Year gift. The money is believed to bring good luck to the children, so it is named ‘lucky money’.” 可知,父母或者祖父母给孩子压岁钱是为了给他们带来好运,所以空处应填“lucky money”,故答案为lucky money。
49.根据“The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.” 可知,第一声钟响意味着中国新年的到来,故答案为The first bell ringing means the coming of Chinese New Year.
50.Chinese New Year表示“新年”;the most important表示“最重要的”;festival表示“节日”;the year表示“一年中”。故答案为:春节是一年中最重要的节日。



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