期末专题 补全对话(含解析) 人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训

期末专题 补全对话(含解析) 人教新目标(Go for it)版 八年级下册英语题型专项集训
A: You’re wearing a new scarf. It looks beautiful on you!
B: Thanks. My sister made it for me.
A: Really She’s so nice and different!
B: Sure. I’m going to learn from her. 1
A: I’d love to. I just can’t wait to learn with you.
B: I’m sure you will be excited.
A: Yes. Your sweater is also beautiful. What’s it made of
B: 2 .
A: Where did you buy it
B: I bought it in Xidan Shopping Center.
A: 3
B: Only 60 yuan. It’s not very expensive.
A: I also want to buy one. 4
B: Of course. I think you’d better wear blue clothes.
A: I like blue best.
B: 5
A: Size M.
B: I’m sure you can buy one in that store.
John: What are you reading, Linda
Linda: Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe.
John: 6 .
Linda: It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.
John: Really I can’t imagine! What’s Robinson like
Linda: 7 .
John: Is the story interesting
Linda: Sure. 8 I can’t stop reading the book.
John: 9 .
Linda: Of course! I’ll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.
John: Great. 10 .
Linda: It won’t take long.
A.Can I borrow it
B.I enjoy it so much.
C.What’s the book about
D.I can’t wait to read the book.
E.The book is difficult to understand.
F.He’s clever enough to get over many difficulties.
阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。
A: Hi, Sandy! You’re always reading the novel.
B: Yes, Nancy. I’ll never be tired of it.
B: Four times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new from it.
A: Really
B: Charles Dickens.
A: Wow, a great English writer.
B: He’s my favorite writer.
A: May I have a look at it
B: Sure, here you are!. . . What do you think of this novel
A: I haven’t seen such a novel for long. Where did you buy it
B: In Xinhua Bookstore.
A: I don’t know where it is.
B: No, only 10 minutes’ walk from here, next to Hongxing Cinema.
A: Oh, I see. I’m going there to get one, too. Thank you!
B: You’re welcome.
11.A.How long have you had it B.Have you finished it yet
C.How many times have you read it D.How often do you read it
12.A.Who is the writer B.Where is the writer
C.When did the writer write it D.Which country is the writer from
13.A.No problem. B.That’s right. C.With pleasure. D.I agree.
14.A.It’s exciting. B.It’s sad. C.It’s too long. D.It’s boring.
15.A.Is the bookstore near there B.Is the bookstore far from here
C.Can you tell me how to get there D.Do you know the way to the bookstore
A: Hi, Lucy! I called you at six o’clock yesterday afternoon and you didn’t pick up. 16
B: Oh, I was in the garden helping my parents. We decided to have a yard sale.
A: A yard sale What things are you selling
B: Look! Here are all these old things.
A: Let me see, this is a really old book. 17
B: I have had it for ten years. I’ve read it three times.
A: Why are you selling it
B: Because I don’t read it anymore.
A: 18
B: Only for 75 cents. Oh, why did you call me yesterday afternoon
A: I’m going to work in an old people’s home this weekend. 19
B: Sure, I’d love to. I can give away some of these old things.
A: Good idea!
A: Good afternoon, Eric!
B: Good afternoon, Alice!
A: I haven’t seen you for a long time. Where did you go last week
B: 20 .
A: Where is Zhengzhou
B: It’s in the north of Henan.
A: 21
B: It’s famous for Mang mountain and the Yellow River.
A: Do many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year
B: 22 .
A: How long did you stay there
B: For three days.
A: 23
B: Certainly. We took many photos there. 24 .
A: What an exciting trip! I’ll go there one day.
A: Hello! Could I speak to Helen
B: This is Helen speaking.
A: Hi, Helen. It’s Cindy here. I called you this morning, but you didn’t answer. 25
B: I was taking my dog for a walk.
A: I see. What are you going to do this weekend
B: Nothing much. Do you have any ideas
A: 26
B: The science museum No, I haven’t.
A: 27
B: Yes, I’d love to. When and where shall we meet
A: Let’s meet at the school gate at eight on Saturday morning.
B: That’s a deal. See you then.
A: 28 .
A: Hi, Jack, 29
B: Hi, Amy. I’ve had an online class called DIY your own dessert.
A: Wow, it’s fantastic! 30
B: Because it’s not safe to go out to buy desserts during these special days.
A: Well, how do you have lessons
B: The teacher shows me how to cook and guides me on the Internet.
A: Interesting! 31
B: Yeah. Are you interested in cooking
A: Sure, I am. It’s great fun to enjoy the home-made food.
B: Would you like to join us The class runs every day and you can start at any time.
A: Wonderful! 32
B: Only 10 dollars. During each lesson, we’ll learn three kinds of desserts.
A: Sounds cool! 33 Thank you, Jack!
A.Sounds like you really enjoy the class.
B.What are you busy with these days
C.How much should I pay for the lessons
D.I can’t wait to sign up for it.
E.Why do you have that cooking class
A: Hi, Emily. You look really tired. 34
B: I stayed up late to read Treasure Island. I just couldn’t put it down. 35
A: Yes, I have. My book report last term was about it.
B: Really What do you think of it
A: 36 . It is well worth(值得) reading.
B: I think so. By the way, I plan to clear out some of my old things in my room this Sunday. Can you give me some advice
A: 37
B: That’s a good idea.
A: Call me if you need my help this Sunday.
B: Thank you. It’s very nice of you.
A: 38 .
1.Would you like to learn with me 2.It’s made of cotton/ silk 3.How much is it 4.Can you give me some advice 5.What size do you like/want
1.根据答语“I’d love to.”可知,此处是对于邀请表示接受,故填Would you like to learn with me。
2.根据问题“What’s it made of ”可知,此处在询问毛衣是由什么制成的,故填It’s made of cotton/ silk。
3.根据答语“Only 60 yuan.”可知,此处询问价钱,故填How much is it。
4.根据“I think you’d better wear blue clothes.”可知,此处是征求对方意见,故填Can you give me some advice。
5.根据答语“Size M.”可知,此处询问尺码,故填What size do you like/want。
6.C 7.F 8.B 9.A 10.D
6.根据“It’s about a man named Robinson who lives alone on an island.”可知此处应是询问《鲁宾逊漂流记》是关于什么内容的,选项C“这本书是关于什么的”符合语境,故选C。
7.根据“What’s Robinson like”可知此处应是回答鲁滨逊是一个什么样的人,选项F“他是足够聪明的,克服了许多困难”符合语境,故选F。
8.根据“Is the story interesting”和“I can’t stop reading the book”可知此处应是与阐述这本书很有意思有关,选项B“我非常喜欢它”符合语境,故选B。
9.根据“Of course! I’ll bring it to you as soon as I finish it.”可知此处应是John表明想要看这本书,选项A“我能借它吗”符合语境,故选A。
10.根据“It won’t take long.”可知此处应是表示着急想看这本书,选项D“我迫不及待地想读这本书”符合语境,故选D。
11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.B
11.根据答语“Four times.”可知,是对次数提问。对应句型为How many times… 。选项C“你读了多少遍了?”符合语境。故选C。
12.根据下文“Charles Dickens. Wow, a great English writer.”可知,谈论的是小说的作家名。选项A“作者是谁?”符合语境。故选A。
13.根据上句“Wow, a great English writer.”和下句“He’s my favorite writer.”可知,本句是桑迪在给南希对小说作家的评价做出的回应。选项B“没错。”符合语境。故选B。
14.根据上句“What do you think of this novel ”以及下句“I haven’t seen such a novel for long.”可知,本句是对小说给与肯定的评价。选项A“它令人兴奋。”符合语境。故选A。
15.根据答语“No, only 10 minutes’ walk from here, next to Hongxing Cinema.”可知,问句是一般疑问句,应问距离这里远不远。选项B“书店离这儿远吗?”符合语境。故选B。
16.What were you doing (yesterday afternoon/at that time) 17.How long have you had it/the book 18.How much is it/the book 19.Would you like to go with me
16.根据“I called you at six o’clock yesterday afternoon and you didn’t pick up. ”和“Oh, I was in the garden helping my parents.”可知此处应是询问对方在做什么,故填What were you doing (yesterday afternoon/at that time)。
17.根据“this is a really old book”和“ I have had it for ten years”可知此处询问对方买这本书多久了,故填How long have you had it/the book。
18.根据“Only for 75 cents.”可知此处应是询问书的价格,故填How much is it/the book。
19.根据“I’m going to work in an old people’s home this weekend”和“Sure, I’d love to”可知此处应是邀请对方一起去老人之家,故填Would you like to go with me。
20.I went to Zhengzhou (with my friends/my parents) 21.What is it famous for 22.Yes, they do 23.Did you take photos 24.And we had a very wonderful time/We enjoyed ourselves there (本题答案不唯一,只要表达的是对旅行喜欢的均正确。)
20.根据上文“Where did you go last week ”以及下文“Where is Zhengzhou ”可知此处应是回答说“我去了郑州(和我的朋友/父母……)。”故填I went to Zhengzhou (with my friends/my parents)。
21.根据下文“It’s famous for Mang mountain and the Yellow River.”可知此处应是问它以什么而著名,故填What is it famous for。
22.根据上文“Do many people go there to enjoy their holidays every year ”结合语境,可知它以邙山和黄河而闻名,所以会吸引许多的游客,因此这里应作肯定回答,故填Yes, they do。
23.根据下文“Certainly. We took many photos there.”可知此处应是问“你们拍了许多照片吗?”故填Did you take photos。
24.根据上文“We took many photos there.”以及下文对方对本次旅行的感叹“What an exciting trip!”可知此处应是说这次旅行玩得很开心、愉快。故填And we had a very wonderful time/We enjoyed ourselves there。(本题答案不唯一,只要表达的是对旅行喜欢的均正确。)
25.What were you doing (at that time/then) 26.Have you (ever) been to the science museum 27.Would you like/love to go with me 28.See you./See you later.
25.根据“I was taking my dog for a walk.”可知,此处应是询问那时正在做什么。故填What were you doing (at that time/then)
26.根据“The science museum No, I haven’t.”可推知,此处是一个一般疑问句,且是现在完成时态,问是否去过科学博物馆,故填Have you (ever) been to the science museum
27.根据后文的答语“Yes, I’d love to.”可知,应是询问要不要去,故填Would you like/love to go with me
28.根据“See you then.”可知,是告别语,故填See you./See you later.
29.B 30.E 31.A 32.C 33.D
29.根据“I’ve had an online class called DIY your own dessert.”可知,空处应是问做什么了,是What引导的特殊疑问句,B项“你最近在忙什么”符合语境,故选B。
30.根据“Because it’s not safe to go out to buy desserts during these special days.”可知,空处应是询问原因,是why引导的特殊疑问句,E项“你为什么要上烹饪课”符合语境,故选E。
32.根据“Only 10 dollars.”可知,空处是询问价格,是how much引导的特殊疑问句,C项“我应该付多少学费”符合语境,故选C。
33.根据“Sounds cool!”及上文询问价格可知,空处应是说自己也要参加,D项“我等不及要报名参加了”符合语境,故选D。
34.What’s wrong/What’s the matter/What happened 35.Have you ever read it/Have you read it yet 36.It is great/wonderful/amazing 37.Why don’t you have a yard sale/give them to a children’s home/How about giving them to people in need 38.You’re welcome
34.根据“You look really tired.”和“I stayed up late to read Treasure Island”可知,是问对方怎么了,故填What’s wrong/What’s the matter/What happened。
35.根据“Yes, I have. My book report last term was about it.”可知是问对方是否已经读过了,句子是现在完成时,故填Have you ever read it/Have you read it yet。
36.根据“What do you think of it ”和“It is well worth(值得) reading.”可知应回答对这本书的评价,可以说“很好/精彩/神奇的”。故填It is great/wonderful/amazing。
37.根据“I plan to clear out some of my old things in my room this Sunday. Can you give me some advice ”可知此处给出处理旧东西的建议,可以建议对方举行一次庭院拍卖/把它们送给儿童之家/把它们送给有需要的人。故填Why don’t you have a yard sale/give them to a children’s home/How about giving them to people in need。
38.根据“Thank you. It’s very nice of you.”可知回答不客气,故填You’re welcome。



上一篇:Unit 8 The seasons and the Weather 阅读理解(含解析)仁爱版 七年级下册英语题型专项集训

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