专题训练2023-2024七年级英语下学期Unit 7高频题01单项选择 40题(人教新目标版)原卷及解析版

01单项选择 (人教新目标版)--解析版
1.—Where is your grandmother
—She ________ in the park now. She usually ________ there after dinner.
A.walks; walks B.walk; walking C.is walking; walks D.is walking; is walking
考查动词时态。根据“now”可知,第一空所在句用现在进行时(be doing);根据“usually”可知,第二空所在句用一般现在时,主语是she,所以谓语动词用三单形式,故选C。
2.Mr Black can speak Chinese well, and his brother can ________ speak Chinese well.
A.also B.again C.only
考查副词辨析。also也;again再一次;only仅仅。根据“Mr Black can speak Chinese well”和“his brother can...speak Chinese well.”可知,布莱克先生的兄弟汉语也说得很好。故选A。
3.—Where are Tom and Peter now
—On the playground. They ________ over there.
A.run B.are running C.ran
考查动词时态。根据“Where are Tom and Peter now ”可知,此句是现在进行时be doing,故选B。
4.—Where is your grandmother
— She ________ in the park. She often ________ there.
A.is walking; exercises B.walks; exercises
C.is walking; is exercising D.walks; is exercising
考查动词时态。根据“Where is your grandmother ”可知,奶奶正在公园里散步,应用现在进行时;根据often可知,第二空应用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。故选A。
5.—Is Bob doing homework
—No, he ________. He is ________ a letter.
A.doesn’t; write B.isn’t; writes
C.isn’t; writing D.doesn’t; writing
考查一般疑问句和现在进行时。根据“Is Bob doing homework ”和回答“No”可知,此处应作否定回答“No, he isn’t”;第二个空应用现在分词writing,与is构成现在进行时的结构。故选C。
6.—Will Rick come here to help fix the computer
—I think he will. He is always ________ to his word.
A.good B.afraid C.true D.hard
考查形容词辨析。good好的;afraid害怕的;true真的;hard困难的。根据“I think he will.”可知是指总是信守诺言。be true to one’s word“言而有信”,故选C。
7.Which of the following words stresses (重读) the second syllable
A.koala B.beautiful C.Canada D.violin
考查单词重音。koala[k ɑ l ];beautiful[ bju t fl];Canada[ k n d ];violin[ va l n]。可知koala重读第二个音节。故选A。
8.—It is too ________ here. I can’t hear anything at all.
—I don’t know what to do.
A.cold B.dirty C.noisy D.clean
考查形容词辨析。cold冷的;dirty脏的;noisy吵闹的;clean干净的。根据“I can’t hear anything at all”可知应是太吵了,故选C。
9.Many people come to Hainan for winter holiday because it is _________ in Hainan in winter.
A.cold B.clean C.warm D.beautiful
考查形容词辨析。cold冷的;clean干净的;warm温暖的;beautiful美丽的。根据“Many people come to Hainan for winter holiday”可知,是指海南的冬天很暖和,故选C。
10.Spring is my favorite season. It is warm and _________ with flowers here and there.
A.snowy B.beautiful C.busy D.noisy
考查形容词辨析。snowy下雪的;beautiful美丽的;busy繁忙的;noisy吵闹的。根据“It is warm and … with flowers here and there.”可推测,此处是表达春季很美丽。故选B。
11.—____________ is the weather like in your city today
—It is snowing heavily. My family and I all stay at home.
A.How B.What C.Who D.Where
考查疑问词辨析。How怎样;What什么;Who谁;Where哪里。由“…is the weather like in your city today”可知,此处是询问天气,其句型为What is the weather like…或How is the weather…。故选B。
12.—Hello! This is Jim. Can I speak to David
—Sorry, he isn’t in. But I can help you take a ____________ for him.
A.knowledge B.notice C.problem D.message
考查名词辨析。knowledge知识;notice通知;problem问题;message信息。根据“Sorry, he isn’t in. But I can help you take a…for him”可知大卫不在,所以可以给他捎个口信,take a message“捎口信”,固定短语。故选D。
13.Children love to play in the snow in ____________. That’s interesting for them.
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
考查名词辨析。spring春天;summer夏天;autumn秋天;winter冬天。根据“play in the snow”可知,玩雪应是在冬天。故选D。
14.—Hello! This is Jim. Can I speak to David
—Sorry, he isn’t in. I can take a _________ for him.
A.knowledge B.notice C.information D.message
考查名词辨析。knowledge知识;notice通知;information信息;message信息。根据“Sorry, he isn’t in. I can take a...for him”可知大卫不在,所以可以给他捎个口信,take a message“捎口信”。故选D。
15.It often _________ here in winter. Look! It’s _________ again.
A.snows; snowing B.snowy; snowing
C.snows; snows D.snowing; snows
16.The teacher asked us to try solving the _________ in another way.
A.question B.problem C.exercise D.sport
17.Please ________ the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. I’m so thirsty after walking a whole day.
A.fetch B.bring C.carry D.take
考查动词辨析。fetch拿来;bring带来;carry携带;take拿走。根据“Please...the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea.”可知,此处考查固定短语take...away“把……拿走”,此处指把空杯子拿走,故选D。
18.The medicine ________ awful. Though I can’t stand it, my mother asks me to take it.
A.feels B.tastes C.sounds D.smells
考查感官动词。feels感觉;tastes尝起来;sounds听起来;smells闻起来。根据“The medicine...awful.”和“my mother asks me to take it.”可知,应是药难吃,故选B。
19.—How ________ it ________
—Not bad.
A.does; go B.is; going C.is; went D.does; to go
考查特殊疑问句。根据“Not bad.”可知,询问最近如何,how is it going“最近如何”,故选B。
20.It hardly(几乎不)rains in that city, so we can say the weather there is ________.
A.warm B.cool C.dry D.cold
考查形容词辨析。warm温暖的;cool凉爽的;dry干燥的;cold寒冷的。根据“It hardly(几乎不)rains in that city”可知,因为不下雨,所以天气很干燥,故选C。
21.—Where is Lisa
—She is in Canada ________ vacation with her family.
A.in B.on C.at D.to
考查介词辨析。in在里面;on在上面;at在;to到。on holiday“在度假”,固定搭配,故选B。
22.—What kind of noodles would you like
—I’d like ________ noodles please.
A.a large bowl B.chicken and cabbage C.a small bowl of D.tomatoes
【详解】句意:——你想要什么样的面条? ——我想要鸡肉卷心菜面。
23.She ________ in the ________ pool last weekend.
A.swims; swimming B.swam; swim C.swam; swam D.swam; swimming
考查时态和动名词。根据“last weekend”可知,时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式;swim的过去式为swam,排除A项;再根据“pool”可知,第二空表示“游泳池”,应用swimming来修饰。故选D。
24.—What’s the weather like today
A.It is snow B.It was like cloud C.It is rainy D.It was very cold
考查情景交际。It is snow它是雪;It was like cloud它看起来像云;It is rainy今天是雨天;It was very cold非常冷。根据“What’s the weather like”可知下文应回答天气情况,且是现在的情况,选项C符合语境。故选C。
25.She has ________ hair.
A.blue curly B.short blonde C.straight long D.curly blonde long
26.—Did you do ________ this morning
—Yes. I took some photos of my dog.
A.everything interesting B.interesting something
C.anything interesting D.interesting anything
【详解】句意:——你今天早上做了什么有趣的事吗?——是的。 我给我的狗拍了几张照片。
考查不定代词和定语后置。不定代词和形容词连用时,形容词需要后置,排除B选项和D选项;anything用在一般疑问句和否定句中,而something多用于肯定句。前句是Did开头的一般疑问句,根据句意结构,可知anything interesting符合句意语境。故选C。
27.Look! The children are having a great time ________ a snowman in the snow.
A.make B.makes C.making D.to make
考查非谓语动词。have a great time doing sth.“做某事玩得很开心”,动名词作宾语。故选C。
28.—Can you tell me ________
—Sure, he’s tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair.
A.what does Tom look like B.what your brother looks like
C.who’s your brother D.what Mr. Green likes
考查宾语从句。本句是一个宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除AC选项;根据“he’s tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair.”可知,上文是问“某人长什么样子的”,用what your brother looks like。故选B。
29.—Where’s Peter
—He is sitting ________ his mother’s right.
A.at B.on C.in D.between
考查介词辨析。at在某处;on向;in在……里面;between两者之间。on one’s right表示“在某人右边”。故选B。
30.My sister ________ tall and she ________ curly hair.
A.is; is B.has; has C.has; is D.is; has
31.—What are Jack and Tom doing now
A.He’s writing letters B.They’re taking a walk
C.He’s taking a walk D.They’re in the library
【详解】句意:——Jack和Tom现在在干什么 ——他们正在散步。
考查现在进行时态。根据“What are Jack and Tom doing now ”可知,是在询问Jack和Tom正在做什么,答句应用现在进行时,且主语应是复数,其谓语结构是are+doing,故选B。
32.—________ a pay phone on Center Street
—Yes, there is.
A.Is there B.There is C.Is it D.It is
考查一般疑问句。根据“Yes, there is.”可知,此处是一般疑问句,there is的一般疑问句形式为Is there,故选A。
33.I like to watch my sister ________ after school.
A.to draw B.drawing C.to drawing D.draw to
考查非谓语动词。watch sb doing sth“看某人在做某事”,感官动词后接现在分词作宾补,表示动作正在进行。故选B。
34.It often ________ here in winter. Look! It’s ________ again.
A.snowy; snowing B.snow; snowy C.snows; snow D.snows; snowing
考查一般现在时和现在进行时。根据“It often…here in winter.”可知,本句缺谓语动词,根据“often”可知,本句需用一般现在时,主语是“It”,谓语需用单数,“snow”下雪,是动词,其单数形式是snows,则空一处需填snows;根据“Look!”可知,本句用现在进行时,主语是“It”,其谓语结构是is+doing,snow的现在分词形式是snowing,空二处需填snowing。故选D。
35.—________ the weather
—It’s sunny.
A.How B.How’s C.What’s D.What
考查特殊疑问句。根据答语“It’s sunny.”晴天,可知问句是对天气状况提问,用固定句型What’s the weather like 或How’s the weather 故选B。
36.—Is there a fruit shop near here
—Yes, it’s ________ Center Street ________ the right.
A.on; on B.in; in C.on; in D.to; on
考查介词。on在……上;in在……里面;to到……。on/in the street表示“在大街上”;on the right“在右边”,是固定短语。故选A。
37.There ________ two dictionaries and a storybook in the bag.
A.is B.has C.are D.have
考查there be句型。there be结构不能与have混用,排除B/D选项;there be结构中be动词遵循“就近原则”,此处与“two dictionaries”保持一致,be动词应用复数形式,故选C。
38.—________it going with you
A.How B.How’s C.What D.What’s
考查特殊疑问句和情景交际。How怎样;How’s是How is的缩写;What什么;What’s是What is的缩写。根据回答“Terrible.”和句子结构可知,这里考查句型How’s it going with… ,表示问候。故选B。
39.He never has breakfast in the morning, ________
A.does he B.doesn’t he C.is he D.isn’t he
40.The Greens usually have dinner at 6 o’clock in the evening, ________
A.do they B.aren’t they C.don’t they D.are they

01单项选择 40题 (人教新目标版)--原卷版
1.—Where is your grandmother
—She ________ in the park now. She usually ________ there after dinner.
A.walks; walks B.walk; walking C.is walking; walks D.is walking; is walking
2.Mr Black can speak Chinese well, and his brother can ________ speak Chinese well.
A.also B.again C.only
3.—Where are Tom and Peter now
—On the playground. They ________ over there.
A.run B.are running C.ran
4.—Where is your grandmother
— She ________ in the park. She often ________ there.
A.is walking; exercises B.walks; exercises
C.is walking; is exercising D.walks; is exercising
5.—Is Bob doing homework
—No, he ________. He is ________ a letter.
A.doesn’t; write B.isn’t; writes
C.isn’t; writing D.doesn’t; writing
6.—Will Rick come here to help fix the computer
—I think he will. He is always ________ to his word.
A.good B.afraid C.true D.hard
7.Which of the following words stresses (重读) the second syllable
A.koala B.beautiful C.Canada D.violin
8.—It is too ________ here. I can’t hear anything at all.
—I don’t know what to do.
A.cold B.dirty C.noisy D.clean
9.Many people come to Hainan for winter holiday because it is _________ in Hainan in winter.
A.cold B.clean C.warm D.beautiful
10.Spring is my favorite season. It is warm and _________ with flowers here and there.
A.snowy B.beautiful C.busy D.noisy
11.—____________ is the weather like in your city today
—It is snowing heavily. My family and I all stay at home.
A.How B.What C.Who D.Where
12.—Hello! This is Jim. Can I speak to David
—Sorry, he isn’t in. But I can help you take a ____________ for him.
A.knowledge B.notice C.problem D.message
13.Children love to play in the snow in ____________. That’s interesting for them.
A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter
14.—Hello! This is Jim. Can I speak to David
—Sorry, he isn’t in. I can take a _________ for him.
A.knowledge B.notice C.information D.message
15.It often _________ here in winter. Look! It’s _________ again.
A.snows; snowing B.snowy; snowing
C.snows; snows D.snowing; snows
16.The teacher asked us to try solving the _________ in another way.
A.question B.problem C.exercise D.sport
17.Please ________ the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. I’m so thirsty after walking a whole day.
A.fetch B.bring C.carry D.take
18.The medicine ________ awful. Though I can’t stand it, my mother asks me to take it.
A.feels B.tastes C.sounds D.smells
19.—How ________ it ________
—Not bad.
A.does; go B.is; going C.is; went D.does; to go
20.It hardly(几乎不)rains in that city, so we can say the weather there is ________.
A.warm B.cool C.dry D.cold
21.—Where is Lisa
—She is in Canada ________ vacation with her family.
A.in B.on C.at D.to
22.—What kind of noodles would you like
—I’d like ________ noodles please.
A.a large bowl B.chicken and cabbage C.a small bowl of D.tomatoes
23.She ________ in the ________ pool last weekend.
A.swims; swimming B.swam; swim C.swam; swam D.swam; swimming
24.—What’s the weather like today
A.It is snow B.It was like cloud C.It is rainy D.It was very cold
25.She has ________ hair.
A.blue curly B.short blonde C.straight long D.curly blonde long
26.—Did you do ________ this morning
—Yes. I took some photos of my dog.
A.everything interesting B.interesting something
C.anything interesting D.interesting anything
27.Look! The children are having a great time ________ a snowman in the snow.
A.make B.makes C.making D.to make
28.—Can you tell me ________
—Sure, he’s tall and thin, and he has curly blond hair.
A.what does Tom look like B.what your brother looks like
C.who’s your brother D.what Mr. Green likes
29.—Where’s Peter
—He is sitting ________ his mother’s right.
A.at B.on C.in D.between
30.My sister ________ tall and she ________ curly hair.
A.is; is B.has; has C.has; is D.is; has
31.—What are Jack and Tom doing now
A.He’s writing letters B.They’re taking a walk
C.He’s taking a walk D.They’re in the library
32.—________ a pay phone on Center Street
—Yes, there is.
A.Is there B.There is C.Is it D.It is
33.I like to watch my sister ________ after school.
A.to draw B.drawing C.to drawing D.draw to
34.It often ________ here in winter. Look! It’s ________ again.
A.snowy; snowing B.snow; snowy C.snows; snow D.snows; snowing
35.—________ the weather
—It’s sunny.
A.How B.How’s C.What’s D.What
36.—Is there a fruit shop near here
—Yes, it’s ________ Center Street ________ the right.
A.on; on B.in; in C.on; in D.to; on
37.There ________ two dictionaries and a storybook in the bag.
A.is B.has C.are D.have
38.—________it going with you
A.How B.How’s C.What D.What’s
39.He never has breakfast in the morning, ________
A.does he B.doesn’t he C.is he D.isn’t he
40.The Greens usually have dinner at 6 o’clock in the evening, ________
A.do they B.aren’t they C.don’t they D.are they



