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My parents were heading off on a holiday and I took them to the train station. On arrival, the rain was pouring down. I got their baggage (行李) out and ___1___ them on their way.
As I was returning to the parking lot (停车场), I saw a(n) ___2___ man walking slowly toward the bus station without a(n) ___3___. I walked over and asked him where he was going. He happened to be heading to the ___4___ town as I was. Without hesitation (犹豫) I ___5___ him a lift and he gratefully accepted.
We had a lovely ___6___ on the way and I learned some of his history. He was 87 and ___7___ to the nursing home he had put his beloved wife in. He had his driving license taken away ___8___ he had to take public transport (交通). A tear fell down his face as he told me about his ___9___ in the nursing home. I tried not to cry but ____10____. Tears in eyes I gave him flowers ____11____ I had given to my mom on Mother’s Day in my car, as I ____12____ the man at the nursing home. I would rather see the ____13____enjoyed by him and his wife than just take them back home. He thanked me gratefully. ____14____ I couldn’t control my emotions (情绪) anymore and cried like a baby in my car.
I just felt that I was meant to meet him. I was very ____15____ to be able to help him in some way.
A. sent B. picked C. signed D. protected
A. poor B. friendly C. elderly D. wise
A. bag B. umbrella C. wallet D. mobile-phone
A. same B. opposite C. new D. favorite
A. promised B. asked C. prepared D. offered
A. joke B. discussion C. talk D. meal
A. heading B. flying C. rushing D. driving
A. but B. so C. because D. or
A. sister B. daughter C. wife D. child
A. failed B. managed C. refused D. regretted
A. what B. which C. how D. when
A. took off B. put off C. turned off D. dropped off
A. gifts B. flowers C. memories D. experiences
A. Unluckily B. Clearly C. Finally D. Helplessly
A. sure B. brave C. worried D. glad
【答案】1. A2. C3. B4. A5. D6. C7. A8. B9. C10. A11. B12. D13. B14. C15. D
sent发送;picked挑选;signed打手势;protected保护。根据“them on their way.”可知是把父母送走。故选A。
poor穷的;friendly友好的;elderly年老的;wise明智的。根据“He was 87”可知他是一位老人。故选C。
bag包;umbrella雨伞;wallet钱包;mobile-phone手机。根据“the rain was pouring down...”可知下着雨,老人没有带伞,所以作者提出让他搭便车。故选B。
same同样的;opposite相反的;new新的;favorite最喜欢的。根据“He happened to be heading to the”可知是碰巧要去同一个城镇。故选A。
promised承诺;asked问;prepared准备;offered主动提出。根据“him a lift ”可知是提出让他搭便车。故选D。
joke笑话;discussion讨论;talk谈话;meal饭。根据“on the way and I learned some of his history”可知作者和老人交谈。故选C。
heading朝向;flying飞;rushing冲;driving开车。根据“to the nursing home he had put his beloved wife in”可知是前往他妻子所在的疗养院。故选A。
sister姐妹;daughter女儿;wife妻子;child孩子。根据“to the nursing home he had put his beloved wife in”可知他的妻子在疗养院。故选C。
failed失败;managed管理;refused拒绝;regretted后悔。根据“I tried not to cry but”以及“Tears in eyes”可知转折词后表示作者失败了,还是哭了。故选A。
took off起飞;put off推迟;turned off关闭;dropped off中途放下。根据“the man at the nursing home”可知是把老人送到疗养院。故选D。
gifts礼物;flowers花;memories记忆;experiences经历。根据“I gave him flowers”可知是把花给了他。故选B。
Unluckily不幸地;Clearly清晰地;Finally最后;Helplessly无助地。根据“I couldn’t control my emotions”可知作者最后再也无法控制自己的情绪。故选C。
sure确定的;brave勇敢的;worried担心的;glad开心的。根据“to be able to help him in some way.”可知帮助了别人,作者应该很开心。故选D。
Just as the aged people need our care and love, the industrial heritage sites (工业遗址) are also expected to be filled with energy through protection and development. The following are some typical examples.
The 798 Art Zone, Beijing 798
Built in the 1950s as No 718 Joint Factory, it was gradually deserted in the 1990s as production slowed down. In 2006, Beijing local government turned the factory into a cultural and art zone. Now the art zone holds about 200 galleries (展览馆), art centers as well as fashionable shops, cafes, and restaurants, which also earns it a place on the to-do list of many tourists.
Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi
Jingdezhen City is known as China’s porcelain capital (瓷都). It has made good use of old ceramics (陶瓷) factories and built a place named Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue. Nearly 15,000 Chinese and foreign makers have come to set up their own businesses there.
Tempelhof Airport, Germany
Opened in 1923, Tempelhof Airport was one of the first airports in Berlin. It closed down in 2008 and was remade into a public park in 2010. Today, it has a long cycling and jogging trail (路), a large BBQ area, a dog-walking field and a big picnic area for all visitors.
16. Which picture shows the Tempelhof Airport, Germany
A. B. C. D.
17. Why do Chinese and foreign makers come to Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue
A. To improve production. B. To do business.
CTo create a park. D. To get inspiration.
18. What do the three industrial heritage sites have in common
A. They are all about art. B. They were closed in the 20th century.
C. They were industrial buildings. D. They are all famous in China.
19. What’s the purpose of writing the passage
A. To advise readers to experience. B. To share stories behind buildings.
C. To introduce new use of old buildings. D. To show some important buildings.
20. Where is the passage probably from
A. A newspaper. B. A travel guide. C. An art magazine. D. A storybook.
【答案】16. D17. B18. C19. C20. A
细节理解题。根据“Opened in 1923, Tempelhof Airport was one of the first airports in Berlin.”可知,这是个机场,故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Nearly 15,000 Chinese and foreign makers have come to set up their own businesses there.”可知,是为了做生意,故选B。
细节理解题。根据“Just as the aged people need our care and love, the industrial heritage sites (工业遗址) are also expected to be filled with energy through protection and development. The following are some typical examples.”可知,这个三个都是工业遗址,,所以都是工业建筑,故选C。
推理判断题。根据“Just as the aged people need our care and love, the industrial heritage sites (工业遗址) are also expected to be filled with energy through protection and development. The following are some typical examples.”可知,作者写这篇文章是为了介绍工业遗产的新发展,故选C。
One day, Frank was walking with his mother outside. When they came to a pretty garden, he called his mother and said, “Mother, I wish I could open the gate and walk in.”
The gardener, being near, heard what Frank said, and kindly invited him and his mother to come into the garden.
Frank’s mother thanked the man. Turning to her son, she said, “Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to meddle with anything in it.” Frank nodded readily. He walked along the paths (小道) and looked at everything, but touched nothing. He was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers for fear that he might break them.
The gardener was very pleased with Frank because the boy was so careful not to make trouble. He showed him the seeds (种子) and told him what the flowers and plants were.
While Frank was enjoying the beauty of a flower, another boy came to the gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he said, “Let me in. Will you not let me in this garden ”
“No,” said the gardener. “I will not let you in, for when I let you in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and even picked some fruit. I do not let boys into my garden who meddle with the plants.”
Ashamed, the boy walked away slowly.
Seeing this, Frank felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with that which does not belong to him.
21. What’s Frank’s wish
A. To grow plants. B. To get seeds.
C. To visit the garden. D. To talk with the gardener.
22. What does the underlined phrase “meddle with” in paragraph 3 mean
A. take away B. touch carelessly C. fall in love with D. ask for
23. What kind of person is Frank
A. Cute and clever. B. Competitive and courageous.
C. Polite and careful. D. Understanding and popular.
24. Why is another boy mentioned in paragraph 5
A. To compare with Frank. B. To give an example.
C. To explain reasons. D. To support an idea.
25. What can we learn from the passage
A. A kid should play in Mom’s company (陪伴). B. A kid should express his ideas freely.
C. A kid should take others’ advice. D. A kid should be strict with himself.
【答案】21. C22. B23. C24. A25. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“Mother, I wish I could open the gate and walk in.”可知,Frank的愿望是打开花园门并走进去。故选C。
词句猜测题。根据第二段“He walked along the paths (小道) and looked at everything, but touched nothing. He was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers for fear that he might break them.”可知,Frank进入花园后没有触碰任何东西,并且担心自己的衣服会把花弄折了;再由第五段“for when I let you in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and even picked some fruit.”可知另外一个男孩不仅乱动花,还摘了水果;由两个男孩动作的对比可推断meddle with意思为乱动。故选B。
推理判断题。根据第三段“Frank’s mother thanked the man.”和“He was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers for fear that he might break them.”可知Frank不仅对花园主人礼貌地道谢,而且还在花园玩时细心地不弄触碰、弄断花。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第四段“The gardener was very pleased with Frank because the boy was so careful not to make trouble. He showed him the seeds and told him what the flowers and plants were.”和第六段“I do not let boys into my garden who meddle with the plants.”花园主人对两个男孩的两种不同的态度可知,第五段提起的男生是为了与Frank做对比。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第八段“Seeing this, Frank felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with that which does not belong to him.”可知Frank从他的这段经历中领会到了,一个孩子如果自律一些,不去乱动不属于自己的东西会快乐得的多。故选D。
Cities are often thought of as concrete jungles (混凝土丛林) that are polluted and overcrowded with people. They are, however, places where there is a great economic (经济的) chance, and that is the reason why people still pour into cities in the hope of having a better future for themselves and their families.
As more and more people live in cities, planners are looking for ways to change cities into better living spaces. The way this is done is by improving infrastructure (基础设施) while also creating more public spaces that are both beautiful and green. This can be hard to achieve, especially in cities where planning was done in no order.
Some cities have been created with the idea of a green city as the goal. One such city, Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, is to become a model for other cities to follow. It is being declared as a truly green city that depends on renewable sources (可再生资源) such as solar energy to provide all of its energy needs. In addition, it will be a zero waste city where everything can be reused. Whether it will truly reach its goals remains to be seen, but it will also act as an experiment for environmentally-friendly ideas to be tested.
Cities that want to become greener and more habitable (宜居的) have to look at all ways of city life, and Masdar City is at least trying to do this. From the use of energy and dealing with waste to green public transportation, the lessons to be learned from such a huge project as Masdar city may just turn out to be valuable.
26. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. More people’s living in cities. B. The planners’ looking for new ways.
C. Cities’ changing into better living spaces. D. People’s hoping for a better future.
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 3
A. Reasons for people’s living in cities. B. The example of a green city.
C. The difficulty in planning a city. D. The survey of a green city.
28. What’s the author’s attitude to Masdar City
A. Worried. B. Uncertain. C. Uninterested. D. Supportive.
29. Which is the right structure of the passage (①=paragraph 1, ②=paragraph 2,…)
A. B. C. D.
30. What’s the best title for the passage
A. City Development. B. City Model.
C. Cities Going Green. D. Cities in the future.
【答案】26. C27. B28. D29. A30. C
词义推断题。根据“planners are looking for ways to change cities into better living spaces. The way this is done”可知,this指的是“将城市变成更好的生活空间”,故选C。
主旨大意题。根据“Some cities have been created with the idea of a green city as the goal. One such city, Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates,”及整个段落可知,本段拿马斯达尔城举例,介绍了绿色城市,故选B。
观点态度题。根据“Masdar City is at least trying to do this. From the use of energy and dealing with waste to green public transportation, the lessons to be learned from such a huge project as Masdar city may just turn out to be valuable.”可知,作者是支持的,故选D。
Whether your day was troubled by one terrible incident or many small things, a bad day can leave you feeling sad and nervous. Here are some ways that may help you cheer up after a bad day.
Deal with bad feelings
Pay attention to your physical senses. ___31___ As soon as you can do so, take a few minutes to just breathe and sense what you are seeing, smelling, feeling, and hearing. This will help enjoy the present moment and break the cycle of worry and nervousness.
Share your feelings with someone you trust. You may think it’s better to keep your dark mood to yourself, especially in a busy environment like the office or the classroom. ___32___
Do activities to relax
Do deep breathing exercises. Breathing deeply can get your brain and body to relax. If you’re feeling down, take three to ten deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Take a little time to do something you enjoy. ___33___ This could be anything from listening to music to watching a funny video.
Help yourself feel better physically (身体地)
Go for a run, a jog, or a walk. ___34___ In fact, regular exercise can increase your energy levels and help you deal with worry and nervousness. Work out your body and give your mind a rest.
Eating and drinking healthily can help you feel better both physically and mentally (精神地). Choose foods that can improve your mood and increase your energy levels, such as greens and whole grains (谷物).
A. Fuel (增加) yourself with a healthy meal.
B. It’s okay to feel down when you’re having a bad day.
C. One of the best ways to get over a bad day is to exercise.
D. Treating yourself to something fun can help you feel better.
E. It’s important to give yourself time to deal with bad feelings.
F. However, connecting with others when you feel down can help you feel better.
【答案】31. E32. F33. D34. C35. A
根据第二段的标题“Deal with bad feelings”可知,要处理消极的感受,根据段首句“Pay attention to your physical senses.”提到要关注身体的感受,E项“It’s important to give yourself time to deal with bad feelings.”符合语境。故选E。
根据前文“You may think it’s better to keep your dark mood to yourself, especially in a busy environment like the office or the classroom.”可知,你可能认为最好把你的黑暗情绪留给自己,F项“然而,当你感到沮丧时,与他人联系可以帮助你感觉更好。”符合语境,故选F。
根据前文“Take a little time to do something you enjoy.”提到要花时间做一些你喜欢的事情,后文“This could be anything from listening to music to watching a funny video.”可知,提到了这可以是任何东西,从听音乐到看一个有趣的视频,D项“用有趣的事情犒劳自己可以帮助您感觉更好。”符合语境,故选D。
根据前文“Go for a run, a jog, or a walk.”可知,提到了去跑步、慢跑或散步;后文“In fact, regular exercise can increase your energy levels and help you deal with worry and nervousness. Work out your body and give your mind a rest.”可知,提到了锻炼的益处,C项“克服糟糕一天的最好方法之一就是锻炼。”符合语境,故选C。
根据最后一段的“Eating and drinking healthily can help you feel better both physically and mentally (精神地). Choose foods that can improve your mood and increase your energy levels, such as greens and whole grains (谷物).”可知,要选择健康饮食,选择可以改善情绪和提高能量水平的食物,A项“用健康的膳食为自己加油。”符合语境,故选A。
another arrive different how however important keep mind rule slow
Is it OK to be 15 minutes late in your country Do you know each country has ____36____ rules about it
Teresa Lopez is from Cali, Colombia. In her country, people don’t like to rush around, so they don’t ____37____ if people are a little late sometimes. “We like to enjoy our time ____38____. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.” said she, when she was asked about this.
____39____, in Switzerland, things are not the same. If someone ____40____ 15 minutes late, people may get mad. They always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because they think it is impolite to ____41____ others waiting. Marc LeBlanc, a student from Lausanne, Switzerland said: “It is very ____42____ to be on time in our country. After all, we are the capital of clocks and watches!”
In different countries, ____43____ of dating time and other social situations can be different. The best way to be accepted in a foreign country is to try to understand ____44____ people think. Learning what you are supposed to do and not to do may be difficult, but you will be surprised to find it is worth the trouble if you want to understand ____45____culture.
【答案】36. different
37. mind38. slowly
39. However
40. arrives
41. keep42. important
43. rules44. how
45. another
句意:在她的国家,人们不喜欢到处乱跑,所以他们不介意人们有时会迟到一点。根据“In her country, people don’t like to rush around,”可知人们不介意迟到这件事,mind“介意”符合题意,助动词后接动词原形。故填mind。
句意:我们喜欢慢慢地享受时光。根据“We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.”可知,人们喜欢慢慢享受时光。slowly,副词,修饰谓语动词。故填slowly。
句意:然而,在瑞士,情况却不一样。根据“in Switzerland, things are not the same.”可知,此处表示转折,however“然而”符合题意,句首单词首字母要大写。故填However。
句意:如果有人迟到15分钟,人们可能会生气。根据“people may get mad”可知如果某人迟了15分钟,会使人发疯的,arrive“到达”符合题意。在条件状语从句中,主句谓语有情态动词,从句用一般现在时态,从句主语是someone,谓语动词用其三单式。故填arrives。
句意:为了避免交通拥挤,他们总是早点出门,因为他们认为让别人等着是不礼貌的。根据“it is impolite to…others waiting.”并结合备选词可知,此处是keep sb doing“让某人保持做某事”。故填keep。
句意:在我们国家,准时是非常重要的。根据“They always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic”可知瑞士的人们非常守时,他们为避免迟到会提前出发,由此看出他们认为准时很重要。故填important。
句意:学习你应该做什么和不应该做什么可能很困难,但如果你想了解另一种文化,你会惊讶地发现这是值得的。根据“but you will be surprised to find it is worth the trouble if you want to understand…culture.”可知,此处表示“了解其他国家的人们的思维方式很重要”。故填another。
If you’re a runner, you know it can sometimes be a little difficult to find a good place to run when you are on vacation. Maybe you’re staying in a city, and there is no park nearby where you can take your morning running. One of the more recent trends (趋势) is to go on a running tour, but you are not leading the way. Rather, a running lover who knows the best routes (路线) in the city acts as your guide. You are going out for a run, but you are also being shown the best parts of the city while you’re doing it.
Guided running tours seem to be a very popular trend in quite a few of the bigger cities in Italy. Rome, Milan, and Florence are three of the major cities with running tours. They offer these tours for individuals (个人), groups, and even for company events. If you are going into a city with colleagues (同事) to attend a business meeting, what better way is there to see the city and network with others than while taking a healthy run.
Running tours do not follow a single set route. In Rome, for example, runners get to choose from ten different routes in different parts of the city. In addition, they can have personalized (私人定制化的) routes to satisfy their different panies that give these tours offer to pick up the runners at their hotels, bring them to where the run starts, and provide water and a camera for the run. All the runners need to do is to put on their running shoes and they’re set to go!
46. Who is the passage written for
47. Many cities in Italy like Rome, Milan and Florence set a good example for other cities in _________________________________________. (10个词以内)
48. If a business man and his colleague who love running, visit Rome, they can see _________________________________________ while taking a healthy run.(10个词以内)
49. If you want companies to bring you to where the run starts and provide water for the run, which running routes will you choose
50. The passage calls on runners to _________________________________________. (15个词以内)
51. 书面表达
假定你是李华,你校学生会要招募几名学校社团活动组织者(英语俱乐部、体育俱乐部、音乐俱乐部、美术俱乐部等社团),请结合自身实际,根据以下内容给Mr. Smith写封信,表示你想成为其中的一名社团组织者。
Organizers Wanted for School Clubs Are you interested in organizing activities for a club Do you enjoy leading and helping others Are you creative There are English Club, Sports Club, Music Club and Art Club, you can choose your favorite. Please introduce the club, activity arrangements (活动安排) and your hopes. Mr. Smith
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m Li Hua. I noticed that you were looking for some organizers for our school clubs.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
【答案】46. Runners who want to turn on their vacations./People who are interested in running and traveling./Running lovers.
47. offering running tours for individuals, groups and company events
48the city and network with others
49. Personalized routes.
50. take a guided run tour to know a city##put on their running shoes and run##experiencing running tours
51. 例文
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m Li Hua, I noticed that you were looking for some organizers for our school clubs. I am writing to be one for English Club.
English Club will organize students interested in English to take part in all kinds of activities monthly to practice English listening, speaking, reading and writing. As for monthly activities, I plan to divide students into some groups. Each group shares some interesting materials about a certain topic and prepares interesting tasks about listening, speaking, reading or writing to add fun to our English learning.
I do hope you find my idea helpful and that I, as an outgoing boy/girl, will be one of organizers for the English club.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
根据“If you’re a runner, you know it can sometimes be a little difficult to find a good place to run when you are on vacation...”可知本文是写给那些度假时想要跑步的跑步爱好者。故填Runners who want to turn on their vacations./People who are interested in running and traveling./Running lovers.
根据“Guided running tours seem to be a very popular trend in quite a few of the bigger cities in Italy. Rome, Milan, and Florence are three of the major cities with running tours. They offer these tours for individuals (个人), groups, and even for company events.”可知导游跑步游似乎是一种非常流行的趋势,罗马、米兰和佛罗伦萨是有巡回演出的三个主要城市,他们为个人、团体甚至公司活动提供这些旅行,介词in后加动名词。故填offering running tours for individuals, groups and company events。
根据“If you are going into a city with colleagues (同事) to attend a business meeting, what better way is there to see the city and network with others than while taking a healthy run”可知如果你和同事一起去一个城市参加商务会议,可以了解这个城市并与他人建立联系。故填the city and network with others。
根据“ they can have personalized (私人定制化的) routes to satisfy their different panies that give these tours offer to pick up the runners at their hotels, bring them to where the run starts, and provide water and a camera for the run”可知他们可以有个性化的路线来满足他们的不同需求,提供这些旅行的公司提供在酒店接跑步者,把他们带到跑步开始的地方,并为跑步提供水和相机。故填Personalized routes.
本文主要介绍了可以了解城市的导游跑步旅游,所以文章是号召跑步者跑步旅游来了解一个城市,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填take a guided run tour to know a city/put on their running shoes and run/experiencing running tours。
①take part in参加
②as for至于
①English Club will organize students interested in English to take part in all kinds of activities monthly to practice English listening, speaking, reading and writing. (动词不定式作目的状语)
②I do hope you find my idea helpful and that I, as an outgoing boy/girl, will be one of organizers for the English club. (宾语从句)黄石市2024年九年级四月调研考试英语试卷
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My parents were heading off on a holiday and I took them to the train station. On arrival, the rain was pouring down. I got their baggage (行李) out and ___1___ them on their way.
As I was returning to the parking lot (停车场), I saw a(n) ___2___ man walking slowly toward the bus station without a(n) ___3___. I walked over and asked him where he was going. He happened to be heading to the ___4___ town as I was. Without hesitation (犹豫) I ___5___ him a lift and he gratefully accepted.
We had a lovely ___6___ on the way and I learned some of his history. He was 87 and ___7___ to the nursing home he had put his beloved wife in. He had his driving license taken away ___8___ he had to take public transport (交通). A tear fell down his face as he told me about his ___9___ in the nursing home. I tried not to cry but ____10____. Tears in eyes, I gave him flowers ____11____ I had given to my mom on Mother’s Day in my car, as I ____12____ the man at the nursing home. I would rather see the ____13____enjoyed by him and his wife than just take them back home. He thanked me gratefully. ____14____ I couldn’t control my emotions (情绪) anymore and cried like a baby in my car.
I just felt that I was meant to meet him. I was very ____15____ to be able to help him in some way.
A. sent B. picked C. signed D. protected
A. poor B. friendly C. elderly D. wise
A. bag B. umbrella C. wallet D. mobile-phone
A. same B. opposite C. new D. favorite
A. promised B. asked C. prepared D. offered
A. joke B. discussion C. talk D. meal
Aheading B. flying C. rushing D. driving
A. but B. so C. because D. or
A. sister B. daughter C. wife D. child
Afailed B. managed C. refused D. regretted
A. what B. which C. how D. when
A. took off B. put off C. turned off D. dropped off
A. gifts B. flowers C. memories D. experiences
A. Unluckily B. Clearly C. Finally D. Helplessly
A. sure B. brave C. worried D. glad
Just as the aged people need our care and love, the industrial heritage sites (工业遗址) are also expected to be filled with energy through protection and development. The following are some typical examples.
The 798 Art Zone, Beijing 798
Built in the 1950s as No 718 Joint Factory, it was gradually deserted in the 1990s as production slowed down. In 2006, Beijing local government turned the factory into a cultural and art zone. Now the art zone holds about 200 galleries (展览馆), art centers as well as fashionable shops, cafes, and restaurants, which also earns it a place on the to-do list of many tourists.
Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi
Jingdezhen City is known as China’s porcelain capital (瓷都). It has made good use of old ceramics (陶瓷) factories and built a place named Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue. Nearly 15,000 Chinese and foreign makers have come to set up their own businesses there.
Tempelhof Airport, Germany
Opened in 1923, Tempelhof Airport was one of the first airports in Berlin. It closed down in 2008 and was remade into a public park in 2010. Today, it has a long cycling and jogging trail (路), a large BBQ area, a dog-walking field and a big picnic area for all visitors.
16. Which picture shows the Tempelhof Airport, Germany
A. B. C. D.
17. Why do Chinese and foreign makers come to Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue
A. To improve production. B. To do business.
C. To create a park. D. To get inspiration.
18. What do the three industrial heritage sites have in common
A. They are all about art. B. They were closed in the 20th century.
C. They were industrial buildings. D. They are all famous in China.
19What’s the purpose of writing the passage
A. To advise readers to experience. B. To share stories behind buildings.
C. To introduce new use of old buildings. D. To show some important buildings.
20. Where is the passage probably from
A. A newspaper. B. A travel guide. C. An art magazine. D. A storybook.
One day, Frank was walking with his mother outside. When they came to a pretty garden, he called his mother and said, “Mother, I wish I could open the gate and walk in.”
The gardener, being near, heard what Frank said, and kindly invited him and his mother to come into the garden.
Frank’s mother thanked the man. Turning to her son, she said, “Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to meddle with anything in it.” Frank nodded readily. He walked along the paths (小道) and looked at everything, but touched nothing. He was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers for fear that he might break them.
The gardener was very pleased with Frank because the boy was so careful not to make trouble. He showed him the seeds (种子) and told him what the flowers and plants were.
While Frank was enjoying the beauty of a flower, another boy came to the gate. Finding it locked, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he said, “Let me in. Will you not let me in this garden ”
“No,” said the gardener. “I will not let you in, for when I let you in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and even picked some fruit. I do not let boys into my garden who meddle with the plants.”
Ashamed, the boy walked away slowly.
Seeing this, Frank felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with that which does not belong to him.
21. What’s Frank’s wish
A. To grow plants. B. To get seeds.
C. To visit the garden. D. To talk with the gardener.
22. What does the underlined phrase “meddle with” in paragraph 3 mean
A. take away B. touch carelessly C. fall in love with D. ask for
23. What kind of person is Frank
A. Cute and clever. B. Competitive and courageous.
C. Polite and careful. D. Understanding and popular.
24. Why is another boy mentioned in paragraph 5
A. To compare with Frank. B. To give an example.
C. To explain reasons. D. To support an idea.
25. What can we learn from the passage
A. A kid should play in Mom’s company (陪伴). B. A kid should express his ideas freely.
C. A kid should take others’ advice. D. A kid should be strict with himself.
Cities are often thought of as concrete jungles (混凝土丛林) that are polluted and overcrowded with people. They are, however, places where there is a great economic (经济的) chance, and that is the reason why people still pour into cities in the hope of having a better future for themselves and their families.
As more and more people live in cities, planners are looking for ways to change cities into better living spaces. The way this is done is by improving infrastructure (基础设施) while also creating more public spaces that are both beautiful and green. This can be hard to achieve, especially in cities where planning was done in no order.
Some cities have been created with the idea of a green city as the goal. One such city, Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates, is to become a model for other cities to follow. It is being declared as a truly green city that depends on renewable sources (可再生资源) such as solar energy to provide all of its energy needs. In addition, it will be a zero waste city where everything can be reused. Whether it will truly reach its goals remains to be seen, but it will also act as an experiment for environmentally-friendly ideas to be tested.
Cities that want to become greener and more habitable (宜居的) have to look at all ways of city life, and Masdar City is at least trying to do this. From the use of energy and dealing with waste to green public transportation, the lessons to be learned from such a huge project as Masdar city may just turn out to be valuable.
26. What does the underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. More people’s living in cities. B. The planners’ looking for new ways.
C. Cities’ changing into better living spaces. D. People’s hoping for a better future.
27. What is the main idea of paragraph 3
A. Reasons for people’s living in cities. B. The example of a green city.
C. The difficulty in planning a city. D. The survey of a green city.
28. What’s the author’s attitude to Masdar City
A. Worried. B. Uncertain. C. Uninterested. D. Supportive.
29. Which is the right structure of the passage (①=paragraph 1, ②=paragraph 2,…)
A. B. C. D.
30What’s the best title for the passage
A. City Development. B. City Model.
C. Cities Going Green. D. Cities in the future.
Whether your day was troubled by one terrible incident or many small things, a bad day can leave you feeling sad and nervous. Here are some ways that may help you cheer up after a bad day.
Deal with bad feelings
Pay attention to your physical senses. ___31___ As soon as you can do so, take a few minutes to just breathe and sense what you are seeing, smelling, feeling, and hearing. This will help enjoy the present moment and break the cycle of worry and nervousness.
Share your feelings with someone you trust. You may think it’s better to keep your dark mood to yourself, especially in a busy environment like the office or the classroom. ___32___
Do activities to relax
Do deep breathing exercises. Breathing deeply can get your brain and body to relax. If you’re feeling down, take three to ten deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Take a little time to do something you enjoy. ___33___ This could be anything from listening to music to watching a funny video.
Help yourself feel better physically (身体地)
Go for a run, a jog, or a walk. ___34___ In fact, regular exercise can increase your energy levels and help you deal with worry and nervousness. Work out your body and give your mind a rest.
Eating and drinking healthily can help you feel better both physically and mentally (精神地). Choose foods that can improve your mood and increase your energy levels, such as greens and whole grains (谷物).
A. Fuel (增加) yourself with a healthy meal.
B. It’s okay to feel down when you’re having a bad day.
C. One of the best ways to get over a bad day is to exercise.
D. Treating yourself to something fun can help you feel better.
E. It’s important to give yourself time to deal with bad feelings.
F. However, connecting with others when you feel down can help you feel better.
another arrive different how however important keep mind rule slow
Is it OK to be 15 minutes late in your country Do you know each country has ____36____ rules about it
Teresa Lopez is from Cali, Colombia. In her country, people don’t like to rush around, so they don’t ____37____ if people are a little late sometimes. “We like to enjoy our time ____38____. We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives.” said she, when she was asked about this.
____39____, in Switzerland, things are not the same. If someone ____40____ 15 minutes late, people may get mad. They always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because they think it is impolite to ____41____ others waiting. Marc LeBlanc, a student from Lausanne, Switzerland said: “It is very ____42____ to be on time in our country. After all, we are the capital of clocks and watches!”
In different countries, ____43____ of dating time and other social situations can be different. The best way to be accepted in a foreign country is to try to understand ____44____ people think. Learning what you are supposed to do and not to do may be difficult, but you will be surprised to find it is worth the trouble if you want to understand ____45____culture.
If you’re a runner, you know it can sometimes be a little difficult to find a good place to run when you are on vacation. Maybe you’re staying in a city, and there is no park nearby where you can take your morning running. One of the more recent trends (趋势) is to go on a running tour, but you are not leading the way. Rather, a running lover who knows the best routes (路线) in the city acts as your guide. You are going out for a run, but you are also being shown the best parts of the city while you’re doing it.
Guided running tours seem to be a very popular trend in quite a few of the bigger cities in Italy. Rome, Milan, and Florence are three of the major cities with running tours. They offer these tours for individuals (个人), groups, and even for company events. If you are going into a city with colleagues (同事) to attend a business meeting, what better way is there to see the city and network with others than while taking a healthy run.
Running tours do not follow a single set route. In Rome, for example, runners get to choose from ten different routes in different parts of the city. In addition, they can have personalized (私人定制化的) routes to satisfy their different panies that give these tours offer to pick up the runners at their hotels, bring them to where the run starts, and provide water and a camera for the run. All the runners need to do is to put on their running shoes and they’re set to go!
46. Who is the passage written for
47. Many cities in Italy like Rome, Milan and Florence set a good example for other cities in _________________________________________. (10个词以内)
48. If a business man and his colleague, who love running, visit Rome, they can see _________________________________________ while taking a healthy run.(10个词以内)
49. If you want companies to bring you to where the run starts and provide water for the run, which running routes will you choose
50. The passage calls on runners to _________________________________________. (15个词以内)
51. 书面表达
假定你是李华,你校学生会要招募几名学校社团活动组织者(英语俱乐部、体育俱乐部、音乐俱乐部、美术俱乐部等社团),请结合自身实际,根据以下内容给Mr. Smith写封信,表示你想成为其中的一名社团组织者。
Organizers Wanted for School Clubs Are you interested in organizing activities for a club Do you enjoy leading and helping others Are you creative There are English Club, Sports Club, Music Club and Art Club, you can choose your favorite. Please introduce the club, activity arrangements (活动安排) and your hopes. Mr Smith
Dear Mr. Smith,
I’m Li Hua. I noticed that you were looking for some organizers for our school clubs.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua



上一篇:安徽省芜湖中华艺术学校2023-2024高二下学期3月考试英语试题(含答案解析 无听力音频和听力原文)
