2024年中考英语精准模拟预测卷 广东卷02(含听力附解析)

2024年中考英语精准模拟预测卷 广东卷
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束时,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。
( ) 1. What will students do in the afternoon
( ) 2. Which story is the speaker talking about
( ) 3. What kind of animal does Mr. Green try to save
( ) 4. When did the story begin
( ) 5. Where did Alan get hurt
B. 听对话(本题共10 小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
( ) 6. What did Jessica do this afternoon
A. She gave a speech.
B. She saw some animals.
C. She listened to a speech.
( ) 7. What will Jim probably do
A. Learn a foreign language.
B. Get lost in a new city.
C. Go to a party at night.
听第三段对话,回答第8 小题。
( ) 8. Why is Bill afraid of the dark now
A. Because he's a little boy.
B. Because he saw a scary movie.
C. Because he is staying on his own.
( ) 9. Where did the girl find John's library card
A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. In the school dining hall.
听第五段对话,回答第10 小题。
( ) 10. How are the oranges
A. Sweet and sour. B. Sweet and fresh. C. Sour and fresh.
听第六段对话,回答第11~12 小题。
( ) 11. What kind of music is Linda listening to now
A. Relaxing music. B. Country music. C. Electronic music.
( ) 12. When will the band give a concert
A. In September. B. In October. C. In November.
听第七段对话,回答第13~15 小题。
( ) 13. Why does the girl want to buy something for her father
A. Because Christmas is coming.
B. Because it's her father's birthday.
C. Because Father's Day is coming.
( ) 14. What will the girl buy for her father
A. A book. B. A tie. C. A pair of sunglasses.
( ) 15. Who are these two speakers
A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter.C. Mother and son.
C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
( ) 16. When did Emily graduate from high school
A. In 2020. B. In 2021. C. In 2022.
( ) 17. To whom did Emily sell dried fruit at first
A. Her neighbors. B. Her relatives. C. Her friends.
( ) 18. What did Emily's parents want her to be
A. A salesperson. B. A manager. C. A doctor.
( ) 19. Where could people buy Emily's popcorn
A. In the local supermarkets.
B. In the local university.
C. In the local cinemas.
( ) 20. Why does Emily want to go to university now
A. Because she wants to run her business better.
B. Because her parents force her to do so.
C. Because her business didn't go well.
D. 听填信息(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A Trip in Salt Lake City
Day: Last (21)
Transport: By bus and (22)
Visiting Salt Lake Temple first.
Joining the Chinese group to listen to the guide (23) .
Getting free tickets for an interesting (24) .
Eating (25) food for lunch.
E.情景对话 (本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
Gina: Hi, Mike! (26)
Mike: She caught a bad cold. How do you know it
Gina: I saw her coughing hard this morning. (27)
Mike: Since last night. My mother took her to the hospital this afternoon.
Gina: (28)
Mike: The doctor said it was nothing serious. She just needed some rest.
Gina: (29) You may catch the cold because of her cold.
Mike: (30)
Gina: I think you must keep warm and drink a lot of water.
Mike: I'll follow your advice. Thanks a lot.
A. Are you OK B. How long has she been like this C. What's the matter with your sister D. What did the doctor say E. You also need to look after yourself well. F. What can I do then
The painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival was created by Zhang Zeduan. He became famous because he had 31 excellent ability to express the scenes of everyday life.
It is 32 believed that Along the River During the Qingming Festival shows the scenes along the Bian River in Bianjing. The great painting has three main parts. It includes the scenes of the capital, the scenes along the 33 and the streets inside the city. 34 you look at it carefully, you will find many interesting scenes.
The 35 part of the painting describes country scenes of farm fields, farmers and other countryside people. In the second part, all kinds of different businesses along with the crowded Rainbow Bridge 36 . This is the main point of the whole painting. In the third part, more shops can be seen along with offices and 37 buildings than in the other parts. Also, the artist has pictured officers, carriers, shoppers, diners and even beggars (乞丐). 38 amazing work of art it is!
Except the special artistic value of the painting itself, it also shows 39 many details (细节) about the daily lives of the Song people. Almost all of the people praised this painting as one of the 40 works among all ancient Chinese paintings. It was also praised as a national treasure of China.
A. a an the
A. wide width widely
A. river B. rivers C. river’s
A. While B. When C. Since
A. first B. one C. once
A. show B. are shown C. were shown
A. other B. others C. another
A. How B. What C. What an
A. we B. us C. our
A. great B. greater C. greatest
Some students often have trouble learning English.They say the subject 41 too much of their time.They have to read many passages,look up new words in the dictionary and do lots of exercises.
Even though they work hard,they still cannot get good 42 on tests, “Why ” they ask.“How can I enjoy success ” The story of a Chinese astronaut Deng Qingming might help to answer their questions.
Deng was 43 as a member of the first group of Chinese astronauts in 1998.That was long ago—you readers weren't even born yet.Since that day,he had spent almost all of his time training hard to become an astronaut.Over the years,Deng has seen his fellow trainees go into space one after another.He,however,was always a backup(后备人员).He often felt sad.Sometimes,he even 44 .
Deng still tries his best for the 45 .Although he is now in his fifties,he keeps on 46 hard.“I must be ready whenever the chance comes to me,”he once said.Finally,on the night of November 29, 2022, he and two other astronauts got on the Shenzhou 15 spaceship and flew into space.Deng had 47 25 years for that exciting moment.
So,if you want to give up learning English(or something else),think about Deng's story .Your 48 might not help you succeed at once.But be 49 ,try to improve your ways and keep going.You 50 won't have to wait so many years for that moment like Deng.One day,success will knock at your door.
A.cuts down B. puts off C. takes up D. gives up
A.grades B. reports C. symbols D. gifts
A.left B. hidden C. caught D. chosen
A.cried B. laughed C. exercised D. regretted
A.value B. dream C. tradition D. wealth
A.explaining B. researching C. training D. arguing
A.waited B. looked C. cared D. asked
A.efforts B. results C. opinions D. attentions
A.honest B. popular C. polite D. patient
A.certainly B. probably C. actually D. generally
"Beautiful China in Your Eyes" Photos and Short Videos Competition A big prize is waiting for you! Hey guys! Do you want to share your beautiful moments in China with others Here is a chance for you to show your photography skills and win amazing prizes! We organize the "Beautiful China in Your Eyes" photos and short videos competition and expect fantastic works from individuals (个人) or groups from all over the world. We are collecting photos and short videos about "Beautiful China in Your Eyes" from May 16 to August 16, 2024. Works include photos and videos. Languages in either English or Chinese are accepted. Please be creative and show us your special view of China! Besides prizes and awards, you will get a chance to see your works on the website dbc. . Please remember to meet the following requirements: Photos Format (格式) : JPG or PNG Size: 5MB maximum for each Words: No more than 200 English or Chinese words to give a short introduction Videos Format: MP4 or MOV Size: 1GB maximum, less than 4 minutes Words: 200-500 English or Chinese words to give a short introduction If you're interested in it, you can send your works by clicking (点击) on the website dbc. or sending us an email to info@bciye. org. au.
51. If you want to join in the competition, you can send your works on __________.
A. November 15th B. March 12th C. April 10th D. June 1st
52. Who can take part in the activity
A. Travelers only from China.
B. People from all over the world.
C. Just individuals and groups in China.
D. Official travel teams only from foreign countries.
53. Which of the following competitors meets the requirements of this competition
A. Bella sends a photo larger than 1 GB.
B. Jeffery makes a video of 5 minutes.
C. Jack sends his photo with more than 200 words.
D. Tina has a short introduction for her video of about 316 words.
54. How can people send their works
A. By sending a letter.
B. By clicking on the website.
C. By making a call.
D. By completing a paper form.
55. On which kind of website can we most probably see this passage
A. Travel. B. Sports. C. Technology. D. Business.
Most of us have spent time at a museum, looking at and learning about the things there. But how many of us have ever thought about how these objects are kept in good condition
Every year, museums put a lot of money and effort into keeping their objects in good condition. They make sure the temperature and light levels are always just right, and that the air isn’t too wet.
However, even if the conditions are correct, some things still can ruin a valuable object — insects. Often they enter the museum inside the object itself. They may also be brought in by accident on visitors’ clothes. Once inside the museum, they can quickly move from one object to another, and they enjoy eating natural materials such as wood, cotton, silk and wool.
Museum experts say that the older the objects are, the more the insects seem to be attracted (吸引) to them. That’s a problem because these things can’t easily be repaired. As a result, museums will try almost anything to prevent insects from harming their collections. For example, a new object will be kept separately at first. Then, when staff are sure there are no insects inside, it can be put on show. If insects are found in a piece of clothing or art, placing it in a freezer is one way of getting rid of (除掉) them.
But now one museum in the USA has decided to try something new. They are training a dog to find insects. Dogs have an excellent sense of smell. Usually the dog sits down to show that it has found what it’s looking for. Staff at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston hope that their dog, Riley, will learn to do this when it finds insects. They say that at the moment it’s just an experiment (实验). However, if Riley can help find insects before they do a lot of harm, other museums are sure to be interested.
56. The writer starts the passage by _________.
A. telling stories B. comparing facts
C. raising a question D. giving an example
57. What does the underlined word “ruin” in Paragraph 3 mean
A. protect B. destroy C. move D. send
58. In what object will an insect hide if it enters a museum
A. A glass painting of nature. B. An old bowl made of stone.
C. An ancient gold tower. D. An old Chinese silk painting.
59. What do we know about the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
A. It has many collections of dogs.
B. It is trying to use a dog to find insects.
C. It plans to train Riley with other museums.
D. It is looking for volunteers for its experiment.
60. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. Insects Seem to be Interested in Older Objects
B. Training Dogs to Find Insects in the Museum
C. An Important New Way to Protect Museum Objects
D. Ways of Protecting Museum Collections from Insects
配对阅读。 左栏是五个人遇到的不同情况和需求,右栏是七种创意商品。请为每个人选择合适他们的商品,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
61. Ben goes running with his dog every day. He wants something for it so that it won't get wet through on rainy days. 62. Lisa is going on vacation for two weeks and she is now worried that her plants will die without proper watering. 63. Amy is tired of folding the clothes for the whole family after drying them every night. It takes her too much time. 64. Sam wants an umbrella as a gift for his daughter who loves pink. He hopes this umbrella won't make his car wet when it rains hard. 65. Sue's father goes for a walk every day but gets tired after a while. Doctors advised him to sit down and rest more often while walking. This folding board can be used to fold shirts, trousers, sweaters and shorts in three easy steps. It is convenient and will certainly save you a lot of time every day. ($13.99 each) The advantage of an inside-out umbrella is that you can close it from the inside out without dripping water all over yourself and the floor after a heavy rainstorm. Now you can buy the black ones at a lower price on our website. ($14.99) Why should your little friend have to stand the downpour while you get to stay nice and dry You can buy this nice pet umbrella for your dog. So whenever it rains, it will never have to do that dog-shaking-water-everywhere thing. ($16.69) If you’re a walker or runner, you’ll know the feeling of wanting to take some money with you, but not wanting to carry around your wallet .This product solves that problem with a water bottle and a wallet all in one. ($29.99) Sometimes older adults need to take a short rest when they are walking. This helpful walking stick folds down into a small seat to give tired legs a break almost anywhere. It can hold up to 250 pounds. ($25.00) You’ll never have to worry about bringing a wet umbrella into your car or house. This wet part of this umbrella can be left inside when closed up. It comes in four colors: black, pink, sky blue and dark blue. ($21.99) You can send your dog to a care center while you're away, but it can be hard to find someone to water your plants. This product will water them for you all by itself. Just stick it into the soil and it will take care of the rest. ($14 for 4)
her experience more get into change completely what fall although but to
Laura could never wake up early in the morning. She was always late for work and her life was in a mess.
One day after 66 up late again, Laura had a terrible day. She felt upset and decided to make some 67 . Then she came up with an idea. She bought an alarm clock for 68 . It could make a loud noise.
Laura put her clock next to her bed every morning when she heard the noise she could wake up at once. However, a few days later, 69 the alarm clock was still loud and clear, it didn't wake her up. A voice in her head kept saying, “Don't get up and sleep a little longer.” So she turned over in bed and 70 asleep again. This made Laura get 71 trouble. She missed a very important meeting that morning. At that moment, she realized 72 the problem was. She put the clock next to her pillow and went to bed early that night. The next morning, she forced herself to get up as soon as the clock rang.
From then on, she finished her work earlier and had 73 free time than before. Her life changed 74 .
Have you ever had an 75 like Laura Good habits make a good life. All of us can have another voice calling us early in the morning, saying “Get up and greet a wonderful new day!” That is the alarm clock in our mind!
六、读写综合 (本大题分为 A、B两部分,共25分)
A. 回答问题 (本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
A blind box keeps what’s inside a secret.Usually,there are toys in blind boxes,but now stores are putting food in them.They are “leftover(剩菜) blind boxes”.Many people in China have fallen in love with it.In each box is the food nearly out of the best-before date. “We pack products such as milk,bread,cake,and sandwiches in blind boxes,and sell these boxes at half price.We usually start to sell blind boxes at 7 pm every day.”Wu Tian who owns a convenience store in Beijing said.Some WeChat’s mini programs also help sell the food.People often check and buy leftover blind boxes on them. It's reported that one-third of the world’s food is wasted every year,reaching around 1.3 billion tons in 2023.A person may waste about 93grams of food each meal.The leftover blind boxes may help with this.According to a mini program online,more than 27,000 pieces of bread were sold within a month,or else the food would be thrown away. “ Today,the prices of food have become higher and higher.Leftover blind boxes,as a new way of business,have a bright future.More and more people like the leftover blind boxes because they help reduce food waste and save money,”said Hong Yong,an expert on business. “Therefore,they are popular with customers.”Although the idea of leftover blind boxes is creative,more rules need to be set to make it more successful.
What is in each leftover blind box
When does Wu Tian's store usually start to sell leftover blind boxes
Where do people often check and buy leftover blind boxes
How many grams of food may a person waste each meal
Why do more and more people like the leftover blind boxes
B. 书面表达 (本题15分)
(3)语句连贯,词数 80左右。作文的标题和开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答
My View on Spending Money
By Li Ming
Here I want to share my view on spending money with you.
一、1.A 2.C3.A 4.B5.B6.C7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.B13.C14.B15.A 16.A17.B18.C19.C 20.A 21. Friday22. train 23.clearly 24.film 25.Japanese 26. C27 .B 28. D 29.E 30.F
31-35 BCABA 36-40 BACBC
41-45 CADAB 46-50 CAADB
51-55 DBDBA 56-60 CBDBD 61-65 CGAFE
getting 67. changes 68. herself 69. although 70. fell
into 72. what 73. more pletely 75. experience
76.(In each box is)the food nearly out of the best-before date/Leftover.
77.(Wu Tian's store usually start to sell leftover blind boxes)at 7 pm every day.
78.(People often check and buy leftover blind boxes)on the/some Wechat's mini programs.
79.(A person may waste)about 93(grams of food each meal).
80.Because they help reduce food waste and save money.
My View on Spending Money
By Li Ming
Here I want to share my view on spending money with you.As for me I would like to buy the leftover blind boxes,because it can not only help waste less food but also save our money.What a wonderful idea it is!
It’s necessary for us to have a correct view on spending money.First, you can make a plan before you spend money.In your plan ,you may list the things you need like school things ,and the things you want but don’t need.Second, it’s useful to compare the prices of the same thing online or among different real shops before you buy something.Last but not the least,it’s better if you write down how much you spent on everything.In this way ,you are able to have a good control on spending money.
It’s reported that the prices of daily things are rising,so it’s important to save money and spend our money in a right way.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



