2024届高考英语写作题型全面突破 专题20 读后续写之善行义举(含答案解析)

Paul’s old clock was supposed to wake him up at six in the morning of August tenth, but, unfortunately, the hour hand stopped in the early hours again. Instead, Paul was awoken by the noisy breakfast-table talk of the Stephen brothers next door.
“Now. I’ve won the National Poetry Creative Award!” the older brother shouted loudly.
“You have to do the housework for the coming whole week!”
“Okay,” the younger responded unwillingly.
Paul rushed down the stairs of his apartment to the news kiosk (报刊亭) by the street in his pajamas. Among the crowd of the seven o’clock Los Angeles, he was unique, in a funny manner, like a clown escaped from a circus group. Despite that, he caught the eyes of nobody. He threw a few coins into the glass jar and then grabbed the newspaper from the old kiosk owner. His behavior didn’t frighten the old woman-he was the most loyal customer of her store for the past few years.
Paul liked to invent something, and he was fond of literature and had been dreaming of becoming an editor. He skimmed through the annual nomination (提名) on the front page of the newspaper, the brightness in his eyes turned less bright as he moved down the list of names, which eventually faded when he reached the end. He lifted his sight from the newspaper and started staring at the kiosk owner dully (无精打采地), an expression similar to that when he arrived. The old woman sighed-she was so accustomed to this lifeless look on his face but had prayed to see something new every August.
“Bad luck”, with this, Paul slid away rapidly. When approaching the corner of the street, he narrowly knocked down an old gentleman, the kiosk owner’s husband, Arthur, who once was a chief editor of a local famous magazine and now he was retired.
After hearing what his wife said about Paul, Arthur decided to give him a hand.
One morning of next year’s August, with the magazine he had edited in hand, Paul stood beside the news kiosk nervously to sell it.
Facing the heavy snowfall and thick layers of ice on the road, David was rushing to get to another city. He had little choice. He was heading there for a job interview as he needed a second job to be able to afford a good lawyer for himself, for he had recently been stuck in a legal battle about his house. Afraid of losing the chance, David risked his life and decided to drive miles away in a snowstorm to another city where the interview was.
However, as he approached the crossing, David suddenly came to a stop. He saw a little girl appear terrified with fear. David knew he’d most likely miss the interview, but he couldn’t leave the young girl alone in the heavy snowstorm, so he got off his van and asked what was the matter. “My mommy is in danger! Can you please help us ” she cried, “Mommy is just so hurt, and I am so scared and so cold!”
David took off his coat and placed it on the girl’s shoulders. “Can you take me to your mommy ” he asked. “I can call the ambulance and help her.” The little girl nodded, pointing her finger away. So, after rescuing the 5 years old girl named Mia from the snowstorm, David took her to his van, and through her directions, a mile later, he noticed a car crashed into a pole. Before getting out, David called 911. Then he dashed to the car, where he discovered Mia’s mother, unconscious and severely injured in the driver’s seat.
David helped her out of the car and onto the van. When 911 arrived, he locked his van and accompanied Mia and her mother to the hospital. Thankfully, a couple of hours later, he received word from the doctors that Mia’s mother, Laura, had regained consciousness and was out of danger.
As David and Mia visited Laura, the little girl ran to her mother and hugged her.
It turned out that Laura was a professional lawyer.
It was a busy morning and I had to go out to deliver something before the day became too hot to be outside the house. As I was walking by the side of a busy road I saw an old lady, maybe in her 80s standing dangerously close to the traffic. Although my mind was preoccupied, I thought to myself that I should warn her not to stand so close to the busy traffic rushing by.
When I reached the spot where the old lady was standing, I noticed that she was trying to get attention of passersby who of course were too busy to take note of her. She kept pointing to the middle of the road. When I tried to gently move her back further away from the edge of the busy road, she said that she was standing there because she had dropped her house key in the middle of the road and was unable to open her house without the key. I looked around and no one seemed to be interested in the two of us. I knew I was getting delayed but decided to help.
The traffic was busy on the road with commuters on two-wheelers and office goers in cars as well as school buses rushing with school children. It was the worst time of the day to cross a busy road without a traffic light. I asked the old lady to stay at a safe distance, took a deep breath, and carefully stepped onto the road waving my hands wildly almost expecting to be hit by an oncoming vehicle. At first one lane (车道) stopped and then I moved further on to the middle of the road continuing to wave my hand. Just then a school bus was approaching me and I carefully stepped in front of it to stop it. My experience has been that school bus drivers are always considerate of reckless (莽撞的) pedestrians like me.
The school bus stopped exactly opposite the spot where the key had fallen.
Suddenly, the elderly lady gently pulled me by the hand.
Excitement and danger always coexist. Even Rogers had just taken a turn on his mountain bike in April 2020 when he was stopped short by the sight of a woman sitting on the side of the trail. She was cute and had long brown hair and big expressive eyes. What he didn’t know then was that she was also in pain.
Sydney Linden, 28, bad been jogging down Adobe Jack Trail in Sedona, Arizona, when she jumped over a rock and her leg overextended on the landing. The pain was instant. Her right leg collapsed and she hit the dirt hard. Linden tried to stand but collapsed. She wasn’t sure if she had tom her ACL (韧带), broken her leg, or something else. All she knew was that the pain was a 15out of 10.
Linden dragged herself to the shade, “like an animal preparing to die,” she says. She’d called a friend, but after 30 minutes, her friend was lost. That’s when she saw the mountain biker.
Rogers was trying to play it cool. “I didn’t want to be strange,” he says, “so I was just going to casually ride by — at a slower speed.” But Rogers, 33, an active-duty airman, sensed her sufferings and asked if be could help. Linden explained her dilemma. That’s when he noticed the swelling under her leggings. She needed a hospital — now.
Leaning on Rogers, Linden tried to hop along, but the pain was burning. She’d never make it to the trailhead (登山扣) this way. Rogers had another idea. Ho abandoned his bike on the side of the trail and, after a brief discussion, lifted her over his shoulder. Then they began their way over the rocky area and bushes. Although it was spring, the Arizona sun beat down wildly.
Misfortune never came alone.
Linden was eager to thank Rogers, but he left without any information.
Long ago, in a city lived two boys, Ted and Nick. Ted was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, and never did a day’s hard work. Nick was from a poor family, and often helped his parents when they were busy. Despite all of this, they always played with each other and had much fun. They became best friends.
As time went by, both of them grew up and went to different cities. Busy with their work and life, they didn’t have much time to meet each other and catch up.
One day, Nick fell seriously ill and had a fever. The doctor advised him to lie in bed, having a good rest. When Ted got to know it, he went to Nick’s house to meet him.
But with an important meeting to attend, he didn’t stay there for long and talk much with Nick. Instead he just took some money out of his pocket and gave it to his friend and left.
Nick felt very bad but didn’t say anything to him. After some time, Nick got well and worked hard to earn money day and night. He even found a part-time job.
Once Nick earned enough money, he went to Ted to return his money. Nick said, “Thank you for coming to see me when I was ill. And thank you for your money. Now I’ve earned enough.”
It happened that two months later Ted got ill and coughed again and again. He suffered a lot and felt so bad. The doctor suggested him bed rest after taking medicine.
(1) 续写词数应为150词左右;
(2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
As soon as Nick got the news of Ted’s illness,
Before Nick left, Ted thanked him again and again for his company and care, but
Katie was happily jumping rope on the grass in front of her house facing the expansive city park just across the road. The neighborhood residents often enjoyed walking around the lake in the park, and on this pleasant day, with the sun casting its warm light, Katie spent the unhurried moments devoted to her jumping routine.
Her thoughts were focused on her jumping: how to match the spinning of the jump rope in her hands and the jumping of her feet so that they didn’t get mixed, causing her to trip. When her mind and muscles were working together, and when every move flowed smoothly, all of it felt pretty good in the afternoon sunshine. While jumping, she remembered that her grandmother had given her the jump rope for Christmas. She knew that her grandmother didn’t have a lot of money and had to save up to buy the jump rope for her. Before Christmas, her grandmother had taken her to some toy shops to look at different things, hoping to find out what Katie wanted. When Katie finally got the gift, it was not just a jump rope but the very jump rope she had wanted for a long time. She felt especially loved by her considerate grandmother.
The warmth of the afternoon sun enhanced the joy Katie felt as she skipped along. Suddenly a boy rushed across the road to her. Without any warning he robbed her of her jump rope, shouting, “Give me that” and raced back across the road towards the park.
Empty-handed, Katie was left in confusion. It took her a while to recover from the shock. When she came to her senses and realized the theft of her grandma’s gift, tear swelled up. A wave of anger and disappointment swept over her. But in that moment of upset, something unusual in the park captured her attention.
Following the boy quickly, she spotted a group of kids crying anxiously by the lake.
After making sure the drowning girl was okay, the boy walked up to Katie with the jump rope.
He, an unemployed poor man, was driving his beat-up truck on a two-lane country road on a chilly night. Suddenly, he saw an old lady, whose car broke down on the side of the road. Even in the dim light of the night, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her car and got off.
Despite the smile on his face, the old lady was worried. Was he going to hurt her He looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, “I’m here to help you, ma’am. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm By the way, my name is Joe Anderson.”
Well, all she had was only a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Joe crawled under the car. Half an hour later, he finished changing the tire. But he got dirty and his hands hurt. She could not thank him enough and asked him how much money she owed him. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give the person the assistance he needed. He waited until she started her car and drove off. Then he left.
A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat and take the chill off. The waitress noticed the lady’s we t hair and brought a clean towel to wipe it. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn’t erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant. She was curious and asked, “It’s too late and freezing cold. As a mother-to-be, why don’t you go home early ” “My husband is out of job, so I want to share the burden of supporting the family with him. Besides, I also want to help the people in need at night.” The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger.
1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
Then, she remembered Joe and determined to spread the chain of love.
Deeply moved, the waitress was eager to tell her husband Joe what had happened.
Amy is good at making pies, which got her a job at the Good Times restaurant months ago. And she was often regarded as the best worker there. Recently, she became the supervisor (主管) of the restaurant. She was kind and friendly to all the workers and the customers.
One morning, Amy was taking orders when she heard a conversation. “What you did there was great, Mason! It was hard to carry the old lady safely out of the fire. For a moment, I thought you couldn’t make it, my friend,” one man said. Then the other man replied, “Yeah, it was difficult, but that’s our job. And you were the hero today, Gordon. You carried that girl on your shoulder and her dog in your hand. It’s going to be on the newspapers tomorrow, I’m telling you.”
From their clothing and conversation, Amy knew they were firefighters. And she quickly realized that they were talking about the previous night’s fire at the old hotel on the other end of the road. Then the man named Gordon continued, “I don’t care about being in the papers. The little girl and her dog reminded me of my own daughter. She’s constantly asking for a dog, too.”
Amy was moved by the courage and sincerity of the two men. She wanted to show her appreciation for their selfless service. “How about helping pay for their meal ” she thought.
However, she wasn’t a rich girl at all. Weeks ago, her father had an accident and broke his legs. The operation cost a lot of money. And now he needed a wheelchair (轮椅) to move around so that he could live an easier life. But her family was poor and a good wheelchair wasn’t cheap. Amy was trying hard to save money for a wheelchair for her father. And she still needed a lot of money. “Well, the firefighters’ meal won’t cost too much,” Amy finally thought.
Then she went to the cashier (收银员) and secretly paid for their meal.
The next day, the firefighters began raising (募捐) money for a wheelchair for Amy’s father.
Philip found himself at a crossroads. Although Mrs. Ford, his head teacher, appreciated his stories, the label of “nerd” (呆子) from his classmates cast a shadow over his passion for writing. Discouraged and feeling that his writing served no purpose in the eyes of others, he thought about giving it up.
One day, during recess (课间), as Philip was absentmindedly taking down some random events of the day, he heard an anxious voice calling out for help. He put down his pen, glanced out the window, and saw a gathering of people near the playground fence. With concern, he walked over and joined the crowd.
In the centre of the crowd was Robin, a sporty boy in the class, who was injured on the knee and bleeding heavily. Robin was playing kickball when the ball unexpectedly shot over the playground fence, landing in the old park next to the school. As he ran to get the ball, he tripped over the overgrown weeds, his left knee crashing into a broken bench. Robin’s face paled, perhaps from both pain of the bleeding knee and his panic. Concerned classmates surrounded him, and Mrs. Ford hurried to the scene, providing some initial care before sending him to see the doctor.
Amidst the lively discussion of the crowd, Philip absorbed the information that the park had been abandoned for ages. Turning his attention to the park, he was astonished at its awful state. Overrun with weeds, broken benches, rusty sports facilities, and scattered rubbish, the park was practically a dangerous place for students.
Philip was probably a nerd when involved in reading or writing, but he was never ignorant of the world around him. He felt a strong desire to do something, and the only way he could think of was to pick up his pen.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The next day witnessed Philip getting down to work.
As the article spread, offers of help poured in.
10.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Mrs. Murphy had been working as a cafeteria (自助餐厅) employee at Cypress Valley School for four years and there was no job in the whole world that she loved more than that. In fact, Mrs. Murphy liked to stay with these cute children. The woman’s face lit up every time she served lunch to the little children and saw their smiles.
One day after serving the kids food, Mrs. Murphy was talking to her co-worker when she noticed something strange. She saw a little girl at the far end of the cafeteria who finished only half of her lunch and filled the rest in a lunch box. “Is she not feeling well Why didn’t she eat ” Mrs. Murphy was puzzled as the girl stood up and walked away.
The next day, when the girl came to the cafeteria, the same thing happened. She divided the food into two equal parts, placed one half in her lunch box, and ate only the other half. Mrs. Murphy became concerned when this continued for several days, so she decided to follow her one day.
She saw that the young girl went in the opposite direction of the school after class, which led to a deserted neighborhood. “Why would she go there after school ” The elderly woman wondered as she followed the girl, taking care not to be noticed.
After a couple of minutes, she noticed the girl was walking into an alley (胡同) where a small boy sat on the ground. The girl smiled and approached the boy. “Claire! I’m here!” The boy looked up at the girl and smiled warmly. “I’ve got some food for you, David!” She said, sitting on her knees and opening her backpack. The boy enjoyed the other half of meal. The fine scene was too wonderful to be ruined. And Mrs. Murphy firmly believed that she had to do something to help them.
注意:1. 续写词数共150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好;
3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Just then, Mrs. Murphy approached them.
Hearing this, Mrs. Murphy’s heart was full of sympathy (同情) for the two children.
After hearing what his wife said about Paul, Arthur decided to give him a hand. Then he turned and rushed to keep up with Paul. Although being out of breath, Arthur explained what he wanted to do to Paul and encouraged him to continue to persist. Paul accepted his help. With Arthur’s valuable advice and great support, Paul became confident and edited his own magazine for teens, named Super Inventor, which encouraged teens to make full use of their imagination and potential to make contribution to society.
One morning of next year’s August, with the magazine he had edited in hand, Paul stood beside the news kiosk nervously to sell it. “You just need that tiny bit of patience,” the kiosk owner comforted him. Together with the help of Arthur, Paul made great effort to introduce his magazine to the passers-by. Shortly after, many people were attracted by the beautiful cover of Paul’s magazine and crowed around. Within two hours, all his magazines were sold out. Paul said thanks again and again to Arthur, “It is your persistence and abilities that matter a lot.” Arthur patted Paul on his shoulder.
①坚持:persist/insist on
②充分利用:make full use of/take advantage of
③吸引:attract/appeal to
①鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb. to do sth./inspire sb. to do sth.
②说感谢:say thanks/express gratitude
With Arthur’s valuable advice and great support, Paul became confident and edited his own magazine for teens, named Super Inventor, which encouraged teens to make full use of their imagination and potential to make contribution to society.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
Although being out of breath, Arthur explained what he wanted to do to Paul and encouraged him to continue to persist.(运用了what引导宾语从句)
As David and Mia visited Laura, the little girl ran to her mother and hugged her. “It’s David that saved us, Mommy!” Mia said excitedly. Laura extended her heartfelt gratitude to David, “You brought me here! I just can’t thank you enough for it!” Then Laura inquired about David’s plan for the evening. David explained that he was on his way to a job interview in another city so that he could afford a lawyer. On hearing this, Laura expressed her dismay at David missing the job interview. David reassured Laura, stating that he is merely concerned about securing a lawyer’s assistance. At that very moment, an idea came into Laura’s mind.
It turned out that Laura was a professional lawyer. “Take it easy, David! Actually, I’m a lawyer.” said Laura, with a smile playing around her mouth. She generously offered to defend David for free and asked David to tell her his case in detail. Feeling a wave of surprise and joy sweeping over him, David advised Laura to have a good rest first. Two months later, with the help of Laura, David won the lawsuit and successfully saved his house. As the old saying goes, “one good turn deserves another”. After that, David continued to help those in need.
③免费:for free /free of charge
【点睛】[高分句型1] David reassured Laura, stating that he is merely concerned about securing a lawyer’s assistance. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Feeling a wave of surprise and joy sweeping over him, David advised Laura to have a good rest first.(运用了独立主格结构和现在分词做状语)
The school bus stopped exactly opposite the spot where the key had fallen. I quickly bent down to pick up the key and handed it to the old lady. She was relieved and thanked me repeatedly. I felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that I had helped someone in need. As I turned to cross the road back, I noticed that the traffic had started moving again. I raised my hand to stop the vehicles and made my way back to the sidewalk.
Suddenly, the elderly lady gently pulled me by the hand. I turned to her, wondering what she wanted. She smiled at me and said, “Thank you so much for your help. You are a kind-hearted person. May God bless you.” Her words touched my heart and made my day. I smiled back at her and said, “It’s my pleasure to help you. You take care now.” With that, I continued on my way, feeling happy and fulfilled. I realized that the old woman’s words would inspire me to keep helping others.
③意识到:realize/be aware of
②快乐的:happy /delighted
【点睛】[高分句型1] As I turned to cross the road back, I noticed that the traffic had started moving again. (运用了as引导时间状语从句及that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] I realized that the old woman’s words would inspire me to keep helping others. (运用了that引导宾语从句及动名词作宾语)
Misfortune never came alone. As they headed for the parking lot, Rogers wanted to distract Linden from the pain by chatting with her. Unfortunately, he tripped over a stone and they both fell to the ground. Painful though he was, Rogers dropped to his knees, checked Linden’s condition and lifted her over his shoulder again. Exhausted but determined, Rogers tightly carried Linden on his back, moving forward carefully. Eventually, after an hour’s struggle in the bushes, they finally made it to the parking lot, where Linden’s friend was waiting anxiously with the car. Rogers carefully loaded Linden into the front seat and she was rushed to the hospital.
Linden was eager to thank Rogers, but he left without any information. She spared every effort to search for him but couldn’t find anything relevant. Linden contacted the local newspaper, which published her story the day after the surgery with the headline “Runner Looking for Trail Hero.” Luckily, that same day, the journalist emailed Linden, telling her Rogers had read the article and wanted to get in touch. A week later, Rogers and Linden finally met again. In tears, Linden thanked him for everything he’d done, excited beyond words. From that day on, the pair became good friends, discussing life goals and future plans from time to time. It was kindness and a grateful heart that made a real difference.(212 words)
本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了一名叫Sydney Linden的女子在慢跑时受伤,Rogers骑自行车经过。Linden的腿可能受伤严重,Rogers主动提供帮助,并最终丢下自己的自行车,将她搭在肩膀上,然后他们开始穿过岩石和灌木丛。
①与……聊天:chat with/talk with
②被紧急送往:be rushed to/be urgently sent to
③不遗余力地:spared every effort to to/spare no effort to do
【点睛】[高分句型1] As they headed for the parking lot, Rogers wanted to distract Linden from the pain by chatting with her.(运用了从属连词as引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Painful though he was, Rogers dropped to his knees, checked Linden’s condition and lifted her over his shoulder again.(运用了从属连词though引导让步状语从句)
[高分句型3] Eventually, after an hour’s struggle in the bushes, they finally made it to the parking lot, where Linden’s friend was waiting anxiously with the car.(运用了关系代词where引导非限制性定语从句)
As soon as Nick got the news of Ted’s illness,, Nick left all his work and went to the hospital in a hurry to look after Ted. Seeing the weak Ted lying in bed, Nick felt sad. Nick’s tears gathered and flowed down his face. Nick bought drugs for Ted, and kept him company, telling interesting things that happened outside to Ted to make Ted happy. Nick’s company let Ted forget the pain. A sense of joy and happiness suddenly went through Ted.
Before Nick left, Ted thanked him again and again for his company and concern, but Ted asked Nick why Nick didn’t leave money as he did and then left. Nick sat down and said meaningfully, “Because when I was sick, although you helped me financially, I was very sad in my heart, so I don’t want you to have such feelings.” Ted shed tears of shame. At this moment, the two men returned to the carefree moment of childhood.
①照料:look after/ take care of
②买:buy/ purchase
③陪伴某人:keep pany/ accompany sb.
①难过的:sad/ unhappy
②高兴的:joy/ happiness
【点睛】【高分句型1】Seeing the weak Ted lying in bed, Nick felt sad. ( 运用了现在分词Seeing作原因状语)
【高分句型2】Nick bought drugs for Ted, and kept him company, telling interesting things that happened outside to Ted to make Ted happy. ( 运用了现在分词telling作伴随状语、that引导的定语从句)
【高分句型3】Because when I was sick, although you helped me financially, I was very sad in my heart, so I don’t want you to have such feelings. (运用了Because引导的原因状语从句、when引导的时间状语从句、although引导的让步状语从句)
Following the boy quickly, she spotted a group of kids crying anxiously by the lake. The boy who had taken her jump rope was sprinting towards them. As Katie neared the water, she saw, to her horror, a little girl was struggling in the water. The boy was throwing one end of Katie’s jump rope out for the child to grab. Fortunately, the little girl caught hold of it. Without a moment’s hesitation, Katie stepped forward to lend a helping hand. Working in tandem, they pulled the child onto the bank.
After making sure the drowning girl was okay, the boy walked up to Katie with the jump rope. Handing it to Katie, he gave a shy smile and apologized, “I’m sorry if I frightened you just now, but I had to act quickly in an emergency. I can’t swim, you know. It was your jump rope that served as a lifeline.” Katie’s initial anger had transformed into appreciation for the boy’s quick response to save the little girl. She replied she didn’t mind her jump rope being snatched at all. Instead, she was glad about the part her jump rope had played in the rescue.
1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:在公园跳绳——跳绳被抢——追过去,发现是在救人——帮忙——道歉——感到高兴。
3. 词汇激活
②抓住:catch hold of/grab/grasp
【点睛】[高分句型1]As Katie neared the water, she saw, to her horror, a little girl was struggling in the water.(as引导的时间状语从句)
[高分句型2]She replied she didn’t mind her jump rope being snatched at all.(省略that的宾语从句)
Then, she remembered Joe and determined to spread the chain of love. She was about to pay the bill when a good idea struck her. While the waitress was away to get change for her, the old lady wrote something on the napkin and slipped right out of the door. The waitress was back and noticed it. Under the napkin were four new 100 dollars. It turned out that the lady wished her to accept the money from a stranger and that she would help others with the purpose of letting this chain of love remain.
Deeply moved, the waitress was eager to tell her husband Joe what had happened. Shortly after she took a warm bath, she climbed into bed, pouring out everything about the night——the lady, the money and the note. With baby due next month, it was indeed going to be hard for the couple. The money came as a relief to them. She gave her husband a soft kiss and whispered, “Everything is going to be all right. I love you, Joe.”
本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Joe Anderson帮助了一个老太太,没有要求回报,只是希望她看到有人需要帮助时,她可以给予他们所需的帮助,将爱心传递下去。于是老太太帮助了一个餐厅的怀孕的女服务员,结果服务员正是Joe Anderson的妻子。
①某人突然想起:sth. strikes sb./sth. hits sb
②希望某人做:wish sb. to do/expect sb. to do
③注意:notice/take notice of
②渴望做:be eager to do/be dying to do
【点睛】【高分句型1】She was about to pay the bill when a good idea struck her. (运用了固定句型be about to do when...正要做某事这时突然……)
【高分句型2】Under the napkin were four new 100 dollars.(运用了表示地点方位的介词短语置于句首引起的完全倒装句)
Then she went to the cashier (收银员) and secretly paid for their meal. Amy didn’t want the firefighters to know about her gesture; she just hoped that this small act of kindness would express her gratitude for their bravery and service. As the firefighters finished their meal and went to pay, the cashier informed them that someone had already taken care of it. Surprised and grateful, the firefighters looked around the restaurant to see if they could spot their mysterious benefactor, but Amy had secretly returned to her duties in the kitchen. The firefighters found the manager and insisted being told the truth.
The next day, the firefighters began raising (募捐) money for a wheelchair for Amy’s father, because they already knew who was the benefactor and what her situation was. They wanted to help too. They organized fundraisers and even set up an online donation campaign. The firefighters, inspired by Amy’s generosity, were determined to make a positive impact on her family’s life. The community’s response was overwhelming, and soon enough, they raised enough money not only for a quality wheelchair but also to cover the medical expenses for Amy’s father. The sense of unity and compassion within the community transformed a small act of kindness into a powerful force for good.
本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Amy是Good Times餐厅的烘焙师傅,她被认为是餐厅最出色的员工,最近还晋升为主管。一天早晨,她在为客人点餐时偶然听到两名消防员在谈论前一晚的火灾救援,消防员Gordon因勇敢的表现而被称为英雄。听到他们的故事,Amy被他们的勇气和真诚所感动。虽然Amy一直在努力存钱为因事故受伤的父亲购买轮椅,自己经济也很困难,但她仍然决定暗中支付消防员的餐费以表达感激之情。
③看见:spot/catch sight of
【点睛】[高分句型1] As the firefighters finished their meal and went to pay, the cashier informed them that someone had already taken care of it.(运用了as引导时间状语从句和that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Surprised and grateful, the firefighters looked around the restaurant to see if they could spot their mysterious benefactor, but Amy had secretly returned to her duties in the kitchen.(运用了形容词作状语和if引导宾语从句)
[高分句型3] The firefighters, inspired by Amy’s generosity, were determined to make a positive impact on her family’s life.(运用了过去分词作后置定语)
The next day witnessed Philip getting down to work. With a heavy heart, he wrote an article about the terrible condition of the park and the unfortunate incident involving Robin. Pouring his heart into the words, he appealed to the community to help restore the old park. Never before had he felt that words could be so powerful. Later that day, Philip handed the article to Mrs. Ford, who appreciated his deep concern for the park and managed to put the article on local news.
As the article spread, offers of help poured in. People went out of their way to donate materials and help fix the broken facilities. Philip’s classmates were impressed by the changes taking place in the park, astonished that his effort could make such a significant difference. Once labeled a "nerd", Philip was now admired as a source of inspiration. Seeing the old park transformed into an inviting place, Philip was glad he hadn’t quit writing. It turned out that writing could be put to practical use.
①呼吁,号召:appealed to /called on
②.修复:restore / repair
③.设法,努力做某事:managed to do/tried to do
①.惊讶到:astonished /surprised
②.高兴的:glad /happy
【点睛】[高分句型1] Pouring his heart into the words, he appealed to the community to help restore the old park.(运用了现在分词作状语)
[高分句型2] Later that day, Philip handed the article to Mrs. Ford, who appreciated his deep concern for the park and managed to put the article on local news.(运用了关系代词who引导的非限制性定语从句)
Just then, Mrs. Murphy approached them. Claire got frightened when she saw Mrs. Murphy there. The boy was so shocked that he forgot to swallow. Mrs. Murphy smiled warmly at them. “I noticed that you’ve been packing half of your lunch with you. I just want to make sure you are fine,” she said gently. Claire looked down at her feet, feeling embarrassed. “I am sorry, Mrs. Murphy. I just want to bring some food to my friend David. He doesn’t have enough to eat,” she explained.
Hearing this, Mrs. Murphy’s heart was full of sympathy for the two children. She would like to give a hand to them. Looking at Claire’s nervous face, she comforted, “What you’re doing is right, Claire. Helping someone in need is a good thing. But there might be a better way to help him.” Then she turned to the boy and said gently, “Don’t worry. I’m here to help. Let’s go back to the cafeteria and I’ll make sure that both of you have enough to eat.” She took their hands and led them back to the school.
①注意到:noticed / spotted
②确保:make sure / ensure
③帮助:give a hand / help
①害怕的:frightened / scared
②震惊的:shocked / astonished
【点睛】【高分句型1】The boy was so shocked that he forgot to swallow. (使用了so…that…固定句式,that引导结果状语从句)
【高分句型2】Claire looked down at her feet, feeling embarrassed. (使用了现在分词充当伴随状语)



