Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! 综合素质评价(含解析) 英语人教版九年级

Unit 13 综合素质评价
(限时:60分钟 满分:100分)
一、单项选择(每小题1.5 分,共15 分)
1. (立德树人|节约)To save energy, people ________ lights for an hour in March every year.
A. turn off B. turn up C. turn down D. turn on
2. (原创题) The water is so clear that we can see the ________ of the river because the government has made the laws to protect it.
A. bottom B. top C. back D. middle
3. [2023 宣城市第三中学模拟预测] That photo always ________ wonderful memories whenever I see it.
A. puts off B. brings back C. writes down D. makes up
4. Although he can ________ a car, he always rides a bike to work.
A. protect B. put C. afford D. bring
5. Our teacher told us not to ________ waste bottles. They can be ________ good use.
A. throw away; put to B. give away; put to
C. put away; put in D. throw away; put in
6. The scientists and experts are looking for ways to ________ air pollution. The hazy weather is really harmful to our health.
A. cut down B. get down
C. come down D. take down
7. We shouldn’t always talk about the problem. We should ________ at once.
A. look out B. take action
C. wait for D. give away
8. [2023 连云港] To make the environment much better, more trees ________ next year.
A. plant B. will plant
C. are planted D. will be planted
9. [2023 哈尔滨期末] Although these books are old, don’t ________.
A. throw away it B. throw away them
C. throw it away D. throw them away
10. ________, he goes to school on foot.
A. Save money B. Making money
C. To save money D. To make less money
答案 1-5 6-10
二、(原创题) 完形填空(每小题1 分,共15 分)
It might be strange to wear clothes made out of plastic bottles. But in fact, some clothing companies are already making clothes 11 these.
A foreign company recently showed its newest collection at a workshop. Jackets, shirts and dresses were 12 recycled plastic bottles.
“We realized that billions of plastic bottles were being thrown into landfills (垃圾填埋场) and oceans every year and that these 13 take hundreds of years to decompose (分解). We thought we should use them to create our 14 and help the environment,” said the company’s design director.
Many other fashion companies are finding 15 ways to save our planet these days. The 16 is rather simple. First, the plastic bottles are washed and 17 into small pieces. Then they are melted (熔化) and shaped into small 18 . The balls are melted again to form thread (线). People can then use the thread to make different kinds of clothes.
According to the design director, it 19 67, 000 bottles to create 1 ton of thread. This reduces the carbon emission (碳排放) by 4.2 tons and water use by 6.2 tons compared with the 20 way of making thread.
“Five bottles can 21 a shirt, 10 a dress, and 20 a short coat,” the design director said.
Some people might have 22 about wearing something made out of plastic bottles. 23 according to a foreign website that focuses on science and technology creation, clothes made from plastic could be even better than nylon and polyester (聚酯纤维). Plastic thread can be made into different 24 , such as cotton, silk, or even wool. It seems that this innovation may lead to a(n) 25 future of fashion.
11. A. like B. for C. from D. with
12. A. put into B. used for C. made from D. given to
13. A. plastic B. products C. water D. bottles
14. A. ideas B. work C. clothes D. study
15. A. similar B. different C. possible D. strange
16. A. progress B. process C. invitation D. invention
17. A. put B. pulled C. cut D. formed
18. A. balls B. pieces C. points D. drops
19. A. takes B. costs C. gets D. needs
20. A. same B. normal C. creative D. right
21. A. use B. exchange C. buy D. make
22. A. doubts B. plans C. methods D. ways
23. A. And B. But C. So D. Or
24. A. shapes B. ways C. materials D. conditions
25. A. greener B. interesting C. attractive D. valuable
答案 11-15 16-20
三、[2023武汉调研] 阅读理解(每小题3 分, 共15 分)
You can probably name all four of the world’s oceans. But now it’s time to add another one to the list— the Southern Ocean.
The National Geographic Society decided to recognize the ocean on June 8. It happened to be World Oceans Day that day. The society will make new maps that show the ocean’s name.
The Southern Ocean is the waters that stay around Antarctica. The waters of the Southern Ocean are colder and less salty than those in neighboring oceans. Its unique climate makes it a comfortable home for thousands of unique species (独特的物种). It’s the only place where you can see the emperor penguins and the Weddell seals (威德尔海豹).
However, many of these species are in danger because of the climate change. Two large icebergs (冰山) have already broken off from Antarctica this year. Overfishing has made it even more necessary to protect this area. That’s why the National Geographic Society is finally giving the Southern Ocean greater recognition.
“Students learn information about the ocean world through what oceans you’re studying. If you don’t include the Southern Ocean, then they won’t learn its information and how important it is,” scientist Enric Sala told National Geographic Magazine.
26. We can know that there are ________ oceans on the earth indeed now.
A. three B. four C. five D. two
27. What does the underlined word “recognize” mean in Chinese
A. 认可 B. 编写 C. 探索 D. 宣传
28. Where do the emperor penguins and the Weddell seals live
A. On the land. B. Only in the Southern Ocean.
C. In the Arctic.
D. Both on the land and in the oceans.
29. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about
A. Animals on the earth are all in danger because of the climate change.
B. Large icebergs are dangerous for the oceans on the earth.
C. Protecting the oceans on the earth isn’t necessary or important.
D. Southern Ocean’s recognition is helpful in protecting Antarctica.
30. In Enric Sala’s words, he specially shows that we should ________.
A. not learn information about the oceans
B. take part in protecting the oceans
C. remember World Oceans Day
D. understand the Southern Ocean is important
答案 26-30
四、词汇运用(每小题2 分,共10 分)
31. Don’t l rubbish everywhere. Put it into the dustbin.
32. To protect the environment, we should find more r things to use them a second time.
33. The bookcase is so heavy because it is made of ___________ (金属).
34. (原创题) Our country used to pay attention to the development of heavy ___________ (工业).
35. If you drive cars when you are drunk, you are against the traffic ___________ (法律) and you will be punished.
五、[2024 平顶山期中] 补全对话(每小题3 分,共15 分)
A: Hi, Kate. I hear you joined Greener China. 36.____________________________
B: I’ve been in it for about half a year.
A: Why did you join it
B: Well, you see there are more and more sandstorms in spring and there is also more and more pollution. 37. _______________________________________________.
A: Oh, I see. 38. ______________________________________________________
B: Many things. I have planted trees with other people.
A: Mm, how many trees have you planted
B: 39. ____________________________________. I guess I have planted about 200.
A: Oh, that’s great. 40. _________________________________________________
B: Of course. Welcome you to our Greener China.
六、[2023 泰安] 任务型阅读(每小题2 分, 共12 分)
In recent years, plastic pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems around the world. Many countries have been looking for ways for a better future. On November 7, 2022, China started a “bamboo instead of plastic” activity with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR 国际竹藤组织). This will hopefully increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce (减少) plastic pollution.
Bamboo is a renewable natural resource (资源) of great value. Unlike trees which usually need so long time to fully grow, bamboo can be harvested (收割) in 3 to 5 years. As long as it is protected well, bamboo can be cut every year and doesn’t have to be replanted. Bamboo can be used to ①_________ different kinds of products. These products can take the place of plastic products in many fields, such as packaging (包装), building and daily things. Even a new bamboo washing machine has been invented in some ②_________ areas where people don’t have electricity or money to buy traditional washing machines. It uses the natural flow of the water as power to run the machine. It’s believed that bamboo is a harmless material. It doesn’t cause any pollution when it has to be thrown away.
China is one of the countries with the richest bamboo resources in the world. The Chinese are a pioneer in the use of bamboo. Provinces Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan and Guizhou have set up companies to produce and develop bamboo products. What’s more, China is also sharing its technologies and experience to help other countries with rich bamboo resources. It is hoped that countries will work together ③________ green development around the world.
41. When did China start the “bamboo instead of plastic” activity (Not more than 4 words)
42. Why did China start the “bamboo instead of plastic” activity (Not more than 15 words)
43. What is China sharing to help other countries with rich bamboo resources (Not more than 8 words)
44. Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word.
①______________ ②_____________ ③____________
45. Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.
46. What’s your opinion about using plastic products Please write down your answer and list one or two reasons.
七、书面表达(共18 分)
在学校里,一些同学不注意保护学校环境,使学校环境受到了破坏。请你以“Keep Our School Clean” 为题, 用英语写一篇120 词左右的短文。
参考词汇:1. worse; 2. spit (吐痰); 3. such as; 4. protect
Keep Our School Clean
Unit 13 综合素质评价
一、1. A 【点拨】句意为“为了节能,人们在每年三月关灯一小时”。根据“To save energy”可知,要节能,应是关灯一小时,故选A。
2. A 【点拨】根据“The water is so clear”可知,此处表达河水清澈见底。故选A。
3. B 【点拨】句意为“每当我看到那张照片时,它总是让我想起美好的回忆”。根据“wonderful memories whenever I see it”可知,照片总能使我想起美好的记忆。故选B。
4. C 【点拨】用词义辨析法。protect 保护;put 放置; afford 买得起;bring 带来。根据语境可知选C。
5. A
6. A 【点拨】句意为“科学家和专家们正在寻找减少空气污染的方法。雾霾天气对我们的健康真的有害”。根据语境可知选A。
7. B 【点拨】根据“We shouldn’t always talk about the problem.”可知应是不能只是谈论问题,而应该采取行动, 故选B。
8. D 【点拨】句意为“为了使环境更好,明年将要植更多的树”。根据此句的时间状语next year 可知,此句应该用一般将来时,又因主语more trees 与动词plant 是被动关系,此句应用一般将来时的被动语态,故选D。
9. D
10. C 【点拨】句意为“为了省钱,他步行去上学”。动词不定式作目的状语。
二、11. A 【点拨】句意为“但事实上,一些服装公司已经在生产这样的衣服了”。用介词like“像”列举事物。
12. C 【点拨】句意为“夹克、衬衫和连衣裙都是用回收的塑料瓶制成的”。be made from“由……制成”。
13. D 【点拨】与上文中谈到的“billions of plastic bottles” 一致,此处话题依然围绕废弃的塑料瓶子。
14. C 【点拨】上文提到用回收的塑料瓶作为制衣原料, 因此选clothes。
15. A 【点拨】由上下文可知,很多公司都在用同样的方式, 故此处选similar。
16. B 【点拨】下文介绍的是制作流程,故process“过程” 符合语境。
17. C
18. A 【点拨】由下文中的balls 可知,故此处说的是small balls。
19. D 【点拨】句意为“据设计总监说生产1 吨的线需要67000 个瓶子”。此处用needs。
20. B 【点拨】该句介绍的是与普通制线方法相比,这种方法可以减少4.2 吨的碳排放和6.2 吨的水消耗。the normal way“常规的方法”。
21. D 【点拨】该句介绍的是“5 个瓶子可以做一件衬衫, 10 个瓶子可以做一件连衣裙,20 个瓶子可以做一件短外套”,由语境可知,此处用动词make。
22. A 【点拨】该句介绍的是人们的疑惑,即下文提到的这种衣服的质量。故doubts 符合句意。
23. B 【点拨】上文提到人们的疑惑,下文介绍的是这种原料制作的衣服的质量令人放心。因此用转折连词But。
24. C 【点拨】根据“such as cotton, silk, or even wool”可知列举的是原料,故此处选择materials。
25. A 【点拨】与全文主题一致,本文介绍的是用回收的塑料瓶做衣服这种环保理念的前景,故此处选择greener。
26. C 【点拨】细节理解题。以前我们通常会说世界四大洋,根据第一段可知,另一个是时候加到名单上了—— 南大洋。
27. A 【点拨】词义猜测题。根据下文中“The society will make new maps that show the ocean’s name.”可知,新地图将把南大洋标注上,故画线单词recognize 意为“认可”。
28. B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It’s the only place where you can see the emperor penguins and the Weddell seals (威德尔海豹).”可知,南大洋是唯一能看到帝企鹅和威德尔海豹的地方。故选B。
29. D 【点拨】段落大意题。第四段说由于气候变化今年已经有两座大型冰山从南极断裂。过度捕捞使保护这一地区变得更加必要。这就是为什么国家地理学会最终给予南大洋更大的认可。故D 项概述与全段大意一致。
30. D 【点拨】推理判断题。最后一段说学生通过你所研究的海洋了解海洋世界的信息。如果研究的海洋中不包括南大洋,他们就不知道它的信息以及它有多重要。故选D。
四、31. litter 32. reusable/recyclable 33. metal 34. industry 35. law
五、【主旨大意】本文主要是A 与B 围绕“绿色中国”这一话题而展开的。
36. How long have you been in it【点拨】根据下文“I’ve been in it for about half a year.”可知,空处是问你加入多久了,How long 表示“多长时间”,故填How long have you been in it。
37. I want to do something to protect the environment
【点拨】根据上文“Well, you see there are more and more sandstorms in spring and there is also more and more pollution.”可知,此处是表达我想为保护环境做点什么, 故填I want to do something to protect the environment。
38. What have you done【点拨】根据下文“Many things. I have planted trees with other people.”可知,此处是询问你都做了什么,用What 引导的特殊疑问句,故填What have you done。
39. I’m not sure【点拨】根据上文“Mm, how many trees have you planted ”及下文“I guess I have planted about 200.”可知,此处表达我不确定, 故填 I’m not sure。
40. Can/Could/May I join Greener China【点拨】 根据下文“Of course. Welcome you to our Greener China.”可知, 空处是想表达我是否可以加入。故填Can/Could/May I join Greener China。
六、【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了近年来塑料污染已成为全球最严重的环境问题之一。许多国家一直在为更美好的未来寻找途径。中国与国际竹藤组织开展“以竹代塑” 活动,想通过增加绿色竹制品的使用来减少塑料污染。
41. On November 7, 2022. 【点拨】根据文中句子“On November 7, 2022, China started a‘bamboo instead of plastic’activity with the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR 国际竹藤组织).”可知中国是从2022 年11 月7 号开始了这项活动。
42. To increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution./ Because it hopes to increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce plastic pollution.
【点拨】根据文中句子“This will hopefully increase the use of green bamboo products and reduce (减少) plastic pollution.”可知答案。
43. China’s technologies and experience./ China is sharing its technologies and experience. 【点拨】根据文中句子“What’s more, China is also sharing its technologies and experience to help other countries with rich bamboo resources.”可知答案。
44. ① make/produce ② poor ③ for/on 【点拨】①根据上下文语境推断句意为“竹子可以被用来制作不同种类的产品”。be used to do sth. 意为“被用来做某事”, make 与produce 均有制造之意。②根据上下文语境判定句意为“在人们没有电或没有钱购买传统洗衣机的……地区甚至发明了一种新的竹制洗衣机”。由此可以推断为贫穷地区,故填poor。③根据上下文推断句意为“希望各国共同努力,实现世界范围的绿色发展”。for 在此处意为“为了”,on 意为“在……方面”, 两者均可。
45. 只要保护得好,竹子可以年年砍,并且不需要重新种植。 【点拨】as long as 意为“只要”,doesn’t have to 意为“不必”,replant 意为“重新种植”。
46. I think we should use fewer plastic products. Because they are harmful to our environment and our health. (开放性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可)。
Keep Our School Clean
As we all know, it’s very important for us to keep our school clean and tidy ② . However, our school environment is becoming worse and worse ② . We can still see that there is lots of waste ① on the ground, such as plastic① bags, cans, used batteries and so on. Therefore, we have to protect the environment as soon as possible ② . For example, we can’t spit anywhere and we shouldn’t throw away ① rubbish here and there, for it’s very rude. We should protect the trees and keep off the grass. At the same time, we need to ① plant more trees. We can also reuse ① our textbooks. It is a good way to reduce ① the waste of natural resources. We must take action to protect the school environment.
点评:本文讲了中学生如何保护学校环境;引出保护学校环境的必要性及学校环境的现状; 论述保护学校环境的具体措施; 呼吁保护学校环境。
添彩点:①大量使用本单元重点词汇,如waste, plastic, throw away, reduce, reuse, need to 等。②作者运用了经典结构,如:keep our school clean and tidy, worse and worse, as soon as possible 等,可见作者语言基本功扎实,运用能力强。



上一篇:Unit 1 My day 单元测试(无答案)
