Unit 1 The lion and the mouse培优练习(无答案)

Unit 1 培优练习
1.I can't r_______ the ball on the desk. It's too high for me。
2. They win the game. They are very e_______.
3. Can you f_______ my book I put it here a minute ago.
4. Jack is angry and he shouts l_______.
5. He h_______ an idea at last.
6. He h_______ the ball hard just now.
7. They_______(踢) football now.
8. He_______(带来) me a pen yesterday.
9.They play_______(开心地) in the playground.
10. Please_______(欢呼) for me.
动物故事 __________
play table tennis__________
be good at__________
thank you __________
too excited____________
( )1.Long long ago,there_____an old man.
A.live B.lived C.living
( )2.She____very angry at that time..
A.gets B.got C.getting
( )3.She want_____to the library.
A.to go B.goes C.going
( )4.Don’t tell_____,please.
A.she B.they C.her
( )5.Do not_____sad..
A.are B.is C.be
( )6.Here____Simon.
A.come B.comes C.coming
( )7.____are you doing I am cooking.
A.Where B.What C.When
( )8.Those_____not my shoes.
A.is B.be C.are
( )9.There_______a lion in the forest many years ago.
A.was B.is C.be
( )10.It_____a large body.
A.have B.has C.had
1.They, last Sunday, the West Lake, visited (.)
2.photos, Sunday, I, last, some, took (.)
3.very, small, he, was, and, weak.
_______ _______ _______ small _______ _______.
4.lion, did, the, how, men, the, catch, ( )
5.woke, the, walked, up, by, and, the, lion, mouse, (.)
1.He let the mouse go. (改为否定句)
He ____ ____ the mouse go.
2.The lion let the mouse go. (改为一般疑问句)
________ the lion ________ the mouse go
3.Lily made a hole with a spade(锹). (改为同义句)
Lily ______ a spade to ______ a hole.
4.I was at home yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)
_______ _______ at home yesterday
5.My mother didn’t say anything this morning. (改为肯定句)
My mother _______ _______ this morning.
A.Do you want it for your teacher B.How much is it C. Can I help you D.What is her favourite colour E. Can I look at that green one F. What about this one
A: Good morning. 1
B: Yes, I’d like a birthday card.
A: 2
B: No, I’d like one for my mother.
As What a good daughter! 3
B: It looks nice. But my mother doesn’t like red.
A: 4
B: She likes blue and green. 5
A: Of course. Here you are.
B: It’s nice. It’s my mother’s favourite. 6
A: Two yuan, please.
1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )
Mr Brown lived in a small town, but he worked in a big city. So he moved there with his wife and last Tuesday.
the (The) next day, Mr Brown took his new out. He was washing it when a came. He stopped and the new car for a minute. Then Mr Brown turned and saw him.
The friend said, “That’s a new car. Is it yours ”
“ ,” Mr Brown answered.
The friend was surprised, “What do you mean ”
Mr Brown answered , “Well, when there’s a party in town, my daughter Jean it. When there’s a , it’s my son Joe’s turn. He likes sports very much. When I have washed it and it is very , my wife Linda uses it. And when it needs cleaning, it’s mine(我的).”
( )1.A.his son B.his daughter C.two children
( )2.A.In B./ C.At
( )3.A.bike B.car C.toy car
( )4.A.policeman B.friend C.woman
( )5.A.look B.looks at C.looked at
( )6.A.Sometimes B.Yes C.No
( )7.A.slowly B.happily C.excitedly
( )8.A.washes B.cleans C.drives
( )9.A.party B.football game C.concert
( )10.A.clean B.dirty C.messy
The story is about two mice. They are friends. One mouse lives in the country. The other lives in the city. One day they meet each other. The one in the country says, “Come and have look at my house.” They come to a house in a field. The country mouse gives the city mouse nice food. But the city mouse says. “This food is not good. You must come and live with me in the city.”
So they go to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is ready (准备)for them to eat. But just when they begin to eat, they hear a great noise. “Run! Run! The cat is coming!” the two friends run away quickly. After some time, they go out. The country mouse says to the city mouse, “I don’t like to live in the city. It’s dangerous.”
( )⑴The two mice live__________.
A. in the same place
B.in different places
C. in the city
D. in the county
( )⑵The city mouse__________.
A.wants to live with the country mouse
B.lives with the country mouse for a long time
C.gets nothing to eat from the country mouse
D.doesn’t like the food of the country mouse’s
( )⑶They city mouse asks the country mouse to his house, doesn’t he
A.No, he isn’t.
B. Yes, he does.
C. No, he doesn’t.
D. I think so.
( )⑷Which sentence is true (正确的)
A.They are helpful.
B.They are not well.
C.They are good friends.
D. They don’t know each other.
( )⑸When a cat is coming, the two mice__________.
A.stay there quietly
B. run away quickly
C.say “hello” to it
D.want to make friends with



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