01 语法选择(含答案解析)---2024年广东中考英语复习指导

年份 话题 体裁 语篇词数 主题 核心素养
2023 追逐太空的男孩 记叙文 167 人与自然 思维品质(为梦想付出,一步一脚印)
2022 一位京剧演员的学习之路 记叙文 178 人与社会 文化意识(弘扬我国优秀传统文化)
2021 介绍一架新的观光桥 说明文 177 人与自然 思维品质(劳动创造价值,劳动创造世界)
题号 2023年 2022年 2021年
31 形容词(比较级) 介词(方位介词) 形容词(最高级)
32 代词(形容词性物主代词) 连词(从属连词) 宾语从句(语序及时态)
33 语态(一般过去时的被动语态) 名词(所有格) 代词(it作形式主语)
34 介词(地点介词) 动词(不定式) 介词(方位介词)
35 感叹句(How) 副词(修饰动词) 冠词(不定冠词an)
36 冠词(不定冠词a) 副词(原级) 名词(复数)
37 连词(并列连词) 语态(一般过去时的被动语态) 时态(一般将来时)
38 宾语从句连接词(why) 冠词(不定冠词a) 动词(不定式)
39 动词(不定式) 时态(一般过去时) 语态(一般过去时的被动语态)
40 时态(现在进行时) 代词(形容词性物主代词) 副词(修饰动词)
David is a 15-year-old boy and he is crazy about space. He always wonders how space stations work. For him, a space camp is 1 than any other camp in the world.
At the age of seven, David had 2 first astronaut (宇航员) training experience. He and his parents 3 to a Family Space Camp. They had a taste of what it was like to travel 4 space. Everything was magical. 5 excited David was!
David has been to many space camps over the last eight years. Last month, he went to 6 new space camp. It had a lot of fun training programs, 7 he enjoyed all of them. There he was often asked 8 he liked space camps so much. “I feel like a real astronaut in the space camp, and I don’t even need 9 the earth,” he said.
These experiences have influenced his life. Now David 10 space science. He has made up his mind to be a space engineer in the future.
1.A.great B.greater C.the greatest
2.A.he B.him C.his
3.A.invited B.are invited C.were invited
4.A.on B.in C.for
5.A.How B.What C.What an
6.A.a B.an C.the
7.A.or B.but C.and
8.A.why B.when C.where
9.A.leave B.leaving C.to leave
10.A.study B.is studying C.was studying
Once Patrick was passing through a village. One of his childhood friends used to live there. He decided to visit his friend. When he arrived at the house, he saw that his friend was living a 1 life with his two brothers. As they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, his friend asked him 2 for a night. In the evening, Patrick noticed that the friend’s brothers went to the backyard, picked legumes (豆荚) from a tree and left. His friend explained that they were going to sell the beans and the tree was the only source (来源) of their money.
At night, Patrick 3 sleep. He wondered how he could help his friend. Then 4 idea came to his mind. When 5 was asleep, he got up and cut down the tree. After that 6 he ran away overnight. In the morning, when the friend and his brothers woke up to see this, they were all angry 7 him.
Three years later, Patrick passed through the same village and 8 a visit to his friend’s house. 9 to his surprise, this time, it had turned into a big house. The friend and his brothers invited Patrick inside and said, “At first we were very angry. But now we understand 10 you did that. As long as we live with the support, we couldn’t have progressed.”
1.A.poor B.poorer C.poorest
2.A.stay B.to stay C.staying
3.A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t
4.A.a B.an C.the
5.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone
6.A.did B.was done C.has done
7.A.with B.for C.over
8.A.pay B.pays C.paid
9.A.And B.Or C.But
10.A.why B.how C.what
We may learn something from the story when we face some difficulties.
When Sam’s father died, he left Sam 1 beautiful forest manor (庄园). 2 , a lightening strike (雷击) destroyed it. Watching the beautiful green trees turned into ash (灰烬) overnight, Sam 3 very upset.
To bring back the forest manor’s beauty, Sam tried to borrow money 4 a bank. However, the bank didn’t believe 5 he would pay it back. Then he felt too frustrated to eat or drink. So he hid in his room for days. His wife was 6 about him and suggested he should take a break outside.
Sam went for a walk. 7 he turned the first corner, he saw a store with a huge crowd. There were some housewives waiting in line 8 charcoal (木炭) for winter heating.
Then Sam’s eyes lit up. He ran home and processed the forest’s burnt trees into charcoal with some workers. As soon as his charcoal went on the market, it 9 out quickly. Soon, he sold over 2,000 boxes of charcoal. Later, he sold 10 1,000 boxes and made much money.
The following spring, he used the money to buy a number of seedlings. After a few years, his forest manor came to life again.
1.A.a B.an C.the
2.A.Unluck B.Unlucky C.Unluckily
3.A.feel B.feels C.felt
4.A.by B.from C.on
5.A.what B.that C.who
6.A.worry B.worries C.worried
7.A.When B.Unless C.If
8.A.buy B.to buy C.buying
9.A.sold B.will sell C.was sold
10.A.another B.other C.others
Wang Yiyi is an excellent Beijing Opera (京剧) artist. She was born and raised 1 village in Hebei province. She loved singing and dancing 2 she was a little girl. She was her music 3 favorite student. One day, the teacher told her 4 a test. If she passed the test, she could enter a Beijing Opera school.
Wang Yiyi passed the test 5 and became a student of that school. She worked 6 . Students in the school 7 to get up at 6:45 a.m. to practice their basic skills. But she got up at 6:00 in the morning. And she was always the last one to go to bed. Sometimes she was tired that she felt like crying, she would find 8 quiet place and cried aloud. She 9 herself that she still had a long way to go and that she should keep practicing…
Years went by. Finally, 10 hard work paid off. She got into her life as a Beijing Opera actress.
1.A.in B.for C.with
2.A.if B.when C.because
3.A.teacher B.teachers C.teacher’s
4.A.take B.to take C.taking
5.A.success B.successful C.successfully
6.A.hard B.harder C.the hardest
7.A.ask B.asked C.were asked
8.A.a B.an C.the
9.A.tell B.tells C.told
10.A.she B.her C.hers
The United Nations announced on April 19, 2023 that India is going to become the most populous (人口稠密的) country in the world by 1 end of June. In 2022, India had 2 than 1.412 billion people, which is very close to China’s population of 1.426 billion people. India’s population 3 to grow to almost 1.43 billion by the middle of the year, going beyond China’s.
This big population can be both good and bad for India. It’s good 4 more people can work and help the economy (经济) panies 5 other countries and areas might also want to invest (投资) in India, the Associated Press noted. But having so many people also has 6 . There might not be enough food, health care and 7 for everyone. It can be hard to find jobs because there are too many people 8 work, CNN reported.
However, India still has many chances for 9 growth. Many manufacturing (制造业) companies 10 factories in India. And India may become the worlds third-biggest economy by 2027, according to Morgan Stanley, the investment bank.
1.A.a B.an C.the
2.A.much B.more C.most
3.A.expects B.expected C.is expected
4.A.so B.but C.because
5.A.from B.behind C.into
6.A.challenge B.challenges C.challenge’s
7.A.educate B.education C.educational
8.A.look for B.to look for C.looking for
9.A.it B.its C.itself
0.A.are setting up B.had set up C.would set up
Recently, millions of people have been touched by a TV show, A Lifelong Journey. They describe the show as a time machine to travel to the past. 1 ! It is adapted (改编) from writer Liang Xiaosheng’s novel In the World. The novel won the writer Liang the 10th Mao Dun Literary Award, one of 2 literary awards in China.
The show tells us all the things 3 happened to Zhou’s family 60 years ago. It is set in the 1960s. So, in the show, lots of social changes 4 about, such as the return of gaokao, the country’s reform and opening-up, the popularity for xiahai (becoming self-employed in private business) and the nation’s anti-graft campaign (反腐倡廉). Following the lives of Zhou’s family, the show deepens the understanding 5 the common Chinese. They have turned a country in poverty into the second-largest economy in the world 6 .
“Great changes 7 place in China over the past sixty years. It is time to create such a show 8 the past,” the show’s director Li Lu says. With questions about happiness and the father-son relationships still under 9 discussions, Li hopes that 10 work A Lifelong Journey can stand the test of time.
1.A.How excellently it is B.What excellent show C.What an excellent show
2.A.famous B.more famous C.the most famous
3.A.that B.what C.which
4.A.are talking B.are talked C.were talked
5.A.with B.for C.of
6.A.successfully B.successful C.success
7.A.will take B.have taken C.were taking
8.A.remember B.to remember C.remembering
9.A.today’s B.today C.todays’
10.A.himself B.him C.his
Chinese kung fu is known as Chinese martial arts (武术). It is 1 important part of traditional Chinese culture. And it is probably one of 2 sports with a long history.
Chinese kung fu dates back to the ancient society. At that time, people used sticks 3 against wild animals. Gradually, they learned to protect 4 . During the Shang Dynasty, soldiers 5 in the form of kung fu. So far, the term “kung fu” 6 a number of fighting styles. The most famous ones are tai chi, Shaolin kung fu and qigong.
7 it is about fighting, Chinese kung fu stands for peace instead of violence (暴力). It has to do with exercise, self- protection and fitness. Nowadays, kung fu is getting much more popular 8 people and even becomes a symbol of Chinese culture. This traditional sport has really had much influence on Chinese people’s lifestyle.
The most famous kung fu star is certainly Bruce Lee! He performed 9 in Chinese kung fu and made it known throughout the world. 10 successful man he is! What’s more, his skills have been kept alive by actors like Jet Li and Jackie Chan.
1.A.a B.an C.the
2.A.old B.older C.the oldest
3.A.to fight B.fighting C.fought
4.A.them B.themselves C.their
5.A.trained B.are trained C.were trained
6.A.has covered B.covered C.is covering
7.A.Because B.Unless C.Although
8.A.for B.among C.on
9.A.excellent B.excellently C.excellence
10.A.What an B.How C.What a
Little George lived in a poor village with his mother. One summer day, he 1 to pick up some dry wood for the fire by his mother.
George looked for it very hard. By noon, he felt very hot and hoped 2 a cool place to rest and have some food. As he walked along, he found some shade(阴凉处) and some fine, wild strawberries next to it.
He picked up all the strawberries 3 . As he was lifting the first strawberry to his mouth, he remembered his sick mother. He wanted to save some for her, because he knew 4 she loved strawberries so much.
“I will eat half, and save the other half for her,” he thought. Then he divided them into two 5 . However, each half looked so 6 . He put them together again.
“I will only eat one,” he thought. However, as he again lifted one to his mouth, he saw that he had taken 7 finest one, and he put it back.
He felt happy that he had saved all the strawberries for his mother. 8 he came home, he heard his mother calling him in a weak voice. George ran to 9 mother and happily offered the wild strawberries to her.
“You saved them for me, didn’t you ” said she, with tears of joy 10 her eyes.
Could eating the strawberries have given George half the happiness he felt at this moment
1.A.asked B.was asked C.is asked
2.A.to find B.finding C.found
3.A.happy B.happily C.happiness
4.A.if B.what C.that
5.A.half B.halves C.half’s
6.A.small B.smaller C.smallest
7.A.a B.an C.the
8.A.Although B.When C.Because
9.A.he B.him C.his
10.A.to B.on C.in
The 2022 London Book Fair was held at the Olympia London from April 5th to 7th. Chinese writer Xuemo’s works were exhibited at 1 Book Fair.
The London Book Fair is one of 2 publishing(出版) events and a global party for story creators. In 2022, it attracted thousands of people from more than 115 3 .
With China’s international influence, many people hope 4 about China’s past and present from the Chinese stories. The exhibition of Chinese writer Xuemo’s works is to tell 5 well, and to convey(传递) Chinese voice on the international stage of the London Book Fair.
Xuemo, the pen name of Chen Kaihong, 6 many good works since 1988. His works, such as Desert Rites, Desert Hunters 7 White Tiger Pass have covered the topics of women, love, freedom, life and death. In 2015, he 8 one of China’s Ten Persons the Year.
The mysterious western Chinese culture 9 Xuemo’s works has drawn the attention of excellent translators from all over the world. And Xuemo has 10 built a connection on translation with them. And so far, Xuemo’s works have been translated into more than 20 foreign languages.
1.A.the B.a C.an
2.A.big B.bigger C.the biggest
3.A.country B.countries C.countries’
4.A.know B.knowing C.to know
5.A.they B.them C.theirs
6.A.created B.has created C.is creating
7.A.and B.but C.or
8.A.named B.is named C.was named
9.A.in B.on C.for
10.A.success B.successful C.successfully
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
great极好的,形容词原级;greater比较级;the greatest最高级。根据“than any other camp”可知,than前用比较级。故选B。
invited邀请,过去式/过去分词;are invited一般现在时的被动语态;were invited一般过去时的被动语态。根据“At the age of seven”可知,时态为一般过去时,他和父母是被邀请去参加太空营的,用被动语态。故选C。
on在……上;in在……里面;for为了。(travel) in space“在太空(旅行)”,固定短语。故选B。
How多么,修饰形容词/副词;What多么,修饰名词;What an多么,修饰可数名词单数。感叹句中心词是形容词“excited”,用how引导。故选A。
why为什么;when什么时候;where在哪里。根据“I feel like a real astronaut in the space camp”可知,人们问他为什么喜欢太空营。故选A。
leave离开,动词原形;leaving现在分词/动名词;to leave动词不定式。根据“don’t”可知,此处need是实义动词,后接动词不定式作宾语。故选C。
study学习,动词原形;is studying现在进行时;was studying过去进行时。根据“Now”可知,表示现阶段他正在学习空间科学,用现在进行时。故选B。
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A
stay停留,待(动词原形);to stay停留,待(动词不定式);staying停留,待(动名词或现在分词)。ask sb. to do“要求某人做某事”。故选B。
mustn’t禁止;shouldn’t不应该;couldn’t不能。根据“He wondered how he could help his friend.”可知帕特里克晚上在想如何帮助朋友,无法入睡。故选C。
anyone任何人;someone某个人;everyone每个人。根据“was asleep, he got up and cut down the tree”可知帕特里克在每个人都睡着后,开始起来砍树。故选C。
did做(do的一般过去时);was done被做(do的一般过去时被动语态);has done已经做(do的现在完成时)。that和do之间是被动关系,所以需使用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。
with和;for为了;over在上方。短语be angry with sb.“生某人的气”。故选A。
pay支付,付费(动词原形);pays支付,付费(动词三单形式);paid支付,付费(动词过去式)。根据前文“Three years later, Patrick passed through the same village”可知需使用一般过去时,动词使用过去式。故选C。
and并且,然后;or或者,否则;but但是。根据前文“When he arrived at the house, he saw that his friend was living a poor life with his two brothers.”可知前后是相反的情况,转折关系。故选C。
why为什么;how怎样;what什么。根据后文“As long as we live with the support, we couldn’t have progressed.”可知帕特里克当时砍掉那棵树是他们现在生活变好的原因。故选A。
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A
Unluck不幸运的;Unlucky不幸运的;Unluckily不幸运地。根据“a lightening strike (雷击) destroyed it”可知雷击摧毁了美丽的庄园,这是很不幸的,此处修饰句子,应用副词,故选C。
worry动词原形;worries动词三单;worried动词过去式/形容词。此处是固定短语be worried about“担忧”,故选C。
When当……时候;Unless除非;If如果。根据“he turned the first corner, he saw a store with a huge crowd.”可知前后句是时间上的关系,应用when引导时间状语从句,故选A。
buy动词原形;to buy动词不定式;buying动名词。排队是为了购买冬天取暖用的木炭,应用动词不定式表目的,故选B。
sold动词过去式;will sell一般将来时;was sold一般过去时的被动语态。it代指木炭,和sell之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故选C。
another另一个;other其他的;others其他人/物。根据“Soon, he sold over 2,000 boxes of charcoal. Later, he sold...1,000 boxes and made much money.”可知很快,他就卖出了2000多盒木炭,之后,他又卖了另外的1000盒,此处是表示“另一,再一”,故选A。
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
in在……中;for为了;with和。根据“She was born and raised...village in Hebei province.”可知,出生在河北省的一个农村,用介词in,故选A。
if如果;when当……时;because因为。根据“She loved singing and dancing...she was a little girl.”可知,当她还是个小女孩的时候就喜欢唱歌和跳舞了,用when引导时间状语从句,故选B。
take动词原形;to take动词不定式;taking动名词/现在分词。tell sb to do sth“告诉某人做某事”,故选B。
hard原级;harder比较级;the hardest最高级。work hard“努力工作、学习”,此处无比较含义,故选A。
ask一般现在时;asked一般过去时;were asked一般过去时的被动语态。主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。
she她,主格;her她,宾格/她的,形容词性物主代词;hers她的,名词性物主代词。此处作定语修饰“hard work”,用形容词性物主代词形式,故选B。
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A
a一个;an一个;the这个。根据“by...end of June”可知,此处应是by the end of“到……结束时”,为固定短语。故选C。
much很多;more更多;most最多。根据“India had...than 1.412 billion people”可知,空后是than“比”,此空应用比较级more。故选B。
expects预计(三单形式);expected预计(过去式和过去分词);is expected预计,有望(一般现在时的被动语态)。根据“India’s population...to grow to”可知,主语population和动词expect之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,谓语结构是be done。故选C。
so所以;but但是;because因为。根据“It’s good...more people can work and help the economy (经济) grow.”可知,前后句子是因果关系,此空应是because,引导原因状语从句,表示因为更多的人可以去工作,从而帮助经济增长,所以庞大的人口对于印度而言是好事。故选C。
from来自;behind在……后面;into到……里面。根据“Companies...other countries and areas”可知,此处应是表示来自不同国家和地区的公司,空处是from。故选A。
challenge挑战(单数);challenges挑战(复数);challenge’s挑战的(名词所有格)。challenge为可数名词,结合“But having so many people also has...”,可知此空应用可数名词的复数形式。故选B。
educate教育(动词);education教育(名词);educational教育的,有教育意义的(形容词)。根据“There might not be enough food, health care and...for everyone.”可知,并列连词and的前面是名词food和health care,空处也应是名词。故选B。
look for寻找(动词原形);to look for寻找(不定式);looking for寻找(现在分词或动名词)。根据“there are too many people...work”可知,此处表示有太多在找工作的人,此空应是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词people。故选C。
are setting up正在建立;had set up已经建立(过去完成时);would set up将会建立(过去将来时)。结合上文“However, India still has many chances for...growth.”可知,印度仍然有很多经济发展的机会,所以“Many manufacturing (制造业) companies...factories in India.”应是表示有很多制造公司正在印度建厂,现在进行时的时态符合语境,空处应是are setting up。故选A。
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 18.B 9.A 10.C
How excellently it is错误表达;What excellent show错误表达;What an excellent show多么优秀的节目。A选项应表达为“How excellent it is”,B选项应表达为“What an excellent show”,C选项表达正确。故选C。
famous著名的,形容词原级;more famous更著名,形容词比较级;the most famous最著名的,形容词最高级。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最……的……之一”,固定用法。故选C。
that引导从句,无实际意义;what什么;which哪个。根据“The show tells us all the things…happened to Zhou’s family 60 years ago.”可知,此处是定语从句,先行词是物且有all修饰,关系词应用that。故选A。
are talking现在进行时;are talked一般现在时被动语态;were talked一般过去时被动语态。此处介绍电视剧的基本情况,时态用一般现在时,且主语social changes和talk about存在被动关系,因此使用被动语态。故选B。
with和;for为了;of……的。根据“deepens the understanding…the common Chinese.”可知,是对普通中国人的认识,此处应用of表示所属关系。故选C。
will take一般将来时;have taken现在完成时;were taking 过去进行时。根据“over the past sixty years”可知,此处表示从过去到现在的发生的变化,应用现在完成时。故选B。
remember记住,动词原形;to remember动词不定式;remembering动名词或现在分词。此处应填动词不定式作目的状语,表示创造这个节目的目的。故选B。
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C
old老的,形容词原级;older更老的,比较级;the oldest最老的,最高级。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一”,故选C。
to fight动词不定式;fighting动名词;fight动词原形。use sth to do sth“用某物做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故选A。
trained动词过去式;are trained一般现在时被动语态;were trained一般过去时被动语态。主语soldiers与动词train是被动关系,且结合“During the Shang Dynasty”可知,此句是一般过去时,所以此处用一般过去时被动语态,故选C。
has covered现在完成时;covered动词过去式;is covering现在进行时。根据So far可知,此处用现在完成时结构,故选A。
Because因为;Unless除非;Although尽管。“it is about fighting”与“Chinese kung fu stands for peace instead of violence”是让步关系,用although引导让步状语从句,故选C。
for为了;among在……之间;on在上面。根据“getting much more popular…people”可知,在人们中越来越受欢迎,故选B。
What an引导中心词是可数名词单数的感叹句;How修饰形容词或副词;What a引导中心词是可数名词单数的感叹句。中心词successful是形容词,用how引导的感叹句结构:how+形容词+主谓,故选C。
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.C
asked动词过去式或过去分词;was asked一般过去时的被动语态;is asked一般现在时的被动语态。根据“Little George lived in a poor village with his mother.”可知,句子是一般过去时,动词ask和主语之间是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。
to find动词不定式;finding动名词;found动词过去式或过去分词。hope to do“希望做”,是固定表达,故选A。
happy开心的;happily开心地;happiness开心。此空是修饰动词短语picked up,应用副词,故选B。
if是否;what什么;that引导宾语从句,无实际意义。根据“knew...she loved strawberries so much.”可知,从句是陈述句,应用that引导宾语从句,故选C。
Although尽管;When当……时候;Because因为。根据“he came home, he heard his mother calling him in a weak voice.”可知,两句是时间上的关系,应用when。故选B。
to到;on在……上;in在……里面。根据“with tears of joy...her eyes.”可知,泪水在眼睛里,故选C。
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C
the这个,表特指;a一个,用于辅音音素前;an一个,用于元音音素前。根据“Chinese writer Xuemo’s works were exhibited at…Book Fair.”可知此处特指上文提到过的伦敦书展,用定冠词the,故选A。
big大的,形容词原级;bigger更大的,形容词比较级;the biggest最大的,the+形容词最高级。根据“one of…publishing(出版) events”可知此处应是one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的……之一”。故选C。
know动词原形;knowing动名词或现在分词;to know动词不定式。根据“many people hope…about China’s past and present from the Chinese stories.”可知此处应是hope to do sth.“希望做某事”。故选C。
they它们,人称代词主格;them它们,人称代词宾格;theirs它们的,名词性物主代词。根据“he exhibition of Chinese writer Xuemo’s works is to tell…well”可知tell后接人称代词宾格作宾语,故选B。
created用于一般过去时;has created用于现在完成时;is creating用于现在进行时。根据“since 1988”可知此处用现在完成时。故选B。
and和;but但是;or否则。根据“such as Desert Rites, Desert Hunters…White Tiger Pass”可知此处是表等同关系的并列成分,用and连接。故选A。
named过去分词或过去式;is named一般现在时的被动语态;was named一般过去时的被动语态。句中主语“he”与动词“name”之间是被动关系,结合“In 2015”可知用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。
in在……里;on在……上;for为了。根据“The mysterious western Chinese culture ... Xuemo’s works”可知此处指雪漠作品里的神秘中国西部文化。故选A。
success成功,名词;successful成功的,形容词;successfully成功地,副词。根据“has ... built”可知用副词修饰动词。故选C。
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