
1. 本试卷共8页, 总分120分, 考试时间120分钟。
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1. 听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
1. A. anexamB.an officeC. an umbrella
2. A. cookmeatB.take photosC. make cakes
3. A. afamouscityB.a beautiful photoC. a traditional festival
4. A. I gave Steven some money.
B. I borrowed some money from Steven.
C. I paid some money to Steven.
5. A. They will celebrate Sam's birthday.
B. They will buy a birthday cake.
C. They will make a birthday card.
Ⅱ. 听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
6. A. No, thanks! B. Very well! C. Notat all.
7. A. Holdon, please. B. The same to you. C. This is Kim speaking.
8. A. Never mind. B. Yes, please. C. Take care.
9. A. Welldone. B. Good idea. C. Good luck
10. A. Ithinkso! B. I hope not! C. Whata pity!
Ⅲ. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案(共8小题;每小题1分, 满分8分)
11. How does Nick get to school
12. What does Linda do in her free time on weekdays
13. When did the young lady run in the 800-meter race
A. Yesterday evening. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday morning
14. What's the matter with the young lady
A. She gets a cold. B. She gets a toothacheC. She gets a fever.
15. What does the doctor ask the young lady to do
A. Eat food at once after sports.
B. Put on her coat at once after sports.
C. Drink hot water at once after sports.
16. Where are they going
A. To the bus stop. B. To the train stationC. To the airport.
17. How many hours does it take to get there from home
A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.
18. What is their decision at last
A. To hurry up. B. To stay at homeC.To start earlier.
IV. 听短文和问题, 选择正确答案(共7小题;每小题1分, 满分7分
19. What part-time job did the speak find
A. Deliveringnewspapers. B. Sellingflowers. C. Delivering milk.
20. What did the speaker think about working at last
A. It was difficult. B. It was easyC. It was interesting
21. Who is the news of the program from
A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Parents.
22. How do they collect news
A. Take turns. B. Sit behind a long desk. C. Share the everyday lunch menu.
23. How many reporters of the day will be in front of the board
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
24. Why is the news program fun
A. Because the kids love making it.
B. Because the news is different.
C. Because they report it every day.
25. What do the teachers think of the news program
A. It's boring. B. It's important. C. It's exciting.
V. 听短文填空(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
Information Sheet Activity:a trip to Star Island Meeting time: 26. at_____________ Weather: 27._________in the afternoon Bring: 28. a _______________ Where to havelunch:29. on the_____________ Visit:30. the oldest__________ on the island
V. 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
“31. We usually have class meetings_________Mondays.
A. fromB.inC. onD. for
32. —Grandpa, Iwrotethispoemfor ________birthday.
—Wow. thanks a lot.
A. hisB.yourC. herD. my
33. You must work hard now._________ you'll regret when you are older.
A. soB. butC.andD. or
34. —Excuseme, ________I sit here
—You'd better not. It's the woman's seat.
A. needB.mustC. couldD. should
35. Allen______us a report. Please remember to take some notes.
A. givesB.will giveC. was givingD. gave
36. When we listen to the teacher in class. we should________the key points.
A. writedown B.takeoff C. putupD. give out
37. Hurryup. Tony. You___________on the phone.
A. wantB.wantedC. are wantedD. were wanted
38. Shenzhou-17 was a success. It shows China has made great_______in the field of spacescience.
A. teamworkB.resultC. progressD. decision
39. Sorry, Imissedyourphone. I ___________and I didn't hear it.
A. was cookingB. am cookingC. cookD.have cooked
40. Susan, I_________all my homework. We can go to the park now.
A. willfinishB.have finishedC. isfinishingD. was finishing
VI. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
I like poems so much that I think about them, even in my dream. I was once asked by a friend of mine why I showed such a41interest in them. I said. "Oh, there are two reasons why I like poems. First, I like Chinese culture and I am42about beautiful sentences in poems. And the other reason is that I can43other people and share all the things I have with the help of poems. "
My friend asked me for further explanation(解释) . As we know, poems have a long history. At first, people found the special44of simple sentences. They discussed them and made them into poems when they got together. As time went by, people started to 45different kinds of poems. 46 ,People became better at enjoying poems. They were not just paying attention to the simple meaning. 47they went deep into the soul( 内涵 )of a poem. They began to48the relationship between poems and their own life. They realized the power of poems and started to usepoems to express their49.
Nowadays, people take a greater interest in poems than ever before. There is no doubt that we can always50Chinese culture behind them. They are treasures of Chinese culture.
41. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. great
42. A. tired B. crazy C. surprised D. amazed
43. A. look after B. agree with C. communicate with D. smile at
44. A. use B. lesson C. study D. step
45. A. stand B. forget C. create D. meet
46. A. Suddenly B. Actually C. Gradually D. Quickly
47. A. but B. and C. so D. or
48. A. break B. practice C. lose D. understand
49. A. results B. feelingsC. dreams D. ways
50. A. post B. discover C. take D. place
VII. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读 A 、B 、C 、D四篇材料, 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The World for Teenagers
Learning Feelings Communication Activities Question in June:What do you often do after class Maria from Russia I often use old clothes that people don't wear any more to make bags. I opened a small shop in my neighbourbood and set up a website to sell the bags online. Many customers think they are wonderful. Now I plan to write a new book about ways to use old clothes. Lele from China Museums often teach me a lot. I have ever been to many museums, such as the ones in Beijing. Xi'an and so on. But the Hangzhou National Tea Museum is my favorite. It's in this museum that I knew about the history of tea. I watched the tea art performances. They showedhow to make a perfect cup of tea with tea sets. Angela from France I often cook Chinese food at home. I can make dumplings and Yangzhou Fried Rice. My favorite is Yunnan Rice Noodles. To make the food, we need to have rice noodles, chicken soupvegetables and eggs. My parents often cook Chinese food as well, especially gongbao chicken.
51. What does Maria often do after class
A. Visitsmuseums. B. Writessomebooks.
C. Makes Chinese food. D. Usesoldclothestomakebags.
52. What does Lele learn from the Hangzhou National Tea Museum
A. The history of tea. B. ThestoriesofHangzhou.
C. The performance of tea art. D. Theskillofmakingteasets.
53. What is Angela'sfavoritefood
A. Dumplings. B. Gongbaochicken.
C. Yunnan Rice Noodles. D. YangzhouFriedRice.
Willows in February get life;
Grasses are to become green in March;
When April falls, our best time will come;
Then all rivers become blue …
"CLIMBING THE MOUNTAIN IN SPRING"is a song performed at the 2024 Spring FestivalGala. It shows the charm and energy of spring through scene designs filled with the colors of spring and the light, cheerful dance steps of the performers.
The lyrics( 歌词 ) of the song mention natural sceneries characteristic of spring, andincorporate( 融合 ) classical Chinese poetry, allowing the audience to experience the attraction of traditional culture. The lyricist, Yu Zhuo'er, hopes that listeners canfeel the warmthand beautyof spring when listening to the song.
Pairedwithadanceperformance, thesongcreatesanaudio-visualfeast( 视听盛宴 ) andprovides the audience with a pleasant journey into the springtime.
Igo up to hill to meet you;
Flower watchers feel that springtime is short;
Hope to meet you for all my life. . .
In a word, this song not only shows the beautiful scenery of spring but also expresses the desire and paise for a better life, reflecting a combination(结合)of modern music and traditional culture.
54. When will the best time come according to the song
A. In February. B. In March. C. In April. D. In May.
55. What do the lyrics of the song allow the audience to experience
A. The beauty of the Spring Festival Gala.
B. The attraction of traditional culture.
C. The scene designs filled with the colors of spring.
D. The cheerful steps of performers.
56. What is the writer trying to do in the text
A. To introduce a song. B. To describe a performance.
C. To show his love for spring. D. To tell a story.
Book Review Template(模板)
1. Summary Write a summary of the book 1st paragraph——Write about the setting(where the story takes place, usually time and place). Introduce the main characters in the story. Discuss what problems the main character faces in the story. If you're still having trouble starting. you can answer the questions who, what, when, where, and how. 2nd paragraph——Summarize what happens up until the high point of the story. Don't give away the ending. Use some of the connecting words below to help you write your review. e. g. first second third last also finally because next for example as a result later
2. Opinion 3rd paragraph—Give your opinion about the book. Write about reasons why you like or dislike the book. Give details, for example:Is the book interesting Is it easy to understand or hard Do you like the ending Who is your favorite character What is your favorite part What connections do you make with your life or other books Talk about the writer's style of writing and give examples.
3. Recommendation(推荐) the last paragraph——Explain whether you will recommend this book or not. Grade the books from I star to 5 stars and give reasons. Examples should include a quote(引述)or quotes from the book or a summary of the part of the book that you like or don't like.
57. Howcan westartabookreview
A. By writing a summary. B. By introducing the writer of the book.
C. By recommending a book. D. By giving the opinion about the book.
58. Whatcanwh-questionshelpyoutodescribe
A. The writer's writing style. B. The connecting words in the book.
C. The stars you give to the book. D. The setting and characters in the story.
59. What can you writeabout in theOpinion part
A. Some quotes from the book. B. High point of the story.
C. The beginning of the story. D. Your favorite part of the book.
60. What is the writer trying to do in the text
A. Recommend the writer's books. B. Give advice on writing books.
C. Explain how to write book reviews. D. Describe the importance of reading books.
There is no doubt that technology has had a big influence on our lives. People from all around the world can now talk to each other almost at once on mobile phones and the Internet. People caneasilysolvetheirproblemswiththehelpofcomputersandtheworldwideweb. Withthis technology, itseemsthattheworldismoreconnectednowthaneverbefore. Evenso, therehave been worries about technology making people feel lonely and disconnected from others around them.
So does this mean that technology makes us lonely
In my opinion, it is hard to say Yes or No.
It'struethathumansneedcommunicationwitheachother. If wedependontechnologytoo much to communicate, this can badly impact our mental(心理的)health. Forme, technologyisatool. And just like any other kind of tool —like scissors, a pencil or a ruler, for example, it depends on how we use it in a right way or in a right place. Take social media(社交媒体)asanexample. If you only use it to compare yourself with others, you might feel sad and lonely. But if you use it as a tool to connect with friends and family or to start a new community to talk about your hobbies and interests, the loneliness will turn into love and friendship.
When you feel lonely after staring at your computer screen all day. maybe you can use that technology to reach out to a reliable(可靠的) friend and invite him or her out for lunch or a coffee.
61. What is the effect of technology in our lives according to the passage
A. We can read electronic books.
B. We can solve our problems on the Internet.
C. We can buy almost anything we need online.
D. We can make friends with people around the world.
62. If we use technology too much, what will we feel according to Paragraph 4
A. Tired and sleepy. B. Bored and worried. C. Warm and happy. D. Sad and lonely.
63. What is the writer's idea of technology
A. It is a kind of tool. B. Itisa friend of ours.
C. It is a pair of scissors. D. It is a way of communication.
64. Which word is close to the underlined word "impact"
A. Connect B. Protect. C. Influence. D. Enter.
65. Which can be a proper title for the text
A. Social Media is Important to UsB. Technology Can be Good and Bad
C. Computers and the Internet Help UsD. People Need to Communicate with Each Other
IX. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)
阅读下面短文, 按要求完成66~70题。
Could you imagine being in a car driven by a computer, not a human Recently, China hasmade a big step toward self-driving technology. Since August, driverless taxis can run on roads in Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenzhen.
Why do we develop self-driving cars
Self-driving cars give us many benefits ( 好处 ) . They use computers to sense the thingsaround them and make better use of space. This means fewer traffic jams and better parking of cars. For disabled or blind people, self driving cars can also help them get around more easily.
According to official statistics(统计数据), self driving cars could reduce road accidents by 90percent and give governmentsa lot of money. The main cause of car accidents is human error(错误). By using computers, self-driving cars don't make poor decisions or lose focus like humans do.
But self-driving cars aren't perfect. If something unexpected happens, self-driving cars can'treact (反应) as fast as a human driver. Also, during weather events like heavy snow, self -driving cars would fail to see the lines on the road easily. It might lead to an accident. The car's computer system would be broken by someone, causing it to crash or change its direction.
"It is clear that there is a lot of work to do to make self-driving cars a common and safe sight (景象)on our roads. And China is taking the lead in making this happen, ”said China Daily.
66. Wecansee___________run on roads in Wuhan, Chongqing and Shenzhen.
67. Self-driving cars could reduce road accidents by ____________.
68. How can self -driving cars sense the things around them
69. What will happen if the car's computer system is broken
70. What do you think of self-driving cars Why
X. 词语运用(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
阅读下面短文。在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的, 填人所给单词的正确形式)。
OurfamilyboughtanewsmartTVsetlast week. Itis71________(real)cool! Butwedidn't knowwhatweshoulddo72________theoldone. ThenIsaw73_________advertisementforTech-Help. Tech-Help donates smart TV sets to people who need 74________(they).
So far, Tech-Help has donated75________(many)than2, 000smartTVsetstodifferentfamilies acrossthecountry. Lastyear, they76________(give)smartTVsetstopoorfamilies. Itisveryeasyto donate smart TV sets to Tech-Help though it is our77_________(one)timetodothat. Yesterday, my brother 78_______I took the old smart TV set to a local shop. Two79_______(hour)later, Tech-Helpcollecteditfromtheshop. TheywillcleanthesmartTVsetandmakeitbetter. I'm 80_________(excite)wecoulddosomethingtohelpothers!
XI. 基础写作( 包括A、B 两部分, A 部分 5 分, B 部分15分, 共20分)
A)连词成句(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
将所给词语连成句子, 要求符合语法, 语句通顺, 大小写正确, 词语不得重复使用。句末标点已给出,
81. you, him, do, know
82. is, in, afootballplayer, he, ourschool
83. often, we, afterschool, together, playfootball
84. time, what, wonderful, a
85. are, I, forever, we, friends, hope, good
86. 王梅的英国朋友Jenny 去到了一个新学校, 遇到了一些问题, 她向王梅寻求帮助。下面是 Jenny 发来的电子邮件的部分内容。请你根据所给内容, 以王梅的名义回复。
I havesome problems now. I have beenin my newschoolforonemonth, butI haven't made any friends. And I also have some trouble with my schoolwork. I don't know what to do. Can you give me some suggestions
注意:(1)针对Jenny 的问题, 给出合理的建议, 可适当发挥。
(3)词数80个左右(开头和结尾已给出, 不计人总词数)。
Dear Jenny,
I'mgladtohearfromyou. Don'tworry.
Wang Mei机密★启用前
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26. 9:15/ nine fifteen/ a quarter past nine27. windy28. jacket29. beach 30. building
31-35 ABDCB 36-40 ACCAB
41-45 DBCAC 46-50 CADBB
51-55 DACCB 56-60 AADDC 61-65 BDACB
66. driverless taxis
67. 90 percent/90 percent and save governments a lot of money.
68. By computers. / By using computers. /Using computers. /Use computers.
69. It will crash or change its direction. /Causing it to crash or change its direction. / Crash or change its direction.
70. I think they are convenient. Because they can give us many benefits.
I think they are dangerous. Because self-driving cars can’t react as fast as a human driver. 合理即得分。
71. really 72. with 73. an 74. them 75. more
76. gave 77. first 78. and 79. hours 80. excited
A) 连词成句
81. Do you know him
82. He is a football player in our school.
83. We often play football together after school.
84. What a wonderful time!
85. I hope we are good friends forever.
B) 书面表达
86. One possible version
Dear Jenny,
I’m glad to hear from you. Don’t worry. I can give you some suggestions on how to solve the problems.
To make friends, I think you can communicate with your classmates more often to let them get to know you. What’s more, join a club or take part in some activities. They are good ways to know more students and make friends with them.
As for schoolwork, you can ask your classmates or teachers for help. It can not only help you solve your problems but also help you get closer to your classmates and teachers. In addition, it’s best to make a plan before studying because it can help you make full use of your time.
I hope these suggestions are useful and helpful to you.
Wang Mei




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