2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)专题07 动词时态 & 语态(讲练)(原卷版+解析版)

专题07 动词的时态和语态
1.(2023·武汉) Jessica ________ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.
A. studies B. studied C. has studied D. will study
考查动词时态。根据(语言环境)and以及got 可知,空处与got是并列关系,所以空处填动词过去式,故选B。
2. (2023·武汉)—Who will talk about the development of American country music next week
—I suggest Brad. He ________ in Nashville, the home of country music, since he was a child.
A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. will live
考查现在完成时。根据“since he was a child.”可知,这里应用现在完成时。故选C。
3.(2023·安徽)— Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me
— Sorry, not right now. I ________ a short video.
A. make B. have made C. am making D. was making
考查动词时态。根据“Sorry, not right now. I … a short video”可知,现在正在制作短视频,用现在进行时表示正在进行的动作,故选C。
4. (2023·河北)I ________ ice skating this Sunday. Do you want to come
A. go B. went C. was going D. will go
考查时态。根据“Do you want to come”可知动作还未发生,用一般将来时will do。故选D。
5. (2023·天津)While we ________ an English song, some visitors came to our class.
A. sing B. will sing C. were singing D. are singing
考查动词时态。根据“While”以及“some visitors came to our class”可知此句是含有while的过去进行时:was/were doing,故选C。
一 、一般现在
定义 (常涉及现在)表示现在经常反复发生的或习惯性的动作或状态;还可用来描述真理
谓语构成 am/is/are;do/does
时间状语 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never,every year,once a day,twice a week,three times a month,on Sundays等
举例 Jacob is/isn’t a sailor. 雅各布是/不是一个海员。 She sings/doesn’t sing well. 她唱得好/不好。
定义 (常涉及过去)表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态;也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作
谓语构成 was/were; did; could; would…
时间状语 yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago, often, always等
举例 Mike was/wasn’t silent.迈克是/不是不爱说话。
定义 (常涉及现在某一时刻)表示(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作;也可表示现阶段一直或反复进行的动作
谓语构成 is/am/are doing
时间状语 now,at the moment,look,listen,these days,at present,from two to five等
举例 I am/am not standing on the Grand Canyon now. 我正/没有站在大峡谷上。 Look! He is playing football.看!他正在踢足球。
定义 (常涉及过去某一时刻)表示过去某个时间点或过去某时间段正在进行的动作
谓语构成 was/were doing
时间状语 at nine last night, at that time=then, at this time yesterday, this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday,when/while引导的时间状语从句等
举例 I was/was not looking at Victoria Falls at this time yesterday.昨天这个时候我正/没有看到维多利亚瀑布。 He broke his arm when/while he was riding the motorbike.他骑摩托车的时候折断了胳膊。
定义 (涉及过去、现在、有可能到将来)表示始于过去、持续至今的动作或状态,并可能继续下去;也可以表示过去发生或已完成的某个动作对现在产生的影响或结果
谓语构成 have/has done
时间状语 for(+时段),since(+表过去的时间点),already, yet, just, before, recently, still, lately, these years, just, up to now, so far, in/over/during the last/past few months等
举例 She has/hasn’t lived here for five years.她住/没住这儿五年了。 Have you seen it yet 你还没看见吗? —Would you like to have dinner with me 你愿意和我们一起共进晚餐吗? —Thanks, but I’ve had it already.谢谢,我已经吃过晚饭了。 Angel has been dead for 2 days. 安杰尔死了两天了。
定义 (涉及将来) 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事
谓语构成 will/shall do; is/am/are going to do; am/is/are doing
时间状语 tomorrow, soon,next year/week/month,in a few days,in the future,sometime,含有when或if的复合句等
举例 We’re going to meet outside the school gate soon. 我们不久将在学校门口会合。 They won’t have a meeting tomorrow. 他们明天没有会议。 There are going to be two parties this Saturday. = There will be two parties this Saturday. 这个星期六将有两个派对。
定义 一件事情发生在过去,而另外一件事情先于它发生(即表示“过去的过去”),那么发生在先的事情的动词须用过去完成时。这个过去的时间可用before等介词短语构成一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以通过上下文给出暗示。
谓语构成 “had +过去分词”
时间状语 by then,by that time,by the end of,before 2012,by the time等。 用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句中。也可用在状语从句中 此时,在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先用过去完成时;发生在后用一般过 去时。
举例 By then he had learned English for four years. 到那时,他已学习英语四年了。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. 她说她从来没去过巴黎。
现在完成时 一般过去时
时态范畴 现在时态,过去的动作对现在造成的影响 过去时态,过去动作,与现在无关
例句 Li Lei has read the book. (说明李雷了解那本书的内容) Yesterday l went to the zoo. (仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关)
时间状语 already,yet,still,just,so far,in the last( past),before,ever,never,since+时间点,for+时间段 ago,yesterday,last,in 2000,just now
例句 Have you ever picked flowers in a park 你们曾在公园里摘过花吗? Father bought that watch ten years ago. 爸爸十年前买了那块手表。
1. (2023·江苏南通)— My father and I ________ a lot of photos at the same place in the past ten years.
— Those photos must be your valuable memories.
A. have taken B. will take C. take D. were taking
考查动词时态。根据“in the past ten years”可知,此处是现在完成时,结构是have/has done。故选A。
2. (2023·江苏无锡)Hey, Aunt Jenny! It’s you! I didn’t expect you ________ over. What a nice surprise!
A. had come B. have come C. would come D. will come
考查动词时态。由“didn’t expect”可知,主句时态是一般过去时,则从句也应为过去时态。“来”的动作发生在将来,应为将来时,故空格处为过去将来时,结构是would do。故选C。
3. (2023·江苏徐州) I saw Harry in February and I ________ him since then.
A. didn’t see B. won’t see C. haven’t seen D. don’t see
考查动词时态。根据“since then”可知,时态应为现在完成时,结构是have/has done。故选C。
4. (2023·湖北孝感) — What do you think of the novel, Journey to the West
— It’s so exciting that I ________ it for three times.
A. read B. will read C. have read D. was reading
考查时态。根据“It’s so exciting”及“for three times”可知,表示已经看过三次,此处应用现在完成时,其结构为“have/has+动词过去分词”,主语为I,助动词用have,故选C。
5. (2023·北京)—Lucy, what are you doing
—I ________ a model ship.
A. make B. made C. am making D. was making
考查现在进行时。根据“what are you doing ”可知句子应用现在进行时来回答,其谓语结构为:am/is/are+现在分词。故选C。
6. (2023·北京)The Shenzhou-15 astronauts ________ to Earth safely on June 4, 2023.
A. return B. returned C. will return D. have returned
考查时态。根据“on June 4, 2023”可知是过去发生的事情,用一般过去时,谓语用过去式returned。故选B。
7. (2023·北京)If you go to the concert with us tomorrow, you ________ a great time there.
A. have B. had C. will have D. have had
考查时态。if引导的条件状语从句遵循主将从现原则,主句用一般将来时,其结构为will do。故选C。
8. (2023·北京)Eric ________ many things since he became interested in science.
A. is learning B. was learning C. will learn D. has learned
考查现在完成时。根据“since he became interested in science”可知,句子应用现在完成时,其谓语结构:have/has+过去分词。故选D。
9. (2023·江西)—What’s that noise, Tom
—Oh, some children ________ in the yard.
A. play B. are playing C. played D. will play
考查动词时态。根据“What’s that noise”可知,询问正在发出的声音是什么,所以答语用现在进行时的结构,故选B。
10. (2023·天津)While we ________ an English song, some visitors came to our class.
A. sing B. will sing C. were singing D. are singing
考查动词时态。根据“While”以及“some visitors came to our class”可知此句是含有while的过去进行时:was/were doing,故选C。
11.---Hurry up! ---One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I’m ready to go.
A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. have read
【解析】句意:——快点!——马上,我在读电子邮件,我准备走了。根据read一般现在时态的结构,am reading现在进行时态的结构,was reading过去进行时态的结构, have read现在完成时态的结构;根据One moment.和 then I’m ready to go.可知是我正在读,现在进行时态;故选B。
12.---I’ve never seen Mr. Taylor before.
---Don’t worry. I ______ him to you before the meeting.
A. will introduce B. introduced C. have introduced D. had introduced
【解析】句意:——以前我从来没见过Taylor先生。——不要担心,开会前我会把他介绍给你的。根据will introduce一般将来时态的结构,introduced一般过去时态的结构,have introduced现在完成时态的结构,had introduced过去完成时态的结构;根据Don’t worry.和 before the meeting.可知是将来时态;故选A。
13.–Linda, Dad has finished his work and we ___________ to the gym to pick you up.
-Thank you, Mum.
A. drive B. drove C. have driven D. are driving
【解析】句意:——Linda,爸爸下班了,我们就要开车去健身房接你。——谢谢你们,妈妈。考查现在进行时。A. drive驾驶、开车,动词原形;B. drove过去式;C. have driven现在完成时;D. are driving现在进行时。根据Linda, Dad has finished his work and we _____ to the gym to pick you up. 可知,前半句用的是现在完成时,表示动作发生在过去,对现在造成的影响,即爸爸的工作已完成,那么现在的话就是要开车去接你,所以这里应该是“就要开车去接你”;drive可以用现在进行时形式表示将来。故答案选D。
14.—Do you know if he_______ to play football with us
—I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.
A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be
15. –Uncle Sam said he ____________ my birthday party, but he never showed up.
- That’s Uncle Sam. He forgets everything!
A. will attend B. would attend C. has attended D. had attended
【解析】句意:— —山姆大叔说他会参加我的生日聚会,但他没来。 — —那就是山姆大叔。他什么都忘了!
A为一般将来时;B为过去将来时;C为现在完成时;D为过去完成时。分析句子Uncle Sam said he ____________ my birthday party, but he never showed up. 的结构可知,本题是一个宾语从句,主句Uncle Sam said是一般过去时,因此在宾语从句中应该用过去范畴的某一种时态,排除A/C;根据my birthday party可知,应该是将要参加我的生日聚会,因此应该用过去将来时,故选B。
16.The student told me that he _______ the exam _______.
A. has had; yesterday B. had; the day before yesterday
C. had had; the day before D. had had; yesterday
【解析】试题分析:句意:学生告诉我他已经在前天考完了。这里told发生在过去,考试是在告诉以前发生的,故 用过去完成时,与它连用的时间状语是the day before, the day before yesterday和yesterday都与过去式连用。 故选C。
17. —Hello! May I speak to Kate
—Sorry, she isn’t in. She ________ ping-pong outside.
A. is playing B. plays C. played D. will play
考查现在进行时。根据“Sorry, she isn’t in.”可知,阐述正在发生的事,用现在进行时,结构为“be+现在分词”。故选A。
18. (2022·湖北武汉中考) —I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.
—I ________. It’s not safe.
A. agree B. agreed C. will agree D. had agreed
考查时态。根据“I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.”可知此处表达自己当前的想法,用一般现在时。故选A。
19. The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022.
A. have built B. had built C. will build D. would build
考查动词时态。根据“The chief engineer announced that”可知,that后为宾语从句,主句为一般过去时,从句为过去的某种时态,结合从句时间状语“around the end of 2022”可知,此处使用过去将来时,would+动词原形。故选D。
20. —May I speak to Wang Li
—Sorry, she is not at home. She ________ since last month.
A. left B. has left C. has been away D. went away
考查时态。根据“since last month”可知句子应使用现在完成时have/has done,排除AD;且此处应用延续性动词,而left“离开”是非延续动词,排除B。故选C。
21.(2023·江苏连云港二模)They didn’t notice me come in because they ________ computer games.
A.play B.are playing C.were playing D.have played
考查时态辨析。根据句意可知此处要表达“正在玩”的意思,又因前面“didn’t notice”,可知本句时态为过去进行时,故选C。
22.(2023·河北石家庄一模)I ________ a cold. I am not feeling well now.
A.catch B.have caught C.will catch D.was catching
考查动词时态。catch患 (病);catch a cold“感冒”,固定搭配;根据“I am not feeling well now.”可知,“感冒”这一动作发生在过去,并对现在产生了影响,句子时态应使用现在完成时,其结构为:have/has+动词的过去分词;主语是I,助动词用have;catch的过去分词是caught。故选B。
23.(2023·上海静安二模)Many people ________ busily in that building at eight yesterday evening.
A.are working B.were working C.has worked D.had worked
考查谓语动词时态。根据时间状语“at eight yesterday evening”可知,应用过去进行时,谓语结构为“was/were doing”。故选B。
24.(2023·上海普陀·统考二模)The boy ________ and showed us a row of white teeth.
A.laugh B.laughed C.laughs D.is laughing
考查谓语动词时态。根据“...and showed us a row of white teeth.”可知连词and连接并列谓语,应和showed保持一致,均用过去式,为一般过去时。故选B。
25.(2023·河北衡水一模)Well, everyone ________ taking the notes. Now let’s go on our class.
A.finished B.has finished C.was finishing D.will finish
考查动词的时态。根据“everyone…taking the notes. Now let’s go on our class.”可知,大家已经记完了笔记才能继续上课,表示过去发生的事对现在造成的影响应该用现在完成时。故选B。
26.(2023·辽宁沈阳一模)—When did you __________ the new watch
—Well, I __________ it for two weeks.
A.have bought; have had B.bought; have bought
C.buy; have had D.buy; bought
考查谓语动词的时态。第一空是when引导的特殊疑问句,由“did”可知,句子是一般过去时,见到did,动词用原形,此处用动词buy;第二空根据“for two weeks”可知,句子需用现在完成时:have+动词的过去分词,buy买,是短暂性动词不能用于表示一段时间的完成时,需换成持续性动词have,have的过去分词是had。故选C。
27.(2023·河北沧州·统考一模)Jack ________ the yard when I passed by.
A.cleaned B.is cleaning C.was cleaning D.cleans
考查动词时态。根据when以及passed可知,主句表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,时态用过去进行时was/were doing的结构,故选C。
28.(2023·湖北十堰一模)— You look pretty busy, how come
— We ________ for an office party now.
A.prepare B.have prepared C.are preparing D.were preparing
考查动词时态。根据now可知,此处用现在进行时be doing结构,故选C。
29.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday.
A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken
【解析】句意:昨天这个时候九年级的学生正在参加数学考试。考查动词时态辨析。at this time yesterday昨天这个时候,用于过去进行时“was/were + doing”结构;根据句意结构和语境,可知选C。
30.---Hurry up! ---One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I’m ready to go.
A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. have read
【解析】句意:——快点!——马上,我在读电子邮件,我准备走了。根据read一般现在时态的结构,am reading现在进行时态的结构,was reading过去进行时态的结构, have read现在完成时态的结构;根据One moment.和 then I’m ready to go.可知是我正在读,现在进行时态;故选B。
31.---I’ve never seen Mr. Taylor before.
---Don’t worry. I ______ him to you before the meeting.
A. will introduce B. introduced C. have introduced D. had introduced
【解析】句意:——以前我从来没见过Taylor先生。——不要担心,开会前我会把他介绍给你的。根据will introduce一般将来时态的结构,introduced一般过去时态的结构,have introduced现在完成时态的结构,had introduced过去完成时态的结构;根据Don’t worry.和 before the meeting.可知是将来时态;故选A。
32.I ______ up at 6:30 every morning.
A. get B. got C. will get D. gets
【解析】 句意:我每天早上6:30起床。根据时间状语every morning可以判断是一般现在时态,主语为第一人称单数形式,所以选择动词原形。故选A。
33.Most of my good friends ________ when I ________ at the party.
A. left; had arrived B. had left; arrived
C. left; arrived D. had left; had arrived
考查动词时态用法。left一般过去时; had arrived过去完成时 ;had left过去完成时; arrived一般过去时;left; arrived两者都是一般过去时;had left过去完成时; had arrived过去完成时。根据逻辑思维可知朋友是过去的过去离开的,在我到达晚会之前,所以前者用过去完成时;到晚会用一般过去时,故选B。
34.When he was in the shop, he found he ________ his wallet.
A. lost B. has lost
C. had lost D. would lose
考查动词过去完成时态用法。lost是一般过去时;has lost是现在完成时;had lost是过去完成时;would lose是过去将来时。根据在商店里是一般过去时态,可知丢钱包在这之前,所以用过去完成时,故选C。
35.By the end of last week, she __________ in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children.
A. will stay B. has stayed C. would stay D. had stayed
考查动词时态。根据时间状语By the end of last week到上周末为止,可知本句描述的是过去某时之前已经完成的动作,故用过去完成时态,结构是had+过去分词,故选D。
36.—Did you see Mrs. Lee in the meeting room
—No. When I got there, she ________ another meeting.
A. had left for B. had left to
C. was leaving for D. was leaving to
【解析】句意:—你在会议室看见李老师吗? —没有。当我到那里时,她已经动身去下一场会议了。
考查动词过去完成时。had left for已经动身往某地,是过去完成时;had left to 过去完成时,介词不对;was leaving for正要动身前往某地,是过去进行时;was leaving to是过去进行时,根据前面否定回答可知李老师已经赶往下一场会议,用过去完成时,故选A。
37.—You didn’t watch the movie
—Yes, but by the time I ______ to the cinema, the movie ______ for several minutes.
A. got; has begun B. got; had been on
C. got; had begun D. got; has been on
【解析】句意:-你没有看这部电影吗?-不,我看了,但是当我到达电影院的时候,电影已经开始好几分钟了。got到达,过去式;has begun现在完成时;had been on过去完成时,系表结构;had begun过去完成时;has been on现在完成时。结合本题语境可知,在我倒电影院之前,电影已经开始几分钟了。当by the time后的从句用一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时,再结合for several minutes可知,要用延续性的had been on。故选B。
38.—It's ten years since we came here
—How time flies! We ________ in China for so long.
A. work B. worked C. will work D. have worked
【解析】句意:-自从我们来到这里已经有10年了。-时间过得真快啊!我们在中国工作了这么长时间了。work工作,动词原形;worked工作,一般过去时;will work一般将来时;have worked现在完成时。根据对话的情景以及句中的时间状语for so long可知,这里表示从过去一直持续到现在的一个动作,应用现在完成时,故选D。
39.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday.
A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken
【解析】句意:昨天这个时候九年级的学生正在参加数学考试。考查动词时态辨析。at this time yesterday昨天这个时候,用于过去进行时“was/were + doing”结构;根据句意结构和语境,可知选C。
40.Amon ____________ his ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea.
A. will sail B. is sailing C. was sailing D. has sailed
【解析】句意:阿蒙驾船在暴风雨中航行时,一条大鱼从海里游了出来。考查动词时态辨析。本句是when引导的时间状语从句,时态遵循主过从过;根据when a giant fish came out of the sea.可知遇到大雨时阿蒙正在航行,主句需用过去进行时,故选C。
1. A serious car accident ________ (happen) in this street last Sunday.
2. —What will the weather be like this coming Saturday
—I hope it ________ (be) a fine day for our picnic! I can't wait!
3. —Do you like junk food,Linda
—That's my favorite. The more junk food I ________ (have),the happier I ________ (be).
4. —What did your mother say about this
—She ________ (say) that she ________ (try) her best to help me with my English next term.
5. —Don't get off the bus until it ________ (stop),Tom.
—I won't,Dad. Don't worry about me.
6. —Is your father a doctor
—Yes,he is. He ________ (work) in the Children's Hospital.
7. —I called you yesterday evening,but there was no answer.
—Oh,I'm sorry. I _____ (have) dinner at my friend's at that time.
8. I ________ (not read) the book Little Women yet,but I'll let you read it first
9.I      (not hear) from my friend since he moved to Shanghai.
10.This novel is very interesting. My brother    (read) it three times.
11. When the doorbell rang, I     (chat) happily with my grandma on the phone.
12.My father    (buy) the car five years ago.
13. By the end of last year, I ____________(be) to the West Hill Farm three times.
14. Mom____________(go) out for some exercise by the time I got up.
15. We ________________(paint) the house before we moved in.
【答案】1.happened 2. will be 3 . have;will be 4. said;would try  5. stops 6. works 7. was having
8. haven't read 9.haven’t heard 10.has read 11.was chatting 12.bought 13.had been 14.had gone 15.had painted
1.(2023·广州·语法选择)This little one ____ Little Six. He was weak and quiet.
A. called B. was calling C. was called D. were called
called称呼,过去式;was calling正在叫;was called被叫做,主语是第一人称或单数;were called被叫做,主语是第二人称或复数。此处“This little one”与“call”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,主语是单数。故选C。
2. (2023·广州·完成句子) 我希望有一天我的绘画作品会在美术馆展出。
I hope one day my art works ________ ________ ________ in the art gallery.
【答案】will be shown
【解析】根据中英文对照可知,show表示“展出”,是动词,和主语之间是被动关系,结合“I hope one day”可知,句子应用一般将来时的被动语态:will be done。故填will;be;shown。
3. (2023·湖北鄂州) —What language ________ in Germany
—Most people speak German, but many can speak English, too.
A. speak B. is spoken C. is speaking D. speaks
4. (2023·安徽)Computers have had a great influence on learning methods since they ________ into schools.
A. introduce B. introduced C. are introduced D. were introduced
考查时态和语态。since引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主语“they”指代“Computers”,与谓语动词introduce“引进”之间是动宾关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态(were done)。故选D。
They built this house. 他们建造了这座房子。
The house was built by them. 这座房子是由他们建造的。
主语the house是built这个动作的承受者,动词用被动语态。
1 “be +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成动词被动语态的形式。be有人称、数和时态的变化。
时态 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 do / does am / is / are done
一般过去时 did was / were done
现在进行时 am / is / are doing am / is / are being done
过去进行时 was / were doing was / were being done
一般将来时 will / shall do will / shall be done
现在完成时 has / have done has / have been done
过去完成时 had done had been done
过去将来时 should / would do should / would be done
This kind of machine is made in Guangzhou.
The computer was stolen.那台电脑被偷了。
A new road is being built outside my house.
The man was being questioned by the police.
Your wallet has been found. 你的钱夹已经找到了。
Your watch will be repaired. 你的表将会被修理好。
2 被动语态的否定句和疑问句。
(1) 被动语态的否定句在be后加not。如:
The song is not liked by young people. 这首歌不受年轻人喜爱。
(2) 被动语态的疑问句将be提至主语前。如:
Is Chinese used only in China 汉语只在中国使用吗?
— Are these computers made in the USA 这些电脑是美国制造的吗?
— Yes, they are. 是的。 No, they aren’t. 不,不是的。
1.(2023·江苏徐州)The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese character. It ________ by people of all ages.
A. is loved B. was loved C. will love D. is loving
2(2023·江苏连云港)While everyone ________ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.
A. is laughing at B. laughed at C. laughs at D. was laughing at
考查动词时态和被动语态。laugh at“嘲笑”,本文是while引导的时间状语从句,强调从句动作正在进行时主句动作发生,结合“I picked up a copy”可知,从句时态用过去进行时(was/were doing),故选D。
3.(2023·江苏镇江)When I was a pupil, some of my pocket money ________ to buy comic books.
A. use B. is used C. used D. was used
考查被动语态。分析题干可知,主语pocket money和动词use之间是被动关系,结合“When I was a pupil”可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选D。
4.(2023·黑龙江牡丹市)The 19th Asian Games ________ in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8, 2023.
A. was held B. will hold C. will be held
考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据时间状语“from September 23 to October 8, 2023.”可知,句子时态用一般将来时,且主语“The 19th Asian Games”和谓语动词hold之间是被动关系,因此应用一般将来时的被动语态,结构为:will be+动词的过去分词。故选C。
5.(2023·吉林) —The environment of this town is better now.
—That’s because lots of trees ________ here many years ago.
A. are planted B. were planted C. will be planted
考查一般过去时的被动语态。本句主语是动作的承受者,结合时间状语“many years ago”可知,动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。
6.(2023·大连)The Qatar World Cup ________ from November 21 to December 18 last year.
A. holds B. held C. was held D. is held
考查一般过去时的被动语态。本句主语“The Qatar World Cup”是动作“hold”的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。
7.(2023·山东滨州) —Can he get the first prize in the race
—He ________ so, but he has just hurt his leg. It’s impossible now.
A. will expect to do B. is expected doing
C. has expected doing D. was expected to do
考查动词时态和语态。主语He和expect之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态,结合“but he has just hurt his leg. It’s impossible now.”可知,期望的动作发生在过去,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,be expected to do sth“被期望做某事”,固定短语,故选D。
8.(2023·) Hou Yi ________ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it.
A. gives B. has given C. gave D. was given
考查被动语态。分析句子可知,主语Hou Yi与谓语动词give是被动关系,又根据“then Pang Meng tried to steal it”可知,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为“was/were+动词过去分词”,主语为第三人称单数,be动词用was,故选D。
9. — What should we do first if we want to develop our village
— First of all, a new road ______, I think.
A. must build B. has to build C. must be built D. has built
【解析】考查被动语态的用法。当主语是动作的承受着时要用被动形式。这里a new road是动词build的承受着。所以要用被动语态。含情态动词的被动语态构成;情态动词+be+PP.故答案选C
10. This English song _________ by the girls after class.
A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung
11. Attention, please! All the mobile phones ____ during the meeting.
A. must be kept off B. are keeping off
C. kept off D. have kept off
【解析】考查被动语态的用法。当主语是动作的承受着时要用被动形式。这里All the mobile phones“所有手机”是动词keep off(关机)的承受着。所以要用被动语态。含情态动词的被动语态构成;情态动词+be+PP.故答案选A
12.Many of the stars ______ because they are far away from us.
A. may not see B. needn’t see
C. can not be seen D. mustn’t be seen
【解析】这里考查含情态动词的被动语态形式。May 可能。needn’t不必。Can not 不能,mustn’t 禁止。这里表示“能,会”所以选C。
13.— Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday
— I’m not sure. Because I _______ so far.
have invited B. wasn’t invited
C. haven’t been invited D. will be invited
【解析】这里考查现在完成时的被动语态。So far 与现在完成时连用。现在完成时的被动语态构成:have (has)been + PP。故答案选C
14.—Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!
—Sorry, Mum. It ___ _yesterday. I forgot to do it.
A. didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned
【解析】句意:— —哦,你的房间太脏了,迈克! — —对不起,妈妈。昨天没有打扫。我忘了做。A为一般过去时,主动语态;B为一般现在时的被动句;C为一般过去时的被动句;D为一般过去时的被动句。根据yesterday.可知,本题的时态为一般过去时,因此排除B;再根据I forgot to do it. 我忘了做。说明没有打扫房间,因此排除C;句中的主语It是代指上文的your room,your room做主语,应该用被动语态,选项A为主动语态,排除,故选D。
15.﹣Excuse me,sir,smoking _____ in the gas station.
﹣Oh,I'm awfully sorry.
A.doesn't allow B.is allowed
C.aren't allowed D.isn't allowed
【解析】 根据前文是smoking抽烟,动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,后文是in the gas station在加油站,结合选项,推测意思是加油站不允许抽烟,由于主语smoking是动作的承受者,故用被动语态,结合下文时态I'm awfully sorry,即一般现在时的表示否定的被动语态,结构是am/is/are+not+done,故选D.
16.(2023·江苏宿迁三模)—Wow! All the bread in this store ________.
—Yes. The bread there always ________.
A.sells out; tastes well B.sells out; is tasted good
C.is sold out; is tasted well D.is sold out; tastes good
考查被动语态以及形容词作表语。第一个句子的主语all the bread和谓语sell out“卖光”之间是被动语态be done,排除AB;系动词taste后作表语用形容词,排除C。故选D。
17.(2023·江苏宿迁三模)—May I watch Running Man 3 this Friday evening, mom
—Of course, if your homework ________ by then.
A.will be finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finished
18.(2023·河北廊坊二模)The letter ________ in French. I can’t read it.
A.write B.will write C.is written D.will be written
考查被动语态。主语the letter与谓语动词write之间是被动关系, 用被动语态,即be动词+动词的过去分词。由“can’t”可知,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以be动词是is,write的过去分词是written。故选C。
19.(2023·山东菏泽二模)— Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr. Wang
— No, you ________. Students under the age of 16 ________ to ride electric bicycles.
A.can’t;don’t allow B.can’t;aren’t allowed C.couldn’t;shouldn’t allow
考查情态动词和被动语态。原文中的“Could I … ”并不表示过去时态,而是表更委婉的请求和许可。根据语境可知,此处表达的是现在的许可,回答应用can’t,C选项可排除。第二空主语“Students”和谓语“allow”之间为动宾关系,故应用被动语态,故选B。
20.(2023·江苏泰州二模)—How exciting! The 19th Asian Games ________ in Hangzhou in September 2023.
—Yes, I can’t wait to watch the Games.
A.holds B.is holding C.was held D.will be held
考查一般将来时的被动语态。根据“in September 2023”可知句子应用一般将来时,主语The 19th Asian Games与动词hold存在逻辑上的被动关系,因此句子应用一般将来时的被动语态,其谓语结构为:will be+过去分词。故选D。
二、 用所给单词的适当时态和语态填空(综合训练题,本题更能检测学生语言运用能力。)
1. The student ___________(clean) the classroom now.
2. Light ____________(travel) much faster than sound.
3. Our teacher said that she _______________ (assign) more homework if we did bad in the exams.
4.I _______________ (see) a wonderful film last night.
5. The students ___________ (have) a medical examination next month.
6. Many stories ________________________ (write) by the writer last year.
7. Yesterday we _______________________ (play) football after school.
8. A young man often _________________ (ask) me some difficult questions.
9. A wonderful party _______________________ (give) to him next week.
10. Mother ___________________ (tell) me a story every night.
11. Rice _____________________(plant) in China.
12. Tom ___________________(use) computer every Saturday.
13. Maths ____________________(teach) by Mr. Chen in our class.
14. English ____________________(speak) all over the world.
15. The film ____________________ (show) last night.
16. We ________________(paint) the house before we moved in.
17.Before I repaired my bike, my mother     (buy) a new one for me.
18.Great changes _________ (take) place in our country during the past 20 years.
19. The book written by Mo Yan _______(translate)in 2014.
20.People    (build) The bridge over the river three years ago.
21. I _____________ (see) the film three times.
22. His parents __________ (stay) in the countryside for over 50 days.
23. Sarah ______________ (borrow) five books from the library three days ago.
24. Sarah __________ (keep) the books since three days ago.
25 David __________ (be) interested in music when he was young.
26 David __________ (be) interested in music since he was young.
27.These papers _________ (not write) yet.
28.The work __________ (finish) in two hours.
29. The room _________(look) very clean, it ___________(clean).
30.By the time he was 26 years old, he and his partners    (build) a successful fashion company.
31. They ______________ (practise ) singing at that time
32. While he _____________ ( read ) , he _________ ( listen ) to the music yesterday.
33. She promised to help him and _________ (give)him three golden apples.
34.A new road _________(build) near my school next year.
35. She and I _______ (take)a walk together every evening.
36.My aunt is a writer. She _______ (write)more than ten books since 2000.
37.The train _________(arrive) already. When _______ it ________(arrive) I don’t know.
38.It _______________ ( rain ) when I went out yesterday.
39. He wanted to know if it ___________(rain) tomorrow. If it____________(rain) tomorrow, he ________(visit) his friends.
40.He __________(stay)here to study French in 2022. He _________(stay) here to study French since 2022.
【答案】1.is cleaning 2.travels 3.would assign 4.saw 5.will have 6.were written 7.played 8.asks
9.will be given 10.tells 11.is planted 12.uses 13.is taught 14.is spoken 15.was showed 16.had been 17.had gone 18.have taken place 19.was translated 20.built 21.have seen 22.have stayed 23.borrowed 24.has kept 25.was 26.has been 27.haven’t written 28.will be finished 29.looks has been cleaned 30.had built 31.were practicing 32.was reading was listening 33.gave 34.will be built 35.take 36.has written 37.has arrived did arrive 38.was raining 39.would rain rains will visit 40.stayed has stayed
1. 为了进一步美化校园,下个月会在学校种很多树。
Next month many trees _________ __________ __________ in our school to make it more beautiful.
【答案】will be planted
2. 在中国,到处都有人打羽毛球。
In China, badminton ____________ ___________ everywhere.
【答案】is played
3. 下一周,格林先生将被邀请做一个有关语言学习的讲座。
Mr. Green _________ __________ __________ to give a speech on language learning next week.
【答案】will be invited
4. 这种自行车是在上海生产的。
This kind of bike _____________ ___________ in Shanghai.
【答案】is produced/made
5. 所有的信件都必须放在这个绿色纸箱内。
All the letters ___________ __________ ___________ in this green paper box.
【答案】must be put
6. Look! The lights __________ __________ ____________ ____________.
【答案】are being turned off
7. 你的卧室必须马上打扫干净。
Your bedroom _______ ______ ________ right now.
【答案】must be cleaned
8. 这项工作可以下周完成。
The work _______ _______ _________ next week.
【答案】may be finished
Pets _______ _________ __________ into the building.
【答案】mustn’t be taken
A lot of fruit and snacks _______ _______ _______.
【答案】have been bought专题07 动词的时态和语态
1.(2023·武汉) Jessica ________ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.
A. studies B. studied C. has studied D. will study
考查动词时态。根据(语言环境)and以及got 可知,空处与got是并列关系,所以空处填动词过去式,故选B。
2. (2023·武汉)—Who will talk about the development of American country music next week
—I suggest Brad. He ________ in Nashville, the home of country music, since he was a child.
A. lives B. lived C. has lived D. will live
考查现在完成时。根据“since he was a child.”可知,这里应用现在完成时。故选C。
3.(2023·安徽)— Jim, I’ve got a problem with my car. Could you help me
— Sorry, not right now. I ________ a short video.
A. make B. have made C. am making D. was making
考查动词时态。根据“Sorry, not right now. I … a short video”可知,现在正在制作短视频,用现在进行时表示正在进行的动作,故选C。
4. (2023·河北)I ________ ice skating this Sunday. Do you want to come
A. go B. went C. was going D. will go
考查时态。根据“Do you want to come”可知动作还未发生,用一般将来时will do。故选D。
5. (2023·天津)While we ________ an English song, some visitors came to our class.
A. sing B. will sing C. were singing D. are singing
考查动词时态。根据“While”以及“some visitors came to our class”可知此句是含有while的过去进行时:was/were doing,故选C。
一 、一般现在
定义 (常涉及现在)表示现在经常反复发生的或习惯性的动作或状态;还可用来描述真理
谓语构成 am/is/are;do/does
时间状语 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, hardly, never,every year,once a day,twice a week,three times a month,on Sundays等
举例 Jacob is/isn’t a sailor. 雅各布是/不是一个海员。 She sings/doesn’t sing well. 她唱得好/不好。
定义 (常涉及过去)表示过去某个时间发生的动作或状态;也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作
谓语构成 was/were; did; could; would…
时间状语 yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago, often, always等
举例 Mike was/wasn’t silent.迈克是/不是不爱说话。
定义 (常涉及现在某一时刻)表示(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作;也可表示现阶段一直或反复进行的动作
谓语构成 is/am/are doing
时间状语 now,at the moment,look,listen,these days,at present,from two to five等
举例 I am/am not standing on the Grand Canyon now. 我正/没有站在大峡谷上。 Look! He is playing football.看!他正在踢足球。
定义 (常涉及过去某一时刻)表示过去某个时间点或过去某时间段正在进行的动作
谓语构成 was/were doing
时间状语 at nine last night, at that time=then, at this time yesterday, this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday,when/while引导的时间状语从句等
举例 I was/was not looking at Victoria Falls at this time yesterday.昨天这个时候我正/没有看到维多利亚瀑布。 He broke his arm when/while he was riding the motorbike.他骑摩托车的时候折断了胳膊。
定义 (涉及过去、现在、有可能到将来)表示始于过去、持续至今的动作或状态,并可能继续下去;也可以表示过去发生或已完成的某个动作对现在产生的影响或结果
谓语构成 have/has done
时间状语 for(+时段),since(+表过去的时间点),already, yet, just, before, recently, still, lately, these years, just, up to now, so far, in/over/during the last/past few months等
举例 She has/hasn’t lived here for five years.她住/没住这儿五年了。 Have you seen it yet 你还没看见吗? —Would you like to have dinner with me 你愿意和我们一起共进晚餐吗? —Thanks, but I’ve had it already.谢谢,我已经吃过晚饭了。 Angel has been dead for 2 days. 安杰尔死了两天了。
定义 (涉及将来) 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事
谓语构成 will/shall do; is/am/are going to do; am/is/are doing
时间状语 tomorrow, soon,next year/week/month,in a few days,in the future,sometime,含有when或if的复合句等
举例 We’re going to meet outside the school gate soon. 我们不久将在学校门口会合。 They won’t have a meeting tomorrow. 他们明天没有会议。 There are going to be two parties this Saturday. = There will be two parties this Saturday. 这个星期六将有两个派对。
定义 一件事情发生在过去,而另外一件事情先于它发生(即表示“过去的过去”),那么发生在先的事情的动词须用过去完成时。这个过去的时间可用before等介词短语构成一个时间状语从句来表示,也可以通过上下文给出暗示。
谓语构成 “had +过去分词”
时间状语 by then,by that time,by the end of,before 2012,by the time等。 用在told,said,knew,heard,thought等动词后的宾语从句中。也可用在状语从句中 此时,在过去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在先用过去完成时;发生在后用一般过 去时。
举例 By then he had learned English for four years. 到那时,他已学习英语四年了。 She said (that) she had never been to Paris. 她说她从来没去过巴黎。
现在完成时 一般过去时
时态范畴 现在时态,过去的动作对现在造成的影响 过去时态,过去动作,与现在无关
例句 Li Lei has read the book. (说明李雷了解那本书的内容) Yesterday l went to the zoo. (仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关)
时间状语 already,yet,still,just,so far,in the last( past),before,ever,never,since+时间点,for+时间段 ago,yesterday,last,in 2000,just now
例句 Have you ever picked flowers in a park 你们曾在公园里摘过花吗? Father bought that watch ten years ago. 爸爸十年前买了那块手表。
1. (2023·江苏南通)— My father and I ________ a lot of photos at the same place in the past ten years.
— Those photos must be your valuable memories.
A. have taken B. will take C. take D. were taking
2. (2023·江苏无锡)Hey, Aunt Jenny! It’s you! I didn’t expect you ________ over. What a nice surprise!
A. had come B. have come C. would come D. will come
3. (2023·江苏徐州) I saw Harry in February and I ________ him since then.
A. didn’t see B. won’t see C. haven’t seen D. don’t see
4. (2023·湖北孝感) — What do you think of the novel, Journey to the West
— It’s so exciting that I ________ it for three times.
A. read B. will read C. have read D. was reading
5. (2023·北京)—Lucy, what are you doing
—I ________ a model ship.
A. make B. made C. am making D. was making
6. (2023·北京)The Shenzhou-15 astronauts ________ to Earth safely on June 4, 2023.
A. return B. returned C. will return D. have returned
7. (2023·北京)If you go to the concert with us tomorrow, you ________ a great time there.
A. have B. had C. will have D. have had
8. (2023·北京)Eric ________ many things since he became interested in science.
A. is learning B. was learning C. will learn D. has learned
9. (2023·江西)—What’s that noise, Tom
—Oh, some children ________ in the yard.
A. play B. are playing C. played D. will play
10. (2023·天津)While we ________ an English song, some visitors came to our class.
A. sing B. will sing C. were singing D. are singing
11.---Hurry up! ---One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I’m ready to go.
A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. have read
12.---I’ve never seen Mr. Taylor before.
---Don’t worry. I ______ him to you before the meeting.
A. will introduce B. introduced C. have introduced D. had introduced
13.–Linda, Dad has finished his work and we ___________ to the gym to pick you up.
-Thank you, Mum.
A. drive B. drove C. have driven D. are driving
14.—Do you know if he_______ to play football with us
—I think he will come if he ______ free tomorrow.
A. comes; is B. comes; will be C. will come; is D. will come; will be
15. –Uncle Sam said he ____________ my birthday party, but he never showed up.
- That’s Uncle Sam. He forgets everything!
A. will attend B. would attend C. has attended D. had attended
16.The student told me that he _______ the exam _______.
A. has had; yesterday B. had; the day before yesterday
C. had had; the day before D. had had; yesterday
17. —Hello! May I speak to Kate
—Sorry, she isn’t in. She ________ ping-pong outside.
A. is playing B. plays C. played D. will play
18. (2022·湖北武汉中考) —I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.
—I ________. It’s not safe.
A. agree B. agreed C. will agree D. had agreed
19. The chief engineer announced that they ________ a space lab on the space station around the end of 2022.
A. have built B. had built C. will build D. would build
20. —May I speak to Wang Li
—Sorry, she is not at home. She ________ since last month.
A. left B. has left C. has been away D. went away
21.(2023·江苏连云港二模)They didn’t notice me come in because they ________ computer games.
A.play B.are playing C.were playing D.have played
22.(2023·河北石家庄一模)I ________ a cold. I am not feeling well now.
A.catch B.have caught C.will catch D.was catching
23.(2023·上海静安二模)Many people ________ busily in that building at eight yesterday evening.
A.are working B.were working C.has worked D.had worked
24.(2023·上海普陀·统考二模)The boy ________ and showed us a row of white teeth.
A.laugh B.laughed C.laughs D.is laughing
25.(2023·河北衡水一模)Well, everyone ________ taking the notes. Now let’s go on our class.
A.finished B.has finished C.was finishing D.will finish
26.(2023·辽宁沈阳一模)—When did you __________ the new watch
—Well, I __________ it for two weeks.
A.have bought; have had B.bought; have bought
C.buy; have had D.buy; bought
27.(2023·河北沧州·统考一模)Jack ________ the yard when I passed by.
A.cleaned B.is cleaning C.was cleaning D.cleans
28.(2023·湖北十堰一模)— You look pretty busy, how come
— We ________ for an office party now.
A.prepare B.have prepared C.are preparing D.were preparing
29.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday.
A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken
30.---Hurry up! ---One moment. I ______ my e-mail and then I’m ready to go.
A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. have read
31.---I’ve never seen Mr. Taylor before.
---Don’t worry. I ______ him to you before the meeting.
A. will introduce B. introduced C. have introduced D. had introduced
32.I ______ up at 6:30 every morning.
A. get B. got C. will get D. gets
33.Most of my good friends ________ when I ________ at the party.
A. left; had arrived B. had left; arrived
C. left; arrived D. had left; had arrived
34.When he was in the shop, he found he ________ his wallet.
A. lost B. has lost
C. had lost D. would lose
35.By the end of last week, she __________ in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children.
A. will stay B. has stayed C. would stay D. had stayed
36.—Did you see Mrs. Lee in the meeting room
—No. When I got there, she ________ another meeting.
A. had left for B. had left to
C. was leaving for D. was leaving to
37.—You didn’t watch the movie
—Yes, but by the time I ______ to the cinema, the movie ______ for several minutes.
A. got; has begun B. got; had been on
C. got; had begun D. got; has been on
38.—It's ten years since we came here
—How time flies! We ________ in China for so long.
A. work B. worked C. will work D. have worked
39.Students in Grade Nine ____________a maths exam at this time yesterday.
A. take B. are taking C. were taking D. have taken
40.Amon ____________ his ship in a big storm when a giant fish came out of the sea.
A. will sail B. is sailing C. was sailing D. has sailed
1. A serious car accident ________ (happen) in this street last Sunday.
2. —What will the weather be like this coming Saturday
—I hope it ________ (be) a fine day for our picnic! I can't wait!
3. —Do you like junk food,Linda
—That's my favorite. The more junk food I ________ (have),the happier I ________ (be).
4. —What did your mother say about this
—She ________ (say) that she ________ (try) her best to help me with my English next term.
5. —Don't get off the bus until it ________ (stop),Tom.
—I won't,Dad. Don't worry about me.
6. —Is your father a doctor
—Yes,he is. He ________ (work) in the Children's Hospital.
7. —I called you yesterday evening,but there was no answer.
—Oh,I'm sorry. I _____ (have) dinner at my friend's at that time.
8. I ________ (not read) the book Little Women yet,but I'll let you read it first
9.I      (not hear) from my friend since he moved to Shanghai.
10.This novel is very interesting. My brother    (read) it three times.
11. When the doorbell rang, I     (chat) happily with my grandma on the phone.
12.My father    (buy) the car five years ago.
13. By the end of last year, I ____________(be) to the West Hill Farm three times.
14. Mom____________(go) out for some exercise by the time I got up.
15. We ________________(paint) the house before we moved in.
1.(2023·广州·语法选择)This little one ____ Little Six. He was weak and quiet.
A. called B. was calling C. was called D. were called
called称呼,过去式;was calling正在叫;was called被叫做,主语是第一人称或单数;were called被叫做,主语是第二人称或复数。此处“This little one”与“call”之间是被动关系,用被动语态,主语是单数。故选C。
2. (2023·广州·完成句子) 我希望有一天我的绘画作品会在美术馆展出。
I hope one day my art works ________ ________ ________ in the art gallery.
【答案】will be shown
【解析】根据中英文对照可知,show表示“展出”,是动词,和主语之间是被动关系,结合“I hope one day”可知,句子应用一般将来时的被动语态:will be done。故填will;be;shown。
3. (2023·湖北鄂州) —What language ________ in Germany
—Most people speak German, but many can speak English, too.
A. speak B. is spoken C. is speaking D. speaks
4. (2023·安徽)Computers have had a great influence on learning methods since they ________ into schools.
A. introduce B. introduced C. are introduced D. were introduced
考查时态和语态。since引导时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主语“they”指代“Computers”,与谓语动词introduce“引进”之间是动宾关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态(were done)。故选D。
They built this house. 他们建造了这座房子。
The house was built by them. 这座房子是由他们建造的。
主语the house是built这个动作的承受者,动词用被动语态。
1 “be +(及物动词的)过去分词”构成动词被动语态的形式。be有人称、数和时态的变化。
时态 主动语态 被动语态
一般现在时 do / does am / is / are done
一般过去时 did was / were done
现在进行时 am / is / are doing am / is / are being done
过去进行时 was / were doing was / were being done
一般将来时 will / shall do will / shall be done
现在完成时 has / have done has / have been done
过去完成时 had done had been done
过去将来时 should / would do should / would be done
This kind of machine is made in Guangzhou.
The computer was stolen.那台电脑被偷了。
A new road is being built outside my house.
The man was being questioned by the police.
Your wallet has been found. 你的钱夹已经找到了。
Your watch will be repaired. 你的表将会被修理好。
2 被动语态的否定句和疑问句。
(1) 被动语态的否定句在be后加not。如:
The song is not liked by young people. 这首歌不受年轻人喜爱。
(2) 被动语态的疑问句将be提至主语前。如:
Is Chinese used only in China 汉语只在中国使用吗?
— Are these computers made in the USA 这些电脑是美国制造的吗?
— Yes, they are. 是的。 No, they aren’t. 不,不是的。
1.(2023·江苏徐州)The Monkey King is a traditional Chinese character. It ________ by people of all ages.
A. is loved B. was loved C. will love D. is loving
2(2023·江苏连云港)While everyone ________ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.
A. is laughing at B. laughed at C. laughs at D. was laughing at
3.(2023·江苏镇江)When I was a pupil, some of my pocket money ________ to buy comic books.
A. use B. is used C. used D. was used
4.(2023·黑龙江牡丹市)The 19th Asian Games ________ in Hangzhou from September 23 to October 8, 2023.
A. was held B. will hold C. will be held
5.(2023·吉林) —The environment of this town is better now.
—That’s because lots of trees ________ here many years ago.
A. are planted B. were planted C. will be planted
6.(2023·大连)The Qatar World Cup ________ from November 21 to December 18 last year.
A. holds B. held C. was held D. is held
7.(2023·山东滨州) —Can he get the first prize in the race
—He ________ so, but he has just hurt his leg. It’s impossible now.
A. will expect to do B. is expected doing
C. has expected doing D. was expected to do
8.(2023·) Hou Yi ________ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it.
A. gives B. has given C. gave D. was given
9. — What should we do first if we want to develop our village
— First of all, a new road ______, I think.
A. must build B. has to build C. must be built D. has built
10. This English song _________ by the girls after class.
A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung
11. Attention, please! All the mobile phones ____ during the meeting.
A. must be kept off B. are keeping off
C. kept off D. have kept off
12.Many of the stars ______ because they are far away from us.
A. may not see B. needn’t see
C. can not be seen D. mustn’t be seen
13.— Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday
— I’m not sure. Because I _______ so far.
have invited B. wasn’t invited
C. haven’t been invited D. will be invited
14.—Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!
—Sorry, Mum. It ___ _yesterday. I forgot to do it.
A. didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned
15.﹣Excuse me,sir,smoking _____ in the gas station.
﹣Oh,I'm awfully sorry.
A.doesn't allow B.is allowed
C.aren't allowed D.isn't allowed
16.(2023·江苏宿迁三模)—Wow! All the bread in this store ________.
—Yes. The bread there always ________.
A.sells out; tastes well B.sells out; is tasted good
C.is sold out; is tasted well D.is sold out; tastes good
17.(2023·江苏宿迁三模)—May I watch Running Man 3 this Friday evening, mom
—Of course, if your homework ________ by then.
A.will be finished B.finishes C.will finish D.is finished
18.(2023·河北廊坊二模)The letter ________ in French. I can’t read it.
A.write B.will write C.is written D.will be written
19.(2023·山东菏泽二模)— Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr. Wang
— No, you ________. Students under the age of 16 ________ to ride electric bicycles.
A.can’t;don’t allow B.can’t;aren’t allowed C.couldn’t;shouldn’t allow
20.(2023·江苏泰州二模)—How exciting! The 19th Asian Games ________ in Hangzhou in September 2023.
—Yes, I can’t wait to watch the Games.
A.holds B.is holding C.was held D.will be held
二、 用所给单词的适当时态和语态填空(综合训练题,本题更能检测学生语言运用能力。)
1. The student ___________(clean) the classroom now.
2. Light ____________(travel) much faster than sound.
3. Our teacher said that she _______________ (assign) more homework if we did bad in the exams.
4.I _______________ (see) a wonderful film last night.
5. The students ___________ (have) a medical examination next month.
6. Many stories ________________________ (write) by the writer last year.
7. Yesterday we _______________________ (play) football after school.
8. A young man often _________________ (ask) me some difficult questions.
9. A wonderful party _______________________ (give) to him next week.
10. Mother ___________________ (tell) me a story every night.
11. Rice _____________________(plant) in China.
12. Tom ___________________(use) computer every Saturday.
13. Maths ____________________(teach) by Mr. Chen in our class.
14. English ____________________(speak) all over the world.
15. The film ____________________ (show) last night.
16. We ________________(paint) the house before we moved in.
17.Before I repaired my bike, my mother     (buy) a new one for me.
18.Great changes _________ (take) place in our country during the past 20 years.
19. The book written by Mo Yan _______(translate)in 2014.
20.People    (build) The bridge over the river three years ago.
21. I _____________ (see) the film three times.
22. His parents __________ (stay) in the countryside for over 50 days.
23. Sarah ______________ (borrow) five books from the library three days ago.
24. Sarah __________ (keep) the books since three days ago.
25 David __________ (be) interested in music when he was young.
26 David __________ (be) interested in music since he was young.
27.These papers _________ (not write) yet.
28.The work __________ (finish) in two hours.
29. The room _________(look) very clean, it ___________(clean).
30.By the time he was 26 years old, he and his partners    (build) a successful fashion company.
31. They ______________ (practise ) singing at that time
32. While he _____________ ( read ) , he _________ ( listen ) to the music yesterday.
33. She promised to help him and _________ (give)him three golden apples.
34.A new road _________(build) near my school next year.
35. She and I _______ (take)a walk together every evening.
36.My aunt is a writer. She _______ (write)more than ten books since 2000.
37.The train _________(arrive) already. When _______ it ________(arrive) I don’t know.
38.It _______________ ( rain ) when I went out yesterday.
39. He wanted to know if it ___________(rain) tomorrow. If it____________(rain) tomorrow, he ________(visit) his friends.
40.He __________(stay)here to study French in 2022. He _________(stay) here to study French since 2022.
1. 为了进一步美化校园,下个月会在学校种很多树。
Next month many trees _________ __________ __________ in our school to make it more beautiful.
2. 在中国,到处都有人打羽毛球。
In China, badminton ____________ ___________ everywhere.
3. 下一周,格林先生将被邀请做一个有关语言学习的讲座。
Mr. Green _________ __________ __________ to give a speech on language learning next week.
4. 这种自行车是在上海生产的。
This kind of bike _____________ ___________ in Shanghai.
5. 所有的信件都必须放在这个绿色纸箱内。
All the letters ___________ __________ ___________ in this green paper box.
6. Look! The lights __________ __________ ____________ ____________.
7. 你的卧室必须马上打扫干净。
Your bedroom _______ ______ ________ right now.
8. 这项工作可以下周完成。
The work _______ _______ _________ next week.
Pets _______ _________ __________ into the building.
A lot of fruit and snacks _______ _______ _______.



