2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)专题05 构词法(讲练)(原卷版+解析版)

专题05 构词法
1. (江苏泰州)Beijing, the capital of China, is world’s ________ (one) city to host Olympic Games twice.
【解析】句意:中国首都北京是世界上第一个两次举办奥运会的城市。根据“city to host Olympic Games twice”可知,此处是指第一个两次举办奥运会的城市,表示顺序用序数词first“第一”。故填first。
2. (江苏泰州)With the ________ (develop) of the society, more and more people devote their energy to charity.
【解析】句意:随着社会的发展,越来越多的人将精力投入到慈善事业中。空格位于“the”和“of”之间,用名词形式development“发展”,固定短语with the development of“随着……的发展”。故填development。
3. (2023·江苏泰州)Audiobooks(有声读物) are so welcome that the number of the listeners is increasing ________ (rapid).
How much do you know about Wushu Wushu, also known as martial arts, is one of the earliest ___36___ (sport) in China. It uses both body and brain. What’s more, Wushu is an outstanding example of ___37___ (tradition) Chinese culture. It can explain ___38___ Chinese people understand the world. Over its long history, Wushu ___39___ (develop) into a special unity of exercise, self-protection and art.
As a sport and ___40___ artistic form, Wushu wins great popularity in China. In Shenzhen, some schools have Wushu classes for kids. Every training ___41___ (require) students to take it seriously. Only by training hard can they build up ___42___ (they) bodies and meet the challenges in the future.
As a competitive sport with great fitness value, Wushu has spread ___43___ (wide) across the world. Bruce Lee helped make Wushu world-famous. Thanks to him, the word “kung fu” appeared in many foreign language dictionaries. Many Chinese have set up Wushu schools outside China, providing people ___44___ the chance to experience the fantastic sport. During the Hangzhou Asian Games in 2023, more people were able ___45___ (enjoy) the beauty of Wushu.
【答案】36. sports 37. traditional 38. how 39. has developed 40. an 41. requires
42. their 43. widely 44. with 45. to enjoy
37.句意:更重要 的是,武术是中国传统文化的杰出代表。此处修饰名词短语Chinese culture,用形容词traditional“传统的”,作定语。故填traditional。
43.句意:武术作为一项极具健身价值的竞技体育项目,在世界范围内广泛传播。此处修饰动词has spread,用副词形式。故填widely。
homework作业 notebook笔记本 schoolbag书包 basketball篮球
football足球 playground操场 birthday生日 postcard明信片
weekend周末 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 classroom教室
fireman消防员 policeman警察 postman邮递员 rainbow彩虹
spaceship宇宙飞船 spacesuit宇航服 snowman雪人 gentleman绅士
everyday每天的 hard-working努力的 online在线的 outdoors在户外
outside在外面 anybody/anyone任何人 anything 任何事(物) anywhere任何地方
everybody/everyone每个人 everything所有事(物) everywhere处处 somebody/someone某人
something某事(物) somewhere某处nobody没人 nothing没有事(物) nowhere无处
1. 前缀:通常变词义,不变词性
常用的前缀 示 例
dis-表示否定、相反或相对,可用在动词、名词、形容词前 agree同意→disagree不同意 appear出现→disappear消失 like喜欢→dislike不喜欢 advantage优点→disadvantage缺点 honest诚实的→dishonest不诚实的
un-, im-, in-, ir-, il-表示否定意义,多用于形容词前 happy开心的→unhappy不开心的 healthy健康的→unhealthy不健康的 polite礼貌的 →impolite不礼貌的 possible可能的→impossible不可能的 correct正确的→incorrect不正确的 regular规则的→irregular不规则的 legal合法的→illegal不合法的
re-表示“重新;再”,用在动词前 build建造→rebuild重建 cycle循环→recycle再循环 view观察→review复习
2. 后缀:通常变词性
常用的形容词后缀 示 例
-able (n./v. →adj.)表示“可以……的;显示……性质” accept接受→acceptable可接受的 drink喝;饮→drinkable可饮用的 comfort舒适→comfortable舒服的 fashion时尚→fashionable流行的 value价值→valuable宝贵的
-ful (n. →adj.)表示“充满……的” beauty美丽→beautiful美丽的 cheer快乐→cheerful快乐的 success成功→successful成功的 harm伤害→harmful有害的
-less (n. →adj.)表示“没有……的” care谨慎→careless粗心的 home家 →homeless无家可归的 life生命→lifeless无生命的 help帮助→helpless无助的
-ous (n. →adj.)表示“有……性质的” danger危险→dangerous危险的 fame名声→famous有名的 humor幽默→humorous幽默的
-y (n. →adj.)表示“有……特征的” cloud云 →cloudy多云的 rain雨 →rainy下雨的 health健康→healthy健康的
-ly (n. →adj.)表示“有……性质的” friend朋友→friendly友好的 love 爱→lovely可爱的 day一天→daily每天的
-ing/-ed (v. →adj.)表示“有……特征的” surprise吃惊→surprising令人吃惊的;surprised感到惊讶的 relax放松→relaxing令人轻松的;relaxed放松的,自在的
其他形式:-ish, -ive, -en, -ern, -al等 fool傻瓜→foolish愚蠢的 attract吸引→attractive有吸引力的 gold金子→golden金的 south南方→southern南方的tradition传统→traditional传统的
常用的名词后缀 示 例
-er/or (v. →n.) 表示人或物 drive驾驶→driver司机 work工作→worker工人 sing唱歌→singer歌手 speak说话→speaker发言者;扬声器 cook烹饪→cooker炉具 contain容纳→container容器 invent发明→inventor发明家 visit参观→visitor游客
-tion (v. → n.) 表示行为或结果 act行动→action行动 invent发明→invention发明 pollute污染→pollution污染 introduce介绍→introduction介绍 celebrate庆祝→celebration庆祝 invite邀请→invitation邀请
-ment (v. →n.) 表示行为或结果 agree同意→agreement同意 develop发展→development发展 achieve取得成就→achievement成就 announce宣布→announcement公告 advertise做广告→advertisement广告
-ness (adj. →n.) 表示性质、状态 happy幸福的→happiness幸福 sad悲伤的→sadness悲伤 ill生病的→illness疾病
-dom (adj./n. →n.) 表示状况、领域 free自由的→freedom自由 wise睿智的→wisdom智慧 king国王→kingdom王国
其他形式:-th, -ty, -ence, -ance, -hood, -ist, -ian, -an, -ese等 dead死的→death死亡 true真实的→truth真相 safe安全的→safety安全 difficult困难的→difficulty困难 different不同的→difference差别 important重要的→importance重要性 child小孩→childhood童年 science科学→scientist科学家 music音乐→musician音乐家 Africa非洲→African非洲人 China中国→Chinese中国人
常用的动词后缀 示 例
-ize (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……成为;使……化” apology道歉→apologize道歉 memory记忆→memorize记住 real真的→realize认识到
-fy (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……成为;使……进入状态” beauty美→beautify美化 simple简单的→simplify简化
-en (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……” fright恐怖→frighten使惊恐 short短的→shorten缩短
常用的副词后缀 示 例
-ly (adj. → adv.) 表示方式、程度 careful小心的→carefully谨慎地 angry生气的→angrily生气地
-ward(s) (adv. → adv.) 表示“向……” to朝;向→toward(s)朝着 fore在前面→forward(s)向前
常用的数词后缀 示 例
-teen 表示“十几” six六→sixteen十六
-ty 表示“整十位数” six六→sixty六十
-th 表示“序数词” six六→sixth第六
常见的转化 示 例
动词→名词 walk v. 走路;步行 → walk n. 散步 I usually walk home after work. 我通常下班后步行回家。 Let’s go out for a walk. 我们去外面散散步吧。
名词→动词 milk n. 牛奶 → milk v. 挤奶 Would you like milk in your coffee 你想要咖啡里加奶吗? Tom helped his mother milk the cow. 汤姆帮妈妈给牛挤奶。
形容词→动词 dry adj. 干燥的 → dry v. 弄干 It’s hot and dry here in summer. 这里的夏季炎热干燥。 Use the towel to dry your hands. 用这条毛巾把手擦干。
1. Which of the following words is formed in the same way as “impolite”
A. blackboard B. uncertain C. chairperson D. earthquake
2. We form a new word “________” in a different way from the other three.
A. firefighter B. noticeboard C. impatient D. greenhouse
3. Which of the following words is formed the same way as “housework”
A. instruction B. uncertain C. cheerful D. chairperson
考查构词法。instruction指示,由前缀in+ struction构成;uncertain不确定的,由前缀un+certain构成;cheerful高兴的,由cheer和后缀ful构成;chairperson主席,由chair和person两个单词构成。housework是由house和work两个单词构成的,与选项D相同。故选D。
4. We can add prefix “im-” to the following words to form new words with the opposite meaning _______.
A. honest B. correct C. common D. partial
5. We can put the prefix “un” before the following words to give them the opposite meaning EXCEPT________ .
A. active B. certain C. important D. finished
6. Which of the following words has a different prefix to make it have an opposite meaning
A. possible B. polite C. correct D. patient
7. “……Should youthful heads in vain turn grey. we would regret for aye.”
——The River All Red by Xu Yuanchong.
Which word is formed in the same way as “youthful”
A. disappear B. dangerous C. footprint D. impossible
8. An adult panda _________ 100-150 kilograms. That is to say, its _________ is 100-150 kilograms.
A. weight; weight B. weighs; weighs C. weight; weigh D. weighs; weight
考查派生词。weigh“称重,重多少”,为动词;weight“重量”,为名词。根据“An adult panda...100-150 kilograms.”可知,第一个空填动词,An adult panda为主语,动词用三单,故第一个空填weighs;根据“its...is 100-150 kilograms可知,第二个空填名词,故填weight。故选D。
9. He works hard and is often_______. I hope he will have more_______ at his business.
A. successful; success B. success; successful C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful
【答案】 A
10. — What ______ you, dad
—I was ______ that the dog could do so many useful things for the disabled.
A. surprised; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprise
1. He hit his hand (heavy) against the wall.
2. — Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall.
— It’s (possible) to sleep with all that noise.
3. I asked him to help me but he (agree).
4. Some insects are and we should try not to kill them. (harm)
5. There are many foreign (visit) in our school today.
6. It’s very kind of you to help me with my English with great . (patient)
7. Poor little girl! It is for her to suffer so much. Let’s give her a hand. (fair)
8. If we don’t take action to protect the forests, they will soon . (appear)
9. Mozart was a famous (music) in the world.
10. Li Jun was (lucky) because his car broke down yesterday.
11. You should take an active part in the (discuss).
12. His mother is a nurse and his father is a (manage).
13. The man found himself (able) to walk and felt hopeless.
14. Amy is a(n) (usual) woman from America. She is a famous artist now.
15. It’s (pleasant) to see so much smog in the sky.
16. I want to be a fireman in the future, but my parents (agree). They want me to become a doctor.
17. There is a lot of (pollute) in this river.
18. They are just kidding. Don’t take it (serious).
19. She thinks a good friend must know her (true).
20. He invented a machine to people in wheelchairs to go up the stairs. (able)
21. As we all know, thinking is really important to students. (dependent)
22. Most (west) people like eating fast food.
23. How those people deeply influenced by wars wish to live (peace)!
24. My father keeps diaries to remember his (day) life.
25. It was (sun) yesterday, but there is much rain today.
26. You can find those (climb) names on the home page of our club.
27. A lot of (art) perform plays, concerts and operas there.
28. There are four girls in the shop. (Germany)
29. She works (careful) in her school.
30. I know he is (aware) of his mistake because he still acts in the same old way.
31. We all live in a place—the Earth. (beauty)
32. No one was willing to help the old man and he felt (help).
33. Someone is singing at the back of the hall. (loud)
34. —Are you able to fix the TV Mike
—No, I’m (certainly) that I can do it myself.
35. When you make a (decide), you must be careful.
36. Your (suggest) is of great value and is really worth taking. Thank you so much!
37. He was tired out that he found himself (able) to move out of the hotel.
38. Because of the wolf, everyone in the town is feeling . (easy)
39. He wrote lots of books for young people. (science)
40. I have got a headache, so I feel (comfortable) now.
41. Mary is an (Australia) girl, so she knows a lot about koalas.
42. All the drivers must remember (safe) is first.
43. He didn’t act (normal) yesterday and he had few words the whole afternoon.
44. We should help the (able) people. Life is hard for them.
45. When I help others, I have a strong (feel) of satisfaction.
46. Thanks very much for your (kind).
47. Thanks for your (invite), but I don’t have time to the party.
48. He cooked the soup by putting in too much . (salty)
49. The tired students arrived at the campsite . (final)
50. We often see some people in the street in some poor countries. (home)
51. My trip to the UK is (education).
52. He shouted at a girl. How (polite) he was!
53. The two (travel)were trapped(被困)on the mountain by the terrible storm.
54. She is an excellent (cooker). We like her dishes very much.
55. Where can learn more about the West Lake in Hangzhou (tour)
56. The says guests should wear evening dress to the party. (invite)
57. This was a very (use) lesson for her.
58. His (ill) was more serious than the doctor first thought.
59. Look! How Kate is laughing! (happy)
60. The little girl’s face turned red because of her .(shy)
61. It’s very to play the soccer on the street. (danger)
62. There were not many people in the supermarket, so it was .(crowd)
63. Li Ming goes to see his grandparents at a (fix) date every month..
64. I can’t understand the (mean)of all the new words.
65. Ms Zhang is our English (teach). She (teach) us well.
66. We were touched by the of the welcome. (warm)
67. The two boys like to write stories and want to be (report)
68. The weather was (fair) fine so we could go camping yesterday.
69. The of that bridge is over 200 metres. (long)
70. My sister felt so sad to find that it was to clean her favourite T-shirt. (hope)
71. (lucky) because we didn’t pass the math test yesterday.
72. If you keep on working hard, you will be (success).
73. Parents often feel (help), knowing that all the efforts won't improve their child's study.
74. (sudden)Alice fell into a hole in the ground yesterday.
75. Many (visit) came to the hometown of the great man during the vacation.
76. All these interesting experiments can our knowledge.(wide)
77. Many students get (sleep) after a day of classes.
78. They went into the bedroom (quiet).
79. The measure is not (suit)for the farmers.
80. It’s cool and sunny today. It’s a (relax) day.
81. She likes very much and she wants to be an (art).
82. The red box is the (heavy) of the five.
83. Many people know that the zipper is a great (invent) in our daily life.
84. A true friend can help you get out of (sad) when you’re unhappy.
85. Many pop stars dislike being asked (person) questions in public.
86. Jim's English magazine isn't as (interest) as that one.
87. You should make an apology to her for your ( careless) .
88. I think friendship is much (value) than money .
89. Panda is kind of (love) animal, I like it very much.
90. It is to eat lots of chocolate before the main meals. (health)
91. He practices (care) this week than last week.
92. Wu Jing is a well-known ( direct). He is popular among film lovers.
93. To my disappointment, the new movie is so (meaning).
94. Please make a (decide) to choose which one is the best.
95. The plan is not a new (discover), it’s been known for years.
96. It will be a good (choose) to take the high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqian next year.
97. Every child wants to be the (proud) of their parents.
98. If you don’t have a deep love for something, don’t be (satisfy) until you find one.
99. Wild animals which are now in danger need our (protect).
100. The man is still an (know) writer, but he is sure to be famous.
101.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.
102.The teacher told us to pay attention to (spell) English words.
103. Each of us spoke at the meeting (active).
104.His ________(know) of English is very limited.
105.Everyone is born with the ________ to learn. (able)
106.With the help of the teacher, there has been a great ________ in her spoken English. (improve)
107.Would you tell me the      (pronounce) of the new word
108. You can't lose your ________ with her; instead, you should be _______ with her. (patient)
109.The Spring Festival is one of the most important ________(tradition) festivals in China.
110. The Story of White Snake is so________ that all of us are ________.(touch)
111.The__________ (die) of Tom’s pet made him rather sad.
112.The game tells children the _____________(important) of sharing love and joy.
113. What’s the_________ of doing that He is not so generous, he is a _______ man. (mean)
114.The boy laughed    (excite) after he heard the good news.
115.English is difficult for me. Can you give me some (suggest)
116.This 5-year-old boy has such a good sense of      (direct) that he never gets lost.
117.My teacher pointed out the wrong choice of ________ in my composition. (express)
118. The UK is an old ________ country, where there are many palaces and castles. (Europe)
119. China is an country, and we come from ______________.(Asia)
120.The     (local) of the Joy City is very good. It is close to the Wild Goose Pagoda.
121. The hotel had a great    (celebrate) for its opening.
122. The book is based on    (history) events.
123.Good hobbies can always bring us ___________(happy).
124.You can see lots of      (nation) flags flying over the square.
125. The book describes where the finest tea leaves __________ (produce).
126.I can't stand the noise here. It's too    (noise) and let's find a quiet place.
127.The company is a world      (lead) in electrical goods.
128.The old man gave away all his money to support      (medicine) research.
129.________(history) believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.
130.I prefer the movie is that has a happy ____________(end).
131. The      (pain) expression on her face suggested that she had known the sad news.
132.Jerry played the guitar on the show, and his    (perform) was so wonderful that people cheered happily.
133. The visitors felt ________ after the ________ vacation. (relax)
134.The book provides     (value) advice for teenagers.
135.Mike's father is a   (bank). He works in a big bank.
136.Winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games brought him     (famous).
137.They are working to measure the real     (weigh) of the elephant.
138. After the discussion, we reached an ________(agree) that we would visit the old people once a month.
139.You must learn how to control your    (feel) at your age.
140.After the accident, the old man was lucky to be__________.(live)
141. Kobe passed away accidentally. He read the news in ___________ over and over again. (believe)
142.Teachers' Day is coming. We're going to hold a     (celebrate) for our teachers.
143.I was very excited when the     (announce) that I was the winner of the competition came.
144.The policeman reported the new    (discover).
145.I think the story is    (believe). I ever heard something similar.
146.The     (transport) in China is developing quite fast.
147.He always helps others and his life is full of ________. (please)
148.All kinds of rules made for children killed their     (create).
149.The photos bring back lots of good___________(memorize).
150.He wants to be strong enough to overcome all the     (difficult).
【答案】1. heavily 2. impossible 3. disagreed 4. harmless 5. visitors 6. patience 7. unfair
8. disappear 9. musician 10. unlucky 11. discussion 12. manager 13. unable 14. unusual
15. unpleasant 16. disagree 17. pollution 18. seriously 19. truly 20. enable 21. independent 22. western
23. peacefully 24. daily 25. sunny 26. climbers’ 27. artists 28. German 29. (the) most carefully
30. unaware 31. beautiful 32. helpless 33. loudly 34. uncertain 35. decision 36. suggestion 37. unable
38. uneasy 39. scientific 40. uncomfortable 41. Australian 42. safety 43. normally 44. disabled
45. feeling 46. Kindness 47. invitation 48.salt 49. finally 50. homeless 51. educational 52. impolite
53. travelers/travellers 54. cook 55. tourists 56. Invitation 57. useful 58.illness 59. happily 60. shyness
61. dangerous 62. uncrowded 63. fixed 64. meanings 65. teacher teaches 66. warmth 67. reporters
68. fairly 69. length 70. hopeless 71. Unluckily 72. Successful 73. helpless 74. Suddenly 75. visitors
76. widen 77. sleepy 78. quietly 79. suitable 80. relaxing 81. art artist 82. heaviest 83. invention
84. sadness 85. personal 86. interesting 87. carelessness 88. more valuable 89. lovely
90. unhealthy 91. more carefully 92. director 93. Meaningless 94. decision 95. discovery 96. choice
97. pride 98. satisfied 99. Protection 100. unknown 101.creative 1022.spelling 103.actively 104.knowledge 105.ability 106.improvement 107.pronunciation 108.patience patient 109.traditional 110.touching touched 111.death 112.importance 113.meaning mean 114.excitedly 115.suggestions 116.direction 117.expresion 118. European 119. Asian Asia 120.local (the local 当地人) 121.celebration 122.historical 123.happiness 124.boiling boiled 125.national 126.noisy 127.leader 128.medical 129.Historicans 130.ending
131.painful 132.performance 133.relaxed relaxing 134.valuable 135.banker 136.fame 137.weight 138.agreement 139.feelings 140.alive 141.disbelief 142.celebration 143.announcement 144.discovery 145.believable 146.transportation 147.pleasure 148.creativity 149 memory 150 .difficulties专题05 构词法
1. (江苏泰州)Beijing, the capital of China, is world’s ________ (one) city to host Olympic Games twice.
【解析】句意:中国首都北京是世界上第一个两次举办奥运会的城市。根据“city to host Olympic Games twice”可知,此处是指第一个两次举办奥运会的城市,表示顺序用序数词first“第一”。故填first。
2. (江苏泰州)With the ________ (develop) of the society, more and more people devote their energy to charity.
【解析】句意:随着社会的发展,越来越多的人将精力投入到慈善事业中。空格位于“the”和“of”之间,用名词形式development“发展”,固定短语with the development of“随着……的发展”。故填development。
3. (2023·江苏泰州)Audiobooks(有声读物) are so welcome that the number of the listeners is increasing ________ (rapid).
How much do you know about Wushu Wushu, also known as martial arts, is one of the earliest ___36___ (sport) in China. It uses both body and brain. What’s more, Wushu is an outstanding example of ___37___ (tradition) Chinese culture. It can explain ___38___ Chinese people understand the world. Over its long history, Wushu ___39___ (develop) into a special unity of exercise, self-protection and art.
As a sport and ___40___ artistic form, Wushu wins great popularity in China. In Shenzhen, some schools have Wushu classes for kids. Every training ___41___ (require) students to take it seriously. Only by training hard can they build up ___42___ (they) bodies and meet the challenges in the future.
As a competitive sport with great fitness value, Wushu has spread ___43___ (wide) across the world. Bruce Lee helped make Wushu world-famous. Thanks to him, the word “kung fu” appeared in many foreign language dictionaries. Many Chinese have set up Wushu schools outside China, providing people ___44___ the chance to experience the fantastic sport. During the Hangzhou Asian Games in 2023, more people were able ___45___ (enjoy) the beauty of Wushu.
【答案】36. sports 37. traditional 38. how 39. has developed 40. an 41. requires
42. their 43. widely 44. with 45. to enjoy
37.句意:更重要 的是,武术是中国传统文化的杰出代表。此处修饰名词短语Chinese culture,用形容词traditional“传统的”,作定语。故填traditional。
43.句意:武术作为一项极具健身价值的竞技体育项目,在世界范围内广泛传播。此处修饰动词has spread,用副词形式。故填widely。
homework作业 notebook笔记本 schoolbag书包 basketball篮球
football足球 playground操场 birthday生日 postcard明信片
weekend周末 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 classroom教室
fireman消防员 policeman警察 postman邮递员 rainbow彩虹
spaceship宇宙飞船 spacesuit宇航服 snowman雪人 gentleman绅士
everyday每天的 hard-working努力的 online在线的 outdoors在户外
outside在外面 anybody/anyone任何人 anything 任何事(物) anywhere任何地方
everybody/everyone每个人 everything所有事(物) everywhere处处 somebody/someone某人
something某事(物) somewhere某处nobody没人 nothing没有事(物) nowhere无处
1. 前缀:通常变词义,不变词性
常用的前缀 示 例
dis-表示否定、相反或相对,可用在动词、名词、形容词前 agree同意→disagree不同意 appear出现→disappear消失 like喜欢→dislike不喜欢 advantage优点→disadvantage缺点 honest诚实的→dishonest不诚实的
un-, im-, in-, ir-, il-表示否定意义,多用于形容词前 happy开心的→unhappy不开心的 healthy健康的→unhealthy不健康的 polite礼貌的 →impolite不礼貌的 possible可能的→impossible不可能的 correct正确的→incorrect不正确的 regular规则的→irregular不规则的 legal合法的→illegal不合法的
re-表示“重新;再”,用在动词前 build建造→rebuild重建 cycle循环→recycle再循环 view观察→review复习
2. 后缀:通常变词性
常用的形容词后缀 示 例
-able (n./v. →adj.)表示“可以……的;显示……性质” accept接受→acceptable可接受的 drink喝;饮→drinkable可饮用的 comfort舒适→comfortable舒服的 fashion时尚→fashionable流行的 value价值→valuable宝贵的
-ful (n. →adj.)表示“充满……的” beauty美丽→beautiful美丽的 cheer快乐→cheerful快乐的 success成功→successful成功的 harm伤害→harmful有害的
-less (n. →adj.)表示“没有……的” care谨慎→careless粗心的 home家 →homeless无家可归的 life生命→lifeless无生命的 help帮助→helpless无助的
-ous (n. →adj.)表示“有……性质的” danger危险→dangerous危险的 fame名声→famous有名的 humor幽默→humorous幽默的
-y (n. →adj.)表示“有……特征的” cloud云 →cloudy多云的 rain雨 →rainy下雨的 health健康→healthy健康的
-ly (n. →adj.)表示“有……性质的” friend朋友→friendly友好的 love 爱→lovely可爱的 day一天→daily每天的
-ing/-ed (v. →adj.)表示“有……特征的” surprise吃惊→surprising令人吃惊的;surprised感到惊讶的 relax放松→relaxing令人轻松的;relaxed放松的,自在的
其他形式:-ish, -ive, -en, -ern, -al等 fool傻瓜→foolish愚蠢的 attract吸引→attractive有吸引力的 gold金子→golden金的 south南方→southern南方的tradition传统→traditional传统的
常用的名词后缀 示 例
-er/or (v. →n.) 表示人或物 drive驾驶→driver司机 work工作→worker工人 sing唱歌→singer歌手 speak说话→speaker发言者;扬声器 cook烹饪→cooker炉具 contain容纳→container容器 invent发明→inventor发明家 visit参观→visitor游客
-tion (v. → n.) 表示行为或结果 act行动→action行动 invent发明→invention发明 pollute污染→pollution污染 introduce介绍→introduction介绍 celebrate庆祝→celebration庆祝 invite邀请→invitation邀请
-ment (v. →n.) 表示行为或结果 agree同意→agreement同意 develop发展→development发展 achieve取得成就→achievement成就 announce宣布→announcement公告 advertise做广告→advertisement广告
-ness (adj. →n.) 表示性质、状态 happy幸福的→happiness幸福 sad悲伤的→sadness悲伤 ill生病的→illness疾病
-dom (adj./n. →n.) 表示状况、领域 free自由的→freedom自由 wise睿智的→wisdom智慧 king国王→kingdom王国
其他形式:-th, -ty, -ence, -ance, -hood, -ist, -ian, -an, -ese等 dead死的→death死亡 true真实的→truth真相 safe安全的→safety安全 difficult困难的→difficulty困难 different不同的→difference差别 important重要的→importance重要性 child小孩→childhood童年 science科学→scientist科学家 music音乐→musician音乐家 Africa非洲→African非洲人 China中国→Chinese中国人
常用的动词后缀 示 例
-ize (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……成为;使……化” apology道歉→apologize道歉 memory记忆→memorize记住 real真的→realize认识到
-fy (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……成为;使……进入状态” beauty美→beautify美化 simple简单的→simplify简化
-en (n./adj. →v.) 表示“使……” fright恐怖→frighten使惊恐 short短的→shorten缩短
常用的副词后缀 示 例
-ly (adj. → adv.) 表示方式、程度 careful小心的→carefully谨慎地 angry生气的→angrily生气地
-ward(s) (adv. → adv.) 表示“向……” to朝;向→toward(s)朝着 fore在前面→forward(s)向前
常用的数词后缀 示 例
-teen 表示“十几” six六→sixteen十六
-ty 表示“整十位数” six六→sixty六十
-th 表示“序数词” six六→sixth第六
常见的转化 示 例
动词→名词 walk v. 走路;步行 → walk n. 散步 I usually walk home after work. 我通常下班后步行回家。 Let’s go out for a walk. 我们去外面散散步吧。
名词→动词 milk n. 牛奶 → milk v. 挤奶 Would you like milk in your coffee 你想要咖啡里加奶吗? Tom helped his mother milk the cow. 汤姆帮妈妈给牛挤奶。
形容词→动词 dry adj. 干燥的 → dry v. 弄干 It’s hot and dry here in summer. 这里的夏季炎热干燥。 Use the towel to dry your hands. 用这条毛巾把手擦干。
1. Which of the following words is formed in the same way as “impolite”
A. blackboard B. uncertain C. chairperson D. earthquake
2. We form a new word “________” in a different way from the other three.
A. firefighter B. noticeboard C. impatient D. greenhouse
3. Which of the following words is formed the same way as “housework”
A. instruction B. uncertain C. cheerful D. chairperson
4. We can add prefix “im-” to the following words to form new words with the opposite meaning _______.
A. honest B. correct C. common D. partial
5. We can put the prefix “un” before the following words to give them the opposite meaning EXCEPT________ .
A. active B. certain C. important D. finished
6. Which of the following words has a different prefix to make it have an opposite meaning
A. possible B. polite C. correct D. patient
7. “……Should youthful heads in vain turn grey. we would regret for aye.”
——The River All Red by Xu Yuanchong.
Which word is formed in the same way as “youthful”
A. disappear B. dangerous C. footprint D. impossible
8. An adult panda _________ 100-150 kilograms. That is to say, its _________ is 100-150 kilograms.
A. weight; weight B. weighs; weighs C. weight; weigh D. weighs; weight
9. He works hard and is often_______. I hope he will have more_______ at his business.
A. successful; success B. success; successful C. successfully; successful D. successful; successful
10. — What ______ you, dad
—I was ______ that the dog could do so many useful things for the disabled.
A. surprised; surprised B. surprising; surprising C. surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprise
1. He hit his hand (heavy) against the wall.
2. — Our neighbour next door is putting something on the wall.
— It’s (possible) to sleep with all that noise.
3. I asked him to help me but he (agree).
4. Some insects are and we should try not to kill them. (harm)
5. There are many foreign (visit) in our school today.
6. It’s very kind of you to help me with my English with great . (patient)
7. Poor little girl! It is for her to suffer so much. Let’s give her a hand. (fair)
8. If we don’t take action to protect the forests, they will soon . (appear)
9. Mozart was a famous (music) in the world.
10. Li Jun was (lucky) because his car broke down yesterday.
11. You should take an active part in the (discuss).
12. His mother is a nurse and his father is a (manage).
13. The man found himself (able) to walk and felt hopeless.
14. Amy is a(n) (usual) woman from America. She is a famous artist now.
15. It’s (pleasant) to see so much smog in the sky.
16. I want to be a fireman in the future, but my parents (agree). They want me to become a doctor.
17. There is a lot of (pollute) in this river.
18. They are just kidding. Don’t take it (serious).
19. She thinks a good friend must know her (true).
20. He invented a machine to people in wheelchairs to go up the stairs. (able)
21. As we all know, thinking is really important to students. (dependent)
22. Most (west) people like eating fast food.
23. How those people deeply influenced by wars wish to live (peace)!
24. My father keeps diaries to remember his (day) life.
25. It was (sun) yesterday, but there is much rain today.
26. You can find those (climb) names on the home page of our club.
27. A lot of (art) perform plays, concerts and operas there.
28. There are four girls in the shop. (Germany)
29. She works (careful) in her school.
30. I know he is (aware) of his mistake because he still acts in the same old way.
31. We all live in a place—the Earth. (beauty)
32. No one was willing to help the old man and he felt (help).
33. Someone is singing at the back of the hall. (loud)
34. —Are you able to fix the TV Mike
—No, I’m (certainly) that I can do it myself.
35. When you make a (decide), you must be careful.
36. Your (suggest) is of great value and is really worth taking. Thank you so much!
37. He was tired out that he found himself (able) to move out of the hotel.
38. Because of the wolf, everyone in the town is feeling . (easy)
39. He wrote lots of books for young people. (science)
40. I have got a headache, so I feel (comfortable) now.
41. Mary is an (Australia) girl, so she knows a lot about koalas.
42. All the drivers must remember (safe) is first.
43. He didn’t act (normal) yesterday and he had few words the whole afternoon.
44. We should help the (able) people. Life is hard for them.
45. When I help others, I have a strong (feel) of satisfaction.
46. Thanks very much for your (kind).
47. Thanks for your (invite), but I don’t have time to the party.
48. He cooked the soup by putting in too much . (salty)
49. The tired students arrived at the campsite . (final)
50. We often see some people in the street in some poor countries. (home)
51. My trip to the UK is (education).
52. He shouted at a girl. How (polite) he was!
53. The two (travel)were trapped(被困)on the mountain by the terrible storm.
54. She is an excellent (cooker). We like her dishes very much.
55. Where can learn more about the West Lake in Hangzhou (tour)
56. The says guests should wear evening dress to the party. (invite)
57. This was a very (use) lesson for her.
58. His (ill) was more serious than the doctor first thought.
59. Look! How Kate is laughing! (happy)
60. The little girl’s face turned red because of her .(shy)
61. It’s very to play the soccer on the street. (danger)
62. There were not many people in the supermarket, so it was .(crowd)
63. Li Ming goes to see his grandparents at a (fix) date every month..
64. I can’t understand the (mean)of all the new words.
65. Ms Zhang is our English (teach). She (teach) us well.
66. We were touched by the of the welcome. (warm)
67. The two boys like to write stories and want to be (report)
68. The weather was (fair) fine so we could go camping yesterday.
69. The of that bridge is over 200 metres. (long)
70. My sister felt so sad to find that it was to clean her favourite T-shirt. (hope)
71. (lucky) because we didn’t pass the math test yesterday.
72. If you keep on working hard, you will be (success).
73. Parents often feel (help), knowing that all the efforts won't improve their child's study.
74. (sudden)Alice fell into a hole in the ground yesterday.
75. Many (visit) came to the hometown of the great man during the vacation.
76. All these interesting experiments can our knowledge.(wide)
77. Many students get (sleep) after a day of classes.
78. They went into the bedroom (quiet).
79. The measure is not (suit)for the farmers.
80. It’s cool and sunny today. It’s a (relax) day.
81. She likes very much and she wants to be an (art).
82. The red box is the (heavy) of the five.
83. Many people know that the zipper is a great (invent) in our daily life.
84. A true friend can help you get out of (sad) when you’re unhappy.
85. Many pop stars dislike being asked (person) questions in public.
86. Jim's English magazine isn't as (interest) as that one.
87. You should make an apology to her for your ( careless) .
88. I think friendship is much (value) than money .
89. Panda is kind of (love) animal, I like it very much.
90. It is to eat lots of chocolate before the main meals. (health)
91. He practices (care) this week than last week.
92. Wu Jing is a well-known ( direct). He is popular among film lovers.
93. To my disappointment, the new movie is so (meaning).
94. Please make a (decide) to choose which one is the best.
95. The plan is not a new (discover), it’s been known for years.
96. It will be a good (choose) to take the high-speed train to Yancheng from Suqian next year.
97. Every child wants to be the (proud) of their parents.
98. If you don’t have a deep love for something, don’t be (satisfy) until you find one.
99. Wild animals which are now in danger need our (protect).
100. The man is still an (know) writer, but he is sure to be famous.
101.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind.
102.The teacher told us to pay attention to (spell) English words.
103. Each of us spoke at the meeting (active).
104.His ________(know) of English is very limited.
105.Everyone is born with the ________ to learn. (able)
106.With the help of the teacher, there has been a great ________ in her spoken English. (improve)
107.Would you tell me the      (pronounce) of the new word
108. You can't lose your ________ with her; instead, you should be _______ with her. (patient)
109.The Spring Festival is one of the most important ________(tradition) festivals in China.
110. The Story of White Snake is so________ that all of us are ________.(touch)
111.The__________ (die) of Tom’s pet made him rather sad.
112.The game tells children the _____________(important) of sharing love and joy.
113. What’s the_________ of doing that He is not so generous, he is a _______ man. (mean)
114.The boy laughed    (excite) after he heard the good news.
115.English is difficult for me. Can you give me some (suggest)
116.This 5-year-old boy has such a good sense of      (direct) that he never gets lost.
117.My teacher pointed out the wrong choice of ________ in my composition. (express)
118. The UK is an old ________ country, where there are many palaces and castles. (Europe)
119. China is an country, and we come from ______________.(Asia)
120.The     (local) of the Joy City is very good. It is close to the Wild Goose Pagoda.
121. The hotel had a great    (celebrate) for its opening.
122. The book is based on    (history) events.
123.Good hobbies can always bring us ___________(happy).
124.You can see lots of      (nation) flags flying over the square.
125. The book describes where the finest tea leaves __________ (produce).
126.I can't stand the noise here. It's too    (noise) and let's find a quiet place.
127.The company is a world      (lead) in electrical goods.
128.The old man gave away all his money to support      (medicine) research.
129.________(history) believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.
130.I prefer the movie is that has a happy ____________(end).
131. The      (pain) expression on her face suggested that she had known the sad news.
132.Jerry played the guitar on the show, and his    (perform) was so wonderful that people cheered happily.
133. The visitors felt ________ after the ________ vacation. (relax)
134.The book provides     (value) advice for teenagers.
135.Mike's father is a   (bank). He works in a big bank.
136.Winning the gold medal at the Olympic Games brought him     (famous).
137.They are working to measure the real     (weigh) of the elephant.
138. After the discussion, we reached an ________(agree) that we would visit the old people once a month.
139.You must learn how to control your    (feel) at your age.
140.After the accident, the old man was lucky to be__________.(live)
141. Kobe passed away accidentally. He read the news in ___________ over and over again. (believe)
142.Teachers' Day is coming. We're going to hold a     (celebrate) for our teachers.
143.I was very excited when the     (announce) that I was the winner of the competition came.
144.The policeman reported the new    (discover).
145.I think the story is    (believe). I ever heard something similar.
146.The     (transport) in China is developing quite fast.
147.He always helps others and his life is full of ________. (please)
148.All kinds of rules made for children killed their     (create).
149.The photos bring back lots of good___________(memorize).
150.He wants to be strong enough to overcome all the     (difficult).



