-2024年中考英语二轮复习讲练测(全国通用)专题03 形容词 & 副词(讲练)(原卷版+解析版)

专题03 形容词,副词
形容词是描述人或事物的特征、性质、属性及状态的一种词类,主要用来修饰名词或代词。对于形容词的考查多集中在三个方面:1. 形容词的比较等级;2. 形容词词义辨析;3. 形容词短语搭配。纵观近年各地市中考题,对在语言环境中考查形容词词义的题目有逐步增加的趋势。在学习过程中,要在识记形容词词义上多下功夫,同时兼顾比较等级的各种变化形式。
三、形容词,副词的级别 (重点考题)
1. (2023·武汉) —Mary is ________ about what she eats. She never has junk food.
—A good habit.
A. careful B. angry C. nervous D. relaxed
考查形容词辨析。careful小心的;angry生气的;nervous紧张的;relaxed放松的。根据“She never has junk food”可知她不吃垃圾食品,所以对自己吃的东西非常小心。故选A。
2. (2023·湖北荆州) —The girls are talking about the art festival _______.
—Yes, they have so many fun things to share.
A. suddenly B. sadly C. badly D. happily
考查副词辨析。suddenly突然地;sadly难过地;badly严重地;happily开心地。根据“they have so many fun things to share”,可知她们应该很开心,故选D。
3(2023·江苏扬州)—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
考查形容词辨析。natural自然的;practical适用的,实际的;equal平等的;general普遍的。根据“It’s a work of art, but it is also...for tea making.”可知是指茶壶是一件艺术品,也适用于泡茶。故选B。
4. (2023·湖北鄂州) —Is Julie as tall as you
—No, she isn’t. She’s ________ than me.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
1. 形容词是描述人和事物特征、性质、属性或状态的词。主要用来修饰名词或不定代词。一般置于所修饰的名词之前、不定代词之后。
成分 说明 例句
作定语 一般放在所修饰词的前面 It’s a cold and windy day today. 今天是个寒冷、有风的天气。
作表语 放在系动词的后面 He looks happy today. 他今天看上去很开心。
做补足语 作主语或宾语的补足语,说明主语或宾语的性质、状态或特征 I think it impossible for him to finish the work before dark. 我认为他不可能在天黑之前完成这一工作。
作状语 主要表示原因、伴随或方式 Hungry and tired, I had to stop to have a rest. 又累又饿,我只好停下来休息一下。
We should listen to our teachers carefully.我们应该认真听老师讲课。
He is very happy today.他今天非常高兴。
"What happened "I asked, rather angrily. "发生什么事情了?"我相当生气地问。
In spring, I can see flowers everywhere.在春天,我到处都能看到花。
1. 时间副词:today, early, soon, now, then, recently, still
2.表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、
3. 地点副词:here, there, out, somewhere, abroad, home
4. 方式副词:well, fast, slowly, carefully, quickly
5. 程度副词:very, much, enough, almost, rather, quite
6. 频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never
1. 形容词比较等级的用法及各种句型;
2. 副词等级的用法及各种句型;
3. 比较级表示最高级的含义的用法。
构成 原级 比较级 最高级
一般在词尾加-er, -est great 伟大的 fast 快地 greater 较伟大的 faster 较快地 greatest 最伟大的fastest 最快地
以字母e结尾只加-r, -st nice 好的 nicer 较好的 nicest 最好的
以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写这一辅音字母, 再加-er, -est big 大的 bigger 较大的 biggest 最大的
以辅音字母+y结尾时,将y变为i再加-er, -est happy 高兴的heavy 重的 happier 较高兴的 heavier 较重的 happiest 最高兴的heaviest 最重的
其他双音节和多音节词,在词前加 more, the most slowly 慢的difficult 困难的 more slowly较慢的 more difficult较困难的 the most slowly最慢的 the most difficult最困难的
(1) 需要在其前面加more和most构成比较级和最高级的形容词和副词。
如:interesting, important, expensive, useful, careful, carefully, dangerous, delicious, serious, famous, difficult, wonderful, comfortable, popular, enjoyable ...
(2) 某些由形容词加-ly构成的副词,也是在其前面加more和most构成比较级和最高级。
如:slowly→ more slowly→ most slowly
quietly→ more quietly→ most quietly
(3) 形容词的最高级前要用定冠词the, 副词的最高级前可省略定冠词the。
如:Jack is the earliest boy to come to school.
Michael runs (the) fastest in his class.
原级 比较级 最高级
good / well better best
bad / badly worse worst
little less least
much / many more most
far farther further farthest furthest
old older elder oldest eldest
结构 意思
as+形容词 / 副词+as 和……一样
not as / so+形容词 / 副词+as 不及/不如……
so+形容词 / 副词+that 从句 如此……以至于……
too+形容词 / 副词+to do sth. 太……而不能……
形容词 / 副词+enough to do sth. 足够……
倍数+as+形容词 / 副词+as 表示倍数
Such + a (an)+形容词+可数名词单数=so+形容词+a (an)+可数名词单数 如此;这样
such+形容词+可数名词复数 / 不可数名词
结构 意思
... 比较级 + than... 两个事物 / 人比较
Which is+比较级,... or...
less+原级+than... 不及……
The+比较级 ... ,the+比较级... 越……就越……
...比较级+and+比较级... 越来越……
倍数+比较级+than+被比较的对象 表示倍数
... 比较级+than any other+名词单数+in (of) ... = ... 比较级+than the other+名词复数+in (of) ... 比其他……都……
结构 意思
... one of the+最高级+名词复数 之一
... 最高级+of(in)... 可以转换为:... 比较级+than any other + n.(单数)+in(of)... 最……比……任何一个都……
This is / was the+最高级+名词+that 定语从句 /
... be+序数词+最高级+可数名词的单数+in (of)... /
4. 注意:
(1) 有的词既是副词又是形容词。
如:fast, late, hard, early, deep ...
(2) hard 既是形容词也是副词 , 作形容词时意为“困难的;艰苦的;坚硬的”,作副词时意为“努力地;猛烈地”。hardly的意思是“几乎不”, 它和 hard的意思完全不同。
如:He studies hard. 他努力学习。
He hardly studies. 他几乎不学习。
(3) 有许多副词是从形容词转化而来的。一般在形容词词尾加上-ly构成。
如:careful→ carefully,bad→ badly,free→ freely,slow→ slowly
(4) 在比较级前可以用even,a bit,a little,a lot, much, still, far等修饰。
如:He is far healthier than before.
I write much more words than Sally.
1. close _______________ ________________ 2. creative ______________ ________________
3. funny _______________ ________________ 4. friendly ______________ _______________
5. good _______________ ________________ 6. boring _______________ ________________
7. little _______________ ________________ 8. easy _______________ ________________
9. bad _______________ ________________ 10. fresh _______________ ________________
11. many_______________ ________________ 12.dry _______________ ________________
13.interesting ______________ ______________ 14. well ______________ _______________
15.useful ______________ _______________ 16.beautifully ______________ ____________
17.careful ______________ _______________ 18. slowly ______________ ______________
19. far _______________ ________________ 20.wet _______________ ________________
二、 副词的构成
形容词类型 构成相应副词的方法 举例
一般情况 在形容词后直接加 -ly quick — __________ slow — ___________
以y结尾的形容词 先将y改成i,再加 -ly happy — __________ busy — __________
绝大多数以e结尾的形容词 直接加 -ly polite — _________ wide — __________
少数以e结尾的形容词 要去掉e再加 -ly true —_________ terrible — ________
特殊情况 与形容词同形 early adj. — ___________. high adj. — ___________.
三、形容词 副词常用结构
1,A>B 比较级+than
2,A=B as…as
3, A4, 比较级的修饰语有 than:
much, even, a little, a lot, + 比较级
5,比较级+and+比较级, 表示“越来越”
warmer and warmer, nicer and nicer, more and more beautiful,
The +比较级, the +比较级 表示“越来越” the more, the better.
6, 表示“最……之一”,用one of +最高级+复数名词;
__________ ____________ he is!
2. 他玩得多么开心了。
__________ ____________ he is playing!
In my point of view, English is ________ _________ _________ Chinese.
4. 我姐姐我细心得多。
My sister is __________ _________ __________ than me.
5. 他妈妈很高兴。看!她正开心地在房间唱歌。
His mother is very __________. Look! She __________ _________ __________ in the room.
6. 老师告诉我们一些有趣的事情
The teacher told us __________ ___________.
7. 这石头太重 我帮不动
The stone is _________ ________ _________ ________ ________ carry.
The music _________ _____________.
9. 那个公园变得越来越美丽。
The park is getting ______ _____ ______ ___________.
10. 雨正变得越来越大。
The rain is becoming _______ _______ _______ .
11. 你吃的越多就越胖。
_____ _____ you eat, ____ _______you will be.
The book is _______ _________ _________ that one
Zhongshan is one of ________ __________ __________ cities in China.
14 这本书比那本书更有得多趣。
This book is___________ ___________ ___________ _____________that one.
This book _________ ___________ ___________ __________ that one
1 (2023·江苏扬州)—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
2. (2023·湖北鄂州) —Is Julie as tall as you
—No, she isn’t. She’s ________ than me.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
3. (2023·湖北黄石) In Switzerland, keeping only one goldfish isn’t allowed, because it is very bad to make such ________ animals live alone.
A. lucky B. social C. patient D. dangerous
4. (2023·湖北十堰市) —As far as I know, the high-speed railway from Shiyan to Xi’an will be finished soon.
—Yeah. It will be more ________ for us to travel to Xi’an.
A. dangerous B. difficult C. convenient D. traditional
5. (2023·江苏徐州) My cousin is ________. He never forgets the things he needs to do.
A. energetic B. curious C. organized D. confident
6. (2023·江苏无锡)Dressing up as a ghost is ________ unusual in our culture. People think it will bring bad luck.
A. hardly B. hard C. highly D. high
7. (2023·安徽)— Camping trips in spring have become very ________ in southern China.
— Exactly. That’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.
A. hot B. safe C. cheap D. hard
8. (2023·安徽)From my childhood, I ________ remember my parents working hard day and night.
A. clearly B. patiently C. suddenly D. politely
9. (2023·沈阳)The delicious food and ________ waiters made us happy with the restaurant.
A. slow B. tired C. awful D. polite
10. (2023·山东滨州) —How amazing ChatGPT is!
—Yes. The new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.
A. late B. simple C. natural D. difficult
11. (2023·山东滨州) —Father’s Day is around the corner, but I don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.
—Why not make a card by yourself He will ________ love it.
A. widely B. smoothly C. hardly D. certainly
12. (2023·山东青岛) We should eat ________ fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.
A. free B. fresh C. soft D. sweet
13. (2023·北京) —Which do you like ________, swimming or skating
A. well B. better C. best D. the best
14. —Being homesick is a feeling ________ to many people in the world.
—Yes. That’s why many poets worldwide have written about this topic.
A. similar B. common C. close D. strange
15. — It’s said that people usually raise their voice when telling a lie.
— That’s probably because they are ________.
A. angry B. uneasy C. excited D. surprised
16. Clear waters and green mountains are as ________ as mountains of gold and silver.
A. silent B. general C. valuable D. private
17. —What do you think of the man in the talent show
— He is so ________. He can make different changing pictures with sand.
A. common B. creative C. careless D. helpful
18. —Daniel can get good marks in all his subjects, but he never shows off and always helps others.
—I cannot agree with you more. He is a ________ boy.
A. patient B. generous C. curious D. modest
19. Teenagers shouldn’t spend plenty of time on ________ products. They are bad for eyes.
A. national B. basic C. electronic D. natural
20. Some ________ information like fingerprints can help the police find the real criminal.
A. national B. musical C. personal D. social
21. —Anne, the information is really ________. Thank you very much.
—Not at all. I am happy I can help you.
A. enjoyable B. available C. valuable D. comfortable
22. It’s ________ to push in before others while waiting for the bus.
A. impossible B. impatient C. impolite D. inconvenient
23. Do you know yogurt was a(n) ________ invention When people packed milk with bags, the germs(细菌) reacted with the milk, and yogurt came into being.
A. correct B. accidental C. patient D. strong
24. We’re not very ________ friends though we’ve known each other for a long time.
A. serious B. creative C. close D. fresh
25. —Be careful when you are driving,____________ in a rainstorm like this.
Thanks, I will.
A. especially B. properly C. probably D. frequently
26. — Does your brother like his new job
— I think so. He works________, but he feels ________.
A. hard; happily B. hard; happy C. hardly; happily D. hardly; happy
27. —Tom, haven't you helped your parents do the housework _______
—Yes, I've helped them wash the dishes _______ .
A. already; yet B. yet; yet C. already; already D. yet; already
28. Shanghai is a large and modern city, but it also has lots of ________ places.
A. history B. historical C. famous D. more famous
29. All the ________ things need air and water. Without air or water, nothing could stay ________ .
A. living; living B. living; alive C. alive; alive D. alive; living
30. My father took some ________ actions to lose weight. For example, he ate small but healthy meals and took exercise every day.
A. powerful B. peaceful C. pleasant D. practical
31. The ________ look on his face suggested that he ________ that.
A. surprising; hadn’t expected B. surprised; hadn’t expected
C. surprising; would expect D. surprised; shouldn’t expect
32. —Are you going to the airport by bus
—No, I’m going to take a taxi. It’s ________.
A. quicker B. cheaper C. the quickest D. the cheapest
33. “Excuse me, is there a library near here ” the girl asks me ________.
A. widely B. politely C. nearly D. hardly
34. Take your homework ________ every day. I believe you can improve yourself a lot.
A. comfortably B. truly C. cheaply D. seriously
35. I can ________ work out these math problems. They’re just too hard.
A. simply B. easily C. hardly D. gradually
36. The “double reduction” (双减) policy makes it possible for students to have more ________ time to do outdoor activities.
A. spare B. proud C. central D. absent
37. —Our life will be more ________ if 5G technology is used widely.
—Yes, I quite agree with you.
A. unusual B. general C. active D. convenient
38. —Nelly, were you ________ at the result of the singing competition
—Yes. We thought it was a ________ result.
A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprising C. surprising; surprising D. surprised; surprised
39. ________ we take subways in the future, ________ air pollution there will be in our city.
A. The less; the fewer B. The fewer; the more C. The more; the less D. The fewer; the fewer
40. —What do you think of the soap operas
—I think they are ________. I don't like them at all.
A. serious B. meaningless C. enjoyable D. educational
41. Just be ________, you can’t make such great progress in a day. It takes time.
A. honest B. humorous C. active D. patient
42. To protect the environment, we’d better take our ________ bags when we go shopping.
A. believable B. enjoyable C. reusable D. comfortable
43. —Who sings ________ of the three girls
—Mary. I think no one sings ________ beautifully than her.
A. better; the most B. better; more C. the best; the most D. the best; more
44. ________ news! Tom has won the________ race.
A. What excited; 800 metres’ B. What exciting; 800-metre
C. How excited; 800-metre D. How exciting; 800 metres’
45. —Guangzhou is one of ________ cities in China.
—Yes, and it’s warm in winter.
A. the most beautiful B. more beautiful C. very beautiful D. much beautiful
46. —What’s your prediction about the future, Jill
—We will have ________ work to do because________ robots will help us.
A. less; more B. more; less C. more; more D. less; less
47. Wechat is ________ of the two ways to talk with friends.
A. the more popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. most popular
48. Cindy is a ________ volleyball star and she plays volleyball very ________.
A. well; good B. good; well C. well; well D. good; good
49. The Yangtze River is one of ________ in the world.
A. the longer river B. longest rivers C. the longest river D. the longest rivers
50. Nanjing is the second ________ city in East China.
A. larger B. largest C. more large D. most large
51. My mom is a ________ cook. She cooks ________ .
A. good; well B. well; well C. good; good D. well; good
52. My brother is often _______ from family meetings because he is too busy.
A. absent B. available C. nervous D. terrible
53. Han Ming didn’t like math at first, but he ________ became interested in it with the help of his teacher.
A. especially B. gradually C. seriously D. clearly
54. Sandy, you haven’t changed at all. You still look ________ the same as before.
A. recently B. finally C. exactly D. hardly
55. The old man lives in a ________ town. He lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A. lonely, lonely, alone B. lonely, alone, lonely
C. alone, alone, lonely D. alone, alone, alone
56. When Judy first came to China, she found the country was ______ the way her grandfather described: beautiful and peaceful.
A. curiously B. exactly C. probably D. properly
57. The boy tried out for the school football team ________ because he was interested in it.
A. hardly B. nearly C. simply D. specially
58. If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you’d better phone him ________ first to make sure of that.
A. recently B. directly C. finally D. exactly
59. I can’t tell when the house was built ________, but it must be very old.
A. wonderfully B. differently C. exactly D. recently
60. My mother ________ uses electronic products because she thinks they are bad for her eyes.
A. usually B. seldom C. often D. always
61. —It is reported that a driver helped put out the fire in a car on the highway.
—Yes, the man left ________, and nobody knows who he is.
A. slowly B. happily C. silently D. nervously
62. I haven’t heard from my son ________. I’m worried about him.
A. recently B. suddenly C. properly D. quickly
63. — Jim, you look worried. What happened
— I ________ forgot to do homework. I’m afraid Mr. Lee will get angry with me.
A. exactly B. normally C. completely D. wisely
64. We have been to the China Folk Culture Villages ________.
A. lately B. late C. latest D. last
65. —How is Sue —Oh, she lives abroad, so I ________ ever see her.
A. hardly B. greatly C. nearly D. clearly
59. To many people’s surprise, stinky Luosifen has now become the most popular snack, but many others, ________ the young, love it so much that they wish to have it every day.
A. specially B. especially C. probably D. possibly
66. —Can you finish your work on time
—I am afraid not. My computer hasn’t worked ________ since this morning.
A. usually B. normally C. naturally D. commonly
67. ________ music is very relaxing, and it sounds ________.
A. Good; well B. Good; nice C. Well; well D. Well; nice
68. My hometown is ________ than before. That makes people happy.
A. beautiful B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. much beautiful
69. Bob used to be ________ boy on the school soccer team, but now he’s taller than others.
A. short B. shorter C. shortest D. the shortest
70. I think teenagers should take health as ________ as their study.
A. serious B. seriously C. more serious D. more seriously
五、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空
1.I work    this term, but David works even    .(hard)
2.The    (many) books you read, the     (much) you will know.
3. Elon is the ________(tall) of the two students.
4. Amber is a careful girl so she does homework ___________(careful) in our class.
5. Who is ________(good) in English in your class
6.Which do you like ________(well), apples, pears or bananas
7. I feel math is _________________(difficult) of all the subjects.
8. I think Tom runs ________________(quick) in our class during the sports meeting.
9. He is _____________(quiet) boy in my class. He almost never talks.
10.Where you can buy the tickets ______________(cheap), Town Cinema, Green City or Movie World
11. Who do you think works _____________(hard) in our class
12.Nothing is a waste if you have a _________(create)mind.
13. Is Yellow River the fourth ________(long) river in the world
14. I like Chinese better than math because it’ s much ________(easy) to learn.
15.I think Sally did as     (good) as Lucy in the math competition.
16.—Is Betty a good student
—Yes, she’s      (hard-working) than any other student in her class.
17.It was cold yesterday, but it is much     (cold) today.
18.—Does Grace sing well
—Yes, she sings      (clear) and     (loud) than other singers.
19.I am __________(true)sorry that I can’t tell you the result.
20.The _______(careful) you do, the ________(good) grades you’ll get.专题03 形容词,副词
形容词是描述人或事物的特征、性质、属性及状态的一种词类,主要用来修饰名词或代词。对于形容词的考查多集中在三个方面:1. 形容词的比较等级;2. 形容词词义辨析;3. 形容词短语搭配。纵观近年各地市中考题,对在语言环境中考查形容词词义的题目有逐步增加的趋势。在学习过程中,要在识记形容词词义上多下功夫,同时兼顾比较等级的各种变化形式。
三、形容词,副词的级别 (重点考题)
1. (2023·武汉) —Mary is ________ about what she eats. She never has junk food.
—A good habit.
A. careful B. angry C. nervous D. relaxed
考查形容词辨析。careful小心的;angry生气的;nervous紧张的;relaxed放松的。根据“She never has junk food”可知她不吃垃圾食品,所以对自己吃的东西非常小心。故选A。
2. (2023·湖北荆州) —The girls are talking about the art festival _______.
—Yes, they have so many fun things to share.
A. suddenly B. sadly C. badly D. happily
考查副词辨析。suddenly突然地;sadly难过地;badly严重地;happily开心地。根据“they have so many fun things to share”,可知她们应该很开心,故选D。
3(2023·江苏扬州)—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
考查形容词辨析。natural自然的;practical适用的,实际的;equal平等的;general普遍的。根据“It’s a work of art, but it is also...for tea making.”可知是指茶壶是一件艺术品,也适用于泡茶。故选B。
4. (2023·湖北鄂州) —Is Julie as tall as you
—No, she isn’t. She’s ________ than me.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
1. 形容词是描述人和事物特征、性质、属性或状态的词。主要用来修饰名词或不定代词。一般置于所修饰的名词之前、不定代词之后。
成分 说明 例句
作定语 一般放在所修饰词的前面 It’s a cold and windy day today. 今天是个寒冷、有风的天气。
作表语 放在系动词的后面 He looks happy today. 他今天看上去很开心。
做补足语 作主语或宾语的补足语,说明主语或宾语的性质、状态或特征 I think it impossible for him to finish the work before dark. 我认为他不可能在天黑之前完成这一工作。
作状语 主要表示原因、伴随或方式 Hungry and tired, I had to stop to have a rest. 又累又饿,我只好停下来休息一下。
We should listen to our teachers carefully.我们应该认真听老师讲课。
He is very happy today.他今天非常高兴。
"What happened "I asked, rather angrily. "发生什么事情了?"我相当生气地问。
In spring, I can see flowers everywhere.在春天,我到处都能看到花。
1. 时间副词:today, early, soon, now, then, recently, still
2.表示频繁程度的副词,也称频度副词always, often, usually, sometimes, never, ever, hardly等一般位于系动词、
3. 地点副词:here, there, out, somewhere, abroad, home
4. 方式副词:well, fast, slowly, carefully, quickly
5. 程度副词:very, much, enough, almost, rather, quite
6. 频度副词:always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, never
1. 形容词比较等级的用法及各种句型;
2. 副词等级的用法及各种句型;
3. 比较级表示最高级的含义的用法。
构成 原级 比较级 最高级
一般在词尾加-er, -est great 伟大的 fast 快地 greater 较伟大的 faster 较快地 greatest 最伟大的fastest 最快地
以字母e结尾只加-r, -st nice 好的 nicer 较好的 nicest 最好的
以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写这一辅音字母, 再加-er, -est big 大的 bigger 较大的 biggest 最大的
以辅音字母+y结尾时,将y变为i再加-er, -est happy 高兴的heavy 重的 happier 较高兴的 heavier 较重的 happiest 最高兴的heaviest 最重的
其他双音节和多音节词,在词前加 more, the most slowly 慢的difficult 困难的 more slowly较慢的 more difficult较困难的 the most slowly最慢的 the most difficult最困难的
(1) 需要在其前面加more和most构成比较级和最高级的形容词和副词。
如:interesting, important, expensive, useful, careful, carefully, dangerous, delicious, serious, famous, difficult, wonderful, comfortable, popular, enjoyable ...
(2) 某些由形容词加-ly构成的副词,也是在其前面加more和most构成比较级和最高级。
如:slowly→ more slowly→ most slowly
quietly→ more quietly→ most quietly
(3) 形容词的最高级前要用定冠词the, 副词的最高级前可省略定冠词the。
如:Jack is the earliest boy to come to school.
Michael runs (the) fastest in his class.
原级 比较级 最高级
good / well better best
bad / badly worse worst
little less least
much / many more most
far farther further farthest furthest
old older elder oldest eldest
结构 意思
as+形容词 / 副词+as 和……一样
not as / so+形容词 / 副词+as 不及/不如……
so+形容词 / 副词+that 从句 如此……以至于……
too+形容词 / 副词+to do sth. 太……而不能……
形容词 / 副词+enough to do sth. 足够……
倍数+as+形容词 / 副词+as 表示倍数
Such + a (an)+形容词+可数名词单数=so+形容词+a (an)+可数名词单数 如此;这样
such+形容词+可数名词复数 / 不可数名词
结构 意思
... 比较级 + than... 两个事物 / 人比较
Which is+比较级,... or...
less+原级+than... 不及……
The+比较级 ... ,the+比较级... 越……就越……
...比较级+and+比较级... 越来越……
倍数+比较级+than+被比较的对象 表示倍数
... 比较级+than any other+名词单数+in (of) ... = ... 比较级+than the other+名词复数+in (of) ... 比其他……都……
结构 意思
... one of the+最高级+名词复数 之一
... 最高级+of(in)... 可以转换为:... 比较级+than any other + n.(单数)+in(of)... 最……比……任何一个都……
This is / was the+最高级+名词+that 定语从句 /
... be+序数词+最高级+可数名词的单数+in (of)... /
4. 注意:
(1) 有的词既是副词又是形容词。
如:fast, late, hard, early, deep ...
(2) hard 既是形容词也是副词 , 作形容词时意为“困难的;艰苦的;坚硬的”,作副词时意为“努力地;猛烈地”。hardly的意思是“几乎不”, 它和 hard的意思完全不同。
如:He studies hard. 他努力学习。
He hardly studies. 他几乎不学习。
(3) 有许多副词是从形容词转化而来的。一般在形容词词尾加上-ly构成。
如:careful→ carefully,bad→ badly,free→ freely,slow→ slowly
(4) 在比较级前可以用even,a bit,a little,a lot, much, still, far等修饰。
如:He is far healthier than before.
I write much more words than Sally.
1. close _______________ ________________ 2. creative ______________ ________________
3. funny _______________ ________________ 4. friendly ______________ _______________
5. good _______________ ________________ 6. boring _______________ ________________
7. little _______________ ________________ 8. easy _______________ ________________
9. bad _______________ ________________ 10. fresh _______________ ________________
11. many_______________ ________________ 12.dry _______________ ________________
13.interesting ______________ ______________ 14. well ______________ _______________
15.useful ______________ _______________ 16.beautifully ______________ ____________
17.careful ______________ _______________ 18. slowly ______________ ______________
19. far _______________ ________________ 20.wet _______________ ________________
【答案】1. closer, closest 2. more creative, (the) most creative 3. funnier, funniest
4. more friendly, (the) most friendly/friendlier/friendliest 5. better, best 6. more boring, (the) most boring
7. less, least 8. easier, (the) easiest 9. worse, worst 10. fresher, (the) freshest 11.more the most
12.drier driest 13.more interesting most interesting 14. better best 15.more useful most useful 16.more beautifully most beautifully 17.more careful most careful
18. more slowly the most slowly 19. farther further farthest/furthest 20.wetter wettest
二、 副词的构成
形容词类型 构成相应副词的方法 举例
一般情况 在形容词后直接加 -ly quick — __________ slow — ___________
以y结尾的形容词 先将y改成i,再加 -ly happy — __________ busy — __________
绝大多数以e结尾的形容词 直接加 -ly polite — _________ wide — __________
少数以e结尾的形容词 要去掉e再加 -ly true —_________ terrible — ________
特殊情况 与形容词同形 early adj. — ___________. high adj. — ___________.
【答案】quickly slowly happily busily politely widely truly terribly early high
三、形容词 副词常用结构
1,A>B 比较级+than
2,A=B as…as
3, A4, 比较级的修饰语有 than:
much, even, a little, a lot, + 比较级
5,比较级+and+比较级, 表示“越来越”
warmer and warmer, nicer and nicer, more and more beautiful,
The +比较级, the +比较级 表示“越来越” the more, the better.
6, 表示“最……之一”,用one of +最高级+复数名词;
__________ ____________ he is!
【答案】How happy
2. 他玩得多么开心了。
__________ ____________ he is playing!
【答案】How happily
In my point of view, English is ________ _________ _________ Chinese.
【答案】as important as (A=B as…as句式)
4. 我姐姐我细心得多。
My sister is __________ _________ __________ than me.
【答案】much more careful (A>B 比较级+than ,much修饰比较级)
5. 他妈妈很高兴。看!她正开心地在房间唱歌。
His mother is very __________. Look! She __________ _________ __________ in the room.
【答案】happy is singing happily
6. 老师告诉我们一些有趣的事情
The teacher told us __________ ___________.
【答案】something interesting。(形容词修饰不定代词后置)
7. 这石头太重 我帮不动
The stone is _________ ________ _________ ________ ________ carry.
【答案】too heavy for me to (too…to句式)
The music _________ _____________.
【答案】sounds beautiful。(感官动词sound look feel taste smell用系表结构)
9. 那个公园变得越来越美丽。
The park is getting ______ _____ ______ ___________.
【答案】more and more beautiful(比较级+and+比较级, 表示“越来越”)
10. 雨正变得越来越大。
The rain is becoming _______ _______ _______ .
【答案】heavier and heavier (比较级+and+比较级, 表示“越来越”)
11. 你吃的越多就越胖。
_____ _____ you eat, ____ _______you will be.
【答案】The more the fatter.( The +比较级, the +比较级 表示“越来越”)
The book is _______ _________ _________ that one
【答案】more difficult than (A>B 比较级+than ,much修饰比较级)
Zhongshan is one of ________ __________ __________ cities in China.
【答案】the most beautiful (表示“最……之一”,用one of +最高级+复数名词)
14 这本书比那本书更有得多趣。
This book is___________ ___________ ___________ _____________that one.
【答案】a lot more interesting than (a lot 修饰比较级)
This book _________ ___________ ___________ __________ that one
【答案】isn’t as/so interesting as (A四、选择题
1 (2023·江苏扬州)—I like your teapot. It has a very funny but interesting shape.
—Thank you. It’s a work of art, but it is also ________ for tea making.
A. natural B. practical C. equal D. general
考查形容词辨析。natural自然的;practical适用的,实际的;equal平等的;general普遍的。根据“It’s a work of art, but it is also...for tea making.”可知是指茶壶是一件艺术品,也适用于泡茶。故选B。
2. (2023·湖北鄂州) —Is Julie as tall as you
—No, she isn’t. She’s ________ than me.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
3. (2023·湖北黄石) In Switzerland, keeping only one goldfish isn’t allowed, because it is very bad to make such ________ animals live alone.
A. lucky B. social C. patient D. dangerous
考查形容词辨析。lucky幸运的;social合群的;patient耐心的;dangerous危险的。根据“it is very bad to make such...animals live alone.”可知让群居性动物单独生活是很糟糕的,social符合语境。故选B。
4. (2023·湖北十堰市) —As far as I know, the high-speed railway from Shiyan to Xi’an will be finished soon.
—Yeah. It will be more ________ for us to travel to Xi’an.
A. dangerous B. difficult C. convenient D. traditional
考查形容词辨析。dangerous危险的;difficult困难的;convenient方便的;traditional传统的。根据“As far as I know, the high-speed railway from Shiyan to Xi’an will be finished soon”及“It will be more … for us to travel to Xi’an”可知,高铁的建成对于出去旅行会更方便,故选C。
5. (2023·江苏徐州) My cousin is ________. He never forgets the things he needs to do.
A. energetic B. curious C. organized D. confident
考查形容词辨析。energetic精力充沛的;curious好奇的;organized有条理的;confident自信的。根据“He never forgets the things he needs to do.”可知,他从不忘记他需要做的事情,说明他很有条理。故选C。
6. (2023·江苏无锡)Dressing up as a ghost is ________ unusual in our culture. People think it will bring bad luck.
A. hardly B. hard C. highly D. high
考查词汇辨析。hardly几乎不;hard困难的,努力地;highly非常;high高的。根据“People think it will bring bad luck.”可知,扮鬼在中国文化中是非常不寻常的,highly unusual“极不寻常”,副词highly修饰形容词unusual。故选C。
7. (2023·安徽)— Camping trips in spring have become very ________ in southern China.
— Exactly. That’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.
A. hot B. safe C. cheap D. hard
考查形容词辨析。hot热门的,流行的;safe安全的;cheap便宜的;hard艰难的。根据“That’s because these areas have warmer weather and an earlier flowering season.”可知,南方温暖的天气和较早的花期让露营旅行变得流行。故选A。
8. (2023·安徽)From my childhood, I ________ remember my parents working hard day and night.
A. clearly B. patiently C. suddenly D. politely
考查副词辨析。clearly清楚地;patiently耐心地;suddenly突然地;politely有礼貌地。空处副词修饰“remember”,结合“From my childhood”可知,表示清楚地记得父母辛苦工作的情景。故选A。
9. (2023·沈阳)The delicious food and ________ waiters made us happy with the restaurant.
A. slow B. tired C. awful D. polite
考查形容词辨析。slow缓慢的;tired疲劳的;awful让人讨厌的;polite有礼貌的。根据“made us happy with the restaurant”可知令人满意的应是礼貌的服务员。故选D。
10. (2023·山东滨州) —How amazing ChatGPT is!
—Yes. The new invention makes it quite ________ for people to write papers and stories.
A. late B. simple C. natural D. difficult
考查形容词辨析。late晚的;simple简单的;natural自然的;difficult困难的。根据“for people to write papers and stories.”可知ChatGPT让写论文和写故事变得简单。故选B。
11. (2023·山东滨州) —Father’s Day is around the corner, but I don’t have money to buy a gift for my dad.
—Why not make a card by yourself He will ________ love it.
A. widely B. smoothly C. hardly D. certainly
考查副词辨析。widely普遍地;smoothly平滑地;hardly几乎不;certainly肯定。根据“Why not make a card by yourself He will...love it”可知你爸爸一定会喜欢你自己制作的礼物。故选D。
12. (2023·山东青岛) We should eat ________ fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.
A. free B. fresh C. soft D. sweet
考查形容词辨析。free免费的;fresh新鲜的;soft柔软的;sweet甜的。根据“We should eat...fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.”可知,吃新鲜的水果和蔬菜来保持健康。故选B。
13. (2023·北京) —Which do you like ________, swimming or skating
A. well B. better C. best D. the best
考查副词比较级。根据“swimming or skating”可知两者相比较,此处用比较级better。故选B。
14. —Being homesick is a feeling ________ to many people in the world.
—Yes. That’s why many poets worldwide have written about this topic.
A. similar B. common C. close D. strange
15. — It’s said that people usually raise their voice when telling a lie.
— That’s probably because they are ________.
A. angry B. uneasy C. excited D. surprised
考查形容词辨析。 angry生气的;uneasy不安的;excited兴奋的;surprised惊讶的。根据“people usually raise their voice when telling a lie”可知,人们在说谎时通常会因为紧张不安提高音量。故选B。
16. Clear waters and green mountains are as ________ as mountains of gold and silver.
A. silent B. general C. valuable D. private
考查形容词辨析。silent沉默的;general总体的;valuable珍贵的;private私有的。根据“Clear waters and green mountains are as...as mountains of gold and silver.”及常识可知,金山银山都很珍贵,此处是将绿水青山和金山银山作比,都很珍贵,故选C。
17. —What do you think of the man in the talent show
— He is so ________. He can make different changing pictures with sand.
A. common B. creative C. careless D. helpful
【解析】句意:——你觉得选秀节目中的那个人怎么样 ——他很有创造力。他可以用沙子制作不同的变化图片。
考查形容词。common普通的;creative有创造性的;careless粗心的;helpful有帮助的。根据“He can make different changing pictures with sand”可知他可以用沙子制作不同的变化图片,所以此处是“他很有创造力”。故选B。
18. —Daniel can get good marks in all his subjects, but he never shows off and always helps others.
—I cannot agree with you more. He is a ________ boy.
A. patient B. generous C. curious D. modest
19. Teenagers shouldn’t spend plenty of time on ________ products. They are bad for eyes.
A. national B. basic C. electronic D. natural
考查形容词。national国家的;basic基本的; electronic电子的;natural自然的。根据后句“They are bad for eyes.” 可知,青少年不应该在电子产品上花太多时间。故选C。
20. Some ________ information like fingerprints can help the police find the real criminal.
A. national B. musical C. personal D. social
考查形容词辨析。national国家的;musical音乐的;personal个人的;social社会的。根据“like fingerprints”可知,指纹是个人信息。故选C。
21. —Anne, the information is really ________. Thank you very much.
—Not at all. I am happy I can help you.
A. enjoyable B. available C. valuable D. comfortable
考查形容词辨析。enjoyable令人愉快的;available可利用的;valuable贵重的;comfortable令人舒适的。根据“Anne, the information is really…Thank you very much.”可知,此处指的是Anne提供的信息很有价值,空处应填形容词作表语,应用形容词valuable“有价值的”。故选C。
22. It’s ________ to push in before others while waiting for the bus.
A. impossible B. impatient C. impolite D. inconvenient
考查形容词。impossible不可能的;impatient不耐心的;impolite不礼貌的;inconvenient不方便的。根据“ to push in before others while waiting for the bus.”可知,插队是不礼貌的行为。故选C。
23. Do you know yogurt was a(n) ________ invention When people packed milk with bags, the germs(细菌) reacted with the milk, and yogurt came into being.
A. correct B. accidental C. patient D. strong
考查形容词辨析。correct正确的;accidental意外的,偶然的;patient耐心的;strong强壮的。根据“When people packed milk with bags, the germs(细菌) reacted with the milk, and yogurt came into being.”可知,酸奶是在意外情况下产生的,故选B。
24. We’re not very ________ friends though we’ve known each other for a long time.
A. serious B. creative C. close D. fresh
考查形容词辨析。serious严肃的;creative有创造力的;close亲密的;fresh新鲜的。根据“We’re not very...friends though we’ve known each other for a long time.”可知虽然认识很长时间,但是还不是亲密朋友。故选C。
25. —Be careful when you are driving,____________ in a rainstorm like this.
Thanks, I will.
A. especially B. properly C. probably D. frequently
考查副词辨析。especially尤其; properly合理地;probably大概;frequently经常。根据“in a rainstorm like this.”表示进一步说明,尤其像这样的暴雨。故选A。
26. — Does your brother like his new job
— I think so. He works________, but he feels ________.
A. hard; happily B. hard; happy C. hardly; happily D. hardly; happy
考查形容词和副词辨析。hard努力地,副词;hardly几乎不,副词;happy高兴的,形容词;happily高兴地,副词;副词修饰实义动词,所以是He works hard;feel是感官动词属于系动词,后面跟形容词,所以是he feels happy;故选B。
27. —Tom, haven't you helped your parents do the housework _______
—Yes, I've helped them wash the dishes _______ .
A. already; yet B. yet; yet C. already; already D. yet; already
28. Shanghai is a large and modern city, but it also has lots of ________ places.
A. history B. historical C. famous D. more famous
考查词汇辨析。history历史,名词;historical(有关)历史的,形容词原级;famous有名的,形容词原级;more famous更有名的,形容词比较级。根据“Shanghai is a large and modern city, but ...”可知是现代化大城市,but后句意出现转折,由此推出有历史名胜,形容词作定语,用historical。故选B。
29. All the ________ things need air and water. Without air or water, nothing could stay ________ .
A. living; living B. living; alive C. alive; alive D. alive; living
30. My father took some ________ actions to lose weight. For example, he ate small but healthy meals and took exercise every day.
A. powerful B. peaceful C. pleasant D. practical
考查形容词辨析。powerful有影响力的;peaceful和平的;pleasant令人愉快的;practical实际的。根据“For example, he ate small but healthy meals and took exercise every day.”可知爸爸为减肥采取了实际行动。故选D。
31. The ________ look on his face suggested that he ________ that.
A. surprising; hadn’t expected B. surprised; hadn’t expected
C. surprising; would expect D. surprised; shouldn’t expect
32. —Are you going to the airport by bus
—No, I’m going to take a taxi. It’s ________.
A. quicker B. cheaper C. the quickest D. the cheapest
考查形容词辨析及比较级。quicker更快;cheaper更便宜;the quickest最快;the cheapest最便宜。根据“Are you going to the airport by bus ”和“I’m going to take a taxi”可知,此处暗含比较级,可排除CD选项;再根据常识可知,出租车比公交车快,故选A。
33. “Excuse me, is there a library near here ” the girl asks me ________.
A. widely B. politely C. nearly D. hardly
考查副词词义辨析。widely广泛地;politely礼貌地;nearly几乎;hardly几乎不。根据“Excuse me, is there a library near here ”可知,女孩很礼貌地问。故选B。
34. Take your homework ________ every day. I believe you can improve yourself a lot.
A. comfortably B. truly C. cheaply D. seriously
考查副词辨析。comfortably舒服地;truly真地;cheaply便宜地;seriously认真地。根据“Take your homework...every day.”可知,要认真对待作业,take sth seriously“认真对待某事”。故选D。
35. I can ________ work out these math problems. They’re just too hard.
A. simply B. easily C. hardly D. gradually
考查副词辨析。simply简单地;easily容易地;hardly几乎不,表否定;gradually逐渐地。根据“They’re just too hard”可知,这些数学题太难,所以我几乎解不出。故选C。
36. The “double reduction” (双减) policy makes it possible for students to have more ________ time to do outdoor activities.
A. spare B. proud C. central D. absent
考查形容词辨析。spare空闲的;proud骄傲的;central中央的;absent缺席的。根据“The ‘double reduction’ (双减) policy makes it possible for students to have more ... time to do outdoor activities.”可知,有空闲的时间做户外活动。 故选A。
37. —Our life will be more ________ if 5G technology is used widely.
—Yes, I quite agree with you.
A. unusual B. general C. active D. convenient
考查形容词辨析。unusual不同寻常的;general普遍的;active积极的;convenient便利的。根据条件状语从句“if 5G technology is used widely”可知,如果5G技术得到广泛应用,我们的生活将更加便利。故选D。
38. —Nelly, were you ________ at the result of the singing competition
—Yes. We thought it was a ________ result.
A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprising C. surprising; surprising D. surprised; surprised
考查形容词辨析。surprising令人惊讶的,修饰事或物;surprised惊讶的,修饰人。短语be surprised at…意为:(人)对……感到惊讶;第二空修饰result,需用surprising。故选B。
39. ________ we take subways in the future, ________ air pollution there will be in our city.
A. The less; the fewer B. The fewer; the more C. The more; the less D. The fewer; the fewer
考查词汇辨析。less更少,修饰不可数名词;fewer更少,修饰可数名词;more更多。根据“we take subways in the future”和“air pollution there will be in our city”可知,坐地铁多,污染应该会减少,air pollution为不可数名词,故第一空应用the more,第二空应用the less。故选C。
40. —What do you think of the soap operas
—I think they are ________. I don't like them at all.
A. serious B. meaningless C. enjoyable D. educational
考查形容词辨析。serious严肃的;meaningless无意义的;enjoyable令人愉悦的;educational有教育意义的。根据“I don’t like them at all.”可知不喜欢肥皂剧,meaningless符合语境。故选B。
41. Just be ________, you can’t make such great progress in a day. It takes time.
A. honest B. humorous C. active D. patient
考查形容词。honest诚实的;humorous幽默的;active活跃的;patient耐心的。根据“you can’t make such great progress in a day. It takes time.”可知,此处是需要有耐心,故选D。
42. To protect the environment, we’d better take our ________ bags when we go shopping.
A. believable B. enjoyable C. reusable D. comfortable
考查形容词辨析;believable可相信的;enjoyable令人愉快的;reusable可重复使用的;comfortable令人舒服的。根据“To protect the environment”和“take our …bags when we go shopping.”可知,为了保护环境,我们购物时自带可重复使用的袋子;选项C“可重复使用的”符合语境。故选C。
43. —Who sings ________ of the three girls
—Mary. I think no one sings ________ beautifully than her.
A. better; the most B. better; more C. the best; the most D. the best; more
考查副词最高级用法。better更好地;the best最好地;more更多地;the most最多地。根据“of the three girls”可知,第一空用副词最高级,排除A与B;根据“I think no one sings...beautifully than her”可知,Mary是这三个女孩中唱得最好听的,“否定词+比较级”表最高级含义,故选D。
44. ________ news! Tom has won the________ race.
A. What excited; 800 metres’ B. What exciting; 800-metre
C. How excited; 800-metre D. How exciting; 800 metres’
考查感叹句和形容词。根据不可数名词news“消息”可知,应用what引导感叹句,用形容词exciting修饰news,excited意为“感到兴奋的”,常指人的情感,用来修饰人;修饰race可用复合形容词800-metre“八百米的”或名词所有格形式800 metres’表示“八百米的”。故选B。
45. —Guangzhou is one of ________ cities in China.
—Yes, and it’s warm in winter.
A. the most beautiful B. more beautiful C. very beautiful D. much beautiful
考查形容词最高级。根据“one of...cities in China”可知,此处结构为one of the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数形式,表示“最……之一”,此处指的是最美丽的城市之一,beautiful“美丽的”,最高级形式为the most beautiful。故选A。
46. —What’s your prediction about the future, Jill
—We will have ________ work to do because________ robots will help us.
A. less; more B. more; less C. more; more D. less; less
考查比较级。less更少,修饰不可数名词;more更多,修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。根据“We will have ... work to do because ... robots will help us.”可知,未来我们的工作更少,故填空一处应用less;因为有更多的机器人帮助我们,故填空二处应用more。故选A。
47. Wechat is ________ of the two ways to talk with friends.
A. the more popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. most popular
考查比较级。根据“of the two ways”可知此处特指两个方式中比较流行的一种,故此处用比较级,且应加定冠词表特指。故选A。
48. Cindy is a ________ volleyball star and she plays volleyball very ________.
A. well; good B. good; well C. well; well D. good; good
49. The Yangtze River is one of ________ in the world.
A. the longer river B. longest rivers C. the longest river D. the longest rivers
考查形容词最高级。one of+ the+形容词最高级+可数名词复数“最……的……之一”,此处应填the longest rivers“最长的河流”。故选D。
50. Nanjing is the second ________ city in East China.
A. larger B. largest C. more large D. most large
考查形容词最高级。根据“Nanjing is the second...city in East China.”可知,此处是“序数词+最高级”结构,故选B。
51. My mom is a ________ cook. She cooks ________ .
A. good; well B. well; well C. good; good D. well; good
52. My brother is often _______ from family meetings because he is too busy.
A. absent B. available C. nervous D. terrible
考查形容词词义辨析。absent缺席的;available可获得的;nervous紧张的;terrible可怕的。根据“because he is too busy”可知,他经常缺席,be absent from...表示“缺席……”。故选A。
53. Han Ming didn’t like math at first, but he ________ became interested in it with the help of his teacher.
A. especially B. gradually C. seriously D. clearly
考查副词辨析。especially尤其;gradually逐渐地;seriously严重地;clearly清楚地。根据“became interested in it with the help of his teacher”可知,在老师的帮助下,逐渐对数学产生了兴趣,故选B。
54. Sandy, you haven’t changed at all. You still look ________ the same as before.
A. recently B. finally C. exactly D. hardly
考查副词辨析。recently最近地;finally最终地;exactly完全地;hardly几乎不。根据“you haven’t changed at all”可知,一点也没变,看起来完全和之前一样。故选C。
55. The old man lives in a ________ town. He lives ________, but he doesn’t feel ________.
A. lonely, lonely, alone B. lonely, alone, lonely
C. alone, alone, lonely D. alone, alone, alone
56. When Judy first came to China, she found the country was ______ the way her grandfather described: beautiful and peaceful.
A. curiously B. exactly C. probably D. properly
考查副词辨析。curiously好奇地;exactly完全;probably可能地;properly正确地。根据“she found the country was … the way her grandfather described”可知,发现这个国家就像她祖父描述的那,exactly符合语境,故选B。
57. The boy tried out for the school football team ________ because he was interested in it.
A. hardly B. nearly C. simply D. specially
考查副词词义辨析。hardly几乎不;nearly 差不多,几乎;simply仅仅,只是;specially专门地。由空后“because he was interested in it”可知仅仅是因为他感兴趣。故选C。
58. If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you’d better phone him ________ first to make sure of that.
A. recently B. directly C. finally D. exactly
考查副词辨析。recently最近;directly直接地;finally最终;exactly精确地。根据“If one of your friends sends you a message to borrow money on the Internet, you’d better phone him … first to make sure of that”可知,遇到朋友在网上借钱,要先直接打电话确认,故选B。
59. I can’t tell when the house was built ________, but it must be very old.
A. wonderfully B. differently C. exactly D. recently
考查副词辨析。wonderfully精彩地;differently不同地;exactly准确地;recently最近。根据“I can’t tell when the house was built”可知,无法准确说出这个房子建立的时间,故选C。
60. My mother ________ uses electronic products because she thinks they are bad for her eyes.
A. usually B. seldom C. often D. always
考查副词辨析。usually通常;seldom很少;often经常;always总是。根据“because she thinks they are bad for her eyes”可知,对眼睛有害,所以很少用,故选B。
61. —It is reported that a driver helped put out the fire in a car on the highway.
—Yes, the man left ________, and nobody knows who he is.
A. slowly B. happily C. silently D. nervously
考查副词辨析。slowly慢地;happily高兴地;silently无声地;nervously紧张地。根据“and nobody knows who he is.”可知。此处是那人默默地离开了,故选C。
62. I haven’t heard from my son ________. I’m worried about him.
A. recently B. suddenly C. properly D. quickly
考查副词辨析。recently最近;suddenly突然;properly得体地;quickly迅速地。根据“I’m worried about him.”可知,此处指最近没有儿子的消息。故选A。
63. — Jim, you look worried. What happened
— I ________ forgot to do homework. I’m afraid Mr. Lee will get angry with me.
A. exactly B. normally C. completely D. wisely
【解析】句意:—— 吉姆,你看起来很担心。发生了什么事?—— 我完全忘了做家庭作业。我怕李老师会生我的气。
考查副词辨析。exactly确切地;normally正常地;completely完全地;wisely明智地。根据“I’m afraid Mr. Lee will get angry with me.”可知,是完全忘了做家庭作业,因此“completely”符合句意。故选C。
64. We have been to the China Folk Culture Villages ________.
A. lately B. late C. latest D. last
考查副词辨析。lately最近; late晚,迟;latest最近的;last最后地。根据语境,可知是最近去过某地,用lately,故选A。
65. —How is Sue —Oh, she lives abroad, so I ________ ever see her.
A. hardly B. greatly C. nearly D. clearly
【解析】句意: ——苏怎么样啊?——噢,她住在国外,所以我几乎不曾见过她。
考查副词词义辨析。hardly几乎不;greatly很,大大地,非常;nearly将近,几乎;clearly清晰地。根据前句“ she lives abroad.”可知苏住在国外,可见我几乎不曾见到她。故选A。
59. To many people’s surprise, stinky Luosifen has now become the most popular snack, but many others, ________ the young, love it so much that they wish to have it every day.
A. specially B. especially C. probably D. possibly
考查副词辨析。specially专门地;especially尤其;probably可能;possibly可能地。根据“but many others, … the young, love it so much that they wish to have it every day”可知,此处强调尤其年轻人更喜欢,故选B。
66. —Can you finish your work on time
—I am afraid not. My computer hasn’t worked ________ since this morning.
A. usually B. normally C. naturally D. commonly
考查副词辨析。usually通常;normally正常地;naturally自然地,理所当然地;commonly通常地。根据“I am afraid not. My computer hasn’t worked...since this morning.” 可知,电脑从早上一直不能正常工作,normally最符合语境。故选B。
67. ________ music is very relaxing, and it sounds ________.
A. Good; well B. Good; nice C. Well; well D. Well; nice
考查形容词的用法。good好的,形容词;well好地,副词;nice好的,令人愉快的,是形容词。第一个空修饰名词music用形容词good “好的”;第二个空作系动词sounds的表语用形容词nice “好的”。故选B。
68. My hometown is ________ than before. That makes people happy.
A. beautiful B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. much beautiful
考查比较级。beautiful美丽的,形容词;beautifully漂亮地,副词;more beautiful更美丽的,形容词比较级;much beautiful错误表达,much常用于修饰形容词比较级。根据“My hometown is ... than before.”可知,我的家乡比以前更美丽了,应用形容词比较级,作表语。故选C。
69. Bob used to be ________ boy on the school soccer team, but now he’s taller than others.
A. short B. shorter C. shortest D. the shortest
考查形容词最高级。根据后文“but now he’s taller than others”可知,Bob之前是矮的,又因为句中有范围the school soccer team,表示在足球队队内,应该用最高级,注意形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the。故选D。
70. I think teenagers should take health as ________ as their study.
A. serious B. seriously C. more serious D. more seriously
五、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空
1.I work    this term, but David works even    .(hard)
2.The    (many) books you read, the     (much) you will know.
3. Elon is the ________(tall) of the two students.
4. Amber is a careful girl so she does homework ___________(careful) in our class.
5. Who is ________(good) in English in your class
6.Which do you like ________(well), apples, pears or bananas
7. I feel math is _________________(difficult) of all the subjects.
8. I think Tom runs ________________(quick) in our class during the sports meeting.
9. He is _____________(quiet) boy in my class. He almost never talks.
10.Where you can buy the tickets ______________(cheap), Town Cinema, Green City or Movie World
11. Who do you think works _____________(hard) in our class
12.Nothing is a waste if you have a _________(create)mind.
13. Is Yellow River the fourth ________(long) river in the world
14. I like Chinese better than math because it’ s much ________(easy) to learn.
15.I think Sally did as     (good) as Lucy in the math competition.
16.—Is Betty a good student
—Yes, she’s      (hard-working) than any other student in her class.
17.It was cold yesterday, but it is much     (cold) today.
18.—Does Grace sing well
—Yes, she sings      (clear) and     (loud) than other singers.
19.I am __________(true)sorry that I can’t tell you the result.
20.The _______(careful) you do, the ________(good) grades you’ll get.
【答案】1.hard harder 2.more more 3.taller 4.(the) most carefully 5.the best 6.best 7.the most difficult 8.most quickly 9.the quietest 10.the most cheaply 11.hardest 12.creative 13. Longest 14 easier
15.well 16.more hard-working 17.colder 18.more clearly more loudly 19.truly 20.more carefully better



