
小学四年级 英语 检测时间:60分钟
听音判断,画√或打×。 (5分)
1. Don’t touch the machines! ( )
2. Don’t sing here. ( )
3. Silence! ( )
4. Stop! ( )
5. Don’t feed the ducks! ( )
二. 听音,选择正确的单词并写在横线上。 (14分)
My family is in a _______ (shop / school). We are going to buy a new _____ ( book / computer). There are ________ ( much / many) computers in the shop. Some are _____ (fat / big). Some are small. Some are ________ ( expensive / nice). Some are cheap. Some are _____ (beautiful / purple). Some are powerful .At last we find a __________ ( perfect / wonderful) one . It’s small and powerful.
听音,给短文排序标号。 (10分)
( )The boy cried .
( )The boy laughed.
( )The wolf came to the field .
( )The boy shouted,“Wolf ,wolf !”
( )The people said ,“Don’t tell lies!”
( )The wolf ate all the sheep.
( )The people ran to the field.
( )The boy was bored.
( )The boy ran to the village for help.
( )The boy looked after sheep.
Lingling is swimming. □ A. True □B. False
Amy is dancing. □ A. True □B. False
Fangfang is playing the erhu. □ A. True □B. False
Daming is playing the piano. □ A. True □B. False
Their mothers are clapping. □ A. True □B. False
Today is Mother’s Day. □ A. True □B. False
听音, 连线。(4分)
1. Dad
2. Mum B.
3. Sam C.
4. Amy D.
听一听,勾一勾。 (16分)
He finished his homework. □
He washed his shirt. □
He didn’t clean his room. □
He helped Mum. □
He went into a shop. □
He bought some cheese. □
He saw a cat. □
He was scared. □
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
¥________ ¥_______ ¥_________ ¥_______ ¥_______
1.What are you doing A.It costs one hundred yuan.
2.What did they play B.We are having a party.
3.How much does it cost C.I went to a concert.
4.What is he doing D.They played the erhu.
5.Where did you go E.He is playing the violin.
二.选择正确答案。 (10分)
( )1. Don’t __________ball games here !
A. plays B. playing C. play
( )2. This computer is good _______computer games.
A. to B. for C. with
( )3. This TV __________one thousand yuan.
A. costs B. cost C. costing
( )4. Once upon a time , there ____________a boy.
A. is B. were C. was
( )5.Yesterday, she ___________into a shop.
A. go B. goes C. went
( )6. He broke the door and ___________away.
A. ran B. run C. running
( )7. Was it Chinese music Yes, it__________.
A. is B. does C. was
( )8. It ___________like a guitar.
A. look B. looks C. looked
( )9. Now he is ____________the drums.
A. play B. plays C. playing
( )10. She is making a present ___________her father.
A. for B. to C. with
三.介词填空 (10分)
in, at, on, to, after, into, for
What are you doing ____________ Mother’s Day
____________the end I was happy.
She played ____________ a concert.
Do you want _____________ listen
The teacher went _____________ a shop.
The boy looks______________ the sheep.
My mum will buy it ____________me.
I can take it _____________my bike.
Look ______________ the girl in red.
Don’t write _____________ the books.
1. flowers / is / painting / He / .
2. please / the / touch / Don’t/ machines/ !
3. you / are / What / doing /
4. eight / thousand/ yuan / It / costs / .
5. now / is / happening / What /
五、根据短文内容在表格的适当处打√或画×。 ( 5分)
Yesterday there was a school concert. Daming played the guitar yesterday, but he didn’t play the pipa. Amy played the erhu yesterday, but Lingling didn’t play the erhu. Sam played the guitar. Everyone had a good time in the concert.
played the pipa played the erhu played the guitar played the violin
注意:每道听力试题读二遍,听力时间控制在 25分钟内。
听音判断,画√或打×。 (5分)
1. Don’t touch the machines!
2. Sing a song!
3. Don’t talk here!
4. Don’t go!
5. Don’t feed the panda. But you can feed the ducks.
二.听音,选择正确的单词并写在横线上。 (14分)
My family is in a shop. We are going to buy a new computer. There are many computers in the shop. Some are big. Some are small. Some are expensive. Some are cheap. Some are beautiful. Some are powerful. At last we find a perfect one. It’s small and powerful.
三、 听音,给短文排序标号。 (10分)
The boy looked after sheep. The boy was bored. The boy shouted,“ Wolf, wolf!” The people ran to the field. The boy laughed. The wolf came to the field. The boy ran to the village for help. The people said,“Don’t tell lies!” The wolf ate all the sheep. The boy cried.
Today is Mother’s day. The children are having a surprise party for their mothers. Lingling is singing. Amy is dancing. Fangfang is playing the pipa. Daming is playing the guitar. Their mothers are very happy. They are clapping.
五、听音, 连线。(4分)
1. Yesterday, Dad played the erhu.
2. Mum played the pipa.
3. Sam played the guitar.
4. Amy played the violin.
听一听,勾一勾。 (16分)
Hello! I’m Sam. Yesterday I finished my homework. But I didn’t wash my shirt. I didn’t clean my room. But I helped Mum. I went into a shop. I bought some sweets. I saw a toy monster. I was scared.
1. The T-shirt costs 120 yuan.
2. This pen costs 40 yuan.
3. This camera costs 500 yuan.
4. This TV costs 6300 yuan.
5. This computer costs 9800 yuan.
一、(1×5=5分) √×√√×
二、(2×7=14分) 答案略。 详见听力题签。
四、(1×6=6分) BABBAA
五、(1×4=4分) 1-----B 2-----A 3------D 4------C
六、(2×8=16分) √×√√√ ××√
七、(1×5=5分) 120 , 40 , 500 , 6300 , 9800
笔试部分 (40分)
一、(1×5=5分) BDAEC
二、(1×10=10分) CBACC ACBCA
三、(1×10=10分) on At in to into after for on at in
1. He is painting flowers.
2. Don’t touch the machines, please!
3. What are you doing
4. It costs eight thousand yuan.
5. What is happening now
played the pipa played the erhu played the guitar played the violin
Daming × √
Amy √
Lingling ×
Sam √



上一篇:2024中考物理精准预测卷 贵州省卷01(原卷版+解析版)
