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1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________
6. Q: What’s wrong with Mary
A. She has a headache. B. She has a toothache. C. She has a fever.
7. Q: Where will the girl volunteer
A. At the park. B. In the street. C. In the hospital.
8. Q: What was the girl doing when the rainstorm came
A. She was walking home.
B. She was doing her homework.
C. She was reading books.
9. Q: When must the boy be back home
A. By 9:00 p.m. B. By 10:00 p.m. C. By 11:00 p.m.
10. Q: What chores will Jimmy do
A. Do the dishes. B. Sweep the floor. C. Take out the rubbish.
11. Animal Helpers is a group to help homeless animals.
12. Ben Smith is a blind man who can’t use his legs well.
13. Ben’s friend helped him get a trained dog.
14. The dog’s name is Lucky because Ben feels lucky to have the dog.
15. Lucky was too clever to understand all English words.
16. When is Bob’s party
It will be held on ______________________.
17. Who can help Bob buy some drinks and snacks
______________________ can help him buy them.
18. How many kids will Bob invite
About ______________________.
19. What does Bob and David have to do for the party preparations
They have to move the big chairs to the bedroom and ______________________.
20. Can Bob’s mom lend her CD player to Bob
Yes. But he must be ______________________ with it.
More and more young people in the US volunteer to spend their free time or school holidays working for others. Here are some of their plans.
Alice Hamilton, 17 I’m going to help the Forest Center build new hiking roads in the mountains. I’ll spend the whole summer living in the tent and breathing the clean mountain air. I like hiking and the nature. I’m going to sleep under the stars. It’ll be nice and I’ll be able to do something good at the same time.
Jason Moore. 18 This summer, I’m going to volunteer with Special House Program. I’m interested in building. All the volunteers work there to build good, low-cost houses and sell them to families that are not very rich. They’ll teach me what to do, so I’ll help people and also have a chance to learn how to build houses.
Trish Anderson, 16 I’m a book lover. So I’m going to teach kids who have trouble reading. I worked for Reading for Life every Saturday last year. And now I’m still working there. I want to help kids choose and read books they like. And I want to be a teacher so it will be a great experience for me.
21. What does Alice volunteer to do in summer
A. To learn to build houses.
B. To teach kids learn to read.
C. To help build new hiking roads in the mountains.
22. From the passage, we know that Special House Program helps ________.
A. children who can’t read
B. poor families who want to buy their houses
C. build hiking roads for tourists in the mountains
23. Alice, Jason and Trish choose their volunteer work depend on ________.
A. their hobbies B. their dreams C. their personality (性格)
24. We can probably read the passage in ________.
A. a storybook B. a magazine C. a notice
What did people do to communicate in ancient (古代的) times Here are some very interesting answers to this question.
Alphorns (阿尔卑斯长号角) were once used to communicate in the mountains in Switzerland (瑞士). They are very long and they are very heavy, too. So, alphorns are hard work to blow. Then why use them Well, they make a loud sound which travels much further than the human voice. Herdsmen (牧民) used them to call cows in the distance (在远处) for milking. At sunset, alphorns were also used to send a message down to villagers that all was well. Today, they’re mostly used as musical instruments.
The people of La Gomera, an island in Europe, have their own special way of sending messages from mountain to mountain. They use a whistled (口哨的) language called el silbo. El silbo comes from their language Spanish. Whistling can be heard within five kilometers, so it can be used across much greater distances than shouting. El silbo can be used for all kinds of messages, including greetings and announcements. El silbo is used a lot less than it used to be, but primary school students in La Gomera have to learn it.
Did you know it’s also possible to send messages without making a noise This is called visual (视觉的) communication, and it includes the use of flags and even smoke. Long ago, soldiers along the Great Wall of China used smoke as a warning. If they noticed the enemy from their signal (信号) tower, they lit a smoky fire. When soldiers in other towers saw the smoke signal, they lit fires, too. In this way, messages about the enemy’s arrival could travel as far as 800 kilometers in just a few hours.
25. Today alphorns are mostly used for ________.
A. communicating in the mountains
B. calling cows for milking
C. playing a kind of music
26. The people of La Gomera use el silbo to communicate because ________.
A. it can send messages to animals
B. it can be heard at a great distance
C. it is a subject for young students
27. How did soldiers along the Great Wall get warning messages between towers
A. By watching. B. By listening. C. By whistling.
28. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage (P=Paragraph)
When we see young people sitting there, looking at the screen of a mobile phone and smiling, we may think nothing is wrong. But when we come to the question “how much time do they spend on media (传播媒介) daily ”, the answer is surprising: young people spend about nine hours every day using media, and this only includes media used for enjoyment.
Today’s young people seem to have become crazy multitaskers. They often use media when doing other activities. Some watch TV when doing homework, some text (发短信), and others listen to music. But what do young people think of this The research showed that two thirds of them believed watching TV or texting had no influence on their schoolwork. Half of them thought using social media made no difference. However, researchers have given a different answer: “media multitaskers” did worse in tests.
Scientists did the research among more than 400 students. It showed that those who texted a lot had more trouble sleeping and did worse in their study. In another research, students who didn’t text during a lesson took down a lot more notes than those who texted.
According to the research, if a kid uses social media a lot, he or she will sleep worse at night and feel more nervous and depressed (消沉的). And sitting too much can lead to health problems like a sore back or neck, heart problems and some kinds of illness. On the one hand, young people stay up late to check messages and information. They may also be woken up by messages they receive. On the other hand, even the light from a screen could influence their sleep. They may become sleepy more easily during the daytime.
29. How many hours do the young people spend using media every day
A. 8. B. 9. C. 10
30. The underlined word “multitaskers” in Paragraph 2 refer to people who ________.
A. ask a lot of questions
B. have several mobile phones
C. do several things at the same time
31. From the passage we can learn that a kid will probably ________ if he or she uses social media a lot at night.
A. do the best in tests B. sleep much better C. feel more nervous and sicker
32. The writer wrote this passage in order to ________.
A. tell young people not to spend too much time on mobile phones
B. tell young people about using social media made no difference
C. tell young people about using mobile phones can help with study or work
Do you have conflict (冲突) with others Why does conflict happen Maybe it happens when two people disagree because of their own opinions, or beliefs (信仰). It’s not always as simple as an argument.
Parents and teenagers have many chances to have conflict with one another. Adolescence (青春期) is a time when independence and parental influence fight, since teens are able to think on their own but still live with parents who have rules and expectations for them. When kids don’t show up at home late at night, their parents get worried. A worried parent becomes a scolding parent. When the teen does come home, he/she will get punishment (处罚).
Sometimes, teens want to have noisy fun while their parents want to sleep. This is a common conflict that happens every day. Parents might use the teenager’s grades to judge (判断) him/her every time the grades are reported. The conflict happens when the parents’ expectations aren’t met. Finding the causes of conflicts is the first step to solve the conflict. Here are a few tips for parents and teenagers to use.
View each other as friends in the common goals (目标) you agree on, which usually include keeping teens safe and seeing them be successful.
List (列举) possible solutions to the conflict together. Just start listing creative ideas, whether they seem reasonable or not. Creativity is your friend when you’re solving any problems in life, including conflicts with others.
33. The writer starts the passage by ________.
A. asking questions B. giving examples C. listing number
34. Which of the following statement (陈述) is TRUE
A. A conflict is the same as an argument.
B. Parents and teenagers never have same goals.
C. Different beliefs and opinions may result in conflicts.
35. We can infer (推断) from the passage that ________.
A. it’s easy to solve the conflict between parents and teenagers
B. friends can reach common goals more easily
C. creative thinking is helpful to conflict resolution
36. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. The reasons of conflict between teens and parents.
B. The reasons and solutions of conflict between teens and parents.
C. The harm (伤害) of conflict between teens and parents.
When it comes to fire, people are always scared because no one wants to get hurt. 37 Here is some advice on how to save yourself in a fire.
When a fire breaks out in your building, you should go outside as quickly as possible. 38 You should stay low (低的) to the ground. because smoke (烟雾) naturally rises. And remember to cover your nose and mouth on the way.
If you’re in a room and it’s already too late to get out, close the door first. Then block the cracks (堵住裂缝) around the door with some wet clothes. 39 At the same time, open the windows and shout for help.
If your clothes catch fire, don’t run! Instead, stop what you’re doing. Then you should lie down on the ground, cover your face with your hands and roll (翻滚). This will cut off the air and put out the fire.
It’s useful to get to know these pieces of advice. 40 Having a fire drill (训练) at home makes everyone able to see how they will do in a real fire.
A. Just leave them behind.
B. And it’s even better if you have some practice.
C. But you can feel less worried if you are prepared.
D. Smoke from the fire is really bad for people.
E. This can help keep smoke from getting through the door.
答案:37.________ 38.________ 39.________ 40.________
A. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供41—45小题选用,第二个方框供46—50小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。
A. popular B. about C. gets dressed D. quickly E. as soon as F. friendly
Did your parents ask you to do chores when you were a child Recently, A short video is 41 a six-year-old boy. He is always doing housework before going to school in the morning. The video has become 42 online. The boy is so independent that many people follow him with interest.
The little boy will jump into action 43 he gets up. He wakes up at 6:00 a.m. First, he 44 and makes his bed. Then he prepares some eggs and bread for breakfast. After breakfast, he does the dishes in the kitchen 45 . Then he goes back to his bedroom to put on his new clothes.
A. And B. by himself C. When D. the habit of E. puts F. young
At 6:45, he goes to the bathroom to wash up. Then he 46 some dirty clothes in the washing machine and sweeps the floor. 47 he is ready to go to school with his schoolbag, he takes out one or two bags of rubbish to throw.
The boy is only six years old, but he is able to finish all the chores 48 . After watching the video, most people think the boy’s mother is right to help the boy develop 49 independence. However, some think the boy is so 50 that he shouldn’t do so much housework. Who do you agree with
答案:41.________ 42.________ 43.________ 44.________ 45.________
46.________ 47.________ 48.________ 49.________ 50.________
B. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
At seven o’clock on a Friday morning, the weather was cloudy. It looked like it might rain. And the news on TV reported that there would be a rain in the area. While I 51 (run) to the bus station, it started to rain. When I ran to the hill towards the station, it was raining 52 (heavy). I saw a car coming around the corner, it was traveling very fast. Suddenly it hit a lamp post (灯杆) and turned over 53 the road was really slippery (滑的).
I ran to the car to see what happened. The driver was badly hurt and there was a lot of blood on his face. I knew I had to act quickly. I asked him if he felt well. He said that he couldn’t move his leg. I tried 54 (get) him out of the car, but I failed. So I shouted for help. Soon many people came to help. When one of the woman called the hospital and the police, the men were getting the driver out of the car. After a few minutes, the police and the doctor 55 (arrive). Some people were moving the driver onto an ambulance (救护车) when the policeman asked me a lot of questions 56 the accident. The driver was sent to the hospital. What a terrible accident!
The next day, I went to the hospital to see the driver. Luckily, his leg was treated by the doctor in time, and he would leave the hospital after a few 57 (day) rest. Thanks to the people who helped him, they didn’t think about 58 (they) in the heavy rain. They only thought about 59 (save) a life. Helping will make our society (社会) better and better. And helping other is to help ourselves. Our actions can make a big 60 (different) to the world. So let’s help people in trouble today!
答案:51.________ 52.________ 53.________ 54.________ 55.________
56.________ 57.________ 58.________ 59.________ 60.________
The Spirit of Giving
Terry Crossman, is an American who lives in Beijing now. He is 64 years old and he is retired (退休). He has lived in Beijing for 24 years. Now he spends some of his time volunteering to help tourists find their way around the beautiful area of Xicheng District in Beijing. He can even give people directions in fluent (流利的) Chinese.
Things were not easy for him when he started volunteering in March 2017, since he was unfamiliar (不熟悉) with the neighborhood. At first, he walked around for a long time until he could give right directions. And he worked harder to study Chinese every night.
Being a foreigner speaking fluent Chinese and the only male in the volunteer group called “Aunties from Xicheng District”, Terry has been famous on the Internet. He has attracted many tourists who come just to take a photo with him. Some people ask him for directions, and a lot of time he is asked to take photos.
He says. “The spirit of volunteering is you get more than what you give in a way. I love volunteering because I love doing things for people. I also want to make people happy.” He thinks it’s like throwing a stone into the river and then you have little waves. Then happiness can be given to other people.
Volunteering is a sure sign of an advanced and civilized society. According to a survey, there are over 129,000 community voluntary groups, 10.72 million volunteers like Crossman. They have volunteered for 23.88 million hours. Volunteers are serving the world beyond borders (国界).
61. Can Terry help tourists find the way in Chinese
62. When did Terry start volunteering
63. What’s the spirit of volunteering
64. Why does he love volunteering
65. What do you think of volunteering
(Dave and Tony are friends. They met at the school gate after school.)
Dave: Hello, Tony!
Tony: Hi, Dave.
Dave: Oh. Tony. I called you at seven last night, but you didn’t pick up. 66__________
Tony: Oh, I was sleeping at that time.
Dave: So early
Tony: Yes, I have a flu. My head hurts badly.
Dave: I’m too sorry to hear that! 67__________
Tony: No, I don’t. I took my temperature just now. It is normal.
Dave: 68__________
Tony: I played basketball with my friends at the park yesterday. Then it got windy, but I didn’t put on my jacket in time.
Dave: Oh, how are you feeling now
Tony: Don’t worry. I feel much better now. Why did you call me last night
Dave: I argued with my classmate yesterday. I’m very sad now. What should I do
Tony: Well. I think you could call him up. Or 69__________.
Dave: You are right. Thanks for your advice.
Tony: You’re welcome. I hope things will be better for you soon.
答案:66. ________________________________________________________________________________
67. ________________________________________________________________________________
68. ________________________________________________________________________________
69. ________________________________________________________________________________
Dear Li Hua, How’s it going I really need your help! Last weekend, I argued with my mom because I refused to do the housework. And we don’t talk to each other and she doesn’t do any housework now. I was very sad. What can I do What’s more, my parents give me so much pressure about school. They just care about my grades. So I don’t have enough free time to do what I like. I always feel nervous. What should I do Hope to hear from you soon. Mike
1. 邮件需包含信中问题,可适当发挥,使行文通顺、连贯;
2. 邮件中请不要使用真实的人名、校名;
3. 词数不少于80,开头和结尾已给出(不计词数)。
Dear Mike, I’m sorry to hear that you are in trouble these days. _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hope things work out! Li Hua
1~5 BFCDA 6~10 BACAC 11~15 BBAAB
16. Saturday afternoon 17. His parents/His mother and father/Bob’s parents
18. 18/eighteen. 19. sweep the floor 20. careful
21~24 CBAB 25~28 CBAB 29~32 BCCA 33~36 ACCB 37~40 CDEB
A. 41~45 BAECD 46~50 ECBDF
B. 51. was running 52. heavily 53. because 54. to get 55. arrived
56. about 57. days’ 58. themselves 59. saving 60. difference
61. Yes, he can. /Yes.
62. In March 2017.
63. Because he loves doing things for people and wants to make people happy.
64. The spirit of volunteering is you get more than what you give in a way.
65. I think volunteering is great/ wonderful/ meaningful/ …
66. What were you doing (then/at that time)
67. Do you have a fever
68. What did you do yesterday
69. you could write him a letter to say sorry. / you could take him to a ball game/ …



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