
I. 听后选择.
1.A. Blue. B. Black. C. Red.
2.A. Every afternoon.
B. Twice a week.
C. Three times a week.
3.A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
4 A. He has a stomachache.
B. He has a headache.
C. He has a toothache.
5. A. Go to the cinema.
B. Take an English class.
C. Study for the math test.
II. 听下面一段对话,然后选择正确答案。(共3小题;每小题1分,满分3分)
6. What kind of competition did Judy win
A. An art competition. B. A science competition. C. A singing competition.
7.What does Angela do
A. She’s a music teacher. B. She’s a famous singer. C. She’s a great actor.
8. What will Judy and Alan do on Sunday afternoon
A. Go to a concert. B. Watch a movie. C. Go to the park.
This is a true story about some fishermen and a shark.
One day, three fishermen from Australia accidentally ___1___ a weak shark between some rocks. They saw that the shark had many fishing hooks (鱼钩) in ____2____ mouth. Then they decided to help it.
The fishermen recorded in a video how they worked to ____3____ the hooks from the shark’s mouth. “It has got six hooks in its mouth! Its mouth is cut to bits (碎片)! It must be very ____4____.” one of the fishermen said. As he worked quickly to take out the hooks, another man ____5____ the shark’s head in his arms and the third man put a strap (带子) around its tail so that it wouldn’t move.
Once all the hooks were taken out, the animal was ____6____ lifted from the rocks and put back in the water. The fishermen were ____7____ to see the shark swim away slowly.
The fishermen have since been called heroes for ____8____ the shark. “Wow! Well done, you guys! Thank you for ____9____ kind to the animal. You guys are amazing!” one person wrote online.
“The shark must know the men were helping him,” another person wrote.
Sometimes, ____10____ need our help although they are big and scary like sharks. We should be nice to them and help them as much as we can.
A. dropped B. found C. created D. bought
A. him B. his C. it D. its
A. take out B. give up C. look after D. cut off
A. heavy B. wet C. painful D. cold
A. picked B. hid C. pushed D. held
A. carefully B. suddenly C. luckily D. seriously
A. brave B. nervous C. happy D. surprised
A. catching B. helping C. visiting D. showing
A. are B. is C. been D. being
A. animals B. plants C. aliens D. machines
The Sunshine App (应用程序) Store
From December 1 to December 31, buy any app from our store and get a second one at half price! Let It Sing Do you find it hard to sleep or feel stressed Let It Sing provides a lot of music, such as soft piano or nice guitar music to help you relax. It turns itself off after 45 minutes. It won’t disturb (打扰) you if you have fallen asleep. Price: $28 Quiet Place Do you have problems staying away from your phone Try Quiet Place! You can plant a garden on the app and it will grow when you’re not using your phone. The longer you stay away from it the more your garden will grow. Train your self-control! Price: $7 Easy Way Hard to find your way when you go traveling Easy Way has railway maps of Brazil, France, the USA and China. We will have Thailand’s next month! With Easy Way, you will never lose your way! Price: $14
11. What do we know about the app Let It Sing
A. It provides relaxing music.
B. It’s the cheapest in the store.
C. It turns itself off after an hour.
D. It can wake people up from sleep.
12. What can the app Quiet Place do for people
A. Help them relax.
B. Tell them train times.
C. Teach them to protect their eyes.
D. Encourage them to use their phones less.
13. Which country’s railway map will Easy Way cover next month
A. China’s. B. Brazil’s.
C. Thailand’s. D. The USA’s.
14. What’s the purpose of the text
A. To show people how to use the apps.
B. To encourage people to buy the apps.
C. To help people better use their phones.
D. To introduce some new apps to people.
Dear Mum,
Today is my birthday and it is the first birthday I have spent far away from home. I miss you very much.
A few days ago, we learned a poem and discussed the famous line “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a huge difference in her life. She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her. She was sad about this. This made me think a lot, especially when I’m thousands of kilometres away from home. I am writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.
A friend once said that a person’s happiness was mostly because of their childhood. I agree with her. I still remember the times when you held my hand and counted steps with me as we walked along. You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a confident girl. I also remember that in our small flat, you read books at your desk and I played with my toys on the bed nearby. In cool autumns, we took many walks along the street, chatting and laughing together. My childhood was filled with these warm memories. Now, I see what an influence you’ve had on my life.
Time flies and so much has happened. There have been good times and bad times, successes and failures, but you were always by my side. When I won the swimming prize, you smiled and said you were proud of me. When I failed my maths exam, you encouraged me and said that everything would be fine. Your words encouraged me to deal with all my difficulties. Now when I have problems, I always think of your words and they help me so much.
You have always said that we should judge people’s success by how they live their lives every day. Now I think I am living a successful life and it’s because of you. I should say “Thank you, Mum.”
15. What does the underlined word “her” refer to
A. Miss Li. B. Eeifei.
C. Miss Li’s teacher. D. Feifei’s mum.
16. In Paragraph 4 in the body of the letter, Feifei describes her mum’s influence on her life by ________.
A. expressing opinions B. providing examples
Ctelling stories D. using sayings
17. Why does Feifei write the letter
A. To show her happy childhood.
B. To tell how she is living at present.
C. To recall her mother’s achievements.
D. To express why she thanks her mother.
18. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the letter
A. Feifei faces many difficulties. B. Feifei depends on her mother.
C. Feifei is on the way to success. D. Feifei is living a successful life.
Life is full of the unexpected. This is even true to a small pet dog. A dog called Romeo has been pulled out from the rubble (瓦砾) of an earthquake, more than nine days after the earthquake.
On August 24, 2016, a terrible earthquake happened in Italy. The earthquake made millions of people lose their houses, killing at least 250 people and hurting more than 360 people. Romeo’s owners were sleeping on the second floor of their house when the earthquake happened. They managed to get out. But Romeo, who was sleeping on the first floor, was trapped inside. They tried their best to search for Romeo, but failed. After a few hours, they had to leave the village for their own safety.
All hope of finding Romeo alive seemed to disappear until Friday evening. That night the couple returned to their home with a group of firemen. Almost as soon as they came into the village, Romeo heard their voices and began barking (吠叫).
The couple couldn’t believe their ears. The firemen began digging at once where the barking was coming from and got to the dog. It was lucky that the dog was in pretty good condition. He looked like he had just woken from a short sleep.
Appearing completely relaxed, the dog drank his first drop of water in more than 230 hours from a bottle held by one of the firemen.
As it became clear he didn’t get hurt, the fireman put him down. When Romeo’s owners saw him, they couldn’t help crying. “We thought we had lost him forever!” said one of Romeo’s owners. Then Romeo left happily with his owners who had given up hope of finding him alive.
The discovery of Romeo also cheered those firemen. “We believe there must be many more that are still alive. We’ll try our best to save them.”
19What does the underlined word “trapped” mean in Chinese
A. 储存 B. 压倒
C. 困住 D. 追逐
20. Why did Romeo’s owners leave the village without him
A. Because they didn’t like Romeo.
B. Because they forgot Romeo was at home.
C. Because they failed to find Romeo.
D. Because they thought Romeo had run away.
21. From the sentence “The couple couldn’t believe their ears.” we can learn that ________.
A. the couple didn’t want to hear from Romeo
B. there was something wrong with the couple’s ears
C. the couple heard the dog barking in their dreams
D. the couple probably thought Romeo had already died
22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Millions of people lost their lives in the earthquake.
B. The firemen felt more hopeful after they saved Romeo.
C. The couple didn’t give up hope to find their dog all the time.
D. The firemen saved Romeo on the fifth day after the earthquake.
Ordering takeouts is very popular nowadays because it is convenient. More than 60 percent of the people in China order takeout food at least twice a week. If people don’t want to eat out, they can just order takeouts on the smart phone and wait for it to be delivered (送达).
What about people living in ancient times Did they eat takeouts
In fact, there was takeout as far back as the Song Dynasty. According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong (1127—1194) liked to order takeouts late at night. His servants then went around the city to pick up the dishes and bring them back to the palace.
Ordinary (普通的) people also ordered takeouts. Restaurant waiters would go out into the streets and yell out which dishes could be ordered that day. After hearing the waiters, people could then place an order. Later, delivery workers would bring food to their homes. In the famous Song Dynasty painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》), a takeout worker can be seen on a delivery with food in hand.
People at that time even had a special meal box for takeout dishes. It was a long wooden box with several layers. People also used warming plates made of two layers of porcelain (瓷). Hot water could be put between them to keep dishes warm.
23. According to the passage, more and more people think ________ to eat takeouts nowadays.
A. it’s cheap B. it’s convenient
C. it’s tasty D. it’s fresh
24. The underlined word “yell” probably means ________.
A. shout B. find
C. give D. show
25. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B.
C. D.
26. What can we know from the passage
A. Only the Emperor was able to order takeouts in ancient times.
B. Over 60% of the people in China order takeouts at least twice a day.
C. People used special long plastic boxes for takeout dishes in ancient China.
D. We can see a takeout worker in Along the River During the Qingming Festival.
For middle and primary school students, being able to cook has become a must. They will also need to learn how to plant vegetables, raise poultry (家禽) and maintain home appliances (修理家电) under new requirements for labor education.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) brought out a new standard for labor education in schools last year. Starting from the 2022 fall semester, students in primary and middle schools have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week.
Labor education helps students value hard work. It includes things like household chores (家务), on-campus labor and community volunteer services.
The new standards include three types of labor tasks. The first is for things like everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances. Next is productive labor, including agriculture, making traditional handicrafts, and applying new technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting (激光切割). The third type is service work, which includes volunteer work.
Schools in China have traditionally placed more focus on studying, and many have seen household chores as a waste of children’s time. But according to the MOE, labor education must be built up to help students cultivate (培养) social values and develop an interest in labor.
Online, people have been busy discussing the new standards on social media.
Liu Fang, a mother of 6-year-old twins in Beijing, strongly supports labor education. For the past year, she has trained her daughters to do household chores and make simple dishes for the family.
“The main idea is to let them share responsibility as family members and become independent as early as they can,” said Liu. “Through doing housework, their hand-eye coordination (协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it’s also good to help them relax.”
Through such education, Liu said her twins have found fun in doing chores and are more independent.
27. What do we know about the new labor education standard
A. It is for students from primary school to college.
B. Students can get extra credits for taking labor courses.
C. It started in the fall semester of 2022.
D. Students have to take three labor courses every week.
28. What can students learn through labor education
a. How to plant vegetables.
b. How to raise chickens or ducks.
c. How to be more focused in class.
d. How to fix computers or fridges.
A. abc B. abd C. bcd D. acd
29. What does Liu Fang think of labor education
A. It’s too simple for students.
B. It isn’t fun enough for students.
CIt takes up too much of students’ free time.
D. It helps students develop different skills.
30. What is the passage mainly about
A. Labor education for primary and middle school students.
B. New courses for primary school students.
C. Ways to cultivate students’ social values.
D. New technologies used in primary and middle schools.
A visit to Tina
In the morning Tina picked up her (39).________ Linda at the airport.
At noon Tina and Linda had a (40). ________ meal in an Italian restaurant.
In the afternoon Tina took Linda to see a flower (41)________ in the park. After that, they went to a science museum by (42)________.
In the evening Tina and Linda went to the (43)________.
44. 你的转述可以这样开始:Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about a visit to Tina...__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I set out primary school when I was five. River School is a secondary school and the ____31____ (manage) of the school is a young excellent scientist.
Every day we enter to the main hall. There, our head teacher tells ____32____ (we) news about the school. At 9: 05 am the bell rings, then lessons start. Before class, our teacher is responsible ____33____ checking our preview. Each lesson ____34____ (last) for an hour. Sometimes, we may feel very ____35____(thirst) but we can’t drink in the class. We have a break from 11:05 ____36____11: 15. am, and then lunch for an hour. We all bring our lunch and eat ours alone. It can keep us from ____37____ (get) sick. During the school year, there are usually some other ____38____ (task). Last year a group of us went to Japan. There ____39____ (be) parties and a sports day, and school plays are ____40____ (true) popular.
Animals play so many important roles in our lives. Some, like cows and sheep, provide us with food; pets are our friends; other animals work for us. Above all, every animal—big or s____41____ can fill us with a sense of the wonder of the natural world.
U____42____, we don’t always value this. Many animals are endangered b____43____ of our actions, and millions of animals in the world are badly treated.
World Animal Day was started in 1931 in Florence, Italy. It made us p____44____ attention to the problem of endangered animals around the world. It is now celebrated in most countries around the world. The day falls on O____45____ 4th every year.
There are many kinds of pollution around us. They are bad for our h____46____ in many ways.
Burning gas, oil and c____47____ creates air pollution. People may have t____48____ breathing in spring in the north of China. People throw away mountains of rubbish everywhere, which makes our environment very dirty. Noise pollution sometimes can make people deaf (聋的), so some people may lose their hearing. Working for a long time in strong, changeable light may cause some kinds of i____49____. It may make people feel terrible and is especially bad for the eyes.
harmful, afford, litter, rather than, however, throw away, cost, law, for, how
With the improvement of our living standards, a lot of ____50____ has caused a lot of environmental problems.
Every day we use and ____51____many plastic products. ____52____, the garbage cannot be digested (分解) by the environment. The government ____53____ a lot of money to solve white waste over the years. And garbage house is always the home of ____54____ insects. A large number of studies show that these insects can surely cause many diseases (疾病). In this way, garbage is bad ____55____ our health certainly.
More and more countries have made ____56____ to reduce garbage. Maybe you want to know ____57____ they do it. First, they buy fewer things than before. Even if they can ____58____to pay, they won’t buy things they don’t really need. Second, they reuse things. Third, they recycle things. They use recycled products ____59____ single-use ones. People call these around them the “three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle.
One day all the workers reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door which said, “Yesterday the person who has been preventing your growth in this company (公司) passed away. We invite you to attend the funeral (葬礼) in the meeting room on the 5th floor.”
In the room, everyone thought, “Who is this guy that was preventing my progress Well, at least he died!” One by one the workers got closer to the coffin (棺材), and when they looked inside they suddenly became speechless. They were shocked. There was a mirror inside the coffin; everyone who looked inside it could see himself. And there was also a sign next to the mirror that said, “There is only one person preventing your growth: it is YOU.”
You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only one who is taking responsibility for your life. Your life changes when you change. The world and your life are like the mirror lying in a coffin. It’s the way you face life that makes the difference.
60. The workers attended a funeral in the meeting room on the ________.
61. As soon as the workers looked inside the coffin, they were too ________ to say a word.
62. There was a sign beside the ________.
63. You are the only one who is ________ for your life.
64. If ________ changes, that’s all because you have changed.
65. 假如你是李华,目前是校英语微信公众号Save the earth专栏的负责人。请你根据以下海报,用英语写一篇宣传稿,向同学们宣传保护环境的一些方法。
要求:1. 内容要包括海报中对的要点,可适当增加细节;
2. 语言表达要准确,句意要通顺;
3. 词数100词左右。
As we all know, the earth is the only home for humans. But with global warming (全球变暖) and pollution, it has become ill in recent years. I’d like to share with you some ways to save it.
I. 听后选择.
1.A. Blue. B. Black. C. Red.
2.A. Every afternoon.
B. Twice a week.
C. Three times a week.
3.A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
4. A. He has a stomachache.
B. He has a headache.
C. He has a toothache.
5. A. Go to the cinema.
B. Take an English class.
C. Study for the math test.
II. 听下面一段对话,然后选择正确答案。(共3小题;每小题1分,满分3分)
6. What kind of competition did Judy win
A. An art competition. B. A science competition. C. A singing competition.
7.What does Angela do
A. She’s a music teacher. B. She’s a famous singer. C. She’s a great actor.
8. What will Judy and Alan do on Sunday afternoon
A. Go to a concert. B. Watch a movie. C. Go to the park.
This is a true story about some fishermen and a shark.
One day, three fishermen from Australia accidentally ___1___ a weak shark between some rocks. They saw that the shark had many fishing hooks (鱼钩) in ____2____ mouth. Then they decided to help it.
The fishermen recorded in a video how they worked to ____3____ the hooks from the shark’s mouth. “It has got six hooks in its mouth! Its mouth is cut to bits (碎片)! It must be very ____4____.” one of the fishermen said. As he worked quickly to take out the hooks, another man ____5____ the shark’s head in his arms and the third man put a strap (带子) around its tail so that it wouldn’t move.
Once all the hooks were taken out, the animal was ____6____ lifted from the rocks and put back in the water. The fishermen were ____7____ to see the shark swim away slowly.
The fishermen have since been called heroes for ____8____ the shark. “Wow! Well done, you guys! Thank you for ____9____ kind to the animal. You guys are amazing!” one person wrote online.
“The shark must know the men were helping him,” another person wrote.
Sometimes____10____ need our help although they are big and scary like sharks. We should be nice to them and help them as much as we can.
A. dropped B. found C. created D. bought
A. him B. his C. it D. its
A. take out B. give up C. look after D. cut off
A. heavy B. wet C. painful D. cold
A. picked B. hid C. pushed D. held
A. carefully B. suddenly C. luckily D. seriously
A. brave B. nervous C. happy D. surprised
A. catching B. helping C. visiting D. showing
A. are B. is C. been D. being
A. animals B. plants C. aliens D. machines
【答案】1. B2. D3. A4. C5. D6. A7. C8. B9. D10. A
dropped掉落;found发现;created创造;bought买。根据“a weak shark between some rocks”可知他们发现了一条鲨鱼。故选B。
him他;his他的;it它;its它的。根据“the hooks from the shark’s mouth”可知此处指鲨鱼的嘴里,修饰名词用形容词性物主代词its。故选D。
take out拿出;give up放弃;look after照顾;cut off切除。根据“the hooks from the shark’s mouth”可知是把钩子从鲨鱼的嘴里拿出来。故选A。
heavy重的;wet湿的;painful痛苦的;cold冷的。根据“Its mouth is cut to bits”可知它的嘴被割成了碎片,一定很痛苦。故选C。
picked摘;hid隐藏;pushed推;held拿着。根据“the shark’s head in his arms”可知是将鲨鱼的头抱在怀里,held符合语境。故选D。
carefully小心地;suddenly突然;luckily幸运地;seriously严肃地。根据“Once all the hooks were taken out,”可知钩子全部取出之后,他们应是小心地把鲨鱼从岩石上抬了起来。故选A。
brave勇敢的;nervous紧张的;happy开心的;surprised吃惊的。根据“to see the shark swim away slowly.”可知看到鲨鱼游走,他们很开心。故选C。
catching抓住;helping帮助;visiting参观;showing展示。根据“The fishermen have since been called heroes for...the shark”以及上文可知是帮助鲨鱼。故选B。
animals动物;plants植物;aliens外星人;machines机器。根据“although they are big and scary like sharks”可知是动物需要帮助。故选A。
The Sunshine App (应用程序) Store
From December 1 to December 31, buy any app from our store and get a second one at half price! Let It Sing Do you find it hard to sleep or feel stressed Let It Sing provides a lot of music, such as soft piano or nice guitar music to help you relax. It turns itself off after 45 minutes. It won’t disturb (打扰) you if you have fallen asleep. Price: $28 Quiet Place Do you have problems staying away from your phone Try Quiet Place! You can plant a garden on the app and it will grow when you’re not using your phone. The longer you stay away from it the more your garden will grow. Train your self-control! Price: $7 Easy Way Hard to find your way when you go traveling Easy Way has railway maps of Brazil, France, the USA and China. We will have Thailand’s next month! With Easy Way, you will never lose your way! Price: $14
11. What do we know about the app Let It Sing
A. It provides relaxing music.
B. It’s the cheapest in the store.
C. It turns itself off after an hour.
D. It can wake people up from sleep.
12. What can the app Quiet Place do for people
A. Help them relax.
B. Tell them train times.
C. Teach them to protect their eyes.
D. Encourage them to use their phones less.
13. Which country’s railway map will Easy Way cover next month
A. China’s. B. Brazil’s.
C. Thailand’s. D. The USA’s.
14. What’s the purpose of the text
A. To show people how to use the apps.
B. To encourage people to buy the apps.
C. To help people better use their phones.
D. To introduce some new apps to people.
【答案】11. A12. D13. C14. B
细节理解题。根据“Let It Sing provides a lot of music, such as soft piano or nice guitar music to help you relax”可知它提供令人放松的音乐。故选A。
细节理解题。根据“Do you have problems staying away from your phone Try Quiet Place!”可知它能帮助人们远离手机,少用手机。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“We will have Thailand’s next month!”可知下个月会有泰国的地图。故选C。
Dear Mum,
Today is my birthday and it is the first birthday I have spent far away from home. I miss you very much.
A few days ago, we learned a poem and discussed the famous line “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a huge difference in her life. She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her. She was sad about this. This made me think a lot, especially when I’m thousands of kilometres away from home. I am writing you this letter because I want you to know how much I love you.
A friend once said that a person’s happiness was mostly because of their childhood. I agree with her. I still remember the times when you held my hand and counted steps with me as we walked along. You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a confident girl. I also remember that in our small flat, you read books at your desk and I played with my toys on the bed nearby. In cool autumns, we took many walks along the street, chatting and laughing together. My childhood was filled with these warm memories. Now, I see what an influence you’ve had on my life.
Time flies and so much has happened. There have been good times and bad times, successes and failures, but you were always by my side. When I won the swimming prize, you smiled and said you were proud of me. When I failed my maths exam, you encouraged me and said that everything would be fine. Your words encouraged me to deal with all my difficulties. Now when I have problems, I always think of your words and they help me so much.
You have always said that we should judge people’s success by how they live their lives every day. Now I think I am living a successful life and it’s because of you. I should say “Thank you, Mum.”
15. What does the underlined word “her” refer to
A. Miss Li. B. Eeifei.
C. Miss Li’s teacher. D. Feifei’s mum.
16. In Paragraph 4 in the body of the letter, Feifei describes her mum’s influence on her life by ________.
A. expressing opinions B. providing examples
C. telling stories D. using sayings
17. Why does Feifei write the letter
A. To show her happy childhood.
B. To tell how she is living at present.
C. To recall her mother’s achievements.
D. To express why she thanks her mother.
18. What can we infer from the last paragraph of the letter
A. Feifei faces many difficulties. B. Feifei depends on her mother.
C. Feifei is on the way to success. D. Feifei is living a successful life.
【答案】15. C16. B17. D18. D
词义猜测题。根据“She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that she didn’t have a chance to tell her”可知她告诉我们她的老师是如何鼓励她的,但她提到她没有机会告诉她,故此处her指代“李老师的老师”。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“When I won the swimming prize, you smiled and said you were proud of me...”可知作者通过一些例子描述了她妈妈对她生活的影响。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据“I should say ‘Thank you, Mum.’”可知她写这封信是为了表达对妈妈的感激之情。故选D。
推理判断题。根据“Now I think I am living a successful life and it’s because of you.”可知她现在过着成功的生活。故选D。
Life is full of the unexpected. This is even true to a small pet dog. A dog called Romeo has been pulled out from the rubble (瓦砾) of an earthquake, more than nine days after the earthquake.
On August 24, 2016, a terrible earthquake happened in Italy. The earthquake made millions of people lose their houses, killing at least 250 people and hurting more than 360 people. Romeo’s owners were sleeping on the second floor of their house when the earthquake happened. They managed to get out. But Romeo, who was sleeping on the first floor, was trapped inside. They tried their best to search for Romeo, but failed. After a few hours, they had to leave the village for their own safety.
All hope of finding Romeo alive seemed to disappear until Friday evening. That night the couple returned to their home with a group of firemen. Almost as soon as they came into the village, Romeo heard their voices and began barking (吠叫).
The couple couldn’t believe their ears. The firemen began digging at once where the barking was coming from and got to the dog. It was lucky that the dog was in pretty good condition. He looked like he had just woken from a short sleep.
Appearing completely relaxed, the dog drank his first drop of water in more than 230 hours from a bottle held by one of the firemen.
As it became clear he didn’t get hurt, the fireman put him down. When Romeo’s owners saw him, they couldn’t help crying. “We thought we had lost him forever!” said one of Romeo’s owners. Then Romeo left happily with his owners who had given up hope of finding him alive.
The discovery of Romeo also cheered those firemen. “We believe there must be many more that are still alive. We’ll try our best to save them.”
19. What does the underlined word “trapped” mean in Chinese
A. 储存 B. 压倒
C. 困住 D. 追逐
20. Why did Romeo’s owners leave the village without him
A. Because they didn’t like Romeo.
B. Because they forgot Romeo was at home.
C. Because they failed to find Romeo.
D. Because they thought Romeo had run away.
21. From the sentence “The couple couldn’t believe their ears.” we can learn that ________.
A. the couple didn’t want to hear from Romeo
B. there was something wrong with the couple’s ears
C. the couple heard the dog barking in their dreams
D. the couple probably thought Romeo had already died
22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Millions of people lost their lives in the earthquake.
B. The firemen felt more hopeful after they saved Romeo.
C. The couple didn’t give up hope to find their dog all the time.
D. The firemen saved Romeo on the fifth day after the earthquake.
【答案】19. C20. C21. D22. B
词义猜测题。根据“They managed to get out. But Romeo, who was sleeping on the first floor, was trapped inside”可知,宠物狗Romeo是被困在了里面,因此划线单词为“困住”的意思。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“They tried their best to search for Romeo, but failed. After a few hours, they had to leave the village for their own safety.”可知,Romeo的主人因为没找到它,同时为了自身安全所以离开了。故选C。
推理判断题。根据“All hope of finding Romeo alive seemed to disappear until Friday evening”以及“Romeo heard their voices and began barking”可推测出,这对夫妇听到了吠叫声,不敢相信他们的耳朵,是因为他们认为Romeo可能已经死了。故选D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“The discovery of Romeo also cheered those firemen…We’ll try our best to save them”可知,在救出Romeo之后,消防员感到更有希望了,他们相信一定有更多的人活着。故选B。
Ordering takeouts is very popular nowadays because it is convenient. More than 60 percent of the people in China order takeout food at least twice a week. If people don’t want to eat out, they can just order takeouts on the smart phone and wait for it to be delivered (送达).
What about people living in ancient times Did they eat takeouts
In fact, there was takeout as far back as the Song Dynasty. According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong (1127—1194) liked to order takeouts late at night. His servants then went around the city to pick up the dishes and bring them back to the palace.
Ordinary (普通) people also ordered takeouts. Restaurant waiters would go out into the streets and yell out which dishes could be ordered that day. After hearing the waiters, people could then place an order. Later, delivery workers would bring food to their homes. In the famous Song Dynasty painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》), a takeout worker can be seen on a delivery with food in hand.
People at that time even had a special meal box for takeout dishes. It was a long wooden box with several layers. People also used warming plates made of two layers of porcelain (瓷). Hot water could be put between them to keep dishes warm.
23. According to the passage, more and more people think ________ to eat takeouts nowadays.
A. it’s cheap B. it’s convenient
C. it’s tasty D. it’s fresh
24. The underlined word “yell” probably means ________.
A. shout B. find
C. give D. show
25. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage
A. B.
C. D.
26. What can we know from the passage
A. Only the Emperor was able to order takeouts in ancient times.
B. Over 60% of the people in China order takeouts at least twice a day.
C. People used special long plastic boxes for takeout dishes in ancient China.
D. We can see a takeout worker in Along the River During the Qingming Festival.
【答案】23. B24. A25. D26. D
细节理解题。根据“Ordering takeouts is very popular nowadays because it is convenient.”可知,越来越多的人认为点外卖是方便的。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据“Restaurant waiters would go out into the streets and yell out which dishes could be ordered that day. After hearing the waiters, people could then place an order”可知,人们听到服务员吆喝后会点餐,所以前文应是在街上大喊,故此处划线部分和shout意义相近。故选A。
细节理解题。根据In the famous Song Dynasty painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》), a takeout worker can be seen on a delivery with food in hand”可知,在清明上河图上,可以看见外卖人员。故选D。
For middle and primary school students, being able to cook has become a must. They will also need to learn how to plant vegetables, raise poultry (家禽) and maintain home appliances (修理家电) under new requirements for labor education.
The Ministry of Education (MOE) brought out a new standard for labor education in schools last year. Starting from the 2022 fall semester, students in primary and middle schools have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week.
Labor education helps students value hard work. It includes things like household chores (家务), on-campus labor and community volunteer services.
The new standards include three types of labor tasks. The first is for things like everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances. Next is productive labor, including agriculture, making traditional handicrafts, and applying new technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting (激光切割). The third type is service work, which includes volunteer work.
Schools in China have traditionally placed more focus on studying, and many have seen household chores as a waste of children’s time. But according to the MOE, labor education must be built up to help students cultivate (培养) social values and develop an interest in labor.
Online, people have been busy discussing the new standards on social media.
Liu Fang, a mother of 6-year-old twins in Beijing, strongly supports labor education. For the past year, she has trained her daughters to do household chores and make simple dishes for the family.
“The main idea is to let them share responsibility as family members and become independent as early as they can,” said Liu. “Through doing housework, their hand-eye coordination (协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it’s also good to help them relax.”
Through such education, Liu said her twins have found fun in doing chores and are more independent.
27. What do we know about the new labor education standard
AIt is for students from primary school to college.
B. Students can get extra credits for taking labor courses.
C. It started in the fall semester of 2022.
D. Students have to take three labor courses every week.
28. What can students learn through labor education
a. How to plant vegetables.
b. How to raise chickens or ducks.
c. How to be more focused in class.
d. How to fix computers or fridges.
A. abc B. abd C. bcd D. acd
29. What does Liu Fang think of labor education
A. It’s too simple for students.
B. It isn’t fun enough for students.
C. It takes up too much of students’ free time.
D. It helps students develop different skills.
30. What is the passage mainly about
A. Labor education for primary and middle school students.
B. New courses for primary school students.
C. Ways to cultivate students’ social values.
D. New technologies used in primary and middle schools.
【答案】27. C28. B29. D30. A
细节理解题。根据“Starting from the 2022 fall semester, students in primary and middle schools have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week.”可知从2022年秋季学期开始。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“They will also need to learn how to plant vegetables, raise poultry (家禽) and maintain home appliances”可知会学习如何种菜,如何养鸡养鸭,如何修电脑和冰箱。故选B。
推理判断题。根据“Through doing housework, their hand-eye coordination (协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it’s also good to help them relax”可知通过做家务,他们的手眼协调,可以训练时间管理和组织技能,帮助他们放松心情也很好,因此是帮助孩子发展了不同的技能。故选D。
A visit to Tina
In the morning Tina picked up her (39).________ Linda at the airport.
At noon Tina and Linda had a (40). ________ meal in an Italian restaurant.
In the afternoon Tina took Linda to see a flower (41)________ in the park. After that, they went to a science museum by (42)________.
In the evening Tina and Linda went to the (43)________.
44. 你的转述可以这样开始:Hello, everyone. I’d like to tell you something about a visit to Tina...__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I set out primary school when I was five. River School is a secondary school and the ____31____ (manage) of the school is a young excellent scientist.
Every day we enter to the main hall. There, our head teacher tells ____32____ (we) news about the school. At 9: 05 am the bell rings, then lessons start. Before class, our teacher is responsible ____33____ checking our preview. Each lesson ____34____ (last) for an hour. Sometimes, we may feel very ____35____(thirst) but we can’t drink in the class. We have a break from 11:05 ____36____11: 15. am, and then lunch for an hour. We all bring our lunch and eat ours alone. It can keep us from ____37____ (get) sick. During the school year, there are usually some other ____38____ (task). Last year a group of us went to Japan. There ____39____ (be) parties and a sports day, and school plays are ____40____ (true) popular.
【答案】31. manager
32. us33. for
34. lasts35. thirsty
36. to37. getting
38. tasks39. are
40. truly
句意:River学校是一所中学,学校的管理者是一位年轻的优秀科学家。根据“a young excellent scientist.”可知此处指学校的管理者,manager“管理者”,此处用名词单数。故填manager。
句意:在那里,我们的班主任告诉我们关于学校的消息。tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”,此处用代词宾格us。故填us。
句意:课前,我们的老师负责检查我们的预习。be responsible for“负责”。故填for。
句意:每节课持续一个小时。句子用一般现在时,主语是Each lesson,谓语动词用单三lasts“持续”。故填lasts。
句意:这里有派对和运动会,学校的戏剧真的很受欢迎。句子用一般现在时,there be结构遵循就近原则,根据“parties”可知be动词用are。故填are。
Animals play so many important roles in our lives. Some, like cows and sheep, provide us with food; pets are our friends; other animals work for us. Above all, every animal—big or s____41____ can fill us with a sense of the wonder of the natural world.
U____42____, we don’t always value this. Many animals are endangered b____43____ of our actions, and millions of animals in the world are badly treated.
World Animal Day was started in 1931 in Florence, Italy. It made us p____44____ attention to the problem of endangered animals around the world. It is now celebrated in most countries around the world. The day falls on O____45____ 4th every year.
【答案】41. (s)mall
42. (U)nluckily
43. (b)ecause
44. (p)ay45. (O)ctober
句意:最重要的是,每一种动物——无论大小——都能让我们感受到自然世界的奇妙。根据“big or...”可知此处是小的,small“小的”。故填(s)mall。
句意:不幸的是,我们并不总是重视这一点。根据“we don’t always value this”可知我们没有注意到动物的重要性,这种是不幸的事情,修饰整个句子用副词unluckily“不幸地”。故填(U)nluckily。
句意:许多动物因为我们的行为而濒临灭绝,世界上数百万动物受到恶劣对待。根据“of our actions”可知是因为我们的行为而濒临灭绝,because of“因为”。故填(b)ecause。
句意:它使我们关注世界各地的濒危动物问题。pay attention to“关注”,make sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填(p)ay。
There are many kinds of pollution around us. They are bad for our h____46____ in many ways.
Burning gas, oil and c____47____ creates air pollution. People may have t____48____ breathing in spring in the north of China. People throw away mountains of rubbish everywhere, which makes our environment very dirty. Noise pollution sometimes can make people deaf (聋的), so some people may lose their hearing. Working for a long time in strong, changeable light may cause some kinds of i____49____. It may make people feel terrible and is especially bad for the eyes.
【答案】46. (h)ealth
47. (c)oal48. (t)rouble
49. (i)llnesses
句意:我们周围有很多种污染。它们在很多方面对我们的健康有害。根据“They are bad for our”可知污染对我们的健康有害,health“健康”。故填(h)ealth。
句意:燃烧天然气、石油和煤炭会造成空气污染。根据“Burning gas, oil and...”可知是燃烧煤炭,coal“煤炭”,不可数名词。故填(c)oal。
句意:在中国北方的春天,人们可能会呼吸困难。根据“breathing in spring in the north of China.”可知空气污染会让人们呼吸困难,have trouble doing sth.“做某事有困难”。故填(t)rouble。
句意:长时间在强烈多变的光线下工作可能会导致某些疾病。根据“Working for a long time in strong, changeable light may cause some kinds of”可知长时间在强烈多变的光线下工作可能会导致某些疾病,illness“疾病”,此处用名词复数。故填(i)llnesses。
harmful, afford, litter, rather than, however, throw away, cost, law, for, how
With the improvement of our living standards, a lot of ____50____ has caused a lot of environmental problems.
Every day we use and ____51____many plastic products. ____52____, the garbage cannot be digested (分解) by the environment. The government ____53____ a lot of money to solve white waste over the years. And garbage house is always the home of ____54____ insects. A large number of studies show that these insects can surely cause many diseases (疾病). In this way, garbage is bad ____55____ our health certainly.
More and more countries have made ____56____ to reduce garbage. Maybe you want to know ____57____ they do it. First, they buy fewer things than before. Even if they can ____58____to pay, they won’t buy things they don’t really need. Second, they reuse things. Third, they recycle things. They use recycled products ____59____ single-use ones. People call these around them the “three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle.
【答案】50. litter
51. throw away
52. However
53. has cost
54. harmful
55. for56. laws
57. how58. afford
59. rather than
句意:随着我们生活水平的提高,大量的垃圾造成了许多环境问题。根据“has caused a lot of environmental problems.”以及所给词可知垃圾会造成环境问题,litter“垃圾”,不可数名词。故填litter。
句意:我们每天都在使用和丢弃许多塑料制品。根据“use and...many plastic products. ”可知是扔掉塑料制品,throw away“扔掉”,此处and前后的动词形式一致,用动词原形。故填throw away。
句意:多年来,政府为解决白色垃圾问题花费了大量资金。根据“a lot of money”可知是花费了大量的钱,cost“花费”,根据“over the years”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是The government,助动词用has。故填has cost。
句意:垃圾房总是害虫的家园。根据“garbage house is always the home of...insects”可知垃圾房里有很多有害昆虫,修饰名词用形容词harmful“有害的”。故填harmful。
句意:这样一来,垃圾肯定对我们的健康有害。be bad for“对……有害”。故填for。
句意:越来越多的国家制定了减少垃圾的法律。根据“made...to reduce garbage”可知是制定法律减少垃圾,表泛指用名词复数laws“法律”。故填laws。
句意:也许你想知道他们是怎么做的。根据“know...they do it”可知是如何做的,how“如何”。故填how。
句意:即使他们付得起钱,他们也不会买他们并不真正需要的东西。根据“pay, they won’t buy things they don’t really need”可知是买得起,afford“买得起”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填afford。
句意:他们使用回收产品而不是一次性产品。根据“They use recycled products...single-use ones”可知他们回收产品,而不是使用一次性产品,rather than“而不是”。故填rather than。
One day all the workers reached the office and they saw a big notice on the door which said, “Yesterday the person who has been preventing your growth in this company (公司) passed away. We invite you to attend the funeral (葬礼) in the meeting room on the 5th floor.”
In the room, everyone thought, “Who is this guy that was preventing my progress Well, at least he died!” One by one the workers got closer to the coffin (棺材), and when they looked inside they suddenly became speechless. They were shocked. There was a mirror inside the coffin; everyone who looked inside it could see himself. And there was also a sign next to the mirror that said, “There is only one person preventing your growth: it is YOU.”
You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only one who is taking responsibility for your life. Your life changes when you change. The world and your life are like the mirror lying in a coffin. It’s the way you face life that makes the difference.
60. The workers attended a funeral in the meeting room on the ________.
61. As soon as the workers looked inside the coffin, they were too ________ to say a word.
62. There was a sign beside the ________.
63. You are the only one who is ________ for your life.
64. If ________ changes, that’s all because you have changed.
【答案】60. 5th floor
61. shocked
62. mirror63. responsible##taking responsibility
64. your life
根据“We invite you to attend the funeral (葬礼) in the meeting room on the 5th floor.”可知葬礼在5楼会议室。故填5th floor。
根据“when they looked inside they suddenly became speechless. They were shocked”可知他们很震惊。故填shocked。
根据“And there was also a sign next to the mirror”可知在镜子旁有一个纸条。故填mirror。
根据“You are the only one who is taking responsibility for your life.”可知你为自己的生活负责,be responsible for/take responsibility for“负责”。故填responsible/taking responsibility。
根据“Your life changes when you change.”可知当你改变的时候你的生活改变。故填your life。
65. 假如你是李华,目前是校英语微信公众号Save the earth专栏的负责人。请你根据以下海报,用英语写一篇宣传稿,向同学们宣传保护环境的一些方法。
要求:1. 内容要包括海报中对的要点,可适当增加细节;
2. 语言表达要准确,句意要通顺;
3. 词数100词左右。
As we all know, the earth is the only home for humans. But with global warming (全球变暖) and pollution, it has become ill in recent years. I’d like to share with you some ways to save it.
As we all know, the earth is the only home for humans. But with global warming (全球变暖) and pollution, it has become ill in recent years. I’d like to share with you some ways to save it.
To protect the earth, we can start by planting more trees and reducing pollution. Trees are important and they can help reduce the pollution. What’s more, we can also choose to ride a bike instead of driving a car to help stop pollution. We should always throw trash into the proper bins. Last but not the least, we should recycle used things. We can give the clothes that we do not wear to those in need.
By doing our part, we can make a positive impact on the environment and create a better future for ourselves.
①instead of而不是
②make a positive impact on对……有积极影响
To protect the earth, we can start by planting more trees and reducing pollution. (动词不定式作目的状语)



