
call use and paper famous late on ancient because center often kind
In ancient China, the study room was called wenfang in Chinese. Because the writing brush, ink, paper and inkstone are 1 used in the study room, they are called the “Four Treasures of the Study” or wenfang sibao in Chinese.
The writing brush is a special writing and painting tool in 2 China. Brushes are usually made of animal hair. The ancient Chinese also 3 human hair to make brushes.
Ink is a black material used in calligraphy (书法) and painting. It was born 4 than the writing brush. Huizhou became the national ink-making 5 in the Ming Dynasty. The “Hui Ink” is 6 all over the world.
Papermaking was invented in the Western Han Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, more and more 7 of paper appeared. The most famous one is xuan paper. Xuan paper is thin but tough, 8 doesn’t change color easily. So, it’s 9 the “Thousand-year-old Paper”.
The inkstone is a necessary tool for grinding (研磨) ink. In the Qing Dynasty, people carved (雕刻) some patterns 10 it. Since then, the inkstone has also had the value of collection.
A.against B.first C. something D.Instead E. Other F. who G. Another H. Late I. message J. anything K. center L. felt
Many years ago, there lived a very rich man who wanted to do 11 for the people of his town. But 12 he wanted to find out whether they were worth his help. So he placed a very large stone in the 13 of the main road into town. Then he hid behind a tree and waited.
Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the center of the road ” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. 14 , he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 15 man came along and did the same thing; then one after another came. All of them 16 angry about the stone in the center of the road, but none of them tried to remove it.
17 in the afternoon, a young man came along. He saw the stone and said, “The night will be very dark. Some neighbor will come along later in the dark and will fall 18 the stone.” The young man began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his effort to move it to one side. But to his surprise, he found a bag full of money and a 19 under the stone, “This money is for the thoughtful person 20 removes this stone from the road. That person is worth the help.”
disappear discover full hardly health important
perform praise reflect rush safe sleep
A teacher from Shanxi put a video online. It shows that most students don’t leave their classroom during the break. During the 25-minute break, there are 21 any students on the playground.
Some teachers from other schools say the video 22 something normal, and their students have the same situation. It seems that the students break time is “ 23 ”.
A student explains that most breaks are short. If some teachers delay (拖延) classes or start classes early, he normally 24 to the restroom.
Some students are too 25 to play outside because they stay up late doing homework. Also, some schools limit (限制) what students can do during breaks to make sure of their 26 . According to a report, in 29 personal injury (伤害) cases at school, 93% happened during the break.
Jiang is a parent of a junior high school student in Xi’an. He says, “Some teachers get used to delaying classes. That isn’t worth 27 . Because of a long period of sitting in the classroom and the heavy study pressure, many children appear to be 28 .”
Even if the break is only 10 minutes, schools and teachers shouldn’t forget about its 29 . Those 10 minutes outside help students relax and avoid health problems. Balanced learning and rest can improve their studies. Anyway, the break time should be 30 given back to students.
new language they skill think with prevent face as interest
People with social anxiety can easily communicate with family members and close friends. But meeting 31 friends, talking in a group, or speaking in public can make them very shy and nervous.
It’s natural to feel nervous or shy in front of others at times. But when people feel so anxious that it 32 them from speaking up or communicating with others most of the time, it’s probably more than shyness. It may be an anxiety condition called social anxiety (焦虑).
Dealing with social anxiety takes patience, courage to 33 fears and try new things. It takes a commitment (保证) to go forward rather than back away when feeling shy.
Each small step forward helps build enough confidence to take the next small step. 34 shyness and fears begin to melt, confidence feelings build.
But how to be social and improve your social 35 People can follow these ways.
Work on your self-worth. Stop 36 of things that make you down. Do your best to stop comparing yourself 37 others and give yourself a little self-love.
Start smiling and use a welcoming body 38 . Remember to give others a hug when you meet 39 . And keep looking in one’s eyes when he is talking something to you instead of looking at your phone all the time.
Just be yourself. Take every opportunity to hang out with 40 new people and those you like.
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The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival has been officially listed as a UN floating (浮动的) holiday from 2024. When the Spring Festival 41 , people put up nianhua (年画) from the front door to the bedroom. They are 42 as a symbol of good luck and wealth.
Nianhua, like Spring Festival couplets, actually originated (起源于) from “door gods (神) ” . It 43 appeared as a picture of gods carved (雕刻) on the door, dating back to the Western Han Dynasty. In the 19th century, nianhua was 44 produced for those who could not read. Nowadays, nianhua is usually printed with bright warm colors and simple lines.
However, “Nianhua is losing 45 position (位置) . Now it’s my turn to 46 the old art alive,” Zhong Xinglin said. Her family has been working on the nianhua-making 47 for more than a century. Both traditional products and modern spinoffs (衍生产品) from Zhong family’s nianhua studio have been selling like hot cakes on social media.
People of different 48 and from different areas are making joint efforts to revive nianhua. Most importantly, 49 and more young people are engaging themselves in the creation and promotion (推广) of nianhua. They also try to make it better-known to the 50 and draw the world’s attention to the traditional Chinese art.
meaning fly ones usual their enjoy important wish remembering dirty
Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-sweeping Day, is one of the most 51 traditional festivals in China. It 52 falls around April 4~6 every year. The 53 of Tomb-sweeping Day is to honor the ancestors (祖先) and it has more than 2500 years history. Chinese people pay special attention to 54 their ancestors, so no matter how far they are, they always know where they are from. It is a time for remembering loved 55 who have departed (去世). People visit their ancestors’ graves to sweep away the 56 things and get rid of any weeds. They also offer offerings (祭品) of food and flowers, and burn incense (香) and paper money to honor the dead. The young offspring (后代) will go down on their knees and pray for 57 ancestors. They can say their 58 in front of the tombs and the ancestors will make their dreams come true. People also 59 hope of Spring on this day. Planting trees, 60 kites and going on family outings are usually included.
The Qingming Festival was proclaimed (宣布) a Chinese national holiday in 2008.
member be careful find save you touch thousand luck work
“Rescue (救援) has no borders. Chinese rescue teams will keep going to 61 people,” said Chen Jiahuan, a 28-year-old member of China’s Blue Sky Rescue Team. On February 6th, 2023, a big earthquake happened in Turkey, and it caused tens of 62 of casualties (伤亡).
Chen arrived in Turkey together with many other 63 of the Blue Sky Rescue Team. “When we landed at the Istanbul airport, a local person said, ’China 64 a great country. Thanks for 65 support and kind actions. You must keep safe while working in the fallen buildings,’” Chen recalled.
According to Chen, nearly 300 people from the Blue Sky Rescue Team joined the rescue efforts. “From Thursday to Saturday, we 66 searched 25 buildings and 133 workplaces. Much to our joy, we saved 28 people. However, only two of them were 67 to survive (存活),” said Chen.
The members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team were 68 by what the local people did. “They lit a fire for our rescue team by the roadside. And they shared their bread with us, though they didn’t have enough food to eat.” said Chen.
“As the old saying goes, ‘Many hands make light 69 .’ One person’s power is weak, but the power of a group is strong,” Chen added.
In late February, the Blue Sky Rescue Team returned to China. During the stay in Turkey, they saved 8 survivors and 70 137 victims (遇难者) in total. How great they were!
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Playgrounds in schools and parks are usually built to be safe enough. Most of the safety rules were created 71 the 1980s after a few accidents happened on playgrounds. Some children were hurt 72 in these accidents, which worried their parents a lot. Parents thought 73 the playgrounds weren’t safe enough and the owners of the playgrounds had to pay much money to those parents. After that, schools and cities began changing playgrounds to make 74 as safe as possible.
But safe playgrounds have not really made a difference in the accidents. In fact, there have been more 75 . Kids still get hurt often. Some experts (专家) believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only when they are in danger. Some 76 things can teach them to know about how to keep safe. When children have small accidents they learn how to 77 worse accidents. If children are 78 to take some risks, they can become confident and independent. They can also get better at 79 problems in different situations.
Many experts also believe that “safe” playgrounds are too boring. They say that 80 playgrounds are more challenging and exciting, kids will probably get more exercise. In some way, it is good for their health.
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As a book lover, I’ve tried not only paper books but also e-books. While both give you the 81 of reading, the experience can be quite different.
Many people 82 reading paper books because they are easy to buy from bookshops and comfortable to read. Paper books also allow readers to make notes 83 . However, some books, such as dictionaries, can be 84 and are not easy to carry around.
85 with paper books, e-books has its advantages. E-books can be stored in a reader, which is much lighter. Many e-book 86 also have a dictionary for you to check new words quickly! However, you can only get e-books 87 . Unlike paper books, you must read e-books on an e-book reader, a computer or a smartphone. This adds extra (额外的) cost. Moreover, it’s not good for our 88 to read e-books on the screen for a long time.
Today, 89 more people will try e-books, I believe paper books will not disappear. 90 my opinion, it doesn’t matter which you use as long as it allows you to enjoy reading.
traditional, closer, our, more, totally, discussion, feel, accepted, sweetest, a symbol of
The 91 memory of my childhood is about a round table. When I was still little, my whole family would get together on different 92 festivals to have dinner. We kids would be sitting around or playing hide-and-seek under the table while the grown-ups were having a 93 . When I got a bit older, my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully added another seat to the round table. It seemed a little 94 crowded, but we all felt much 95 to each other. When I was twelve, my grandpa passed away. That made us 96 sad. However, when the whole family got together once again, we 97 agreed that his chair, his bowl and his chopsticks should remain the same, even though his seat was empty. We felt like that he had never left us. We all have a table like this in 98 homes. It is a sign of reunion (重聚) of our family showing our feelings. Although the reason why we come together may be different, the feelings behind it are the same. Usually, different cultures are 99 by us around the table. What’s more, we express the love not only for our family, but also for a community, our nation and even the whole world. The history of our nation has been the stories of looking for running to the round table which we belong to. The round table has been 100 the Chinese feelings. It was, it is and will always be.
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Earlier in 2023, several dazi-related subjects were among the most searched-for topic on Sina Weibo. In some ways, activities using dazi have become a new form of social connection.
According to a 2023 study by DT Finance, 52.8 percent of young Chinese people 101 at least one dazi. Dazi can appear in many different ways, from dining to studying, working and 102 going to the toilet!
Ge Jinyuan, a high school student, enjoy 103 during lunch and dinner with her meal dazi. “We always share our views 104 the food we eat and explore some other fine food,” said the 16-year-old girl. “If 105 meal dazi doesn’t go to school someday, I’ll be sad for the rest of the day.”
Besides shared 106 , the subjects discussed are more focused and relaxing. Ge finds herself uneasy with close relationships. “Unlike 107 friendships, having a dazi is a real relief for me. 108 I don’t need to spend much energy on it, I can focus more on my studies,” Ge said.
What’s more, having a dazi may bring some 109 results. “Once, my game dazi and I made a mistake when playing Dan Zai Pai Dui(《蛋仔派队》), but we 110 to turn the tide (扭转局势) together. I’m surprised to find that I can communicate and cooperate with others better now!” Shi Zhimin, a high school student, said.
we buy help send quick decide sit old art shoe lucky wonder
“Mom, my dancing shoes are too small!”
“Again ”
“Again!” It was one day about five years ago. We asked our mom for new dancing shoes. Our 111 had grown.
“Didn’t I just buy you shoes two months ago ” Mom said as she walked 112 into our room. She emptied everywhere to search our shoes. And guess what she found! There were countless bags of old dancing shoes and more than 100 costumes (演出服). We 113 in our room and thought about what to do with them. Maybe there were some people who needed these shoes and costumes. So we made a 114 to collect used costumes and shoes and to give them to dancers in need. Why did we want to do this Well, my sister and I both thought we were much 115 than some kids. We had danced for ten years and had been able to take lessons from really great teachers. We were born in a family that could afford 116 what we needed. Many kids lave to dance, but not everyone is as lucky as 117 . Many young dancers cannot afford new shoes or costumes as they grow.
So far, we 118 there than 60,000 dancers around the world. Many people, including some famous dancers, have joined us. It’s amazing to see all these dancers coming together to support one another. Thousands of thank-you letters 119 to us by the receivers. We are happy to learn that they have achieved their dreams. It’s a 120 feeling to know that every day, we are helping someone. We may make a difference to someone.
you they much deep study careful fly make high value arrive classmate
Many young boys dream of going to space. Li Zhenghan was one of 121 . Sadly, he didn’t pass the medical examination for pilot training in high school. But now, thanks to the toy bear in his hand, his childhood dream has partly come true.
Li 122 at a college in Zhejiang as an engineering student now. The idea of sending a small toy into space came to him four years ago. After seeing some similar experiments online, his dream came to life. Yes, Li could not fly himself, but he could make his toys 123 .
At that time, Li had just started college. He didn’t know how to send anything into toy bear in a lab coat, into space. Over the years, he kept learning and got 124 useful knowledge than in the beginning. Finally, Li felt the time was right. He shared his dream with some 125 . They all thought it was cool and joined him. They decided to send their school mascot (吉祥物), a toy bear in a lab coat, into space.
As soon as the decision 126 , Li and his team began working around the clock. It took them sixty days to prepare for the experiment. The big day 127 on October 31, 2023. The team studied the environment, the weather and many other things. Finally, they decided to fly the bear from Li’s hometown in northeastern China. After checking the things 128 , they tied the toy to a helium balloon (氦气球). Slowly, the little bear carried Li’s childhood dream into the sky! It finally reached a 129 of about 28, 000 meters.
Li later posted a short video of the bear’s spaceflight online. It got a lot of attention. His story may give us a 130 lesson: Is there a flying bear in your heart When will you send your “bear” into “space”
pronounce good spend in wise learn help I much be
No one is born with the ability to learn English. But we are able to learn English 131 . Here are 132 secrets to learning English.
Secret 1 is reading books, newspapers or magazines 133 English with a dictionary. This will help you learn new words in a fun way. Even by 134 just 15 minutes a day, you can improve your reading skills greatly.
Secret 2 is listening to English speeches and watching English movies. They are 135 in improving English. These activities will help improve your 136 , listening and vocabulary at the same time.
Secret 3 is knowing English grammar inside and out. It is one of the top ways of learning English. Grammar is a basic tool for English 137 . It can help you understand better, so you must pay 138 attention to your grammar learning.
Secret 4 is keeping a diary. It allows you to use all of your English skills. This is one of the 139 ways of improving English at any stage of learning the language.
All in all, learning English 140 hard. If you follow these ways of learning English, I believe you’ll get better at English.
use, invent, treasure, one, usual, late, know, easy, nation, valuable
In ancient China, the study room of intellectuals (文人) was called wen fang in Chinese. Because the writing brush, ink, paper and ink stone (砚台) are used in the study room. They are called the “Four 141 of the Study” or wen fang si bao in Chinese.
The writing brush is a special writing and painting tool in ancient China. Brushes are 142 made of animal hair. Rabbit hair was the 143 to be used. According to record, the ancient Chinese also 144 human hair to make brushes.
Ink is a black material used in calligraphy(书法) and painting. It was born 145 than the writing brush. After the Han and Wei Dynasties, ink-making technology became more and more developed, and Huizhou became the 146 ink-making center in the Ming Dynasty. The “Hui Ink” produced there is famous all over the world.
Papermaking was 147 in the Western Han Dynasty and improved by Cai Lun during the Eastern Han Dynasty. After the Song Dynasty, more and more types of paper appeared. The most famous one is Xuan paper. Xuan paper is thin but tough, and doesn’t change color 148 . So, it’s 149 as the “thousand-year-old paper”.
The ink stone is generally made of stones. In the Qing Dynasty, people carved (雕刻) some patterns on it. Since then, the ink stone has not only been practical, but also had the 150 of collection and appreciation.
1.often 2.ancient 3.used 4.later 5.center 6.famous 7.kinds 8.and 9.called 10.on
1.句意:由于书房经常使用毛笔、墨水、纸和砚,所以被称为“书房四宝”或文房四宝。根据“Because the writing brush, ink, paper and inkstone are...used in the study room,”及所给单词可知,此处应表达经常使用,修饰动词used用副词often。故填often。
2.句意:毛笔是中国古代一种特殊的书写和绘画工具。根据“In ancient China”可知,空处应表达在中国古代,ancient“古代的”,形容词作定语修饰名词China。故填ancient。
3.句意:古代中国人也用人的头发做刷子。根据“...human hair to make brushes”可知,此处应表达人们使用头发做刷子,use“使用”,此句说的是古代的事情,时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式。故填used。
5.句意:在明代徽州成为全国制墨中心。根据“The ‘Hui Ink’ is famous all over the world.”及备选单词可知,空处应表达徽州是制墨中心,center“中心”。故填center。
6.句意:“徽墨”享誉世界。根据“Huizhou became the national ink-making center in the Ming Dynasty.”可知,此处应表达“徽墨”很有名,famous“有名的”,形容词作表语。故填famous。
7.句意:宋代以后,纸的种类越来越多。kinds of“各种各样的”,固定搭配。故填kinds。
8.句意:宣纸薄而坚韧,不易变色。根据“Xuan paper is thin but tough,...doesn’t change color easily.”可知,空处前后表示并列关系,用and连接。故填and。
9.句意:所以,它被称为“千年纸”。根据“it’s...the ‘Thousand-year-old Paper’”及备选单词可知,空处应表达被称为“千年纸”,被动语态,应用call的过去分词。故填called。
10.句意:在清朝,人们在上面雕刻了一些图案。根据“people carved (雕刻) some patterns...it.”可知,是在上面雕刻图案,用介词on表示“在……上面”。故填on。
11.C 12.B 13.K 14.D 15.G 16.L 17.H 18.A 19.I 20.F
11.句意:许多年前,有一个非常富有的人,他想为他所在城镇的人民做点什么。根据“wanted to do...for the people of his town”以及所给词可知是想要做一些事情,肯定句中用something。故选C。
12.句意:但首先他想知道他们是否值得他帮助。根据“he wanted to find out whether they were worth his help”以及所给词可知是他想先知道他们是否值得他帮助,选项B“首先”符合。故选B。
13.句意:于是他在进城的主干道中央放了一块很大的石头。根据“in the...of the main road”可知是在路中央,选项K“中央”符合。故选K。
14.句意:相反,他绕过石头继续前行。根据“but he did not try to remove the stone...he passed around the stone and continued on his way”可知他没有搬开石头,相反,他绕过石头继续前行,选项D“相反”符合。故选D。
15.句意:另一个人走了过来,做了同样的事。根据“man came along”可知是另一个人走过来,选项G“另一个”符合。故选G。
17.句意:下午晚些时候,一个年轻人走过来。根据“in the afternoon”可知是下午的晚些时候,选项H“晚”符合。故选H。
18.句意:有些邻居会在黑暗中走过来,然后摔倒在石头上。根据“will fall...the stone”可知是撞到石头上,选项A“碰,撞”符合。故选A。
19.句意:但令他惊讶的是,他在石头下面发现了一个装满钱的袋子和一条信息。根据“he found a bag full of money and a...under the stone”可知是石头下有一张纸条,选项I“信息”符合。故选I。
20.句意:这些钱是给那个体贴的的人的,他把这块石头从路上移走了。 此处是定语从句,先行词是人,用who引导定语从句。故选F。
21.hardly 22.reflects 23.disappearing 24.rushes 25.sleepy 26.safety 27.praise 28.unhealthy 29. importance 30.fully
21.句意:在25分钟的休息时间里,操场上几乎没有学生。根据“It shows that most students don’t leave their classroom during the break.”可知,大多数学生在课间休息时都没有离开教室,所以操场上几乎没有学生。hardly“几乎不”符合语境,故填hardly。
22.句意:其他学校的一些老师表示,这段视频反映了一些平常的情况,他们的学生也有同样的情况。根据“Some teachers from other schools say the video...something normal”可知,这段视频反映了一些平常的情况,reflect“反映”符合语境,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填reflects。
23.句意:学生们的休息时间似乎正在“消失”。根据“It seems that the students break time is...”可知,学生们的休息时间似乎正在“消失”。disappear“消失”符合语境,此处与is构成现在进行时,故填disappearing。
24.句意:如果有些老师推迟上课或提前上课,他通常会冲到洗手间。根据“If some teachers delay (拖延) classes or start classes early, he normally...to the restroom.”可知,如果老师占用休息时间,那么就要匆忙去洗手间,rush“冲”符合语境,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单。故填rushes。
25.句意:有些学生太困了,不能在外面玩,因为他们熬夜做作业。根据“Some students are too...to play outside because they stay up late doing homework.”可知,学生们熬夜做作业会很困,sleep“睡觉”符合语境,此处在句中作表语,用形容词sleepy表示“困倦的”。故填sleepy。
26.句意:此外,一些学校限制学生在休息期间可以做什么,以确保他们的安全。根据“According to a report, in 29 personal injury (伤害) cases at school, 93% happened during the break.”可知,是为了保证学生安全,safe“安全的”符合语境,此处用名词形式作宾语,故填safety。
27.句意:那不值得表扬。根据“Some teachers get used to delaying classes. That isn’t worth...”可知,老师拖堂不值得表扬,praise“表扬”符合语境,故填praise。
28.句意:由于长时间坐在教室里,学习压力大,许多孩子似乎不健康。根据“Because of a long period of sitting in the classroom and the heavy study pressure...”可知,长时间坐在教室里和学习压力让孩子们不健康,health“健康”符合语境,此处用unhealthy“不健康的”作表语,故填unhealthy。
29.句意:即使休息时间只有10分钟,学校和老师也不应该忘记它的重要性。根据“Even if the break is only 10 minutes, schools and teachers shouldn’t forget about its...”可知,学校和老师不应该忘记休息时间的重要性,important“重要的”符合语境,此处用名词importance作宾语,故填importance。
30.句意:不管怎样,休息时间应该全部还给学生。根据“the break time should be...given back to students”可知,休息时间应该全部还给学生,full“完整的”符合语境,此处用副词修饰动词,故填fully。
31.new 32.prevents 33.face 34.As 35.skills 36.thinking 37.with 38.language 39.them 40.interesting
31.句意:但是结识新朋友,在一群人中讲话,或者在公共场合讲话会让他们非常害羞和紧张。根据“But meeting ... friends”可推出是遇见新朋友,new“新的”,形容词作定语。故填new。
32.句意:但是,当人们感到如此焦虑,以至于大多数时候都无法畅所欲言或与他人交流时,这可能不仅仅是害羞。prevent sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”,it后接动词第三人称单数形式。故填prevents。
33.句意:应对社交焦虑需要耐心、面对恐惧和尝试新事物的勇气。根据“courage to ... fears”可推出是面对恐惧的勇气,face“面对”,动词不定式作后置定语。故填face。
34.句意:当害羞和恐惧开始融化,自信的感觉就会建立起来。根据“... shyness and fears begin to melt, confidence feelings build.”可知用as表示“当……时”,引导时间状语从句,句子开头首字母大写。故填As。
35.句意:但是如何变得善于交际并提高你的社交技能呢?social skills“社交技能”。故填skills。
36.句意:不要再想那些让你沮丧的事情。think of“想”,stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。故填thinking。
37.句意:尽你所能停止和别人比较,给自己一点自爱。compare ... with ...“比较……与……”。故填with。
38.句意:开始微笑,使用一种欢迎的肢体语言。body language“肢体语言”,a后用单数。故填language。
39.句意:当你遇到别人的时候,记得给他们一个拥抱。根据“Remember to give others a hug when you meet ...”可知用人称代词宾格them指代上文提到的others。故填them。
41.comes 42.seen 43.first 44.widely 45.its 46.keep 47.business 48.ages 49.more 50.public
42.句意:它们被视为好运和财富的象征。根据“They are... as a symbol of good luck and wealth.”结合备选词可知,此处考查be seen as“被视为”,空处用see的过去分词构成一般现在时的被动语态。故填seen。
43.句意:它最早出现在门上的神像,可以追溯到西汉。根据“ dating back to the Western Han Dynasty”及备选词可知,此处是指最早出现的地方,first“最初”符合语境,故填first。
44.句意:在19世纪,年画是为不识字的人广泛制作的。句中不缺少成分,空处应填副词作状语,根据“ produced”及备选词可知,此处指年画被广泛地生产,wide对应的副词widely“广泛地”符合语境。故填widely。
46.句意:现在轮到我来延续这古老的艺术了。根据“ it’s my turn to...”可知,空处用动词原形,构成it’s one’s turn to do sth“轮到某人做某事”,结合“...the old art alive”及上文“Nianhua is losing... position (位置 )”可知,空处的动词后可跟形容词作宾补,结合备选词,此处指“延续该古老的艺术”,keep符合语境和语法。故填keep。
47.句意:她的家人已经做年画生意一个多世纪了。根据“Both traditional products and modern spinoffs (衍生产品 ) from Zhong family’s nianhua studio have been selling like hot cakes on social media.”可知,她家从事年画生意,business“生意”,不可数名词作宾语,故填business。
49.句意:最重要的是,越来越多的年轻人参与到年画的创作和推广中来。根据“ and more”可知,此处是“比较级+and+比较级”结构,结合备选词,more与之构成短语more and more,意为“越来越多”,故填more。
50.句意:他们还试图让公众更好地了解它,并以此吸引世界对中国传统艺术的关注。根据“make it better-known to the ...and draw the world’s attention to the traditional Chinese art.”可知,空处应填名词作宾语,结合备选词可知,public“公众”符合语境,故填public。
51.important 52.usually 53.meaning 54.remembering 55.ones 56.dirty 57.their 58.wishes 59.enjoy 60.flying
51.句意:清明节,又称扫墓,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。根据“Qingming Festival, also called Tomb-sweeping Day, is one of the most…traditional festivals in China.”和备选词汇可知,清明节是中国最重要的传统节日之一。important意为“重要的”,符合语境。故填important。
52.句意:一般在每年的4月4日~6日左右。根据“It…falls around April 4~6 every year.”和备选词汇可知,通常在4月4日至4月6日。usual“通常的”符合语境,此处应用其副词usually“通常地”修饰动词。故填usually。
53.句意:扫墓的意义是祭奠祖先,已有2500多年的历史。根据“ to honor the ancestors (祖先) and it has more than 2500 years history.”可知,祭奠祖先是清明节的意义。meaning意为“意义”,符合语境。故填meaning。
54.句意:中国人特别注重缅怀祖先,所以无论身在多远,他们总知道自己来自哪里。根据“Chinese people pay special attention to…their ancestors”、“It is a time for remembering loved…who have departed”和备选词汇可知,中国人注重缅怀祖先。remembering意为“缅怀,回忆”,符合语境。故填remembering。
55.句意:这是一个缅怀逝去亲人的时刻。根据“It is a time for remembering loved…who have departed”和备选词汇可知,这是一个定语从句,选用ones作先行词,在从句作主语,故填ones。
56.句意:人们去祖先的坟墓扫墓,扫除脏东西,除掉杂草。根据“People visit their ancestors' graves to sweep away the…things and get rid of any weeds.”和备选词汇可知,扫脏东西,除掉杂草。dirty意为“脏的”,符合语境。故填dirty。
57.句意:年轻的后代会跪下为祖先祈祷。根据“The young offspring (后代) will go down on their knees and pray for…ancestors.”和备选词汇可知,后代跪拜他们的祖先。their意为“他们的”,符合语境。故填their。
58.句意:他们可以在坟墓前说出自己的愿望,祖先会实现他们的梦想。根据“the ancestors will make their dreams come true.”和备选词汇可知,在坟墓前说出自己的愿望。wish意为“愿望”,符合语境。愿望不止一个,应填复数形式。故填wishes。
59.句意:人们在这一天也享受着春天的希望。根据“People also…hope of Spring on this day.”可知,享受着春天的希望。enjoy意为“享受”,符合语境。结合语境可知,句子为一般现在时,people“人们”为复数,谓语动词用原形。故填enjoy。
60.句意:通常包括植树、放风筝和家庭郊游。根据“Planting trees,…kites and going on family outings are usually included.”和备选词汇可知,放风筝。fly意为“飞,放”,符合语境。此处应用动名词作主语。故填flying。
61.save 62.thousands 63.members 64.is 65.your 66.carefully 67.lucky 68.touched 69.work 70.found
61.句意:陈嘉桓说:“中国救援队将继续挽救人们。根据“keep going to...”可知,救援队继续挽救人们,动词不定式符号to后跟动词原形,故填save。
62.句意:2023年2月6日,土耳其发生大地震,造成数万人伤亡。根据固定词组tens of hundreds of“成千上万的,数万的”可知,空格处使用thousands。故填thousands。
63.句意:陈与蓝天救援队的许多其他成员一起抵达土耳其。根据“Chen arrived in Turkey together with many other...of the Blue Sky Rescue Team.”可知,陈嘉桓和许多其他成员一起抵达土耳其,member“成员”的复数是members。故填members。
64.句意:中国是一个伟大的国家。根据“China...a great country.”可知,句子的主语是中国,文章时态是一般现在时。故填is。
65.句意:感谢你们的支持和善良的行动。根据“You must keep safe while working in the fallen buildings”可知,这里是感谢“你的”支持和善良,应用you的形容词性物主代词,故填your。
66.句意:从周四到周六,我们仔细地搜索了25栋建筑和133个工作地点。根据“we searched 25 buildings and 133 workplaces...”可知,空格处修饰动词searched,所以空格处要用careful的副词形式carefully。故填carefully。
67.句意:陈说:“然而,他们中只有两个人幸存下来。”根据“only two of them were...(luck) to...”中的were可知,空格处要用luck的形容词形式lucky,在句中作表语,故填lucky。
68.句意:蓝天救援队的成员被当地人民所做的事情所感动。根据“The members of the Blue Sky Rescue Team were...by what the local people did”可知,这里指被当地人民所做的事情所感动,空格处应用被动语态,被动语态的结构是“be+done”,所以用touched。故填 touched。
69.句意:陈补充说:“俗话说,‘众志成城’。一个人的力量很弱,但一个团体的力量很强。”根据谚语 Many hands make light work“众志成城”可知,这里填work,主语是many hands,应使用work原形。故填work。
70.句意:在土耳其期间,他们救出了8名幸存者,发现了137名遇难者。根据“they saved 8 survivors and...137”可知,他们挽救了8名幸存者,发现了137名遇难者,这里and连接是两个一般过去时的动词。故填found。
71.in 72.seriously 73.that 74.them 75.accidents 76.dangerous 77.avoid 78.allowed 79.solving 80.if
71.句意:大多数安全规则是在20世纪80年代操场上发生几起事故后制定的。根据“the 1980s”和参考词汇可知,20世纪80年代,为时间段,其前需用介词in修饰。故填in。
72.句意:一些孩子在这些事故中受了重伤,这让他们的父母非常担心。根据“...which worried their parents a lot.”可知,这让他们的父母非常担心,可推测此处是一些孩子在这些事故中被严重地伤害了,空处需填副词,修饰动词过去分词hurt,serious的副词为seriously“严重地”。故填seriously。
73.句意:家长们认为游乐场不够安全,游乐场的主人不得不向这些家长支付很多钱。根据“Parents thought...the playgrounds weren’t safe enough and the owners of the playgrounds had to pay much money to those parents.”和参考词汇可知,句子为宾语从句,空处需填从属连词,因从属连词在从句中不作任何成分,从属连词that符合语境。故填that。
74.句意:在那之后,学校和城市开始改变游乐场,使其尽可能安全。根据“After that, schools and cities began changing playgrounds to make...as safe as possible.”和参考词汇可知,在那之后,学校和城市开始改变游乐场,可推测此处是使游乐场尽可能安全,make后需填人称代词宾格,指代playgrounds,因其为复数,them“它们”为they的宾格,复数。故填them。
75.句意:事实上,已经发生了更多的事故。根据“But safe playgrounds have not really made a difference in the accidents.”和参考词汇可知,但安全的游乐场并没有在事故中起作用,可推测此处是已经发生了更多的事故,more修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,accident“事故”为可数名词,此处需用复数形式accidents。故填accidents。
76.句意:一些危险的事情可以教会他们如何保持安全。根据“Some experts believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only when they are in danger.”和参考词汇可知,一些专家认为,这是因为只有当孩子处于危险之中时,他们才能学会小心,可推测此处是一些危险的事情可以教会他们如何保持安全,things前需填形容词,danger的形容词为dangerous“危险的”。故填dangerous。
77.句意:当孩子们发生小事故时,他们会学习如何避免更严重的事故。根据“Some experts believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only when they are in danger.”和参考词汇可知,一些专家认为,这是因为只有当孩子处于危险之中时,他们才能学会小心,可推测此处是他们会学习如何避免更严重的事故,此处为宾语从句简化形式,即“疑问词how+动词不定式”的结构,不定式to后需填动词原形,avoid“避免”,动词。故填avoid。
78.句意:如果孩子们被允许承担一些风险,他们就能变得自信和独立。根据“If children are...to take some risks,...”和参考词汇可知,此处是孩子们被允许承担一些风险,“children”与“allow”之间为被动关系,语态为被动,are后需填动词过去分词,allow“允许”的过去分词为allowed。故填allowed。
79.句意:他们也可以在不同的情况下更好地解决问题。根据“If children are...to take some risks, they can become confident and independent.”和参考词汇可知,如果孩子们被允许承担一些风险,他们就能变得自信和独立,可推测此处是更好地解决问题,get better at doing sth表示“更好地做某事”,空处需填动名词,solve problem表示“解决问题”,solve的动名词为solving。故填solving。
80.句意:他们说,如果游乐场更具挑战性和刺激性,孩子们可能会得到更多的锻炼。根据“...playgrounds are more challenging and exciting, kids will probably get more exercise.”和参考词汇可知,此处为条件状语从句,即如果游乐场更具挑战性和刺激性,孩子们可能会得到更多的锻炼,空处需填从属连词,从属连词if“如果”符合语境。故填if。
81.pleasure 82.prefer 83.easily 84.heavy 85.Compared 86.readers 87.online 88.eyes 89.although 90.In
81.句意:虽然两者都能给你带来阅读的乐趣,但两者的体验却截然不同。根据“While both give you the...of reading”可知,此处指阅读的乐趣,pleasure“乐趣”符合句意。故填pleasure。
82.句意:许多人喜欢读纸质书,因为它们很容易从书店买到,而且读起来很舒服。根据“reading paper books”可知,此处考查prefer doing sth“喜欢做某事”。故填prefer。
84.句意:然而,有些书,比如字典,很重,不容易随身携带。根据“However, some books, such as dictionaries”可知,此处指纸质字典很重,应用形容词heavy“重的”作表语。故填heavy。
85.句意:与纸质书相比,电子书有它的优点。电子书可以储存在阅读器中,阅读器轻便得多。根据“...with paper books, e-books has its advantages.”可知,此处考查compared with sth“与某物相比”,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Compared。
86.句意:许多电子书阅读器也有字典,让你快速查找新单词!根据“E-books can be stored in a reader, which is much lighter.”可知,此处指阅读器,结合“Many”可知,此处应用可数名词reader“阅读器”的复数形式。故填readers。
87.句意:然而,你只能在网上买电子书。根据“However, you can only get e-books...”可知,此处指从网上获得电子书,online“在网上”符合句意。故填online。
88.句意:此外,长时间在屏幕上阅读电子书对我们的眼睛不好。根据“Moreover, it’s not good for our...to read e-books on the screen for a long time.”可知,此处指长时间看屏幕对眼睛不好,此处应用可数名词eye“眼睛”的复数形式。故填eyes。
89.句意:今天,虽然更多的人会尝试电子书,但我相信纸质书不会消失。根据“...more people will try e-books, I believe paper books will not disappear.”可知,前后句为让步关系,应用although“尽管”引导让步状语从句。故填although。
90.句意:在我看来,不管你用什么,只要它能让你享受阅读。根据“my opinion”可知,此处考查in one’s opinion“在某人看来”,句首单词首字母要大写。故填In。
91.sweetest 92.traditional 93.discussion 94.more 95.closer 96.feel 97.totally 98.our 99.accepted 100.a symbol of
91.句意:我童年最甜蜜的回忆是关于一张圆桌。根据“memory of my childhood is about a round table”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指童年最甜蜜的回忆,sweetest“最甜蜜的”,结合“of my childhood”可知需用最高级,故填sweetest。
92.句意:在我还小的时候,我们全家会在不同的传统节日里聚在一起吃晚餐。根据“my whole family would get together on different…festivals to have dinner”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指在不同的传统节日里,traditional“传统的”,作定语,故填traditional。
93.句意:当大人们在谈话讨论的时候,我们这些孩子会围坐在一起或者在桌子底下玩捉迷藏。根据“having a”及备选词,可知,此处用have a discussion表示“讨论”,故填discussion。
94.句意:它看起来更拥挤了,但我们都觉得彼此更近了。根据“When I got a bit older, my aunt brought back her boyfriend and my grandma cheerfully added another seat to the round table.”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指增加了人,更拥挤了,more+crowded构成比较级,故填more。
95.句意:它看起来更拥挤了,但我们都觉得彼此更近了。根据“but we all felt much…to each other”可知,饭桌上让家人们感觉彼此更近了,closer“接近的”符合,much修饰形容词比较级,故填closer。
96.句意:这让我们感到难过。根据“That made us…sad”可知,爷爷的去世让家人感到难过,feel“感到”符合,make sb do sth“让某人做某事”,故填feel。
98.句意:我们家里都有一张这样的桌子。根据“It is a sign of reunion of our family showing…”可知,是在我们家里有这样的桌子,用形容词性物主代词our修饰名词homes,故填our。
99.句意:通常,围坐在桌子上我们会接受不同的文化。根据“Usually different cultures…by us”及备选词,可知,接受不同的文化,accepted“接受”符合,根据“by us”可知,此处要用被动语态,动词用过去分词形式。故填accepted。
100.句意:圆桌一直是中国人感情的象征。根据“The round table has been…the Chinese feelings”以及结合备选词汇,可知是指,圆桌一直是中国人感情的象征。a symbol of“……的象征”,故填a symbol of。
101.have 102.even 103.chatting 104.on 105.my 106.interests 107.traditional 108.Since 109.unexpected 110.managed
101.句意:根据DT财经2023年的一项研究,52.8%的中国年轻人至少有一个搭子。根据“52.8 percent of young Chinese people … at least one dazi”可知,此处指至少有一个搭子,此句是陈述事实,用一般现在时,百分比修饰的是复数名词people,动词用原形,故填have。
102.句意:搭子可以以许多不同的方式出现,从吃饭到学习,工作甚至是上厕所!根据“Dazi can appear in many different ways, from dining to studying, working and … going to the toilet!”可知,此处强调甚至去厕所都可以有搭子,even“甚至”符合,故填even。
103.句意:高中生葛金媛喜欢在午餐和晚餐时与她的饭搭子聊天。根据“enjoy … during lunch and dinner with her meal dazi”可知,喜欢在吃饭时和饭搭子聊天,chat“聊天”,enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,故填chatting。
104.句意:我们总是分享我们对我们吃的食物的看法,并探索其他一些美食。根据“views…the food”可知,此处指关于食物的看法,应填介词on,故填on。
105.句意:如果有一天我的饭搭子不去上学,我会难过一整天。根据“If … meal dazi doesn’t go to school”可知,此处指我的饭搭子,my“我的”,故填my。
106.句意:除了分享兴趣之外,讨论的话题也更加集中和轻松。根据“We always share our views… the food we eat and explore some other fine food”及备选词可知,可以和搭子分享兴趣,interest“兴趣”,分享的兴趣不止一个,应填复数形式,故填interests。
107.句意:与传统友谊不同的是,拥有一个搭子对我来说是一种真正的解脱。根据“Unlike…friendships, having a dazi is a real relief for me. ”可知,拥有饭搭子这样的朋友,是与传统友谊不同的,traditional“传统的”,形容词作定语,故填traditional。
109.句意:更重要的是,有一个搭子可能会带来一些意想不到的结果。根据“Once, my game dazi and I made a mistake when playing Dan Zai Pai Dui(《蛋仔派队》), but we … to turn the tide (扭转局势) together. ”可知,在玩游戏时出错,没想到和游戏搭子一起扭转了局势,此处指带来意想不到的结果,unexpected“想不到的”,形容词作定语,故填unexpected。
110.句意:但我们一起设法扭转了局面。此空缺少动作作谓语,备选词manage“设法”符合,manage to do sth“设法做某事”。根据made可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填managed。
111.feet 112.quickly 113.sat 114.decision 115.luckier 116.to buy 117.us 118.have helped 119.are sent 120.wonderful
111.句意:我们的脚长了。根据“We asked our mom for new dancing shoes.”可知,是脚长了,备选词foot“脚”符合语境,由“our”可知,填复数名词。故填feet。
112.句意:妈妈边说边快步走进我们的房间。根据“Mom said as she walked ”可知,应说快速走进我们房间,备选词quick的副词quickly,修饰动词walked,故填quickly。
113.句意:我们坐在自己的房间里,想着该怎么处理它们。根据“in our room and thought about what to do with them.”可知,是坐在房间里,备选词sit“坐”符合语境 ,该句描述过去的事情,动词填过去式。故填sat。
114.句意:所以我们决定收集旧的服装和鞋子,把它们送给有需要的舞者。根据“to collect used costumes and shoes and to give them to dancers in need.”可知,是做了决定,备选词decide的名词形式decision“决定”符合语境,结合“made a”可知,填单数名词。故填decision。
115.句意:我妹妹和我都认为我们比一些孩子幸运得多。根据“than some kids.”可知,设空处填比较级,结合“my sister and I both thought we were much ”可知,指的是比一些孩子幸运,备选词lucky的比较级luckier符合题意。故填luckier。
116.句意:我们出生在一个有能力购买我们所需要的东西的家庭。根据“could afford”可知,是 有能力购买所需要的东西,备选词buy“买”符合语境,afford to do“有能力做某事”,因此设空处填不定式。故填to buy。
117.句意:很多孩子都喜欢跳舞,但不是每个人都像我们这么幸运。根据“Many kids lave to dance, but not everyone is as lucky as”可知,这里指的是没有我们幸运。as为介词,备选词we的宾格形式us符合题意,故填us。
118.句意:到目前为止,我们已经帮助了全球超过6万名舞者。根据“So far”可知,该句是现在完成时,结合“we…there than 60,000 dancers around the world.”可知,是已经帮助了6万名舞者。备选词help“帮助”符合语境,主语是“we”,故填have helped。
119.句意:收信人寄给我们的感谢信成千上万封。根据“Thousands of thank-you letters”可知,是感谢信被寄给我们,该句是一般现在时,备选词send“寄”符合语境,分析句子,该句是一般现在时的被动语态,主语letters是复数。故填are sent。
121.them 122.is studying/studies 123.fly 124.more 125.classmates 126.was made 127.arrived 128.carefully 129.height 130.valuable
121.句意:李正汉是他们中的一员。根据“Many young boys dream of going to space”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,李正汉是他们中的一员。they“他们”,介词of后接宾格them。故填them。
122.句意:李现在在浙江的一所大学学习,是一名工科学生。根据“at a college in Zhejiang as an engineering student now”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,李现在在浙江的一所大学学习,study“学习”,主语是第三人称单数Li,时态用现在进行时/一般现在时都符合,结构为is+动词现在分词形式/动词用三单形式,故填is studying/studies。
123.句意:是的,李自己不能飞,但他能让他的玩具飞起来。根据“Yes, Li could not fly himself, but he could make his toys”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,但他能让他的玩具飞起来。fly“飞”,make sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,故填fly。
125.句意:他与一些同学分享了他的梦想。根据“He shared his dream with some”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,他与一些同学分享了他的梦想。空前有some修饰,用复数形式classmates。故填classmates。
126.句意:决定一做出,李和他的团队就开始夜以继日地工作。make the decision“做决定”,此处主语是第三人称单数“decision”与make之间存在被动关系,时态为一般过去时,需用结构was done。故填was made。
127.句意:大日子在2023年10月31日到来。根据“The big day…on October 31, 2023.”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,大日子在2023年10月31日到来,arrive“到达”,时态为一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填arrived。
128.句意:在仔细检查完东西后,他们把玩具绑在一个氦气球上。根据“After checking the things”以及结合备选词汇可知是指在仔细检查完东西后,副词carefully“仔细地”修饰动词,故填carefully。
129.句意:它最终到达了大约28,000米的高度。根据“28, 000 meters”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,到达了大约28,000米的高度。a height of“……的高度”,故填height。
130.句意:他的故事可能给我们上了一个宝贵的课程。根据“His story may give us a…lesson”以及结合备选词汇可知是指,宝贵的课程。valuable“宝贵的”,作定语。故填valuable。
131.wisely 132.my 133.in 134.spending 135.helpful 136.pronunciation 137.learners 138.more 139.best 140.is
131.句意:但是我们能够明智地学习英语。此处应填一个副词修饰动词learn,结合“No one is born with the ability to learn English. But we are able to learn English...”及备选单词可知,我们没有学英语的能力,但是我们能明智地学英语,副词wisely“明智地”符合语境。故填wisely。
132.句意:以下是我学习英语的秘诀。此处应填一个形容词性物主代词修饰名词secrets,结合“Here are...secrets to learning English.”及备选单词可知,此处介绍“我的”秘诀,应将主格代词I变为形容词性物主代词my“我的”。故填my。
133.句意:秘诀一是借助词典阅读英文书籍、报纸或杂志。结合“books, newspapers or magazines...English”和备选词汇可知,此处应用介词in,表示这些书籍是用英语表达的。故填in。
134.句意:即使每天只花15分钟,你也能大大提高你的阅读能力。结合“15 minutes a day”及备选单词可知,此处指花费15分钟的时间,动词spend“花费”符合语境,by为介词,此处应填spend的动名词形式spending。故填spending。
135.句意:它们有助于提高英语水平。此处缺少一个形容词作表语,结合“listening to English speeches and watching English movies. They are...in improving English.”及备选单词可知,听英语演讲和看英语电影对提高英语水平是有帮助的,此处应填help的形容词形式helpful“有帮助的”。故填helpful。
136.句意:这些活动将有助于同时提高你的发音、听力和词汇量。此处缺少一个与“listening and vocabulary”并列的名词,结合“listening to English speeches and watching English movies”及备选单词可知,听英语演讲和看英语电影对发音有帮助,此处应填pronounce的名词形式pronunciation“发音”,为不可数名词。故填pronunciation。
137.句意:语法是英语学习者的基本工具。结合“Grammar is a basic tool for English...”及备选单词可知,语法是英语学习者的工具,此处应填learn的名词复数形式learners“学习者”,表泛指。故填learners。
138.句意:它可以帮助你更好地理解,所以你必须更加注意你的语法学习。根据“It can help you understand better”可知,要更加注意语法学习,应用much的比较级more“更多”,修饰名词attention。故填more。
139.句意:这是在学习英语的任何阶段提高英语水平的最好方法之一。结合“keeping a diary”以及“improving English”可知,写日记是提高英语水平的好方式,应用形容词good“好的”;“one of the+形容词的最高级+名词复数”结构表示“最……之一”。故填best。
140.句意:总的来说,学习英语很难。分析“learning English...hard.”可知,此处是主系表结构,应用be动词;时态为一般现在时,主语为动名词短语,be动词应用is。故填is。
141.Treasures 142.usually 143.first 144.used 145.later 146.national 147.invented 148.easily 149.known 150.value
141.句意:它们在汉语中被称为“文房四宝”。根据“They”代指上文的“the writing brush, ink, paper and ink stone”,可知是文房四宝,所给词中treasure符合语境,由于是专有名词,所以要大写首字母,结合“Four”,可知要用复数。故填Treasures。
144.句意:据记载,古代中国人也用人的头发做刷子。use sth. to do sth.“用某物来做某事”,结合“the ancient Chinese”可知用一般过去时。故填used。
149.句意:因此它作为“千年纸”出名。考查短语“be known as”作为……出名。所以将know变为known。故填known。
150.句意:自那时起,砚台不仅实用,而且有收藏和欣赏价值。根据“the...of”中间是名词,横线后的“collection and appreciation”欣赏和收集,可知应是将valuable变为value。故填value。




下一篇:福建省龙岩市新罗区龙高2023-2024下学期期中质量检测八年级物理试题(pdf版 无答案)