Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world?单元检测4(含解析)

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分
1.________ is important to do something to protect our environment.
A. One B. What C. It D. That
2. baby panda is much shorter than adult panda.
A. A; an B. A; a C. An; an D. An; a
3.—Why do you drink so much coffee, Dad
—Because it can help me keep ________. I have lots of work to do tonight.
A. sleep B. asleep C. awake D. wake
4.Two children died ________ the traffic accident last night.
A. from B. of C. to D. away
5.— the population of China —It s about 1.4 billion.
A. What s B. How many is C. How much is D. How s
6.If you have any questions, please ________ me.
A. feel free ask B. feel free asks
C. feel free to asking D. feel free to ask
7.—We should try our best to ________ pandas.
—You re right.
A. lead B. feed C. protect D. hide
8.There are 20 keepers at the Chengdu Research Base. Two are women and ______ are men.
A. the others B. the other C. other D. another
9.You may feel difficult to enough air in Tibet.
A. take away B. take on C. take in
10.My son is too naughty (顽皮的). How I hope he can be ____quieter!
A. a little more B. too much C. much too D. a little
A teenager girl couldn't stand her family rules, so she left home.
She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little education and (11) years later, she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still (12) her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she (13) a big photo of her daughter on the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, "I still love you... Come back home!" One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that she couldn't believe her (14) . "Is that me " She moved (15) and read the words, "I still love you." She cried. She couldn't wait (16) back home. When she got home, it was early morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She (17) her mother up, "It's me! Your daughter is back home!" The mother and daughter looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears, The daughter asked, " (18) is the door unlocked A thief could get in." The mother answered softly, "The door has never locked (19) you left. We miss you all the time. We believe you'll come back some day." As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness, even everything with their parents. (20) this way, both parents and children can be happy.
11.A. a little B. a few C. much D. more
12.A. looking for B. looking after C. looking at D. looking up
13.A. sets on B. puts up C. cuts up D. makes up
14.A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. head
15.A. farther B. further C. closer D. away
16.A. going B. go C. to gone D. to go
17.A. wake B. wakes C. woke D. waking
18.A. what B. who C. when D. why
19.A. since B. for C. before D. unless
20.A. With B. In C. By D. On
The Sahara is one of the hottest places on the earth, it is hard to see snow in the Sahara. But on January 8, 2018, it snowed in Ain Sefra, the gateway(门户) to the Sahara. It was really strange.
Ain Sefra is a small town. Because the air in the desert is so dry and hot, it is hard to Shiny. But in January, there was high pressure over Europe. It drove cold air down into northern Africa and into the Sahara. The cold air rose to the elevation of Ain Sefra and then it began to snow.
It's usually very hot in the Sahara and all the town people are used to the hot weather. So after it snowed, people didn't know how to deal with it. The drivers just stopped their cars on the roads.
Photographer(摄影师) Karim was amazed to see that the orange desert was covered with white snow. He got out of his car and took a lot of beautiful photos. He said, “It is unusual. This is the third time it has snowed in the Sahara in the last 40 years.”
21.What does the writer think of the snow in Ain Sefra
A. Strange. B. Common. C. Terrible. D. Beautiful.
22.What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us
A. The pressure of Europe. B. The weather of desert.
C. The air of Ain Sefra. D. The reason of snowing.
23.What does the underlined word “elevation” mean
A. 重量 B. 高度 C. 形状 D. 尺寸
24.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. The people in Ain Sefra haven't seen snow ever.
B. The people in Ain Sefra aren't used to snow.
C. The people in Ain Sefra are afraid of snow.
D. The people in Ain Sefra can make full use of snow.
25.How did Karirn get to Ain Sefra
A. By bike. B. By plane. C. By car. D. By train,
Martin Strel is a swimmer, best known for swimming the world s big rivers. He was born in 1954.He taught himself to swim when he was six and became a professional (职业的) swimmer in 1978. Martin holds Guinness World Records for swimming the Danube River, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River and the Amazon River.
Of all his achievements, the greatest is his Amazon River swim. The Amazon is known as the largest and most dangerous river in the world. Several swimmers had tried to swim it, but all failed. Martin wanted to show the world that people could achieve their dreams with hard work and perseverance (毅力).
On April 7th, 2007, Martin Strel completed his Amazon River swim all the way from Atalaya (Peru) to the Atlantic Ocean at Belém (Brazil). He straggled (奋战) with the river for 66 days and swam 3,274 miles in total.
People describe him as "Fishman" "Human Fish" or even "the Craziest Man in the World". In 2009, American filmmakers made a documentary called Big River Man. And the book, The Man Who Swam the Amazon, has been sold in many countries. It tells us an inspirational story of perseverance and hard work which has encouraged many people.
Martin doesn t swim for money. Instead, he swims to teach people about the importance of keeping water clean.
Martin has always been looking for the challenges of the impossible. What is his next
26.How did Martin learn to swim when he was young
A. By watching his partners. B. By learning from a coach.
C. By teaching himself.
27.What is Martin s greatest achievement so far
A. Swimming the Yangtze River.
B. Swimming the Amazon River.
C. Swimming the Mississippi River.
28.What does the underlined word "inspirational" mean in Paragraph 4
A. 鼓舞人心的 B. 心灰意冷的 C. 栩栩如生的
29.According to the text, which is the goal of Martin swimming the big rivers
A. To make a lot of money for a good living.
B. To teach people the importance of keeping water clean.
C. To make exciting documentaries and best-selling books.
30.What can be the best title (标题) of the text
A. Swim for Fun B. Challenge the Impossible
C. Fight for Jobs
Earth s animals in crisis
Every two years, the Living Planet Report, a report by WWF (the World Wildlife Fund) comes out. The WWF gave this year s report last month. It says that populations of animals including mammals(哺乳动物), birds and fish have fallen by 60 percent since 1970.
This is mainly because of human activities, such as climate change, habitat loss(栖息地消失), pollution and hunting.
Humans should take it seriously, Vox Media said. It can make a great difference to us as well. In 2017 a study showed a 75-percent fall in populations of flying insects over 30 years. Insects help plants too much, we know. The report also shows that one fifth of the Amazon rainforest went away in just 50 years.
All over the world, people are cutting down forests, using too much water from rivers and filling oceans with rubbish. Only a quarter of the world s land is now free of human activities. “We need to find ways to meet the needs of our growing population while protecting the environment,” the WWF said.
(1) How often does the Living Planet Report come out ______________________________________________
(2) What is the Living Planet Report about this year ________________________________________________
(3) In just 50 years, how much of the Amazon rainforest went away ___________________________________
32. People believe that climbing can do well to health. Where can you learn the skills of climbing If you think that you have to go to the mountains (1) (learn) how to climb, you're wrong. Many (2) (America) are learning to climb in city gyms. Here, people are learning (3) special climbing walls. The climbing wall goes straight up and has small holding places for hands and (4) (foot).
How do people climb the wall To climb, you need special shoes and a harness(保护带) around your chest to hold you. There are ropes tied to your harness. The ropes hold you in place so that you don't fall. A (5) (begin) wall is usually about 15 feet high, and you climb straight up. There are small pieces of metal that stick out for you to stand on and hold on to. Sometimes it's easy to see the next piece of metal. Sometimes it's not. (6) (difficult) point is to overcome your fear(恐惧). It's normal for humans to be afraid of (7) (fall). But when you move away from the wall, the harness and the ropes hold you, and you begin to feel safe.
Climbing attracts people because it's good exercise (8) almost everyone. You use your whole body, (9) your arms and legs. This sport gives your body a complete workout(锻炼). When you climb, both your mind (10) your body can become stronger.
(1)______(2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
33.The swimming pool is two meters d .
34.China is in the east of A (1) .
35.The p (1) of China may increase fast because of the two-child policy (政策).
36.The children were playing with (兴奋)in the Disneyland.
37.The plants grow (野生的)along the banks of rivers.
38.The (调查)was carried out by a team of scientists at Edinburgh University.
39.We should p animals because many of them are in danger.
40.This room is five meters by three meters, or fifteen (平方)meters.
41.—What s the p (1) of China —It s about 1.4 billion.
42.These questions (包括): “Who reports to whom ”
The Yangtze River is about , .
The Sahara ________________________________________ desert in the world.
Your room is ________________________________ .
So far, we have planted about 1,000 trees .
we know, Mr. Wang is a famous doctor.
48.动物是人类的朋友,保护濒危动物极其重要。请根据以下要求,以“Let's Protect the Endangered Animals”为题,用英语写一篇短文,介绍保护濒危动物的方法。要求:(1)语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;

Let's Protect the Endangered Animals
Animals are human's friends. Protecting endangered animals is quite important.
If everyone does something to protect endangered animals, it will be better and better in the future.
【解析】sleep动词,“睡觉”;asleep形容词,“睡着的”;awake形容词,“醒着的”;wake动词,“唤醒、弄醒”。keep awake意为“保持清醒”。故选C。
【解析】询问某地人口数量时要用“What s the population of... ”。

【解析】句意:在成都研究基地有20名饲养员。两名是女性,其余的是男性。A.剩余的全部,代词;B.两者中的另一个,代词;C.剩余的,其他的,形容词,修饰名词复数;D.(三者或三者以上的)另一个,修饰名词单数。此处作主语,表示“其余的人”,应用the others。故选A。
1. 句意:但她只受过一点教育,几年后,她不得不靠在街上讨饭为生。A.一点,后接不可数名词;B.几个,后接可数名词复数;C.许多,后接不可数名词;D.更多的。根据语境可知这里是几年之后,years是可数名词复数,用a few修饰。故选B。
2. 句意:但她仍然在找她女儿。A.寻找;B.照看;C.看;D.向上看,查找。根据语境,女儿离家出走了,妈妈应该在寻找她。故选A。
3. 句意:她所到之处都把女儿的大照片张贴墙上。A. 启动;B.挂起,张贴;C.割伤;D.弥补。根据a big photo of her daughter on the wall可知是把照片张贴在墙上。故选B。
4. 句意:她惊讶得不敢相信自己的眼睛。A.眼睛;B.耳朵;C.鼻子;D.头。根据上句One day, the daughter saw one of the photos.(一天,女儿看到了其中一张照片。)可知她不敢相信自己的眼睛。故选A。
5. 句意:她走近了一点,读着“我依然爱你”这几个字。A.更远;B.更远,更进一步的;C.更近;D.离开。根据上句“she couldn't believe her eyes”可知她是走得更近去看。故选C。
6. 句意:她迫不及待地回家。can't wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事,固定短语。故选D。
7. 句意:她叫醒了母亲,“是我!你女儿回来了!”根据语境可知,短文讲述的是过去的事情,这里应用一般过去时,用wake的过去式woke。故选C。
8. 句意:女儿问:“为什么门没有锁?小偷可以进来。”A.什么;B.谁;C.什么时候;D.为什么。根据后文The mother answered softly, "The door has never locked (9) you left. We miss you all the time. We believe you'll come back some day." 可知妈妈是解释没有锁门的原因,所以女儿是问妈妈为什么不锁门。故选D。
9. 句意:自从你离开后,门就再也没有锁过。A.自从;B.长达,介词,后接一段时间;C.在……之前;D.除非。空格后是句子,排除B;根据主句has never locked(现在完成时)可知这里应用since引导的时间状语从句。故选A。
10. 句意:这样,父母和孩子都能快乐。A.和;B.在……里面;C.通过;D.在……上面。in this way这样,用这种方式,固定短语。故选B。
【解析】【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍的是撒哈拉沙漠的门户——Ain Sefra罕见的雪景,介绍了降雪的原因及人们对此的反应。
1. 略
2. 略
3. 略
4. 略
5. 略
1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“He taught himself to swim when he was six and became a professional swimmer in 1978.”可知选C项。
2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Of all his achievements, the greatest is his Amazon River swim.”可知选B项。
3. 词义猜测题。根据第四段中的has encouraged many people可推知,inspirational的意思是“鼓舞人心的”。故选A项。
4. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Instead, he swims to teach people about the importance of keeping water clean.”可知选B项。
5. 主旨大意题。根据“The Amazon is known as the largest and most dangerous river in the world. Several swimmers had tried to swim it, but all failed. Martin wanted to show the world that people could achieve their dreams with hard work and perseverance.”和最后一段内容可知,B项(挑战不可能)最适合作为标题。
Every two years.
The populations of some animals have fallen since 1970.
20%/One fifth.
1. 根据第一段中“Every two years, the Living Planet Report, a report by WWF (the World Wildlife Fund) comes out.”可知,世界野生动物基金会每两年发布一次《生命行星报告》。
2. 根据第一段中“It says that populations of animals including mammals(哺乳动物), birds and fish have fallen by 60 percent since 1970.”可知,今年报告的核心内容是哺乳动物、鸟类和鱼类的种类数量自1970年以来下降了60%。
3. 根据第三段中“The report also shows that one fifth of the Amazon rainforest went away in just 50 years.”可知,报告中提到仅50年间亚马孙雨林消失了五分之一。
to learn
beginner s
The most difficult
【解析】1. 句意:如果你认为必须到山上才能学习如何爬山的话,你就错了。这里是用动词不定式表示目的,故填to learn。
句意:一个初学者的墙壁通常大约15英尺高。初学者beginner,故填beginner s。
句意:最困难的是克服你的恐惧。根据句意,故填The most difficult。
句意: 攀岩吸引人,因为它对几乎每个人都是很好的锻炼。根据句意,故填for。
句意:你用你的整个身体,尤其是你的胳膊和腿。尤其especially,故填 especially。

43.【答案】six thousand,three hundred and eighty kilometers
【解析】根据汉语意思及提示,设空部分在句中作表语修饰主语“The Yangtze River ”的特征,要翻译设空部分为:6380千米,根据数词的表达方式:不管表达的数词是“几千”或者“几百”,数词千(thousand)和百(hundred)的后面都不会加s,6380为six thousand, three hundred and eighty ,因前面数词为638,后面名词kilometer“千米”应用其复数形式kilometers来表达。故填six thousand,three hundred and eighty kilometers。
44.【答案】is larger than any other
【解析】any other +可数名词单数,其他的任何一个,强调范围内作比较;large大的,形容词;根据汉英提示,设空处应用其比较级larger;than比,其后加比较对象。句子陈述事实,时态为一般现在时,主语为专有名词,be动词用is。故填is larger than any other。
45.【答案】as big as mine
【解析】根据汉英提示,is后用形容词作表语。big大的,形容词;as...as和……一样怎么样,中间用形容词原级。mine我的,名词性物主代词,此处mine指代my room。故填as big as mine。
【解析】据我们所知as far as we know,固定短语,注意句首字母应大写,故填As far as
48.【答案】Let's Protect the Endangered Animals
Animals are human's friends. Protecting endangered animals is quite important.
As we all know, in recent years, the number of some wild animals is getting less and less. Some of them are even dying down. The main reason is that people cut down so many trees that they make the animals lose their homes.
Firstly, the most important thing is that we should realize the importance of saving endangered animals. Secondly, we should stop people from cutting down trees and we should plant more trees, so there will be more forests for them to live in. What's more, call on more people not to shoot them because they are our friends.
If everyone does something to protect endangered animals, it will be better and better in the future.







上一篇:2024年山东省邹城市七年级第二学期期中检测英语试题 (含答案无听力音频及原文)
