Unit 7 Shopping 练习(无答案) 牛津译林版七年级英语上册

1. There a little sheep on the hill. It plays with her friends happily.
A. are B. is C. isn't D. aren't
2.---Can I have bread now, Mum ---Sorry, you can't. There isn't at home.
A. some;some B. any;any C. some;any D. any;some
3. The price of the computer is not , but cars are still .
A. high; expensive B. expensive; high
C. high;high D. expensive;expensive
4.---Would you like to go shopping me
---Sure. I'll buy some food my son.
A. for; for B. with; for C. for; with D. with;to
5. There is only one apple here. Would you like to have
A. one B. it C. this D. that
6. — I'll go to New York for my summer vacation, Jenny.—It's a good . Have a good time!
A. exercise B. offer C. promise D. idea
7. — Where can I buy a football — Maybe you should go to the .
A. clothes shop B. flower shop C. shoe shop D. sports shop
8. — Mum, may I watch the football game between Guangdong team and Jiangsu team
— . But please finish your homework first.
A. All right B. That's all right C. No, you can't D. That's right
9. He doesn't have money the computer his daughter.
A. buying; to B. to buy; on C. to buy; for D. buys; on
10. — Thank you for helping me with my Physics.— . I hope you can do better in it.
A. Good idea B. See you
C. I'm not sure D. You're welcome
1. Students should learn how to take in class.
2. Simon has a hobby. He enjoys stamps very much.
3. It's said that people in cold live a longer life. Is it true
4.---What's in Mr Li's ---A photo and some credit cards.
5. Not all the. clothes fit you. You should have your own style.
6. Our monitor Lucy always well in exams. She's the top student in our class.
7. Twenty yuan too much for the book.
8. The twins. ti ke their mother, often people in need. They are really kind.
9. I'm going to the toy shop a toy car for my little cousin.
10. Listen! What they talk) about in the classroom
11. Most foreign visitors are very in Chinese traditional culture
12. Kitty gets many on her birthday.
13. The man on this is Albert Einstein.
14. I'm s that our dreams will come true through our efforts.
15. Lucy found a w in the street and some money was in at
16. I often go to the shop with my classmates on Sundays.
17. — Why do you enjoy stamps so much
18. Mother asks me this bag into the room.
19. — I want to visit Miss Li. Why not with me
20. — Where does your mother often go
三 完成句子
There is our school.
Do you often
3.米 莉也许喜欢听音乐。
Millie .
I want some flowers my mum.
I know Kate football.
四 、根据首字母提示补全短文。
I like shopping. There is a shop n 1 my home. The workers in the shop are friendly. O 2 Saturday afternoon, we often go s 3 there. It opens a 4 nine in the morning and closes I 5 in the evening. So people can go there after they come back from work. You can buy 1 6 of things in the shop. You can buy food, clothes, school things and many o 7 things, b 8 there are no books there.Now we are in the shop. My mother wants to buy a shirt f 9 my father. Then we'd like to d 10 some orange juice.
2 . 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0.



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