
★ 祝 考 试 顺 利 ★
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Today is Monday. I was so 1 when I woke up this morning because my mom bought me a new pair of 2 over the weekend. I picked out the 3 shoes myself. I couldn’t wait to put them on and play with my friends.
On my way to school, I walked 4 than usual. I 5 twenty minutes early, so some friends and I decided to 6 on the field (操场). I ran so fast. After a while, I stopped to take a break and 7 at my new shoes. I was shocked. My shoes were not blue anymore 8 brown! Even my white shoelaces (鞋带) were 9 . I thought I would be in big 10 with my mom for being careless. I took out a paper towel(厚纸巾) and tried to 11 my shoes. But it made no difference.
I felt upset all day. 12 my mom drove to pick me up from school, I got very nervous. I got into the 13 ,took a deep breath (深呼吸),and started to tell her about my shoes. I thought she would be angry 14 me. To my surprise, Mom told me that it was fine. I 15 need to clean the shoes myself.
1. A. exciting B. excited C. boring D. bored
2. A. jeans B. glasses C. shoes D. cups
3. A. blue B. brown C. white D. black
4. A. closer B. farther C. faster D. slower
5. A. went B. came C. ran D. arrived
6. A. sit B. lie C. stand D. play
7. A. came back B. picked up C. hung out D. looked down
8. A. and B. but C. with D. although
9. A. dirty B. clean C. tidy D. soft
10. A. danger B. surprise C trouble D .place
11. A. throw B. clean C. change D. return
12. A. When B. Because C. Although D. If
13. A. bus B. car C. house D. race
14. A. to B. on C. for D. with
15. A. just B. even C. again D. never
This is Bob’s shopping receipt(收据)
VR mart Tel: 033-859-7615 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p. m, Saturday and Sunday ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: April 12 Time: 5:33 p.m. Checkout Clerk (收银员): Amy Item(商品) Price1. Tent $115.002. Sleeping bag $25.993. Knife $6.004. Raincoat $10.565. Flashlight $9.00
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total(合计): $166.55. Note: As long as you have this receipt, you can return any item in three days.
16. VR Mart is open at _________
A.8:00 a.m. on Monday B.11:00 p.m. on Thursday
C.9:00 p.m. on Friday D.10:00 a.m. on Saturday
17. Bob went to VR Mart ________
A. with Amy B. at night
C. for some food D. on April 12
18. How much is the tent
A. $105.56. B. $115.00.
C. $145.99. D. $166.55.
19. Which of the following items is the most expensive
A. The knife. B. The raincoat.
C. The flashlight. D. The sleeping bag.
20. What can we know from the receipt
A. Bob loves shopping. B. Bob often goes to V R Mart.
C. Bob was probably going camping. D. Bob would keep the receipt for three days.
I' m Jacie and I'm 15 years old. I help at a dog shelter (收容所).This is what I do at the shelter every day.
5:30 p.m.
I get to the shelter. I say hi to the dogs.
5:45 p.m.
The first thing I do, after saying hi to the animals, is clean their living areas. It’s not my favorite job, but I’m happy to do anything to help the animals.
6:00 p.m.
I take some dogs out to an outside area. This is a place for them to get some exercise. They also get some snacks. After a few minutes, I take them back to their living areas and take another group of dogs out.
7:00 p.m.
After the exercise, it's time to eat dinner. Well, not for me! I give food and water to all the dogs.
7:30 p.m.
I make sure all of the dogs are back in their living areas and then I go home. The dogs are very good animals and I hope they will find homes soon. If you love dogs, why not take one home
21. What does Jacie do just after she says hi to the dogs
A. She plays with the dogs. B. She puts on her work clothes.
C. She says hi to the other workers. D. She cleans the dogs living areas.
22. When Jacie takes the dogs out, they_______
A. eat nothing B. do some exercise
C. sleep under trees D. play with other animals
23.When do the dogs have dinner
A. At 5:45 p.m. B. At 6:00 p.m.
C. At 7:00 p.m. D. At 7:30 p.m.
24. How long does Jacie stay at the shelter every day
A. For one hour, B. For one hour and a half.
C. For two hours. D. For two hours and a half.
25. What does Jacie advise dog lovers to do
A. To take a shelter dog home, B. To work at the dog shelter.
C. To keep their dogs clean, D. To take their dogs out often.
17-year-old Yin Xiaowen comes from Tianjin. She is a great golf(高尔夫) player.
Yin inherited (遗传) her parents sporting talent. Her father is good at playing football and running, while her mother enjoys badminton, tennis and swimming.
Yin hit a golf ball for the first time when she was seven. “Golf gives me a different feeling from any other sport. I enjoy hitting the ball far very much, said Yin. A few months after she started playing golf, Yin won a children’s event, Her passion for the game grew fast and then she decided to get more golf training.
At 10, Yin went to the USA for training. Two years later, she went to the Feng Shanshan Golf School in Guangzhou. Training became a big part of Yin's life. Once Yin’s mother took her to Disneyland Park. At the end of the day, she asked her mother to leave early because she didn’t want to miss that day’s training. Years of hard work paid off. In 2020, Yin became the youngest winner in the history of China LPGA Tour(中国女子职业高尔夫球巡回赛). In 2021, Yin became the winner again.
26. Yin Xiaowen’s father does well in ________
A. running and swimming B. playing football and tennis
C. running and playing football D. swimming and playing tennis
27. What does the underlined word “passion” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese
A.财富 B.奖励
C.责任 D.酷爱
28. When Yin Xiaowen was 12, she ________
A. went to the USA B. won a children’s event
C. played golf for the first time D. went to the Feng Shanshan Golf School
29. Which two words can we use to describe Yin Xiaowen
A. Creative and independent. B. Talented and hard-working.
C. Hard-working and creative. D. Talented and independent.
30. The writer wrote the passage mainly to ________
A. explain why golf is popular B. describe a family’s love for golf
C. show how to be a great golf player D. tell the story of a young golf player
It is time for Mrs. Brown' S class. Mrs. Brown asks her students a question: Do smartphones. bring us closer together or drive (迫使) us further apart The students show great interest in the discussion. 31
I think smartphones drive us further apart. When you sit in a busy restaurant, watch the guests waiting for their meals. 32 They don' t talk much to one another. Although smartphones are helpful in our everyday lives, we should not have all our communication behind a screen. 33
In my opinion, smartphones bring us closer together. When my family moved to Qingdao last year, I had to leave my friends in Nanjing. But smartphones help us keep in touch ( 保持联系). 34
It depends. Smartphones can bring us closer to people living far. 35 Many people talk more on their smartphones than with the people around them. It is hard to say. Still, one thing is clear: If we can use our smartphones properly, everything will be OK.
they in learn communicate act
the friend when two kind
Tim Joseph is a delivery man (快递员) in 5 England. He goes to a neighborhood 36 a week and has developed a close friendship with the people there. 8-year-old Tallulah is one of his 37 .
Tallulah loves her friend very much. Every time she sees Tim, 38 little girl gives him a very warm welcome. However, Tim has difficulty 39 with Tallulah because he is deaf. Although there are diffculties,Tallulah always finds a way to show her 40 .
Recently, Tallulah wanted to give her friend a big surprise. She decided 41 sign language (手势语). She learned how to say “have a good day" 42 sign language and walked a mile to tell Tim that. 43 Tim saw the signs, he was touched and replied, “Good morning. Have a good day!"
Tallulah’s mom, Amy Roberts, caught 44 friendly interation (互动) on video and shared it online. In the video, Tim said he truly found happiness in Tallulah’s 45 . He also hoped the video would inspire (激励) more people to learn sign language, put smiles on more faces and bring more people together.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
第一节 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)。
Maybe You Should Learn to Relax!
These days, many parents push their children into learning more kills. They believe it helps their kids to better compete in life. However, such a busy life can place great pressure on students.
The Taylors are a typical American family. Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children is very busy. “On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for my children’s future. I really want them to be successful.” However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then it’s time for homework.
Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. “In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older,” she says. “Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. It’s crazy. I don’t think that’s fair. Why don’t they just let their kids be kids People shouldn’t push their kids so hard. ”
Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child’s development. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think of themselves, too. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children.
46. In this passage, the writer think that students should ______________________________________________________(5词以内)
47. Many parents push their children into learning more kills because they believe ______________________________________________________(10词以内)
48. Cathy Taylor took her daughter to _______________________(5词以内)
49. What’s the opinion of Linda Miller
50. Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda
第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)
Hi, Li Hua. Next Saturday, there will be an international (国际的) basketball competition in the Sports Center near our school.___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______
6. Who did Kelly go to the party with
A. Her parents. B. Rose and Fiona C. Mike and peter
7. How did Kelly go to the party
A. By bus. B. By subway C. By car
8. Where will Molly go tomorrow
A. to the hospital B. to the library C. To the park
9. What will Mario do
A. Clean up city park B. Look after the animals C. Help policemen at the crossing
10. When will Ann leave the village
A. In 3 months B. In 6 months C. In 9 months
11. What does Ann volunteer as
A. A teacher. B. A nurse C. A doctor
12. What is Ann’s new hobby
A. Cooking. B. Farming C. Drawing.
13. What is the date today
A. June 10th B. June 20th C. June 30th
14. What will Anton prepare for the show
A. Special lights. B. CDs C. Paints.
15. Who will take pictures
A. Emma. B. Karl C. Julia
16. Who was the ticket money used to help
A. the disabled. B. the old C. the sick children
17. How much did speaker pay for the ticket
A. 30 B. 20 C. 10
18. What went wrong at the beginning
A. The sound. B. The light. C. The screen
19. Which was speaker’s favorite band(乐队)
A. Red flowers. B. Old Kids. C. Little Stones.
20. What did the speaker think of the concert
A. It was a little boring. B. It was too long. C. It was really good.
Jobs with Sunshine Holidays
Where to work In the summer camps
When to work June 15th —— (21) ________ 20th
What’s necessary Be (22) ___________ years old
Be able to (23) ________
How much to get $65 each (24) ________
How to get the job Send a letter and a(n) (25) ______ to Sunshine Holidays.孝感高新区 2024 年春季学期期中学业水平考试
1-5 BCACD 6-10 DDBAC 11-15 BABDA
16-20 DDBDC 21-25 DBCCA 26-30 CDDBD
31-35 BDAEF
36. twice 37. friends 38. the municating
40. kindness
41. to learn 42. in 43. when 44. their 45. action
46. learn to relax
47. it helps their kids to better compete in life
48. football training
49. People shouldn’t push their kids so hard.
50. Linda. / She agrees with Linda.
1-5 EBDFC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 ABABA
16-20 ABACC
21. August 22. 19 /nineteen 23. drive 24. week
25. photo



