2024年高考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (天津专用)(含答案解析)

2024年高考英语(阅读理解之应用文)模拟真题 (天津专用)
(2024·天津·一模)Free online courses
Greek and Roman Mythology
Instructed by Peter Struck, an associate professor of classical studies at the University of Pennsylvania, this three-week course introduces students to mythology, specifically in reference to Greek and Roman cultures. Each week students will be required to watch video lectures, ending with a quiz reviewing that week’s lessons.
Scandinavian Film and Television
This six-week course is perfect for those wanting to get familiar with Scandinavian film and television scene throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Instructor Eva Novrup Redvall, an assistant professor of film and media studies at the University of Copenhagen, leads students through weekly modules, kicking off with the early years of Scandinavian cinematic work. Film and TV clips (片段) help bring each lesson to life, as do supplemental (补充的) readings.
A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City
This class starts off with the following question: “What has Rome ever done for us ” Professor Matthew Nicholls in the Department of Classics at the University of Reading deals with that question head-on during his five-week course, focusing on the building of the ancient city of Rome and how it laid the groundwork for the construction of cities throughout the world. In addition to online discussions, the course includes digital models that students can download and view, giving them a 3-D perspective of Rome without setting foot there.
The Bard’s Life and Work
Reading Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or any of the other works by William Shakespeare is practically a rite of passage in high school English classes, but this four-week course explore the life of the English playwright and poet. Stephen Greenblatt, the John Cogan University Professor of the Humanities at Harvard University, leads students through different approaches to literary analysis and examines how his writing has been interpreted over the centuries.
1.How does the first course help students strengthen what they have learned
A.By playing film clips.
B.By giving weekly tests.
C.By offering online discussions.
D.By providing supplemental readings.
2.Which of the following courses has the longest duration
A.The Bard’s Life and Work.
B.Greek and Roman Mythology.
C.Scandinavian Film and Television.
D.A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City.
3.What will be discussed in the course “A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City”
A.Historical cities in England.
B.Greek and Roman classics.
C.Ancient Roman architecture.
D.Scandinavian traditions and customs.
4.Whose course might be favored by a Shakespeare fan
A.Eva Novrup Redvall’s.
B.Stephen Greenblatt’s.
C.Matthew Nicholls’s.
D.Peter Struck’s.
5.What is the main focus of the course “The Bard’s Life and Work”
A.Studying the life and works of Shakespeare.
B.Exploring the history of English literature.
C.Reading the passage about Shakespeare.
D.Analyzing different modern playwrights.
(2024·天津宁河·一模)Here are four best destinations to be after heart-stopping adventure, a close-up look at history, or the perfect meal.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires becomes a hub for art, sports, and politics. Though the Argentinean capital is already home to a collection of galleries, Art Basel Cities promises to promote Buenos Aires’ reputation in the global art scene by offering professional support for local artists, as well as lectures and workshops throughout the year to draw art lovers to the city.
Los Cabos, Mexico
Located at the tip of the Baja Peninsula, the two small colonial towns of Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo have become the hottest vacation destinations in Mexico in recent years. With wide, original beaches, lively nightclubs, natural resorts, and a farm-to-table food scene, the oasis of Los Cabos is drawing tourists in record numbers. As a result, the hotel scene is booming, with lots of new developments and renovations completed this year.
Until now, Zambia has had little recognition as one of Africa’s great safari (狩猎远征) destinations. Yet experts know it as the birthplace of the walking safari In South Luangwa National Park, visitors can expect to see more animals than baobab trees, while Liuwa Plain National Park is the setting for the world’s second-largest wildebeest migration, when tens of thousands of the creatures head across the plain from neighboring Angola.
Brussels, Belgium
Visitors may want to return to the Belgian capital in 2018 to visit two cutting-edge museums. The Millennium Iconoclast Museum of Art opened to show contemporary art from around the world. There’s also the Citroen Cultural Centre, which will launch its first exhibition in May. The JAM Hotel with exposed brickwork and concrete beams housed in a former art school, is the perfect place for culture lovers to stay. Don’t leave town without experiencing beer culture at youthful breweries (啤酒厂) like Brasserie de la Senne or Brussels Beer Project.
6.How does Art Basel Cities promote Buenos Aires’ reputation
A.By offering lectures only. B.By giving professional help.
C.By building workshops. D.By drawing some pictures.
7.What attracts so many tourists to the oasis of Los Cabos
A.Its wild climate. B.The booming hotels.
C.Its charming attractions. D.The special location.
8.Where can you go if you want to see wildebeest migration
A.Zambia. B.Los Cabos, Mexico.
C.Buenos Aires, Argentina. D.Brussels, Belgium.
9.What does the author strongly advise you to do in Brussels, Belgium
A.Visit modern museums. B.Live in luxury hotels.
C.Enjoy beer culture. D.Attend the art exhibition activities.
10.Where does this passage most probably come from
A.A teachers’ handbook. B.A story book.
C.A science magazine. D.A travel journal.
(2024·天津河东·一模)Scottish International Storytelling Festival
Saturday 18 October
Once Upon a Journey
National Museum of Scotland
11 am (5 hrs)
A day of storytelling journeys and performances at the National Museum. Join Captain Zeppo’s Submarine Adventures with Macastory, go on Magic Carpets and Story Safaris, and explore Scotland’s history for all ages with Andy Cannon’s Tales of a Grandson. Tickets for auditorium shows are on a first-come-first-served basis. Story Safaris and Magic Carpets have limited places and will require sign-up on the day.
Saturday 18 October
Travelling Tales
Scottish Storytelling Centre 2 pm(2 hrs)
7. 5018+
Join storytellers and musicians Essie Stewart, Claire Hewitt, Alasdair Taylor and Alastair Davidson for an afternoon of traditional journey tales and songs. Young people from Badenoch Lochaber will also share their own stories in Gaelic and English inspired by the epic journeys of the Scottish travelers.
Saturday 18 October
Enlightenment Edinburgh
Meet at Mercat Cross beside St Giles Cathedral
2. 30 pm (1 hr 45 mins)
11, 6 child |All ages
Journey through 18th-century Edinburgh. The population was small; the space they lived in was smaller. Yet from this tiny stage Edinburgh’s intellectual influence spread across the new world. Explore the mediaeval (中世纪的) Old Town to the Georgian New Town; hear about the lives of the men who fashioned new ideas: David Hume, Adam Smith. Walter Scott. James Hutton and many more.
Sunday 19 October
Natural Journeys
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
I pm(3 hrs)
Free |All ages
From Tea House to Tented Village, Gateway to Groves, and Yurts to Caravans, listen to nature’s expressive language through traditional stories and music. Journey between key locations in the beautiful Botanic Garden. There’s also The Lost Seasons, a special performance of music, story and step dance from some of Scotland’s leading traditional artists.
11.Which of the following lasts the longest time
A.Once Upon a Journey. B.Travelling Tales.
C.Enlightenment Edinburgh. D.Natural Journeys.
12.If you’d like to learn about the history of Edinburgh, you should go to _____.
A.the National Museum of Scotland B.the Scottish Storytelling Centre
C.Mercat Cross D.the Royal Botanic Garden
13.If you go to Travelling Tales, you ______.
A.need to book in advance
B.can go on Magic Carpets
C.will meet David Hume and Adam Smith
D.can listen to stories in different languages
14.You can visit the following places EXCEPT _____ in your Natural Journeys.
A.Tented Village B.Gateway to Groves
C.Tea House D.Georgian New Town
15.What do the four activities have in common
A.They are for all ages. B.They are free of charge
C.They are held on the weekend. D.They are held at the same place.
(23-24高三上·天津北辰·阶段练习)Welcome to Parkside Federation Academies
We are pleased to introduce you to a wide range of courses, training programmes and other activities.
Enrolment (注册)
You can enrol for any course on 01223 712340 from 29th June. You can download course information from http: //www.parksidefederation.org.uk/adult-learn-train/.
The office will not be open from 23rd July until 3rd September for enrolment in person due to building work, however, we will be taking bookings over the phone and by email during this time.
Our hosted enrolment dates are:
Parkside Campus: 12th September 10:00-12:00
Coleridge Campus: 10th September 18:00-19:30
·Fees are payable in full when you enrol.
·Refunds (退款) will be paid in fUll when a class is closed according to the College’s decision, or if you cancel your enrolment at least two weeks before the course starts. If you decide to cancel less than two weeks before the course starts you will receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if a course has already started.
Learner information
·If you supplied your email address, you should expect to receive a confirmation email after your enrolment.
·Free parking is available in the evening at all centres.
·Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support as well as policies and regulations.
·In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website http: //www. parksidefederation.org.uk/ or turn on local radio for up-to-date information.
·Concessionary fees are available: if you have an income lower than the government low-income level. Proof must be shown at enrollment, otherwise the full fee will be charged.
16.If you want to enroll in person, you should avoid_______.
A.29th June B.24th July C.10th September D.12th September
17.How much can you get back if you cancel your enrolment a week before the course starts
A.No refund. B.A 20% refund. C.A 50% refund. D.A full refund.
18.How will the school inform learners if it is closed due to bad weather
A.Give learners calls. B.Write emails to learners.
C.Post notices on the website. D.Announce the closure on local TV.
19.What will you receive upon enrollment
A.A college map. B.A free parking permit.
C.Confirmation of schedule. D.Information about college policies.
20.What does the underlined word “Concessionary” in the last paragraph mean
A.Reduced. B.Standard. C.Reasonable. D.Unexpected.
(23-24高三上·天津宁河·期末)Welcome to the home page of the Photography World website. We offer a range of useful services for photographers and photography lovers.
Camera Club
Join our club and enjoy a range of benefits. You’ll get invitations to our regular events, such as members’ film shows, exhibitions and talks by experts. You can apply for Full membership, Associate membership or Junior membership. Full membership includes free entry to all events and 10% discount when ordering equipment online. Associate membership gives you half-price tickets to events. Junior membership(proof of age required) allows youngsters to enjoy the benefits of Full membership. Costs (per year): Full membership $20, Associate $12, Junior $10. Most new members joined as the result of recommendations from current members.
Advice Center
Take advantage of our Advice Center. Ask our experts your questions about cameras and photography. Whether you’ re looking for solutions to problems or fresh ideas for interesting photos, you’ll get response here. Simply email your questions to advice@ or leave a recorded message on 0800-565656. We guarantee to send you a reply by email within five days. Please note that since we fail to provide information about repairs to cameras, you should contact the manufacturer about these.
Our competition is held every year and is a great chance for new and experienced photographers to win one of our great prizes, which range from albums to keep your photos in to one-day courses or a set of state-of-the-art camera equipment. Entries can only be accepted from members. They can be sent in prints, on a CD or memory stick, or by email. Please note that photos can’t be returned, so make sure you have copies. The topic—for example, wildlife, transport, people—is announced each year here on the website when the competition opens.
21.If you have Associate membership, how much should you pay for a 20-dollar ticket
A.$10. B.$12 C.$15 D.$20
22.What do you need to prove when applying for Junior membership
A.Health. B.Income. C.Age. D.Gender.
23.Which of the following CAN’T be obtained from the advice center
A.Solutions to problems about photography. B.Fresh ideas for interesting photos.
C.Response to club members’ questions. D.Information about repairs to cameras.
24.How will the Advice Center inform you of its reply
A.By writing you a letter. B.By telling you in person.
C.By telephoning you. D.By sending you an email.
25.What’s the requirement of the competition
A.Competitors must be experienced.
B.Competitors must have membership.
C.Competitors’ works must be sent by email.
D.Competitors must have spare copies of their photos.
(23-24高三上·天津·期末)Summer Programs for High School Students
Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps
Bentley University’s Summer Athletic Camps have earned the reputation as one of New England’s best teaching camps for athletics. The college offers summer athletic camps to high school students in the sports of basketball, volleyball, and more. Bentley’s camps offer students an opportunity to learn competition skills from quality players and top coaches. Boston University Summer Journalism Institute
Boston University’s Summer Journalism Institute will conduct three two-week sessions available in June or July to teach teenagers, between the ages of 15 and 18, the basic skills of jouralism, communication, and writing. What’s taught is based on real-life experience. Each lesson is tied to its practical application, by giving students reporting assignments on campus and in the city. California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)
COSMOS is a four-week summer residential program. It gives high school students who have shown skills within STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) opportunities to explore beyond their usual high school curriculum (课程). Full and partial scholarships are available. Harvard’s Pre-College Program & Secondary School Program (SSP)
If you’re wondering what college is like, Harvard offers college programs just to high school students who are curious. Harvard’s high school programs allow you to take real courses along with college students and actually earn college credits. You’ll be able to learn about subjects that are not taught within your high school curriculum, study with Harvard faculty (教员), and have the use of Harvard labs and other advanced libraries and equipment.
26.Which program is suitable for those who are enthusiastic about sports
B.Harvard’s Pre-College Program.
C.Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps.
D.Boston University Summer Journalism Institute.
27.What kind of skills can we learn at Boston University Summer Journalism Institute
A.STEM. B.Writing. C.Speed-reading. D.Production of newspapers.
28.What are participants required to do to attend COSMOS
A.Learn basic skills of journalism. B.Show interest in literature.
C.Prepare some topics to discuss. D.Live at school.
29.What do we know about COSMOS
A.It offers scholarships to students. B.It gives students chances to use Harvard labs.
C.It arranges reporting tasks for students. D.It is open to college students from around the world.
30.If you join SSP, you can __________.
A.review high school courses
B.attend Harvard after high school
C.experience a college student’s life
D.earn extra credits and graduate early from high school
(23-24高三上·天津西青·期末)As a language learning enthusiast, I’ve come up with the best apps for learning English from the thousands of mobile apps out there.
Best for Pronunciation: ELSA Speak
ELSA Speak is probably the best mobile app around for helping you improve your English pronunciation. The app’s greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback, but ELSA also provides mini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation. The AI analyzes your recordings based on pronunciation, intonation and fluency then points out exactly which parts sound inaccurate.
Best for Immersing in English Videos: FluentU
FuentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos like news reports, movie scenes and interviews, with learner tools for all levels. Each clip has interactive subtitles so if you’re not sure what a word means, you can hover over it and get in explanation. The app also gives video examples for each
word so you can learn vocabulary in context.
Best for Practical Topics: Babbel
Babbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround things that you’re personally interested in. Lessons are short and consist of written and audio versions of the grammar featured in the lessons. Then you are able to complete practice exercises to solidify your understanding.
Best for Fun Beginner Lessons: Lingodeer
Lingodeer uses games and short exercises to teach beginner and intermediate English learners. Lingodeer takes a gamified approach to language learning with a goal-oriented curriculum consisting of structured lessons and regular reviews. Lingodeer’s lessons are arranged according to themes, such as sports, weather, parts of the body and shopping.
In summary, whether you’re focusing on pronunciation, immersion, practical themes, or engaging beginner lessons, ELSA Speak, FluentU, Babbel, and Lingodeer have got you covered. Every language learner’s arsenal should include these apps as they pave the way for effective and enjoyable English language learning. Each is unique in its approach, but all aim to make your English learning journey as straightforward and motivating as possible.
31.What is the feature of ELSA Speak
A.It analyzes learners’ recordings.
B.It provides guidance for learners.
C.It gives learners helpful feedback.
D.It improves learners’ communication skill.
32.Which app provides videos as learning resources
A.ELSA Speak.
33.Which method does Babbel use for language teaching
A.Learning through genuine dialogues.
B.Learning through songs and music.
C.Learning through flashcards only.
D.Learning through books and online lectures.
34.What can learners do with the app Lingodeer
A.Design games.
B.Structure lessons.
C.Take advanced courses.
D.Study around a theme.
35.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage
A.To criticize English learning apps.
B.To describe various features in mobile phones.
C.To recommend the best apps for English learning.
D.To discuss the role of technology in education.
(23-24高三上·天津·期末)Ice Skating Programs in Nashville
At Centennial Sportsplex
222 25th Ave. N., Nashville
Nashville Skating Academy (NSA)
NSA’s Learn-to-Skate program can help you master skating skills in figure skating (花样滑冰) and hockey! Snow Plow Sam 1-3 for kids aged3-5; Basic 1-6 for kids aged 6 and older; Adult classes are for skaters aged 16 and older.
The NSA Learn-to-Skate program runs a seven-week series year-round on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. The Basic class package (整套计划) is $155 per seven-week series for one class per week; the complete package is $275 per seven-week series for all classes offered in the session.
Skaters must pass Basic 1 and 2 before signing up for the Learn to Skate Hockey class that focuses on skating skills specific to hockey. For skaters in level Basic 5 or above, the next program is Rising Stars Bridge focusing on spins, jumps and moves in the field.
At Ford Ice Center
5264 Hickory Hollow Pkwy. Antioch
The Scott Hamilton Skating Academy (SHSA)
SHSA’s Learn-to-Skate program teaches skaters how to skate in figure skating and ice hockey. The Scott’s Tots program for ages 3-5 and Basic Skills 1-6 for ages 6-15 teach kids agility, coordination (敏捷、协调), balance and speed. Learn to Skate Hockey is for kids aged 6-15 to learn the fundamentals of ice hockey. Skaters must have completed Basic Skills Level 3. Freeskate 1-6 for all ages is for progressive skating skills like transitions (步法衔接), spins and jumps to guide skaters to recreational and competitive figure skating. Skaters must have completed Basic Skills Level 1-6. Adults (ages 16 and older, beginner to advanced) is for beginning and experienced skaters who want to improve their skills.
A new session begins every seven weeks, year-round. Classes are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Cost is $145 per seven-week session which consists of one class per week for seven weeks; $230 per seven-week session for all classes per week.
For skaters in Basic 4 and up, SHSA also offers a Theatre on Ice program, which runs for eight weeks and costs $90 for each session.
36.A four-year-old kid can attend ________.
A.NSA’s Basic 1-6.
B.SHSA’s Basic Skills 1-6.
C.NSA’s Snow Plow Sam 1-3.
D.SHSA’s Learn to Skate Hockey.
37.For three classes per week in a seven-week session, a teenager will be charged ________.
A.$145 by SHSA. B.$275 by NSA.
C.$465 by NSA. D.$690 by SHSA.
38.Before advancing to Rising Stars Bridge, you have to ________.
A.pass Basic 1& 2. B.complete Basic 1-6.
C.reach level Basic 5. D.finish Learn to Skate Hockey.
39.What can we know about SHSA’s classes
A.Scott’s Tots and Basic Skills1-6 teach different things.
B.Basic Skills 1-6 teaches transitions, spins and jumps.
C.Freeskate 1-6 focuses on figure skating skills.
D.All adult classes require skating experience.
40.If you’re interested in combining skating skills with theatre, you can ________.
A.call 615-862-8480.
B.sign up for a specialized class with NSA.
C.go to 222 25th Ave. N., Nashville.
D.find a program at Ford Ice Center.
(23-24高三上·天津和平·期末)You’re looking for a holiday with a difference It’s on offer right here! Come with us on a very special tour of the great southern continent Antarctica. It’s the only untouched wilderness left on our planet. For 10 months of the year, the continent is inaccessible by ships. Consequently, our tours are conducted in the brief period in late spring when the ice has melted and we can reach Antarctica.
So why should I go there
Antarctica may lack man-made attractions, but its natural beauty is breathtaking. You’ll want to tell your grandchildren about this trip in years to come. Ninety-eight percent of this continent is covered with ice, which contains 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water, although it receives very little rainfall.
What kind of things could I see and do there
Our tours are conducted in summer, but you have to remember that summer is six months later in the Southern Hemisphere. Apart from the Arctic region, Antarctica is one of the two areas on earth where you can enjoy 24 hours of sunlight. To get there, we have our own ship, which is equipped with a helicopter and a landing pad. Once there you’ll be able to observe penguins and birds, and even watch whales and seals in the ocean.
Do your tours damage the environment
No, not at all. We don’t disturb the wildlife, and we remove all the rubbish that we produce. We strictly follow the guidelines contained in the 1991 Antarctica Agreement, which bans oil exploration and protects wildlife.
How long does a tour last
That depends on which tour package you choose. You can visit the Antarctic region for as long as a month or, if you depart from Australia, you can see the Antarctic continent from the air in just one day. We will fly you over the continent so you can see it from the comfort of your seat on one of our aircraft. The exact route depends on the weather on the day of the . tour, but normally the flights pass over the Antarctic coastline and then head inland over vast landscapes formed by ice and dramatic mountain ranges.
That sounds really interesting. How do I make a booking
South Pole Tours are based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Call us on 25674874 today!
41.According to Paragraph 1, what can we learn about Antarctica
A.Antarctica is a crowded tourist destination.
B.Spring is the best time to visit Antarctica.
C.The tour to Antarctica is quite expensive.
D.Antarctica is accessible by helicopters at any. time.
42.Tourists paying a visit to Antarctica can ________ .
A.find many man-made attractions
B.share the experiences with each other
C.reach Antarctica by taking a helicopter
D.have chances to view some sea animals
43.According to the guidelines, which action is proper to address environmental concerns
A.Visitors must take fresh water with them while visiting the continent.
B.The continent must be closed to visitors in late spring every year.
C.Polar tour must be conducted without disturbing its wildlife.
D.Oil exploration is allowed only when all the rubbish is removed.
44.The length of the tour will be determined by ________.
A.the weather on the day of the tour
B.the route visitors take to the region
C.the tour package you decided on
D.the amount of money tourists paid
45.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage
A.To introduce some information of Antarctica to readers.
B.To attract potential tourists to go on a visit to Antarctica.
C.To highlight some rules for visitors staying on Antarctica.
D.To promote new businesses on the continent of Antarctica.
(23-24高三上·天津·阶段练习)Wifi UltraBoost
Have you ever noticed how much slower your Internet gets during the peak hours of the day Luckily, there’s finally a solution! It requires only one simple device, Wifi UltraBoost, to put an end to this and many other annoying Internet problems!
How does it work
Wifi UltraBoost spots your existing signal, improves its characteristics, and then sends already expanded Wi-Fi through all the barriers it meets on its way—whether it’s concrete walls or multiple floors. It also solves our main problem — Internet providers slowing down the speed — by preventing data usage reports from reaching Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the first place.
What are its main features
Working with any Internet router (路由器). Using the frequency of 2.4 GHz.
Achieving the transfer rate of up to 300Mbps. Being easy to set up.
What problems does it solve
Slow Internet connection. Weak Wi-Fi signals beyond 30 meters.
Bad quality of video calls. Wi-Fi “dead spots” around your house.
Thick walls that weaken the signals. Insufficient download and upload times.
How to use it
Step 1: Get Wifi UltraBoost from the official website.
Step 2: Plug Wifi UltraBoost into a socket (插座) and start the equipment.
Step 3: Be amazed at your Wi-Fi speed!
Why should we get Wifi UltraBoost today
Wifi UltraBoost brings noticeable results immediately after you plug it in. For a limited time, Wifi UltraBoost is available to you at a price that is 60% lower (instead of $99.99)! Order now and enjoy your improved Internet connection!
46.What is Wifi UltraBoost
A.An application to transform networks. B.An organization to limit Internet speed.
C.A piece of equipment to improve Wi-Fi. D.A formal provider to offer Internet service.
47.What do we know about Wifi UltraBoost from the text
A.It is useful, easy to operate, but power-wasting.
B.It is applicable, highly efficient, and convenient.
C.It is popular, technically advanced, and trendy.
D.It is competitive, well-performing, but critical.
48.What can Wifi UltraBoost do
A.Guarantee high-quality video calls.
B.Help Internet routers function normally.
C.Set up an Internet connection among Wi-Fi signals.
D.Save the electricity used to surf the Internet.
49.What might be the current price of Wifi UltraBoost
A.$ 39.99. B.$59.99. C.$ 69.99. D.$99.99.
50.What type of writing is the text
A.An announcement. B.A product review. C.An official report. D.An advertisement.
1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A
1.细节理解题。根据Greek and Roman Mythology标题下“Each week students will be required to watch video lectures, ending with a quiz reviewing that week’s lessons.”(学生们每周都会被要求观看视频讲座,最后会有一个小测验来复习这周的课程。)可知,第一门课程帮助学生巩固他们所学的知识是通过每周进行测试的方式。故选B项。
2.细节理解题。根据Greek and Roman Mythology标题下“Instructed by Peter Struck, an associate professor of classical studies at the University of Pennsylvania, this three-week course introduces students to mythology, specifically in reference to Greek and Roman cultures.”(由宾夕法尼亚大学古典研究副教授彼得·斯特鲁克指导,这门为期三周的课程向学生介绍神话,特别是希腊和罗马文化。)、Scandinavian Film and Television标题下“This six-week course is perfect for those wanting to get familiar with Scandinavian film and television scene throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.”(这个为期六周的课程非常适合那些想要熟悉20世纪和21世纪斯堪的纳维亚电影和电视场景的人。)、A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City标题下“Professor Matthew Nicholls in the Department of Classics at the University of Reading deals with that question head-on during his five-week course, focusing on the building of the ancient city of Rome and how it laid the groundwork for the construction of cities throughout the world.”(雷丁大学古典学系的马修·尼科尔斯教授在他为期五周的课程中,直接探讨了这个问题,重点是罗马古城的建设,以及它如何为世界各地的城市建设奠定基础。)及The Bard’s Life and Work标题下“Reading Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or any of the other works by William Shakespeare is practically a rite of passage in high school English classes, but this four-week course explore the life of the English playwright and poet. ”(在高中英语课上,阅读《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》或威廉·莎士比亚的其他作品几乎是一种成人仪式,但这门为期四周的课程将探索这位英国剧作家和诗人的一生。)可知,Scandinavian Film and Television课程的学习时间最长。故选C项。
3.细节理解题。根据A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City标题下“Professor Matthew Nicholls in the Department of Classics at the University of Reading deals with that question head-on during his five-week course, focusing on the building of the ancient city of Rome and how it laid the
groundwork for the construction of cities throughout the world. ”(雷丁大学古典学系的马修·尼科尔斯教授在他为期五周的课程中,直接探讨了这个问题,重点是罗马古城的建设,以及它如何为世界各地的城市建设奠定基础。)可知,“虚拟古城之旅”这门课将讨论的内容是古罗马建筑。故选C项。
4.细节理解题。根据The Bard’s Life and Work标题下“Reading Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or any of the other works by William Shakespeare is practically a rite of passage in high school English classes, but this four-week course explore the life of the English playwright and poet. Stephen Greenblatt, the John Cogan University Professor of the Humanities at Harvard University, leads students through different approaches to literary analysis and examines how his writing has been interpreted over the centuries.”(在高中英语课上,阅读《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》或威廉·莎士比亚的其他作品几乎是一种成人仪式,但这门为期四周的课程将探索这位英国剧作家和诗人的一生。哈佛大学约翰·科根大学人文学科教授斯蒂芬·格林布拉特带领学生通过不同的方法进行文学分析,并研究了几个世纪以来他的作品是如何被解读的。)可知,Stephen Greenblatt’s的课程会受到莎士比亚迷的青睐。故选B项。
5.细节理解题。根据The Bard’s Life and Work标题下“Reading Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet or any of the other works by William Shakespeare is practically a rite of passage in high school English classes, but this four-week course explore the life of the English playwright and poet. ”(在高中英语课上,阅读《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》或威廉·莎士比亚的其他作品几乎是一种成人仪式,但这门为期四周的课程将探索这位英国剧作家和诗人的一生。)可知, “The Bard’s Life and Work”这门课程主要关注的是研究莎士比亚的生平和作品。故选A项。
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.D
6.细节理解题。根据第二段“Though the Argentinean capital is already home to a collection of galleries, Art Basel Cities promises to promote Buenos Aires’ reputation in the global art scene by offering professional support for local artists, as well as lectures and workshops throughout the year to draw art lovers to the city.(尽管阿根廷首都已经有很多画廊,但巴塞尔城市艺术展承诺通过为当地艺术家提供专业支持,以及全年举办讲座和研讨会来吸引艺术爱好者,从而提升布宜诺斯艾利斯在全球艺术界的声誉)”可知,巴塞尔城市艺术展通过提供专业帮助提升布宜诺斯艾利斯的声誉。故选B。
7.细节理解题。根据第三段“With wide, original beaches, lively nightclubs, natural resorts, and a farm-to-table food scene, the oasis of Los Cabos is drawing tourists in record numbers.(宽阔、原始的海滩、热闹的夜总会、自然度假胜地和从农场到餐桌的美食场景,洛斯卡沃斯的绿洲正吸引着创纪录数量的游客)”可知,洛斯卡沃斯的绿洲迷人的景点吸引了许多游客来到这里。故选C。
8.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Yet experts know it as the birthplace of the walking safari In South Luangwa National Park, visitors can expect to see more animals than baobab trees, while Liuwa Plain National Park is the setting for the world’s second-largest wildebeest migration, when tens of thousands of the creatures head across the plain from neighboring Angola.(在南卢安瓜国家公园,游客可以看到比猴面包树更多的动物,而柳瓦平原国家公园是世界上第二大角马迁徙的地点,成千上万的角马从邻国安哥拉穿越平原)”可知,如果你想看角马迁徙,你可以去赞比亚。故选A。
9.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Don’t leave town without experiencing beer culture at youthful breweries (啤酒厂) like Brasserie de la Senne or Brussels Beer Project.(别忘了去Brasserie de la Senne或布鲁塞尔啤酒项目等年轻的啤酒厂体验啤酒文化)”可知,作者强烈建议你在比利时布鲁塞尔享受啤酒文化。故选C。
10.推理判断题。根据第一段“Here are four best destinations to be after heart-stopping adventure, a close-up look at history, or the perfect meal.(如果你想经历惊心动魄的冒险、近距离了解历史,或者品尝一顿完美的大餐,那么以下四个目的地是你的最佳选择)”结合文章主要介绍了四个旅游目的地的情况。可知,文章选自旅行日志。故选D。
11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C
细节理解题。根据各个活动的时间尤其是Once Upon a Journey中的时间“11 am (5 hrs)”可知,Once Upon a Journey这个活动的持续的时间最长。故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据Enlightenment Edinburgh部分的“Meet at Mercat Cross beside St Giles Cathedral (在圣吉尔斯大教堂旁的Mercat Cross会面)”可知,如果你想了解爱丁堡的历史,你应该去Mercat Cross。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据Travelling Tales部分的“Young people from Badenoch Lochaber will also
share their own stories in Gaelic and English inspired by the epic journeys of the Scottish travelers. (Badenoch Lochaber的年轻人还将以盖尔语和英语分享他们自己的故事,这些故事的灵感来自苏格兰旅行者的史诗之旅。)”可知,如果你去参加Travelling Tales,你可以听不同语言的故事。故选D。
14.细节理解题。根据Natural Journeys部分的“From Tea House to Tented Village, Gateway to Groves, and Yurts to Caravans, listen to nature’s expressive language through traditional stories and music. (从茶馆到帐篷村,从Groves的Gateway到大篷车的Yurts,通过传统故事和音乐聆听大自然的表达语言。)”可知,在Natural Journeys中,能够参观的地方为Tea House,Tented Village,Gateway的Groves。所以不能参观Georgian New Town。故选D。
16.B 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A
【导语】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Parkside Federation Academies的课程注册情况。
16.细节理解题。根据Enrolment (注册)部分中“The office will not be open from 23rd July until 3rd September for enrolment in person due to building work, however, we will be taking bookings over the phone and by email during this time.(由于建筑工程,办公室将于7月23日至9月3日期间不开放,但在此期间,我们将通过电话和电子邮件接受预订)”可知,如果你想亲自报名,你应该避开7月24日。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据Fees部分中“If you decide to cancel less than two weeks before the course starts you will receive a 50% refund. (如果你决定在课程开始前不到两周取消,你将收到50%的退款)”可知,如果你在开课前一周取消报名,你可以拿回50%退款。故选C。
18.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“·In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website http: //www. parksidefederation.org.uk/ or turn on local radio for up-to-date information. (·在恶劣天气导致学校关闭的情况下:请查看网站http: //www.parksidefederation.org.uk/或打开当地广播以获取最新信息)”可知,如果学校因恶劣天气停课,学校将在网站上发布通知来通知学生。故选C。
19.细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support as well as policies and regulations.(注册后,你将收到有关学院支持以及政策法规的学习者信息)”可知,注册后你会收到关于大学政策的信息。故选D。
20.词句猜测题。根据划线词后文“fees are available: if you have an income lower than the
government low-income level.”可知,如果收入低于政府规定的低收入标准,则可享受学费减免。故划线词意思是“减少的”。故选A。
21.A 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.B
21.细节理解题。根据第二段“Associate membership gives you half-price tickets to events. (会员资格为您提供半价活动门票。)”可知,会员资格为您提供半价活动门票,所以如果你是会员,你应该花10美元买一张20美元的票。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据第二段“Junior membership(proof of age required) allows youngsters to enjoy the benefits of Full membership. (初级会员资格(需要年龄证明)允许年轻人享受正式会员资格的好处。)”可知,初级会员资格需要年龄证明。故选C。
23.细节理解题。根据第三段“Take advantage of our Advice Center. Ask our experts your questions about cameras and photography. Whether you’ re looking for solutions to problems or fresh ideas for interesting photos, you’ll get response here. Simply email your questions to advice@ or leave a recorded message on 0800-565656. We guarantee to send you a reply by email within five days. Please note that since we fail to provide information about repairs to cameras, you should contact the manufacturer about these. (利用我们的咨询中心。向我们的专家询问有关相机和摄影的问题。无论你是在寻找问题的解决方案,还是为有趣的照片寻找新的想法,你都会在这里得到回应。只需将您的问题通过电子邮件发送至@,或拨打0800-565656留下录音信息。我们保证在五天内通过电子邮件给您回复。请注意,由于我们无法提供有关相机维修的信息,您应该联系制造商。)”可知,这里可以提供摄影问题的解决方案,有趣照片的新鲜创意并且回答俱乐部成员的问题,但是无法提供有关摄像头维修的信息。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据第三段“We guarantee to send you a reply by email within five days. (我们保证在五天内通过电子邮件给您回复。)”可知,Advice Center通过发电子邮件给与回复。故选D。
25.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Entries can only be accepted from members. (只能接受会员的参赛作品。)”可知,必须是会员才能参加比赛。故选B。
26.C 27.B 28.D 29.A 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps部分中的“The college offers summer athletic camps to high school students in the sports of basketball, volleyball, and more.(学院为高中生提供篮球、排球等项目的夏令营)”可知,该项目为高中生提供篮球、排球等项目的夏令营。由此可知,Bentley University Summer Athletic Camps适合热爱运动的人。故选C项。
27.细节理解题。根据Boston University Summer Journalism Institute部分中的“Boston University’s Summer Journalism Institute will conduct three two-week sessions available in June or July to teach teenagers, between the ages of 15 and 18, the basic skills of jouralism, communication, and writing.(波士顿大学暑期新闻学院将在6月或7月举办三次为期两周的课程,向15至18岁的青少年传授新闻、沟通和写作的基本技能)”可知,Boston University Summer Journalism Institute向15至18岁的青少年传授新闻、沟通和写作的基本技能。由此可知,在Boston University Summer Journalism Institute可以学到写作技能。故选B项。
28.细节理解题。根据California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS)部分中的“COSMOS is a four-week summer residential program.(COSMOS是一个为期四周的夏季住宿项目)”可知,该项目是一个为期四周的夏季住宿项目。由此可知,该项目要求学生在学校住宿。故选D项。
29.细节理解题。根据California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) 部分中的“Full and partial scholarships are available.(可以得到全额奖学金和部分奖学金)”可知,在该项目中可以获得全额和部分奖学金。由此可知,COSMOS给学生提供奖学金。故选A项。
30.细节理解题。根据Harvard’s Pre-College Program & Secondary School Program (SSP)部分中的“If you’re wondering what college is like, Harvard offers college programs just to high school students who are curious.(如果你想知道大学是什么样的,哈佛大学专门为好奇的高中生提供大学课程)”可知,如果想知道大学是什么样的,哈佛大学专门为好奇的高中生提供大学课程,结合下文中的介绍的该项目允许与大学生一起学习大学课程,获得大学学分,与哈佛大学教师一起学习,使用哈佛的实验室和其他先进的图书馆和设备。由此可知,如果加入SSP,你可以体验大学生的生活。故选C项。
31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C
31.细节理解题。根据Best for Pronunciation: ELSA Speak部分中“The app’s greatest strength is its intensive AI feedback, but ELSA also provides mini-training sessions to really perfect your pronunciation.(这款应用最大的优势在于它密集的人工智能反馈,但ELSA也提供了迷你培训课程,以真正完善你的发音。)”可知,ELSA Speak的特色是能给学习者有用的反馈。故选C项。
32.细节理解题。根据Best for Immersing in English Videos: FluentU部分中“FuentU is a language learning app that teaches you English through authentic videos like news reports, movie scenes and interviews, with learner tools for all levels.(FuentU是一款语言学习应用程序,通过新闻报道、电影场景和采访等真实视频教你英语,并为所有级别的学习者提供学习工具。)”可知,FluentU提供视频作为学习资源。故选B项。
33.细节理解题。根据Best for Practical Topics: Babbel部分中“Babbel has you learn and practice English with realistic conversations that surround things that you’re personally interested in.( Babbel让你通过真实的对话来学习和练习英语,这些对话围绕着你个人感兴趣的事情)”可知,Babbel通过使用真实的对话这种方法进行语言教学。故选A项。
34.细节理解题。根据Best for Fun Beginner Lessons: Lingodeer部分中“Lingodeer’s lessons are arranged according to themes, such as sports, weather, parts of the body and shopping.(Lingodeer的课程是根据主题来安排的,比如运动、天气、身体部位和购物。)”可知,学习者可以使用Lingodeer围绕一个主题学习。故选D项。
35.推理判断题。通读全文,根据第一段“As a language learning enthusiast, I’ve come up with the best apps for learning English from the thousands of mobile apps out there.(作为一名语言学习爱好者,我从成千上万的手机应用程序中找到了学习英语的最佳应用程序。)”可知,本文主要是为英语学习者和教育者推荐几款最好的英语学习应用程序。故选C项。
36.C 37.B 38.C 39.C 40.D
36.细节理解题。根据“Nashville Skating Academy (NSA)”中“Snow Plow Sam 1-3 for kids aged3-5”(Snow Plow Sam 1-3适合3-5岁的孩子。)可知,四岁的孩子可以参加NSA’s Snow Plow Sam 1-3。故选C项。
37.细节理解题。根据“Nashville Skating Academy (NSA)”中第二段“The NSA Learn-to-Skate program runs a seven-week series year-round on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45 - 6:45 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. The Basic class package is $155 per seven-week series for one class per week; the complete package is $275 per seven-week series for all classes offered in the session.”(美国国家安全局的“学滑冰”项目在每周二和周四下午5点45分至6点45分,周六上午9点45分至10点45分,全年持续7周。基本课程套餐(每周一节课)每七周155美元,完整的课程包是每七周275美元,包括所有课程。)可知,每周三节课,为期七周的完整的课程包是275美元。故选B项。
38.细节理解题。根据“Nashville Skating Academy (NSA)”中最后一句“For skaters in level Basic 5 or above, the next program is Rising Stars Bridge focusing on spins, jumps and moves in the field.”(对于基础5级或以上的滑冰选手,下一个项目是Rising Stars Bridge,重点是在场地上旋转、跳跃和移动。)可知,在进入Rising Stars Bridge项目之前,需要达到基础5级或以上水平。故选C项。
39.细节理解题。根据“The Scott Hamilton Skating Academy (SHSA)”中第一段“Freeskate 1-6 for all ages is for progressive skating skills like transitions, spins and jumps to guide skaters to recreational and competitive figure skating.”(自由滑板1-6适合所有年龄段的人,是针对像过渡、旋转和跳跃这样的渐进式滑冰技能的,指导滑冰运动员进行娱乐性和竞争性的花样滑冰。)可知,自由滑板1-6侧重于花样滑冰技巧。故选C项。
40.细节理解题。根据最后一段“For skaters in Basic 4 and up, SHSA also offers a Theatre on Ice program, which runs for eight weeks and costs $90 for each session.”(SHSA还为基础4级及以上的滑冰者提供“冰上剧院”项目,为期八周,每次费用为90美元。)可知,如果你有兴趣把滑冰技巧和戏剧结合起来,可以参加“冰上剧院”项目,该项目是SHSA在Ford Ice Center举行的。故选D项。
41.B 42.D 43.C 44.C 45.B
41.细节理解题。根据第一段“For 10 months of the year, the continent is inaccessible by ships. Consequently, our tours are conducted in the brief period in late spring when the ice has melted and we can reach Antarctica.(一年中有10个月,船只无法进入非洲大陆。因此,我们的旅行是在晚春的短暂时间内进行的,那时冰已经融化,我们可以到达南极洲)”可知,春天是到访南极洲的最好的季节,故选B项。
42.细节理解题。根据第三段“Once there you’ll be able to observe penguins and birds, and even watch whales and seals in the ocean.(一旦到了那里,你就可以观察企鹅和鸟类,甚至可以观察海洋中的鲸鱼和海豹)”可知,到访南极的游客有机会看到海洋动物,故选D项。
43.细节理解题。根据第四段“We don’t disturb the wildlife, and we remove all the rubbish that we produce. We strictly follow the guidelines contained in the 1991 Antarctica Agreement, which bans oil exploration and protects wildlife.(我们不打扰野生动物,我们清除我们产生的所有垃圾。我们严格遵守1991年《南极协定》中的指导方针,该协定禁止石油勘探并保护野生动物)”可知,根据《南极协定》指导方针,极地旅游必须在不干扰野生动物的情况下进行,这种行动适合解决环境问题,故选C项。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“How long does a tour last That depends on which tour package you choose.( 旅行持续多久?这取决于你选择的旅游套餐)”可知,旅行的时间长度取决于你选择的旅游套餐,故选C项。
45.推理判断题。根据第一段“You’re looking for a holiday with a difference It’s on offer right here! Come with us on a very special tour of the great southern continent Antarctica.(你正在寻找与众不同的假期吗?这里就有!让我们一起踏上南极洲这片伟大的南极大陆,开启一段非常特别的旅程)”以及“So why should I go there (那我为什么要去那里呢?)”、“What kind of things could I see and do there ( 我能在那里看到什么样的东西并做什么?)”、“Do your tours damage the environment (你的旅行会破坏环境吗?)”、“How long does a tour last (旅行要持续多久?)”以及“That sounds really interesting. How do I make a booking (这听起来真的很有趣。我该如何预订?)”可知,本文是一则广告。由此推知,本文的写作目的是吸引潜在的游客去南极旅游,故选B项。
46.C 47.B 48.A 49.A 50.D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了一款叫Wifi UltraBoost的产品的具体信息,包括其工作原理、特点、解决的问题、使用方法等。
46.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Have you ever noticed how much slower your Internet gets during the peak hours of the day (你有没有注意到,在一天的高峰时段,你的网络速度变慢了多少)”和“It requires only one simple device, Wifi UltraBoost, to put an end to this and many other annoying Internet problems! (它只需要一个简单的设备Wifi UltraBoost,就可以结束这个和许多其他恼人的互联网问题)”可知,这款产品是一种改善Wi-Fi网络速度的设备。故选C项。
47.推理判断题。根据What are its main features 中“Working with any Internet router (路由器). (与任何互联网路由器一起工作)”“Achieving the transfer rate of up to 300Mbps. (实现高达300Mbps的传输速率)”和“Being easy to set up. (容易设置)”可知,这款产品匹配任何路由器,可以显著提升传输速率,设置容易。因此,它适用性高,很高效,很方便使用。故选B项。
48.细节理解题。根据What problems does it solve 中“Bad quality of video calls. (视频通话质量差)”可知,款产品可以保证高质量的视频通话。故选A项。
49.细节理解题。根据Why should we get Wifi UltraBoost today 中“For a limited time, Wifi UltraBoost is available to you at a price that is 60% lower (instead of $99.99)! (在有限的时间内,Wifi UltraBoost以低于60%的价格提供给您,而不是99.99美元)”可知,这款产品当前的价格约为39.99美元(≈99.99×40%)。故选A项。
50.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段中“Order now and enjoy your improved Internet connection! (现在订购,享受您的改进的互联网连接)”可知,文章介绍了一款叫Wifi UltraBoost的产品的具体信息,包括其工作原理、特点、解决的问题、使用方法等,并呼吁订购。由此推知,文章应该是一则推销产品的广告。故选D项。




下一篇:【备考2024】数学中考一轮复习 第19节几何初步、相交线与平行线 课件(共27张PPT)+练习(含解析)