
(考试时间:90分钟 试卷满分:115分)
Grammar and Vocabulary (每题1分;共20分)
Section A
Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
Intentional Travel for the Curious
For those seeking a different adventure around every corner, the state of Florida doesn’t disappoint. Sun lovers will be fascinated by hundreds of miles of white-sand beaches 1 they can enjoy themselves in the rays and explore aquatic (水生的) life. Naturalists can get lost in ecological wonders 2 naturalists search the forests for local wildlife or hike some of the country’s most beautiful trails. No matter your passion, look no farther than the Sunshine State 3 (satisfy) your scientific and cultural curiosities.
Do you want the perfect combination of excitement and relaxing breaks 4 (locate) on Florida’s East Coast, Daytona Beach is full of things to do, places to see, and experiences of a lifetime. It is the ideal combination of physical and natural world 5 promises to make visitors return again and again.
When it comes to Florida, people often think of the beaches — and Daytona Beach has some of the best.Daytona Beach 6 (bless) with 23 miles of beautiful white-sand beaches. This expansive stretch is one of the few places in the country that you 7 actually take a drive on the beach- an activity that all who visit Daytona Beach should entertain. Take in the sights and 8 (breathe) in the fresh air as you
leisurely drive down the beach. Or park your car and grab a towel to be in the sun and perhaps enjoy 9 (explore) Daytona Beach’s offshore reef system.
To experience more of the natural world,visit Blue Spring State Park.It is where hundreds of manatees (海牛) seek warm-water shelter from late fall through early spring. Want more exposure to aquatic animals Ecotourism is one of thebest ways to see Florida’s 10 (impressive) species. The family will love the Marine Science Center, which has a rare fish touch pool and bird observation tower.
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A.confirmed B.measurable C.previously D.determine E. tracking F. habitable G.virtually H. sensitive I. protect J. surprised K.system
A New Exoplanet in the System
In 2014, data from NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope allowed astronomers to announce the detection of three planets orbiting Kepler-138. This was based on a 11 dip in starlight as the planet momentarily passed in front of their star, a transit.
Benneke and his colleague Diana Dragomir, from the University of New Mexico, came up with the idea of re-observing the planetary 12 with the Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes between 2014 and 2016 to catch more transits of Kepler-138d, the third planet in the system, in order to study its atmosphere.
While earlier NASA Kepler space telescope observations only showed transits of three small planets around Kepler-138, Piaulet and her team were 13 to find that the Hubble and Spitzer observations suggested the presence of a fourth planet in the system, Kepler-138e.
This newly found planet is small and farther from its star than the three others, taking 38 days to complete an orbit.The planet is in the 14 zone of its star, a temperate region where a planet receives just the right amount of heat from its cool star to be neither too hot nor too cold to allow the presence of liquid water. Observing the exoplanet’s transit would have allowed astronomers to 15 its size.
With Kepler-138e, the masses of the 16 known planets were measured again via the transit timing-variation method, which consists of 17 small variations in the precise moments of the planets’ transits in front of their star caused by the gravitational pull of other nearby planets.
The researchers had another surprise: they found that the two water worlds Kepler-138c and d are twin planets, with 18 the same size and mass, while they were previously thought to be greatly different. The
closer-in planet,Kepler-138b, on the other hand, is 19 to be a small Mars-mass planet, one of the smallest exoplanets known to date.
“As our instruments and techniques become 20 enough to find and study planets that are farther from their stars, we might start finding a lot more water worlds like Kepler-138 c and d,” Benneke concluded.
Reading Comprehension (21 – 35题,每题1分;36 – 50题,每题2分;共45分)
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
So many of us are terrible at being terrible. As our children venture off to school, sports, dances and music lessons, we urge them: Just try something, keep practicing, you’re only a beginner. And yet, faced with our own failure, we become less confident, and quit altogether.
Images of perfection fill our social-media feeds, along with advertisements assuring us we wouldn’t be so 21 if we just bought this thing or tried that product. Parents often add to the pressure, 22 their kids will end up sliding down the socioeconomic ladder.
What if we’re 23
“It’s such a 24 not to have to be good,” says Karen Rinaldi, who refers to herself as a horrible surfer. After 20 years on the board, she is still bad, and she loves it. There is the excitement of being out on the water, but there is also the 25 of not having to be the expert, the freedom to 26 help and rely on others in a way she never would at work. Back on land, she says she is more understanding and 27 others’ mistakes. “The benefit of not 28 myself every day,” she says, “is that I get to surf every time I want.”
Ms. Rinaldi, whose experience led to a book about what you can learn from failure, recommends asking yourself: “What is it that you’ve always wanted to do or try but were too 29 ” Whatever it is, she says, start doing it. Should you struggle, 30 the fact that you’re a beginner. “Go in there with the 31 to say, ‘I’m new,’” she says. “People want to help you learn. It makes them feel good.”
Take myself as another example. I started yoga lessons this summer. When I 32 Syd Schulz, a professional mountain biker, that I was terrible at the poses, her response was “what did you expect ” “It’s a little 33 to people who have spent years and years of their lives acquiring skills to think that you should have those overnight,” says Ms. Schulz. Years spent working on her cycling have taught her that improvement often comes in 34 steps, following long stretches of inactivity or even getting 35 .
21.A.distressing B.imperfect C.impressive D.incredible
22.A.fearing B.confirming C.hoping D.indicating
23.A.missing out B.putting up C.setting in D.taking off
24.A.burden B.nonsense C.puzzle D.relief
25.A.disappointment B.nervousness C.preference D.satisfaction
26.A.acknowledge B.offer C.refuse D.seek
27.A.angry at B.delighted in C.embarrassed with D.patient with
28.A.awarding B.forgiving C.isolating D.pushing
29.A.afraid B.annoyed C.depressed D.exhausted
30.A.accept B.conceal C.deny D.examine
31.A.excitement B.modesty C.potential D.pride
32.A.apologized to B.argued with C.complained to D.shouted at
33.A.abusive B.amazing C.annoying D.attentive
34.A.careful B.hesitant C.involuntary D.unsteady
35.A.alert B.fulfilled C.improved D.worse
Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
If you search the internet these days, you’ll likely run across some strange-looking, yet cheerful cartoon characters. These computer-created people have small heads and overdone bodies. They’re created in daring color with arms and legs that look like giant wet noodles. The happy figures are often moving or doing something creative.
In 2017 Facebook paid a design team to develop a positive illustration system. One of the designers took that message to heart. She worked to show human connection, motion, energy and joy in her drawings. She “wanted to picture that sense of joy people feel when they’re sharing things together....” The name which was given to the new art form when it was completed was very appropriate. They named it Alegria, which means joy in Spanish. Before long Alegria became the go-to style for many technology and media businesses. Corporations such as Google, Airbnb and YouTube began using Alegria or art with Alegria-type similarities. Today you can find Alegria art across the internet, in print, on magazine covers and more.
Why did Alegria art become popular so quickly There are many reasons. As websites depended on illustrations to fill space, Alegria-type art became increasingly useful. The style is flat, simple and easy to create. By comparison, more detailed art designs require extra time, skill and money to produce. Businesses also love the fact that Alegria’s characters celebrate diversity by featuring international cultural events. The illustrations convey good feelings. Those feelings help people believe they can trust the companies that feature them on their pages.
For some consumers, though, that’s a problem. These people think some companies have simply papered over their problems with positive images. They’ve failed to address their wrongdoings or make lasting changes. For many, however, Alegria is a nice visual language that represents happiness. From children hugging to couples dancing, the images are all about positive energy. All in all, it seems that Alegria is the perfect name of this playful, fun art style.
36.Which of the following features makes Alegria art style so well received quickly
A.Its cheerful room-filling images.
B.Its trustworthy figures.
C.Its role as cultural representatives.
D.Its eye-catching details.
37.We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.Alegria images may help hide faults
B.positive images convey funny messages
C.illustrations can be audio in some way
D.small-sized cartoon characters enjoy popularity
38.Alegria is thought as the perfect name for the art style because of its ______.
A.system and creativity B.technology and impact
C.popularity and profit D.meaning and function
A STRAIGHTFORWARD INCOME INVEST IN HIGHWAYS. Discover why now may be a good time for municipal bonds In today’s particularly unstable economy, aiming for secure sources of income is more relevant than ever. Tax-free municipal bonds (市政债券) (often issued to fund major infrastructure projects for example highways) offer two significant benefits. They can provide historically low risk, and income from bonds is federally (联邦地) tax free.
With municipal bonds, investors are paid back the full-face value of their investment at maturity (or earlier, if called) unless the bond defaults, or fails to pay. This historically low risk is essential for many investors, particularly those in, or close to, retirement. In August of 2019, Moody’s Investor’s Service found that rated investment-grade municipal bonds had an average increasing 10-year default rate of just 0.10% between 1970 and 2018. Therefore, they can be an important part of your investment. Income from municipal bonds is not subject to federal income tax and, depending on where you live, may also be free from state and local taxes. Tax-free income can be a big attraction for many investors. Since 1990, Hennion & Walsh has specialized in investment-grade, tax-free municipal bonds. The company supervises over $3 billion in assets (资产) in over 16,000 accounts, providing individual investors with discipline, personal service and integrity. In case you want to know more about the benefits of tax-free municipal bonds, we now have an offer for you. Our specialists have created a helpful Bond Guide for investors. It’s free and comes with no obligation (义务) at all. FREE BOND GUIDE without cost or obligation CALL (800) 318-4850 In the Bond Guide, you’ll learn: The benefits and risks of municipal bonds Strategies for smart bond investing Municipal bond facts every investor should know 2021 Hennion & Walsh Inc. Securities offered through Hennion & Walsh Inc. Member of FINRA, SIPC. Investing in bonds involves risk including possible loss of principal, i.e. the original amount of money invested. Income may be subject to state, local or federal alternative minimum tax. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and when interest rates fall, bond prices rise. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
39.It can be learnt from the leaflet that ______.
A.no taxes of any kind are put on municipal bonds
B.Investment in municipal bonds is relatively safe
C.Hennion & Walsh are billionaire investors
D.interest rates and bond defaults go hand in hand
40.Which of the following is true about Bond Guide
A.It shares risk-free bond investing skills.
B.It recommends bond investing specialists.
C.It offers a guaranteed investment return.
D.It proposes investing plans for reference only.
41.It can be inferred from the leaflet that municipal bonds are ______.
A.issued particularly in hard times
B.intended for Hennion & Walsh Inc.
C.sheltered by the government in a way
D.subject to the major infrastructure projects
42.Who would be the most likely target readers of this leaflet
A.Municipal bond administrators.
B.Federal tax calculators.
C.The copyright owners of the Bond Guide.
D.Senior-citizen investors.
One of the curious things about social networks is the way that some messages, pictures, or ideas can spread like wildfire while others that seem just as catchy or interesting barely register at all.
Before you go deep into the puzzle, consider this: If you measure the height of your male friends, for example, the average is about 170 centimeters. You are 172 and your friends are all about the same height as you are. Indeed, the mathematical concept of “average” is a good way to capture the nature of this data set.
But imagine that one of your friends was much taller than you. This person would dramatically skew the average, which would make your friends taller than you, on average. In this case, the “average” is a poor way to capture this data set.
Exactly this situation occurs on social networks. On average, your coauthors will be cited more often than you, and the people you follow will post more frequently than you, and so on.
Now Lerman from University of Southern California has discovered a related paradox, which they call the majority illusion. They illustrate this illusion with an example. They take 14 nodes linked up to form a small network. They then color three of these nodes and count how many of the remaining nodes link to them in a single step.
In one situation, the uncolored nodes see more than half of their neighbors as colored. This is the majority illusion — the local impression that a specific feature is common when the global truth is entirely different.
So how popular is it in the real world It’s found out that the majority illusion occurs in almost all network scenarios. “The effect is largest in the political blogs network, where 60% of nodes will have majority active neighbours, even when only 20% of the nodes are truly active,” says Lerman.
It immediately explains many interesting phenomena. For a start, it shows how some content can spread globally while other similar content does not — the key is to start with a small number of well-connected early adopters fooling the rest of the network into thinking it is common. The affected nodes then find it natural to follow the trend. A real spread finally comes into being.
But it is not yet a marketer’s charter. For that, marketers must first identify the popular nodes that can create the majority illusion for the target audience. These influencers must then be persuaded to adopt the desired behavior or product, which is essential to the prospect of the marketing plan.
43.The phrase skew the average in the passage most probably refers to the action of ________.
A.hiding the real average to be unrecognizable to others
B.producing an average against the general feature of data
C.working out the common feature suggested by the average
D.ignoring the average because of the frequency by which it is reviewed
44.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.Majority illusion rarely has impacts except in political blogs field.
B.The majority illusion on social networks relies on that people you follow post more than you.
C.The essence of successful opinion spread is to initiate the trend with well-connected sharers.
D.The spread scale of ideas on networks mainly depends on the quality of content.
45.To guarantee the success of marketing promotion, it’s vital to ________.
A.thoroughly understand the concept of majority illusion
B.accurately figure out who is the powerful person to affect others
C.definitely decide who are the target audience for the promotion
D.successfully convince the influencers to practice certain action
46.What is most probably the title of the passage
A.The social network vision that tricks your mind.
B.Who is stealing your network identity
C.Minority network opinion spread, curse or blessing
D.Have you been misled during the last political voting
Section C
Directions: Read the following passages. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
Tipping, customers paying service workers, usually at restaurants, for services they receive, has been a regular part of American culture for well over a century, but the emergence of new technology and shifting expectations have shaken long-standing norms around the practice. That uncertainty, together with the pressure it can often create, has left some consumers feeling exhausted by the frequency with which they’re forced to decide which workers to tip and how much.
A big reason for the growth of what is being called “tip tiredness” is the increasing presence of digital payment systems, which have replaced traditional cash registers at most businesses. Suddenly, rather than being given the chance to drop a dollar in a tip jar, customers are confronted with a tablet. 47 They have to tip for services they’d never considered tipping for in the past.
Tipping also makes labor laws more complicated. In all but a handful of states, employers are allowed to pay tipped workers below minimum wage. In some cases, the standard is as low as $2.13 per hour, as long as workers make enough in tips to earn the equivalent of minimum wage. 48 Many people are debating over whether tipping system need a repair — or even should be cancelled altogether. They say tipping needs to be eliminated and replaced by a fair wage for all service workers. The tipping practice increases the possibility that employees can’t get what they deserve. 49 In many cases, customers’ tip amounts are largely guided by factors other than quality of the service they receive, which makes the situation even worse.
However, defenders of the current arrangement say it’s still the best option. 50 It provides a chance for workers to have more control over their financial welfare. If a restaurant is doing well because it’s safely operated, properly managed and delivers great food, customers will usually tip. And when that happens, everyone — from the wait staff to the dishwashers — can share in the business’s success.
A.The frustration about such shifting wage payment has added new wrinkles to the controversy.
B.The diversity of tipping channels somewhat eases the conflicts in deciding the amount of tips.
C.No workers should have their livelihood depend on their customers’ mercy.
D.The popularity of digital point-of-sale systems has also meant consumers are being asked to tip more frequently.
E.Tipping, against many people’s wills, establishes a new customer-server relationship.
F.It’s believed that tipping is the ultimate profit-sharing plan.
Summary Writing (10分)
51.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Are you a multitasker Do you watch TV and cook dinner at the same time Do you often interrupt your work to check your email Do you talk on your phone while you’re driving If you do these or similar things, then you are one of many multitaskers. According to a survey by the magazine Scientific American MIND, 90 percent of American adults multitask regularly.
Most people say they multitask because they are too busy, and multitasking saves time. Popular electronic devices like tablets and smart phones make it convenient to do several tasks at once, so people feel like they are getting more done. Melissa Brown of Evanston, Illinois, says she has no trouble listening to music, surfing the Internet, and sending text messages to friends while she does her homework.
Recent studies, however, show that Melissa and others like her are perhaps getting less done than they think they are. That’s because with multitasking, there are actually many “microinterruptions” in which people stop one task, start another, and eventually return to the first one. These stops and starts make it difficult to concentrate, and so multitaskers actually waste time, according to a study at Microsoft Corporation. In the study, workers who interrupted their work to answer an email or text message took an average of 15 minutes to return to the work they were doing before the interruption.
Some psychologists say that the human brain just isn’t good at concentrating on two things at the same time. This doesn’t matter if you’re only preparing a salad and listening to the radio, they say. But if you’re doing a difficult task that requires thinking, like writing a report, then multitasking can slow you down and cause mistakes. It can even be dangerous, as in the case of people who talk on the phone, eat, or even apply makeup while driving.
Translation (第1-2句,每句3分;第3句,4分;第4句5分;共15分)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
53.这家面包店最近挺火,经常看到有网红在里面拍照。(so … that …) (汉译英)
54.当务之急是找到问题的关键和解决的对策,而不是坐在那儿自怨自艾。(priority) (汉译英)
55.太极(Tai Chi)是中华民族传统文化之瑰宝,其动作柔缓,但能以突然爆发的力量将对手击退。(feature) (汉译英)
Guided Writing (25分)
56.Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 分析她面临的主要问题;
2. 提出相应的建议和理由。
1.where 2.while/when/as 3.to satisfy 4.Located 5.that 6.is blessed 7.can/may 8.breathe 9.exploring 10.most impressive
1.考查定语从句。句意:阳光爱好者会被数百英里的白色沙滩所吸引,在那里他们可以享受阳光,探索水生生物。此处限定性定语从句,先行词是white-sand beaches是先行词,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
3.考查非谓语动词。句意:无论你的热情是什么,只要想满足你对科学和文化的好奇心,就去阳光之州看看吧。此处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填to satisfy。
4.考查非谓语动词。句意:位于佛罗里达州东海岸的代托纳海滩(Daytona Beach)充满了要做的事情、要看的地方和一生的经历。固定搭配be located意为“坐落在”,句子主语Daytona Beach和locate之间是被动关系,应用过去分词,作状语。故填Located。
5.考查强调句型。句意:它是物理和自然世界的理想结合,承诺让游客一次又一次地回来。强调句型It is/was +强调部分+that+其他成分,其中如果强调部分指人也可用who代替that;该句强调句子的主语the ideal combination of physical and natural world,指物,应用that。故填that。
6.考查动词时态。句意:Daytona Beach拥有长达23英里的美丽白色沙滩。固定搭配be blessed with意为“在……方面有福”;该句在描述一个客观事实,应用一般现在时,且句子主语是单数第三人称。故填is blessed。
9.考查非谓语动词。句意:或者把车停好,拿条毛巾晒晒太阳,也许还可以享受探索代托纳海滩近海珊瑚礁系统的乐趣。固定搭配enjoy doing sth.“享受做某事”,其中动名词作宾语。故填exploring。
10.考查形容词最高级。句意:生态旅游是观赏佛罗里达州最令人印象深刻的物种的最佳方式之一。此处指“印象最深刻的”,应用形容词最高级。故填most impressive。
11.B 12.K 13.J 14.F 15.D 16.C 17.E 18.G 19.A 20.H
12.考查名词。句意:来自新墨西哥大学的Benneke和他的同事Diana Dragomir提出了在2014年至2016年期间用哈勃和斯皮策太空望远镜重新观测行星系统的想法,以捕捉更多开普勒-138d(该系统中的第三颗行星)的凌日现象,以研究其大气。此处指“行星的系统”,名词system“系统”符合题意。故选K。
15.考查动词不定式作宾语补足语。句意:观测这颗系外行星的凌日可以让天文学家确定它的大小。固定搭配:allow sb. to do sth.其中动词不定式作宾语补足语;此处指“确定”大小,动词determine意为“决定”,符合题意。故选D。
20.考查形容词作表语。句意:随着我们的仪器和技术变得足够灵敏,可以发现和研究离恒星更远的行星,我们可能会开始发现更多像开普勒- 138c和138d这样的水世界。此处指变得“灵敏”,所以形容词sensitive“灵敏的”符合题意。故选H。
21.B 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.D 26.D 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.D
21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:社交媒体上充斥着完美的图片,还有广告向我们保证,只要我们买了这个东西或尝试了那个产品,我们就不会那么不完美。A. distressing使痛苦的;B. imperfect不完美的;C. impressive令人印象深刻的;D. incredible难以置信的。根据句中的Images of perfection fill our social-media feeds可知,媒体上出现的“完美”的图片就是使用了某个产品而产生的,可以令使用者从“不完美”(imperfect)变得完美。故选B项。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:父母通常会增加压力,担心他们的孩子最终会在社会经济阶梯上下滑。A. fearing害怕;B. confirming确认;C. hoping希望;D. indicating表示。根据空后的their kids will end up sliding down the socioeconomic ladder可知,这是家长担心的事,fearing符合语境。故选A项。
23.考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果我们错过了呢?A. missing out错过;B. putting up提供,建造;C. setting in设置;D. taking off起飞。根据上文“Images of perfection fill our social-media feeds, along with advertisements assuring us we wouldn’t be so ___1___ if we just bought this thing or tried that product. (社交媒体上充斥着完美的图片,还有广告向我们保证,只要我们买了这个东西或尝试了那个产品,我们就不会那么不完美。)”可知,此处要表达的意思是:如果我们没有去尝试拿个产品,错过(missing out)变完美的机会,会产生什么结果呢?故选A项。
24.考查名词词义辨析。句意:不用优秀真是一件轻松的事,自称糟糕的冲浪者的凯伦·里纳尔迪说。A. burden负担;B. nonsense胡闹;C. puzzle难题;D. relief宽慰。根据下文“After 20 years on the board, she is still bad,
and she loves it. There is the excitement of being out on the water, but there is also the ___5___ of not having to be the expert, the freedom to ___6___ help and rely on others in a way she never would at work. (在冲浪板上20年后,她仍然不擅长冲浪,她喜欢它。在水上有一种兴奋,但也有一种不必成为专家的满足感,有寻求帮助和依赖他人的自由,这是她在工作中从未有过的。)”可知,尽管不是冲浪高手,这不影响凯伦在冲浪中享受兴奋、满足感,relief符合语境。故选D项。
25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在水上有一种兴奋,但也有一种不必成为专家的满足感,有寻求帮助和依赖他人的自由,这是她在工作中从未有过的。A. disappointment失望;B. nervousness紧张;C. preference偏好;D. satisfaction满意。根据上文“It’s such a ___4___ not to have to be good (不用优秀真是一件轻松的事)”可知,不必拼命使自己变成为冲浪能手,而是享受冲浪的过程,令凯伦很满意(satisfaction)。故选D项。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在水上有一种兴奋,但也有一种不必成为专家的满足感,有寻求帮助和依赖他人的自由,这是她在工作中从未有过的。A. acknowledge承认;B. offer提供;C. refuse拒绝;D. seek寻求。根据本句中的rely on others可知,凯伦会向别人求助,seek符合语境。故选D项。
27.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:回到陆地上,她说她对别人的错误更加理解和耐心。A. angry at为……生气;B. delighted in因……感到快乐;C. embarrassed with感到尴尬;D. patient with对……有耐心。根据上文“It’s such a ___4___ not to have to be good (不用优秀真是一件轻松的事,)”可知,凯伦承认自己不优秀,也对不优秀的人很宽容,能耐心地对待犯错的人。patient with符合语境。故选D项。
28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她说:“不用每天督促自己的好处是,我可以随时冲浪。”A. awarding授予,颁发;B. forgiving原谅;C. isolating孤立;D. pushing推。根据上文“It’s such a ___4___ not to have to be good (不用优秀真是一件轻松的事,)”可知,凯伦承认接纳自己的不完美、不优秀,也就不用逼着自己发愤练习冲浪,而是享受冲浪,想冲浪就冲浪。此处考查动词短语push oneself意为“鞭策自己;发愤”,push符合语境。故选D项。
29.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:里纳尔迪,她的经历让她写了一本书,内容是关于你可以从失败中学到什么,她建议问自己:“有什么事情是你一直想做或尝试,但又太害怕的 ”A. afraid害怕的;B. annoyed恼火的;C. depressed沮丧的;D. exhausted筋疲力尽的。根据句中what you can learn from failure可知,人们一直想尝试某件事,但是又怕自己在做的过程中体验到失败,所以产生了又想尝试,又害怕尝试的情况。afraid符合语境。故选A项。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你有困难,接受你是个初学者的事实。 A. accept接受;B. conceal隐瞒;C. deny否认;D. examine检查。根据下文“Go in there with the ___11___ to say, ‘I’m new,’ (谦虚地说,‘我是新来的’)”可知,当有困难时,承认自己是新来的,即接受(accept)自己是初学者的事实。故选A项。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:谦虚地说,“我是新来的。”A. excitement兴奋;B. modesty谦虚;C. potential
潜力;D. pride骄傲。根据下文“People want to help you learn. It makes them feel good. (人们希望帮助您学习。这让他们感觉良好。)”可知,求助时带着谦虚的态度,别人会很乐意帮助一个谦虚的新人。modesty符合语境。故选B项。
32.考查动词短语辨析。句意:当我向专业山地自行车手西德·舒尔茨抱怨我的动作很糟糕时,她的回答是“你指望什么?”A. apologized to向某人道歉;B. argued with和……争吵;C. complained to向……抱怨;D. shouted at对……大喊。根据下文“‘It’s a little ___13___ to people who have spent years and years of their lives acquiring skills to think that you should have those overnight,” says Ms. Schulz. (对于那些花了多年时间学习技能的人来说,认为一夜之间就能掌握这些技能,这有点虐待他们,西德·舒尔茨说。)”可知,作者想短时间内学会瑜伽的动作,但是自己的动作很糟糕,所以向西德抱怨。complained to符合语境。故选C项。
33.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:对于那些花了多年时间学习技能的人来说,认为一夜之间就能掌握这些技能,这有点虐待他们。A. abusive侮辱的;B. amazing惊人的;C. annoying烦人的;D. attentive专心的。根据上文“Take myself as another example. I started yoga lessons this summer. When I ___12___ Syd Schulz, a professional mountain biker, that I was terrible at the poses, her response was ‘what did you expect ’ (再举个例子。今年夏天我开始上瑜伽课。当我向专业山地自行车手西德·舒尔茨抱怨我的动作很糟糕时,她的回答是‘你指望什么 ’)”可知,作者刚刚开始学瑜伽,就想在短时间内掌握瑜伽的技能,这种想法对于苦练多年的人来说是虐心的,能短时间就掌握技能,哪里至于要苦练多年?abusive符合语境。故选A项。
34.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多年的骑行训练让她明白,进步往往是断断续续的,而且在取得进步之前还会经历长时间的停滞不前,甚至是退步。A. careful小心的;B. hesitant犹豫不决的;C. involuntary无意识的;D. unsteady不稳定的。根据句中的following long stretches of inactivity or even getting ___15___可知,进步的过程中会经历停滞不前,会退步,所以进步的步伐不稳定,unsteady符合语境。故选D项。
35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:而多年的骑行训练让她明白,进步往往是断断续续的,而且在取得进步之前还会经历长时间的停滞不前,甚至是退步。A. alert警惕的;B. fulfilled有成就感的;C. improved改良的;D. worse更糟的。根据空前的long stretches of inactivity可知,停滞不前,使人无法进步,那么更糟糕的就是不进则退,get worse意为“变得更糟糕”,故选D项。
36.A 37.A 38.D
36.推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“If you search the internet these days, you’ll likely run across some strange-looking, yet cheerful cartoon characters. (如果你这些天在网上搜索,你很可能会遇到一些长相奇怪但又很快乐的卡通人物)”可知,该艺术风格的作品拥有快乐的卡通人物形象;根据第三段前三句“Why did
Alegria art become popular so quickly There are many reasons. As websites depended on illustrations to fill space, Alegria-type art became increasingly useful. (为什么Alegria艺术如此迅速地流行起来?原因有很多。随着网站依赖插图来填补空间,阿莱格里亚类型的艺术变得越来越有用)”可知,该艺术风格的作品在填补空间方面很起作用,这是它流行起来的原因。基于以上内容可推断出该艺术风格被迅速接受的原因是它的作品形象很快乐,又能有效填补空间。故选A项。
37.推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“These people think some companies have simply papered over their problems with positive images. (这些人认为一些公司只是用正面形象掩盖了他们的问题)”可知,该艺术风格的形象可能能帮助掩盖问题,即掩盖错误。故选A项。
38.细节理解题。根据第二段第六句“They named it Alegria, which means joy in Spanish. (他们将它命名为Alegria,在西班牙语中意思是开心)”和最后一段后三句“For many, however, Alegria is a nice visual language that represents happiness. From children hugging to couples dancing, the images are all about positive energy. All in all, it seems that Alegria is the perfect name of this playful, fun art style. (然而,对许多人来说,阿莱格里亚语是一种很好的视觉语言,代表着幸福。从孩子们拥抱到情侣们跳舞,这些画面都是关于正能量的。总而言之,Alegria似乎是这种有趣好玩的艺术风格的完美名字)”可知,这个名字所呈现的含义和这种艺术风格的形象具有的功能是一致的。故选D项。
39.B 40.D 41.C 42.D
39.细节理解题。根据第一段第二三句“Tax-free municipal bonds (市政债券) (often issued to fund major infrastructure projects for example highways) offer two significant benefits. They can provide historically low risk, and income from bonds is federally (联邦地) tax free. (免税市政债券(通常用于资助大型基础设施项目,如高速公路)提供了两大好处。它们可以提供历史上较低的风险,而且债券收入是联邦免税的)”可知,对市政债券的投资风险较低,因此相对安全。故选B项。
40.推理判断题。根据第五段最后两句“Our specialists have created a helpful Bond Guide for investors. It’s free and comes with no obligation (义务) at all. (我们的专家为投资者创建了一份有用的债券指南。它是免费的,没有任何义务)”可知,这一指南免费的同时不对投资者存在任何义务,即不能保证投资者一定能获利,只做参考。故选D项。
41.推理判断题。根据最后一段倒数第三句“Income may be subject to state, local or federal alternative minimum tax. (收入可能需要缴纳州、地方或联邦替代最低税)”可知,市政债券需要缴纳州、地方或联邦替代最低税,而完成交税也意味着受到州、地方或联邦一定的庇护。故选C项。
42.推理判断题。根据第五段第一二句“In case you want to know more about the benefits of tax-free municipal bonds, we now have an offer for you. Our specialists have created a helpful Bond Guide for investors. (如果您想了解更多关于免税市政债券的好处,我们现在为您提供优惠。我们的专家为投资者创建了一份有用的债券指南)”可知,本文的目标读者是对市政债券感兴趣的投资者。故选D项。
43.B 44.C 45.D 46.A
43.词句猜测题。根据第二段“If you measure the height of your male friends, for example, the average is about 170 centimeters. You are 172 and your friends are all about the same height as you are.(例如,如果你测量你的男性朋友的身高,他的平均身高约为170厘米。你172厘米,你的朋友都和你差不多高)”以及画线词上文“But imagine that one of your friends was much taller than you(但是想象一下你的一个朋友比你高很多。)”和后文“which would make your friends taller than you, on average(这会让你的朋友们平均比你高。)”可知,如果你的一个朋友比你高得多,那么你的朋友们平均身高都比你高,即这种情况下得出的平均身份是根据朋友的一般特征生成的。故文章中的“倾斜平均值”一词很可能是指“根据数据的一般特征生成平均值的行为”。故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“For a start, it shows how some content can spread globally while other similar content does not — the key is to start with a small number of well-connected early adopters fooling the rest of the network into thinking it is common. The affected nodes then find it natural to follow the trend. A real spread finally comes into being.(首先,它展示了一些内容是如何在全球范围内传播的,而其他类似的内容却不能——关键是要从一小部分关系良好的早期采用者开始,让网络的其余部分认为这是普遍的。受影响的节点会自然而然地跟随趋势。一次真正的传播最终出现)”可知,C选项“成功的舆论传播的本质是借助人脉广泛的分享者发起潮流”正确。故选C。
45.细节理解题。根据最后一段“These influencers must then be persuaded to adopt the desired behavior or product, which is essential to the prospect of the marketing plan.(然后,必须说服这些有影响力的人采用所需的行为或产品,这对营销计划的前景至关重要)”可知,为了保证营销推广的成功,成功地说服有影响力的人采取一定的行动至关重要。故选D。
46.主旨大意题。根据第一段“One of the curious things about social networks is the way that some messages, pictures, or ideas can spread like wildfire while others that seem just as catchy or interesting barely register at all.(社交网络的一个奇妙之处在于,一些信息、图片或想法可以像野火一样传播,而另一些看起来朗朗上
47.D 48.A 49.C 50.F
47.根据上文“A big reason for the growth of what is being called “tip tiredness” is the increasing presence of digital payment systems, which have replaced traditional cash registers at most businesses.(“付小费疲劳症”增多的一个重要原因是数字支付系统的日益普及,在大多数企业,数字支付系统已经取代了传统的收银机)”可知,数字支付系统增加了人们的“付小费疲劳症”,即因为支付小费,而疲劳。由此可知,D. The popularity of digital point-of-sale systems has also meant consumers are being asked to tip more frequently.(数字销售点系统的普及也意味着消费者被要求更频繁地给小费)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
48.根据上文“Tipping also makes labor laws more complicated. In all but a handful of states, employers are allowed to pay tipped workers below minimum wage. In some cases, the standard is as low as $2.13 per hour, as long as workers make enough in tips to earn the equivalent of minimum wage.(给小费也让劳动法变得更加复杂。除了少数几个州外,大多数州都允许雇主支付给有小费的员工低于最低工资。在某些情况下,标准低至每小时2.13美元,只要员工的小费收入足以达到最低工资水平)”可知,此处提到了一种工资支付方式。由此可知,A. The frustration about such shifting wage payment has added new wrinkles to the controversy.(这种工资支付方式的变化带来的挫折感给这场争议增添了新的波折)能够承接上文,符合语境,其中shifting wage payment指的是上文中的工资支付方式。故选A。
49.根据上文“They say tipping needs to be eliminated and replaced by a fair wage for all service workers. The tipping practice increases the possibility that employees can’t get what they deserve.(他们说,应该取消给小费,代之以对所有服务业工作者的公平工资)”可知,此处指应该取消给小费,代之以对所有服务业工作者的公平工资。由此可知,C. No workers should have their livelihood depend on their customers’ mercy.(任何工人的生计都不应该依赖于顾客的怜悯)能够承接上文,符合语境。故选C。
50.根据下文“It provides a chance for workers to have more control over their financial welfare. If a restaurant is doing well because it’s safely operated, properly managed and delivers great food, customers will usually tip. And when that happens, everyone — from the wait staff to the dishwashers — can share in the business’s success.(它为工人提供了一个对自己的财务福利有更多控制权的机会。如果一家餐馆经营得很好,因为它经营安全,管理得当,提供美味的食物,顾客通常会给小费。当这种情况发生时,从服务员到洗碗工,每个人都可以
分享生意的成功)”可知,小费成为一种利润分享方案。由此可知,F. It’s believed that tipping is the ultimate profit-sharing plan.(小费被认为是最终的利润分享方案)能够开启下文,符合语境。故选F。
51.One possible version:
Multitasking has become a popular habit mainly because they feel too busy and multitasking helps save time. However, studies show multitasking leads to “microinterruptions,” making it difficult to concentrate and waste time, causing low productivity. Moreover, as humans are not good at concentrating on two things simultaneously, multitasking can make people slow at work and cause mistakes and dangers.
①According to a survey by the magazine Scientific American MIND, 90 percent of American adults multitask regularly. Most people say they multitask because they are too busy, and multitasking saves time.
②These stops and starts make it difficult to concentrate, and so multitaskers actually waste time, according to a study at Microsoft Corporation. In the study, workers who interrupted their work to answer an email or text message took an average of 15 minutes to return to the work they were doing before the interruption.
③Some psychologists say that the human brain just isn’t good at concentrating on two things at the same time. This doesn’t matter if you’re only preparing a salad and listening to the radio, they say. But if you’re doing a difficult task that requires thinking, like writing a report, then multitasking can slow you down and cause mistakes.
Multitasking has become a popular habit mainly since they feel too occupied and multitasking helps save time.
But studies show multitasking contributes to “microinterruptions,” making it hard to concentrate and waste time, causing low productivity.
Besides, as humans are not expert at focusing on two things simultaneously, multitasking can make people slow at work and cause mistakes and dangers.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Multitasking has become a popular habit mainly because they feel too busy and
multitasking helps save time.运用because引导原因状语从句原文第一段和第二段进行了概括。
[高分句型2] But studies show multitasking contributes to “microinterruptions,” making it hard to concentrate and waste time, causing low productivity.用现在分词作状语对第三段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
52.The documentary has been widely praised since its first episode.
【详解】考查动词、名词和时态。表示“该纪录片”用名词the documentary作主语;“广受好评”即“被广泛称赞”用被动语态be widely praised表示,其中副词widely作状语修饰动词;“自播出第一集”表示为since its first episode;根据“since”可知,句子用现在完成时。故译为The documentary has been widely praised since its first episode。
53.The bakery is so popular recently that some Internet celebrities are often seen taking photos inside.
【详解】考查句子结构、固定句型。本句描述现实情况,用一般现在时。表示主语“这家面包店”用the bakery,为单数;运用句型so … that …,主谓一致,表示“最近挺火”为is so popular recently,副词recently作状语;表示“经常看到有网红在里面拍照”为that引导的结果状语从句that some Internet celebrities are often seen taking photos inside,动词see和主语之间是被动关系,用一般现在时的被动语态。故翻译为The bakery is so popular recently that some Internet celebrities are often seen taking photos inside.
54.The priority is to find the key to the problem and solutions, rather than sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
【详解】考查时态,短语和非谓语动词。根据句意用一般现在时,主语“当务之急”可译为the priority,是单数,谓语动词用is,“找到问题的关键和解决的对策”作表语,用不定式形式,译为to find the key to the problem and solutions,the key to“……的关键”,rather than“而不是”,连接并列不定式作表语,可省略不定式符号,接动词原形,sit around“闲坐”,“自怨自艾”译为feel sorry for yourself,用现在分词形式作伴随状语,故答案为The priority is to find the key to the problem and solutions, rather than sit around feeling sorry for yourself.
55.Tai Chi, the treasure of traditional Chinese culture, features slow and gentle movements which, however, can defeat the opponent with sudden strength.
【详解】考查短语、时态和从句。本句描述客观事实,用一般现在时。Tai Chi为主语;表示“是中华民族传统文化之瑰宝”可用名词短语the treasure of traditional Chinese culture作同位语;动词feature“以……为特色”作谓语,主谓一致,用单数形式,表示“其动作柔缓”为features slow and gentle movements;表示“但能以突然爆发的力量将对手击退”可用which非限制性定语从句,“打败”是defeat,作从句谓语动词,“对手”是 opponent,作从句宾语,“用突然爆发的利用”是 with sudden strength,副词however表示转折。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为Tai Chi, the treasure of traditional Chinese culture, features slow and gentle movements which, however, can defeat the opponent with sudden strength.
56.Dear Jenny,
Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear that you can’t balance among academic, extra-curricular activities and social life because you can not adapt to the busy school life, like worrying about schoolwork, and having no time to relax. Don’t worry. I will offer you some tips.
First of all, I recommend that you have a balanced diet, which can give you more energy to study harder than before. In addition, it would be of great benefit if you take an active part in some extra-curricular activities. That way, you can make new friends, which could make stress off your shoulder. Last but not least, I suggest that you turn to your teachers for help since teachers’ encouragement and study method will always lift you up.
I sincerely hope that you will find my suggestions practical and wish you get rid of those troubles as soon as possible.
Li Ping
能够:can→be able to/be capable of
此外:in addition→besides
原句:Don’t worry. I will offer you some tips.
拓展句:Don’t worry because I will offer you some tips.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Words cannot express how sorry I am to hear that you can’t balance among academic, extra-curricular activities and social life because you can not adapt to the busy school life, like worrying about schoolwork, and having no time to relax. (运用了that引导宾语从句和because引导原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]Last but not least, I suggest that you turn to your teachers for help since teachers’ encouragement and study method will always lift you up. (运用了that引导宾语从句和since引导原因状语从句)



